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Aim Increasing our understanding of the effects of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and determining the location of refugia requires studies on widely distributed species with dense sampling of populations. We have reconstructed the biogeographic history of Clitarchus hookeri (White), a widespread species of New Zealand stick insect that exhibits geographic parthenogenesis, using phylogeographic analysis and ecological niche modelling. Location New Zealand. Methods We used DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes from C. hookeri and two undescribed Clitarchus species. We also used distribution data from our own field surveys and museum records to reconstruct the geographic distribution of C. hookeri during the present and the LGM, using ecological niche modelling. Results The ecological niche models showed that the geographic distribution of C. hookeri has expanded dramatically since the LGM. Our model predicted large areas of suitable LGM habitat in upper North Island, and small patches along the east coast of South Island. The phylogeographic analysis shows that populations in the northern half of North Island contain much higher levels of genetic variation than those from southern North Island and South Island, and is congruent with the ecological niche model. The distribution of bisexual populations is also non-random, with males completely absent from South Island and very rare in southern North Island. Main conclusions During the LGM C. hookeri was most likely restricted to several refugia in upper North Island and one or more smaller refugia along the east coast of South Island. The unisexual populations predominate in post-glacial landscapes and are clearly favoured in the recolonization of such areas. Our study exemplifies the utility of integrating ecological niche modelling and phylogeographic analysis.  相似文献   

The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) severely restricted forest ecosystems on New Zealand’s South Island, but the extent of LGM distribution for forest species is still poorly understood. We used mitochondrial DNA phylogeography (COI) and ecological niche modelling (ENM) to identify LGM refugia for the mycophagous beetle Agyrtodes labralis (Leiodidae), a forest edge species widely distributed in the South Island. Both the phylogenetic analyses and the ENM indicate that A. labralis refuged in Kaikoura, Nelson, and along much of the South Island’s west coast. Phylogeography of this species indicates that recolonization of the largely deforested east and southeast South Island occurred in a west–east direction, with populations moving through the Southern Alps, and that the northern refugia participated little in interglacial population expansion. This contradicts published studies of other New Zealand species, in which recolonization occurs in a north–south fashion from many of the same refugia.  相似文献   

We have assessed the utility of a single-copy nuclear locus and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in a phylogeographic study of the New Zealand stick insect Niveaphasma annulata (Hutton). We amplified sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and the single-copy nuclear gene elongation factor-1α (EF1α) from 97 individuals. Allelic phase at the EF1α locus was determined using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis. Phylogenetic analyses showed broad congruence between the geographic distribution of three major COI clades and EF1α alleles, which suggested that the phylogenetic patterns reflect population history rather than lineage sorting. However, the geographic boundaries of these clades were not always in exact agreement between the two loci. Our data indicate that Niveaphasma annulata was most likely separated into a number of refugia during Pleistocene glacial advances. Subsequent to glacial retreat these refugial populations have expanded and now form a number of zones of secondary contact. We contrast these patterns with those observed from other New Zealand taxa. Our study offers compelling evidence for the use of nuclear genes alongside mtDNA for future phylogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Understanding the biological significance of Pleistocene glaciations requires knowledge of the nature and extent of habitat refugia during glacial maxima. An opportunity to examine evidence of glacial forest refugia in a maritime, Southern Hemisphere setting is found in New Zealand, where the extent of Pleistocene forests remains controversial. We used the mitochondrial phylogeography of a forest-edge cicada ( Kikihia subalpina ) to test the hypothesis that populations of this species survived throughout South Island during the Last Glacial Maximum. We also compared mitochondrial DNA phylogeographic patterns with male song patterns that suggest allopatric divergence across Cook Strait. Cytochrome oxidase I and II sequences were analyzed using network analysis, maximum-likelihood phylogenetic estimation, Bayesian dating and Bayesian skyline plots. K. subalpina haplotypes from North Island and South Island form monophyletic clades that are concordant with song patterns. Song divergence corresponds to approximately 2% genetic divergence, and Bayesian dating suggests that the North Island and South Island population-lineages became isolated around 761 000 years bp . Almost all South Island genetic variation is found in the north of the island, consistent with refugia in Marlborough Sounds, central Nelson and northwest Nelson. All central and southern South Island and Stewart Island haplotypes are extremely similar to northern South Island haplotypes, a 'northern richness/southern purity' pattern that mirrors genetic patterns observed in many Northern Hemisphere taxa. Proposed southern South Island forest habitat fragments may have been too small to sustain populations of K. subalpina , and/or they may have harboured ecological communities with no modern-day analogues.  相似文献   

The formation and maintenance of the Nothofagus beech gap in the South Island, New Zealand, has been the focus of biogeographical debate since the 1920s. We examine the historical process of gap formation by investigating the population genetics of fungus beetles: Brachynopus scutellaris (Staphylinidae) inhabits logs and is absent from the beech gap, and Hisparonia hystrix (Nitidulidae) is contiguous through the gap and is found commonly on sooty mould growing on several plant species. Both species show distinctive northern and southern haplotype distributions while H. hystrix recolonized the gap as shown by definitive mixing. B. scutellaris shows two major haplotype clades with strong geographical concordance, and unlike H. hystrix, has clearly defined lineages that can be partitioned for molecular dating. Based on coalescence dating methods, disjunct lineages of B. scutellaris indicate that the gap was formed less than 200 000 years ago. Phylogenetic imprints from both species reveal similar patterns of population divergence corresponding to recent glacial cycles, favouring a glacial explanation for the origin of the gap. Post-gap colonization by H. hystrix may have been facilitated by the spread of Leptospermum scoparium host trees to the area, and they may be better at dispersing than B. scutellaris which may be constrained by fungal host and/or microhabitat. The gap-excluded species B. scutellaris is found in both beech and podocarp-broadleaf forests flanking the Westland gap and its absence in the gap may be related to incomplete recolonization following glacial retreat. We also discuss species status and an ancient polymorphism within B. scutellaris .  相似文献   

Although Pleistocene glaciations had a major impact on the population genetic patterns of many species in North America and Europe, it remains unclear how these climatic fluctuations contributed to species diversification in East Asia. One reason for this is the difficulty of distinguishing genetic admixture following secondary contact from incomplete lineage sorting, both of which can generate similar patterns of genetic variation. Using a combination of multilocus analyses and coalescent simulation, we explore how these two processes occurred in the Pleistocene evolutionary history of a widespread East Asian bird, the Vinous‐throated parrotbill, Paradoxornis webbianus. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree identified two major mitochondrial lineages, which are geographically separated in most parts of its range, but are sympatric at a few sampling sites. NJ tree and Structure analysis of microsatellite data set revealed an extensive level of admixture and little population structure, suggesting recent admixture between two formerly separated groups. Networks from nuclear DNA data sets, however, did not indicate any geographically isolated groups but rather a panmictic population, thus support incomplete lineage sorting. By using coalescent simulation approaches, we show that both processes did occur, although at different temporal scales. During the Pleistocene glaciations, probably around 0.1–0.5 Ma (the Marine Isotope Stage 6, MIS6), P. webbianus contracted into two separate refugia, and subsequently accumulated genetic divergence. During the interglacial MIS5, the species expanded into previously glaciated areas allowing the once separated groups to come into contact and become admixed. Taken together, our results indicate the current genetic variation within P. webbianus is a combination pattern of widespread distribution in pre‐Pleistocene, then contraction and fragmentation into separated refugia during glacial advance, followed by recently postglacial expansion and admixture.  相似文献   

Abstract Pleistocene fragmentation of the Amazonian rainforest has been hypothesized to be a major cause of Neotropical speciation and diversity. However, the role and even the reality of Pleistocene forest refugia have attracted much scepticism. In Amazonia, previous phylogeographical studies have focused mostly on organisms found in the forests themselves, and generally found speciation events to have predated the Pleistocene. However, molecular studies of open-formation taxa found both north and south of the Amazonian forests, probably because of vicariance resulting from expansion of the rainforests, may provide novel insights into the age of continuous forest cover across the Amazon basin. Here, we analyse three mitochondrial genes to infer the phylogeography of one such trans-Amazonian vicariant, the Neotropical rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus), which occupies primarily seasonal formations from Mexico to Argentina, but avoids the rainforests of Central and tropical South America. The phylogeographical pattern is consistent with gradual dispersal along the Central American Isthmus, followed by more rapid dispersal into and across South America after the uplift of the Isthmus of Panama. Low sequence divergence between populations from north and south of the Amazon rainforest is consistent with mid-Pleistocene divergence, approximately 1.1 million years ago (Ma). This suggests that the Amazonian rainforests must have become fragmented or at least shrunk considerably during that period, lending support to the Pleistocene refugia theory as an important cause of distribution patterns, if not necessarily speciation, in Amazonian forest organisms. These results highlight the potential of nonforest species to contribute to an understanding of the history of the Amazonian rainforests themselves.  相似文献   

The New Zealand stick insect genus Acanthoxyla Uvarov is extremely unusual among higher taxa of animals in that all known species are obligate parthenogens. We have used a combination of the mitochondrial DNA genes cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II, 28S nuclear ribosomal RNA, and the two single-copy nuclear genes elongation factor 1alpha and phosphoglucose isomerase to test hypotheses on the role of hybridization in the evolution of this genus. Alleles at the single-copy nuclear loci in three sampled species of Acanthoxyla were resolved by cloning the PCR products. Analysis of multilocus genotypes shows that most sampled individuals of Acanthoxyla possess three alleles at the single-copy nuclear loci, which we have interpreted to indicate triploidy. Because most of the alleles from Acanthoxyla form a monophyletic group, including sets of alleles possessed by the putative triploids, we have inferred that the extant parthenogenetic lineages formed via hybridization between species of Acanthoxyla, at least one of which must have been sexual. More recently, there have been multiple introgression events from the related species Clitarchus hookeri White, although C. hookeri does not appear to be involved with the origin of parthenogenesis in Acanthoxyla. Our study demonstrates the utility of cloning alleles from multiple single-copy nuclear genes for resolving the origins of parthenogenetic lineages.  相似文献   

The relative importance of ecological vs. nonecological factors for the origin and maintenance of species is an open question in evolutionary biology. Young lineages – such as the distinct genetic groups that make up the ranges of many northern species – represent an opportunity to study the importance of ecological divergence during the early stages of diversification. Yet, few studies have examined the extent of niche divergence between lineages in previously glaciated regions and the role of ecology in maintaining the contact zones between them. In this study, we used tests of niche overlap in combination with ecological niche models to explore the extent of niche divergence between lineages of the long‐toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum Baird) species complex and to determine whether contact zones correspond to (divergent) niche limits. We found limited evidence for niche divergence between the different long‐toed salamander lineages, substantial overlap in the predicted distribution of suitable climatic space for all lineages and range limits that are independent of niche limits. These results raise questions as to the importance of ecological divergence to the development of this widespread species complex and highlight the potential for non‐ecological factors to play a more important role in the maintenance of northern taxa.  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of past climatic events on species may facilitate predictions of how species will respond to future climate change. To this end, we sampled populations of the common pond snail Radix balthica over the entire species range (northwestern Europe). Using a recently developed analytical framework that employs ecological niche modelling to obtain hypotheses that are subsequently tested with statistical phylogeography, we inferred the range dynamics of R. balthica over time. A Maxent modelling for present-day conditions was performed to infer the climate envelope for the species, and the modelled niche was used to hindcast climatically suitable range at the last glacial maximum (LGM) c . 21 000 years ago. Ecological niche modelling predicted two suitable areas at the LGM within the present species range. Phylogeographic model selection on a COI mitochondrial DNA data set confirmed that R. balthica most likely spread from these two disjunct refuges after the LGM. The match observed between the potential range of the species at the LGM given its present climatic requirements and the phylogeographically inferred refugial areas was a clear argument in favour of niche conservatism in R. balthica , thus allowing to predict the future range. The subsequent projection of the potential range under a global change scenario predicts a moderate pole-ward shift of the northern range limits, but a dramatic loss of areas currently occupied in France, western Great Britain and southern Germany.  相似文献   

Despite its amazing biodiversity, the Eastern Mediterranean remains a highly understudied region when compared withthe Western Mediterranean, restricting our understanding of diversity across the entire Mediterranean. Here we use a combination of molecular markers and presence/absence data from all species of the Eastern Mediterranean genus Ricotia collected across its full geographic range to determine historical, ecological, and evolutionary factors responsible for lineage-specific diversification in the Eastern Mediterranean. Network analysis based on molecular data revealed a high genetic structure within all lineages, and phylogenetic reconstructions based on the multispecies coalescent showed that within-lineage diversification corresponded to the onset of the Mediterranean climate. Reconstruction of ancestral histories indicates that the genus originated within Anatolia and spread across the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant using the Taurus mountains. Ecological niche models suggest that local populations did not go through any major distributional shifts and have persisted in present-day habitats since the Last Glacial Maximum. Furthermore, niche differentiation tests revealed significant differences between closely related species and showed the main variables predicting species limits to be different for each species. Our results give crucial information on the patterns and processes shaping diversity in the Eastern Mediterranean and show the main factors promoting diversification to be local environmental dynamics and ecological specialization and not large-scale latitudinal movements, as often reported for southern Europe. By determining local and regional patterns of diversification in an Eastern Mediterranean genus, we further our understanding of the major trends influencing plant diversity in the Mediterranean basin as a whole.  相似文献   

The localization of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) refugia is crucial information to understand a species' history and predict its reaction to future climate changes. However, many phylogeographical studies often lack sampling designs intensive enough to precisely localize these refugia. The hairy land snail Trochulus villosus has a small range centred on Switzerland, which could be intensively covered by sampling 455 individuals from 52 populations. Based on mitochondrial DNA sequences (COI and 16S), we identified two divergent lineages with distinct geographical distributions. Bayesian skyline plots suggested that both lineages expanded at the end of the LGM. To find where the origin populations were located, we applied the principles of ancestral character reconstruction and identified a candidate refugium for each mtDNA lineage: the French Jura and Central Switzerland, both ice-free during the LGM. Additional refugia, however, could not be excluded, as suggested by the microsatellite analysis of a population subset. Modelling the LGM niche of T. villosus , we showed that suitable climatic conditions were expected in the inferred refugia, but potentially also in the nunataks of the alpine ice shield. In a model selection approach, we compared several alternative recolonization scenarios by estimating the Akaike information criterion for their respective maximum-likelihood migration rates. The 'two refugia' scenario received by far the best support given the distribution of genetic diversity in T. villosus populations. Provided that fine-scale sampling designs and various analytical approaches are combined, it is possible to refine our necessary understanding of species responses to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Models for the development of species distribution in Europe typically invoke restriction in three temperate Mediterranean refugia during glaciations, from where recolonization of central and northern Europe occurred. The brown bear, Ursus arctos, is one of the taxa from which this model is derived. Sequence data generated from brown bear fossils show a complex phylogeographical history for western European populations. Long-term isolation in separate refugia is not required to explain our data when considering the palaeontological distribution of brown bears. We propose continuous gene flow across southern Europe, from which brown bear populations expanded after the last glaciation.  相似文献   

Aim We perform a phylogeographical study of an endemic Patagonian herbaceous plant to assess whether geographical patterns of genetic variation correspond to in situ Pleistocene survival or to glacial retreat and post‐glacial expansion. We also seek to determine the locations of potential glacial refugia and post‐glacial colonization routes. Location Southern Andes and Patagonian steppe. Methods We used Calceolaria polyrhiza, a widely distributed Patagonian herbaceous plant that occurs mainly in the understorey of Nothofagus rain forests and in the arid Patagonian steppe, as our model system. The chloroplast intergenic spacer trnH–psbA was sequenced for 590 individuals from 68 populations. Sequence data were analysed using phylogenetic (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) and population genetic (spatial analyses of molecular variance, mismatch distributions and neutrality tests) methods. Nested clade phylogeographic analyses, and divergence time estimates using a calibrated molecular clock, were also conducted. Results A total of 27 haplotypes identified in the present study clustered into four primary genealogical lineages, revealing three significant latitudinal phylogeographical breaks. The two high Andean lineages probably split first, during the late Miocene, and the Patagonian lineage split around 4 Ma, coincident with the establishment of the Patagonian steppe. Within each haplogroup, major diversification occurred in the Pleistocene. The Patagonian groups show a pattern consistent with a rapid post‐glacial expansion and colonization of the Andean flanks, achieved independently by four lineages. The highest haplotype diversity was found along a longitudinal transect that is remarkably congruent with the limit of the ice‐sheet extension during the Greatest Patagonian Glaciation. A north‐east expansion is evident, which is probably associated with the ‘Arid Diagonal’ fluctuations. Main conclusions Glacial climate fluctuations had a substantial impact on the diversification, distribution and demography of the study species. A scenario of multiple periglacial Pleistocene refugia and subsequent multiple recolonization routes, from eastern Patagonia to the Andean flanks, may explain the phylogeographical patterns observed. However, current genetic structure also preserves the imprints of older events that probably occurred in the Miocene and Pliocene, providing evidence that multiple processes, operating at different spatial and temporal scales, have moulded biodiversity in Patagonia.  相似文献   

Allozyme analysis of Erebia medusa over large regions of Europe revealed a significant population differentiation (FST: 0.149 ± 0.016). A UPGMA-analysis showed a division into four major lineages with mean inter-group genetic distances ranging from 0.051 (±0.010) to 0.117 (±0.024). An AMOVA revealed that rather more than two-thirds of the variance between samples was being between these lineages and less than one-third within lineages. An eastern group included the samples from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and north-eastern Hungary. This genetic lineage expressed significantly higher genetic diversity than the other three. A second lineage was formed by the samples from France and Germany. The two samples from western Hungary represent a third delimited lineage and the sample from northern Italy a fourth. We suppose that this genetic differentiation took place during the last ice-age in four disjunct refugia. The genetically more diverse eastern genetic lineage might have evolved in a relatively large refugium in south-eastern Europe. We assume that the other three lineages developed in relatively small relict areas around the Alps. It is likely for the western lineage that its ice-age distribution showed at least one disjunction in late Würm with the consequence of further genetic differentiation. Most probably, the eastern lineage colonized postglacial Central Europe using two alternative routes: one north and one south of the Carpathians. Up to now, neither similar glacial refugia, nor comparable secondary disjunctions in late Würm, are reported for any other animal or plant species.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the effects of Pleistocene climatic variations on the diversification rate of the subgenus Calathus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), and to estimate the role of vicariance and dispersal for explaining current distributional patterns. Location Western Palaearctic Region, particularly the Mediterranean Basin. Methods Fragments of the mitochondrial cox1–cox2 and the nuclear 28S and EF1α genes were analysed by Bayesian inference. Lineage divergence times were estimated using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock. Three diversification rate analyses were conducted, namely gamma (γ)‐statistic, birth–death likelihood (BDL) test and survival analyses, in order to test departures from a constant rate model of diversification. A Bayesian approach to dispersal–vicariance analysis was developed to reconstruct the most probable ancestral area of subgenus Calathus and subsequent events of dispersal and colonization. Results A constant rate of speciation events from the late Miocene onwards was found for the subgenus Calathus, whereas recent Pleistocene climatic oscillations played an important role only in shaping intraspecific diversity. Overall diversification patterns for the subgenus are best explained by at least four westward dispersal events from the eastern Mediterranean Basin. Three distinct phylogroups were found for the widely distributed Calathus fuscipes. Incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear loci was found for a number of species. Main conclusions Diversification analyses suggest either a constant rate of diversification (BDL analysis) or a decrease in diversification rates for the subgenus (survival or γ‐statistics analyses), but not an increase related to the effects of glaciation cycles. Diversification patterns in the subgenus Calathus agree with predictions of the taxon pulse model. From the middle Miocene onwards the Anatolian Peninsula was possibly the main centre of diversification, with successive dispersal events towards the western Mediterranean Basin. Range expansion and secondary contact zones are postulated between members of different phylogroups in C. fuscipes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) by a combined phylogeographical and landscape genetic approach, and thereby to infer the locations of glacial refugia and establish the influence of geographical barriers. We sequenced part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of 179 individuals of S. antinorii sampled across the entire species' range. Six specimens attributed to S. arunchi were included in the analysis. The phylogeographical pattern was assessed by Bayesian molecular phylogenetic reconstruction, population genetic analyses, and a species distribution modelling (SDM)‐based hindcasting approach. We also used landscape genetics (including isolation‐by‐resistance) to infer the determinants of current intra‐specific genetic structure. The phylogeographical analysis revealed shallow divergence among haplotypes and no clear substructure within S. antinorii. The starlike structure of the median‐joining network is consistent with population expansion from a single refugium, probably located in the Apennines. Long branches observed on the same network also suggest that another refugium may have existed in the north‐eastern part of Italy. This result is consistent with SDM, which also suggests several habitable areas for S. antinorii in the Italian peninsula during the LGM. Therefore S. antinorii appears to have occupied disconnected glacial refugia in the Italian peninsula, supporting previous data for other species showing multiple refugia within southern refugial areas. By coupling genetic analyses and SDM, we were able to infer how past climatic suitability contributed to genetic divergence of populations. The genetic differentiation shown in the present study does not support the specific status of S. arunchi. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 864–880.  相似文献   

External morphological features of adult males are described in the stick insect Hermarchus leytensis from the Philippines, a species belonging to the little-known euphasmatodean lineage Stephanacridini. Mouthparts are characterized by some likely specialized features: (1) a dentate dorsal cutting edge on the mandibles; (2) distinct differences in size and shape between the galeae; (3) absence of an apical field of trichomes on the galeae; and (4) lacinial setae not protruding from the mesal margin, which features three bearing-like protuberances. The latter character state represents a very unusual condition, not known in other phasmatodeans or even in polyneopteran insects. A distinctive characteristic of attachment devices is that each euplantula is divided into two separated pads with a smooth microstructure, as it also occurs in some members of the clade Schizodecema. Male terminalia exhibit character states previously unknown in Stephanacridini, including (1) a symmetrical type of vomer and (2) claspers equipped with ∼70 very minute ventral teeth on each thorn pad. Potential implications for the systematic placement of H. leytensis are discussed. The results also underline the importance of microanatomical investigations as source of substantial characters for future analyses on phasmatodean systematics.  相似文献   



The two main hypotheses about the Neotropical palaeovegetation, namely that of Amazonian refugia by Haffer and of the Pleistocene arc by Prado and Gibbs, are still constantly debated. We offer new insights on this debate using ecological niche modelling with combined climate–soil predictors to test both hypotheses, reconstruct the palaeovegetation of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 21 ka) and Mid‐Holocene (Mid‐H; 6 ka) and indicate the configuration of refugia areas.



Time period

Last 21 ka.

Major taxa studied



We modelled the environmental space of the 10 most representative biomes with the RandomForest classifier, using climate predictors from three atmospheric general circulation models (CCSM4, MPI‐ESM‐P and MIROC‐ESM) and soil predictors, the same for the different situations. Based on the consensus among the models, we reconstructed the palaeovegetation cover for LGM and Mid‐H and used fossil pollen sites to validate the reconstructions in a direct comparison.


The climate in the past was cooler and wetter throughout most of the territory. The Amazon basin region was the most affected by climate change in the last 21 ka, with equatorial rain forest retracting to refugia areas, while the tropical rain forest (with climatic preferences similar to the Atlantic forest) expanded in the basin. In southern Brazil, the mixed forest (Araucaria forest) shifted to lower latitudes, while the grasslands expanded. In most biomes, the greatest changes occurred in the ecotonal zones, supported by pollen fossils.

Main conclusions

With regard to Haffer's hypothesis, the forests of the Amazonian lowlands retreated to refugia areas, while the colder and wetter climate of the basin created a favourable niche for another type of forest, instead of savanna. The advance of dry vegetation was restricted to ecotonal conditions, preventing the formation of a continuous Pleistocene arc, predicted by Prado and Gibbs's hypothesis.  相似文献   

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