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Comparative analysis was undertaken of the pattern of G-dyed chromosome sets of three Ellobius species: E. tancrei, E. fuscocapillus, E. lutescens with respective diploid chromosome numbers 54, 36, 17. From the data obtained one can envisage probable evolutionary pathway of the Ellobius karyotype. Variability in chromosome numbers of this genus species was shown to be a result of both centromeric and centromeric-telomeric as well as telomeric translocations of originally acrocentric chromosomes. No combinations of acrocentric chromosomes of the E. tancrei Robertsonian fan were found in the karyotypes of E. fuscocapillus and E. lutescens, which points to independence of the evolutionary processes in the Ellobius genus taking different routes. The data are obtained to the effect that evolution of the genus Ellobius was accompanied by increase in the amount of C-heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamanders in the genus Oedipina are characterized by a strongly heteromorphic sex-determining pair of X/Y chromosomes. The telocentric X chromosome and the subtelocentric Y chromosome are clearly distinguished from the autosomes and their behavior during meiosis can be sequentially followed in squash preparations of spermatocytes. In Oedipina the sex chromosomes are not obscured by an opaque sex vesicle during early meiotic stages, making it possible to observe details of sex bivalent structure and behavior not directly visible in other vertebrate groups. The sex chromosomes can first be distinguished from autosomal bivalents at the conclusion of zygotene, with X and Y synapsed only along a short segment at their non-centromeric ends, forming a bivalent that contrasts sharply with the completely synapsed autosomes. During pachytene, the XY bivalent becomes progressively shortened and more compact, disappearing as a visible structure when pachytene progresses into the diffuse stage of male meiosis. Diplotene bivalents gradually emerge from the diffuse nuclei, presumably by the return of the loops of chromatin into their respective chromomeres. During early diplotene, the X/Y bivalent is clearly visible with a single chiasma within the synapsed segment. This chiasma is terminalized by first meiotic metaphase with the X and Y appearing either in end-to-end synaptic contact or as univalents separated at opposite poles relative to the equatorially distributed autosomal bivalents. In C-banded preparations, the Y is entirely heterochromatic while the X contains a large centromeric C-band and another block of heterochromatin located at the telomeric end, in the region of synapsis with the Y. We find no cytological evidence of dosage compensation, such as differential staining of the X chromosomes or Barr bodies, in mitotic or interphase cells from female animals.  相似文献   

Neotropical fishes have a low rate of chromosome differentiation between sexes. The present study characterizes the first meiotic analysis of sex chromosomes in the order Gymnotiformes. Gymnotus pantanal - females had 40 chromosomes (14m/sm, 26st/a) and males had 39 chromosomes (15m/sm, 24st/a), with a fundamental number of 54 - showed a multiple sexual determination chromosome system of the type X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2)/X(1)X(2)Y. The heterochromatin is restricted to centromeres of all chromosomes of the karyotype. The meiotic behavior of sex chromosomes involved in this system in males is from a trivalent totally pared in the pachytene stage, with a high degree of similarity. The cells of metaphase II exhibit 19 and 20 chromosomes, normal disjunction of sex chromosomes and the formation of balanced gametes with 18 + Y and 18 + X(1)X(2) chromosomes, respectively. The small amount of heterochromatin and repetitive DNA involved in this system and the high degree of chromosome similarity indicated a recent origin of the X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2)/X(1)X(2)Y system in G. pantanal and suggests the existence of a simple ancestral system with morphologically undifferentiated chromosomes.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of spider karyotypes is the predominance of unusual multiple X chromosomes. To elucidate the evolution of spider sex chromosomes, their meiotic behavior was analyzed in 2 major clades of opisthothele spiders, namely, the entelegyne araneomorphs and the mygalomorphs. Our data support the predominance of X(1)X(2)0 systems in entelegynes, while rare X(1)X(2)X(3)X(4)0 systems were revealed in the tuberculote mygalomorphs. The spider species studied exhibited a considerable diversity of achiasmate sex chromosome pairing in male meiosis. The end-to-end pairing of sex chromosomes found in mygalomorphs was gradually replaced by the parallel attachment of sex chromosomes in entelegynes. The observed association of male X univalents with a centrosome at the first meiotic division may ensure the univalents' segregation. Spider meiotic sex chromosomes also showed other unique traits, namely, association with a chromosome pair in males and inactivation in females. Analysis of these traits supports the hypothesis that the multiple X chromosomes of spiders originated by duplications. In contrast to the homogametic sex of other animals, the homologous sex chromosomes of spider females were already paired at premeiotic interphase and were inactivated until prophase I. Furthermore, the sex chromosome pairs exhibited an end-to-end association during these stages. We suggest that the specific behavior of the female sex chromosomes may have evolved to avoid the negative effects of duplicated X chromosomes on female meiosis. The chromosome ends that ensure the association of sex chromosome pairs during meiosis may contain information for discriminating between homologous and homeologous X chromosomes and thus act to promote homologous pairing. The meiotic behavior of 4 X chromosome pairs in mygalomorph females, namely, the formation of 2 associations, each composed of 2 pairs with similar structure, suggests that the mygalomorph X(1)X(2)X(3)X(4)0 system originated by the duplication of the X(1)X(2)0 system via nondisjunctions or polyploidization.  相似文献   

Mammalian sex chromosomes appear, behave and function differently than the autosomes, passing on their genes in a unique sex-linked manner. The publishing of Ohno's hypothesis provided a framework for discussion of sex chromosome evolution, allowing it to be developed and challenged numerous times. In this report we discuss the pressures that drove the evolution of sex and the mechanisms by which it occurred. We concentrate on how the sex chromosomes evolved in mammals, discussing the various hypotheses proposed and the evidence supporting them.  相似文献   

The meiotic pairing behaviour of four B isochromosomes of Crepis capillaris was studied by synaptonemal complex (SC) surface spreading of pollen mother cells. The four B chromosomes form a tightly associated group, separate from the standard chromosomes, throughout zygotene and pachytene. All four B chromosomes are also folded around their axis of symmetry, the centromere, and the eight homologous arms are closely aligned from the earliest prophase I stages. A high frequency of multivalent pairing of the four B chromosomes is observed at pachytene, in excess of 90%, mirroring the situation observed at metaphase I but exceeding the frequency expected (76.2%) on the assumption of random pairing among the eight B isochromosome arms with a single distal pairing initiation site per arm. The higher than expected frequency of multivalents is due to the occurrence of multiple pairing initiations along the B isochromosome arms, resulting in high frequencies of pairing partner switches. Pairing of the standard chromosome set is frequently incomplete in the presence of four B chromosomes, and abnormalities of SC structure such as thickening and splitting of axes and lateral elements are also frequently seen. Similarly, B chromosomes show partial pairing failure, the extent of which is correlated with pairing failure in the standard chromosome set. The B chromosomes themselves also show abnormalities of SC structure. Both standard and B chromosomes show non-homologous foldback pairing of regions that have failed to pair homologously.by D. Schweizer  相似文献   

In the plant genus Silene, separate sexes and sex chromosomes are believed to have evolved twice. Silene species that are wholly or largely hermaphroditic are assumed to represent the ancestral state from which dioecy evolved. This assumption is important for choice of outgroup species for inferring the genetic and chromosomal changes involved in the evolution of dioecy, but is mainly based on data from a single locus (ITS). To establish the order of events more clearly, and inform outgroup choice, we therefore carried out (i) multi-nuclear-gene phylogenetic analyses of 14 Silene species (including 7 hermaphrodite or gynodioecious species), representing species from both Silene clades with dioecious members, plus a more distantly related outgroup, and (ii) a BayesTraits character analysis of the evolution of dioecy. We confirm two origins of dioecy within this genus in agreement with recent work on comparing sex chromosomes from both clades with dioecious species. We conclude that sex chromosomes evolved after the origin of Silene and within a clade that includes only S. latifolia and its closest relatives. We estimate that sex chromosomes emerged soon after the split with the ancestor of S. viscosa, the probable closest non-dioecious S. latifolia relative among the species included in our study.  相似文献   

Meiosis is an ancestral, highly conserved process in eukaryotic life cycles, and for all eukaryotes the shared component of sexual reproduction. The benefits and functions of meiosis, however, are still under discussion, especially considering the costs of meiotic sex. To get a novel view on this old problem, we filter out the most conserved elements of meiosis itself by reviewing the various modifications and alterations of modes of reproduction. Our rationale is that the indispensable steps of meiosis for viability of offspring would be maintained by strong selection, while dispensable steps would be variable. We review evolutionary origin and processes in normal meiosis, restitutional meiosis, polyploidization and the alterations of meiosis in forms of uniparental reproduction (apomixis, apomictic parthenogenesis, automixis, selfing) with a focus on plants and animals. This overview suggests that homologue pairing, double-strand break formation and homologous recombinational repair at prophase I are the least dispensable elements, and they are more likely optimized for repair of oxidative DNA damage rather than for recombination. Segregation, ploidy reduction and also a biparental genome contribution can be skipped for many generations. The evidence supports the theory that the primary function of meiosis is DNA restoration rather than recombination.  相似文献   

Mammals present an XX/XY system of chromosomal sex determination, males being the heterogametic sex. Comparative studies of the gene content of sex chromosomes from the major groups of mammals reveal that most Y genes have X-linked homologues and that X and Y share homologous pseudoautosomal regions. These observations, together with the presence of the two homologous regions (pseudoautosomal regions) at the tips of the sex chromosomes, suggest that these chromosomes began as an ordinary pair of homologous autosomes. Birds present a ZW/ZZ system of chromosomal sex determination where females are the heterogametic sex. In this case, avian sex chromosomes are derived from different pairs of autosomes than mammals. The evolutionary pathway from the autosomal homomorphic departure to the present-day heteromorphic sex chromosomes in mammals includes suppression of X-Y recombination, differentiation of the nascent non-recombining regions, and progressive autosomal addition and attrition of the sex chromosomes. Recent results indicate that the event marking the beginning of the differentiation between the extant X and Y chromosomes occurred about 300 million years ago.  相似文献   

Satellite DNA and evolution of sex chromosomes   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
The satellite DNA (satellite III) which is mainly represented in the female of Elaphe radiata (Ophidia, Colubridae) has been isolated and its buoyant density has been determined (=1.700 g cm–3). In situ hybridisation of radioactive complementary RNA of this satellite DNA with the chromosomes of different species has revealed that it is mainly concentrated on the W sex chromosome and its sequences are conserved throughout the sub-order Ophidia. From hybridisation studies these sequences are absent from the primitive family Boidae which represents a primitive state of differentiation of sex chromosomes. Chromosome analysis and C-banding have also revealed the absence of heteromorphism and of an entirely heterochromatic chromosome in the species belonging to the primitive family and their presence in the species of highly evolved families. It is suggested that the origin of satellite DNA (satellite III) in the W chromosome is the first step in differentiation of W from the Z in snakes by generating asynchrony in the DNA replication pattern of Z and W chromosomes and thus conceivably reducing the frequency of crossing-over between them which is the prerequisite of differentiation of sex chromosomes. Presence of similar sex chromosome associated satellite DNA in domestic chicken suggests its existence in a wider range of vertebrates than just the snakes.  相似文献   

Morphology and behaviour of the X and Y chromosomes of four species of genus Microtus were studied at pachytene, metaphase I and meiotic metaphase. The X chromosomes of the species varied with respect to their size and location of heterochromatic blocks. The axes of X and Y chromosomes of these species as well as Microtus agrestis never formed true synaptonemal complexes at any sub-stage of the pachytene. They approached each other at the start of the pachytene throughout to metaphase I, getting situated closely. At the end of the pachytene, they formed sex vesicle. The X and Y chromosomes kept their proximity during metaphase I, but never formed true bivalents. It is suggested that lack of synapsis of the X and Y chromosomes in the genus Microtus is the final step of evolutionary trend to reduction of the size of the pseudo-autosomal region. The abolition of restrictions on homology between the X and Y chromosomes is supposed to be a cause for the fast divergence in morphology of sex chromosomes in the genus.  相似文献   

A J Solari 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:113-Suppl:120

Steps in the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
We review some recently published results on sex chromosomes in a diversity of species. We focus on several fish and some plants whose sex chromosomes appear to be 'young', as only parts of the chromosome are nonrecombining, while the rest is pseudoautosomal. However, the age of these systems is not yet very clear. Even without knowing what proportions of their genes are genetically degenerate, these cases are of great interest, as they may offer opportunities to study in detail how sex chromosomes evolve. In particular, we review evidence that recombination suppression occurs progressively in evolutionarily independent cases, suggesting that selection drives loss of recombination over increasingly large regions. We discuss how selection during the period when a chromosome is adapting to its role as a Y chromosome might drive such a process.  相似文献   

The first detailed map has been produced of a plant chromosome carrying sex-determining genes. The new data show that, in papaya, these genes lie in a quite extensive non-recombining region. This region is nevertheless a small part of the papaya genome compared with other male-specific genome regions, such as mammalian Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

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