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Mathematical models and recordings of cloacal temperature suggest that leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) maintain core body temperature higher than ambient water temperature (T(W)) while freely swimming at sea. We investigated the thermoregulatory capabilities of free-ranging leatherbacks and, specifically, the effect that changes in diving patterns and ambient temperatures have on leatherback body temperatures (T(B)). Data loggers were used to record subcarapace and gastrointestinal tract temperatures (T(SC) and T(GT), respectively), T(W), swim speed, dive depth, and dive times of female leatherback turtles during internesting intervals off the coast of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Mean T(SC) (28.7 degrees -29.0 degrees C) was significantly higher than mean T(W) (25.0 degrees -27.5 degrees C). There was a significant positive relationship between T(SC) and T(W) and a significant negative correlation between T(SC) and dive depth and T(GT) and dive depth. Rapid fluctuations in T(GT) occurred during the first several days of the internesting interval, which suggests that turtles were ingesting prey or water during this time. Turtles spent 79%-91% of the time at sea swimming at speeds greater than 0.2 m s(-1), and the average swim speed was 0.7 +/- 0.2 m s(-1). Results from this study show that alterations in diving behavior and T(W) affect T(B) of leatherback turtles in the tropics. Body temperatures of free-ranging leatherback turtles correspond well with values for T(B) predicted by mathematical models for tropical conditions.  相似文献   

The global distribution of extant reptiles is more limited than that of mammals or birds, with low reptilian species diversity at high latitudes. Central to this limited geographical distribution is the ectothermic nature of reptiles, which means that they generally become torpid at cold temperatures. However, here we report the first detailed telemetry from a leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) diving in cold water at high latitude. An individual equipped with a satellite tag that relayed temperature-depth profiles dived continuously for many weeks into sub-surface waters as cold as 0.4 °C. Global warming will likely increase the foraging range of leatherback turtles further into temperate and boreal waters.  相似文献   

Hypothesizing that emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) would have higher daily energy expenditures when foraging for their food than when being hand-fed and that the increased expenditure could represent their foraging cost, we measured field metabolic rates (FMR; using doubly labeled water) over 4-d periods when 10 penguins either foraged under sea ice or were not allowed to dive but were fed fish by hand. Surprisingly, penguins did not have higher rates of energy expenditure when they dove and captured their own food than when they did not forage but were given food. Analysis of time-activity and energy budgets indicated that FMR was about 1.7 x BMR (basal metabolic rate) during the 12 h d(-1) that penguins were lying on sea ice. During the remaining 12 h d(-1), which we termed their "foraging period" of the day, the birds were alert and active (standing, preening, walking, and either free diving or being hand-fed), and their FMR was about 4.1 x BMR. This is the lowest cost of foraging estimated to date among the eight penguin species studied. The calculated aerobic diving limit (ADL(C)), determined with the foraging period metabolic rate of 4.1 x BMR and known O(2) stores, was only 2.6 min, which is far less than the 6-min ADL previously measured with postdive lactate analyses in emperors diving under similar conditions. This indicates that calculating ADL(C) from an at-sea or foraging-period metabolic rate in penguins is not appropriate. The relatively low foraging cost for emperor penguins contributes to their relatively low total daily FMR (2.9 x BMR). The allometric relationship for FMR in eight penguin species, including the smallest and largest living representatives, is kJ d(-1)=1,185 kg(0.705).  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of four leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) was recorded for periods of 0.5-8.1 months during their postnesting movements in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, when they covered 1569-18,994 km. Dive data were obtained using satellite-linked transmitters which also provided information on the dive depths and profiles of the turtles. Turtles mainly dove to depths < 200 m, with maximum dive durations under 30-40 min and exhibited diel variations in their diving activity for most part of the routes, with dives being usually longer at night. Diurnal dives were in general quite short, but cases of very deep (> 900 m) and prolonged (> 70 min) dives were however recorded only during daytime. The three turtles that were tracked for the longest time showed a marked change in behaviour during the tracking, decreasing their dive durations and ceasing to dive deeply. Moreover, diel variations disappeared, with nocturnal dives becoming short and numerous. This change in turtle diving activity appeared to be related to water temperature, suggesting an influence of seasonal prey availability on their diving behaviour. The turtle diving activity was independent on the shape of their routes, with no changes between linear movements in the core of main currents or looping segments in presence of oceanic eddies.  相似文献   

The diving capacity of marine mammals is typically defined by the aerobic dive limit (ADL) which, in lieu of direct measurements, can be calculated (cADL) from total body oxygen stores (TBO) and diving metabolic rate (DMR). To estimate cADL, we measured blood oxygen stores, and combined this with diving oxygen consumption rates (VO2) recorded from 4 trained Steller sea lions diving in the open ocean to depths of 10 or 40 m. We also examined the effect of diving exercise on O2 stores by comparing blood O2 stores of our diving animals to non-diving individuals at an aquarium. Mass-specific blood volume of the non-diving individuals was higher in the winter than in summer, but there was no overall difference in blood O2 stores between the diving and non-diving groups. Estimated TBO (35.9 ml O2 kg?1) was slightly lower than previously reported for Steller sea lions and other Otariids. Calculated ADL was 3.0 min (based on an average DMR of 2.24 L O2 min?1) and was significantly shorter than the average 4.4 min dives our study animals performed when making single long dives—but was similar to the times recorded during diving bouts (a series of 4 dives followed by a recovery period on the surface), as well as the dive times of wild animals. Our study is the first to estimate cADL based on direct measures of VO2 and blood oxygen stores for an Otariid and indicates they have a much shorter ADL than previously thought.  相似文献   

We used satellite tags to record the patterns of depth utilisation for four ocean sunfish (Mola mola) and two leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) moving in broadly the same area off South Africa. Individuals were tracked for between 2 and 8 months and dive data relayed via satellite. For all the sunfish and one of the turtles, we received binned data on depth distribution, while for the second turtle we received individual dive profiles along with the proportion of time spent diving. Leatherback turtles dived almost exclusively within the upper 200 m, spending only 0.6 and 0.2% of their time > 200 m. There were times when sunfish likewise occupied these relatively shallow depths. However, there were also protracted periods when sunfish spent the majority of their time much deeper, with one individual remaining around 500 m for many hours at a time. These results suggest that sunfish sometimes exploit deeply distributed prey which is beyond the foraging range of leatherback turtles. We conclude that while both species are believed to feed predominantly on gelatinous zooplankton, the fact that sunfish do not need to come to the surface to breathe means that they can occupy an expanded vertical niche compared to the leatherback turtle.  相似文献   

Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are critically endangered, primarily threatened by the overharvesting of eggs, fisheries entanglement, and coastal development. The Pacific leatherback population has experienced a catastrophic decline over the past two decades. Leatherbacks foraging off the coast of California are part of a distinct Western Pacific breeding stock that nests on beaches in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. Although it has been proposed that the rapid decline of Pacific leatherback turtles is due to increased adult mortality, little is known about the health of this population. Health assessments in leatherbacks have examined females on nesting beaches, which provides valuable biological information, but might have limited applicability to the population as a whole. During September 2005 and 2007, we conducted physical examinations on 19 foraging Pacific leatherback turtles and measured normal physiologic parameters, baseline hematologic and plasma biochemistry values, and exposure to heavy metals (cadmium, lead, and mercury), organochlorine contaminants, and domoic acid. We compared hematologic values of foraging Pacific leatherbacks with their nesting counterparts in Papua New Guinea (n=11) and with other nesting populations in the Eastern Pacific in Costa Rica (n=8) and in the Atlantic in St. Croix (n=12). This study provides the most comprehensive assessment to date of the health status of leatherbacks in the Pacific. We found significant differences in blood values between foraging and nesting leatherbacks, which suggests that health assessment studies conducted only on nesting females might not accurately represent the whole population. The establishment of baseline physiologic data and blood values for healthy foraging leatherback turtles, including males, provides valuable data for long-term health monitoring and comparative studies of this endangered population.  相似文献   

Population decline and a shift in the geographical distribution of some ectothermic animals have been attributed to climatic warming. Here, we show that rises in water temperature of a few degrees, while within the thermal window for locomotor performance, may be detrimental to diving behaviour in air-breathing ectotherms (turtles, crocodilians, marine iguanas, amphibians, snakes and lizards). Submergence times and internal and external body temperature were remotely recorded from freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) while they free-ranged throughout their natural habitat in summer and winter. During summer, the crocodiles'' mean body temperature was 5.2 ± 0.1°C higher than in winter and the largest proportion of total dive time was composed of dive durations approximately 15 min less than in winter. Diving beyond 40 min during summer required the crocodiles to exponentially increase the time they spent on the surface after the dive, presumably to clear anaerobic debt. The relationship was not as significant in winter, even though a greater proportion of dives were of a longer duration, suggesting that diving lactate threshold (DLT) was reduced in summer compared with winter. Additional evidence for a reduced DLT in summer was derived from the stronger influence body mass exerted upon dive duration, compared to winter. The results demonstrate that the higher summer body temperature increased oxygen demand during the dive, implying that thermal acclimatization of the diving metabolic rate was inadequate. If the study findings are common among air-breathing diving ectotherms, then long-term warming of the aquatic environment may be detrimental to behavioural function and survivorship.  相似文献   

The theoretical aerobic diving limit (tADL) specifies the duration of a dive after which oxygen reserves available for diving are depleted. The tADL has been calculated by dividing the available oxygen stores by the diving metabolic rate (DMR). Contrary to diving mammals, most diving birds examined to date exceed the tADL by a large margin. This discrepancy between observation and theory has engendered two alternative explanations suggesting that dive duration is extended either anaerobically or by depressing aerobic metabolism. Current formulations of tADL uncritically assume that DMR is independent of depth. However, diving birds differ from other vertebrate divers by having a larger respiratory system volume and by retaining air in their plumage while diving, thereby elevating buoyancy. Because air compresses with depth, diving power requirement decreases with depth. Following this principle, we modeled DMR to depth for Adelie and little penguins and reformulated the tADL accordingly. The model's results suggest that < approximately 5% of natural dives by Adelie penguins exceed the reformulated tADL(d), or maximal aerobic depth, and none in the more buoyant little penguin. These data suggest that, for both small and large species, deep diving birds rarely if ever exceed tADL(d).  相似文献   

Body mass positively influences diving capacities in air-breathing vertebrates and has been identified as a key determinant for the evolution of diving. Our review on the relationship between body mass and dive duration (a major parameter of dive performances) encompassed for the first time a wide diversity of air-breathing vertebrates. We included a substantial number of nonavian and nonmammalian diving species belonging to various independent lineages (sea snakes, iguana, turtles and crocodiles). Our analyses suggest that the widely accepted size dependency of dive duration applies with significantly less force in ectotherms compared with endotherms; notably we failed to detect any effect of body mass in ectotherms. We hypothesize that the absence of tight physiological links between body mass and respiratory demands documented in ectotherms blurred our ability to detect the expected correlation. Further exploration of the evolution of diving physiology may well necessitate adopting novel perspectives to encompass both ectothermic and endothermic modes.  相似文献   

The original definition of aerobic dive limit (ADL) was the dive duration after which there is an increase in post-dive concentration of lactate in the blood of Weddell seals freely diving in the field. The only other species in which such measurements have been made is the emperor penguin. For all other species, aerobic dive limit has been calculated (cADL) by dividing usable oxygen stores with an estimation of the rate of oxygen consumption during diving. Unfortunately, cADL is often referred to as the aerobic dive limit, implying that it is equivalent to that determined from the measurement of post-dive blood lactate concentration. However, this is not so, as at cADL all of the usable oxygen would have been consumed, whereas Weddell seals and emperor penguins can dive for at least 2-3 times longer than their ADL. Thus, at ADL, there is still some usable oxygen remaining in the stores. It is suggested that to avoid continued confusion between these two terms, the former is called diving lactate threshold (DLT), as it is somewhat analogous to the lactate threshold in exercising terrestrial vertebrates. Possible explanations of how some species routinely dive beyond their cADL are also discussed.  相似文献   

We measured microclimate, field metabolic rates (FMRs), water flux, and activity patterns of telemetered box turtles (Terrapene carolina) in South Carolina from September 1987 to October 1988. Turtles were inactive for most of the winter and were active only sporadically during the rest of the year. Using the doubly labeled water method, we found that water flux averaged 8.8, 18.9, and 26.4 mL kg(-1) d(-1) in winter, spring, and summer/fall, respectively. FMR for the same periods averaged 0.028, 0.065, and 0.124 mL CO(2) g(-1) h(-1). Differences in FMR among seasons were significant but not between sexes. Using operative temperatures, we predicted standard and maximum metabolic rates of turtles. In winter, FMR was elevated above standard metabolic rates and close to maximum metabolic rates, whereas in spring and summer/fall, FMR fell midway between standard and maximum metabolic rates. We used a model to predict metabolic rates, geographical distribution, and potential reproductive output of box turtles across latitudes in eastern North America. Low FMR and low annual reproductive output may allow box turtles to survive and flourish in unpredictable resource environments by minimizing costs and risks, thereby maintaining greater lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

A mouth opening sensor incorporating a magnet and Hall sensor attached to a data logging unit was used to monitor the breathing and foraging behavior of a free-swimming leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Analysis of these data revealed a rhythmic low amplitude oscillation. Further investigation of the frequency of this signal lead us to believe that the movements (< 0.1 mm) are caused by the movement of blood through the nearby blood vessels. Putative heart rate decreased during dive descent and increased considerably during dive ascent reflecting the bradycardia and anticipatory tachycardia recorded by other means in other air-breathing divers. Oscillation frequencies were also comparable to the heart rate recorded in leatherbacks by means of implanted electrodes. We therefore propose that this device which was already known to reliably record behaviour such as breathing, feeding and buccal oscillations in sea turtles also has potential for recording other signals which cause movement on the external surface of an animal.  相似文献   

The aerobic dive limit, as defined by an increase in plasma lactate levels following dives, has to date only been determined in adult and juvenile Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii). However, theoretical aerobic dive limits based on calculated total body oxygen stores, estimated metabolic rates, and dive duration frequencies have been published for several species. Using data collected over the past 3 years in McMurdo Sound. Antarctica, the aerobic dive limit of Weddell seal pups was determined by both the physiological and modeling methods. Time-depth diving recorders deployed on 36 pups between 2 and 14 weeks of age allowed the aerobic dive limit to be predicted from duration-frequency histograms. The aerobic dive limit was also calculated from estimates of total body oxygen stores and predicted diving metabolic rates. Finally, these two estimates were compared with aerobic dive limits determined from post-dive lactate levels in three pups between 5 and 7 weeks old. The aerobic dive limits of pups increased with age, but pup aerobic dive limits were still significantly shorter than those of yearlings and adults. In addition, the aerobic dive limits determined by the three methods were not equivalent for pups, yearlings, or adults, and indicate that care should be taken when modeling methods are used to estimate the aerobic dive limit in other species. Changes in hematocrit, plasma glucose, and plasma lactate levels during and between rest, diving, and recovery in pups were compared to known values for juveniles and adults. Plasma metabolite levels were more highly regulated in older pups, and together with the increasing aerobic dive limit, suggest that Weddell seal pups are not refined divers until after they are weaned, and that their diving ability continues to develop over several years.  相似文献   

The endangered leatherback turtle is a large, highly migratory marine predator that inexplicably relies upon a diet of low-energy gelatinous zooplankton. The location of these prey may be predictable at large oceanographic scales, given that leatherback turtles perform long distance migrations (1000s of km) from nesting beaches to high latitude foraging grounds. However, little is known about the profitability of this migration and foraging strategy. We used GPS location data and video from animal-borne cameras to examine how prey characteristics (i.e., prey size, prey type, prey encounter rate) correlate with the daytime foraging behavior of leatherbacks (n = 19) in shelf waters off Cape Breton Island, NS, Canada, during August and September. Video was recorded continuously, averaged 1:53 h per turtle (range 0:08–3:38 h), and documented a total of 601 prey captures. Lion''s mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) was the dominant prey (83–100%), but moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) were also consumed. Turtles approached and attacked most jellyfish within the camera''s field of view and appeared to consume prey completely. There was no significant relationship between encounter rate and dive duration (p = 0.74, linear mixed-effects models). Handling time increased with prey size regardless of prey species (p = 0.0001). Estimates of energy intake averaged 66,018 kJ•d−1 but were as high as 167,797 kJ•d−1 corresponding to turtles consuming an average of 330 kg wet mass•d−1 (up to 840 kg•d−1) or approximately 261 (up to 664) jellyfish•d-1. Assuming our turtles averaged 455 kg body mass, they consumed an average of 73% of their body mass•d−1 equating to an average energy intake of 3–7 times their daily metabolic requirements, depending on estimates used. This study provides evidence that feeding tactics used by leatherbacks in Atlantic Canadian waters are highly profitable and our results are consistent with estimates of mass gain prior to southward migration.  相似文献   

Regional endothermy, the conservation of metabolic heat by vascular countercurrent heat exchangers to elevate the temperature of the slow-twitch locomotor muscle, eyes and brain, or viscera, has evolved independently among several fish lineages, including lamnid sharks, billfishes, and tunas. All are large, active, pelagic species with high energy demands that undertake long-distance migrations and move vertically within the water column, thereby encountering a range of water temperatures. After summarizing the occurrence of endothermy among fishes, the evidence for two hypothesized advantages of endothermy in fishes, thermal niche expansion and enhancement of aerobic swimming performance, is analyzed using phylogenetic comparisons between endothermic fishes and their ectothermic relatives. Thermal niche expansion is supported by mapping endothermic characters onto phylogenies and by combining information about the thermal niche of extant species, the fossil record, and paleoceanographic conditions during the time that endothermic fishes radiated. However, it is difficult to show that endothermy was required for niche expansion, and adaptations other than endothermy are necessary for repeated diving below the thermocline. Although the convergent evolution of the ability to elevate slow-twitch, oxidative locomotor muscle temperatures suggests a selective advantage for that trait, comparisons of tunas and their ectothermic sister species (mackerels and bonitos) provide no direct support of the hypothesis that endothermy results in increased aerobic swimming speeds, slow-oxidative muscle power, or energetic efficiency. Endothermy is associated with higher standard metabolic rates, which may result from high aerobic capacities required by these high-performance fishes to conduct many aerobic activities simultaneously. A high standard metabolic rate indicates that the benefits of endothermy may be offset by significant energetic costs.  相似文献   

We used Satellite Relay Data Loggers to obtain the first dive profiles for critically endangered leatherback turtles outside the nesting season. As individuals moved from the Caribbean out into the Atlantic, key aspects of their diving behaviour changed markedly, in line with theoretical predictions for how dive duration should vary with foraging success. In particular, in the Atlantic, where foraging success is expected to be higher, dives became much longer than in the Caribbean. The deepest-ever dive profile recorded for a reptile was obtained in the oceanic Atlantic, with a 54-min dive to 626 m on 26 August 2002. However, dives were typically much shallower (generally <200 m) and shorter (<40 min). These results highlight the suitability of this species for testing models of dive performance.  相似文献   

Over recent years there have been substantial efforts to record and interpret the post-nesting movements of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) breeding in tropical regions. Less well documented are the movements undertaken by individual turtles during the breeding season itself, or more specifically between sequential nesting events. Such movements are of interest for two reasons: (1) gravid female leatherbacks may range extensively into the territorial waters and nesting beaches of neighbouring countries, raising questions for conservationists and population ecologists; and (2) the magnitude of movements themselves help elucidate underlying reproductive strategies (e.g. whether to rest near to the nesting or forage extensively). Here, satellite relay data loggers are used (SRDLs) to detail the movements and behaviour of two female leatherback turtles throughout three consecutive inter-nesting intervals in the Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies. Both near-shore residence and extensive inter-nesting movements were recorded, contrasting previous studies, with movements away from the nesting beach increasing towards the end of the nesting season. Using this behavioural study as a backdrop, the suitability of attaching satellite transmitters directly to the carapace was additionally explored as an alternative approach to conventional harness deployments. Specifically, the principal aims were to (1) gather empirical data on speed of travel and (2) assess dive performance (aerobic dive limit) to enable comparisons with turtles previously fitted with harnesses elsewhere in the Caribbean (n = 6 turtles; Grenada, WI). This produced mixed results with animals bearing directly attached transmitters travelling significantly faster (55.21 km day− 1; SD 6.68) than harnessed individuals (39.80 km day− 1; SD 6.19); whilst no discernable difference in dive performance could be found between the two groups of study animals.  相似文献   

Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are endangered, and declining population trends suggest that they are vulnerable to becoming extinct in the Pacific Ocean. Population recovery depends on strong conservation measures (e.g., nest protection, reduction of bycatch, and foraging habitat preservation) and on how fast leatherbacks grow and reach maturity, making the latter of grave concern. The research reported here marks the first time that several leatherback turtles have been maintained in captivity for nearly 2 years, from hatchlings (6.31 ± 0.13 cm straight carapace length (SCL) and 46.0 ± 1 g) to juveniles (largest, 72.0 cm SCL and 42.65 kg). Leatherbacks maintained an average growth rate of 31.9 ± 2.8 cm year− 1 in SCL throughout the study period. A length-mass relationship of the form, mass (kg) = 0.000214 ? SCL (cm) 2.86, fitted our data and data from four other captive studies, 11 wild juveniles, and five studies of adult leatherbacks. Von Bertalanffy, Gompertz and logistic growth functions predicted age-at-maturity for leatherbacks of 16.1, 8.7 and 6.8 years, respectively. The accuracy of these age-at-maturity estimates is discussed in the light of skeletochronological studies as well as estimates obtained from conservation and genetic studies. Our data, in combination with data from sightings, suggest that leatherbacks spend their early years (0 to 5 years of age) growing in the warmer waters of the tropical and subtropical seas before entering cooler temperate waters. Information obtained from turtles incidentally captured in fisheries, supplemented with growth curve data, indicates that leatherbacks are vulnerable to entanglement or hooking in various pelagic gear types, such as drift gill nets and longline within 3 years from nest emergence. Consequently, leatherbacks are exposed to threats from marine fisheries for > 80% of their early life before carapace length characteristic of reproductive maturity is attained.  相似文献   

Effective transboundary conservation of highly migratory marine animals requires international management cooperation as well as clear scientific information about habitat use by these species. Populations of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the eastern Pacific have declined by >90% during the past two decades, primarily due to unsustainable egg harvest and fisheries bycatch mortality. While research and conservation efforts on nesting beaches are ongoing, relatively little is known about this population of leatherbacks' oceanic habitat use and migration pathways. We present the largest multi-year (2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2007) satellite tracking dataset (12,095 cumulative satellite tracking days) collected for leatherback turtles. Forty-six females were electronically tagged during three field seasons at Playa Grande, Costa Rica, the largest extant nesting colony in the eastern Pacific. After completing nesting, the turtles headed southward, traversing the dynamic equatorial currents with rapid, directed movements. In contrast to the highly varied dispersal patterns seen in many other sea turtle populations, leatherbacks from Playa Grande traveled within a persistent migration corridor from Costa Rica, past the equator, and into the South Pacific Gyre, a vast, low-energy, low-productivity region. We describe the predictable effects of ocean currents on a leatherback migration corridor and characterize long-distance movements by the turtles in the eastern South Pacific. These data from high seas habitats will also elucidate potential areas for mitigating fisheries bycatch interactions. These findings directly inform existing multinational conservation frameworks and provide immediate regions in the migration corridor where conservation can be implemented. We identify high seas locations for focusing future conservation efforts within the leatherback dispersal zone in the South Pacific Gyre.  相似文献   

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