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Summary Hagfishes, the most primitive vertebrates, are of special interest for the evolution of immune responses. Eptatretus stoutii, the Pacific hagfish, is able to mount cellular and humoral immune responses but all attempts to demonstrate in them the presence of plasma cells have failed. In the present study we demonstrate for the first time plasma cells identifiable by ultrastructural criteria in the pronephros, a primitive lymphohaemopoietic organ, of Myxine glutinosa, the Atlantic hagfish.  相似文献   

The last common ancestor of hagfish and gnathostomes was also the last common ancestor of all extant vertebrates that lived some time more than 500 million years ago. Features that are shared between hagfish and gnathostomes can be inferred to have already been present in this ancestral vertebrate. We recently reported that hagfish endothelium displays phenotypic heterogeneity in ultrastructure, lectin binding, and mechanisms of leukocyte adhesion. Thus, phenotypic cell heterogeneity evolved as an early feature of the endothelium. In the present study, we wanted to extend these observations by determining whether hagfish endothelium plays a role in mediating vasomotor tone. Response of mesenteric and skeletal muscle arteries to a variety of mediators was assayed by videomicroscopy. Phenylephrine and acetylcholine induced vasoconstriction of mesenteric and skeletal muscle arteries. Bradykinin (BK) and ADP promoted vasorelaxation in precontracted mesenteric arteries but not those from skeletal muscle. BK- and ADP-mediated vasorelaxation of the mesenteric artery was abrogated by mechanical denudation of the endothelium but was unaffected by N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Indomethacin significantly inhibited the vasodilatory response to ADP but not BK. The nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside resulted in endothelium-independent relaxation of both mesenteric and skeletal muscle arteries. Together, these data suggest that site-specific endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation is an evolutionarily conserved property of this cell lineage.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the kidney (glomerulus and archinephric duct) of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa (L.) was studied in thin sections and by freeze-fracture technique.The glomerular filtration barrier is similar to that of mammalian kidneys. However, endothelial fenestrations are relatively scanty and the basement membranes of endothelial cells and podocytes always appear separated by a layer of collagen fibrils and microfibrils often surrounding numerous and extended mesangial cells. Between podocytes and their processes maculae occludentes and peculiar junctions of another type occur.The zonulae occludentes between epithelial cells of the archinephric duct are composed of five or more strands, occasionally of only one or two.Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 146, STO B4) and NIH (ISOI-RR 05764).We are grateful to Dipl.-Ing. G. Wermbter for her helpful criticism and to Mr. H. Heidreich for his excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

We measured low substrate (<1 nM) thyroid hormone (TH) deiodination activities in liver, muscle, intestine, and brain microsomes of Atlantic hagfish fasted for 2 weeks and found extremely low thyroxine (T(4)) outer-ring deiodination (T(4)ORD) and inner-ring deiodination (T(4)IRD) as well as 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)) IRD activities. T(3)ORD, 3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT(3)) ORD and rT(3)IRD activities were undetectable. Hagfish deiodinating pathways resembled those of teleosts in requiring a thiol cofactor (dithiothreitol, DTT) and in their inhibition by established deiodinase inhibitors and by TH analogues. However, under optimal pH and DTT conditions intestinal T(4)ORD activity exceeded that of liver about 10-fold. This contrasts with the situation in teleosts but resembles that reported recently in larval and adult lampreys, suggesting the intestine as a primary site of TH deiodination in lower craniates.  相似文献   

Summary The intramembrane organization of the occluding junctions in the gill epithelium of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, was studied by means of freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Mitochondria-rich cells, characterized by assemblies of rod-shaped particles in the luminal plasma membrane and by an extensive intracellular amplification of the basolateral plasma membrane, are singly distributed between the pavement cells in the gill epithelium of this marine and stenohaline cyclostome. The occluding junctions between mitochondria-rich cells and pavement cells do not differ from those between adjacent pavement cells, concerning the number of superimposed strands (median 6, range 4–9) and their geometrical organization. These observations suggest that, in contrast to marine teleosts, the paracellular pathway plays a minor role in transepithelial ion movements in the hagfish gill epithelium. The findings are in agreement with the absence of hypoosmoregulatory mechanisms in hagfish, as have been evolved in various marine vertebrates. In addition, small communicating junctions are demonstrated between pavement cells; they possibly serve for a coordinated synthesis and secretion of mucus by the pavement cells.Dedicated to Prof. H. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Alistair  McVvean 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(2):251-267
The skin of Myxine glutinosn contains both velocity-sensitive and displacement-sensitive mechanoreceptors. These can be distinguished from each other by the different time course of their response to skin indentation. Velocity receptors gave a brief response, consisting usually of three to four action potentials which could only be elicited by movement of the skin. No velocity receptor was spontaneously active. Displacement receptors, some of which were spontaneously active, gave a prolonged discharge which continued, with only slight adaptation, while the skin was indented. Velocity receptors code for velocity of indentation and continue to respond to repeated stimuli. Displacement receptor action potentials occur irregularly, with a Poisson-like distribution of interspike interval. The mean frequency of displacement receptor discharge increases with depth of skin indentation, while the interspike interval distribution becomes progressively biased towards shorter intervals. The threshold of displacement receptors is related to displacement velocity; sinusoidal indentations of the skin produce a minimum threshold around 60 Hz. These receptors fail to respond to oscillations in excess of 120 Hz. The structure of the skin is described. Stress-strain curves are given both for static and dynamic compression of the skin and these are discussed in relation to the properties of the skin mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   

Summary The vascular pathways associated with the glomerulus of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa have been studied by scanning electron microscopy of corroded resin casts of the vasculature. Although the overall pattern of the renal vasculature did not differ from earlier reports, a previously unreported vascular pathway which arose from the renal artery and bypassed the glomerular capillaries in 28% of glomeruli was clearly demonstrated. Glomerular bypass shunts either ran to join the loose capillary network around Bowman's capsule and thereby drain into the network of vessels associated with the mesonephric duct (ureter), or ran directly into the ureteral system of vessels and subsequently into the posterior cardinal veins. Glomerular bypass shunts which theoretically permit renal arterial blood to bypass the process of filtration may play a role in the regulation of body fluid volume.  相似文献   

Summary Solutions containing ferritin or thorotrast particles were microperfused through the ureteric duct of the hagfish. The markers were taken up by the epithelial cells by way of endocytosis and were transported in bulk in apical vesicles. Newly formed apical vesicles containing marker showed bristle coating on the cytoplasmic side of their limiting membrane. This coating appeared to be lost during the movement of vesicles deeper into the cytoplasm.The findings indicate that the epithelial cells in the ureteric duct have capablity for extensive bulk uptake of macromolecules from the luminal fluid. The mechanisms involved in absorption appear to be similar to those in proximal convoluted tubules of mammals.The apical dense tubules observed with some fixation techniques appear to represent collapsed endocytotic vesicles.The authors are indebted to Finn Walwig, Cand. real., Marine Biology Station, University of Oslo, Dröbak, Norway for kindly supplying the hagfishes used in this study. The technical assistance of Miss Signe Fjeldsenden and Miss Britt-Marie Pettersson is gratefully acknowledged.This work has been supported by grants from the Karolinska Institutet Medical School, Stockholm, Sweden (Therese och Johan Anderssons Minne).  相似文献   

Summary The anterior pituitary of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The cells of the adenohypophysis are arranged in follicles surrounded by connective tissue. Five cell types containing granules and one agranular cell type were identified. At the present state of the study the function of these cells remains open to discussion.This study was supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Grant no. 4070) and the Stiftungs- und Förderungsgesellschaft der Paris Lodron-Universität in Salzburg. The authors are grateful to the Director of the Biological Station in Drøbak (Norway), Amanuensis Finn Walvig, for procuring the material  相似文献   

Changes in gonadal morphology, gonadal estradiol, and progesterone were examined in Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, during a period of 17 months, beginning in April, 2001. Atlantic hagfish were captured from the ocean on a monthly basis. A total of 60 hagfish were divided into three different size classes of twenty hagfish each (small 20-35 cm, medium 35-45 cm, large 45-55+cm) and transported to the University of New Hampshire for sampling. Overall, in the medium and large size hagfish, estradiol and progesterone had significantly elevated peaks in January, 2001. There were significant increases in estradiol concentrations in January, with relatively low fluctuations in levels for the rest of the sampling period. Progesterone concentrations increased significantly in January, 2002, in medium and large hagfish, and remained elevated until June and April, 2002, for the two size classes respectively. The majority of hagfish sampled were females or hermaphrodites; few true males were identified in any of the samples. The number of females with large eggs increased following the estradiol peak in January and hermaphrodites with mature sperm were identified in the July, 2002, sample. These data represent the first evidence for a seasonal reproductive cycle in M. glutinosa and only the second seasonal reproductive cycle identified in any hagfish species.  相似文献   

We used confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry to characterize the morphology of the subcutaneous neurons and the innervation of the slime glands and striated muscles in the hagfish Myxine glutinosa. A rich plexus of 5HT‐, ChAT‐ and TH‐positive neurons is described in the capsule of the slime glands. These neurons, like those of the subcutaneous plexus, receive pericellular terminations from the axons of central cells. Capsular neurons receive innervation from 5HT‐positive and nNOS‐positive nerve fibres. Other nerve endings belonging to two separate nerve populations are identified in the striated muscles. They contain TH and nNOS immunoreactivity. Due to the lack of any topographical labelling, the cell origin and the projections of the neurons into the cranial and spinal nerves are unknown. This study provides anatomical evidence of multiple (5HT and nNOS) peripheral innervation of the neurons. However, it does not provide information about the function of these neurons in the hagfish. We suggest that hagfish neurons have a phylogenetic relationship with the spinal group of the dorsal cells of lampreys and the supramedullary cells of teleosts.  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-fracture replicas of hagfish gill epithelium revealed orthogonal arrays of 6-nm particles in the basolateral plasma membrane of pavement cells. The arrays consisted of 4–16 particles and occupied an area of 340±170 nm2. These particle arrays, which are considered to be sites of ionic leakage, possibly contribute to the regulation of the pericellular micromilieu of adjacent mitochondria-rich cells.  相似文献   

We have previously used immunohistochemistry to show that the brain of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, contains a rich distribution of natriuretic peptide-immunoreactive elements with the densest distribution occurring in the telencephalon and the diencephalon. In this study, the distribution of (125)I-rat ANP and (125)I-porcine CNP binding sites was determined in the brain of M. glutinosa. The binding pattern of (125)I-rat ANP and (125)I-porcine CNP showed similarities; however, some differences were observed in the olfactory bulb and the caudal brain regions. Specific (125)I-rat ANP and (125)I-porcine CNP binding was observed in the olfactory bulb, outer layers of the pallium, and in regions of the diencephalon. Very little specific binding was observed in the habenula and the primordium hippocampi. In the diencephalon, a distinct zone of specific (125)I-rANP binding separated a region of moderate binding in the lateral regions of the diencephalon from the thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei. Moderate levels of specific (125)I-rANP binding were observed in the mesencephalon and medulla oblongata; little or no (125)I-porcine CNP binding was observed in these regions. The data, in combination with previous immunohistochemical studies, show that the natriuretic peptide system of the hagfish brain is well-developed and suggest that natriuretic peptides have a long evolutionary history as neurotransmitters and/or neuromodulators in the vertebrate brain. J. Exp. Zool. 284:407-413, 1999.  相似文献   

Endozepines are a family of peptides capable of displacing benzodiazepines from their specific binding sites, to which belong the diazepam-binding inhibitor and the octadecaneuropeptide (ODN). This paper reports the distribution of ODN-related peptides, investigated for the first time by immunocytochemistry, in different brain and pituitary regions of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. Immunoreactive ODN-like material was found in the telencephalon at the level of bundles of different olfactory nerve fibres. Moreover, at the level of the pallium, immunoreactive multipolar neurons were observed in the pars parvocellularis of the stratum griseum superficialis. Similar immunopositive nerve cell bodies were found in the nucleus medialis of the central prosencephalic complex. In the mesencephalon, few immunoreactive neurons lining and contacting the mesencephalic ventricle were detected; such nerve cells could be involved in the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid homeostasis. Dorsally in the mesencephalon, numerous ODN-containing cell bodies were present in the area praetectalis. The rhomboencephalon was immunostained only in the octavolateral area and in the nucleus motorius magnocellularis of the trigeminal nerve. Furthermore, ODN immunoreactivity was also present in the nerve cells of ganglia of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve complex. The immunocytochemical patterns described here in the brain of M. glutinosa suggest an involvement of ODN-like peptides as neuromodulators in sensory pathways, such as olfactory and visual. Finally, ODN-like substances were localized in discrete populations of adenohypophysial cells and in tanycytes lining the neurohypophyseal walls, suggesting for endozepines a paracrine and/or endocrine control of pituitary hormones release and a neurohormone role respectively. These results could give new insights into the chemioarchitecture of the brain of myxinoids.  相似文献   

Summary Agranular cells are found throughout the adenohypophysis of Myxine glutinosa. They are located at the margin of single hypophysial follicles in the form of a spongy epithelial net. Their relationship to the secretory cells of the adenohypophysis and their morphology are described in adult animals. The distribution and ultrastructure of the agranular cells in the hagfish are in good agreement with the pattern of comparable cells in other vertebrates.This study was supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (grant no. 3204 and 3494). The authors are grateful to the director of the Biological Station in Drøbak (Norway), Amanuensis Finn Walvig, for procuring the material, to Miss Synnøve Tholo for technical assistance and to Mr. Arno Laminger for photographic work  相似文献   

Comprehensive analyses have been made of the plasma and parietal muscle of the marine cyclostome Myxine glutinosa and of the chimaeraoid Chimaera monstrosa , and the sum of some 17 constituents compared with the directly determined osmotic concentration of plasma. Both Myxine and Chimaera plasmas are isosmotic with sea water within 2%. Ions account for at least 96% of the total concentration of the plasma in Myxine and about 60% in Chimaera, but the blood of the latter contains 332 mM urea, compared with 3 mM in Myxine . In muscle a similar divergence exists, the urea concentrations per kilogram muscle water being practically the same as in the respective plasmas of the two species. The mean values in millimoles of the other nitrogenous constituents of muscle are for Myxine and Chimaera (figures for latter in brackets), trimethylamine oxide 87 (189), betaine 65 (38), creatine and creatinine 30 (37), amino acids 291 (43). Using osmotic coefficients the calculated osmotic concentration of muscle exceeds that of plasma in Myxine and possible reasons for this are discussed.
Estimates of inulin space in Myxine muscle have enabled intracellular concentrations of ions to be calculated. Analysis of Myxine bile shows it to have much higher concentrations of sodium, calcium and magnesium, and much lower chloride, than plasma. The resulting large anion deficit is presumably made up chiefly by the bile salt myxinol disulphate.  相似文献   

Summary A membrane fraction, rich in brushborder membranes, was prepared from the archinephric duct of the atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa) and the uptake ofd-glucose and other sugars into the membrane vesicles was investigated by a rapid filtration technique. Uptake ofd-glucose was found to be sodium-dependent, phloridzin-inhibitable and osmotically sensitive. A sodium gradient dependent overshoot was demonstrated at 25° C as well as at the more physiological temperature of 4°C. The sodium dependentd-glucose transport was inhibited by -methyl-d-glucoside, but not by 2-deoxy-d-glucose. Furthermore at the same concentration of sugars the initial uptake ofd-glucose was 7.2-fold higher thanl-glucose uptake.d-glucose transport across the membrane in the presence of a sodium gradient was stimulated when SCN replaced Cl and inhibited when gluconate replaced Cl.d-glucose uptake in the presence of a sodium- and potassium gradient was decreased by the addition of valinomycin. In addition, the presence of ad-glucose gradient enhanced sodium uptake into the vesicles as compared to a mannitolgradient. Phloridzin inhibited thed-glucose dependent sodium flux. Thus an electrogenic stereospecific sodium glucose co-transport system, with properties similar to that found in the kidney of higher vertebrates is present in this primitive vertebrate and might participate in secondary-active sugar reabsorption in the archinephric duct.  相似文献   

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