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Surfperches are labriform swimmers and swim primarily with their pectoral fins, using the tail to assist only at higher speeds. The transition, from pectoral to pectoral and caudal fins, occurs at a threshold speed that has been termed physiologically and biomechanically 'equivalent' for fishes of different size. The gait transition ( U P-C) of Cymatogaster aggregata occurred at a higher speed (measured in bodylengths s−1) for smaller fish than larger fish. At U P-C, pectoral fin-beat frequency was size-dependent: smaller fish have a higher pectoral fin-beat frequency than larger fish. In contrast, at low speeds (i.e. <60% of U P-C) the pectoral fin-beat frequency was independent of the size of the fish. Inter-specific comparisons of U P-C, pectoral fin-beat frequency and amplitude among C. aggregata, Embiotoca lateralis and Damalichthys vacca showed that C. aggregata had a higher U P-C than E. lateralis and D. vacca . The pectoral fin-beat frequency at U P-C showed no significant differences among species. Cymatogaster aggregata achieved higher U P-C, in part, through increased fin beat amplitude rather than frequency. These differences in performance may be related to the different habitats in which these species live.  相似文献   

A set of 12 microsatellite markers was developed from Embiotoca jacksoni genomic DNA and tested for polymorphism using 64 individuals from two populations. All loci were polymorphic with a number of alleles ranging from two to 19 with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.17 to 0.89. There was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium and all loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except for four loci in one population. High numbers of private alleles were consistent with strong population structure, and very limited dispersal. Six microsatellite markers successfully cross amplified and were polymorphic in closely related species, Embiotoca lateralis and Hyspurus caryi.  相似文献   

The surfperch genus Embiotoca currently comprises two species, Embiotoca jacksoni , the black surfperch, and Embiotoca lateralis , the striped surfperch. Originally, however, Louis Agassiz described a third species in the genus Embiotoca , the rainbow surfperch, Embiotoca caryi . This latter name was changed by Louis' son, Alexander, to Hypsurus caryi , a name that remains valid. In this study, new molecular data (3545 bp of DNA from four mitochondrial and two nuclear DNA regions) indicated that the rainbow surfperch should be retained within the genus Embiotoca , a result consistent with recent morphological data. Adaptive radiation combined with sexual selection resulting in rapid morphological changes in the rainbow surfperch may have contributed to the conflicting position of this species.  相似文献   

With 18 closely related endemic species that radiated in a diversity of ecological niches, the California surfperches (Embiotocidae) species flock is a good candidate for the study of sympatric speciation. Resource partitioning has been suggested as an important driving force in the radiation of the surfperch family. Within the family, two congeneric sister species, Embiotoca jacksoni and E. lateralis, are known to compete strongly for a preferred single food resource and may be used as a model of ecological interactions for the family. Along the California coast, the distribution of the two species differs. Embiotoca jacksoni has a continuous range, whereas E. lateralis shows a disjunction with a distribution gap in the Southern California Bight. Two hypotheses may explain this disjunct distribution. Ecological competition may have displaced E. lateralis in favor of E. jacksoni. Alternatively, a common vicariant event may have separated the species into northern and southern populations, followed by secondary contact in E. jacksoni but not in E. lateralis. The two hypotheses predict different phylogeographic and demographic signatures. Using a combined phylogeographic and coalescent approach based on mitochondrial control region data, we show that vicariance can only account for a portion of the observed divergences. Our results are compatible with a significant role played by ecological competition in the southern range of the species.  相似文献   

Decreased critical swimming speed and increased oxygen consumption (     ) was found for externally tagged Atlantic cod Gadus morhua swimming at a high speed of 0·9 body length (total length, L T) s−1. No difference was found in the standard metabolic rate, indicating that the higher     for tagged cod was due to drag force rather than increased costs to keep buoyancy.  相似文献   

The black surfperch Embiotoca jacksoni and the striped surfperch E. lateralis (Embiotocidae, Perciformes) are livebearing temperate reef fishes that live sympatrically over a large portion of their distribution range, where they exhibit strong ecological competition. In order to assess whether mating strategies reflect competition, we investigated multiple paternity in these two species in an area of sympatry. We sampled 24 pregnant females (12 for each species) in Monterey Bay, California, used microsatellite analysis and assessed paternity with the COLONY software. While broods are relatively small (12 to 36 offspring), they were always sired by multiple fathers (2 to 9), with no correlation between the size of a brood and the number of fathers. The number of sires for each brood was not significantly different between the two species (approximately 3.5 sires per brood). We tested the deviation from stochasticity of fathered offspring for each father in one brood. Results showed a significant deviation for both E. jacksoni and E. lateralis . However, this deviation was not found to be significant between species. The striking similarity in the dynamics of multiple paternity in these species, when sampled in sympatry, may result from several alternative scenarios, including phylogenetic inertia, reproductive behaviour, and ecological competition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify kinematic variables correlated with oxygen consumption during spontaneous labriform swimming. Kinematic variables (swimming speed, change of speed, turning angle, turning rate, turning radius and pectoral fin beat frequency) and oxygen consumption (MO2) of spontaneous swimming in Embiotoca lateralis were measured in a circular arena using video tracking and respirometry, respectively. The main variable influencing MO2 was pectoral fin beat frequency (r 2 = 0.71). No significant relationship was found between swimming speed and pectoral fin beat frequency. Complementary to other methods within biotelemetry such as EMG it is suggested that such correlations of pectoral fin beat frequency may be used to measure the energy requirements of labriform swimming fish such as E. lateralis in the field, but need to be taken with great caution since movement and oxygen consumption patterns are likely to be quite different in field situation compared to a small lab tank. In addition, our methods could be useful to measure metabolic costs of growth and development, or bioassays for possible toxicological effects on fish.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the energetics of swimming in a flume accurately represent the costs of various spontaneous movements using empirical relationships between fish swimming costs, weight, and speed for three swimming patterns: (1) 'forced swimming' corresponded to movements adopted by fish forced to swim against a unidirectional current of constant velocity; (2) 'directed swimming' was defined as quasi-rectilinear movements executed at relatively constant speeds in a stationary body of water and (3) 'routine swimming' was characterized by marked changes in swimming direction and speed. Weight and speed explained between 76% (routine swimming) and 80% (forced swimming) of net swimming cost variability. Net costs associated with different swimming patterns were compared using ratios of model predictions (swimming cost ratio; SCR) for various weight and speed combinations. Routine swimming was the most expensive swimming pattern (SCR for routine and forced swimming =6.4 to 14.0) followed by directed (SCR for directed and forced swimming =0.9 to 2.8), and forced swimming. The magnitude of the difference between the net costs of forced and spontaneous swimming increases with movement complexity and decreases as fish weight increases.  相似文献   

To determine whether there is a direct correlation between endurance capacity and cold tolerance, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), and cold-induced vasodilatation (CIVD), we measured these factors in 14 young female athletes born in Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island. We determined the VO2max by a standard incremental test on a cycle ergometer and measured the oxygen consumption (VO2) by means of the Douglas-bag method. We determined the CIVD reaction by measuring the skin temperature of the left middle finger during immersion in cold water at 0°C for 20 min. The athletes showed significant positive correlations between VO2max, expressed as l/min, and CIVD as well as other peripheral cold tolerance indexes (resistance index against frostbite and CIVD index). The body weight VO2max (VO2max/kg body weight) failed to correlate significantly with either the CIVD or with other cold tolerance indexes. These results suggest that CIVD in females may depend on factors other than those determined in this study, in addition to the functional spread of the vascular beds in peripheral tissues, including striated muscle; it is known that the size and the vascular bed in this tissue are affected by exercise training and that this results in the elevation of VO2max and VO2max/kg body weight.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption ( M o 2) was 35% higher in 1 day starved and 21% higher in 4 day starved adult transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch relative to end of migration ocean-ranched coho salmon. Critical swimming speed ( U crit) and M o 2 at U crit ( M o 2max) were significantly lower in 4 day starved transgenic coho salmon (1·25 BL s−1; 8·79 mg O2 kg−1 min−1) compared to ocean-ranched coho salmon (1·60 BL s−1; 9·87 mg O2 kg−1 min−1). Transgenic fish swam energetically less efficiently than ocean-ranched fish, as indicated by a poorer swimming economy at U crit ( M o 2max     ). Although M o 2max was lower in transgenic coho salmon, the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) measured during the first 20 min of recovery was significantly larger in transgenic coho salmon (44·1 mg O2 kg−1) compared with ocean-ranched coho salmon (34·2 mg O2 kg−1), which had a faster rate of recovery.  相似文献   

Prolonged swimming capacity (critical swimming speed, U crit, protocol) and metabolism were measured for 14 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua exposed to seven oxygen levels within the non-lethal range normally encountered in the Gulf of St Lawrence (35 to 100% saturation). Burst-and-coast swimming was triggered earlier (at lower speeds) in hypoxia, and burst-and-coast movements were more frequent in hypoxia than in normoxia at low speeds. Furthermore, the metabolic scope beyond the metabolic rate at which Atlantic cod resorted to burst-and-coast movements decreased gradually as ambient oxygen concentration dropped. Overall, fewer burst-and-coast movements were observed in hypoxia while the distance swum in burst-and-coast mode remained c . 1% of the total distance swam in all tests. Oxygen availability had no effect on the rate of increase in metabolic rate with increasing velocity <50 cm s−1, but limited swimming performances and metabolic rate at higher speeds. The prevailing low oxygen tensions on the bottom in the deep channels may impair the swimming capacity of Atlantic cod in the estuary and northern Gulf of St Lawrence.  相似文献   

Ventilation was measured directly in the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa L., by means of an electro-magnetic blood flowmeter. Ventilatory flow and frequency increased from 0.86 ± 0.27 ml·min?, and 18.2 ± 5.1·min?, respectively, at 7°C to 1.70 ± 0.20 ml·min?, and 70.1 ± 9.5·min? at 15 ·C.Standard oxygen consumption,V?O2, was measured in non-buried hagfish. V?O2 was 0.57 ± 0.17μl O2·g?1·min?1 at 7°C, and 0.85 ± 0.12μl O2·g?1·min?1 at 15°C.  相似文献   

A low volume (8·4 l), rectangular (cross–section) respirometer modified from a Bläzka–type coaxial circuit, which provides rectilinear flow at speeds up to 0·36 m s–1, is described.  相似文献   

A prolonged swimming trial is the most common approach in studying steady-state changes in oxygen uptake, cardiac output and tissue oxygen extraction as a function of swimming speed in salmonids. The data generated by these sorts of studies are used here to support the idea that a maximum oxygen uptake is reached during a critical swimming speed test. Maximum oxygen uptake has a temperature optimum. Potential explanations are advanced to explain why maximum aerobic performance falls off at high temperature. The valuable information provided by critical swimming tests can be confounded by non-steady-state swimming behaviours, which typically occur with increasing frequency as salmonids approach fatigue. Two major concerns are noted. Foremost, measurements of oxygen uptake during swimming can considerably underestimate the true cost of transport near critical swimming speed, apparently in a temperature-dependent manner. Second, based on a comparison with voluntary swimming ascents in a raceway, forced swimming trials in a swim tunnel respirometer may underestimate critical swimming speed, possibly because fish in a swim tunnel respirometer are unable to sustain a ground speed.  相似文献   

This study reports the first results on telemetry of caudal differential pressure during spontaneous swimming activity in cod Gadus morhua and demonstrates that tail-beat pressure may be used as a predictor of activity and swimming costs of free-swimming cod. Tail-beat pressure was monitored using a differential pressure sensor on the caudal peduncle of cod and spontaneous swimming activity was quantified using a customized video-computer tracking programme. Tail-beat pressure was found to correlate with (1) swimming speed ( U ) and oxygen consumption during forced swimming and (2) mean U during spontaneous activity. Based on the relationship between and the integrated pressure performed by the tail during forced swimming, it should be possible to predict during spontaneous activity. To gain precise measures of activity and thus predictions of for free-swimming fish, however, individual calibrations are necessary.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr to determine the effect of surgically implanted dummy transmitters on swimming performance, food consumption and growth. Swimming performance of tagged fish (tag 1·7–3·7% of fish mass) was similar to that of control fish 1, 5 and 10 days after surgery. Negative effects on growth, however, were found up to day 36 of a 45 day experiment (tag 0·9–2·6% of fish mass). Consumption rates were similar between tagged and control fish and did not explain differences in growth.  相似文献   

We report here properties of isolated brain microvessels such as the rate of oxygen consumption with different substrates; the permeabilizing effect of added ATP is studied. With the isolation procedure presented the cerebral endothelium has a metabolic activity comparable to that reported in the literature. The respiratory rate of the microvessels is not affected by the addition of ATP, whereas it is significantly increased by addition of succinate and -chetoglutarate. The exposure of the isolated brain capillaries to ATP, in a Ca2+-free medium, increases the uptake of 6-carboxyfluorescein. This may be due to pores opened by ATP in the endothelial cell membrane in the absence of divalent cations.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption rates of bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo , increased from 141·3±29·7 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during autumn to 218·6±64·2 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during spring, and 329·7±38·3 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during summer. The rate of routine oxygen consumption increased over the entire seasonal temperature range (20–30° C) at a Q 10=2·34.  相似文献   

The swimming performance of juvenile rock carp (Procypris rabaudi, Tchang) subjected to repeated fatigue exercise was studied using a flume-type respirometer at 20°C. The critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and oxygen consumption rate (MO2) of juvenile rock carp were measured during two successive stepped velocity tests, following a 60 min rest interval. Ucrit of rock carp was giving a recovery ratio (Rr) of 92.64%, and exertion exercise decreases Ucrit. When MO2 was plotted as a linear function of U, the slope for trial 1 was 1.06 and 1.50 for trial 2, indicating a decreasing in swimming efficiency. The maximum metabolic rate (MMR) increased from 17.06 ± 1.14 mmol O2/(kg·hr) to 19.14 ± 1.23 mmol O2/(kg·hr), and the exercise post oxygen consumption rate (EPOC) increased from 9.00 to 9.65 mmol O2/kg. Repeated fatiguing exercise increased both the aerobic and anaerobic cost of reaching Ucrit, but anaerobic metabolism accounted for a larger proportion in the trial 2. The data investigation on the swimming performance and the physiological response to fatigue provide important design criteria for fishways.  相似文献   

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