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Abstract. The tonoplasts of internodal cells of Nitellopsis were removed by perfusing the vacuoles with media containing a Ca2 chelator, EGTA. Treatment of tonoplast-free cells with 100 mol m3 NaCl induces a large membrane depolarization, a drastic decrease in the membrane resistance and an increase in Na+ influx. These events are identical to those that occur in intact cells subjected to high NaCl. These responses to NaCl are prevented if 10 mol m3 Ca2+ is supplied together with 100 mol m3 NaCl. The protective effect of Ca2+ is evident only when the intracellular ATP concentration exceeds 0.1 mol m3 and does not occur full when the intracellular ATP is removed. AMP at concentrations greater than 0.5 mol m3 or 0.25 mol m3 AMPPNP can replace ATP. It is concluded that ATP does not act as an energy source nor as a substrate for protein phosphorylation. ATP seems to exert its effects as a coeffector with Ca2+ in regulating the Na+ permeability of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Oscillatory changes of the electrical resistance across the nodal complex of Nitellopsis obtusa (Desv. in Lois) J. Gr. were observed in experiments performed for 40–150 min with the use of external electrodes and microelectrodes. Three main patterns of node resistance oscillations were similar to those found for membrane potential and resistance. The presented findings indicate an oscillatory behaviour of the plasmodesmata system at the node, which may be connected with e.g. pulsatile variations in the number of open plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Isolated characean internodal cells of Nitellopsis obtusa can be stored in artificial pond water for many days, but they cannot survive in 100mol m?3 NaCl solution unless more than several mol m?3 Ca2+ is added. Short-term effects of NaCl stress on the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c), cytosolic pH (pHc) and vacuolar pH (pHv) were studied in relation to the external concentration of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]e). Changes in [Ca2+]c were measured with light emission from a Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein, semisynthetic fch-aequorin which had been injected into the cytosol. Both pHc and pHv were measured with double-barrelled pH-sensitive microelectrodes. When internodal cells were treated with 100 mol m?3 NaCl (0–1 mol m?3 NaCl (0.1 mol m?3 [Ca2+]e), [Ca2+]c increased and then recovered to the original level within 60 min. The time course of the transient change in [Ca2+]c was not influenced by the level of [Ca2+]c (0.1 and 10 mol m?3). In some cases, the transient increase in [Ca2+]c was induced only by increasing external osmotic pressure with sorbitol. In response to treatment with 100 mol m?3 NaCl (0.1 mol m?3 [Ca2+]c), pHc decreased by 0.1–0.2 units after 10min but recovered after 30–60 min, while pHv increased by 0.4–0.5 units after 2–50 min and tended to recover after 60 min. The initial changes in both pHc and pHv were suppressed when [Ca2+]e was raised from 0.1 to 10mol m?3. These results show that the charophyte alga Nitellopsis can regulate [Ca2+]c, pHc and pHv under NaCl stress in the short term and that the protective effect of Ca2+ on salinity stress is apparently unrelated to perturbation of Ca2+ and pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

离子转运蛋白在维持细胞内pH稳态、离子动态平衡等方面发挥着重要作用。钠离子转运体和钾离子转运体在嗜盐耐盐微生物中广泛存在,其"保钾排钠"机制是微生物抗盐胁迫的两大策略之一。近年来,嗜盐耐盐微生物中许多新型钠、钾离子转运体被陆续发现,如RDD蛋白、UPF0118蛋白、DUF蛋白和KimA蛋白等;Fe3+、Mg2+等其他金属离子的转运蛋白也被证实可通过影响微生物胞内相容性溶质的合成起到渗透调节的作用。本文综述了嗜盐耐盐微生物中抗盐胁迫相关的各类离子转运蛋白,分析其分子结构和工作机理,并对这些蛋白在农业方面的应用进行了展望。继续发现新的离子转运蛋白,探究抗盐胁迫相关离子转运蛋白的结构和机理,解析各转运系统的协同作用及分子调控机制,将进一步加深对嗜盐耐盐微生物抗盐胁迫调控的认识,并为盐碱地农作物的改良等提供新的思路。  相似文献   

生物炭调控盐胁迫下水稻幼苗耐盐性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤盐渍化降低土壤生产力.探索生物炭对盐胁迫下水稻幼苗耐盐性能的影响,对调控盐渍区水稻生产潜力具有重要意义.本研究通过生物炭介入盐胁迫稻田土壤的盆栽试验,调查了生物炭对盐胁迫下土壤环境和水稻幼苗耐盐性能的影响.盐胁迫设置4个水平,分别为0 g NaCl·kg-1土(S0),1 g NaCl·kg-1土(S1),2 g ...  相似文献   

Calcium serves as a critical messenger in many adaptation and developmental processes. Cellular calcium signals are detected and transmitted by sensor molecules such as calcium-binding proteins. In plants, the calcineurin B-like protein (CBL) family represents a unique group of calcium sensors and plays a key role in decoding calcium transients by specifically interacting with and regulating a family of protein kinases (CIPKs). We report here that the CBL protein CBL10 functions as a crucial regulator of salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Cbl10 mutant plants exhibited significant growth defects and showed hypersensitive cell death in leaf tissues under high-salt conditions. Interestingly, the Na(+) content of the cbl10 mutant, unlike other salt-sensitive mutants identified thus far, was significantly lower than in the wild type under either normal or high-salt conditions, suggesting that CBL10 mediates a novel Ca(2+)-signaling pathway for salt tolerance. Indeed, the CBL10 protein physically interacts with the salt-tolerance factor CIPK24 (SOS2), and the CBL10-CIPK24 (SOS2) complex is associated with the vacuolar compartments that are responsible for salt storage and detoxification in plant cells. These findings suggest that CBL10 and CIPK24 (SOS2) constitute a novel salt-tolerance pathway that regulates the sequestration/compartmentalization of Na(+) in plant cells. Because CIPK24 (SOS2) also interacts with CBL4 (SOS3) and regulates salt export across the plasma membrane, our study identifies CIPK24 (SOS2) as a multi-functional protein kinase that regulates different aspects of salt tolerance by interacting with distinct CBL calcium sensors.  相似文献   

不同耐盐品种棉花根系主要指标对盐分胁迫的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以盐敏感品种‘中棉所45’(CCRI45)、弱耐盐品种‘新陆早17号’(XLZ17)、中等耐盐品种‘新陆早13号’(XLZ13)和耐盐品种‘中棉所35’(CCRI35)为试验材料,利用根系分析系统研究盐分胁迫下棉花根系形态特征及其与棉株耐盐性的关系.结果表明:盐分胁迫显著降低棉花根和叶的干质量以及K^+/Na^+,其中耐盐品种CCRI35和中等耐盐品种XLZ13的根干质量、叶干质量以及根中K^+/Na^+分别比盐敏感品种CCRI45提高了69.3%~104.4%、24.8%~45.3%和25.0%~45.8%;盐分胁迫显著抑制棉花根系生长发育,其中CCRI 35和XLZ13的总根长、根系总表面积、根系总体积以及0~10 cm土层中直径为0~1.2 mm内的根长、根表面积和根体积均显著高于CCRI45,分别增加了15.2%~85.8%、12.0%~68.5%、31.7%~217.8%、27.2%~73.9%、39.6%~74.3%和99.0%~309.7%.主成分分析表明,比根长、浅层根长比例和细根比例受基因型差异的影响较为明显,是区分不同耐盐品种棉花根系形态差异的主要指标.逐步回归分析显示,比根长、0~10 cm土层的粗根根长、细根根表面积、粗根根表面积、粗根体积、中根比例,以及10~20 cm粗根根长、粗根表面积、粗根体积等根系参数对盐分响应敏感.耐盐棉花品种可通过维持表层根长比例、细根比例和比根长的增加来适应盐分胁迫.  相似文献   

Summary A potassium-specific tonoplast channel was identified by reconstitution of tonoplast polypeptides into planar lipid bilayer membranes. Highly purified tonoplast membranes were solubilized in Triton X-100-containing buffer and fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography. The protein fractions were assayed for ion channel activity in a planar bilayer system, and the potassium channel was routinely recovered in specific fractions corresponding to an apparent molecular mass of 80 kDa. In symmetrical electrolyte solutions of 100 mM potassium chloride, the potassium channel had a single-channel conductance of 72 pS. Substates of the channel with conductances of 17, 33 and 52 pS were frequently observed. After identification of the channel in low or high KCl, addition of sodium acetate or sodium chloride caused only insignificant conductance changes. This result suggested that the channel was not or little permeable for sodium or chloride, whereas it had similar single-channel conductance for rubidium and caesium ions as compared with potassium ions. The channel is presumably responsible for the equilibration of potassium between the vacuole and the cytosol. The role of the channel in the physiology of the barley cell under salt stress is discussed.The authors would like to thank U. Heber for many helpful discussions. This work was supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonderforschungsbereich 176, projects B3 and B7) and by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

Nitellopsis obtusa (Charales, Charophyceae) are widely distributed from Europe to Asia; however, this species has been recorded in only the five lakes in central Honshu in Japan. This species was thought to be extinct in Japan, but was rediscovered in limited areas of Lake Kawaguchi in central Honshu. More recently, we discovered more Japanese populations of N. obtusa in Lake Biwa in western Honshu, and it became clear that the species had a broader distribution in Japan than originally believed. In addition, although only male or female thalli have been collected at each lake, both male and female thalli were found from Lake Biwa. This is the first report of a potentially sexual population of N. obtusa in Japan. The DNA sequences of three chloroplast DNA markers, including both coding and non‐coding regions, were identical in all specimens from Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Nojiri (Central Honshu), and differed from those of Lake Biwa and German specimens. Although Japanese and German specimens were genetically similar, Japanese specimens displayed considerable genetic diversity according to locality.  相似文献   

The roles of Na+ and K+ (Rb+) uptake were further studied in a NaCl-tolerant strain of Ceratopteris richardii containing the stl2 mutation by direct comparison with the wild-type strain. In addition to Na+ tolerance, stl2 also confers tolerance to Mg2+ and sensitivity to K+. In addition to higher K+ (Rb+) uptake at concentrations commonly associated with low-affinity K+ transport, stl2 maintained higher uptake down to 0·1 mol m–3 Rb+. Up to a 25-fold excess of Na+ had little effect in either genotype on K+ (Rb+) uptake at low concentrations, i.e. 0·2 and 0·5 mol m–3 RbCl. Pretreatment with K+ (20 mol m–3) inhibited uptake of K+ (Rb+) in the wild type, whereas concurrent inclusion of K+ inhibited uptake of Rb+ more in stl2. In the absence of K+, Na+ uptake (0·01–60 mol m–3) was nearly identical in the wild type and stl2. K+ inhibited Na+ uptake more effectively in stl2 than the wild type, especially at 60 mol m–3 Na+. Greater inhibition of K+ uptake in stl2 occurred with MgCl2 or TEA (tetraethylammonium chloride) preincubation or with simultaneous inclusion of Al3+ (Al2SO4). The higher effective velocity of K+ uptake at a wide range of concentrations and the enhanced selectivity for K+ and against Na+ contribute to the preservation of higher cytosolic K+ and lower Na+ under salinity stress.  相似文献   

DNA cassette containing an AtDREB1A cDNA and a nos terminator,driven by a cauli- flower mosaic 35S promoter,or a stress-inducible rd29A promoter,was transformed into the ground cover chrysanthemum(Dendranthema grandiflorum)'Fall Color'genome.Compared with wild type plants,severe growth retardation was observed in 35S:DREB1A plants,but not in rd29A:DREB1A plants.RT-PCR analysis revealed that,under stress conditions,the DREB1A gene was over-expressed constitutively in 35S:DREB1A plants,but was over-expressed inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants.The transgenic plants exhibited tolerance to drought and salt stress,and the tolerance was significantly stronger in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants.Proline content and SOD activity were increased inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants under stress conditions.These results indicate that heterologous AtDREB1A can confer drought and salt tolerance in transgenic chrysanthemum,and improvement of the stress tolerance may be related to enhancement of proline content and SOD activity.  相似文献   

DNA cassette containing an AtDREB1A cDNA and a nos terminator, driven by a cauliflower mosaic 35S promoter, or a stress-inducible rd29A promoter, was transformed into the ground cover chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) ‘Fall Color’ genome. Compared with wild type plants, severe growth retardation was observed in 35S:DREB1A plants, but not in rd29A:DREB1A plants. RT-PCR analysis revealed that, under stress conditions, the DREB1A gene was over-expressed constitutively in 35S:DREB1A plants, but was over-expressed inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants. The transgenic plants exhibited tolerance to drought and salt stress, and the tolerance was significantly stronger in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants. Proline content and SOD activity were increased inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants under stress conditions. These results indicate that heterologous AtDREB1A can confer drought and salt tolerance in transgenic chrysanthemum, and improvement of the stress tolerance may be related to enhancement of proline content and SOD activity.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine phosphatase and has multiple functions in animal cells including regulating ionic homeostasis. We generated transgenic rice plants that not only expressed a truncated form of the catalytic subunit of mouse calcineurin, but also were able to grow and fertilize normally in the field. Notably, the expression of the mouse calcineurin gene in rice resulted in its higher salt stress tolerance than the non-transgenic rice. Physiological studies have indicated that the root growth of transgenic plants was less inhibited than the shoot growth, and that less Na+ was accumulated in the roots of transgenic plants after a prolonged period of salt stress. These findings imply that the heterologous calcineurin plays a significant role in maintaining ionic homeostasis and the integrity of plant roots when exposed to salt. In addition, the calcineurin gene expression in the stems of transgenic plants correlated with the increased expression of the Rab16A gene that encodes a group 2-type late-embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) protein. Altogether our findings provide the first genetic and physiological evidence that expression of the mouse calcineurin protein functionally improves the salt stress tolerance of rice partly by limiting Na+ accumulation in the roots.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对4树种叶片中K^+和Na^+的影响及其耐盐能力的评价   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
通过盆栽试验,对我国南方银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)、侧柏[Patycladus orentalis(L.)Franco]、火炬松(Pinus taeda L.)和剌槐(Robinia Pseudoacacia L.)4造林树种苗木叶片中K^ 、N^ 浓度浓度和N^ /K^ 比进行测定,盐处理水平为0.0%(CK)、0.1%、0.3%和0.5%。随着盐浓度的提高,各树种叶片中Na^ 浓度和N^ /K^ 有逐渐升高的趋势,但K^ 浓度变化较小;随着盐胁迫时间的推移,各树种叶片中Na^ 、K^ 浓度和Na^ /K^ 比都没有明显的变化规律。方差分析和多层比较表明,侧柏、火炬松和剌槐叶片中Na^ 、K^ 浓度和N^ /K^ 比在4组处理间的差异均达显著或极显著水平。4树种中剌槐和侧柏的耐盐能力最强,银杏次之,火炬松最弱。  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of potassium and sodium uptake in plants   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Potassium (K+) is an essential nutrient and the most abundant cation in plants, whereas the closely related ion sodium (Na+) is toxic to most plants at high millimolar concentrations. K+ deficiency and Na+ toxicity are both major constraints to crop production worldwide. K+ counteracts Na+ stress, while Na+, in turn, can to a certain degree alleviate K+ deficiency. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of K+ and Na+ transport is pivotal to the understanding – and eventually engineering – of plant K+ nutrition and Na+ sensitivity. Here we provide an overview on plant K+ transporters with particular emphasis on root K+ and Na+ uptake. Plant K+-permeable cation transporters comprise seven families: Shaker-type K+ channels, `two-pore' K+ channels, cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels, putative K+/H+ antiporters, KUP/HAK/KT transporters, HKT transporters, and LCT1. Candidate genes for Na+ transport are the KUP/HAK/KTs, HKTs, CNGCs, and LCT1. Expression in heterologous systems, localization in plants, and genetic disruption in plants will provide insight into the roles of transporter genes in K+ nutrition and Na+ toxicity.  相似文献   

DNA cassette containing an AtDREB1A cDNA and a nos terminator, driven by a cauliflower mosaic 35S promoter, or a stress-inducible rd29A promoter, was transformed into the ground cover chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) ‘Fall Color’ genome. Compared with wild type plants, severe growth retardation was observed in 35S:DREB1A plants, but not in rd29A:DREB1A plants. RT-PCR analysis revealed that, under stress conditions, the DREB1A gene was over-expressed constitutively in 35S:DREB1A plants, but was over-expressed inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants. The transgenic plants exhibited tolerance to drought and salt stress, and the tolerance was significantly stronger in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants. Proline content and SOD activity were increased inductively in rd29A:DREB1A plants than in 35S:DREB1A plants under stress conditions. These results indicate that heterologous AtDREB1A can confer drought and salt tolerance in transgenic chrysanthemum, and improvement of the stress tolerance may be related to enhancement of proline content and SOD activity.  相似文献   

以盐碱荒漠草甸药用植物胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)为材料, 采用水培法研究了盐处理(50、100、200、300 mmol·L-1NaCl) 28天后幼苗株高、生物量、含水量、根粗、甘草酸含量和不同器官的离子含量及离子的选择吸收、运输能力, 并对丙二醛、脯氨酸含量进行测定, 以确定其耐盐范围及耐盐方式。结果表明, 低盐浓度对胀果甘草幼苗生长无显著影响, 只有较高盐浓度(≥200 mmol·L-1 NaCl)使幼苗总生物量、株高、甘草酸含量显著降低; 根据耐盐系数与盐浓度的拟合方程, 确定适宜幼苗生长的盐浓度范围为0-278.17 mmol·L-1。随盐浓度上升, 植株选择性吸收K+、Ca2+、Mg2+, 而抑制Na+进入体内, 幼苗对进入植株体内的Na+在不同盐浓度下采取了不同的分配策略, 低盐浓度下(0-100 mmol·L-1), 植株体内Na+主要积累在根中, 避免了叶中Na+的过多积累, 其盐适应机制以耐盐方式为主; 高盐浓度下(≥200 mmol·L-1 NaCl), Na+主要积累在下部叶, 并通过叶片脱落的方式带走体内的盐分, 其盐适应机制以避盐方式为主。盐胁迫下, 幼苗能促进K+而抑制Na+向上部叶的运输, 使上部叶拒Na喜K, 维持了较高的K+/Na+比值, 有利于幼苗生长; 同时, 地下根系能通过积累Ca2+、Mg2+和合成脯氨酸、甘草酸, 以提高渗透调节能力, 缓解Na+毒害, 使根的生长不受影响, 有利于保证幼苗在盐环境中吸收维持生长的必要养分, 这是胀果甘草幼苗具有较强耐盐性的原因。以上结果说明, 胀果甘草幼苗通过对盐离子的吸收和运输调控、离子区域化和渗透调节, 以耐盐和避盐两种方式适应盐碱荒漠环境。  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫下棉花体内 Na~+ 、K~+分布与耐盐性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用盐化土壤方法 ,选择苗期耐盐性较强的陆地棉品种枝棉 3号和中棉所 1 9及耐盐性较弱的品种泗棉 2号和苏棉 1 2号 ,研究了盐胁迫下棉苗体内 Na+、K+的运输和分配与耐盐性的关系。结果表明 ,耐盐品种根系具有一定的截留 Na+作用。棉花地上部盐分器官水平上的区域化分布特征明显 :2 0 0 mmol/L Na Cl胁迫下 ,枝棉 3号叶片中的 Na+含量显著低于泗棉 2号 ,茎及叶柄中的 Na+含量显著高于泗棉 2号 ;棉株地上部茎、叶柄、叶片中的 Na+含量分别由下而上逐渐减小 ,相同节位的茎、叶柄中的 Na+含量大于叶片 ,枝棉 3号更显著。1 0 0 mmol/L和 1 50 mmol/L Na Cl胁迫下 ,枝棉 3号和中棉所 1 9K+/Na+显著高于泗棉 2号和苏棉 1 2号。Na+在茎和叶柄中滞留和积累 ,根中的 K+向地上部选择性运输 ,以维持叶片中较高的 K+/Na+,是棉花耐盐性的一个重要特点  相似文献   

盐胁迫下白杨无性系苗木体内离子分配及比较   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29  
以白杨杂种无性系及其亲本当年生苗木为材料 ,分析了盐胁迫下无性系的离子含量 ,及 Na 、K 、Ca 在植物体内运输和分配特点 ,并对无性系间差异进行了比较。研究表明 ,随盐浓度提高 ,植物体内Na 含量迅速提高 ,K 、Ca 含量降低 ;盐分胁迫下 ,根部 Na 含量较高 ,叶片 Na 中含量最低 ,K 、Ca 含量则相反 ,特别是 Ca ,其分布顺序为叶 >茎 >根。杂种无性系 B430及其亲本新疆杨对 K 和 Ca 运输的选择性比毛白杨高 ,而对 Na 运输的选择性则比毛白杨低 ,从而导致根部存留的 Na 较多 ,叶片分配的 Na 数量较少 ,从而减轻 Na 对叶片的伤害。综合分析表明 B430和新疆杨耐盐能力最强 ,毛新杨其次 ,毛白杨最差。  相似文献   

盐胁迫下树种幼苗生长及其耐盐性   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
张华新  刘正祥  刘秋芳 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2263-2271
采用盆栽方法,以11个树种实生幼苗为材料,用不同浓度(0、3、5、8 g·kg-1和10 g·kg-1)NaCl溶液进行1次性浇灌处理,对盐胁迫下各树种的形态表现、生长及耐盐性进行了研究,结果表明:(1)当盐含量达到8 g·kg-1时,欧洲荚蒾、甜桦和光叶漆植株死亡,当含量增加到10 g·kg-1时,沃氏金链花植株死亡,其它各存活树种也均出现不同程度的盐害症状;(2)盐胁迫后,各树种的苗高生长量下降、生物量累积减少,且随着处理浓度的增加均呈下降趋势,其中榆桔、甜桦和光叶漆的降幅最大;(3)盐处理后,各树种的根冠比值增大,其中盐胁迫对光叶漆、银水牛果和沃氏金链花有显著影响(p<0.05);(4)综合分析各树种的生长和形态表现,认为日本丁香、银水牛果、三裂叶漆和豆梨具有高度耐盐性,沃氏金链花、金雀儿、鹰爪豆和榆桔具有中高度耐盐性,而欧洲荚蒾、甜桦和光叶漆具有中度耐盐性.  相似文献   

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