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Ribosome display: cell-free protein display technology.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ribosome display is a cell-free system for the in vitro selection of proteins and peptides from large libraries. It uses the principle of coupling individual nascent proteins (phenotypes) to their corresponding mRNA (genotypes), through the formation of stable protein-ribosome-mRNA (PRM) complexes. This permits the simultaneous isolation of a functional nascent protein, through affinity for a ligand, together with the encoding mRNA, which is then converted and amplified as DNA for further manipulation, including repeated cycles or protein expression. Ribosome display has a number of advantages over cell-based systems such as phage display; in particular, it can display very large libraries without the restriction of bacterial transformation. It is also suitable for generating toxic, proteolytically sensitive and unstable proteins, and allows the incorporation of modified amino acids at defined positions. In combination with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods, mutations can be introduced efficiently into the selected DNA pool in subsequent cycles, leading to continuous DNA diversification and protein selection (in vitro protein evolution). Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosome display systems have been developed and each has its own distinctive features. In this paper, ribosome display systems and their application in selection and evolution of proteins are reviewed.  相似文献   

Antibodies represent an important and growing class of biologic research reagents and biopharmaceutical products. They can be used as therapeutics in a variety of diseases. With the rapid expansion of proteomic studies and biomarker discovery, there is a need for the generation of highly specific binding reagents to study the vast number of proteins encoded by the genome. Display technologies provide powerful tools for obtaining antibodies. Aside from the preservation of natural antibody repertoires, they are capable of exploiting diversity by DNA recombination to create very large libraries for selection of novel molecules. In contrast to in vivo immunization processes, display technologies allow selection of antibodies under in vitro-defined selection condition(s), resulting in enrichment of antibodies with desired properties from large populations. In addition, in vitro selection enables the isolation of antibodies against difficult antigens including self-antigens, and this can be applied to the generation of human antibodies against human targets. Display technologies can also be combined with DNA mutagenesis for antibody evolution in vitro. Some methods are amenable to automation, permitting high-throughput generation of antibodies. Ribosome display is considered as representative of the next generation of display technologies since it overcomes the limitations of cell-based display methods by using a cell-free system, offering advantages of screening larger libraries and continuously expanding new diversity during selection. Production of display-derived antibodies can be achieved by choosing one of a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell-based expression systems. In the near future, cell-free protein synthesis may be developed as an alternative for large-scale generation of antibodies.  相似文献   

核糖体展示及体外分子选择与进化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
核糖体展示是20世纪90年代中期发展起来的一种简便而有效的体外分子选择与进化技术。它也是第一种完全在体外进行蛋白质或多肽分子选择与进化的方法。本主要概述了体外核糖体展示技术的建立基础、基本原理和技术特点等,并跟踪了目前该领域的最新研究进展和发展前景。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to construct a ribosome display library of single chain variable fragments (scFvs) associated with hepatocarcinoma and screen such a library for hepatocarcinoma-binding scFvs. mRNA was isolated from the spleens of mice immunized with hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. Heavy and k chain genes (VH and k) were amplified separately by RT-PCR, and an anti-HepG2 VH/k chain ribosome display library was constructed by assembling VH and k into the VH/k chain with a specially constructed linker by SOE-PCR. The VH/k chain library was transcribed and translated in vitro using a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. In order to isolate specific scFvs, recognizing HepG2 negative selection on a normal hepatocyte line WRL-68 was carried out before three rounds of positive selection on HepG2. After three rounds of panning, cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) showed that one of the scFvs had high affinity for the HepG2 cell and lower affinity for the WRL-68 cell. In this study, we successfully constructed a native ribosome display library. Such a library would prove useful for direct intact cell panning using ribosome display technology. The selected scFv had a potential value for hepatocarcinoma treatment.  相似文献   

Antibodies are essential in modern life sciences biotechnology. Their architecture and diversity allow for high specificity and affinity to a wide array of biochemicals. Combining monoclonal antibody (mAb) technology with recombinant DNA and protein expression links antibody genotype with phenotype. Yet, the ability to select and screen for high affinity binders from recombinantly-displayed, combinatorial libraries unleashes the true power of mAbs and a flood of clinical applications. The identification of novel antibodies can be accomplished by a myriad of in vitro display technologies from the proven (e.g. phage) to the emerging (e.g. mammalian cell and cell-free) based on affinity binding as well as function. Lead candidates can be further engineered for increased affinity and half-life, reduced immunogenicity and/or enhanced manufacturing, and storage capabilities. This review begins with antibody biology and how the structure and genetic machinery relate to function, diversity, and in vivo affinity maturation and follows with the general requirements of (therapeutic) antibody discovery and engineering with an emphasis on in vitro display technologies. Throughout, we highlight where antibody biology inspires technology development and where high-throughput, “big data” and in silico strategies are playing an increasing role. Antibodies dominate the growing class of targeted therapeutics, alone or as bioconjugates. However, their versatility extends to research, diagnostics, and beyond.  相似文献   

A new ribosome display system was applied for the in vitro selection of a metal-binding motif from an artificial peptide library. The display system consisted of an mRNA-associating protein, a ribosome, and mRNA. The protein part of this display system was designed to provide a random peptide library and to stabilize the ribosome display. The random peptide library was newly designed to isolate stable metal-binding motifs. We employed the system for in vitro selection and found several new proteins and peptides that bind Co(II)-immobilized resin and Co(II)-complex, respectively. This newly developed system can be conveniently applied to the in vitro selection of peptide aptamers.  相似文献   

卢明锋 《生命科学》2010,(8):823-830
该文系统阐述了核糖体展示、mRNA展示及DNA展示等体外展示技术的实验原理,并对近年来各种体外展示技术所取得的进展进行了全面的回顾和总结。  相似文献   

核糖体展示(ribosomedisplay)是一种体外筛选功能性蛋白质的有力的工具.利用体外转录和翻译偶联系统可以方便而快捷地完成核糖体展示.筛选系统利用一对能够紧密结合的蛋白质:人锚蛋白(ankyrin)和红血球膜带3蛋白细胞质区域(cytoplasmicdomainoferythrocytemembraneproteinBand3,Cdb3)作为模式分子,希望利用cdb3蛋白通过核糖体展示亲和选择得到锚蛋白基因.用于核糖体展示的人锚蛋白基因结构由组装PCR构建,通过PCR技术引入核糖体展示所需的结构元件.在亲和筛选步骤后,只能利用红血球膜带3蛋白筛选得到锚蛋白基因,而不能利用对照牛血清白蛋白(bovineserumalbumin,BSA)筛选得到,从而说明建立的核糖体展示技术能够正常发挥作用.  相似文献   

During the past ten years, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have taken center stage in the field of targeted therapy and diagnosis. This increased interest in mAbs is due to their binding accuracy (affinity and specificity) together with the original molecular and structural rules that govern interactions with their cognate antigen. In addition, the effector properties of antibodies constitute a second major advantage associated with their clinical use. The development of molecular and structural engineering and more recently of in vitro evolution of antibodies has opened up new perspectives in the de novo design of antibodies more adapted to clinical and diagnostic use. Thus, efforts are regularly made by researchers to improve or modulate antibody recognition properties, to adapt their pharmacokinetics, engineer their stability, and control their immunogenicity. This review presents the latest molecular engineering results on mAbs with therapeutic and diagnostic applications.  相似文献   

Generation and production of engineered antibodies   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Various forms of recombinant monoclonal antibodies are being used increasingly, mainly for therapeutic purposes. This review specifically focuses on what is now called antibody engineering, and discusses the generation of chimeric, humanized, and fully human recombinant antibodies, immunoglobulin fragments, and artificial antigen-binding molecules. Since the production of recombinant antibodies is a limiting factor in their availability, and a shortage is expected in the future, different expression systems for recombinant antibodies and transgenic organisms as bioreactors are also discussed, along with their advantages and drawbacks.  相似文献   

以健康人的外周血淋巴细胞为来源,以偶联BSA的乙型肝炎病毒PreS1肽体外免疫.分别从免疫和未经免疫的淋巴细胞提取RNA,扩增抗体基因,构建大容量天然单链抗体(scFv)噬菌体展示文库和体外免疫scFv抗体库.以PreS1肽进行3轮淘选后,抗原抗体反应结果显示,从免疫库中获得了亲和力10-7~10-8 M的抗乙型肝炎病毒PreS1的单链抗体,高于天然库的结果(10-6~10-7 M).测序结果表明两株抗体均为人抗体.为基因工程抗体用于临床治疗乙型肝炎奠定基础.同时证明淋巴细胞体外免疫方法构建的免疫抗体库优于大容量天然抗体库.  相似文献   

杨磊  张春明  王德芝 《生物磁学》2009,(13):2590-2593
体外展示技术包括核糖体展示技术、mRNA展示技术、DNA展示技术,是在无细胞蛋白质表达体系内将基因型和表型通过一定的方法连接在一起,体外高通量的筛选多肽和蛋白质的技术。抗体的产生是一个不断选择的过程,利用体外展示技术在体外选择针对某一抗原的抗体分子,并结合基因工程技术对抗体进行改造,以产生高亲和力、高特异性的抗体。体外展示技术的研究和应用已越来越广泛,有望成为下一代的抗体制备技术。  相似文献   

单链抗体(single chain antibody fragment,scFv)是由抗体重链可变区(variable region of heavy chain,VH)和轻链可变区(variable region of light chain,VL)通过柔性短肽连接组成的小分子,是具有完整抗原结合活性的最小功能片段,包含抗体识别及抗原结合部位。相比于其他抗体,scFv具有分子量小、穿透性强、免疫原性弱、易构建表达等优点。目前,scFv最常用的展示系统主要有噬菌体展示系统、核糖体展示系统、mRNA展示系统、酵母细胞表面展示系统和哺乳动物细胞展示系统等。近年来,随着scFv在医学、生物学、食品安全学等领域的发展,使得其在生物合成和应用研究方面备受关注。本文对近年来scFv展示系统的研究进展作一综述,以期为scFv的筛选及应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Phage display: practicalities and prospects   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Phage display is a molecular technique by which foreign proteins are expressed at the surface of phage particles. Such phage thereby become vehicles for expression that not only carry within them the nucleotide sequence encoding expressed proteins, but also have the capacity to replicate. Using phage display vast numbers of variant nucleotide sequences may be converted into populations of variant peptides and proteins which may be screened for desired properties. It is now some seventeen years since the first demonstration of the feasibility of this technology and the intervening years have seen an explosion in its applications. This review discusses the major uses of phage display including its use for elucidating protein interactions, molecular evolution and for the production of recombinant antibodies.  相似文献   

双特异抗体特别是双特异性单链抗体、亮氨酸接链双特异性抗体、双特异性单链抗体毒素等是近几年来发展起来的很有前途的监床诊疗生物制剂 ,本文对其基因构建、边接肽设计、表达产物及活性等方面的新进展作了重点论述。  相似文献   

Aldolase antibodies that operate via an enamine mechanism were developed by in vitro selection. Antibody Fab phage display libraries were created where the catalytic active site residues of aldolase antibodies 38C2 and 33F12 were combined with a naive human antibody V gene repertoire. Selection from these libraries with 1,3-diketones covalently trapped the amino groups of reactive lysine residues by formation of stable enaminones. The selected aldolase antibodies retained the essential catalytic lysine residue and its function in altered and humanized primary antibody structures. The substrate specificity of the aldolase antibodies was directly related to the structure of the diketone used for selection. The k(cat) values of the antibody-catalyzed retro-aldol reactions were correlated with the K(d) values, i.e. the reactivities of the selected aldolase antibodies for the corresponding diketones. Antibodies that bound to the diketone with a lower K(d) value displayed a higher k(cat) value in the retro-aldol reaction, and a linear relationship was observed in the plots of logk(cat) versus logK(d). These results indicate that selections with diketones directed the evolution of aldolase antibodies in vitro that operate via an enamine mechanism. This strategy provides a route to tailor-made aldol catalysts with different substrate specificities.  相似文献   

构建了核糖体展示人源抗狂犬病毒单链抗体(scFv)库,筛选制备特异抗狂犬病毒糖蛋白(RVGp)的稳定性人源抗体.应用核糖体抗体库技术,从经狂犬病毒Vero疫苗免疫的志愿者外周血淋巴细胞中分离、构建核糖体展示scFv基因库.体外转录翻译后,以RVGp重组蛋白作筛选抗原,采用亲和富集法淘选RVGp特异性scFv抗体基因.在原核系统pET22b(+)/BL21(DE3)中实现scFv抗体片段的可溶性表达,ELISA鉴定阳性克隆.然后对筛选的scFv进行稳定性改构,构建VH-Lc-VK稳定性抗体,并对其生物学活性进行初步研究.成功构建了库容量约为6.2×1012的核糖体展示scFv抗体基因库.在180个筛选克隆中,克隆RB24、RB71、RB109和RB156显示出较高的ELISA值,其基因序列分析结果显示,它们是全新的人源抗RVGp抗体.改构后的抗RVGp VH-Lc-VK抗体的稳定性明显改进,可特异识别RVGp并有效中和狂犬病毒,抑制狂犬病毒对靶细胞的感染.以上结果表明,人源抗RVGp特异性抗体的获得,为狂犬病的有效预防、诊断和治疗提供了新的途径,而且将为其他人源抗体的制备提供理论依据和技术基础.  相似文献   

The rabbit immune repertoire has long been a rich source of diagnostic polyclonal antibodies. Now it also holds great promise as a source of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. On the basis of phage display technology, we recently reported the first humanization of a rabbit monoclonal antibody. The allotypic diversity of rabbit immunoglobulins prompted us to compare different rabbit immune repertoires for the generation and humanization of monoclonal antibodies that bind with strong affinity to antigens involved in tumor angiogenesis. In particular, we evaluated the diversity of unselected and selected chimeric rabbit/human Fab libraries that were derived from different kappa light chain allotypes. Most rabbit light chains have an extra disulfide bridge that links the variable and constant domains in addition to the two intrachain disulfide bridges shared with mouse and human kappa light chains. Here we evaluate the impact of this increased disulfide bridge complexity on the generation and selection of chimeric rabbit/human Fab libraries. We demonstrate that rabbits with mutant bas and wild-type parental b9 allotypes are excellent sources for therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Featured among the selected clones with b9 allotype is a rabbit/human Fab that binds with a dissociation constant of 1nM to both human and mouse Tie-2, which will facilitate its evaluation in mouse models of human cancer. Examination of 228 new rabbit antibody sequences allowed for a comprehensive comparison of the LCDR3 and HCDR3 length diversity in rabbits. This study revealed that rabbits exhibit an HCDR3 length distribution more closely related to human antibodies than mouse antibodies.  相似文献   

In vitro selection technologies are an important means of affinity maturing antibodies to generate the optimal therapeutic profile for a particular disease target. Here, we describe the isolation of a parent antibody, KENB061 using phage display and solution phase selections with soluble biotinylated human IL-1R1. KENB061 was affinity matured using phage display and targeted mutagenesis of VH and VL CDR3 using NNS randomization. Affinity matured VHCDR3 and VLCDR3 library blocks were recombined and selected using phage and ribosome display protocol. A direct comparison of the phage and ribosome display antibodies generated was made to determine their functional characteristics.  相似文献   

In vitro selection technologies are an important means of affinity maturing antibodies to generate the optimal therapeutic profile for a particular disease target. Here, we describe the isolation of a parent antibody, KENB061 using phage display and solution phase selections with soluble biotinylated human IL-1R1. KENB061 was affinity matured using phage display and targeted mutagenesis of VH and VL CDR3 using NNS randomization. Affinity matured VHCDR3 and VLCDR3 library blocks were recombined and selected using phage and ribosome display protocol. A direct comparison of the phage and ribosome display antibodies generated was made to determine their functional characteristics.  相似文献   

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