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Site-directed mutagenesis was performed on several areas of MutH based on the similarity of MutH and PvuII structural models. The aims were to identify DNA-binding residues; to determine whether MutH has the same mechanism for DNA binding and catalysis as PvuII; and to localize the residues responsible for MutH stimulation by MutL. No DNA-binding residues were identified in the two flexible loop regions of MutH, although similar loops in PvuII are involved in DNA binding. Two histidines in MutH are in a similar position as two histidines (His-84 and His-85) in PvuII that signal for DNA binding and catalysis. These MutH histidines (His-112 and His-115) were changed to alanines, but the mutant proteins had wild-type activity both in vivo and in vitro. The results indicate that the MutH signal for DNA binding and catalysis remains unknown. Instead, a lysine residue (Lys-48) was found in the first flexible loop that functions in catalysis together with the three presumed catalytic amino acids (Asp-70, Glu-77, and Lys-79). Two deletion mutations (MutHDelta224 and MutHDelta214) in the C-terminal end of the protein, localized the MutL stimulation region to five amino acids (Ala-220, Leu-221, Leu-222, Ala-223, and Arg-224).  相似文献   

Circular heteroduplex DNAs of bacteriophage phi X174 have been constructed carrying either a G:T (Eam+/Eam3) or a G:A (Bam+/Bam16) mismatch and containing either two, one or no GATC sequences. Mismatches were efficiently repaired in wild-type Escherichia coli transfected with phi X174 heteroduplexes only when two unmethylated GATC sequences were present in phi X174 DNA. The requirements for GATC sequences in substrate DNA and for the E. coli MutH function in E. coli mismatch repair can be alleviated by the presence of a persistent nick (transfection with nicked heteroduplex DNA in ligase temperature-sensitive mutant at 40 degrees C). A persistent nick in the GATC sequence is as effective in stimulating mutL- and mutS-dependent mismatch repair as a nick distant from the GATC sequence and from the mismatch. These observations suggest that the MutH protein participates in methyl-directed mismatch repair by recognizing unmethylated DNA GATC sequences and/or stimulating the nicking of unmethylated strands.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1557-1574
The carboxyl-terminal Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu (KDEL), or a closely-related sequence, is important for ER localization of both lumenal as well as type II membrane proteins. This sequence functions as a retrieval signal at post-ER compartment(s), but the exact compartment(s) where the retrieval occurs remains unresolved. With an affinity-purified antibody against the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the mammalian KDEL receptor, we have investigated its subcellular localization using immunogold labeling on thawed cryosections of different tissues, such as mouse spermatids and rat pancreas, as well as HeLa, Vero, NRK, and mouse L cells. We show that rab1 is an excellent marker of the intermediate compartment, and we use this marker, as well as budding profiles of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) in cells infected with this virus, to identify this compartment. Our results demonstrate that the KDEL receptor is concentrated in the intermediate compartment, as well as in the Golgi stack. Lower but significant labeling was detected in the rough ER. In general, only small amounts of the receptor were detected on the trans side of the Golgi stack, including the trans- Golgi network (TGN) of normal cells and tissues. However, some stress conditions, such as infection with vaccinia virus or vesicular stomatitis virus, as well as 20 degrees C or 43 degrees C treatment, resulted in a significant shift of the distribution towards the trans- TGN side of the Golgi stack. This shift could be quantified in HeLa cells stably expressing a TGN marker. No significant labeling was detected in structures distal to the TGN under all conditions tested. After GTP gamma S treatment of permeabilized cells, the receptor was detected in the beta-COP-containing buds/vesicles that accumulate after this treatment, suggesting that these vesicles may transport the receptor between compartments. We propose that retrieval of KDEL- containing proteins occurs at multiple post-ER compartments up to the TGN along the exocytotic pathway, and that within this pathway, the amounts of the receptor in different compartments varies according to physiological conditions.  相似文献   

In response to low (approximately 1 microM) levels of selenium, Escherichia coli synthesizes tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Lys) species that contain 5-methylaminomethyl-2-selenouridine (mnm5Se2U) instead of 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine (mnm5S2U). Purified glutamate- and lysine-accepting tRNAs containing either mnm5Se2U (tRNA(SeGlu), tRNA(SeLys] or mnm5S2U (tRNA(SGlu), tRNA(SLys] were prepared by RPC-5 reversed-phase chromatography, affinity chromatography using anti-AMP antibodies and DEAE-5PW ion-exchange HPLC. Since mnm5Se2U, like mnm5S2U, appears to occupy the wobble position of the anticodon, the recognition of glutamate codons (GAA and GAG) and lysine codons (AAA and AAG) was studied. While tRNA(SGlu) greatly preferred GAA over GAG, tRNA(SeGlu) showed less preference. Similarly, tRNA(SGlu) preferred AAA over AAG, while tRNA(SeLys) did not. In a wheat germ extract--rabbit globin mRNA translation system, incorporation of lysine and glutamate into protein was generally greater when added as aminoacylated tRNA(Se) than as aminoacylated tRNA(S). In globin mRNA the glutamate and lysine codons GAG and AAG are more numerous than GAA and AAA, thus a more efficient translation of globin message with tRNA(Se) might be expected because of facilitated recognition of codons ending in G.  相似文献   

S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (AdoHcyase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) to form adenosine and homocysteine. The crystal structure of the K185N mutated enzyme, which has weak catalytic activity (0.1%), has been determined at 2.8 A resolution and supports the previously predicted mechanism [Takata, Y., Yamada, T., Huang, Y., Komoto, J., Gomi, T., Ogawa, H., Fujioka, M., & Takusagawa, F. (2002). Catalytic mechanism of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. Site-directed mutagenesis of Asp-130, Lys-185, Asp-189, and Asn-190. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 22670-22676]. The mutated enzyme has an intermediate structure between the open and closed conformation, observed in the substrate-free enzyme and in the inhibitor complexes, respectively. H54, H300, and H352 were mutated to asparagine, respectively, to identify the roles of the histidine residues in catalysis. The kinetic data of H54N, H300N, and H354N mutated enzymes suggest that H54 is the amino acid residue that acts as a general acid/base to cleave the C5'-S(D) bond of AdoHcy. The E155Q mutated enzyme retained a large portion of the catalytic activity (31%), while the E155D mutated enzyme lost most of it (0.3%). The NADH accumulation measurements of the mutated enzymes indicated that the C3'-oxidation and the C4'-proton abstraction are a concerted event and the C5'-S(D) bond cleavage is an independent event. The C4'-proton exchange measurements indicate that the enzyme has an open conformation when AdoHcy is converted to 3'-keto-4', 5'-dehydro-Ado in the active site. With the results of this study and those of the previous studies, a detailed catalytic mechanism of AdoHcyase is described. K185 facilitates the C3'-oxidation, D130 abstracts the C4'-proton, D189, and E155 act as a communicator between the concerted C3'-oxidation and C4'-proton abstraction, and H54 plays as a general acid to cleave the C5'-S(D) bond of AdoHcy.  相似文献   

The VP1 gene of enterovirus 70 (EV70) possesses a large number of Escherichia coli low-usage codons (11.0%) and a bacterial ribosome binding site complementary sequence (RBSCS) 5'-UGUCUCCUUUUC-3' flanking the codon 139. Plasmids containing EV70 cDNA encoding the full-length VP1 failed to express in E. coli (BL21(DE3), Rosetta 2(DE3) or Rosetta (DE3)pLysS). High expression (>8% of total protein) of recombinant VP1 (rVP1m) in E. coli required engineering of the encoding cDNA (conserved modification of the native cDNA) by simultaneous substitution of a rare-codon cluster located between codons 103 and 132, and replacement of the RBSCS-TCCTTT sequence. The rare-codon frequencies of the cDNAs encoding VP1 non-overlapping terminal fragments N138 (1-138 aa) and C170 (141-310 aa) are similar (10.9 and 11.2%, respectively). However, in E. coli, high expression of recombinant C170 (rC170) required no modification of the native cDNA whereas high expression of recombinant N138 (rN138m) required minimal synonymous substitution of the above rare-codon cluster. The rare-codon cluster of EV70 VP1 gene has five least-usage arginine codons (AGG/AGA) and three tandem rare-codon pairs (AGGAGG, CUAAGG, and AGACUA). Our results suggest that the rare-codon cluster (its rare codon arrangement per se and/or its related mRNA secondary structure(s)) and the RBSCS in EV70 VP1 gene, not the rare-codon frequency, constitute the key elements that suppress its expression in E. coli.  相似文献   

The activities of the Vsr and MutH endonucleases of Escherichia coli are stimulated by MutL. The interaction of MutL with each enzyme is enhanced in vivo by 2-aminopurine treatment and by inactivation of the mutY gene. We hypothesize that MutL recruits the endonucleases to sites of DNA damage.The Escherichia coli Dcm protein methylates the second C of CCWGG sites (W = A or T). Deamination of 5-methylcytosine converts CG base pairs to T/G mismatches, causing CCWGG-to-CTWGG transition mutations. Very-short-patch (VSP) repair minimizes these mutations (2). Repair is initiated by a sequence- and mismatch-specific endonuclease, Vsr, which cleaves the DNA 5′ of the T. DNA polymerase I removes the T along with a few 3′ nucleotides and resynthesizes the missing bases, restoring the CG base pair. Vsr is both necessary and sufficient for initiating VSP repair. However, two other proteins, MutS and MutL, enhance VSP repair of deamination damage (1).MutS and MutL are best known for their roles in postreplication mismatch repair (MMR) (9, 11). MutL couples mismatch recognition by MutS to the activation of MutH, an endonuclease that cleaves the unmethylated strand of GATC sequences that are transiently hemimethylated following DNA replication. The nicked strand, containing the erroneous base, is removed by the UvrD helicase and one of several exonucleases to beyond the mismatch and then resynthesized by DNA polymerase III.MutL stimulates the endonuclease activities of both Vsr and MutH in vitro (8, 17). The requirements for stimulation are the same: a mismatch, MutS, and ATP hydrolysis by MutL (8, 8a). Cross-linking studies showed that MutH and Vsr interact with the same region in the N-terminal domain of MutL (Heinze et al., submitted). Competition of Vsr with MutH for access to MutL explains the ability of Vsr to inactivate MMR in vivo when overexpressed (6, 13). Thus, the interactions of the two repair endonucleases with MutL are structurally and functionally very similar.In contrast to MMR, where the cleavage site for MutH may be several kilobases away from the mismatch, VSP repair requires that mismatch recognition and endonucleolytic cleavage occur at the same C(T/G)WGG site. How MutS and MutL stimulate VSP repair if MutS and Vsr compete for the same mismatch remains unknown (2, 12). We hypothesized that MutS binds the mismatch first and that a MutS-MutL complex then recruits Vsr. If so, then the MMR proteins would initially mask the mismatch, making the interaction of Vsr with MutL independent of lesion identity.To test this hypothesis, we studied the interaction of MutL with Vsr and with MutH in response to two types of mismatch by using a bacterial two-hybrid assay (10). This assay detects all known interactions among the Mut proteins: homodimerization of MutS and MutL, interaction of MutL with MutS and with MutH, and interaction of Vsr with the N-terminal domain of MutL (15). We found no false positives or false negatives. Furthermore, since the assay relies on reconstitution of a soluble protein (adenylate cyclase), the DNA repair proteins are free to interact with the DNA (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Known interactions among repair proteins as detected by the bacterial two-hybrid assay. The T18 and T25 subunits of CyaA are fused to any two repair proteins (illustrated here by MutL and Vsr), allowing measurement of all pairwise interactions as units of β-galactosidase (β-gal). T25 fusions are repair proficient. CRP, cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein; P, lac operon promoter; RNAP, RNA polymerase.2-Aminopurine (2AP) mispairs with C during DNA replication, causing transition and frameshift mutations (5). The transitions are due primarily to the mismatch itself; the frameshifts are due to saturation of MMR, which leaves slipped-strand intermediates caused by DNA replication errors unrepaired (19). MutS and MutL bind to 2AP/C lesions (22), although the lesions may not be subject to MMR (19). As shown in Fig. Fig.2,2, treatment with 2AP causes a dose-dependent increase in the interaction of MutL with both Vsr and MutH; dimerization of MutL and interaction of MutL with MutS are somewhat increased.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Effect of 2AP treatment on protein-protein interactions in the bacterial two-hybrid assay. Results in units of β-galactosidase ± standard errors of the means (n = 9) are shown for BTH101(F galE15 ga1K16 rpsL1 hsdR2 mcrA1 mcrB1 cyaA-99) cells treated with 2AP as described previously (5, 19). Cells were cotransformed with pT18 and pT25 vectors (light gray bars), pT18-mutS and pT25-mutL (white bars), pT18-vsr and pT25-mutL (gray bars), pT18-mutH and pT25-mutL (black bars), or pT18-mutL and pT25-mutL (mottled bars). (NB: The dose-response curve for the pT18-mutS pT25-mutS transformants is similar to that of the pT18-mutL pT25-mutL transformants; it has been omitted for graphical clarity since the MutS-MutS interaction gives very high units of β-galactosidase activity [15]).The MutY adenine glycosylase removes A''s which have mispaired with oxidized guanine (8-oxoG) during DNA replication. Cells with a deletion of mutY have an elevated frequency of CG-to-AT transversion mutations (18); these are reduced by excess MutS, suggesting that 8-oxoG/A mismatches are also subject to MMR (23). As shown in Fig. Fig.3,3, the interactions between Vsr and MutL and between MutH and MutL increase in a mutY cell (stippled bars). Other interactions, such as MutS dimerization, are unaffected (not shown).Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Effects of mutY and mutT deletions on protein-protein interactions in the bacterial two-hybrid assay. Results are in units of β-galactosidase, relative to the level in the wild type, in mutT (solid) and mutY (stippled) derivatives of BTH101 cotransformed with pT18 and pT25 vectors, pT18-mutH and pT25-mutL, pT18-vsr and pT25-mutL, or pT18-mutS and pT25-mutS (n = 3).8-OxoG/A mismatches also arise by incorporation of oxidized dGTP opposite A during DNA replication. The MutT nuclease minimizes this by removing oxidized dGTP from the nucleotide pool. The high frequency of AT-to-CG mutations in mutT strains is unaffected by the status of the MMR system (7, 21, 23), possibly because these 8-oxoG/A mispairs are in a conformation that MutS does not recognize. As shown in Fig. Fig.3,3, neither the interaction between MutL and Vsr nor that between MutL and MutH is elevated in a mutT strain (solid bars).These data show that mismatches which attract MutS and MutL increase the interaction of MutL with MutH in vivo. Although these mismatches are not subject to VSP repair, they also increase the interaction between MutL and Vsr. The simplest interpretation is that a MutS-MutL complex recruits MutH and Vsr to the DNA independent of the identity of the mismatch. MutS and MutL could then clear the mismatch, delivering the (activated) endonuclease to its specific target site, no matter how far away it is.Interaction of MutL with MutH, leading to MMR, is probably the default option. However, the MutS-MutL complex may recruit other repair proteins, such as Vsr or UvrB (20), to lesions that are poorly processed by MMR. The T/G mismatch in hemimethylated CTWGG sequences may be one such site. Vsr is expressed at very low levels in growing cells (14), so this recruitment would enhance VSP repair. However, recruitment of Vsr to other lesions would reduce VSP repair. For example, recruitment of Vsr by MutL to 2AP/C lesions (Fig. (Fig.2)2) could explain why CCWGG sites are hotspots for 2AP-induced mutations (4, 19).We have argued that Vsr is kept at low levels while DNA is replicating to avoid interference with MMR (14). However, if, as we suggest here, MutS and MutL are needed to recruit scarce Vsr to its target sequence, this argument loses its merit. It seems more likely that Vsr levels are kept low to avoid CTWGG-to-CCWGG mutations; Vsr creates these mutations by converting T/G mismatches formed at CTAGG sites by errors in DNA replication to CG (3, 6, 16). Vsr levels rise in nongrowing cells (14), when mutagenesis is no longer a risk. Under these circumstances, it is likely that MutS and MutL are no longer required for efficient VSP repair.  相似文献   

Excess of Mg2+ ions is known to inhibit the soluble inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases). In contrast, the mutant Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase Asp42-->Asn is three times more active than native and retains its activity at high Mg2+ concentration. In this paper, another two mutant variants with Asp42 replaced by Ala or Glu were investigated to characterize the role of Asp42 in catalysis. pH-independent kinetic parameters of MgPPi hydrolysis and the dissociation constants for the activating and inhibitory Mg2+ ions were calculated. It was shown that Mg2+ inhibition of MgPPi hydrolysis by native PPase exhibited uncompetitive kinetics under the saturating substrate concentration. All three substitutions of Asp42 lead to a sharp decrease of inhibitory Mg2+ affinity to the enzyme. These findings allow determination of the sites of inhibitory and substrate Mg2+ ions binding to PPase. Common features of these mutants allow the conclusion that the function of Asp42 is to accurately coordinate the residues implicated in the substrate and the inhibitory Mg2+ ion binding to PPase active site. Structural analysis of PPase complexed with Mg2+ compared with PPase complexed with Mn2+ and reaction products confirms this supposition.  相似文献   

Lactose/H(+) symport by lactose permease of Escherichia coli involves interactions between four irreplaceable charged residues in transmembrane helices that play essential roles in H(+) translocation and coupling [Glu269 (helix VIII) with His322 (helix X) and Arg302 (helix IX) with Glu325 (helix X)], as well as Glu126 (helix IV) and Arg144 (helix V) which are obligatory for substrate binding. The conservative mutation Glu325-->Asp causes a 10-fold reduction in the V(max) for active lactose transport and markedly decreased lactose-induced H(+) influx with no effect on exchange or counterflow, neither of which involves H(+) symport. Thus, shortening the side chain may weaken the interaction of the carboxyl group at position 325 with the guanidino group of Arg302. Therefore, Gly-scanning mutagenesis of helices IX and X and the intervening loop was employed systematically with mutant Glu325-->Asp in an effort to rescue function by introducing conformational flexibility between the two helices. Five Gly replacement mutants in the Glu325-->Asp background are identified that exhibit significantly higher transport activity. Furthermore, mutant Val316-->Gly/Glu325-->Asp catalyzes active transport, efflux, and lactose-induced H(+) influx with kinetic properties approaching those of wild-type permease. It is proposed that introduction of conformational flexibility at the interface between helices IX and X improves juxtapositioning between Arg302 and Asp325 during turnover, thereby allowing more effective deprotonation of the permease on the inner surface of the membrane [Sahin-Tóth, M., Karlin, A., and Kaback, H. R. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 10729-10732.  相似文献   

Walus M  Kida E  Wisniewski KE  Golabek AA 《FEBS letters》2005,579(6):1383-1388
Tripeptidyl-peptidase I (TPP I) is a lysosomal aminopeptidase that sequentially removes tripeptides from small polypeptides and also shows a minor endoprotease activity. Mutations in TPP I are associated with a fatal lysosomal storage disorder--the classic late-infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. In the present study, we analyzed the catalytic mechanism of the human enzyme by using a site-directed mutagenesis. We demonstrate that apart from previously identified Ser475 and Asp360, also Glu272, Asp276, and Asp327 are important for catalytic activity of the enzyme. Involvement of serine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid in the catalytic reaction validates the idea, formulated on the basis of significant amino acid sequence homology and inhibition studies, that TPP I is the first mammalian representative of a growing family of serine-carboxyl peptidases.  相似文献   

Lin FP  Chen HC  Lin CS 《IUBMB life》1999,48(2):199-204
Site-directed mutagenesis was used to explore the roles of amino acid residues involved in the activity of chitinase from Aeromonas caviae. Kinetic parameters for 4-methylumbelliferyl-N,N'-diacetyl-chitobiose or 4-methylumbelliferyl-N,N',N"-triacetylchitotriose hydrolysis were determined with wild-type and mutant chitinases. Chitinases with the mutations E315D (or Q) and D391E (or N) were severely impaired and had dramatically decreased kcat. However, the effect of the these mutations on the Km values were different. The function of the carboxyl group of Asp313 was partially replaced by the amide of Asn when the 4-methylumbelliferyl-N,N',N"-triacetylchitotriose substrate was used. Results indicated that Asp313, Glu315, and Asp391 might be the best candidates for the catalytic residues of chitinase A from Aeromonas caviae.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RdgC protein is a potential negative regulator of RecA function. RdgC inhibits RecA protein-promoted DNA strand exchange, ATPase activity, and RecA-dependent LexA cleavage. The primary mechanism of RdgC inhibition appears to involve a simple competition for DNA binding sites, especially on duplex DNA. The capacity of RecA to compete with RdgC is improved by the DinI protein. RdgC protein can inhibit DNA strand exchange catalyzed by RecA nucleoprotein filaments formed on single-stranded DNA by binding to the homologous duplex DNA and thereby blocking access to that DNA by the RecA nucleoprotein filaments. RdgC protein binds to single-stranded and double-stranded DNA, and the protein can be visualized on DNA using electron microscopy. RdgC protein exists in solution as a mixture of oligomeric states in equilibrium, most likely as monomers, dimers, and tetramers. This concentration-dependent change of state appears to affect its mode of binding to DNA and its capacity to inhibit RecA. The various species differ in their capacity to inhibit RecA function.  相似文献   

The function of ubiquinone in Escherichia coli   总被引:45,自引:17,他引:28  
1. The function of ubiquinone in Escherichia coli was studied by using whole cells and membrane preparations of normal E. coli and of a mutant lacking ubiquinone. 2. The mutant lacking ubiquinone, strain AN59 (Ubi(-)), when grown under aerobic conditions, gave an anaerobic type of growth yield and produced large quantities of lactic acid, indicating that ubiquinone plays a vital role in electron transport. 3. NADH and lactate oxidase activities in membranes from strain AN59 (Ubi(-)) were greatly impaired and activity was restored by the addition of ubiquinone (Q-1). 4. Comparison of the percentage reduction of flavin, cytochrome b(1) and cytochrome a(2) in the aerobic steady state in membranes from the normal strain (AN62) and strain AN59 (Ubi(-)) and the effect of respiratory inhibitors on these percentages in membranes from strain AN62 suggest that ubiquinone functions at more than one site in the electron-transport chain. 5. Membranes from strain AN62, in the absence of substrate, showed an electron-spin-resonance signal attributed to ubisemiquinone. The amount of reduced ubiquinone (50%) found after rapid solvent extraction is consistent with the existence of ubiquinone in membranes as a stabilized ubisemiquinone. 6. The effects of piericidin A on membranes from strain AN62 suggest that this inhibitor acts at the ubiquinone sites: thus inhibition of electron transport is reversed by ubiquinone (Q-1); the aerobic steady-state oxidation-reduction levels of flavins and cytochrome b(1) in the presence of the inhibitor are raised to values approximating those found in the membranes of strain AN59 (Ubi(-)); the inhibitor rapidly eliminates the electron-spin-resonance signal attributed to ubisemiquinone and allows slow oxidation of endogenous ubiquinol in the absence of substrate and prevents reduction of ubiquinone in the presence of substrate. It is concluded that piericidin A separates ubiquinone from the remainder of the electron-transport chain. 7. A scheme is proposed in which ubisemiquinone, complexed to an electron carrier, functions in at least two positions in the electron-transport sequence.  相似文献   

The function of OmpA in Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) is a major protein in the Escherichia coli outer membrane. In this study, the function of OmpA in E. coli stress survival was examined. An E. coli K1 ompA-deletion mutant was significantly more sensitive than that of its parent strain to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), cholate, acidic environment, high osmolarity, and pooled human serum. A number of amino acid changes at the extracellular loops of OmpA did not affect the viability of E. coli, while short peptide insertions in the periplasmic turns of the OmpA beta-barrel decreased E. coli resistance to environmental stresses. Moreover, ompA mutants were found to survive much better within brain microvascular endothelial cells than the wild-type strain, supporting that OmpA is a major target in mammalian host cell defense. These results indicated that OmpA plays a vital structural role in E. coli, and suggested that a perfect beta-barrel structure of OmpA is important for outer membrane stability. Based on these results and the published OmpA structural analyses, I propose that OmpA is composed of three functional domains including a hydrophilic extracellular mass, a beta-barrel transmembrane structure, and a peptidoglycan binding domain.  相似文献   

The roles of Asp(75), Asp(78), and Glu(83) of the (75)DPSDVARVE(83) element of Mycobacterium smegmatis GTP-dependent phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase (GTP-PEPCK) were investigated. Asp(78) and Glu(83) are fully conserved in GTP-PEP-CKs. The human PEPCK crystal structure suggests that Asp(78) influences Tyr(220); Tyr(220) helps to position bound PEP, and Glu(83) interacts with Arg(81). Experimental data on other PEPCKs indicate that Arg(81) binds PEP, and the phosphate of PEP interacts with Mn(2+) of metal site 1 for catalysis. We found that D78A and E83A replacements severely reduced activity. E83A substitution raised the apparent K(m) value for Mn(2+) 170-fold. In contrast, Asp(75) is highly but not fully conserved; natural substitutions are Ala, Asn, Gln, or Ser. Such substitutions, when engineered, in M. smegmatis enzyme caused the following. 1) For oxaloacetate synthesis, V(max) decreased 1.4-4-fold. K(m) values for PEP and Mn(2+) increased 3-9- and 1.2-10-fold, respectively. K(m) values for GDP and bicarbonate changed little. 2) For PEP formation, V(max) increased 1.5-2.7-fold. K(m) values for oxaloacetate increased 2-2.8-fold. The substitutions did not change the secondary structure of protein significantly. The kinetic effects are rationalized as follows. In E83A the loss of Glu(83)-Arg(81) interaction affected Arg(81)-PEP association. D78A change altered the Tyr(220)-PEP interaction. These events perturbed PEP-Mn(2+) interaction and consequently affected catalysis severely. In contrast, substitutions at Asp(75), a site far from bound PEP, brought subtle effects, lowering oxaloacetate formation rate but enhancing PEP formation rate. It is likely that Asp(75) substitutions affected PEP-Mn(2+) interaction by changing the positions of Asp(78), Arg(81), and Glu(83), which translated to differential effects on two directions.  相似文献   

Song J  Laskowski M  Qasim MA  Markley JL 《Biochemistry》2003,42(10):2847-2856
From the larger set of 191 variants at all the variable contact positions in the turkey ovomucoid third domain, we selected a subset that consists of Asp, Glu, His, and Lys residues at eight of the nine contiguous P6-P3' positions (residues 13-21), the exception being P3-Cys16 which is involved in a conserved disulfide bridge. Two-dimensional [1H,1H]-TOCSY data were collected for each variant as a function of sample pH. This allowed for the evaluation of 31 of the 32 pK(a) values for these residues, the exception being that of P5-Lys14, whose signals at high pH could not be resolved from those of other Lys residues in the molecule. Only two of the titrating residues are present in the wild-type protein (P6-Lys13 and P1'-Glu19); hence, these measurements complement earlier measurements by A. D. Robertson and co-workers. This data set was supplemented with results from the pH dependence of NMR spectra of four additional single mutants, P1-Leu18Gly, P1-Leu18Ala, P2-Thr17Val, and P3'-Arg21Ala, and two double mutants, P2-Thr17Val/P3'-Arg21Ala and P8-Tyr11Phe/P6-Lys13Asp. Probably the most striking result was observation of a P2-Thr17...P1'-Glu19 hydrogen bond and a P1'-Glu19-P3'-Arg21 electrostatic interaction within the triad of P2, P1', and P3' (residues 17, 19, and 21, respectively). In several cases, the pK(a) of a particular residue was sensed by resonances not only in that residue but also in residue(s) with which it interacts. Remarkably, in several interacting systems, resonances from different protons within the same residue yielded different pHmid values.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the enzymic properties of the phosphofructokinase from Escherichia coli was compared to those of two mutants in which one carboxyl group of the active site has been removed from either Asp127 or Asp129. All measurements of activity were made in the presence of allosteric activator ADP or GDP to eliminate any cooperative process. Asp129 is a crucial residue for the activity of phosphofructokinase since its conversion to Ser decreases the catalytic activity by 2-3 orders of magnitude in both the forward and reverse reactions, but the ionization of Asp129 is not directly related the pH dependence of phosphofructokinase activity. This pH dependence is however modified by the Asp129----Ser mutation, which decreases the pK of another residue, Asp127, by as much as pH of 1.5. The side chain of Asp127 has the catalytic role proposed earlier: its deprotonated form acts as a base in the forward reaction, and its protonated form acts as an acid in the reverse reaction. The protonated form of Asp127 is also required for the binding of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. The electrostatic interaction between the carboxyl groups of Asp127 and Asp129 seems different in free phosphofructokinase to that in enzyme/substrate complexes, suggesting that a conformational change occurs upon substrate binding. The pH dependence of phosphofructokinase activity involves one other ionizable group with a pK of approximately 6 which does not belong to the side chains of Asp127 or Asp129.  相似文献   

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