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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of synchronization of follicular wave emergence using steroid hormone treatments in Nelore cows. Donors were placed into three groups. Those that were between days 9 and 12 of their cycle (estrus=day 0) formed the TI group (n=60), whilst those that were in any other stages of their estrus cycle constituted groups TII (n=60) and TIII (n=60). TI donors were submitted to a standard protocol of superovulation, however, TII and TIII donors were treated with the Syncro-Mate-B (SMB) or Controlled Internal Drug Releasing Device (CIDR-B) programs, respectively. Superovulation was induced with p-FSH, divided into eight decreasing doses at intervals of 12h. The donors received cloprostenol 48h after the beginning of the treatment and progestagens were removed 12h later. Artificial inseminations (AI) were done at 12 and 22h after the initiation of estrus and the embryo collections were done 7 days after AI. In the donors which displayed behavioral estrus, mean (+/-S.E.M.) total ova and viable (transferable) embryos were 15.8+/-1.4 and 8.3+/-1.0 (TI, n=56); 15.6+/-1.3 and 8.9+/-1.0 (TII, n=56); 17.3+/-1.0 and 9.9+/-0.9 (TIII, n=57), respectively, with no significant difference (P > or =0.05) among groups. In those animals that did not displayed behavioral estrus, the mean values of total ova and viable embryos were 3.5+/-1.6 and 0.7+/-0.5 (TI, n=4); 11.5+/-3.9 and 9.0+/-4.4 (TII, n=4); 8.7+/-5.0 and 5.0+/-2.9 (TIII, n=3), respectively, with no significant differences (P > or =0.05) among groups. Pregnancy rates of 62.2% (TI, n=235); 66.4% (TII, n=284) and 65.1% (TIII, n=244) were obtained with embryos transferred from these collections and did not differ significantly (P > or =0.05) among groups. It was concluded that the synchronization of the emergence of follicular waves in Nelore donors is usable and does not harm the efficiency of embryo transfer programs. In addition, in contrast to the standard superovulation protocol, this method permits the use of a large number of donors in a short time period, at any stage of the estrus cycle, minimizing the costs of embryo transfer.  相似文献   

Estrous cycle, ovulation rate and gamete quality were studied in rats with superovulation induced on different days of the cycle. It was shown that the rat ovaries in estrous were most sensitive to the action of gonadotropins. Heterogeneity in the ovulation rate was noted in animals at the same phase of the cycle. There was a relative increase in the number of gametes with chromosomal alterations in experimental rats, with the value depending on the stage of the cycle when PMS was injected. The study of the estrous cycle in rats with superovulation induced on different days of the cycle has revealed strong hormonal influences on the sequence of stage alterations.  相似文献   

Forty-two Holstein heifers were superovulated with FSH-P (total dose, 30 mg) and cloprostenol. Treatment was initiated on Day 3 (Group D3, n = 11), Day 6 (Group D6, n = 11), Day 9 (Group D9, n = 10) or Day 12 (Group D12, n = 10) of the estrous cycle. Heifers were bled daily for serum progesterone and estradiol-17beta determinations and every 6 h for a 48-h duration at the expected time of estrus for luteinizing hormone (LH) assay. Ova and embryos were flushed from the reproductive tracts and the number of corpora lutea (CL) were recorded after slaughter on Day 7 post-estrus. Mean (+/- SEM) numbers of observed CL were higher (P < 0.05) in Group D9 (33.3 +/- 4.8) than in Group D3 (15.3 +/- 3.8), with Group D6 (17.0 +/- 2.9) and Group D12 (23.9 +/- 7.3) being intermediate. Similarly, mean (+/- SEM) numbers of fertilized embryos were highest (P < 0.05) in Group D9 (13.3 +/- 2.2). There was also a nonsignificant trend for the number of transferable embryos to be greatest in Group D9. Neither serum progesterone concentrations 3 d after the LH peak nor peak serum estradiol 17beta concentrations differed among groups, but both were significantly correlated with numbers of observed CL and total ova and embryos.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the steroid hormone production by sheep luteal cells. Corpora lutea were collected from 30 Olkuska sheep on Days 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 of the estrous cycle during the reproductive season. In Experiment 1, steroid hormone concentration was estimated in extracts of CL. In Experiment 2, luteal cells were cultured in vitro for 24 h. Luteal cells isolated on Days 9 and 12 secreted high amounts of progesterone and androgens but smaller amounts of estradiol. Concentration of these steroids in CL extracts collected on the same days showed the same trend. In CL harvested on Day 15, a decrease in androgens and progesterone as well as a significant increase in estradiol were observed in culture media and in extracts. Judging from the high amounts of estradiol and low amounts of androgen observed at the end of the luteal phase, we speculate that the steroid hormones secreted by the regressing CL may play an active role in the regulation of the estrous cycle in the Olkuska sheep with autocrine influence on the luteal activity or a possible paracrine action on follicular growth.In the third Experiment, the possibility of heterogeneity in the multiple corpora lutea population of prolific Olkuska sheep was investigated. Differences were found in the level of progesterone and estradiol secretion by individual corpora lutea recovered from the same animal, which also varied in terms of weight. This is the first study which shows the existence of intra-ovarian and individual heterogeneity between corpora lutea recovered from ewes during the normal estrous cycle.  相似文献   

A total of 993 commercial donor cows were superovulated with 28 mg FSH-P. The first injection of FSH-P was administered on one of days 9 through 13 of the donor's estrous cycle. The day that FSH was started did not affect total embryos collected, the number of transferable embryos or the percent transferable. These results did not support the current hypothesis that because the population of antral and preantral follicles in the ovaries on days 9 and 10 is higher, best embryo production should be achieved by starting donor cows on day 9 or 10 of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate superovulatory programs based on synchronization of follicular waves with GnRH at 2 different stages of the estrous cycle. Sixteen Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups and administered GnRH (Cystorelin, 4 ml i.m.) between Days 4 and 7 (Groups 1 and 3) or between Days 15 and 18 (Group 2) of the estrous cycle (estrus = Day 0). Four days after GnRH treatment, > or = 7-mm follicles were punctured in Groups 1 (n = 6) and 2 (n = 6) or were left intact in Group 3 (n = 4). All cows were superstimulated 2 d later (i.e., from Days 6 to 10 after GnRH treatment) with a total of 400 mg NIH-FSH (Folltropin-V) given twice daily in decreasing doses. The GnRH treatment caused a rapid disappearance of large follicles (P < 0.005), rapid decrease in estradiol concentrations (P < 0.003), and increase in the number of recruitable follicles (4 to 6 mm; P < 0.04), indicative of the emergence of a new follicular wave within 3 to 4 d of treatment. Between 4 and 6 d after GnRH treatment, the mean number of 4- to 6-mm follicles decreased (4.7 +/- 1.8 to 1.5 +/- 3.3) in the nonpunctured group but increased (3.9 +/- 1.0 to 7.3 +/- 1.9) in the punctured group of cows (P < 0.05). In response to FSH treatment, the increase in the number of > or = 7-mm follicles was delayed by approximately 2 d in the nonpunctured group (P < 0.006). Moreover, the mean number of > or = 7-mm follicles at estrus was higher (16.9 +/- 1.7 vs 11.5 +/- 3.0; P < 0.1) in the punctured than the nonpunctured group. The increase in progesterone concentration after estrus was delayed in the nonpunctured group (P < 0.1) compared with the punctured follicles. Mean numbers of CL as well as freezable (Grade 1 and 2) and transferable (Grade 1, 2 and 3) embryos were similar (P > 0.1) in punctured and nonpunctured groups. Spontaneous estrus did not occur prior to cloprostenol-induced luteolysis in any group, and stage of the estrous cycle during which GnRH was given did not affect (P > 0.1) hormonal and follicular responses in the punctured groups. In conclusion, GnRH given at different stages of the estrous cycle promotes the emergence of a follicular wave at a predictable time. Puncture of the newly formed dominant follicle increases the number of recruitable follicles (4 to 6 mm) 2 d later and, in response to superstimulation with FSH, causes a greater number and faster entry of recruitable follicles into larger classes (> or = 7 mm) and a faster postovulatory increase in progesterone concentrations.  相似文献   

Canine oocytes are ovulated at prophase of the first meiotic division and undergo maturation in the distal part of the oviduct for at least 48-72 h. Because of these differences from other domestic mammals, the efficiency of in vitro maturation (IVM) of canine oocyte is very low. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of canine serum on IVM of canine oocytes recovered from ovaries in various reproductive states (follicular, luteal or anestrous stages). Oocytes were recovered by mincing ovaries from bitches presented for ovariohysterectomy at various stages of the estrous cycle. Heat-inactivated canine serum was prepared with blood taken from dogs at the anestrous, estrous or diestrous stage of the estrous cycle as determined by progesterone concentration and vaginal cytology. Oocytes were cultured for 72 h in tissue culture medium (TCM)-199 supplemented with 10% canine anestrous, estrous or diestrous serum or fetal bovine serum (FBS) (experiment 1), or supplemented with 0 (control), 5%, 10% or 20% canine estrous serum (experiment 2). In experiment 1, IVM of oocytes collected at the follicular stage of the estrous cycle to metaphase II (MII) stage was higher (p < 0.05) with canine estrous serum (14.2%) than with canine anestrous (5.2%) or diestrous serum (6.3%), FBS (2.2%) or in the control (2.2%). In experiment 2, oocytes collected at the follicular stage of the estrous cycle cultured in TCM-199 with 10% canine estrous serum showed a higher maturation rate to MII stage (13.5%, p < 0.05) compared with those cultured with 5% (1.3% MII) or 20% canine estrous serum (5.1% MII) or the control (2.7% MII). In conclusion, our results demonstrate that supplementing culture medium with 10% canine estrous serum improves IVM of canine follicular stage oocytes.  相似文献   

In order to examine whether sperm migration into and through the oviduct follows an invariable pattern or is subject to regulation, rats in proestrus, estrus, metestrus, or diestrus were inseminated in the upper third of each uterine horn with 10-20 million epididymal spermatozoa. Three or eight hours later, the numbers of spermatozoa free and adhering to the epithelium in the ampullary and isthmic segments were determined. A significantly higher number of spermatozoa were recovered in estrus than in other stages, at 3 h than at 8 h, and at all stages from the isthmus than from the ampulla. Spermatozoa adhering to the epithelium were observed only in proestrus and estrus and in the isthmus. The effect of exogenous estradiol-17beta (E2) and progesterone (P4) on sperm migration was investigated in rats in which the estrous cycle was inhibited pharmacologically. E2 facilitated sperm migration into the oviduct and P4 antagonized this effect, whereas P4 alone had no effect. Concomitant treatment with E2+P4 induced adhesion of spermatozoa to the oviductal epithelium. In conclusion, the pattern of sperm migration into and through the rat oviduct varies with the stage of the cycle, being dependent on E2 and P4. The adhesion of spermatozoa to the rat oviductal epithelium is stage- and segment-specific and requires the combined action of both hormones.  相似文献   

The lizard Anolis carolinensis ovulates a single egg alternately from each ovary every 14 days. The ovulated egg enters the ipsilateral oviduct, acquires a shell, and is oviposited 18 or 19 days later. Thus, there is only a single egg in one of the oviducts (one-egg condition) during most of the estrous cycle, but there is a 4-5 day period when a mature, shelled egg is in one oviduct while a recently ovulated egg is in the contralateral oviduct (two-egg condition). Analysis of ovarian follicular diameters indicates that the largest follicle in a single ovary exhibits a growth spurt about halfway through its 28-day vitellogenic growth phase. The corpus luteum, once formed from the ovulated follicle, exhibits a linear decrease in weight, becoming fully regressed just before oviposition of the egg in the ipsilateral oviduct. Plasma concentrations of estradiol-17 beta and progesterone are high in two-egg animals. After oviposition, plasma concentrations of progesterone are still high in one-egg animals whereas those of estradiol-17 beta are much lower. These ovarian and hormonal changes during the estrous cycle are discussed in relation to the probable sources of estradiol-17 beta and progesterone, the control of the alternating pattern of ovulation and oviposition, and the role of steroid hormones in female sexual receptivity in this species.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the in vitro developmental competence of buffalo oocytes collected from abattoir-derived ovaries at various stages of the estrous cycle and follicular status. In Experiment 1, ovaries (n=476 pairs) were collected and divided into the following five groups: (a) ovaries with a corpus hemorragicum and no dominant follicle (CH-NO-DF); (b) ovaries with a mature functional corpus luteum (CL) and a dominant follicle (CL-DF); (c) ovaries with a mature functional CL and no dominant follicle (CL-NO-DF); (d) ovaries with a regressing CL and a dominant follicle (RCL-DF); and (e) ovaries without any luteal structures and only small follicles (ANEST). In Experiment 2, 144 pairs of ovaries with a CL (or regressing CL) and a dominant follicle were collected and follicles were classified as dominant, largest subordinate, and subordinate. In both experiments, the dominant follicle was defined as any follicle >10mm in diameter that exceeded the diameter of all other (subordinate) follicles. Although oocytes were collected from each group of ovaries, only Grades A or B oocytes were used for in vitro embryo production. Cleavage rates were higher (P<0.05) from oocytes collected from ovaries in the CH-NO-DF (59.6%) and CL-NO-DF (59.2%) groups than those collected from CL-DF (52.2%) and ANEST (43.6%) groups. The yield of transferable embryos was higher (P<0.05) from oocytes collected from CH-NO-DF (27.4%) and CL-NO-DF (24.0%) ovaries than from CL-DF (16.2%), RCL-DF (15.4%), and lowest (P<0.05) from ANEST (8.8%). In Experiment 2, oocytes from the dominant follicle had a higher (P<0.05) cleavage rate (65.2 %) and transferable embryo yield (30.2%) than those collected from the largest subordinate and subordinate follicles. In conclusion, oocyte competence depended on the morphofunctional state of ovaries. Oocyte development was maximal in pairs of ovaries with a corpus hemorragicum or CL and no dominant follicle; in paired ovaries with a CL and a dominant follicle, development was maximal in oocytes derived from the dominant follicle.  相似文献   

To determine whether follicular development, superovulation and embryo production were affected by the absence or presence of a dominant follicle, cows were administered injections of FSH twice daily in the early (Days 2 to 6, estrus = Day 0) or middle stage (beginning on Day 10 or 11) of the estrous cycle. Treatment with FSH early in the cycle stimulated follicular development in 83 to 100% of all cows from 4 groups evaluated at different times after PGF2alpha treatment on Days 6 and 7. However, the proportion of cows with > 2 ovulations varied from 31 to 62.5%, indicating that induction of follicular development may occur in the absence of superovulation. When compared with cows treated in the middle of the cycle, no differences were observed in the proportion of cows with > 2 ovulations (31 vs 20%), ovulation rate. (26.0 +/- 6.3 vs 49.6 +/- 25.8), production of ova/embryos (13.3 +/- 3.2 vs 14.4 +/- 3.4), or the number of transferable embryos (8.0 +/- 3.6 vs 5.4 +/- 1.5; early vs middle, respectively). The proportion of the total number of embryos collected that were suitable for transfer was greater (P<0.01) in cows treated early in the cycle (60%) than at midcycle (37.5%). The diameter of the largest follicle observed by ultra-sound prior to initiation of FSH treatment in the early stage of the cycle (10.0 +/- 2.0 mm) was smaller (P<0.05) than at midcyle (16.8 +/- 1.3 mm). These results demonstrate that superinduction of follicular development is highly consistent after FSH treatment at Days 2 to 6 of the cycle and that superovulation and embryo production are not less variable than when FSH is administered during the middle of the cycle. However, superovulation in the early stage of the cycle may increase the proportion of embryos suitable for transfer.  相似文献   

The dry mass of blood lymphocytes in female mice has been found to underline the variations according to the phases of estrous cycle. Ovariectomy caused disappearance of cyclic changes and reduced the mean dry mass of lymphocytes. Whereas estradiol was effective in restoration of the lymphocyte dry mass to the values characteristic for non-operated animals, progesterone failed to produce any noticeable effect. It is concluded that estradiol is responsible for the changes of lymphocyte dry mass observed during the successive phases of estrous cycle.  相似文献   

The developmental competence of bovine oocytes collected from donors at various stages of the estrous cycle and fertilized in vitro was investigated by comparing the yields of embryos obtained from oocytes isolated from the ovaries of cows slaughtered on estrous cycle Days 7 and 14, 8 and 15, 9 and 16 and on Days 19, 20 and 2. The percentages of oocytes that developed into blastocysts at Day 8 after exposure to spermatozoa were: 11.9 vs 20.0; 13.2 vs 30.5; 20.8 vs 29.8; and 11.7, 4.4 and 16.9, respectively. A significantly higher proportion of oocytes developed into blastocysts following isolation on cycle Days 14 to 16 (24.3 %) than following recovery on Days 7 to 9 (13.0 %; P < 0.05), Days 19 to 20 (6.6 %; P < 0.05) or Day 2 (16.9 %; P < 0.05). Embryo development was also faster in oocytes isolated at the end of the luteal phase (Days 14 to 16). These results demonstrate that the stage of the estrous cycle may influence the developmental potential of oocytes and in vitro embryo production.  相似文献   

Summary The examination of adjacent sections ofPolytoma papillatum cells by the electron microscope enabled us to construct three dimensional models of the chondriomes. These reconstructions show that in two predivision cells the chondriome primarily consists of one large and highly convoluted mitochondrion. One and three small ovoid mitochondria also exist. Examination of two new daughter cells reveales 30 and 47 mitochondria of various shapes and sizes. This indicates that during the growth phase ofPolytoma (vegetative cell cycle) preponderantly one mitochondrion is formed by fusion of those numerous mitochondria found after cell cleavage. Our observations will be compared with results on this subject in other organisms.We are greatly indebted to Prof. Dr. C. G.Arnold (Erlangen) for his support in this work.  相似文献   

The impact of gender and/or hormone variations on a wide variety of neural functions makes the choice between studying males or females (or both) of a given species difficult. Although female rats are widely used experimentally, few studies control for the stage of estrus. More detailed information about how to distinguish the various stages of the estrous cycle is needed. For the present study, vaginal smears were obtained once a day and stained using an adaptation of the Papanicolaou (PAP) procedure. Images are provided of unstained “wet” samples and the corresponding PAP stained smears illustrating the cellular profile for each stage of the cycle as well as post-ovariectomy. The different cell populations across the cycle were quantified and ratios determined to show trends between the predominant and other cell types in each stage of the estrous cycle. Both stained and unstained images and cell quantification data provide valuable guidelines for distinguishing the stages of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

The impact of gender and/or hormone variations on a wide variety of neural functions makes the choice between studying males or females (or both) of a given species difficult. Although female rats are widely used experimentally, few studies control for the stage of estrus. More detailed information about how to distinguish the various stages of the estrous cycle is needed. For the present study, vaginal smears were obtained once a day and stained using an adaptation of the Papanicolaou (PAP) procedure. Images are provided of unstained “wet” samples and the corresponding PAP stained smears illustrating the cellular profile for each stage of the cycle as well as post-ovariectomy. The different cell populations across the cycle were quantified and ratios determined to show trends between the predominant and other cell types in each stage of the estrous cycle. Both stained and unstained images and cell quantification data provide valuable guidelines for distinguishing the stages of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

A recently developed mechanistic mathematical model of the bovine estrous cycle was parameterized to fit empirical data sets collected during one estrous cycle of 31 individual cows, with the main objective to further validate the model. The a priori criteria for validation were (1) the resulting model can simulate the measured data correctly (i.e. goodness of fit), and (2) this is achieved without needing extreme, probably non-physiological parameter values. We used a least squares optimization procedure to identify parameter configurations for the mathematical model to fit the empirical in vivo measurements of follicle and corpus luteum sizes, and the plasma concentrations of progesterone, estradiol, FSH and LH for each cow. The model was capable of accommodating normal variation in estrous cycle characteristics of individual cows. With the parameter sets estimated for the individual cows, the model behavior changed for 21 cows, with improved fit of the simulated output curves for 18 of these 21 cows. Moreover, the number of follicular waves was predicted correctly for 18 of the 25 two-wave and three-wave cows, without extreme parameter value changes. Estimation of specific parameters confirmed results of previous model simulations indicating that parameters involved in luteolytic signaling are very important for regulation of general estrous cycle characteristics, and are likely responsible for differences in estrous cycle characteristics between cows.  相似文献   

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