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Comparative ultrastructure of adhesive systems in the turbellaria   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
S. Tyler 《Zoomorphology》1976,84(1):1-76
Summary Glandular adhesive organs and other structures by which turbellarians attach themselves temporarily to surfaces have been studied by electron microscopy. Adhesive organs in representatives of the turbellarian orders Haplopharyngida, Macrostomida, Polycladida, Rhabdocoela, Proseriata, and Tricladida are composed of three cell types: two gland cell types and a modified epidermal cell type through which the necks of the glands project. One of the gland types is characterized by its dense membrane-bound, 0.2–0.7Μm diameter, secretion granules and is called here theviscid gland on the basis of evidence that it secretes the adhesive substance by which the organs attach to surfaces. The other gland type is characterized by smaller (0.1Μm), less-dense, membrane-bound secretion granules and is called thereleasing gland on the basis of evidence that it secretes a substance by which adhering organs are released from surfaces. The modified epidermal cell is called theanchor cell; it has a well-developed cell web and bears microvilli with fibrous cores surrounding the tips of the gland necks in a collar-like fashion. Adhesive organs that have the two gland types, viscid and releasing glands, are referred to here asduo-gland adhesive organs. Other turbellarians, including orders Nemertodermatida, Acoela, and Lecithoepitheliata, have adhesive glands or other adhesive structures with a morphology unlike that of duo-gland adhesive organs. Ultrastructural characters of the adhesive organs show that the Macrostomida and Haplopharyngida are related, and that the Polycladida, Rhabdocoela, Proseriata, and Tricladida are related, and that these two groups of orders share a common ancestor. The Nemertodermatida, Acoela, and Lecithoepitheliata, with morphologically different adhesive systems, are apparently derived separately from these orders.  相似文献   

Summary Structural and ultrastructural data are presented for the myoepithelial pharynges of 20 species of Gastrotricha representing the marine Macrodasyida and marine and freshwater Chaetonotida. A comparative analysis reveals that pharynges with several plesiomorphic characters occur in Chordodasys among the Macrodasyida and Neodasys among the Chaetonotida. The Gastrotricha are systematized based on pharyngeal characters and the system is shown to be concordant with all recent classifications of the group. The plesiomorphic design of the Gastrotrich pharynx is given as: a cylindrical pharyngeal pump composed of monociliated myoglanduloepithelial cells surrounding a circular or oval lumen; radial myofibrils organized into several cross-striated sarcomeres with Z-discs composed of planar aggregations of dense bodies; excitation-contraction coupling is achieved by peripheral couplings of SR with the sarcolemma; apical cell surface with microvilli protruding through the two-layered cuticle; pharynx with at least 3 longitudinal tracts of monociliated sensory cells; nerves as at least 4 basal intraepithelial, longitudinal tracts of neurites. As a model for muscle cell evolution, the investigation postulates a monociliated, cross-striated myoglanduloepithelial cell as the original muscle cell design within the Gastrotricha. Triradiate myoepithelial foreguts occur only in Bryozoa (Ectoprocta), Gastrotricha, Nematoda and Tardigrada. The potential homology of pharyngeal organization of the latter three phyla is discussed. Based on pharyngeal structure, it is concluded that Gastrotricha (Chaetonotida-Paucitubulatina) and Nematoda share several apomorphic characters and share, therefore, a most recent common ancestor. Affinities of Tardigrada with Aschelminthes are considered feasible but currently inconclusive for lack of sufficient comparative ultrastructural data for the Tardigrada.  相似文献   

The homology of pharynges within the mostly pharynx-less Acoela has been a matter of discussion for decades. Here, we analyze the pharynges of three members of the Solenofilomorphidae, Myopea sp. and two species of the genus Solenofilomorpha, by means of light and transmission electron microscopy. Special focus is placed on the ultrastructure of the pharyngeal musculature, epidermis surrounding the mouth, pharyngeal epithelium, and junction with the digestive parenchyma. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of certain characters for broader comparisons within the Acoela. Among the three species, characters relating to position of the mouth, presence and elaboration of sphincter muscles, presence of pharyngeal glands, and ultrastructure of epitheliosomes proved to be variously species- and genus-specific. The arrangement of pharyngeal muscles and their connection with body wall musculature, ultrastructure of receptor cells, and morphology of a nonciliated glandular region in the posterior pharynx, in contrast, appear to be characteristic of the family Solenofilomorphidae and thus of predominant interest for comparisons with other acoel families.  相似文献   

The homology of pharynges within the mostly pharynx‐less Acoela has been a matter of discussion for decades and even the basic question of whether a pharynx is a primitive trait within the Acoela and homologous to the pharynx of platyhelminth turbellarians is open. By using fluorescence staining of musculature, as well as conventional histological techniques and transmission electron microscopy, the present study sets focus on the mouth and pharynx (where present) of seven species of Acoela within Paratomellidae, Solenofilomorphidae, Hofsteniidae, Proporidae, and Convolutidae, as well as one species of Nemertodermatida and Catenulida, respectively. It is shown that among the investigated families of acoels there is a great variability in muscle systems associated with the mouth and pharynx and that pharynx histology and ultrastructural characters are widely diverse. There are no close similarities between the acoel pharynges and the catenulid pharynx but there is a general resemblance of the musculature associated with the mouth in the representatives of Paratomellidae and Nemertodermatida. On the basis of the profound differences in pharynx morphology, three major conclusions are drawn: 1) the pharynges as present in Recent acoels are not homologous to the pharynx simplex characteristic for Catenulida and Macrostomida within the Platyhelminthes; 2) the different muscular pharynx types of acoels are not homologous between higher taxa and thus a single acoel‐type pharynx simplex cannot be defined; 3) the presence of a muscular pharynx most likely does not represent the ancestral state. J. Morphol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the monophyly of Nemertea is strongly supported by unique morphological characters and results of molecular phylogenetic studies, their ingroup relationships are largely unresolved. To contribute solving this problem we studied sperm ultrastructure of 12 nemertean species that belong to different subtaxa representing the commonly recognized major monophyletic groups. The study yielded a set of 26 characters with an unexpected variation among species of the same genus (Tubulanus and Procephalothrix species), whereas other species varied in metric values or only one character state (Ramphogordius). In some species, the sperm nucleus has grooves (Zygonemertes virescens, Amphiporus imparispinosus) that may be twisted and give a spiral shape to the sperm head (Paranemertes peregrina, Emplectonema gracile). To make the characters from sperm ultrastructure accessible for further phylogenetic analyses, they were coded in a character matrix. Published data for eight species turned out to be sufficiently detailed to be included. Comparative evaluation of available information on the sperm ultrastructure suggests that subtaxa of Heteronemertea and Hoplonemertea are supported as monophyletic by sperm morphology. However, the data do not provide information on the existing contradictions regarding the internal relationships of “Palaeonemertea.” Nevertheless, our study provides evidence that sperm ultrastructure yields numerous potentially informative characters that will be included in upcoming phylogenetic analyses. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of microhairs is described for 17 species of Poaceae, involving four subfamilies and the 'chloridoid', 'panicoid' and 'Enneapogon' morphological types. The plasma membrane invaginations known as partitioning membranes implicated in salt secretion were found in the basal cells of only some of the 'chloridoid type' microhairs. They were absent from 'panicoid type' microhairs, but present in the cap cells of the 'Enneapogon type'. Characteristics common to known secretory tissues, however, were observed in all microhairs studied, implying secretory activity in all the morphological types.  相似文献   

The distribution and structure of the ureteric nerves in a small series of mammals was compared with that previously demonstrated in the rat. There was marked interspecies variation in the extent to which the nerves penetrated the wall of the ureter and in the degree of development of the deep submucous plexus. In animals with a highly developed deep submucous plexus, terminal arterioles frequently passed through the muscle coat before breaking up into capillaries. These vessels were surrounded by a fine periarteriolar plexus and were accompanied in their course through the muscle coat by one or more branches of the adventitial nerves. Intramuscular nerves not related to arterioles contained few axons with terminals classifiable as either adrenergic or cholinergic, and in animals in which the muscle cells were arranged in fascicles rather than in sheets, the nerves were typically interfascicular in position. As in the rat, only the periarteriolar plexuses contained large numbers of adrenergic axons. Cholinergic axons were generally few, but were not uncommon in the deep submucous plexus when this was well-developed. The majority of the terminals encountered in the intramural nerves contained variable and usually small numbers of both clear and large dense-cored vesicles. The relationship between these terminals and those defined in the submucous nerves of the rat ureter was discussed and it was suggested that the marked variations in the diameter of the axons in the terminal areas and in the number of vesicles in the terminals were related to the effects of the mechanical and other derangements which occur during processing.  相似文献   

The Callitrichaceae are an aquatic family of dicots that include the single, geographically cosmopolitan genus Callitriche. Callitriche contains 40-50 terrestrial, amphibious, and obligately submersed species, and it is the only known genus in the plant kingdom with co-occurring aerial and hydrophilous pollination syndromes. Pollen morphology and ultrastructure were described for 13 Callitriche species using scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. Representative taxa of each growth form were examined; these included three terrestrial species (C. deflexa, C. peploides, and C. nuttallii), nine amphibious species (C. brutia, C. cophocarpa, C. cophocarpa-stagnalis hybrid, C. cribrosa, C. hamulata, C. heterophylla var. heterophylla, C. lusitanica, C. marginata, and C. trochlearis), and one obligately submersed species (C. truncata). Of the amphibious taxa, C. heterophylla var. heterophylla and C. trochlearis had internal geitonogamy, a type of internal self-fertilization. Pollen from all taxa was spheroidal, small, intectate, and lacked well-defined apertures. Taxa primarily differed with respect to exine thickness, surface ornamentation, and the presence or absence of aperture-like regions. The pollen of terrestrial species, as well as that of C. marginata, had well-developed exines with thick sculptured and basal layers. In general, amphibious taxa produced pollen with distinct, but thinner, exines than that of terrestrial taxa. Pollen of the amphibious taxa with internal geitonogamy had a thicker basal layer than species without internal geitonogamy, whereas the overall exine was reduced in C. hamulata and absent in C. brutia and C. lusitanica. Pollen of the obligately submersed C. truncata also lacked an exine. These palynological data were correlated with growth habits and related pollination biologies, as well as with phylogenetic interpretations of Callitrichaceae. Exine reduction or loss has evolved at least twice in the family, and it is associated with aneuploid reduction in chromosome number.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional reconstructions and ultrastructural evidence on the sebaceous glands of man and domestic animals indicate that sebum is produced from a column of developing and degenerating cell populations derived from peripheral progenitor cells at the base of the lobe in a manner analogous to hair growth. The remainder of the peripheral cells apparently have no direct involvement with sebocyte production; those towards the neck of the gland contribute keratin to the secretory product.  相似文献   

Summary Each pigment-cup eye of Polycystis naegelii consists of two retinal clubs and a single pigmented cell. The latter is divided into two cavities by a septum. Under bright illumination the photoreceptor process appears as a disk containing membranous laminar whorls; under faint illumination the latter are replaced by numerous straight, closely packed, microvilli. This morphological variation is correlated with the intensity of the photoreceptor's exposure to light. The lenticular structures described by previous light microscopists have not been observed.This work was supported by a grant from the Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.)  相似文献   

The Turbellaria fauna has been studied in the Uvod’ Reservoir. A total of 18 species have been found representing three orders: Catenulida, Macrostoimida, and Neorhabdocoela. The patterns of Turbellaria distribution in the reservoir have been analyzed. The most abundant species have been determined: Stenostomum leucops Duges, 1828, Microstomum lineare (O.F. Müller, 1774), Bothromesostoma essenii M. Braun, 1885, and Mesostoma lingua (Abildgaard, 1789).  相似文献   

Calf lungs were fixed with glutaraldehyde and examined by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy to compare the ultrastructure of Clara cells in terminal bronchioles of neonatal calves and older cattle. In the neonatal calf, SEM revealed numerous smooth-surfaced Clara cells protruding above a similar number of ciliated cells, whereas in older animals the surface of Clara cells was lobulated. Thin sections examined by TEM revealed numerous cuboidal to columnar Clara cells with indented nuclei and a pale cytoplasm filled with faintly granular glycogen in the neonatal calf. Some cells were characterized by apical dense and/or pale membrane-bound granules or secretory droplets. Many cells had an apical tubular network of cisternae that were partly smooth and partly decorated with ribosomes. Ultrastructural comparison of Clara cells in a 2-day-old calf with those of 14- and 19-day-old, 4- and 5. 5-month-old, and 3.5-year-old cattle revealed a striking reduction in the amount of glycogen per cell after 14 days. The number of cells with apical granules was small at all ages, and the density of the secretory granules varied greatly in different cells. A variable amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) was present but was less prominent than cisternae of ribosomal endoplasmic reticulum (RER). In older cattle, the limited amount of SER compared to the RER and secretory granules suggests that bovine Clara cells are more likely to be secretory than detoxifying.  相似文献   

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