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Gap junction dynamics: reversible effects of hydrogen ions   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Reversible crystallization of intramembrane particle packings is induced in gap junctions isolated from calf lens fibers by exposure to 3 x 10(-7) M or higher [H+] (pH 6.5 or lower). The changes from disordered to crystalline particle packings induced by low pH are similar to those produced in junctions of intact cells by uncoupling treatments, indicating that H+, like divalent cations, could be an uncoupling agent. The freeze-fracture appearance of both control and low pH-treated gap junctions is not altered by glutaraldehyde fixation and cryoprotective treatment, as suggested by experiments in which gap junctions of both intact cells and isolated fractions are freeze- fractured after rapid freezing to liquid N2 temperature according to Heuser et al. (13). In junctions exposed to low pH, the particles most often form orthogonal and rhombic arrays, frequently fused with each other. A number of structural characteristics of these arrays suggest that the particles of lens fiber gap junctions may be shaped as tetrameres.  相似文献   

Chen C  Xiao Y  Zhang L 《Biophysical journal》2005,88(5):3276-3285
We present a directed essential dynamics (DED) method for peptide and protein folding. DED is a molecular dynamics method based on the essential dynamics sampling and the principal component analysis. The main idea of DED is to use principal component analysis to determine the direction of the most active collective motion of peptides at short intervals of time (20 fs) during the folding process and then add an additional force along it to adjust the folding direction. This method can make the peptides avoid being trapped in the local minima for a long time and enhance the sampling efficiency in conformational space during the simulation. An S-peptide with 15 amino acids is used to demonstrate the DED method. The results show that DED can lead the S-peptide to fold quickly into the native state, whereas traditional molecular dynamics needs more time to do this.  相似文献   

Fernández A 《FEBS letters》2002,527(1-3):166-170
A few backbone hydrogen bonds (HBS) in native protein folds are poorly protected from water attack: their desolvation shell contains an inordinately low number of hydrophobic residues. Thus, an approach by solvent-structuring moieties of a binding partner should contribute significantly to enhance their stability. This effect represents an important factor in the site specificity inherent to protein binding, as inferred from a strong correlation between poorly desolvated HBs and binding sites. The desolvation shells were also examined in a dynamic context: except for a few singular under-protected bonds, the size of desolvation shells is preserved along the folding trajectory.  相似文献   

Serpins are a class of protease inhibitors that initially fold to a metastable structure and subsequently undergo a large conformational change to a stable structure when they inhibit their target proteases. How serpins are able to achieve this remarkable conformational rearrangement is still not understood. To address the question of how the dynamic properties of the metastable form may facilitate the conformational change, hydrogen/deuterium exchange and mass spectrometry were employed to probe the conformational dynamics of the serpin human alpha(1)-antitrypsin (alpha(1)AT). It was found that the F helix, which in the crystal structure appears to physically block the conformational change, is highly dynamic in the metastable form. In particular, the C-terminal half of the F helix appears to spend a substantial fraction of time in a partially unfolded state. In contrast, beta-strands 3A and 5A, which must separate to accommodate insertion of the reactive center loop (RCL), are not conformationally flexible in the metastable state but are rigid and stable. The conformational lability required for loop insertion must therefore be triggered during the inhibition reaction. Beta-strand 1C, which anchors the distal end of the RCL and thus prevents transition to the so-called latent form, is also stable, consistent with the observation that alpha(1)AT does not spontaneously adopt the latent form. A surprising degree of flexibility is seen in beta-strand 6A, and it is speculated that this flexibility may deter the formation of edge-edge polymers.  相似文献   

Small globular proteins and peptides commonly exhibit two-state folding kinetics in which the rate limiting step of folding is the surmounting of a single free energy barrier at the transition state (TS) separating the folded and the unfolded states. An intriguing question is whether the polypeptide chain reaches, and leaves, the TS by completely random fluctuations, or whether there is a directed, stepwise process. Here, the folding TS of a 15-residue β-hairpin peptide, Peptide 1, is characterized using independent 2.5 μs-long unbiased atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (a total of 15 μs). The trajectories were started from fully unfolded structures. Multiple (spontaneous) folding events to the NMR-derived conformation are observed, allowing both structural and dynamical characterization of the folding TS. A common loop-like topology is observed in all the TS structures with native end-to-end and turn contacts, while the central segments of the strands are not in contact. Non-native sidechain contacts are present in the TS between the only tryptophan (W11) and the turn region (P7-G9). Prior to the TS the turn is found to be already locked by the W11 sidechain, while the ends are apart. Once the ends have also come into contact, the TS is reached. Finally, along the reactive folding paths the cooperative loss of the W11 non-native contacts and the formation of the central inter-strand native contacts lead to the peptide rapidly proceeding from the TS to the native state. The present results indicate a directed stepwise process to folding the peptide.  相似文献   

Although biological synthesis methods for the production of gold structures by microorganisms, plant extracts, proteins, and peptide have recently been introduced, there have been few reports pertaining to controlling their size and morphology. The gold ion and peptide concentrations affected on the size and uniformity of gold plates by a gold-binding peptide Midas-11. The higher concentration of gold ions produced a larger size of gold structures reached 125.5 μm, but an increased amount of Midas-11 produced a smaller size of gold platelets and increased the yield percentage of polygonal gold particles rather than platelets. The mechanisms governing factors controlling the production of gold structures were primarily related to nucleation and growth. These results indicate that the synthesis of gold architectures can be controlled by newly isolated and substituted peptides under different reaction conditions.  相似文献   

A new method for simulating the folding process of a protein is reported. The method is based on the essential dynamics sampling technique. In essential dynamics sampling, a usual molecular dynamics simulation is performed, but only those steps, not increasing the distance from a target structure, are accepted. The distance is calculated in a configurational subspace defined by a set of generalized coordinates obtained by an essential dynamics analysis of an equilibrated trajectory. The method was applied to the folding process of horse heart cytochrome c, a protein with approximately 3000 degrees of freedom. Starting from structures, with a root-mean-square deviation of approximately 20 A from the crystal structure, the correct folding was obtained, by utilizing only 106 generalized degrees of freedom, chosen among those accounting for the backbone carbon atoms motions, hence not containing any information on the side chains. The folding pathways found are in agreement with experimental data on the same molecule.  相似文献   

Yoda T  Sugita Y  Okamoto Y 《Proteins》2007,66(4):846-859
G-peptide is a 16-residue peptide of the C-terminal end of streptococcal protein G B1 domain, which is known to fold into a specific beta-hairpin within 6 micros. Here, we study molecular mechanism on the stability and folding of G-peptide by performing a multicanonical replica-exchange (MUCAREM) molecular dynamics simulation with explicit solvent. Unlike the preceding simulations of the same peptide, the simulation was started from an unfolded conformation without any experimental information on the native conformation. In the 278-ns trajectory, we observed three independent folding events. Thus MUCAREM can be estimated to accelerate the folding reaction more than 60 times than the conventional molecular dynamics simulations. The free-energy landscape of the peptide at room temperature shows that there are three essential subevents in the folding pathway to construct the native-like beta-hairpin conformation: (i) a hydrophobic collapse of the peptide occurs with the side-chain contacts between Tyr45 and Phe52, (ii) then, the native-like turn is formed accompanying with the hydrogen-bonded network around the turn region, and (iii) finally, the rest of the backbone hydrogen bonds are formed. A number of stable native hydrogen bonds are formed cooperatively during the second stage, suggesting the importance of the formation of the specific turn structure. This is also supported by the accumulation of the nonnative conformations only with the hydrophobic cluster around Tyr45 and Phe52. These simulation results are consistent with high phi-values of the turn region observed by experiment.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of cold and pressure denaturation of proteins are a matter of debate, but it is commonly accepted that water plays a fundamental role in the process. It has been proposed that the denaturation process is related to an increase of hydrogen bonds among hydration water molecules. Other theories suggest that the causes of denaturation are the density fluctuations of surface water, or the destabilization of hydrophobic contacts as a consequence of water molecule inclusions inside the protein, especially at high pressures. We review some theories that have been proposed to give insight into this problem, and we describe a coarse-grained model of water that compares well with experiments for proteins’ hydration water. We introduce its extension for a homopolymer in contact with the water monolayer and study it by Monte Carlo simulations in an attempt to understand how the interplay of water cooperativity and interfacial hydrogen bonds affects protein stability.  相似文献   

In globular proteins, there are intermolecular hydrogen bonds between protein and water molecules, and between water molecules, which are bound with the proteins, in addition to intramolecular hydrogen bonds. To estimate the contribution of these hydrogen bonds to the conformational stability of a protein, the thermodynamic parameters for denaturation and the crystal structures of five Thr to Val and five Thr to Ala mutant human lysozymes were determined. The denaturation Gibbs energy (DeltaG) of Thr to Val and Thr to Ala mutant proteins was changed from 4.0 to -5.6 kJ/mol and from 1.6 to -6.3 kJ/mol, respectively, compared with that of the wild-type protein. The contribution of hydrogen bonds to the stability (DeltaDeltaG(HB)) of the Thr and other mutant human lysozymes previously reported was extracted from the observed stability changes (DeltaDeltaG) with correction for changes in hydrophobicity and side chain conformational entropy between the wild-type and mutant structures. The estimation of the DeltaDeltaG(HB) values of all mutant proteins after removal of hydrogen bonds, including protein-water hydrogen bonds, indicates a favorable contribution of the intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds to the protein stability. The net contribution of an intramolecular hydrogen bond (DeltaG(HB[pp])), an intermolecular one between protein and ordered water molecules (DeltaG(HB[pw])), and an intermolecular one between ordered water molecules (DeltaG(HB[ww])) could be estimated to be 8. 5, 5.2, and 5.0 kJ/mol, respectively, for a 3 A long hydrogen bond. This result shows the different contributions to protein stability of intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The entropic cost due to the introduction of a water molecule (DeltaG(H)()2(O)) could be also estimated to be about 8 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

A burst phase in the early folding of the four-helix two-state folder protein acyl-coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP) has been detected using quenched-flow in combination with site-specific NMR-detected hydrogen exchange. Several of the burst phase structures coincide with a structure consisting of eight conserved hydrophobic residues at the interface between the two N and C-terminal helices. Previous mutation studies have shown that the formation of this structure is rate limiting for the final folding of ACBP. The burst phase structures observed in ACBP are different from the previously reported collapsed types of burst phase intermediates observed in the folding of other proteins.  相似文献   

We have exploited a procedure to identify when hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) form under two-state folding conditions using equilibrium and kinetic deuterium/hydrogen amide isotope effects. Deuteration decreases the stability of equine cytochrome c and the dimeric and crosslinked versions of the GCN4-p1 coiled coil by approximately 0. 5 kcal mol-1. For all three systems, the decrease in equilibrium stability is reflected by a decrease in refolding rates and a near equivalent increase in unfolding rates. This apportionment indicates that approximately 50% of the native H-bonds are formed in the transition state of these helical proteins. In contrast, an alpha/beta protein, mammalian ubiquitin, exhibits a small isotope effect only on unfolding rates, suggesting its folding pathway may be different. These four proteins recapitulate the general trend that approximately 50% of the surface buried in the native state is buried in the transition state, leading to the hypothesis that H-bond formation in the transition state is cooperative, with alpha-helical proteins forming a number of H-bonds proportional to the amount of surface buried in the transition state.  相似文献   

Oxidative folding is the fusion of native disulfide bond formation with conformational folding. This complex process is guided by two types of interactions: first, covalent interactions between cysteine residues, which transform into native disulfide bridges, and second, non-covalent interactions giving rise to secondary and tertiary protein structure. The aim of this work is to understand both types of interactions in the oxidative folding of Amaranthus alpha-amylase inhibitor (AAI) by providing information both at the level of individual disulfide species and at the level of amino acid residue conformation. The cystine-knot disulfides of AAI protein are stabilized in an interdependent manner, and the oxidative folding is characterized by a high heterogeneity of one-, two-, and three-disulfide intermediates. The formation of the most abundant species, the main folding intermediate, is favored over other species even in the absence of non-covalent sequential preferences. Time-resolved NMR and photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization spectroscopies were used to follow the oxidative folding at the level of amino acid residue conformation. Because this is the first time that a complete oxidative folding process has been monitored with these two techniques, their results were compared with those obtained at the level of an individual disulfide species. The techniques proved to be valuable for the study of conformational developments and aromatic accessibility changes along oxidative folding pathways. A detailed picture of the oxidative folding of AAI provides a model study that combines different biochemical and biophysical techniques for a fuller understanding of a complex process.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of folding of small proteins requires characterization of their starting unfolded states and any partially unfolded states populated during folding. Here, we review what is known from NMR about these states of Im7, a 4-helix bundle protein that folds via an on-pathway intermediate, and show that there is an alignment of non-native structure in urea-unfolded Im7 with the helices of native Im7 that is a consequence of hydrophobic helix-promoting residues also promoting cluster-formation in the unfolded protein. We suggest that this kind of alignment is present in other proteins and is relevant to how native state topology determines folding rates.  相似文献   

A Conus peptide family (the contryphans) is noteworthy because of the presence of a post-translationally modified D-amino acid in all members of the family. A new contryphan peptide, Leu-contryphan-P, was isolated from the venom of Conus purpurascens; the sequence of this peptide is: Gly-Cys-Val-D-Leu-Leu-Pro-Trp-Cys-OH. This is the first known occurrence of D-leucine in a Conus peptide. The discovery of Leu-contryphan-P suggests that there may be branches of the contryphan peptide family that diverge much more in sequence than previously anticipated. Several natural contryphans provide dramatic examples of interconversion between multiple conformational states in small constrained peptides. The contryphans that have 4-trans-hydroxyproline and D-tryptophan in positions 3 and 4, respectively, exhibit two peaks under reverse-phase HPLC conditions, indicating interconversion between two discrete conformations. However, [L-Trp4]contryphan-Sm (with L-Trp substituted for D-Trp) exhibits a single, broad peak that elutes later than the natural peptide, suggesting that D-Trp stabilizes a conformation in which hydrophobic residues are buried. Leucontryphan-P which has valine and D-leucine instead of 4-trans-hydroxyproline and D-tryptophan shows only a single peak that elutes much later than the other contryphans.  相似文献   

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