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Population viability analysis is an important tool to assess the extinction risk in small populations of highly specialized primates. The blue‐eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) is critically endangered with a restricted range in the north‐western dry deciduous forest of Madagascar, where habitat fragmentation and loss of forest connectivity threaten its survival. We performed a population viability analysis (PVA) of this lemur in Ankarafa Forest in the Sahamalaza Peninsula National Park, north‐western Madagascar, to determine the demographic parameters most influential for population persistence and to assess extinction probabilities. We conducted PVA analyses using different demographic parameters which characterize the species including reproduction, lifespan and population size using the software VORTEX for six scenarios with 100 iterations and simulated over 100 years. The simulations suggested the first extinction within 13 years when the percentage of habitat destruction increased up to 12%. Severe habitat destruction such as fire and logging was the major cause which led to the risk of population extinction. Conservation strategies, in particular measures to reduce habitat destruction, are proposed to ensure the survival of this critically endangered lemur.  相似文献   

As alarm calls indicate the presence of predators, the correct interpretation of alarm calls, including those of other species, is essential for predator avoidance. Conversely, communication calls of other species might indicate the perceived absence of a predator and hence allow a reduction in vigilance. This “eavesdropping” was demonstrated in birds and mammals, including lemur species. Interspecific communication between taxonomic groups has so far been reported in some reptiles and mammals, including three primate species. So far, neither semantic nor interspecific communication has been tested in a solitary and nocturnal lemur species. The aim of this study was to investigate if the nocturnal and solitary Sahamalaza sportive lemur, Lepilemur sahamalazensis, is able to access semantic information of sympatric species. During the day, this species faces the risk of falling prey to aerial and terrestrial predators and therefore shows high levels of vigilance. We presented alarm calls of the crested coua, the Madagascar magpie-robin and aerial, terrestrial and agitation alarm calls of the blue-eyed black lemur to 19 individual Sahamalaza sportive lemurs resting in tree holes. Songs of both bird species’ and contact calls of the blue-eyed black lemur were used as a control. After alarm calls of crested coua, Madagascar magpie-robin and aerial alarm of the blue-eyed black lemur, the lemurs scanned up and their vigilance increased significantly. After presentation of terrestrial alarm and agitation calls of the blue-eyed black lemur, the animals did not show significant changes in scanning direction or in the duration of vigilance. Sportive lemur vigilance decreased after playbacks of songs of the bird species and contact calls of blue-eyed black lemurs. Our results indicate that the Sahamalaza sportive lemur is capable of using information on predator presence as well as predator type of different sympatric species, using their referential signals to detect predators early, and that the lemurs’ reactions are based on experience and learning.  相似文献   

For wild primates, demography studies are increasingly recognized as necessary for assessing the viability of vulnerable populations experiencing rapid environmental change. In particular, anthropogenic changes such as habitat loss and fragmentation can cause ecological and behavioral changes in small, isolated populations, which may, over time, alter population density and demographic structure (age/sex classes and group composition) in fragment populations relative to continuous forest populations. We compared our study population of Endangered black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in 34 forest fragments around Palenque National Park (PNP), Mexico (62 groups, 407 individuals), to the adjacent population in PNP, protected primary forest (21 groups, 134 individuals), and to previous research on black howlers in fragments in our study area (18 groups, 115 individuals). We used χ2 and Mann–Whitney U tests to address the questions: (a) what is the current black howler demographic population structure in unprotected forest fragments around PNP? (b) How does it compare to PNP's stable, continuous population? (c) How has it changed over time? Compared to the PNP population, the fragment populations showed higher density, a significantly lower proportion of multimale groups, and significantly fewer adult males per group. The population's age/sex structure in the fragmented landscape has been stable over the last 17 years, but differed in a higher proportion of multifemale groups, higher density, and higher patch occupancy in the present. In the context of conservation, some of our results may be positive as they indicate possible population growth over time. However, long-term scarcity of adult males in fragments and associated effects on population demographic structure might be cause for concern, in that it may affect gene flow and genetic diversity. The scarcity of adult males might stem from males experiencing increased mortality while dispersing in the fragmented landscape, whereas females might be becoming more philopatric in fragments.  相似文献   

Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) is home to a low-density black bear (Ursus americanus) population that exists at >2,400?m with a very limited growing season. A previous study (1984–1991) found bear densities among the lowest reported (1.37–1.52 bears/100?km2). Because of concerns of viability of this small population, we assessed population size and density of black bears from 2003 to 2006 to determine the current status of RMNP’s bear population. We used three approaches to estimate population size and density: (1) minimum number known, (2) occupancy modeling, and (3) catch per unit effort (CPUE). We used information from capture and remote-triggered cameras, as well as visitor information, to derive a minimum known population estimate of 20–24 individuals and a median density estimate of 1.35 bears/100?km2. Bear occupancy was estimated at 0.46 (SE?=?0.11), with occupancy positively influenced by lodgepole pine stands, non-vegetated areas, and patch density but negatively influenced by mixed conifer stands. We combined the occupancy estimate with mean home-range size and overlap for bears in RMNP to derive a density estimate of 1.44 bears/100?km2. We also related CPUE to density estimates for eight low-density black bear populations to estimate density in RMNP; this estimate (1.03 bears/100?km2) was comparable to the occupancy estimate and suggests that this approach may be useful for future population monitoring. The use of corroborative techniques for assessing population size of a low-density black bear population was effective and should be considered for similar low-density wildlife populations.  相似文献   

1. In social mammals where group members cooperate to detect predators and raise young, members of small groups commonly show higher mortality or lower breeding success than members of large ones. It is generally assumed that this is because large group size allows individuals to detect or repel predators more effectively but other benefits of group size may also be involved, including reduced costs of raising young and more effective competition for resources with neighbouring groups.
2. To investigate the extent to which predation rate affects survival, we compared mortality rates in two populations of suricates ( Suricata suricatta ), one living in an area of high predator density (Kalahari Gemsbok Park) and one living in an area of relatively low predator density (neighbouring ranchland). Most aspects of feeding ecology and growth (including time spent feeding, daily weight gain, growth, adult body weight, breeding frequency and neonatal mortality) were similar in the two populations. In contrast, mortality of animals over 3 months old was 1·7 times higher in the Park than on ranchland.
3. Mortality of juveniles between emergence from the natal burrow and 6 months of age was higher in small groups than large ones in the Park but significantly lower in small groups than large ones on ranchland. Adult mortality declined in larger groups in both areas.
4. The tendency for survival to be low in small groups had far-reaching consequences for the risk of group extinction. During a year of low rainfall in the Park, all groups of less than nine animals became extinct and population density declined to around a third of its initial level. We argue that high group extinction rates are to be expected in species where survival declines in small groups and mortality rates are high.  相似文献   

We examined population dynamics in mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata palliata) in a regenerating tropical dry forest in Santa Rosa National Park (SRNP), Costa Rica. The population has grown at a rate of about 7% per annum during the past decade. The growth in numbers from 342 in 1984 to 554 in 1992 reflects an increase in the number of groups (from 25 to 34) and a slight increase in their average size (from 13.6 to 16.3). Population density has increased from 4.9 to 7.9 individuals per km 2. Santa Rosa's population density and group compositions are similar to those at several other mantled howler sites, but densities of mantled howlers are much higher at two other well-studied sites: La Pacifica and Barro Colorado Island (BCI). We relate the low density of howlers at Santa Rosa to local historical and ecological factors. Howler populations at high and low densities differ in average group size and sex ratio. At high population densities, groups are larger and include more adult females. The number of male howlers per group appears to be more strictly limited and less variable than the number of females is. However, there is greater variation in male group membership at Santa Rosa than at La Pacifica or BCI, and at Santa Rosa there are more generating forests available into which males and females can disperse and form new groups. We present case studies describing two ways in which new howler groups are formed, and we suggest that, compared to females and compared to males at high density sites, males are relatively advantaged in the uncrowded habitats at Santa Rosa and other low density sites.  相似文献   

In this paper, I provide data on the possible effects of group size and seasonal changes in food availability on the activity and habitat use patterns of two species of prosimian primate: the rufous lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus) and the red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer). General and subtle seasonal differences were observed between lemur species in (1) group size and composition, (2) activity profiles, and (3) habitat use. Rufous lemur groups were larger (mean = 8 individuals) and contained more adults than red-bellied lemur groups (mean = 3 individuals). The overall degree and distribution of diurnal activity differed between lemur species and varied within species with seasonal changes in food availability. In general, rufous lemurs traveled more often than red-bellied lemurs. During food scarcity, both species increased the amount of time spent feeding, although peak feeding and traveling times differed. Both species also preferred horizontal substrates; however, during food scarcity, red-bellied lemurs used terminal branches more often while feeding than rufous lemurs. In addition, red-bellied lemurs used the lower middle story forest and rested in taller, upper canopy trees more often than rufous lemurs. Differences in activity and habitat use patterns between lemur species were more related to seasonal changes in food availability than overall differences in group size. These behavioral patterns may represent different strategies used by each lemur species to avoid directly competing for similar resources during times of food scarcity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to estimate the population density and demographic structure of spider monkeys living in wet forest in the vicinity of Sirena Biological Station, Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica. Results of a 14-month line-transect survey showed that spider monkeys of Sirena have one of the highest population densities ever recorded for this genus. Density estimates varied, however, depending on the method chosen to estimate transect width. Data from behavioral monitoring were available to compare density estimates derived from the survey, providing a check of the survey’s accuracy. A combination of factors has most probably contributed to the high density of Ateles, including habitat protection within a national park and high diversity of trees of the fig family, Moraceae. Although natural densities of spider monkeys at Sirena are substantially higher than those recorded at most other sites and in previous studies at this site, mean subgroup size and age ratios were similar to those determined in previous studies. Sex ratios were similar to those of other sites with high productivity. Although high densities of preferred fruit trees in the wet, productive forests of Sirena may support a dense population of spider monkeys, other demographic traits recorded at Sirena fall well within the range of values recorded elsewhere for the species.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of resource abundance and distribution on the group size and composition of the common langur Semnopithecus entellus in the contiguous forests of Bandipur National Park, Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary and Nagarahole National Park in southern India. We also explored any additional effect of predator pressure and the risk of take-over on the same attributes. Data on group composition and vegetation were collected from January to May 2006. The size and composition of 94 bisexual groups were obtained. The group size varied from 7 to 40 and the groups included unimale and multimale groups. Thirty-five all-male groups were encountered. Vegetation was sampled from 17 grids of dimension 1 km x 1 km, each containing twelve 25 m x 25 m plots. The list of food species was compiled from previous studies and observations made during the study period. The mean basal area of all the food trees within each plot and its coefficient of variation at the level of the grid were used to represent resource abundance and distribution, respectively. The number of adult females and males within groups were analyzed separately to test for differential effects on age-sex categories. Group size increased as resources became spatially more heterogeneous. The abundance of resources had a negative effect on group size. This study did not find evidence supporting the direct effect of predator presence or of the risk of take-over. Contrary to what were expected, adult males reacted more strongly and predictably to resources than did adult females. The group attributes and their relationship with food resource abundance and distribution differed between two sites in the study area possibly owing to langur subspecies differences.  相似文献   

An understanding of recruitment is important for estimating population growth and viability, and their implications for conservation. We present the first results regarding the life history, maternal behavior and infant development of the critically endangered blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) of Madagascar. The species breeds seasonally, with births occurring at the end of the dry season, between late August and October. Over two successive birth seasons in 2006 and 2007, we observed a total of 13 lactating females and 22 infants from six groups. We inferred age at first reproduction as 3 years, and calculated the birth rate as 1.0 infant per female per year with a mean inter-birth interval of 358 ± 24.81 days (319-410 days). Infants spent the first 3 weeks of life constantly with their mothers; locomotor independence and ingestion of solid food began at week 10, and the infants were weaned by week 25. After week 28, infants spent less than 20% of their time in contact with their mothers. Over the study period infant mortality was 22.7%, with predation and sickness observed as causes. Our results suggest that overall recruitment is relatively slow, which has implications for the species' survival, particularly given their restricted and threatened habitat.  相似文献   

Lion populations have undergone a severe decline in West Africa. As baseline for conservation management, we assessed the group structure of lions in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin. This reserve, composed of one National Park and two Hunting Zones, is part of the WAP transboundary complex of protected areas. Overall mean group size was 2.6±1.7 individuals (n = 296), it was significantly higher in the National Park (2.7±1.7, n = 168) than in the Hunting Zones (2.2±1.5, n = 128). Overall adult sex ratio was even, but significantly biased towards females (0.67) in the National Park and towards males (1.67) in the Hunting Zones. Our results suggest that the Pendjari lion population is affected by perturbations, such as trophy hunting.  相似文献   

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) is the only species in the Genus Lemur, distributed in the deciduous and spiny forests of southwestern Madagascar. This species is listed as endangered due to the loss and fragmentation of its natural habitat, a consequence of deforestation. Twenty-one nuclear microsatellite loci were isolated from a genomic DNA derived from a free-ranging ring-tailed lemur population from the Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, Madagascar. We report various parameter estimates and measures to establish the utility of this marker suite as screened among individuals this single forest fragment.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, the globally endangered Grevy's zebra Equus grevyi has suffered a substantial reduction in range and population size. Grevy's zebra was introduced into the Tsavo ecosystem in two translocations: 22 individuals released in Tsavo East National Park in 1964 and 30 individuals released in Tsavo West National Park in 1977. This study focuses on the Tsavo East subpopulation within the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project Area. Data were collected from 2011 to 2014 using systematic and ad lib methods, while vegetation stratification was based on tonnes of CO2e per hectare. Cumulatively, 785 Grevy's zebra were seen in 210 encounters. The largest single group comprised of 24 individuals; mean group size was 4 ± 3. Foals comprised 10% of all individuals seen and were recorded across most months, suggesting year‐round breeding. The range core for the Grevy's zebra in this area was estimated to be 400 km2. Its density was estimated at 0.09 ± 0.038 individuals per km2, translating to a population of 36 ± 15 individuals (range: 6–67) based on the estimated core range. Grasslands and sparse AcaciaCommiphora vegetation strata were used significantly more than expected. Despite constituting only about 2–3% of the global Grevy's zebra population, this subpopulation could still play a role as a – disconnected – reserve population.  相似文献   

Poaching and habitat destruction across sub-Saharan Africa brought the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) close to extinction. Over the past few decades, however, one of four subspecies, D. b. bicornis, has experienced a significant population increase as a consequence of its protection within Etosha National Park (ENP), Namibia. We report here on the level and spatial distribution of black rhinoceros genetic diversity within ENP. Using nine microsatellite loci, genetic variation was assessed from 144 individuals. Our results are consistent with the observation of lower levels of genetic diversity in D. b. bicornis, when compared to D. b. michaeli, but greater diversity when compared to D. b. minor. We also showed that ENP’s black rhino genetic diversity is well represented in Waterberg National Park, originally founded with ENP individuals. We found no genetic signature of a recent bottleneck in ENP, however, suggesting that the genetic diversity within ENP has not been adversely affected by the recent severe population decline. Using Bayesian clustering methods, we observed no significant population structure within ENP, but positive spatial genetic correlation is observed at distances up to 25 km. This relationship exists in females but not males, suggesting reduced dispersal among females, the first evidence of limited female dispersal or philopatry in any species of rhinoceros.  相似文献   

The alarming rate of deforestation in Madagascar is driving some endemic primates to extinction. Surprisingly, anthropogenic habitat disturbance is not always deleterious. The effect of disturbance on lemur abundance may be related to diet, with frugivorous species more prone to population declines than folivores or insectivores. To test the effects of disturbance on lemur abundance and group size, we surveyed 2 sites within contiguous forest at Ranomafana National Park, 1 lightly disturbed primary forest (Vato) and 1 heavily logged forest (Tala). We quantified forest structure variables along 6 survey routes and conducted 68 diurnal and 42 nocturnal lemur surveys. Canopy closure, canopy height, and understory visibility were greater in Vato than in Tala. We encountered 2 frugivorous lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons, Varecia variegata) and 1 folivore (Avahi peyrierasi) significantly more frequently in Vato than in Tala, whereas the opposite was true for the insectivorous Microcebus rufus. Rates did not differ statistically for 1 frugivore (Eulemur rubriventer) and 2 folivores (Propithecus edwardsi, Hapalemur griseus). Comparisons across the 6 survey routes suggest that the abundance was heterogeneous within as well as between sites. Neither group size nor composition differed between sites. Encounter rates for Varecia variegata were positively related to canopy closure, and encounter rates for Avahi peyrierasi were positively related to canopy height. Encounter rates for Microcebus rufus were negatively related to canopy closure, height, and understory visibility. Similar to other studies, the results suggest that some lemurs, including folivores, may cope with anthropogenic disturbance better than others, including some frugivores. Lemur abundance is heterogeneous, though, even on small spatial scales.  相似文献   

Trends in rhinoceroses (rhinos) in Kruger National Park (Kruger) is of key concern. Poaching drives trends in the Park. Reconciling annual population estimates with yearly reports of poached carcasses fuels public critique. We account for trends in rhinos by extracting time series of estimates. Progressively modelling influences of management introductions and removals, effects of environmental variation and rhino density, direct impacts of poaching, consequences of imperfect carcass detection, and indirect impacts of deaths of dependent calves form the basis of accounting for rhinos. Models that considered all these influences explained 93% of white and 83% of black rhino population trends. In addition, the models predicted 2,515 white and 225 black rhinos, similar to estimates of 2,607 (95% CI: 2,475–2,752) and 202 (95% CI: 172–237) during 2020 respectively. The best model, however, predicts slow recovery with a white rhino population equivalent to pre-poaching achieved between 2030 and 2040. For black rhinos, recovery to pre-poaching population size would be between 2040 and 2050. The poaching onslaught in Kruger disrupted eruptive white rhino dynamics and prevented black rhinos from transitioning into eruptive dynamics. Authorities require innovative approaches within and beyond Kruger to help re-ignite rhino conservation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Previous studies of Whooping Crane demography used estimates of fecundity rates based on females in captivity, and breeding success was estimated based on either the number of unbanded pairs nesting or the number arriving in wintering areas with chicks. We analyzed demographic data from 12 cohorts of banded Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) from the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge/Wood Buffalo National Park (ANWR/WBNP) population that had not been compiled previously into a single data base and had not been included in previous population analyses. We estimated age‐specific survival and natality, parameterized an age‐structured density‐dependent model, and projected population sizes assuming two different estimates of wintering ground carrying capacity. Sixty‐seven of 132 birds banded between 1977 and 1988 formed nesting pairs, females first produced hatchlings when 3 to 7 yrs old, and the annual proportion of mature females that reproduced successfully ranged from 0.566 to 0.606. Population projections indicate that the down‐listing criterion of reaching a population size of 1000 individuals might be attained considerably later than the target year (2035) indicated in the Whooping Crane recovery plan. Even assuming that all suitable habitat within a ~100‐km radius of their current winter range could be occupied, projections suggest that population size may be ~700 in 2035, and might not reach 1000 individuals until the mid‐2060s. Based on their territorial behavior on the wintering grounds, long generation time and faithfulness to their migratory route, we suspect that the population growth rate may decrease markedly in the near future and the ANWR/WBNP population may remain below the target down‐listing size of 1000 individuals.  相似文献   

The study on the population status and structure of mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) was carried out in the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia during the wet and dry seasons of 2000/2001. Total counts were carried out in an area of 13.1 km2. The count ranged between 682 and 732 individuals. Females comprised 62.9% while males 27.4%. The calf ratio was 9.7%. The group structure of the animals varied with season. Large herds were frequently observed during the wet season and smaller groups during the dry season. Group size changed seasonally. In both seasons, 7–12 individuals were the frequent group size formation. The maximum group (62) was observed during the wet season. The population trend of the animal from 1975 to 1990 indicated a recovery and increase. But between 1990 and 1995 the population showed a continuous and steep decline. However, between 1995 and 2000 the population trend showed a better condition when compared with the previous years.  相似文献   

东黑冠长臂猿是极度濒危物种,全球种群数量极其稀少。2015年5月和8月,采用在固定地点监听鸣叫的方法在广西邦亮长臂猿国家级自然保护区内对东黑冠长臂猿开展两次实地调查,发现在中国境内形成了由1只成年雄性,2只成年雌性和1只婴猿组成的新群体。这是自2006年该物种在中国被重新发现后,首次在中国境内发现形成新群体。中国境内东黑冠长臂猿的种群数量也由3群22只,增长到4群26只。有限的栖息地可能是未来限制东黑冠长臂猿新群体形成的主要因素之一,所以栖息地恢复对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量增长尤为重要。放牧不利于栖息地恢复,要逐步减少,进而杜绝在保护区内放牧。另外,东黑冠长臂猿跨国界分布,中越两国政府之间应加强协调,避免在保护区内实施对栖息地不利的边境管理活动。如果两国间出现种群隔离,对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量的增长将会非常不利。  相似文献   

Abstract: We explored whether genetic sampling would be feasible to provide a region-wide population estimate for American black bears (Ursus americanus) in the southern Appalachians, USA. Specifically, we determined whether adequate capture probabilities (p > 0.20) and population estimates with a low coefficient of variation (CV < 20%) could be achieved given typical agency budget and personnel constraints. We extracted DNA from hair collected from baited barbed-wire enclosures sampled over a 10-week period on 2 study areas: a high-density black bear population in a portion of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and a lower density population on National Forest lands in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. We identified individual bears by their unique genotypes obtained from 9 microsatellite loci. We sampled 129 and 60 different bears in the National Park and National Forest study areas, respectively, and applied closed mark-recapture models to estimate population abundance. Capture probabilities and precision of the population estimates were acceptable only for sampling scenarios for which we pooled weekly sampling periods. We detected capture heterogeneity biases, probably because of inadequate spatial coverage by the hair-trapping grid. The logistical challenges of establishing and checking a sufficiently high density of hair traps make DNA-based estimates of black bears impractical for the southern Appalachian region. Alternatives are to estimate population size for smaller areas, estimate population growth rates or survival using mark-recapture methods, or use independent marking and recapturing techniques to reduce capture heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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