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During a collection of ticks from vegetation in March 2006, a single adult male Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni (Stiles, 1908), was collected that exhibited unique morphological anomalies, including the absence of a leg on the right side of the body. Coxa IV on the right side also was missing in this specimen. Such teratological changes have not been reported previously for D. andersoni.  相似文献   

The effect of Anaplasma marginale antibodies ingested with the tick blood meal was tested on infected male ticks that were allowed to feed on cattle immunized with the erythrocytic stage of A. marginale. The experiments were done in two trials. Trial 1 was done using splenectomized calves (two calves per treated and control groups) while ticks in trial 2 were fed on intact yearling cattle (four cattle per treated and control groups). The cattle were immunized with purified outer membrane proteins of erythrocyte-derived A. marginale using saponin (trial 1) or monophosphoryl lipid-A-trehalose dicorynomycolate adjuvant (trial 2). The corresponding control cattle received adjuvant only. All cattle were challenged using Dermacentor andersoni males infected as adults that were allowed to feed for 7 days. In trial 1, the ticks were allowed to feed a second time on susceptible calves to test whether exposure of ticks to immunized cattle affected their ability to transmit anaplasmosis. Infections in fed ticks were monitored by determining the infection rates in salivary glands with an A. marginale-specific RNA probe and light microscopy. Vaccine-derived antibodies ingested with the tick blood meal did not appear to affect the development of A. marginale in previously infected ticks. The infection rates in the salivary glands were not significantly different among ticks fed on immunized versus adjuvant control cattle. When the vaccine-exposed ticks in trial 1 were allowed to feed a second time on susceptible calves, the resulting clinical symptoms of anaplasmosis were similar to those of the controls. There was no statistically significant effect of tick exposure to the anti-erythrocytic stage antibody on the development of salivary gland infection or transmission of A. marginale by ticks.  相似文献   

We report that the ability to absorb water vapor from the air in larvae of the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, changes depending upon moisture conditions where the eggs develop. When development occurs at lower relative humidities, resultant larvae can replenish water stores, maintain water balance, and survive at relative humidities as low as 75-85% RH, a range that agrees with previously published values for the critical equilibrium humidity or CEH. In contrast, exposure to high relative humidity conditions during development elevates the CEH to 93-97% RH. These larvae can survive only at relative humidities that are close to saturation, as 93% RH is a dehydrating atmosphere. For these larvae, absorption at 97% RH can be prevented by blocking the mouthparts with wax, indicating that an upward shift has occurred in the moisture threshold where the active mechanism for water vapor absorption operates. Based on transfer experiments between low and high relative humidities, the CEH of larvae is determined by the relative humidity experienced by the mother rather than the moisture conditions encountered by eggs after they are laid. The fact that no changes in body water content, dehydration tolerance limit and water loss rate were observed implies that adjustments to the CEH conferred by the mother have the adaptive significance of enabling larvae to maintain water balance by limiting the range of hydrating atmospheres.  相似文献   

This study presents the morphology of the ovary, as well as the process of the vitellogenesis in oocytes of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The ovary of these individuals is of the panoistic type; therefore, it lacks nurse cells. This organ consists of a single tubular structure, continuous, and composed of a wall formed by small epithelial cells with rounded nuclei which delimit the lumen. The oocytes in the different developmental stages in this tick species were classified into five stages (I-V). They remain attached to the ovary during vitellogenesis by a cellular pedicel and afterwards the mature oocytes (stage V) are released into the ovary lumen.  相似文献   

The salivary glands of females of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus at three feeding stages: unfed, engorged, and at day three post-engorgement, were subjected to cytochemical methods of enzymatic analysis and cell viability. Comparing glands at these stages, was observed distinct staining patterns in cells of different types of acini, specially in degenerating types III, II, I, which were affected in this sequence by cell death. This study also revealed changes in: nuclei, staining intensity for acid phosphatase and ATPase activities, and permeability of the plasma membrane. Acid phosphatase activity was inversely proportional to that of ATPase, while ATPase activity was always proportional to membrane integrity. The glands of unfed females exhibited high metabolic activity and cells with intact nucleus and plasma membrane, suggesting that the presence of acid phosphatase detected in these individuals may participate in the normal physiology of some acini, as they were not undergoing degeneration. In acini I and II of engorged females, we observed cells with intact membranes, as well as changes characterized by nuclear changes, decrease in ATPase activity, and stronger acid phosphatase activity. At day three post-engorgement, degeneration progressed to more advanced stages, loss of membrane integrity was observed in most cells (of some type I acini, most type II acini, and all type III acini), as well as prominent nuclear changes, decrease in ATPase activity, and intense acid phosphatase activity, resulting in apoptotic bodies. During the death of cells nuclear changes preceded cytoplasmic ones in the following sequence: nuclear changes, loss of ATPase activity, loss of integrity of the plasma membrane, increase in acid phosphatase activity, and formation of apoptotic bodies. The presence of acid phosphatase with a secondary role (late) during cell death, degrading final cell remnants, characterized this process in the glands of R. sanguineus females as atypical or non-classic apoptosis.  相似文献   

Many studies have been conducted with plants whose extracts have the potential to be used for pest control. One of these plants is Azadirachta indica (neem), whose main active ingredient is azadirachtin, a compound shown to have acaricide and insecticide activity. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick) is currently considered to be an “urban pest,” because of its high levels of infestation and its ability to attack humans. In the present study partially and fully engorged R. sanguineus females were exposed to aqueous extracts of neem at concentrations of 10% and 20%, and to a control treatment. The results showed that differently from what was observed in the control, the pedicel cells of females exposed to neem at both concentrations lost their original shape. In the latter cases, the cytoplasm of the cells became fully vacuolated, especially near the germinal vesicle (oocyte nuclei) and in the oocyte pole, which is in contact with the cells of the pedicel. Oocytes in early stages of development (I and II) of ticks treated with both concentrations had irregular germinal vesicle, including the presence of two nucleoli as well as fragments of these. Oocytes in stages IV and V of exposed individuals showed full granular cytoplasm with bigger yolk granules when compared to the early stages. Chorion of mature oocytes was also altered, showing folds and deformations along their entire extension. The observed changes in cells of the reproductive system of R. sanguineus, especially in the oocytes, indicated the potential of neem as a new alternative method to control these ectoparasites.  相似文献   

Currently, the most efficient and widely used method of tick control still is the treatment with acaricides, especially permethrin (active ingredient of the Advantage® Max3, Bayer), a pyrethroid with neurotoxic action. Due to the wide use of this acaricide in the control of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus, this study carried out laboratorial procedures to determine the LC50 (lethal concentration fifty) of permethrin in semi-engorged females of R. sanguineus. Based on the result of 14 dilutions of permethrin in distilled water and later Probit analysis, the LC50 of permethrin for R. sanguineus was 2062 ppm (1549-2675 ppm). This work can be used as a protocol with other chemicals, to determinate the LC50, basic procedure for studies of control, resistance and behavior of ticks treated with acaricides, especially the brown dog tick R. sanguineus. Also, the knowledge of the LC50 provides information on the potency of chemicals, the sensitivity of Arthropods to them and even estimates on pest control.  相似文献   

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