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The solution structure of the self-complementary DNA decamer 5'd(CTGGATCCAG)2 comprising the specific target site for the restriction endonuclease BamH1 is investigated by using nuclear magnetic resonance sectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. With the exception of the H5'/H5" sugar proton resonances, all the nonexchangeable proton resonances are assigned sequentially by using pure-phase absorption two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy. From the time dependence of the nuclear Overhauser effects a set of 160 approximate interproton distances is determined and used as the basis of a structure refinement employing restrained molecular dynamics in which the interproton distances are incorporated into the total energy function of the system in the form of an effective potential term. Two restrained dynamics simulations are carried out, starting from classical B- and A-DNA [atomic root mean square (rms) difference 5.7 A]. In both cases convergence is achieved to very similar B-type structures with an atomic rms difference of 0.9 A which is comparable to the rms fluctuations of the atoms about their average positions. In addition, the rms difference between the experimental and calculated values of the interproton distances for both average restrained dynamics structures is approximately 0.3 A. These results suggest that the converged restrained molecular dynamics structures represent reasonable approximations of the solution structure. The average restrained dynamics structures exhibit clear sequence-dependent variations of torsion angles and helical parameters. In addition, the structures exhibit a small bend of around 10-20 degrees at the second (TpG) and eighth (CpA) base pair steps. This can be attributed to the positive base roll angles and large base pair slide values at the two Pyr-Pur steps. The central core of the decamer comprising the six-base recognition site for BamH1 (GGATCC), however, is straight.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the self-complementary DNA hexamer 5'd(GCATGC)2 comprising the specific target site for the restriction endonuclease Sph 1 is investigated by using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. All the nonexchangeable proton resonances are assigned sequentially, and from time-dependent nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements a set of 158 approximate interproton distances are determined. These distances are used as the basis of a structure refinement using restrained molecular dynamics in which the interproton distances are incorporated into the total energy function of the system in the form of an effective potential term. Two restrained molecular dynamics simulations are carried out, starting from classical B- and A-DNA [atomic root mean square (rms) difference 3.3 A]. In both cases convergence is achieved to essentially identical structures satisfying the experimental restraints and having a root mean square difference of only 0.3 A between them, which is within the rms fluctuations of the atoms about their average positions. These results suggest that the restrained molecular dynamics structures represent reasonable approximations of the solution structure. The converged structures are of the B type and exhibit clear sequence-dependent variations of helical parameters, some of which follow Calladine's rules and can be attributed to the relief of interstrand purine-purine clash at adjacent base pairs. In addition, the converged restrained dynamics structures appear bent with a radius of curvature of approximately 20 A. This bending appears to be due almost entirely to the large positive base roll angles, particularly at the Pyr-Pur steps. Further, the global and local helix axes are not coincident, and the global helix axis represents a superhelical axis which the bent DNA, when extended into an "infinite" helix by repeated translation and rotation, wraps around.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the self-complementary hexamer 5'r(GCAUGC)2 is investigated by means of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. The proton resonances are assigned in a sequential manner, and a set of 110 approximate interproton distance restraints are derived from the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra. These distances are used as the basis of a structure refinement by restrained molecular dynamics in which the experimental restraints are incorporated into the total energy function of the system in the form of effective potentials. Eight restrained molecular dynamics simulations are carried out, four starting from a structure with regular A-type geometry and four from one with regular B-type geometry. The atomic root mean square (rms) difference between the initial structures is 3.2 A. In the case of all eight simulations, convergence is achieved both globally and locally to a set of very similar A-type structures with an average atomic rms difference between them of 0.8 +/- 0.2 A. Further, the atomic rms differences between the restrained dynamics structures obtained by starting out from the same initial structures but with different random number seeds for the assignment of the initial velocities are the same as those between the restrained dynamics structures starting out from the two different initial structures. These results suggest that the restrained dynamics structures represent good approximations of the solution structure. The converged structures exhibit clear sequence-dependent variation in some of the helical parameters, in particular helix twist, roll, slide, and propellor twist.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The solution conformation of the self-complementary RNA-DNA hybrid hexamer 5'-[r(GCA)d(TGC)]2 is investigated by NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. The 1H-NMR spectrum is assigned in a sequential manner using two-dimensional homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn and nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy. From the latter a set of 178 approximate interproton distance restraints are determined and used as the basis of a structure refinement by restrained molecular dynamics. Eight independent calculations are carried out, four from a classical A-type geometry and four from a classical B-type one. Convergence is achieved to very similar A-type structures with an average atomic root mean square difference between them of 1.0 +/- 0.2 A. The converged structures exhibit variations in helical parameters similar to those found previously for the analogue RNA hexamer 5'-r(GCAUGC)2 [(1988) Biochemistry 27, 1735-1743].  相似文献   

The determination of the three-dimensional solution structure of α1-purothionin using a combination of metric matrix distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations based on n.m.r. data is presented. The experimental data comprise complete sequence-specific proton resonance assignments, a set of 310 approximate interproton distance restraints derived from nuclear Overhauser effects, 27 Ø backbone torsion angle restraints derived from vicinal coupling constants, 4 distance restraints from hydrogen bonds and 12 distance restraints from disulphide bridges. The average atomic rms difference between the final nine converged structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates is 1.5 ± 0.1 å for the backbone atoms and 2.0 ± 0.1 å for all atoms. The overall shape of α1-purothionin is that of the capital letter L, similar to that of crambin, with the longer arm comprising two approximately parallel α-helices and the shorter arm a strand and a mini anti-parallel β sheet.  相似文献   

A restrained least-squares refinement of the solution structure of the self-complementary B DNA hexamer 5'd(C-G-T-A-C-G)2 is presented. The structure is refined on the basis of 190 inter-proton distances determined by pre-steady-state nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements. Two refinements were carried out starting from two initial B DNA structures differing by an overall root-mean-square (r.m.s.) difference of 0.32 A. In both cases, the final r.m.s. difference between the experimental and calculated inter-proton distances was 0.12 A compared to 0.61 A and 0.58 A for the two initial structures. The difference between the two refined structures is small, with an overall r.m.s. difference of 0.16 A, and represents the error in the refined co-ordinates. The refined structures have a B-type conformation with local structural variations in backbone and glycosidic bond torsion angles, and base-pair propellor twist, base roll, base tilt and local helical twist angles.  相似文献   

The 5' d-TpG 3' element is a part of DNA sequences involved in regulation of gene expression and is also a site for intercalation of several anticancer drugs. Solution conformation of DNA duplex d-TGATCA containing this element has been investigated by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Using a total of 12 torsional angles and 121 distance constraints, structural refinement has been carried out by restrained molecular dynamics (rMDs) in vacuum up to 100 ps. The structure is characterized by a large positive roll at TpG/CpA base pair step and large negative propeller twist for AT and TA base pairs. The backbone torsional angle, gamma(O5'-C5'-C4'-C3'), of T1 residue adopts a trans-conformation which is corroborated by short intra nucleotide T1H6-T1H5' (3.7A) distance in nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra while the backbone torsional angle, beta(P-O5'-C5'-C4'), exists in trans as well as gauche state for T1 and C5 residues. There is evidence of significant flexibility of the sugar-phosphate backbone with rapid inter-conversion between two different conformers at TpG/CpA base pair step. The base sequence dependent variations and local structural heterogeneity have important implications in specific recognition of DNA by ligands.  相似文献   

Solution conformation of self-complementary DNA duplex d-CGATCG, containing 5' d-CpG 3' site for intercalation of anticancer drug, daunomycin and adriamycin, has been investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Complete resonance assignments of all the protons (except some H5'/H5" protons) have been obtained following standard procedures based on double quantum filtered correlation spectroscopy (dQF COSY) and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectra. Analysis of sums of coupling constants in one-dimensional NMR spectra, cross peak patterns in dQF COSY spectra and inter proton distances shows that the DNA sequence assumes a conformation close to the B-DNA family. The deoxyribose sugar conformation is in dynamic equilibrium with predominantly S-type conformer and a minor N-type conformer with N<-->S equilibrium varying with temperature. At 325 K, the mole fraction of the N-conformer increases for some of the residues by approximately 9%. Using a total of 10 spin-spin coupling constants and 112 NOE intensities, structural refinement has been carried out using Restrained Molecular Dynamics (rMD) with different starting structures, potential functions and rMD protocols. It is observed that pseudorotation phase angle of deoxyribose sugar for A3 and T4 residues is approximately 180 degrees and approximately 120 degrees, respectively while all other residues are close to C2'endo-conformation. A large propeller twist (approximately -18 degrees) and smallest twist angle (approximately 31 degrees) at A3pT4 step, in the middle of the sequence, a wider (12 A) and shallower (3.0 A) major groove with glycosidic bond rotation as high anti at both the ends of hexanucleotide are observed. The structure shows base-sequence dependent variations and hence strong local structural heterogeneity, which may have implications in ligand binding.  相似文献   

The solution structure of human insulin-like growth factor 1 has been investigated with a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance and restrained molecular dynamics methods. The results show that the solution structure is similar to that of insulin, but minor differences exist. The regions homologous to insulin are well-defined, while the remainder of the molecule exhibits greater disorder. The resultant structures have been used to visualize the sites for interaction with a number of physiologically important proteins.  相似文献   

The solution structures of two alternating purine-pyrimidine octamers, [d(G-T-A-C-G-T-A-C)]2 and the reverse sequence [d(C-A-T-G-C-A-T-G)]2, are investigated by using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics calculations. Chemical shift assignments are obtained for non-exchangeable protons by a combination of two-dimensional correlation and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy experiments. Distances between protons are estimated by extrapolating distances derived from time-dependent NOE measurements to zero mixing time. Approximate dihedral angles are determined within the deoxyribose ring from coupling constants observed in one and two-dimensional spectra. Sets of distance and dihedral determinations for each of the duplexes form the bases for structure determination. Molecular dynamics is then used to generate structures that satisfy the experimental restraints incorporated as effective potentials into the total energy. Separate runs start from classical A and B-form DNA and converge to essentially identical structures. To circumvent the problems of spin diffusion and differential motion associated with distance measurements within molecules, models are improved by NOE-based refinement in which observed NOE intensities are compared to those calculated using a full matrix analysis procedure. The refined structures generally have the global features of B-type DNA. Some, but not all, variations in dihedral angles and in the spatial relationships of adjacent base-pairs are observed to be in synchrony with the alternating purine-pyrimidine sequence.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of the DNA duplex d(C1G2C3A4C5L6C7A8C9G10C11).d(G12C13G14T15G16T17G18T19G20C21G22 ) containing the 2'-deoxyribonolactone lesion (L6) in the middle of the sequence has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics calculations. Interproton distances have been obtained by complete relaxation matrix analysis of the NOESY cross-peak intensities. These distances, along with torsion angles for sugar rings and additional data derived from canonical A- and B-DNA, have been used for structure refinement by restrained molecular dynamics (rMD). Six rMD simulations have been carried out starting from both regular A- and B-DNA forms. The pairwise rms deviations calculated for each refined structure are <1 A, indicating convergence to essentially the same geometry. The accuracy of the rMD structures has been assessed by complete relaxation matrix back-calculation. The average sixth-root residual index (Rx = 0.052 +/- 0.003) indicated that a good fit between experimental and calculated NOESY spectra has been achieved. Detailed analysis revealed a right-handed DNA conformation for the duplex in which both the T17 nucleotide opposite the abasic site and the lactone ring are located inside the helix. No kinking is observed for this molecule, even at the abasic site step. This structure is compared to that of the oligonucleotide with the identical sequence containing the stable tetrahydrofuran abasic site analogue that we reported previously [Coppel, Y., Berthet, N., Coulombeau, C., Coulombeau, Ce., Garcia, J., and Lhomme, J. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 4817-4830].  相似文献   

We have determined by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance studies and molecular mechanics calculations the three-dimensional solution structure of a 21 residue oligonucleotide capable of forming a hairpin structure with a loop of three thymidine residues. This structure is in equilibrium with a duplex form. At 33 degrees C, low ionic strength and in the presence of MgCl2 the hairpin form dominates in solution. Six Watson-Crick base pairs are formed topped by the loop structure. The residues 1-3 and 18-21 are not complementary and form dangling ends. Distance constraints have been derived from nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements. These, together with molecular mechanics calculations, have been used to determine the structure. We do not observe stacking of thymidine residues either over the 3' or the 5' end of the stem.  相似文献   

Determination of the solution structure of the duplex d(GCAAGTC(HE)AAAACG)·d(CGTTTTAGACTTGC) containing a 3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2′-deoxyuridine·deoxyadenine (HE·A) base pair is reported. The three-dimensional solution structure, determined starting from 512 models via restrained molecular mechanics using inter-proton distances and torsion angles, converged to two final families of structures. For both families the HE and the opposite A residues are intrahelical and in the anti conformation. The hydroxyethyl chain lies close to the helix axis and for one family the hydroxyl group is above the HE·A plane and in the other case it is below. These two models were used to start molecular dynamic calculations with explicit solvent to explore the hydrogen bonding possibilities of the HE·A base pair. The dynamics calculations converge finally to one model structure in which two hydrogen bonds are formed. The first is formed all the time and is between HEO4 and the amino group of A, and the second, an intermittent one, is between the hydroxyl group and the N1 of A. When this second hydrogen bond is not formed a weak interaction CH···N is possible between HEC7H2 and N1A21. All the best structures show an increase in the C1′–C1′ distance relative to a Watson–Crick base pair.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (CPI) has been investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The spectrum is assigned in a sequential manner by using two-dimensional NMR techniques to identify through-bond and through-space (less than 5 A) connectivities. A set of 309 approximate interproton distance restraints is derived from the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra and used as the basis of a three-dimensional structure determination by a combination of metric matrix distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations. A total of 11 converged distance geometry structures were computed and refined by using restrained molecular dynamics. The average atomic root mean square (rms) difference between the final 11 structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates is 1.4 +/- 0.3 A for residues 2-39 and 0.9 +/- 0.2 A for residues 5-37. The corresponding values for all atoms are 1.9 +/- 0.3 and 1.4 +/- 0.2 A, respectively. The larger values for residues 2-38 relative to those for residues 5-37 arise from the fact that the positions of the N- (residues 1-4) and C- (residues 38-39) terminal tails are rather poorly determined, whereas those of the core of the protein (residues 5-37) are well determined by the experimental interproton distance data. The computed structures are very close to the X-ray structure of CPI in its complex with carboxypeptidase, and the backbone atomic rms difference between the mean of the computed structures and the X-ray structure is only 1.2 A. Nevertheless, there are some real differences present which are evidenced by significant deviations between the experimental upper interproton distance limits and the corresponding interproton distances derived from the X-ray structure. These principally occur in two regions, residues 18-20 and residues 28-30, the latter comprising part of the region of secondary contacts between CPI and carboxypeptidase in the X-ray structure.  相似文献   

The solution conformations of the protein hirudin have been investigated by the combined use of distance geometry and restained molecular dynamics calculations. The basis for the structure determination comprised 359 approximate inter-proton distance restrains and 10 phi backbone torsion angle restrains derived from n.m.r. measurements. It is shown that hirudin is composed of three domains: a central core made up of residues 3-30, 37-46 and 56-57; a protruding 'finger' (residues 31-36) consisting of the tip of an antiparallel beta sheet, and an exposed loop (residues 47-55). The structure of each individual domain is relatively well defined with average backbone atomic r.m.s. differences of <2 A between the final seven converged restrained dynamic structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates. The orientation of the two minor domains relative to the central core, however, could not be determined as no long-range (i-h >5) interdomain proton-proton contacts could be observed in the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra. From the restrained molecular dynamics calculations it appears that the two minor domains exhibit large rigid-body motions relative to the central core.  相似文献   

A procedure is described to determine from NMR data the three-dimensional structure of biomolecules. This procedure combines model building with a restrained Molecular Dynamics algorithm, in which distance information from NOEs is incorporated in the form of pseudo potentials. The method has been applied to the N-terminal DNA-binding domain or "headpiece" (amino acids 1-51) of the lac repressor from E. coli, for which no crystal structure is available. The spatial structure of the headpiece is discussed in terms of known physical and biochemical data and of its DNA binding properties.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the 64 residue structured domain (residues 20-83) of barley serine proteinase inhibitor 2 (BSPI-2) is determined on the basis of 403 interproton distance, 34 phi backbone torsion angle and 26 hydrogen bonding restraints derived from n.m.r. measurements. A total of 11 converged structures were computed using a metric matrix distance geometry algorithm and refined by restrained molecular dynamics. The average rms difference between the final 11 structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates is 1.4 +/- 0.2 A for the backbone atoms and 2.1 +/- 0.1 A for all atoms. The overall structure, which is almost identical to that found by X-ray crystallography, is disc shaped and consists of a central four component mixed parallel and antiparallel beta-sheet flanked by a 13 residue alpha-helix on one side and the reactive site loop on the other.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and model-building studies were carried out on the hairpin form of the octamer d(CGaCTAGCG) (aC = arabinofuranosylcytosine), referred to as the TA compound. The nonexchangeable protons of the TA compound were assigned by means of nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) and correlated spectroscopy (COSY). From a detailed analysis of the coupling data and of the NOESY spectra the following conclusions are reached: (i) The hairpin consists of a stem of three Watson-Crick type base pairs, and the two remaining residues, T(4) and dA(5), participate in a loop. (ii) All sugar rings show conformational flexibility although a strong preference for the S-type (C2'-endo) conformer is observed. (iii) The thymine does not stack upon the 3' side of the stem as expected, but swings into the minor groove. (This folding principle of the loop involves an unusual alpha t conformer in residue T(4).) (iv) At the 5'-3' loop-stem junction a stacking discontinuity occurs as a consequence of a sharp turn in that part of the backbone, caused by the unusual beta + and gamma t torsion angles in residue dG(6). (v) The A base slides over the 5' side of the stem to stack upon the aC(3) residue at the 3' side of the stem in an antiparallel fashion. On the basis of J couplings and a set of approximate proton-proton distances from NOE cross peaks, a model for the hairpin was constructed. This model was then refined by using an iterative relaxation matrix approach (IRMA) in combination with restrained molecular dynamics calculations. The resulting final model satisfactorily explains all the distance constraints.  相似文献   

The DNA octamer [d(GTATAATG].[(CATATTAC)], containing the prokaryotic upstream consensus recognition sequence, has been examined via proton homonuclear two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE) and double-quantum-filtered correlation (2QF-COSY) spectra. All proton resonances, except those of H5' and H5" protons, were assigned. A temperature dependence study of one-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, rotating frame 2D NOE spectroscopy (ROESY), and T1 rho measurements revealed an exchange process that apparently is global in scope. Work at lower temperatures enabled a determination of structural constraints that could be employed in determination of a time-averaged structure. Simulations of the 2QF-COSY cross-peaks were compared with experimental data, establishing scalar coupling constant ranges of the individual sugar ring protons and hence pucker parameters for individual deoxyribose rings. The rings exhibit a dynamic equilibrium of N and S-type conformers with 80 to 100% populations of the latter. A program for iterative complete relaxation matrix analysis of 2D NOE spectral intensities, MARDIGRAS, was employed to give interproton distances for each mixing time. According to the accuracy of the distance determination, upper and lower distance bounds were chosen. The distance bounds define the size of a flat-well potential function term, incorporated into the AMBER force-field, which was employed for restrained molecular dynamics calculations. Torsion angle constraints in the form of a flat-well potential were also constructed from the analysis of the sugar pucker data. Several restrained molecular dynamics runs of 25 picoseconds were performed, utilizing 184 experimental distance constraints and 80 torsion angle constraints; three different starting structures were used: energy minimized A-DNA, B-DNA, and wrinkled D-DNA, another member of the B-DNA family. Convergence to similar structures obtained with root-mean-square deviations between resulting structures of 0.37 to 0.92 A for the central hexamer of the octamer. The average structure from the nine different molecular dynamics runs was subjected to final restrained energy minimization. The resulting final structure was in good agreement with the structures derived from different molecular dynamics runs and exhibited a substantial improvement in the 2D NOE sixth-root residual index in comparison with the starting structures. An approximation of the structure in the terminal base-pairs, which displayed experimental evidence of fraying, was made by maintaining the structure of the inner four base-pairs and performing molecular dynamics simulations with the experimental structural constraints observed for the termini.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The N-(2-deoxy-beta3-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl) formamide residue results from a ring fragmentation product of thymine or cytosine. The presence of a formamide-adenine base pair in the sequence 5'd(AGGAACCACG).d(CGTGGFTCCT) has been studied by 1H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and molecular dynamics. There are two possible isomers for the formamide side chain, either cis or trans. For each isomer, we observed an equilibrium in solution between two forms. First, a species where the formamide is intrahelical and paired with the facing adenine. For the cis isomer, the formamide is in a syn conformation and two hydrogen bonds with adenine are formed. The trans isomer is in an anti conformation and a single hydrogen bond is observed. In the second form, whatever the isomer, the formamide is rejected outside the helix, whereas the adenine remains inside.  相似文献   

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