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Resistance to Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV) in Arabidopsis ecotype Dijon (Di)-17 is conferred by the resistance gene HRT and a recessive locus rrt. In Di-17, TCV elicits a hypersensitive response (HR), which is accompanied by increased expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes and high levels of salicylic acid (SA). We have previously shown that HRT-mediated resistance to TCV is dependent on SA-mediated signal transduction and that increased levels of SA confer enhanced resistance to TCV via upregulation of the HRT gene. Here we show that HRT-mediated HR and resistance are dependent on light. A dark treatment immediately following TCV inoculation suppressed HR, resistance and activation of the majority of the TCV-induced genes. However, the absence of light did not affect either TCV-induced elevated levels of free SA or the expression of HRT. Interestingly, in the dark, transgenic plants overexpressing HRT showed susceptibility, but overexpression of HRT coupled with high levels of endogenous SA resulted in pronounced resistance. Consistent with these results is the finding that exogenous application of SA prior to TCV inoculation partially overcame the requirement for light. Light was also required for N gene-mediated HR and resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, suggesting that it is an important factor which may be generally required during defense signaling.  相似文献   

Comparison of the symptoms caused by turnip crinkle virus strain M (TCV-M) and TCV-B infection of a resistant Arabidopsis thaliana line termed Di-17 demonstrates that TCV-B has a greater ability to spread in planta. This ability is due to a single amino acid change in the viral movement protein p8 and inversely correlates with p8 RNA binding affinity.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, ARGONAUTE proteins (AGOs) associate with microRNAs (miRNAs), short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and other classes of small RNAs to regulate target RNA or target loci. Viral infection in plants induces a potent and highly specific antiviral RNA silencing response characterized by the formation of virus-derived siRNAs. Arabidopsis thaliana has ten AGO genes of which AGO1, AGO2, and AGO7 have been shown to play roles in antiviral defense. A genetic analysis was used to identify and characterize the roles of AGO proteins in antiviral defense against Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in Arabidopsis. AGO1, AGO2 and AGO10 promoted anti-TuMV defense in a modular way in various organs, with AGO2 providing a prominent antiviral role in leaves. AGO5, AGO7 and AGO10 had minor effects in leaves. AGO1 and AGO10 had overlapping antiviral functions in inflorescence tissues after systemic movement of the virus, although the roles of AGO1 and AGO10 accounted for only a minor amount of the overall antiviral activity. By combining AGO protein immunoprecipitation with high-throughput sequencing of associated small RNAs, AGO2, AGO10, and to a lesser extent AGO1 were shown to associate with siRNAs derived from silencing suppressor (HC-Pro)-deficient TuMV-AS9, but not with siRNAs derived from wild-type TuMV. Co-immunoprecipitation and small RNA sequencing revealed that viral siRNAs broadly associated with wild-type HC-Pro during TuMV infection. These results support the hypothesis that suppression of antiviral silencing during TuMV infection, at least in part, occurs through sequestration of virus-derived siRNAs away from antiviral AGO proteins by HC-Pro. These findings indicate that distinct AGO proteins function as antiviral modules, and provide a molecular explanation for the silencing suppressor activity of HC-Pro.  相似文献   

叶的极性建立直接决定叶的平展性发育,极性改变导致叶形态异常,影响植物体的各种正常生理活动。利用反向遗传学方法,从拟南芥基因激活标签突变体库中分离到一个叶片边缘锯齿状表型的突变体(命名为pCB1294),该突变体同时表现出叶表皮腺毛形态发育异常。通过TailPCR方法成功定位突变基因为At5g41663,该基因编码miR319b基因。Real time PCR显示,pCB1294突变体植株中miR319b基因的表达量是野生型(col)植株的11倍多。所得结果为进一步研究miRNA调控叶极性的分子机制和进一步分析miR319b与叶形态发生的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Leaf polarity determines leaf flatness development directly, and abnormal polarity usually results in many abnormal leaves, which subsequently affects many physiological functions of plants. So the normal leaf development is important to plants. Here, an abnormal serration leaf margin mutant with abnormal leaf trichome development, named pCB1294, was isolated from an activation tagging Arabidopsis mutant pool through reverse genetics. By Tail PCR, the mutant gene loci At5g41663 encoding miR319b was successfully identified. Real time PCR shows the relative expression level of miR319b gene in the pCB1294 mutant is eleven times of higher than that of the wild (col). Our study lay the foundation for further studying the genetic mechanism of leaf polarity and investigating the interaction between miR319b and leaf morphology.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant that produces green seeds thatare highly insensitive to exogenous ABA, non-dormant and severelydesiccation intolerant was isolated from a population of fastneutron-irradiated seeds. Molecular and genetic analysis ofthis mutant shows that these phenotypes are caused by an internaldeletion of approximately one third of the ABI3 gene. Thereforeabi3 mutants with the above phenotypes are representative ofnull alleles at this locus. (Received December 3, 1993; Accepted January 22, 1994)  相似文献   

Plant viral infection and spread depends on the successful introduction of a virus into a cell of a compatible host, followed by replication and cell-to-cell transport. The movement proteins (MPs) p8 and p9 of Turnip crinkle virus are required for cell-to-cell movement of the virus. We have examined the membrane association of p9 and found that it is an integral membrane protein with a defined topology in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Furthermore, we have used a site-specific photo-cross-linking strategy to study the membrane integration of the protein at the initial stages of its biosynthetic process. This process is cotranslational and proceeds through the signal recognition particle and the translocon complex.Cell-to-cell transport of plant virus requires the virally encoded movement proteins (MPs). These proteins specialize in the translocation of the viral genome or, in some cases, the virions from the replication/encapsidation site to adjacent cells. This process takes place through the plasmodesmata (PD), the small pores formed by prolongations of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes trapped within the center of the plasma membrane-lined cytoplasmic cylinder that connect plant cells. MPs belong to different protein families with unique functional and structural characteristics. The most studied MP is p30 from the Tobacco mosaic virus, a 30-kDa RNA-binding protein (4) with two putative transmembrane (TM) segments (2) that has so far been considered an integral membrane protein (13, 42). At an early stage of infection, p30 associates with the ER network (18, 59). Given that the ER is continuous through PD, it was suggested that the movement complex transports cell to cell via the PD. On the other hand, passage through the connecting structure largely remains a mystery, although it seems reasonable that the process again occurs in close juxtaposition to the ER-derived membrane (desmotubule) that runs through the PD (12, 35). Many other plant viruses have a cell-to-cell transport system based not on one but on two (double-gene block [DGB]) or even three (triple-gene block [TGB]) MPs. In some of these cases it has been shown that at least one MP is closely associated with the ER membrane (28, 34, 41, 50, 55). Thus, it has been assumed that other MPs associate similarly with membranes.The targeting and insertion of an integral membrane protein can occur either posttranslationally, in which the protein is completely synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes before being inserted, or cotranslationally, in which protein synthesis and integration into the ER membrane are coupled. In the latter case, the targeting of the ribosome-mRNA-nascent chain complex to the membrane depends on the signal recognition particle (SRP) and its interaction with the membrane-bound SRP receptor (11), which is located in close proximity to the translocon. The translocon, a multiprotein complex composed of the Sec61α, -β, and -γ subunits (16) and the translocating chain-associated membrane protein (TRAM) (15) in eukaryotic cells, facilitates the translocation of soluble proteins into the ER lumen and the insertion of integral membrane proteins into the lipid bilayer (24).Plant virus infection depends on the proper targeting and association or insertion of the movement proteins with or into the ER membrane. In this report, we investigate the insertion into, topology of, and targeting to the membrane of the p9 MP from Turnip crinkle virus (TCV). This is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus that belongs to the Carmovirus genus and thus to the DGB. Its 4-kb genome encodes five open reading frames (ORFs) (3, 17). Translation of the first two yields p28 and p88, both implicated in viral RNA synthesis. In the central region, two overlapping ORFs encode the small proteins p8 and p9, which have been shown to be involved in cell-to-cell movement (6, 17, 31). The RNA-binding protein p8 (17, 58) overlaps the distal 3′ region of the replicase p88. The 3′ region of the genome encodes the viral coat protein p38, and its 5′ end overlaps p9 (3).A strong interaction with the membrane is expected for p9 due to the close similarities in the genomic arrangement of TCV (57) with other carmoviruses, like Carnation mottle virus (CarMV) and Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV). Both CarMV and MNSV have two small MPs, one an RNA-binding protein (39, 53, 54) and the other a cotranslationally inserted integral membrane protein (34, 47, 55). In this study, we present evidence of the integration of TCV p9 into ER-derived microsomal membranes. Using an in vitro translation system based on a model integral membrane protein, we have been able to identify two membrane-spanning domains. Additionally, the membrane topology of the p9 MP was analyzed in vitro and found to have an N terminus (N-t)/C terminus (C-t) luminal orientation. Finally, using a site-directed photo-cross-linking approach, we demonstrated that the mechanism of p9 insertion into the ER membrane involves SRP and the translocon.  相似文献   

草酸是多种真菌的致病因子。在含1.2 mmol/L 草酸和10 mmol/L 雌二醇的MS缺钙培养基上, 从大约含6000个独立株系的拟南芥化学诱导突变体库中筛选草酸不敏感的突变体。初筛获得的可能的草酸不敏感突变体单株收种后, 进一步复筛获得5株较抗草酸的突变体D33、D74、D154、D282和D630。对它们的TAIL-PCR的第三步产物回收、测序、比对的结果表明:D33的T-DNA插入位点位于At2g39720 (Zinc finger ) and At2g39730 (Rubisco activase) 之间, D74、D154、D282和D630都插在At5g10450 (14-3-3 protein GF14 lambda) 的第一个内含子上。突变体后继的遗传分析与分子分析正在进行中。  相似文献   

拟南芥草酸不敏感突变体的筛选与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草酸是多种真菌的致病因子.在含 1.2 mmol/L 草酸和 10 μmol/L 雌二醇的 MS 缺钙培养基上,从大约含 6000个独立株系的拟南芥化学诱导突变体库中筛选草酸不敏感的突变体.初筛获得的可能的草酸不敏感突变体单株收种后,进一步复筛获得 5 株较抗草酸的突变体 D33、D74、D154、D282 和 D630.对它们的 TAIL-PCR 的第三步产物回收、测序、比对的结果表明:D33 的 T-DNA 插入位点位于 At2g39720(Zinc finger)and At2g39730 (Rubisco activase) 之间,D74、D154、D282 和 D630 都插在 At5g10450 (14-3-3 protein GF14 lambda) 的第一个内含子上.突变体后继的遗传分析与分子分析正在进行中.  相似文献   

A seed shape mutant of Arabidopsis was isolated from an ethyl methanesulfonate-treated population. Genetic analysis revealed that the heart-shaped phenotype was maternally inherited, showing that this is a testa mutant. This indicated the importance of the testa for the determination of the seed shape. This recessive aberrant testa shape (ats) gene was located at position 59.0 on chromosome 5. A comparison was made between ovules and developing and mature seeds of the wild type and of the mutant using light and scanning electron microscopy. We showed that the mutant seed shape is determined during the first few days after fertilization, when the embryo occupies only a very small part of the seed. The integuments of ats ovules consisted of only three rather than five cell layers. In double mutants, the effect of ats was additive to other testa mutations, such as transparent testa, glabra (ttg), glabrous2 (gl2), and apetala2 (ap2). The ats mutation resulted in a reduced dormancy, which was maternally inherited. This effect of a testa mutation on germination was also seen in ttg seeds, in which the outer layer of the testa was disturbed. This indicated the importance of the testa as a factor in determining dormancy in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Kreps JA  Town CD 《Plant physiology》1992,99(1):269-275
Mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana have been selected for resistance to growth inhibition at the seedling stage by α-methyltryptophan (aMT). One mutant, amt-1 has been characterized in detail. The appearance and growth rate of the mutant in the absence of the inhibitor are similar to wild type, both as plants and callus. However, mutant plant growth is unaffected by 25 micromolar aMT and mutant callus growth by 50 micromolar aMT, concentrations that completely inhibit the growth of wild-type plants and callus, respectively. Tryptophan levels in mutant and wild-type plants are 24.3 ± 2.7 and 4.7 ± 1.2 micrograms per gram fresh weight, respectively, and in the corresponding callus 64.0 ± 2.6 and 31.8 ± 8.4 micrograms per gram fresh weight, respectively. Anthranilate synthase (AS) activity levels in crude extracts from whole plants are 3.09 ± 0.54 nanomoles per milligram protein per hour in amt-1 and 1.32 ± 0.21 nanomoles per milligram protein per hour in wild-type plants. In crude extracts from callus, anthranilate synthase levels are 11.54 ± 2.05 nanomoles per milligram protein per hour and 7.74 ± 1.58 in amt-1 and wild type, respectively. Enzyme extracts are inhibited by l-tryptophan; the concentrations required for 50% inhibition (I50) are 3.9 and 1.9 micromolar for amt-1 and for wild type, respectively. The mutation segregates as a single nuclear allele and shows incomplete dominance. The concomitant increases in both AS activity and its I50 for tryptophan suggest that the mutation amt-1 either resides in one of the AS structural genes or causes increased expression of an AS isoform with an I50 greater than the average for the entire extract.  相似文献   

A mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana has been isolated in which ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase is present in a nonactivatable form in vivo. The mutation appears to affect carboxylase activation specifically, and not any other enzyme of the photosynthesis or photorespiratory cycles. The effect of the mutation on carboxylase activation is indirect, inasmuch as the properties of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase purified from the mutant are not distinguishable from those of the wild type enzyme. The mutant requires high levels of atmospheric CO2 for growth because photosynthesis is severely impaired in atmospheres containing normal levels of CO2, irrespective of the atmospheric O2 concentration. In this respect, the mutant is distinguished from previously described high-CO2 requiring mutants of Arabidopsis which have defects in photorespiratory carbon or nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

本试验以转化CMV CP和TMV CP基因的转基因线辣椒纯合系植株作为研究试材 ,比较了单独或混合接种CMV和TMV后 ,转化线辣椒的抗病性表达特点 ,并测定了两种病毒在植株体内的病毒含量。结果表明 :转化线辣椒不仅能抵抗CMV和TMV的单独侵染 ,而且还能抵抗CMV和TMV的复合侵染。转化线辣椒表现为系统症状延迟出现 7 15d ,显症株率和病害严重度级别大幅度降低 ,CMV和TMV在接种叶、新生叶中的病毒含量明显减低。转基因线辣椒原生质体作为研究试材接种CMV ,测定病毒含量结果表明 :CMV病毒的增殖在转基因线辣椒原生质体内受到明显抑制。在CMV接种浓度为 4 0 μg/mL ,感染原生质体 4 8h后 ,CP(- )植株原生质体内CMV是CP( )的 4 .2倍。这一结果揭示了转基因线辣椒具有抑制病毒增殖的抗病性。  相似文献   

顶端优势是指侧生分生组织的生长被主茎或主花序所抑制.最近的研究通过分离和鉴定顶端优势发生改变的突变体开始揭示顶端优势的分子机制.通过T-DNA标签法分离了拟南芥矮小丛生(bushy and dwarf 1, bud1 )突变体.突变体植株的表型包括顶端优势丧失、株型矮小,表明bud1 突变体存在生长素代谢、运输或信号传导的缺陷.一个对生长素特异反应的启动子驱动的报告基因在bud1 中表达模式改变.生长素敏感性和运输能力的测定表明这两个过程在 bud1中均正常.以上结果显示bud1 表型是生长素代谢缺陷的结果.遗传分析表明BUD1 为半显性突变且与一个T-DNA插入共分离,可通过iPCR方法分离.  相似文献   

拟南芥矮小丛生突变体的分离与分子鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顶端优势是指侧生分生组织的生长被主茎或主花序所抑制。最近的研究通过分离和鉴定顶端优势发生改变的突变体开始揭示顶端优势的分子机制。通过T-DNA标签法分离了拟南芥矮小丛生(bushy and dwarf l,budl)突变体。突变体植株的表型包括顶端优势丧失、株型矮小,表明budl突变体存在生长素代谢、运输或信号传导的缺陷。一个对生长素特异反应的启动子驱动的报告基因在budl中表达模式改变。生长素敏感性和运输能力的测定表明这两个过程在budl中均正常。以上结果显示budl表型是生长素代谢缺陷的结果。遗传分析表明BUDI为半显性突变且与一个T-DNA插入共分离,可通过iPCR方法分离。  相似文献   

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