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空气致敏花粉污染研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李倩  靳颖  华振玲  刘家熙 《生态学报》2005,25(2):334-338
对空气致敏花粉污染概念的提出 ,空气致敏花粉污染的特点和影响因素 ,花粉采集方法的改进以及空气致敏花粉污染的研究进展等方面进行了总结 ,指出了研究中存在的问题 ,并对研究前景进行了展望  相似文献   

武汉市武昌地区气传致敏花粉调查研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
应用曝片法连续365d收集武昌地区3个调查点的气传花粉,全年共检同花粉48643粒,分属28个科,属。一年中出现2次花粉高峰,即3~4月份,8~9月份,其中优势花粉为悬铃木属(Platanus)柏科(Cupressaceae),松属(Pinus)蒿属(Artemisia)等;最主要的致敏花粉为蒿属,豚草属(Ambrosia)对影响本地区空气中花粉飘散的因素,几种优势花粉的致敏特点及其临床意义作了初  相似文献   

武汉市武昌地区气传致敏花粉调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用曝片法连续365d收集武昌地区3个调查点的气传花粉,全年共检出花粉48643粒,分属28个科、属。一年中出现2次花粉高峰,即3~4月份,8~9月份。其中优势花粉为悬铃木属(Platanus)、柏科(Cupressaceae)、松属(Pinus)、蒿属(Artemisia)等;最主要的致敏花粉为蒿属、豚草属(Ambrosia)。对影响本地区空气中花粉飘散的因素,几种优势花粉的致敏特点及其临床意义作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

城市空气花粉的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过综述城市空气花粉的研究进展, 总结城市空气花粉的采集方式并进行对比, 分析各主要城市的空气花粉的种属以及时空传播规律以及各地理环境和气候条件与空气花粉的关系,并指出了研究中存在的问题,并对研究前景进行了展望。对研究进展进行总结可知, 城市化所伴随的交通污染, 热岛效应, 城市绿化和硬质地面增多等现象会在一定程度上增强了空气花粉的致敏性, 对空气花粉的飘散起到积极影响, 因此, 能够加剧花粉症的发病情况。而基于空气花粉研究存在的样品采集技术的问题, 原因分析太浅现和不能很好解答科学问题等三大现状, 笔者提出注重相邻城市之间的空气花粉的研究, 与遥感技术相结合进行分析和结合现实问题进行研究等三个未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

空气中花粉粒的调查研究属气传孢粉应用学科,它正愈来愈受到临床医学界的重视。掌握本地区空气中花粉播散规律,对预防、诊断、治疗呼吸道过敏性疾病具有十分重要而现实的意义。本文着重报道了从1985年4月1日至1986年3月31日在武汉地区空气中孢粉散布的基本规律,并讨论分析了空气中花粉含量与气候的关系。根据花粉在空气中出现时期的长短及数量的多少,笔者把武汉地区空气中常遇到的一些植物花粉分为3种类型,这对考虑湖北武汉地区哪些植物花粉可能导致过敏性疾病是有意义的。  相似文献   

"阿——嚏,阿——嚏"几个大声的喷嚏并不意味着你感冒了,还有一种可能就是悬浮在空气中的致敏植物花粉偷偷溜进了你的鼻腔黏膜,刺激呼吸道使其发痒导致喷嚏发生。原来,植物花粉并不像我们想像的那样纤细  相似文献   

Ⅰ型花粉致敏原是主要存在于禾本科植物花粉中含量丰富的小分子糖蛋白,文章就其分子特性及其生物学功能的研究进展作介绍。  相似文献   

城市中的花粉致敏植物及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大量致敏花粉飘散于空气中会引发花粉症,严重危害人体健康。由于不当的城市绿地建设使得花粉致敏植物在城市中大量聚集,加之城市热岛效应和交通污染等多方面的因素,使得城市中花粉症患者数量激增。综述了花粉致敏植物的种类、物候特征和影响因素提出了控制花粉致敏植物的建议;总结了目前花粉致敏植物研究中应进一步关注的问题,旨在为改善城市空气质量,建设合理绿化环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

刘明欣  王彤  闫甲祺  刘于琪  赵渺希 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4449-4464
目前,花粉过敏性疾病在国内外城市中均具有较高发病率。作为城市居民生活的基本单元,社区对居民健康有重要的影响。因此,社区尺度的花粉致敏风险评估研究是提升居民健康的重要抓手。鉴于此,研究从花粉产生的植物本体角度和影响花粉传播的空间环境角度系统地综述了影响社区花粉致敏风险的相关因素,并进一步梳理了花粉致敏风险的评估方法。研究发现:在空间尺度上,目前国内外评估花粉致敏风险相关方法主要应用于微观的植物尺度与宏观的城市尺度,在中观尺度的应用仅局限于校园、公园中的绿地,尚未对社区进行研究;在评估因素上,现有评估方法多关注植物自身因素,如树木高度、冠幅等因素,而较少涉及诸如通风、温湿度等环境因素;然而社区中环境条件复杂,建筑环境不容忽视,因此了解植物与环境的综合作用对于社区花粉致敏风险的评估至关重要。基于上述发现,提出未来建立适宜社区尺度的致敏评估方法的可能途径:首先应建立适用于评估社区常用植物的统一标准数据集,在综合考虑植物因子、社区环境因子和临床患病率等各类因子的基础上建立社区花粉致敏风险评估方法,还可利用可视化技术建立包含社区三维特征的模型来模拟社区花粉分布及扩散规律,确立社区尺度下花粉致敏风险评估方法,降低社区花粉致病率,进一步提升居民健康水平。  相似文献   

实时荧光PCR快速检测食品中致敏原芹菜成分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨采用实时荧光PCK技术建立检测食品中致敏原芹菜成分的方法.试验结果表明:针对芹菜管家基因Mrd基因设计的特异性检测引物和探针进行检测时,31种样品经实时PCR扩增,只有芹菜和西芹样品产生阳性的荧光信号,其余样品均不产生荧光信号.灵敏度试验结果表明:该方法对芹菜致敏原基因的检测灵敏度较高,可检测到芹菜过敏原样品中10mg/kg~1mg/kg的含量.  相似文献   

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is a subtropic monsoon climate. Plants are various and their blossom period are long. To prevent and cure the respiratory allergic diseases, we made an investigation on the diffusion patterns of airborne allergic pollen grains and spores and their allergization as well in Nanning. Our work paves a way for further similar researches in the south of our country. The relationship between airborne pollen quantity and the climate, the diffution patterns of various pollen grains and the pollen quantity of higher level and lower level are discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

中山大学校园内空气中孢子花粉散布的初步调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郑卓 《生态科学》1994,(2):11-17
在中山大学校内安装的风标式收集器记录了1984年和1985年部分月份的空气孢粉散布情况,其结果基本反映出广州地区的空气孢粉散布规律。一年中的3~4月和10月前后分别是两个孢粉浓度的高峰期。该结果对物候学、医学和地学都具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Syed M. Hasnain 《Grana》2013,52(4-5):315-318
In order to investigate potential acroallergens of the Auckland region, a quantitative and qualitative study of the air spora was conducted at three different sites over the 12-month period, September 1979 to August 1980. Burkard volumetric spore traps were operated simultaneously at each of the three sites viz. Mt. Eden, Henderson and Waitakeres, located on a 20-km axis extending westward from Auckland City and encompassing residential, horticultural, agricultural, commercial and forested contexts. In the individual category of ascomycetous fungi, Leptosphaeria ascospores were recorded as an important component of air spora of the two non-forested sites. Ascospores concentration displayed a seasonal peak in late summer (February) and early autumn (March) and a diel periodicity with a distinct nocturnal maxima at all sites, confirming Leptosphaeria to be a component of the “rising air” or “damp-air spora”. The maximum concentration exceeded 4430 m?3 of air around midnight (24/25 March, early autumn). A comparison of the results from the three sites showed that 61% of the total Leptosphaeria ascospores were trapped at Henderson (a satellite town in a rural setting) 29% at Mt. Eden (commercial/residential area) and 10% at Waitakeres (mainly forest site). Our data for Leptosphaeria ascospores combined with a high regional incidence of respiratory allergic diseases particularly bronchial asthma in late summer and autumn, indicate that a thorough investigation of the role of Leptosphaeria as a potential aeroallergen is warranted.  相似文献   

戴绍军 《植物学通报》2007,24(3):319-329
花粉是高度退化的生物体(雄配子体),在植物有性生殖过程中具有重要作用。解析花粉发育、花粉-柱头识别、萌发和花粉管生长等细胞学过程的分子机制是当前研究的热点问题之一。近年来,应用高通量的蛋白质组学技术平台,对水稻、拟南芥和裸子植物花粉的蛋白质组学研究揭示了花粉中表达蛋白质的功能类群特征。花粉中参与细胞壁代谢、蛋白质代谢、细胞骨架动态和信号转导的蛋白质被高度代表,并且近1/4蛋白质有多个同工型。本文综述了花粉蛋白质组学的研究进展。  相似文献   

The present study describes the airborne pollen grain concentrations at two different heights (1.5 m and 15 m, respectively). The survey was carried out in 1991 and 1992, using two Burkard spore-traps, both set up at the University of Córdoba, Faculty of Sciences. Generally, and for all herbaceous plants, pollen detection started and ended around the same date on both samplers. However, in the case ofOlea europaea, the pollen was detected in advance by the sampler located at 1.5 m compared with the one located at 15 m, probably due to the fact that olives growing close to the low sampler flower before the great olive plantations located some 60 km south of the city. No significant differences between the counts of both samplers have been observed, except in the case of Urticaceae, where the sampler situated on top of the building recorded higher pollen concentrations in both years. Similar annual peaks of Urticaceae are probably due to the buoyancy of their small, light grains and the explosive pollination mechanism which liberates pollen grains from the anthers of the Urticaceae family, includingUrtica andParietaria.  相似文献   

Pollengrainscausesomerespiratorysystemdiseasessuchasallergicasthmaandhayfever .Thesediseasesap pearespeciallyinfloweringperiodsof  相似文献   

Airborne Pollen Grains of Afyon,Turkey   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The airborne pollen grains of Afyon have been studied for a two-year period(1999-2000)with a Durham sampler,A total of 14367 pollen grains belonging to 40 taxa have been identified and recorded with some unidentified ones.Of them,6732 were identified in 1999 and 7635 in 2000.Of the total pollen grains,69.67% were arboreal,26.64% on-arboreal and 3.68% unidentified.The majority of the investigated pollen grains were from Pinus,Granineae,Cupressaceae,Platamus,Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae,Quercus,Ailanthus,Moraceae,Juglans,Salix,Cedrus and Rosaceae.The highest level of pollen grains was in May.  相似文献   

The airborne pollen grains of Afyon have been studied for a two-year period (1999-2000) with a Durham sampler. A total of 14 367 pollen grains belonging to 40 taxa have been identified and recorded with some unidentified ones. Of them, 6 732 were identified in 1999 and 7 635 in 2000. Of the total pollen grains, 69.67% were arboreal, 26.64% non-arboreal and 3.68 % unidentified. The majority of the investigated pollen grains were from Pinus, Gramineae, Cupressaceae, Platanus, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Quercus, Ailanthus, Moraceae, Juglans, Salix, Cedrus and Rosaceae. The highest level of pollen grains was in May.  相似文献   

The pollen grains in the atmosphere of Burdur have been studied for a two-year period (1996 through 1997) with a Durham sampler. A total of 11881 pollen grains belonging to 39 taxa have been identified and recorded with some unidentified ones. Of them, 5726 were identified in 1996 and 6155 in 1997. Of the total pollen grains, 76.51% were arboreal, 21.62% non-arboreal and 1.87% unidentified. The majority of the investigated pollen grains were from Pinus L., Cupressaceae, Gramineae, Quercus L., Platanus L., Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Salix L., Cedrus L., Compositae, Juglans L. and Urticaceae respectively. The highest level of pollen concentration was in May.  相似文献   

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