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Treponeme outer envelope: chemical analysis.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The chemical composition of the outer envelope (OE) of Treponema phagedenis biovar Kazan 5 was investigated. After cultivation in a lipid-defined medium, the OE was removed from the cells with 0.7 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate. The solubilized OE was reaggregated by dialysis against 20 mM MgCl2, washed, lyophilized, and subjected to chemical analysis. The average yield of OE was 14.6% of the whole cell (WC) dry weight. The magnesium content was 0.683 mug/mg OE. Peptidoglycan components such as muramic acid and ornithine were detected in the WC but not in the OE, and diaminopimelic acid was absent in both WC and OE. The OE contained protein (60-73%), carbohydrate (1-2%), and lipid (4-5%), primarily polar lipid. The major polar lipids were monogalactosyldiglyceride (43%) and phospholipid (57%), of which phosphatidylcholine was the main phospholipid component, with phosphatidylethanolamine present in lesser amounts.  相似文献   

The library of Leptospira pomona genes was obtained on phage vector AL 47.1. From this library a recombinant phage carrying the hemolysin gene was selected. The DNA fragment (7.7 kb) of this phage containing the hemolysin gene was subcloned on plasmid pUC19. E. coli clones with hybrid plasmid pDR7 were shown to be hemolytic, but the secretion of hemolysin by E. coli into the culture medium was not observed.  相似文献   

Envelope membranes were isolated by sucrose density gradient floatation centrifugation from the homogenate of cyanelles prepared from Cyanophora paradoxa. Two yellow bands were separated after 40 h of centrifugation. The buoyant density of one of the two fractions (fraction Y2) coincided with that of inner envelope membranes of spinach or plasma membranes of cyanobacteria. The other yellow fraction (fraction Y1) migrated to top of sucrose-gradient even at 0% sucrose. Pigment analysis revealed that the heavy yellow fraction was rich in zeaxanthin while the light fraction was rich in β-carotene, and the both fractions contained practically no chlorophylls. Another yellow fraction (fraction Y3) was isolated from the phycobiliprotein fraction, which was the position where the sample was placed for gradient centrifugation. Its buoyant density and absorption spectra were similar to outer membranes of cyanobacteria. We have assigned fractions Y2 and Y3 as inner and outer envelope membrane fractions of cyanelles, respectively. Protein compositions were rather different between the two envelope membranes indicating little cross-contamination among the fractions. H. Koike and Y. Ikeda contributed equally.  相似文献   

A whole cell lysate of Legionella pneumophila was fractionated into five membrane fractions by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Membranes were characterized by enzymatic, chemical, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. Two forms of cytoplasmic membrane (CM-1, CM-2), a band of intermediate density (IM), and two forms of outer membrane (OM-1, OM-2) were detected. The CM-1 fraction was the purest form of cytoplasmic membrane, and fraction CM-2 was primarily cytoplasmic membrane associated with small amounts of peptidoglycan. The IM, CM-1, and CM-2 fractions were enriched in peptidoglycan, and the amount of carbohydrate and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid was not appreciably greater in outer membrane relative to cytoplasmic membrane. Phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine were found to be the major phospholipids in the membrane fractions. The major outer membrane proteins had molecular sizes of 29,000 and 33,000 daltons and were both modified by heating. The 29,000-dalton protein was tightly associated with the peptidoglycan and was equally distributed in the IM, OM-1, and OM-2.  相似文献   

This report describes a partial amino acid sequences from three putative outer envelope proteins from Leptospira serovar pomona. In order to obtain internal fragments for protein sequencing, enzymatic and chemical digestion was performed. The enzyme clostripain was used to digest the proteins 32 and 45 kDa. In situ digestion of 40 kDa molecular weight protein was accomplished using cyanogen bromide. The 32 kDa protein generated two fragments, one of 21 kDa and another of 10 kDa that yielded five residues. A fragment of 24 kDa that yielded nineteen residues of amino acids was obtained from 45 kDa protein. A fragment with a molecular weight of 20 kDa, yielding a twenty amino acids sequence from the 40 kDa protein.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the 5S rRNA for Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola strain Moulton was isolated and sequenced. The 5S rRNA gene occurs as a single copy within the genome and encodes a 117-nucleotide-long RNA molecule. The 5S rRNA gene is flanked at both the 5' and 3' ends by regions of A + T-rich sequences, and the 5'-flanking region contains a promoter sequence. L. interrogans has a unique and remarkable organization of the 5S rRNA gene. The 5S rRNA molecule exhibits a strong similarity to typical eubacterial 5S rRNA in terms of overall secondary structure, while the primary sequence is conserved to a lesser degree. Restriction analysis of the 5S rRNA gene indicated that the DNA sequence including the 5S rRNA gene is highly conserved in the genomes of parasitic leptospires.  相似文献   

Miller, Robert E. (University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha), Norman G. Miller, and Roberta J. White. Growth of Leptospira pomona and its effect on various tissue culture systems. J. Bacteriol. 92:502-509. 1966.-Leptospira pomona strain 3341 was grown in association with primary fetal bovine kidney (PBK) and human embryonic skin-muscle fibroblastic (HE) cells in Eagle's minimal essential medium (MEM) with 5% sheep serum. Growth curves of leptospires in PBK and HE cell cultures showed no substantial increase in growth above that obtained in Eagle's MEM in the absence of tissue culture cells. This suggested that no stimulatory growth factors for leptospires were produced by the tissue cells. Fibroblastic cells of the PBK monolayer showed separation, deterioration, and, finally, complete disintegration. Epithelial-like cells remained unaffected. HE cells showed the same cytopathic effect as PBK fibroblastic cells, indicating that this effect was not limited to PBK fibroblastic cells. Warthin-Starry stains of PBK and HE cell monolayers showed masses of leptospires adhering to fibroblastic cells, whereas only a few were seen on epithelial-like cells. Large numbers of leptospires on the surface of fibroblastic cells are very likely associated with the cytopathic effect. Dislodgment of leptospires from fibroblastic cells did not increase the total number of spirochetes in the culture. This indicated that leptospiral growth did not occur on the surface of these cells.  相似文献   

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