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Burn injury is a prevalent and traumatic event for pediatric patients. At present, the diagnosis of burn injury severity is subjective and lacks a clinically relevant quantitative measure. This is due in part to a lack of knowledge surrounding the biochemistry of burn injuries and that of blister fluid. A more complete understanding of the blister fluid biochemistry may open new avenues for diagnostic and prognostic development. Burn insult induces a highly complex network of signaling processes and numerous changes within various biochemical systems, which can ultimately be examined using proteome and metabolome measurements. This review reports on the current understanding of burn wound biochemistry and outlines a technical approach for ‘omics’ profiling of blister fluid from burn wounds of differing severity.  相似文献   

Autophagy inhibition is a potential therapeutic strategy in central nervous system (CNS) tumors. The BRAFV600E mutation is known to affect autophagy. Our studies indicate CNS tumor cells with BRAFV600E mutant cells (but not wild type) display high rates of induced autophagy, are sensitive to autophagy inhibition, and display synergy when chloroquine is combined with the RAF kinase inhibitor vemurafenib or standard chemotherapeutics. Our studies also indicate chloroquine can improve vemurafenib sensitivity in intrinsically resistant cells and in a patient with induced-vemurafenib resistance. These findings suggest CNS tumors with BRAFV600E are autophagy-dependent and that identification of BRAFV600E may be a marker to identify pediatric patients with the best potential response to autophagy inhibition.  相似文献   

Autophagy inhibition is a potential therapeutic strategy in central nervous system (CNS) tumors. The BRAFV600E mutation is known to affect autophagy. Our studies indicate CNS tumor cells with BRAFV600E mutant cells (but not wild type) display high rates of induced autophagy, are sensitive to autophagy inhibition, and display synergy when chloroquine is combined with the RAF kinase inhibitor vemurafenib or standard chemotherapeutics. Our studies also indicate chloroquine can improve vemurafenib sensitivity in intrinsically resistant cells and in a patient with induced-vemurafenib resistance. These findings suggest CNS tumors with BRAFV600E are autophagy-dependent and that identification of BRAFV600E may be a marker to identify pediatric patients with the best potential response to autophagy inhibition.  相似文献   

The brain is complex, and so are the proteomics studies of brain tissue and its diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and schizophrenia. In this review, general considerations and strategies of proteomics technologies, the advantages and challenges as well as the special needs for brain tissue are described and summarized. In addition, the results of the first studies are presented including a quality evaluation of the candidate proteins for these diseases. A paragraph is dedicated to the efforts of standardization in this field.  相似文献   

In modern science proteomic analysis is inseparable from other fields of systemic biology. Possessing huge resources quantitative proteomics operates colossal information on molecular mechanisms of life. Advances in proteomics help researchers to solve complex problems of cell signaling, posttranslational modification, structure and funciotnal homology of proteins, molecular diagnostics etc. More than 40 various methods have been developed in proteomics for quantitative analysis of proteins. Although each method is unique and has certain advantages and disadvantages all these use various isotope labels (tags). In this review we will consider the most popular and effective methods employing both chemical modifications of proteins and also metabolic and enzymatic methods of isotope labeling.  相似文献   



Neurotrauma or injuries to the central nervous system (CNS) are a serious public health problem worldwide. Approximately 75% of all traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are concussions or other mild TBI (mTBI) forms. Evaluation of concussion injury today is limited to an assessment of behavioral symptoms, often with delay and subject to motivation. Hence, there is an urgent need for an accurate chemical measure in biofluids to serve as a diagnostic tool for invisible brain wounds, to monitor severe patient trajectories, and to predict survival chances. Although a number of neurotrauma marker candidates have been reported, the broad spectrum of TBI limits the significance of small cohort studies. Specificity and sensitivity issues compound the development of a conclusive diagnostic assay, especially for concussion patients. Thus, the neurotrauma field currently has no diagnostic biofluid test in clinical use.


We discuss the challenges of discovering new and validating identified neurotrauma marker candidates using proteomics-based strategies, including targeting, selection strategies and the application of mass spectrometry (MS) technologies and their potential impact to the neurotrauma field.


Many studies use TBI marker candidates based on literature reports, yet progress in genomics and proteomics have started to provide neurotrauma protein profiles. Choosing meaningful marker candidates from such ‘long lists’ is still pending, as only few can be taken through the process of preclinical verification and large scale translational validation. Quantitative mass spectrometry targeting specific molecules rather than random sampling of the whole proteome, e.g., multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), offers an efficient and effective means to multiplex the measurement of several candidates in patient samples, thereby omitting the need for antibodies prior to clinical assay design. Sample preparation challenges specific to TBI are addressed. A tailored selection strategy combined with a multiplex screening approach is helping to arrive at diagnostically suitable candidates for clinical assay development. A surrogate marker test will be instrumental for critical decisions of TBI patient care and protection of concussion victims from repeated exposures that could result in lasting neurological deficits.  相似文献   

对不同状态下的蛋白质在表达和修饰水平上进行精确定量,对于探索蛋白质的生物功能、发现疾病的生物标志物都具有重要意义,也是当前蛋白质组学的一个重要研究前沿。近年来,各种蛋白质组定量的新技术和新方法不断涌现,但仍面临着巨大挑战。本文就基于质谱技术的多种蛋白质组定量方法的基本原理、近几年的研究进展和应用进行评述。  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor is implicated in cell cycle control, DNA repair, replicative senescence and programmed cell death. Inactivation of the p53 contributes to the wide range of human tumors, including glial neoplasms. In this review, we describe the regulation and biochemical properties of p53 protein that may explain its ability to activate various genetic programs underlying cellular responses to stress conditions. The overall spectrum of p53 mutations is rather shared between tumor types indicating that these mutations are not tumor type-specific. However, there is one example of germ-line mutation of p53 gene (the deletion of the codon 236) that is associated with a familiar brain tumor syndrome. We compare the frequency and type of most common mutations among various brain tumours (focusing on glioblastomas) and their consequences on protein functions. Furthermore, we discuss the most promising approaches of potential brain tumor therapy, including an adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer. Human glioblastomas are highly sensitive to the effects of p53 activity when the wild-type p53 is introduced ectopically. It suggests that the genetic or pharmacological modulation of the p53 pathway is potentially important strategy in the treatment of human cancers.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry technologies for proteomics.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the late 1980s, the advent of soft ionization techniques capable of generating stable gas phase ions from thermally unstable biomolecules, namely matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI), laid the way for the development of a set of powerful alternatives to the traditional Edman chemistry for the structural characterization of peptides and proteins. The rapid protein identification capabilities that, coupled with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, provided insights into all sorts of biological systems since the dawn of proteomics and have been exploited in the last few years for the development of more powerful and automatable gel-free strategies, mainly based on multidimensional chromatographic separations of peptides from proteolytic digests. In parallel to the evolution of ion sources, mass analysers and scan modes, the invention of new elegant biochemical strategies to fractionate or simplify highly complex mixtures, or to introduce isotopic labels in peptides in a variety of ways now makes also possible large-scale, high-coverage quantitative studies in a wide dynamic range. In this review, we provide the fundamental concepts of mass spectrometry (MS) and describe the technological progress of MS-based proteomics since its earliest days. Representative literature examples of their true power, either when employed as exploratory or as targeted techniques, is provided as well.  相似文献   

生物质谱与蛋白质组学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蛋白质组学是后基因组学时代最受关注的研究领域之一,其核心的鉴定技术——生物质谱近年来在仪器设计以及鉴定通量、分辨率和灵敏度等各方面均有质的飞跃,促进了蛋白质表达谱作图、定量蛋白质组分析、亚细胞器蛋白质组作图、蛋白质翻译后修饰以及蛋白质相互作用等蛋白质组研究各个领域的飞速发展。本综述了生物质谱技术的最新进展,及其在蛋白质组学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

Biomarker discovery in clinical proteomics is being performed on relatively large patient cohorts by utilizing the high throughput of laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI- and SELDI-TOF-MS). Dealing directly with patient samples as opposed to working in cell or animal systems requires a host of considerations both before and after mass spectrometric analysis to obtain robust biomarker candidates. The challenges associated with the heterogeneity of typical samples are amplified by the ability to detect hundreds to thousands of proteins simultaneously. Adherence to protocols and consistency, however, can ensure optimal results. A study starts necessarily with a relevant clinical question and proceeds to a planning phase where sample availability, statistical test selection, logistics and bias reduction are key points. The physical analysis requires consistency and standardized protocols that are helped significantly through automation. Data analysis is broken into two stages, screening and final testing, which can detect either single candidates or a pattern of proteins. Biomarker identification can be performed at this point and will help significantly in the last stage, interpretation. Replication should be performed in an independent sample set in a separate study. The candidate biomarkers from an initial study give a wealth of information that can help to pinpoint patient subpopulations for a more exhaustive proteomic study using complementary platforms with limited capacity but extremely high information content. A clinical proteomics pilot project can also lead to better selection of model systems by providing a direct link with patient samples.  相似文献   

Chemical synapses are key organelles for neurotransmission. The coordinated actions of protein networks in diverse synaptic subdomains drive the sequential molecular events of transmitter release from the presynaptic bouton, activation of transmitter receptors located in the postsynaptic density and the changes of postsynaptic potential. Plastic change of synaptic efficacy is thought to be caused by the alteration of protein constituents and their interaction in the synapse. As a first step toward the understanding of the organization of synapse, several proteomics studies have been carried out to profile the protein constituents and the post-translational modifications in various rodent excitatory chemical synaptic subdomains, including postsynaptic density, synaptic vesicle and the synaptic phosphoproteome. Quantitative proteomics have been applied to examine the changes of synaptic proteins during brain development, in knockout mice model developed for studies of synapse physiology and in rodent models of brain disorders. These analyses generate testable hypotheses of synapse function and regulation both in health and disease.  相似文献   

Due to the enormous complexity of the proteome, focus in proteomics shifts more and more from the study of the complete proteome to the targeted analysis of part of the proteome. The isolation of this specific part of the proteome generally includes an affinity-based enrichment. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), a label-free technique able to follow enrichment in real-time and in a semiquantitative manner, is an emerging tool for targeted affinity enrichment. Furthermore, in combination with mass spectrometry (MS), SPR can be used to both selectively enrich for and identify proteins from a complex sample. Here we illustrate the use of SPR-MS to solve proteomics-based research questions, describing applications that use very different types of immobilized components: such as small (drug or messenger) molecules, peptides, DNA and proteins. We evaluate the current possibilities and limitations and discuss the future developments of the SPR-MS technique.  相似文献   

In spite of the rapid advances in the development of the new proteomic technologies, there are, to date, relatively fewer studies aiming to explore the neuronal proteome. One of the reasons is the complexity of the brain, which presents high cellular heterogeneity and a unique subcellular compartmentalization. Therefore, tissue fractionation of the brain to enrich proteins of interest will reduce the complexity of the proteomics approach leading to the production of manageable and meaningful results. In this review, general considerations and strategies of proteomics, the advantages and challenges to exploring the neuronal proteome are described and summarized. In addition, this article presents an overview of recent advances of proteomic technologies and shows that proteomics can serve as a valuable tool to globally explore the changes in brain proteome during various disease states. Understanding the molecular basis of brain function will be extremely useful in identifying novel targets for the treatment of brain diseases.  相似文献   

The vascular endothelium lining the luminal surface of all blood vessels is constantly exposed to shear stress exerted by the flowing blood. Blood flow with high laminar shear stress confers protection by activation of antiatherogenic, antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory proteins, whereas low or oscillatory shear stress may promote endothelial dysfunction, thereby contributing to cardiovascular disease. Despite the usefulness of proteomic techniques in medical research, however, there are relatively few reports on proteome analysis of cultured vascular endothelial cells employing conditions that mimic in vivo shear stress attributes. This review focuses on the proteome studies that have utilized cultured endothelial cells to identify molecular mediators of shear stress and the roles they play in the regulation of endothelial function, and their ensuing effect on vascular function in general. It provides an overview on current strategies in shear stress-related proteomics and the key proteins mediating its effects which have been characterized so far.  相似文献   

泛素-蛋白酶体系统是细胞内蛋白质特异性降解的主要途径,参与并调控细胞周期、免疫应答、信号传递和DNA修复等真核生物体内几乎所有的生命活动。去泛素酶的存在使泛素化修饰成为可逆过程,保证了泛素系统及其相关生理过程的动态平衡,其表达紊乱也是诱发多种疾病的主要原因。对去泛素化酶进行系统、全面的研究是理解其作用机制并将其作为治疗药物靶点的前提。蛋白质组学技术的快速发展为系统深入研究去泛素化酶提供了条件,特别是在去泛素化酶的相互作用网络和底物特异性研究等方面发挥了独特的作用。因此,文中结合课题组研究工作,对去泛素化酶的分类及功能进行介绍并总结了蛋白质组学在去泛素化酶研究中的应用进展。  相似文献   

Peptide fractionation is extremely important in proteomics approaches. Full proteome characterization is desired from complex organisms, and with growing interest in post-translational modifications an extended protein sequence coverage is required. Peptide fractionation techniques have the great challenge of feeding current mass spectrometers in a way in which these issues are met. Peptide fractionation can be divided into three simple components: the column characteristics; the mobile phase; and peptide properties (charge, polarity, hydrophobicity and size). The current challenges are in the combination of these three components to allow comprehensive proteomics studies to be improved.  相似文献   

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