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江苏省黑莓区域性栽培试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
以黑莓(Rubus spp.)的Hull和Chester2个品种为试材在江苏省开展了区域性栽培试验。分析认为,在江苏全省各地黑莓均可正常生长、开花和结果,即为适宜生长区。从高产优质的角度考虑,宁镇扬低山丘陵地带和以连云港为主的滨海丘陵地区是黑莓种植的最适宜地区,但要注意适时灌溉;徐淮黄泛平原地区和沂沭河丘陵平原地带是黑莓的适宜栽培区,不利因素是干旱;江淮湖洼平原、里下河地区和沿海平原地区是黑莓的次适宜栽培区,不利偏多,不提倡大力发展。试验结果显示,适宜的自然条件是黑莓优质和高产的重要因素,但针对不利条件采取各种不同的栽培措施也十分重要。通过栽植地点的优化选择和栽培管理措施的强化加以弥补和调整,克服不利因子,在江苏全省范围内获得黑莓优质高产是完全可能的。  相似文献   

报道了陕西省芍药科(Paeoniaceae)芍药属(Paeonia)一新分布种——卵叶牡丹(Paeonia qiui Y.L.Pei et D.Y.Hong),该种分布于陕西省境内的安康市旬阳县(109°19.467′E,32°59.100′N),本次发现将中国该种自然分布区的经度向西推移了2°(约200km)。凭证标本现收藏于西北农林科技大学植物标本馆(WUK)。  相似文献   

三倍体牡丹的细胞遗传学观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)原产我国,栽培历史悠久,为传统的著名花卉和中药材。初步估计,目前我国已培育出了约300多个品种。 有关牡丹的细胞遗传学研究,主要有Dark。Sax,Stebbins等人的工作。但至今,在已研究过的芍药属的各个种中,除Haga在P.japonica的野生种群中发现了一株三倍  相似文献   

利用A-PAGE(acid-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)法对采自以色列的野生大麦的一个野生自然群体的15个系和来自世界不同国家的14份栽培大麦品种醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性进行了分析.结果表明:在所有的29份供试材料中,共发现52条相对迁移率不同的谱带.52条谱带的出现频率为3.44%~93.1%,多样性指数为0.066~0.368;以中国春醇溶蛋白为标准,ω区大麦醇溶蛋白的谱带数最多,其次是β区;野生大麦Shannon多样性指数依次为β区>ω区>α区>γ区,而栽培大麦Shannon多样性指数依次为ω区β>区>γ区>a区;野生大麦自然群体和栽培大麦品种间的遗传相似系数变幅相当,且聚类分析结果显示,野生大麦自然群体和来自全球不同区域栽培大麦品种间的醇溶蛋白遗传多样性同样丰富.以上结果说明,野生大麦中保存了较栽培大麦更为丰富的基因资源,今后栽培大麦的品质改良应该重视野生大麦资源的合理利用.  相似文献   

为了解气候变化对亚热带地区森林植被的影响,以及森林植被对气候变化的响应,本研究利用ISSR分子标记技术,对种源地和栽培地的壳菜果种群进行遗传多样性研究,并对栽培地气象因子进行分析。通过PopGen32软件包分析表明,栽培地种群(湖南新宁种群和湖南株洲种群)和种源地种群(广西凭祥种群)之间的遗传多样性无明显变化,这与湖南株洲引种壳菜果种群发生在气候变暖时期,各气候因子已不再是壳菜果种群生长的限制因子有很大关系。通过RegCM3气候模型对2042年气候进行模拟,年平均温度比2010年升高了1℃,1月平均温度升温明显,7月平均温度在南岭以南变化不大,以北地区升温明显,年降水量变化不明显;至2042年壳菜果天然种群可能分布至25°N左右,25°N以北有零星分布,但数量很少,沿海地区进一步向北延伸,达到26°N左右。  相似文献   

麻栎在中国的地理分布及潜在分布区预测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于19个生物气候因子和473个地理分布记录,利用DIVA-GIS软件,分析了麻栎在中国的地理分布与气候的关系及其潜在分布区。结果表明:中国麻栎分布在18°~41°N、91°~123°E之间,其地理分布可划分为6个区,其中横断山脉区、云贵高原区、秦岭巴山区比较集中;分布区跨越7个温度带、3个干湿区、18个气候区,包括9种气候类型;适宜麻栎生长的年均温度为5.1℃~20.7℃,年降雨量为471~1 712.6mm;影响麻栎地理分布的主导因子依次为湿度因子、耐旱能力和温度因子。BIOCLIM模型预测显示,麻栎潜在分布区与实际分布区具有很好的一致性,其最适分布区位于云贵高原中部和秦岭巴山区;在CO2浓度倍增的未来气候情景下,麻栎潜在分布区面积将缩小,且有向北方和高海拔地区扩散的趋势。ROC曲线分析表明,BIOCLIM模型的模拟精度较高(AUC=0.826)。研究结果对于合理经营利用麻栎林具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

林敬梧  桂东伟 《生态学报》2024,44(4):1692-1699
火炬树原产于北美洲东部,引进中国后主要栽培于贫瘠土壤上,用于植树造林和保持水土。然而其入侵性和扩散能力较强,管控不当将会严重破坏侵入地生态系统的多样性。采用了GIS和MaxEnt模型相结合的方法,模拟了火炬树在北美和中国地区的适宜分布区域,分析了主要环境影响因素,并利用ROC曲线验证模型结果的准确度。研究结果表明:火炬树在北美和中国的适宜分布区域都主要集中在30°—40°N气候相对湿润地带;影响MaxEnt模型预测结果的关键环境因子都是气候因子;预测模型的AUC值都大于9。但两个地区的部分环境因子的阈值范围存在明显差异,说明在入侵中国后火炬树的气候空间和生态位发生了较大变化,对中国本地的生态系统构成一定威胁。可为防疫监测和林业部门的工作提供参考依据,有助于其制定早期预警和监管措施,从而有效防治中国地区火炬树的入侵和保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

蓝浆果栽培产业化中的种质创新研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,对蓝浆果(Vaccinium spp.)从野生到栽培、由家庭式栽培发展为产业化栽培过程中种质的选择、适应与创新的研究成果进行了归纳和综述。简要概述了越桔属(Vaccinium L.)植物的种质资源状况,重点阐述了蓝浆果重要品种的特性及育种目标的发展变化,归纳总结了蓝浆果的育种方法及所取得的成就,展望了中国蓝浆果育种的发展前景,并对蓝浆果育种研究提出了一些建议。认为在蓝浆果品种改良及育种工作中,生态适应性、抗病虫性及大果型优质品种是今后育种研究的重点。  相似文献   

补血草属野生花卉的家化栽培   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对补血草属野生花卉利用潜能,开展家化栽培研究。通过在温室栽培和露地栽培措施,与自然分布区补血草生长繁殖情况进行对比,研究在新生环境中,补血草野生花卉则可能在某些方面产生相应的变化,包括生物学特征、形态学特征、开花习性、繁殖方式。并对家化栽培过程中的限制因子和影响因子进行分析,土壤盐渍化程度,土壤水分条件和气温限制补血草栽培的主要因子,光照条件影响补血草后期发育和花卉观赏性。最后制定一系列相应的管理措施。  相似文献   

不同栽培措施对不同品种彩色马蹄莲高生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过栽培基质、肥料浓度和N、P、K元素浓度配比试验,对8个彩色马蹄莲(Zantedeschia Spreng.hybrids)品种的株高生长进行了比较。结果表明,栽培基质变化对大部分品种的高生长影响较小,只有‘Parfait’和‘Rubylite Rose’2个品种的高生长受栽培基质的影响较大。就‘Crystal Blush’和‘Parfait’2个品种而言,不同浓度的肥料处理,在生长后期各处理间无显著差异;而不同N、P、K营养元素配比处理显示,N元素变化对高生长影响较小,而P、K含量的提高有利于彩色马蹄莲的株高生长。  相似文献   

The three European species ofVolvox have repeatedly been described, also from other countries. There have remained, however, some open questions, particularly in connexion with the morphological differences betweenV. aureus andV. tertius. These species, up to now, could not readily be distinguished but can be told apart on the strength of the structure of the covering layers of the colonial envelope.The nutritional requirements have attracted little attention. The scarce statements in the literature have only been attained in investigations of a general character and needed a more thorough investigation. It was found that all three species require vitamin B12, andV. globator also vitamin B1. This species flourished only when provided with small amounts of acetate.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pH(i)) was measured on-line in a bioreactor using a fluorescent pH(i) indicator, 9-aminoacridine, and controlled fed-batch cultivations of yeast cells based on pH(i) (FB-pH(i)) were performed. In FB-pH(i) cultivations, automated glucose additions were made to the culture in response to culture pH(i). The average ethanol (an-aerobic product) yield was significantly lower [0.12 g g(-1) glucose in fed-batch pH(i) cultivations with 100 ppm glucose additions (FB-pH(i)-100 cultivation) vs. 0.48 g g(-1) glucose in batch] and cell yield was higher (0.54 g g(-1) glucose in FB-pH(i)-100 cultivation vs. 0.3 g g(-1) glucose in batch) compared to batch cultivation. An expression has been derived to calculate changes in pH(i) from measured fluorescence values when the cell concentration increases during growth. Cultivations based on pH(i), performed with different magnitudes of glucose addition (100, 50, and 10 ppm additions), showed that lower magnitudes of glucose addition resulted in lower ethanol yields while cell yield remained unaffected. The ratio of specific oxygen uptake rate to specific glucose uptake rate (OUR/GUR) increased with decreased in magnitude of glucose additions in FB-pH(i) cultivations, suggesting that the culture aerobic state was higher when the magnitude of glucose addition was lower. The average cell productivity in FB-pH(i) cultivations was 29% higher than in batch cultivation. Cells were also cultivated at high OUR conditions, and the results are compared with other cultivations. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The successful isolation and cultivation of Lyme disease spirochetes traces its lineage to early attempts at cultivating relapsing fever borreliae. Observations on the growth of Lyme disease spirochetes under different in vitro conditions may yield important clues to both the metabolic characteristics of these newly discovered organisms and the pathogenesis of Lyme disease.  相似文献   

The continuous cultivation of mycoplasmas in a pH-controlled metabolistat was investigated with the fermentative strain Mycoplasma mobile 163K and the nonfermentative strain Mycoplasma arthritidis ISR1. The addition of medium and the removal of culture suspension were regulated by acid production from glucose by M. mobile 163K and by ammonium production from arginine by M. arthritidis ISR1, respectively. For both strains the optimal pH for continuous growth was 7.0. The steady state could be maintained for at least 21 days. With CFU of 8.4 X 10(9) ml-1 (M. mobile 163K) and 3.2 X 10(9) ml-1 (M. arthritidis ISR1), the cell concentrations were slightly higher than those obtained in batch cultures. The dependence on the adjusted pH values was measured for several parameters, such as flow rate, CFU, glucose fermentation or production of ammonia, and gliding velocity. Since the long lag phases of batch cultures can be avoided, pH-controlled continuous cultures provide an appropriate system for the production of mycoplasma cells.  相似文献   

High-cell-density cultivation of Escherichia coli.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
High-cell-density cultivations of Escherichia coli in glucose-mineral-salt media produce more than 100 g dry cells litre-1 in special fed-batch modes with feeding of glucose and ammonia only. The specific growth rate can be adjusted to allow optimum recombinant protein generation.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia: isolation and axenic cultivation.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Giardia lamblia trophozoites have been axenically cultured for more than a year. Initially, organisms were established in a complex liquid medium in the presence of the host's intestinal fungi; subcultures were made of these protozoa-fungus mixtures. G. lamblia trophozoites, free of yeast, were obtained by inoculating a protozoafungus culture in one arm of a U-tube, then later removing, from the other arm of the tube, Giardia trophozoites that had migrated across the base. Medium was changed at 2- or 3-day intervals; numerous subcultures were made. Tests for the possible presence of other organisms in these axenic cultures were negative. Trophozoite cultures remained viable, after freezing in the presence of glycerol, for 14 months. This is the first reported axenic culture of this common human intestinal parasite and pathogen; its study in pure culture is now possible.  相似文献   

The leu2 revertant content of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell culture increases as the leucine concentration in the nutrient solid medium decreases. Reversions form in the S-phase of the cell cycle. If a cell culture from a medium with a low concentration of leucine containing the revertants which have just formed is transferred on a medium with a normal or higher than normal leucine content, these 'newborn' revertants disappear at the end of the G1-phase or at the beginning of the S-phase of the next cell cycle. These data can be explained either by a difference in the ability of revertants formed in the culture to compete with the cells of the initial strain on different media, or on the basis of the intermediate heteroduplex model proposed by F.W. Stahl (1988).  相似文献   

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