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The DDK inbred strain of mouse has a striking particularity: when DDK females are crossed to males of other strains they exhibit a reduced fertility, whereas the reciprocal crosses (non-DDK females x DDK males) are fertile (Wakasugi et al. 1967; Wakasugi 1973). The low fertility results from an early embryonic lethality, the F1 embryos dying near the late morula-early blastocyst stage. Genetic analyses (Wakasugi 1974) and nuclear and cytoplasmic transfers (Renard and Babinet 1986; Babinet et al. 1990; Mann 1986), have shown that the failure of the embryos to develop is due to an incompatibility between a DDK maternally encoded cytoplasmic product and the non-DDK paternal genome. In order to elucidate the genetic determinism of this embryonic lethality, we have analyzed the fertility of male progeny from a backcross BALB/c females x (BALB/c x DDK)F1 males and that of males from a set of recombinant inbred (RI) strains, established from DDK and BALB/c progenitors, when mated with DDK females. Our results indicate that a single locus, Om, is responsible for the DDK syndrome and is located on Chromosome (Chr) 11, very close to the Sigje locus.  相似文献   

Exon trapping is a method to functionally clone expressed sequences from genomic DNA. We have previously developed the vector system pETV-SD2, which contains only a splice donor site (SD) followed by a LacZ gene, allowing trapping of internal exons of human genes by blue-white selection. We now describe the adaptation of the same system for the efficient trapping of 3'-terminal exons, by using different RT-PCR primers in a 3' RACE reaction. The addition of a T7 promoter to the RT-PCR products derived from pETV-SD2 allows their amplification in an isothermic amplification reaction called NASBA (nucleic acid sequence-based amplification reaction) and results in a strong signal from amplified 3' exons in addition to a great reduction of non-specific background. As a test for the system, 3' exon trapping was performed using a cosmid containing the alpha-globin gene cluster on chromosome 16. The 3'-terminal exons of the human alpha 1-, zeta 2-, and theta-globin genes were trapped, as well as a correctly spliced and polyadenylated sequence in the 3' flanking region of the alpha 1-globin gene. This exon appears to belong to a previously unidentified gene within the alpha-globin gene cluster. This 3' exon trapping strategy should facilitate the cloning of genes from large genomic regions.  相似文献   

The embryonic lethal phenotype observed when DDK females are crossed with males from other strains results from a deleterious interaction between the egg cytoplasm and the paternal pronucleus soon after fertilization. We have previously mapped the Om locus responsible for this phenotype, called the DDK syndrome, to an approximately 2-cM region of chromosome 11. Here, we report the generation of a physical map of 28 yeast and bacterial artificial chromosome clones encompassing the entire genetic interval containing the Om locus. This contig, spanning approximately 2 Mb, was used to map precisely genes and genetic markers of the region. We determined the maximum physical interval for Om to be 1400 kb. In addition, 11 members of the Scya gene family were found to be organized into two clusters at the borders of the Om region. Two other genes (Rad51l3 and Schlafen 2) and one EST (D11Wsu78e) were also mapped in the Om region. This integrated map provides support for the identification of additional candidate genes for the DDK syndrome.  相似文献   

The ovum mutant (Om) locus in mice affects early interactions between sperm and egg that in turn affect viability of embryos beyond the morula stage. Crosses of DDK females to males of many other inbred strains are 95% lethal around the morula stage, whereas reciprocal crosses are fully viable. Available data indicate that the early lethality is the result of an interaction between a factor in the ooplasm and the paternal genome. In this study, we examined whether this lethal interaction would likewise occur in cloned embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer. We find that the Om effect is recapitulated but that the parental origin effect at the Om locus is no longer evident in cloned embryos.  相似文献   



Reading disability (RD) is a common syndrome with a large genetic component. Chromosome 6 has been identified in several linkage studies as playing a significant role. A more recent study identified a peak of transmission disequilibrium to marker JA04 (G72384) on chromosome 6p22.3, suggesting that a gene is located near this marker.  相似文献   

The Om(2D)63 mutants were mutagenized by gamma-ray irradiation and DEB feeding. A total of nine revertants were recovered and characterized; eight revertants were homozygous-lethal expressing no appreciable abnormality in cuticular pattern and central nervous system, and all failed to complement the lethality with each other. Two of the eight expressed embryonic lethality and were associated with cytologically detectable deletions including the putative Om(2D) locus, while four were associated with rearrangements in a region distal to the insertion sites of the tom elements. No rearrangement was detected in the remaining two by Southern blot analysis. One of the nine revertants was homozygous-viable with wild-type eyes and was associated with a reciprocal translocation with the break points at 48B in 2R (Om(2D) locus) and 96A in 3R. Based on these data, it is concluded that interaction between the region comprised of a single complementation group of the recessive lethal and the inserted tom elements seems to be responsible for the Om(2D) mutant phenotype. In addition, two induced dominant enhancers specific to Om(2D)63 were identified; both mapped on chromosome 2.  相似文献   

器官大小调控是一个基本的发育生物学过程,受细胞分裂和细胞扩展的影响。然而,植物器官大小调控的遗传和分子机理仍不清楚。为了进一步了解器官大小调控的分子机制,文章分离了一系列水稻叶子宽窄改变的突变体。其中,窄叶突变体zy17叶变窄,同时伴有植株矮化、穗子变小、枝梗数和穗粒数降低的表型。遗传分析表明该窄叶性状受1个隐性基因控制;细胞学分析表明该突变体叶子的细胞数目和维管束数目显著降低,表明ZY17影响了细胞分裂。基因组重测序进一步筛选出ZY17的3个候选基因:Os02g22390基因突变发生在内含子区,编码蛋白为逆转座蛋白;Os02g28280和Os02g29530基因突变都发生在外显子区,其中Os02g28280编码一个功能未知蛋白,该基因突变后,发生碱基置换,产生非同义突变;Os02g29530编码一个含糖基转移酶相关的PFAM结构域的蛋白,该基因突变后,出现两个碱基的缺失,从而导致其蛋白翻译提前终止。对候选基因的深入研究,将揭示水稻叶子大小调控的机制。  相似文献   

A linkage map spanning the locus for diastrophic dysplasia (DTD)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diastrophic dysplasia (DTD) is an autosomal recessive osteochondrodysplasia. Patients have short-limbed short stature and suffer from generalized joint dysplasia. We have recently mapped DTD to the distal long arm of chromosome 5. Here we report the localization of DTD in relation to 16 polymorphic markers on distal 5q. No recombinations occurred with two loci, D5S72 and D5S66. One presumptive candidate gene, osteonectin (SPARC), could be excluded on the basis of three recombinations with the DTD locus. Multipoint linkage analysis performed against a fixed order of markers placed DTD between glucocorticoid receptor (GRL) and SPARC favored by the odds of 33:1 over the next best location of DTD between D5S72 and D5S55. The sex-averaged distance between the definite flanking markers, GRL and D5S55, is 17.5 cM. From previously reported data on the physical localization of markers, we conclude that the DTD locus is in 5q31-q34.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality and a leading cause of cardiac transplantation worldwide. Multiple loci and three genes encoding cardiac actin, desmin, and lamin A/C have been described for autosomal dominant DCM. Using recombination analysis, we have narrowed the 10q21-q23 locus to a region of approximately 4.1 cM. In addition, we have constructed a BAC contig, composed of 199 clones, which was used to develop a high-resolution physical map that contains the DCM critical region (approximately 3.9 Mb long). Seven genes, including ANX11, PPIF, DLG5, RPC155, RPS24, SFTPA1, and KCNMA1, have been mapped to the region of interest. RPC155, RPS24, SFTPA1, and KCNMA1 were excluded from further analysis based on their known functions and tissue-specific expression patterns. Mutational analysis of ANX11, DLG5, and PPIF revealed no disease-associated mutations. Multiple ESTs have also been mapped to the critical region.  相似文献   

Muscular dystrophy was found in the SM strain of mice. This defect was shown to be caused by a single autosomal recessive gene allelic with the genes at the dy locus. The dystrophic SM mice may provide a useful animal model for human muscular dystrophy, because SM strain has been selected for small body size and carries rare alleles at several loci.  相似文献   

Complementation tests have revealed that the mutation in the filamenting mutant PAT84 is distinct from ftsA and has been designated ftsZ. By isolating transducing phages carrying various amounts of the bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid in this region, it was possible to locate the ftsZ gene between ftsA and envA. It is concluded that these cell division genes are expressed independently of the neighboring murein genes.  相似文献   

Analysis of candidate genes for genotypic diagnosis in the long QT syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patients with the long QT syndrome (LQTS) suffer from cardiac arrhythmias that can lead to abrupt loss of consciousness and sudden death, already in young individuals. Thus, an early diagnosis of LQTS is essential for patients and their family members. So far, six genes (KCNQ1, HERG, SCN5A, ANK2, KCNE1, KCNE2) have been demonstrated to be involved in the development of LQTS. Since this syndrome is genetically heterogeneous and large-sized families are often not available for linkage analysis, alternative tools are required for a genetic diagnosis. To investigate genes with numerous exons, like KCNQ1, HERG, SCN5A and ANK2, segregation analysis of a Polish Romano-Ward family with eight members was performed as a reliable method faster than linkage analysis or direct sequencing. To test these four LQT loci, an appropriate selection of microsatellite markers covering different chromosomal regions was applied. Furthermore, two small genes KCNE1 and KCNE2 (at the LQT5 and LQT6 loci), and the SGK1 gene (encoding a kinase regulating KCNE1 and SCN5A channels) were sequenced. All six LQT loci and the SGK1 gene were excluded by these analyses, thus a different pathogenic mechanism of LQT syndromes can be presumed.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis, whether by transposable elements or T-DNAs fromAgrobacterium tumefaciens, provides a powerful experimental strategy to investigate the genetic basis of plant growth, metabolism and development. The linkage of an insertion element with a mutant phenotype of interest greatly facilitates the isolation of the wild-type gene. A further refinement of this strategy is the incorporation of promoter traps or enhancer traps into the insertion elements. These can act as functional tags of regulatory elements associated with genes in the host genome, potentially can improve further the efficiency of screening for target mutant phenotypes, and may provide valuable markers of specific cell types for developmental analysis. We discuss the use of these techniques to study the molecular genetics of plant development.  相似文献   

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