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Bacillus subtilis Spore Coat   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
In response to starvation, bacilli and clostridia undergo a specialized program of development that results in the production of a highly resistant dormant cell type known as the spore. A proteinacious shell, called the coat, encases the spore and plays a major role in spore survival. The coat is composed of over 25 polypeptide species, organized into several morphologically distinct layers. The mechanisms that guide coat assembly have been largely unknown until recently. We now know that proper formation of the coat relies on the genetic program that guides the synthesis of spore components during development as well as on morphogenetic proteins dedicated to coat assembly. Over 20 structural and morphogenetic genes have been cloned. In this review, we consider the contributions of the known coat and morphogenetic proteins to coat function and assembly. We present a model that describes how morphogenetic proteins direct coat assembly to the specific subcellular site of the nascent spore surface and how they establish the coat layers. We also discuss the importance of posttranslational processing of coat proteins in coat morphogenesis. Finally, we review some of the major outstanding questions in the field.  相似文献   

Bacillus spores are encased in a multilayer, proteinaceous self-assembled coat structure that assists in protecting the bacterial genome from stresses and consists of at least 70 proteins. The elucidation of Bacillus spore coat assembly, architecture, and function is critical to determining mechanisms of spore pathogenesis, environmental resistance, immune response, and physicochemical properties. Recently, genetic, biochemical and microscopy methods have provided new insight into spore coat architecture, assembly, structure and function. However, detailed spore coat architecture and assembly, comprehensive understanding of the proteomic composition of coat layers, and specific roles of coat proteins in coat assembly and their precise localization within the coat remain in question. In this study, atomic force microscopy was used to probe the coat structure of Bacillus subtilis wild type and cotA, cotB, safA, cotH, cotO, cotE, gerE, and cotE gerE spores. This approach provided high-resolution visualization of the various spore coat structures, new insight into the function of specific coat proteins, and enabled the development of a detailed model of spore coat architecture. This model is consistent with a recently reported four-layer coat assembly and further adds several coat layers not reported previously. The coat is organized starting from the outside into an outermost amorphous (crust) layer, a rodlet layer, a honeycomb layer, a fibrous layer, a layer of “nanodot” particles, a multilayer assembly, and finally the undercoat/basement layer. We propose that the assembly of the previously unreported fibrous layer, which we link to the darkly stained outer coat seen by electron microscopy, and the nanodot layer are cotH- and cotE- dependent and cotE-specific respectively. We further propose that the inner coat multilayer structure is crystalline with its apparent two-dimensional (2D) nuclei being the first example of a non-mineral 2D nucleation crystallization pattern in a biological organism.  相似文献   

CotE is a morphogenic protein that controls the assembly of the coat, the proteinaceous structure that surrounds and protects the spore of Bacillus subtilis. CotE has long been thought to interact with several outer coat components, but such interactions were hypothesized from genetic experiment results and have never been directly demonstrated. To study the interaction of CotE with other coat components, we focused our attention on CotC and CotU, two outer coat proteins known to be under CotE control and to form a heterodimer. We report here the results of pull-down experiments that provide the first direct evidence that CotE contacts other coat components. In addition, coexpression experiments demonstrate that CotE is needed and sufficient to allow formation of the CotC-CotU heterodimer in a heterologous host.The spore of Bacillus subtilis is a dormant cell, resistant to harsh conditions and able to survive extreme environmental conditions (25). Spores are produced in a sporangium that consists of an inner cell, the forespore, that will become the mature spore and an outer cell, the mother cell, that will lyse, liberating the mature spore (18, 26). Resistance of the spore to noxious chemicals, lytic enzymes, and predation by soil protozoans is in part due to the coat, a complex, multilayered structure of more than 50 proteins that encases the spore (5, 8, 13). Proteins that constitute the coat are produced in the mother cell and deposited around the outer membrane surface of the forespore in an ordered manner (8).A small subset of coat proteins have a regulatory role on the formation of the coat. Those proteins, referred to as morphogenic factors, do not affect the synthesis of the coat components but drive their correct assembly outside of the outer forespore membrane (8). Within this subset of regulatory coat proteins, SpoIVA and CotE play a crucial role. SpoIVA (6, 20, 23) is assembled into the basement layer of the coat and is anchored to the outer membrane of the forespore through its C terminus that contacts SpoVM, a small, amphipathic peptide embedded in the forespore membrane (16, 21, 22). A spoIVA-null mutation impairs the assembly of the coat around the forming spore, and as a consequence, coat material accumulates in the mother cell cytoplasm (23).CotE (28) assembles into a ring and surrounds the SpoIVA basement structure. The inner layer of the coat is then formed between the SpoIVA basement layer and the CotE ring by coat components produced in the mother cell that infiltrate through the CotE ring, while the outer layer of the coat is formed outside of CotE (6). However, not all CotE molecules are assembled into the ring-like structure, and CotE molecules are also found in the mother cell cytoplasm, at least up to 8 h after the start of sporulation (3). CotE was first identified as a morphogenic factor in a seminal study in which an ultrastructural analysis indicated that a cotE-null mutation prevented formation of the electron-dense outer layer of the coat while it did not affect inner coat formation (28). A subsequent mutagenesis study has revealed that CotE has a modular structure with a C-terminal domain involved in directing the assembly of various coat proteins, an internal domain involved in the targeting of CotE to the forespore, and a N-terminal domain that, together with the internal domain, directs the formation of CotE multimers (17). More recently, formation of CotE multimers has been also confirmed by a yeast two-hybrid approach (14). In a global study of protein interactions in the B. subtilis coat, performed by a fluorescence microscopy analysis of a collection of strains carrying cot-gfp fusions, CotE has been proposed to interact with most outer coat components (12).From those and other studies, the interactions of CotE with coat structural components have been exclusively inferred on the basis of genetic experiment results, i.e., cotE mutants that failed to assemble one or more coat components. Evidence of a direct interaction between CotE and another coat component has never been provided. We addressed this issue by using as a model two coat components, CotC and CotU, known to be controlled by CotE and to form a heterodimer (10, 28).CotC is an abundant, 66-amino-acid protein known to assemble in the outer coat in various forms: a monomer of 12 kDa, a homodimer of 21 kDa, and two less abundant forms of 12.5 and 30 kDa, probably due to posttranslational modifications of CotC (9). CotU is a structural homolog of CotC of 86 amino acids. The two proteins, which share an almost identical N terminus and a less conserved C terminus, interact, originating the formation of a heterodimer of 23 kDa (10). Heterodimer formation most likely requires a B. subtilis-specific factor since it does not occur in Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae (10). CotC and CotU are synthesized in the mother cell compartment of the sporulating cell but do not accumulate there since they are immediately assembled around the forming spore (10). In a strain carrying a cotE-null mutation, CotC and CotU, together with all other outer coat components, do not assemble around the forming spore (10). CotC and CotU are also dependent on CotH, an additional morphogenic factor involved in coat formation (9). A cotH-null mutation prevents CotC and CotU assembly in the coat as well as their accumulation in the mother cell cytoplasm (10). Since a mutation causing cotH overexpression allows CotC and CotU accumulation in the mother cell cytoplasm (1), it has been proposed that CotH acts by stabilizing CotC and CotU in the mother cell cytoplasm (1, 10).Here we provide the first direct evidence that CotE interacts with two other coat components, CotC and CotU, and show that CotE is essential and sufficient to mediate CotC-CotU interaction to form a heterodimer.  相似文献   

Unique crystalline structures were found by X-ray diffractometry to be present in spore coats of Bacillus subtilis. By crystallographical and chemical studies of the purified spore coats it was found that these crystalline structures of the spore coats were essentially similar to those of α- and β-keratin, and that the spore coats were composed of keratin-like substance (or keratin). This keratin-like substance was found to be synthesized during sporogenesis from sulfur-containing water-soluble substances in the cells.  相似文献   

Sporulation of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Bacterial spores are encased in a multilayered proteinaceous shell known as the coat. In Bacillus subtilis, over 50 proteins are involved in spore coat assembly but the locations of these proteins in the spore coat are poorly understood. Here, we describe methods to estimate the positions of protein fusions to fluorescent proteins in the spore coat by using fluorescence microscopy. Our investigation suggested that CotD, CotF, CotT, GerQ, YaaH, YeeK, YmaG, YsnD, and YxeE are present in the inner coat and that CotA, CotB, CotC, and YtxO reside in the outer coat. In addition, CotZ and CgeA appeared in the outermost layer of the spore coat and were more abundant at the mother cell proximal pole of the forespore, whereas CotA and CotC were more abundant at the mother cell distal pole of the forespore. These polar localizations were observed both in sporangia prior to the release of the forespore from the mother cell and in mature spores after release. Moreover, CotB was observed at the middle of the spore as a ring- or spiral-like structure. Formation of this structure required cotG expression. Thus, we conclude not only that the spore coat is a multilayered assembly but also that it exhibits uneven spatial distribution of particular proteins.Proper localization and assembly of proteins in cells and subcellular structures are essential features of living organisms. Complex protein assemblies, including ribosomes, flagella, and the cytokinetic machinery, play important roles in bacteria (26, 27, 40). Studying how these complex structures are formed is a fundamental theme in molecular biology. In this work, we developed a method to analyze one of the most complex bacterial protein assemblies: the spore coat of Bacillus subtilis.Sporulation of B. subtilis is initiated in response to nutrient limitation, and it involves a highly ordered program of gene expression and morphological change (33, 42). The first morphological change of sporulation is the appearance of an asymmetrically positioned septum that divides the cell into a larger mother cell and a smaller forespore. Next, the mother cell membrane migrates around the forespore membrane during a phagocytosis-like process called engulfment. The completion of engulfment involves fusion of the mother cell membrane to pinch off the forespore within the mother cell. Compartment-specific gene expression brings about maturation of the spore and its release upon lysis of the mother cell (reviewed in reference 19). Mature spores remain viable during long periods of starvation and are resistant to heat, toxic chemicals, lytic enzymes, and other factors capable of damaging vegetative cells (30). Spores germinate and resume growth when nutrients become available (32).The outer portions of Bacillus spores consist of a cortex, a spore coat layer, and in some cases, an exosporium. The cortex, a thick layer of peptidoglycan, is deposited between the inner and the outer membranes of the forespore, and it is responsible for maintaining the highly dehydrated state of the core, thereby contributing to the extreme dormancy and heat resistance of spores. Spore coat assembly involves the deposition of at least 50 protein species (12, 21, 24) into two major layers: an electron-dense outer layer, called the outer coat, and a less electron-dense inner layer with a lamellar appearance, called the inner coat (50). These layers provide a protective barrier against bactericidal enzymes and chemicals, such as lysozyme and organic solvents (30). Although disruption of any one gene encoding a spore coat protein typically has little or no effect on spore resistance, morphology, or germination, a few proteins, referred to as morphogenetic proteins, play central roles in the assembly of the spore coat (7, 10, 13). One of the morphogenetic proteins, CotE, is located between the inner and outer coats and directs the assembly of most or all of the outer coat proteins and also a few of the inner coat proteins (2, 9, 17, 25, 52). The locations of CotE, CotS, and SpoIVA in the spore coat were determined previously by immunoelectron microscopy (9, 43). CotA, CotB, CotC, and CotG were shown to be externally exposed on the surface of the spore by single-molecule recognition force spectroscopy or antibody accessibility (15, 18, 45, 28). However, the positions of most of the spore coat proteins in the coat have not been determined experimentally, although provisional assignments were made based largely on the control of assembly into the coat by CotE (17). In this study, we developed methods to estimate the positions of proteins in the spore coat layers by using fluorescence microscopy analysis of coat protein-fluorescent protein fusions, with resolution that allowed us to distinguish between the inner and outer coats. In addition, we discovered an asymmetric spatial distribution of four spore coat proteins and a ring- or spiral-like structure of CotB. These observations suggest that spore coat assembly is more intricate than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

The germination of spore-forming bacteria in high-salinity environments is of applied interest for food microbiology and soil ecology. It has previously been shown that high salt concentrations detrimentally affect Bacillus subtilis spore germination, rendering this process slower and less efficient. The mechanistic details of these salt effects, however, remained obscure. Since initiation of nutrient germination first requires germinant passage through the spores'' protective integuments, the aim of this study was to elucidate the role of the proteinaceous spore coat in germination in high-salinity environments. Spores lacking major layers of the coat due to chemical decoating or mutation germinated much worse in the presence of NaCl than untreated wild-type spores at comparable salinities. However, the absence of the crust, the absence of some individual nonmorphogenetic proteins, and the absence of either CwlJ or SleB had no or little effect on germination in high-salinity environments. Although the germination of spores lacking GerP (which is assumed to facilitate germinant flow through the coat) was generally less efficient than the germination of wild-type spores, the presence of up to 2.4 M NaCl enhanced the germination of these mutant spores. Interestingly, nutrient-independent germination by high pressure was also inhibited by NaCl. Taken together, these results suggest that (i) the coat has a protective function during germination in high-salinity environments; (ii) germination inhibition by NaCl is probably not exerted at the level of cortex hydrolysis, germinant accessibility, or germinant-receptor binding; and (iii) the most likely germination processes to be inhibited by NaCl are ion, Ca2+-dipicolinic acid, and water fluxes.  相似文献   

A simple method for overproduction of a target protein by genetic engineering techniques has been established. This method involves rearranging the target gene, which contains a ribosome binding sequence for expression, in plurally repeated form, and inserting it in a 3′ lower part of promoters.

The chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) structural gene was used to demonstrate the validity of this method. E. coli harboring a CAT expression plasmid, pUS(CAT)1, which had one inserted CAT gene, was able to produce CAT at the level of only 4% of the total cellular protein according to densitometric scanning on Coomassie-blue-stained SDS-polyacrylamide gel and had the CAT activity of 3.9 × 103 units/mg protein. However, E. coli harboring a CAT expression plasmid, pUS(CAT)4, which had inserted four directly repeated copies of the CAT gene, could synthesize CAT up to 16% of the total cellular protein and had the CAT activity of 2.8 × 104 units/mg protein. This suggests that this method should be useful for overproducing many important peptides or proteins in bacteria.  相似文献   

孙静  陈建华 《生物技术》2007,17(3):79-83
枯草芽孢杆菌是典型的模式微生物,其芽孢形成过程一直是细胞分化领域研究的热点,近年来取得了重大进展。其形成芽孢时,细胞进行不对称分裂而产生两个子细胞:前芽孢(forespore)和母细胞(mother cell),它们的基因表达程序是完全不同的,但又相互影响。枯草芽孢杆菌被广泛应用于各种酶的生产,这些酶主要是在母细胞中合成。该文综述了母细胞中基因表达的调控机制。母细胞中基因表达的变化是由母细胞特异性转录因子Spo0A、σE和σK调控的。  相似文献   

Metabolism of various sulfur compounds in Bacillus subtilis during growth and sporulation was investigated by use of tracer techniques, in an attempt to clarify the mechanism involved in the formation of cystine rich protein of the spore coat.

Methionine, homocysteine, cystathionine, cysteine and some inorganic sulfur compounds (sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate) were utilized by this organism as sulfur sources for its growth and sporulation. Biosynthesis of methionine from sulfate during growth was more or less inhibited by the addition of cysteine, homocysteine or cystathionine to the culture.

It is suggested from these results that in Bacillus subtilis methionine is synthesized from sulfate through cysteine, cystathionine and homocysteine as is the case in Salmonella or Neurospora. The results also suggest that the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids in Bacillus subtilis is strongly regulated by methionine and homocysteine.  相似文献   

The breakdown of cellular protein was investigated in Bacillus subtilis labeled with glycine-2-3H or L-phenylalanine-U-14C at different stages of vegetative growth and sporulation. In cells labeled with l-phenylalanine-U-14C, multiple protein turnover was observed. However, in cells labeled with glycine-2-3H, the patterns of protein turnover were quite different in the stages of growth and sporulation; proteins which were labeled at the early stationary phase were degraded rapidly, but those labeled at the late sporulation stage were hardly degraded. It was found that glycine incorporated into cells at the late sporulation stage was mainly utilized for biosynthesis of the spore coat protein. These data suggest that the spore coat protein which contains relatively large amounts of glycine is little subject to further degradation.  相似文献   

Ethylenediamine-soluble glycoproteins were extracted from isolated Microsporum gypseum hyphal walls during sporulation and from spore coats before and after germination. This study was carried out to identify a sporulation-specific cell wall protein that possibly served as a substrate for the alkaline protease which initiated the macroconidial germination of this fungus. Analyses revealed that water-insoluble glycoprotein accounted for 10% of the ungerminated spore coat but only for 4 to 5% of the mycelial wall dry weight. This fraction was modified in its amino acid composition during sporulation, and it decreased in protein content during spore germination. Water-soluble glycoprotein, which accounted for approximately 3 to 3.5% of either the spore coat or mycelial wall dry weight, was of similar amino acid composition from both sources and did not decrease in protein content upon spore germination. The water-insoluble glycoprotein was found to be rich in leucine, aspartic acid, glycine, glutamic acid, and phenylalanine residues. The water-soluble glycoprotein was rich in proline, threonine, glycine, serine, glutamic acid, and alanine.  相似文献   

Mutation of the divIVB locus in Bacillus subtilis causes misplacement of the septum during cell division and allows the formation of anucleate minicells. The divIVB locus contains five open reading frames (ORFs). The last two ORFs (minCD) are homologous to minC and minD of Escherichia coli but a minE homolog is lacking in B. subtilis. There is some similarity between minicell formation and the asymmetric septation that normally occurs during sporulation in terms of polar septum localization. However, it has been proposed that MinCD has no essential role in sporulation septum formation. We have used electron microscopic studies to show septation events during sporulation in some minD strains. We have observed an unusually thin septum at the midcell position in minD and also in minD spoIIE71 mutant cells. Fluorescence microscopy also localized a SpoIIE-green fluorescent protein fusion protein at the midcell site in minD cells. We propose that the MinCD complex plays an important role in asymmetric septum formation during sporulation of B. subtilis cells.  相似文献   

Sporulation by Bacillus subtilis is a cell density-dependent response to nutrient deprivation. Central to the decision of entering sporulation is a phosphorelay, through which sensor kinases promote phosphorylation of Spo0A. The phosphorelay integrates both positive and negative signals, ensuring that sporulation, a time- and energy-consuming process that may bring an ecological cost, is only triggered should other adaptations fail. Here we report that a gastrointestinal isolate of B. subtilis sporulates with high efficiency during growth, bypassing the cell density, nutritional, and other signals that normally make sporulation a post-exponential-phase response. Sporulation during growth occurs because Spo0A is more active per cell and in a higher fraction of the population than in a laboratory strain. This in turn, is primarily caused by the absence from the gut strain of the genes rapE and rapK, coding for two aspartyl phosphatases that negatively modulate the flow of phosphoryl groups to Spo0A. We show, in line with recent results, that activation of Spo0A through the phosphorelay is the limiting step for sporulation initiation in the gut strain. Our results further suggest that the phosphorelay is tuned to favor sporulation during growth in gastrointestinal B. subtilis isolates, presumably as a form of survival and/or propagation in the gut environment.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis possess a thick protein coat that consists of an electron-dense outer coat layer and a lamellalike inner coat layer. The spore coat has been shown to confer resistance to lysozyme and other sporicidal substances. In this study, spore coat-defective mutants of B. subtilis (containing the gerE36 and/or cotE::cat mutation) were used to study the relative contributions of spore coat layers to spore resistance to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and various artificial and solar UV treatments. Spores of strains carrying mutations in gerE and/or cotE were very sensitive to lysozyme and to 5% H2O2, as were chemically decoated spores of the wild-type parental strain. Spores of all coat-defective strains were as resistant to 254-nm UV-C radiation as wild-type spores were. Spores possessing the gerE36 mutation were significantly more sensitive to artificial UV-B and solar UV radiation than wild-type spores were. In contrast, spores of strains possessing the cotE::cat mutation were significantly more resistant to all of the UV treatments used than wild-type spores were. Spores of strains carrying both the gerE36 and cotE::cat mutations behaved like gerE36 mutant spores. Our results indicate that the spore coat, particularly the inner coat layer, plays a role in spore resistance to environmentally relevant UV wavelengths.  相似文献   

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