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Pteris vittata sporophytes hyperaccumulate arsenic to 1% to 2% of their dry weight. Like the sporophyte, the gametophyte was found to reduce arsenate [As(V)] to arsenite [As(III)] and store arsenic as free As(III). Here, we report the isolation of an arsenate reductase gene (PvACR2) from gametophytes that can suppress the arsenate sensitivity and arsenic hyperaccumulation phenotypes of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) lacking the arsenate reductase gene ScACR2. Recombinant PvACR2 protein has in vitro arsenate reductase activity similar to ScACR2. While PvACR2 and ScACR2 have sequence similarities to the CDC25 protein tyrosine phosphatases, they lack phosphatase activity. In contrast, Arath;CDC25, an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) homolog of PvACR2 was found to have both arsenate reductase and phosphatase activities. To our knowledge, PvACR2 is the first reported plant arsenate reductase that lacks phosphatase activity. CDC25 protein tyrosine phosphatases and arsenate reductases have a conserved HCX5R motif that defines the active site. PvACR2 is unique in that the arginine of this motif, previously shown to be essential for phosphatase and reductase activity, is replaced with a serine. Steady-state levels of PvACR2 expression in gametophytes were found to be similar in the absence and presence of arsenate, while total arsenate reductase activity in P. vittata gametophytes was found to be constitutive and unaffected by arsenate, consistent with other known metal hyperaccumulation mechanisms in plants. The unusual active site of PvACR2 and the arsenate reductase activities of cell-free extracts correlate with the ability of P. vittata to hyperaccumulate arsenite, suggesting that PvACR2 may play an important role in this process.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanisms of arsenic resistance in the arsenic hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L., a cDNA for a glutaredoxin (Grx) Pv5-6 was isolated from a frond expression cDNA library based on the ability of the cDNA to increase arsenic resistance in Escherichia coli. The deduced amino acid sequence of Pv5-6 showed high homology with an Arabidopsis chloroplastic Grx and contained two CXXS putative catalytic motifs. Purified recombinant Pv5-6 exhibited glutaredoxin activity that was increased 1.6-fold by 10 mm arsenate. Site-specific mutation of Cys(67) to Ala(67) resulted in the loss of both GRX activity and arsenic resistance. PvGrx5 was expressed in E. coli mutants in which the arsenic resistance genes of the ars operon were deleted (strain AW3110), a deletion of the gene for the ArsC arsenate reductase (strain WC3110), and a strain in which the ars operon was deleted and the gene for the GlpF aquaglyceroporin was disrupted (strain OSBR1). Expression of PvGrx5 increased arsenic tolerance in strains AW3110 and WC3110, but not in OSBR1, suggesting that PvGrx5 had a role in cellular arsenic resistance independent of the ars operon genes but dependent on GlpF. AW3110 cells expressing PvGrx5 had significantly lower levels of arsenite when compared with vector controls when cultured in medium containing 2.5 mm arsenate. Our results are consistent with PvGrx5 having a role in regulating intracellular arsenite levels, by either directly or indirectly modulating the aquaglyceroporin. To our knowledge, PvGrx5 is the first plant Grx implicated in arsenic metabolism.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations in a much larger fraction of U.S. groundwater sources will exceed the maximum contaminant limit when the new 10 microg L(-1) EPA standard for drinking water takes effect in 2006. Thus, it is important to develop remediation technologies that can meet this new standard. Phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated groundwater is a relatively new idea. In this research, an arsenic-hyperaccumulating fern, commonly known as Chinese Brake fern (Pteris vittata L.), was grown hydroponically to examine its effectiveness in arsenic removal from what is believed to be herbicide-contaminated groundwater. One plant grown in 600 mL of groundwater effectively reduced the arsenic concentration from 46 to less than 10 microg L(-1) in 3 days. Re-used plants continued to take up arsenic from the groundwater, albeit at a slower rate (from 46 to 20 microg L(-1) during the same time). Young fern plants were more efficient in removing arsenic than were older fern plants of similar size. The addition of a supplement of phosphate-free Hoagland nutrition to the groundwater had little effect on arsenic removal, but the addition of phosphate nutrition significantly reduced its arsenic affinity and, thus, inhibited the arsenic removal. This study suggested that Chinese Brake has some potential to remove arsenic from groundwater.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Zhu YG  Chen BD  Christie P  Li XL 《Mycorrhiza》2005,15(3):187-192
We report for the first time some effects of colonization by an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (Glomus mosseae) on the biomass and arsenate uptake of an As hyperaccumulator, Pteris vittata. Two arsenic levels (0 and 300 mg As kg–1) were applied to an already contaminated soil in pots with two compartments for plant and hyphal growth in a glasshouse experiment. Arsenic application had little or no effect on mycorrhizal colonization, which was about 50% of root length. Mycorrhizal colonization increased frond dry matter yield, lowered the root/frond weight ratio, and decreased frond As concentration by 33–38%. Nevertheless, transfer of As to fronds showed a 43% increase with mycorrhizal colonization at the higher soil As level. Frond As concentrations reached about 1.6 g kg–1 (dry matter basis) in non-mycorrhizal plants in the As-amended soil. Mycorrhizal colonization elevated root P concentration at both soil As levels and mycorrhizal plants had higher P/As ratios in both fronds and roots than did non-mycorrhizal controls.  相似文献   

Arsenic is a common contaminant in soils and water. It is well established that the fern Pteris vittata L. is an As hyperaccumulator and therefore has potential to phyroremediate As-polluted soils. Also, it is accepted that rhizosphere microflora play an enhancing role in plant uptake of metallic elements from soils. Studies showed that hydroponiclly grown P. Vittata accumulated arsenite more than the arsenate form of As apparently because arsenate and phosphate are analogues and therefore its absorption is inhibited by phosphate. The objective of this study was to determine whether addition of five different arsenate-reducing bacteria would enhance arsenic uptake by P. vittata grown in arsenic polluted soils in afield experiment. Results showed that addition of the As reducing bacteria promoted the growth of P. vittata, increased As accumulation, activated soil insoluble As, and reduced As leaching compared to the untreated control. Plant biomass increased by 53% and As uptake by 44%. As leaching was reduced by 29% to 71% depending on the As reducing bacterium. The results in their entirety permitted some insight into the mechanisms by which the arsenate reducing bacteria enhanced the effectiveness of P. vittata to remove As from the polluted soil.  相似文献   

The role of arsenic-resistant bacteria (ARB) in arsenic solubilization from growth media and growth enhancement of arsenic-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. was examined. Seven ARB (tolerant to 10 mM arsenate) were isolated from the P. vittata rhizosphere and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing as Pseudomonas sp., Comamonas sp. and Stenotrophomonas sp. During 7-d hydroponic experiments, these bacteria effectively solubilized arsenic from the growth media spiked with insoluble FeAsO? and AlAsO? minerals (from < 5 μg L?1 to 5.04-7.37 mg L?1 As) and enhanced plant arsenic uptake (from 18.1-21.9 to 35.3-236 mg kg?1 As in the fronds). Production of (1) pyochelin-type siderophores by ARB (fluorescent under ultraviolet illumination and characterized with thin layer chromatography) and (2) root exudate (dissolved organic C) by P. vittata may be responsible for As solubilization. Increase in P. vittata root biomass from 1.5-2.2 to 3.4-4.2 g/plant dw by ARB and by arsenic was associated with arsenic-induced plant P uptake. Arsenic resistant bacteria may have potential to enhance phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils by P. vittata.  相似文献   

A field investigation was conducted to understand the root distributions and elemental accumulations of Chinese brake (Pteris vittata L.), an As-hyperaccumulator, grown in soils with a gradient of As concentration near an arsenic sulphide mine. The root distribution was affected not only by the levels of soil As, but also by soil texture. Plants grew better in sandy loam soils than in clay soils. Increases in the ratio of frond biomass to underground biomass were correlated with decreasing soil As concentration. Root densities of the plant decreased from 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm to 20–30 cm in the soil profiles. Most of the roots were concentrated in the upper 0–10 cm layer. Under high As conditions, As concentrations in different tissues followed the trends: pinnae > rhizomes ≈ roots of 0–10 cm > roots of 10–20 cm > roots of 20–30 cm > petioles, however, As concentrations in pinnae were higher than those in rhizomes under low As conditions. The rhizomes and pinnae were the main As pools, storing 75–86% of the total As uptaken by the plants. The rhizome, a `buffer-storage' for plant As, maintained high concentrations of As under high soil As while the pinnae became the most important organ of storing the As under low soil As. Chinese brake might possess the ability of adjusting its As-storage under different soil As levels. The plant can not only hyperaccumulate As from the soils, but also enriched P and Ni from the soils and translocated them to the fronds. It is important to improve the root distribution for phytoremediation of As-contaminated soils using Chinese brake.  相似文献   

Tu  Cong  Ma  Lena Q. 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(2):373-382
Arsenate and phosphate interactions are important for better understanding their uptake and accumulation by plant due to their similarities in chemical behaviors. The present study examined the effects of arsenate and phosphate on plant biomass and uptake of arsenate and phosphate by Chinese brake (Pteris vittata L.), a newly-discovered arsenic hyperaccumulator. The plants were grown for 20 weeks in a soil, which received the combinations of 670, 2670, or 5340 mol kg–1 arsenate and 800, 1600, or 3200 mol kg–1 phosphate, respectively. Interactions between arsenate and phosphate influenced their availability in the soil, and thus plant growth and uptake of arsenate and phosphate. At low and medium arsenate levels (670 and 2670 mol kg–1), phosphate had slight effects on arsenate uptake by and growth of Chinese brake. However, phosphate substantially increased plant biomass and arsenate accumulation by alleviating arsenate phytotoxicity at high arsenate levels (5340 mol kg–1). Moderate doses of arsenate increased plant phosphate uptake, but decreased phosphate concentrations at high doses because of its phytotoxicity. Based on our results, the minimum P/As molar ratios should be at least 1.2 in soil solution or 1.0 in fern fronds for the growth of Chinese brake. Our findings suggest that phosphate application may be an important strategy for efficient use of Chinese brake to phytoremediate arsenic contaminated soils. Further study is needed on the mechanisms of interactive effects of arsenate and phosphate on Chinese brake in hydroponic systems.  相似文献   

H. Kuroiwa  M. Sugai  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1988,146(2-3):89-100
Summary The fate of the chloroplasts and chloroplast nuclei (cp-nuclei) was followed during spermatogenesis in the fernPteris vittata L. by epifluorescence microscopy after staining with 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and by quantitation of chloroplast DNA (cp-DNA) by fluorimetry using a video intensified microscope photon counting system (VIMPICS). The spores were grown on solid medium that contained antheridiogen (Anptd), and formed an antheridium initial on the protonema cell. The antheridium initial divided and produced 16 spermatocytes and 3 surrounding cells. The chloroplasts in the spermatocytes decreased in volume as cell division was repeated, until finally the volume of each chloroplast was 1/15 of that of the primary chloroplasts. The DNA content of the chloroplasts was also reduced to 1/5 of the original value and when the sperm matured, the fluorescence of cp-DNA disappeared. In the 16-cell spermatocyte, the recognition of the fluorescence of chlorophyll in the chloroplasts with a green excitation filter became difficult. But, the plastids could be observed until the final stage of the sperm. From these observations, it appears that there are two steps in the metamorphosis of chloroplasts during spermatogenesis in the fern. The first step involves the decrease in the volume of chloroplasts, accompanied by reduction of the DNA content, and the second step involves the change of the physical state of chloroplasts to amyloplasts and the disappearance of the cp-DNA from the amyloplasts.  相似文献   

1. The Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.; Pteridaceae) can accumulate up to 27 000 mg kg?1 dry wt. of arsenic (As) from the soil into its above‐ground biomass. They may use this As to deter invertebrate threats. 2. This study explored how As concentrations [As] in the fern, and in soil associated with the fern, influenced the abundance and composition of various invertebrates. 3. Populations of P. vittata were identified in the field. Soils from the base of the fern and from 3 m away of each plant were collected and pitfall traps were installed. Soil and fern arsenic concentrations ([As]) were measured via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and invertebrates were identified to order and classified by feeding guild. 4. Increased [As] did not affect all feeding guilds and orders equally. For example, individual herbivore abundance did not decrease as [As] increased, but predator abundance did. In many cases, the impact of soil [As] on invertebrates depended on the distance from the fern. Fern [As] also influenced components of the community, but only at 3 m away from the fern. Furthermore, the abundances of many invertebrate groups were higher beneath the fern, where [As] was higher. 5. These results suggest that hyperaccumulated As can impact the invertebrate community, but the defensive benefits of hyperaccumulation are more complex than have been previously described. The authors advocate that future studies examining the potential defensive benefits of hyperaccumulation should do so in a natural setting that incorporates this complexity and invertebrate richness.  相似文献   

The hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata translocates arsenic (As) from roots to fronds efficiently, but the form of As translocated in xylem and the main location of arsenate reduction have not been resolved. Here, P. vittata was exposed to 5 microM arsenate or arsenite for 1-24 h, with or without 100 microM phosphate. Arsenic speciation was determined in xylem sap, roots, fronds and nutrient solutions by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) linked to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The xylem sap As concentration was 18-73 times that in the nutrient solution. In both arsenate- and arsenite-treated plants, arsenite was the predominant species in the xylem sap, accounting for 93-98% of the total As. A portion of arsenate taken up by roots (30-40% of root As) was reduced to arsenite rapidly. The majority (c. 80%) of As in fronds was arsenite. Phosphate inhibited arsenate uptake, but not As translocation. More As was translocated to fronds in the arsenite-treated than in the arsenate-treated plants. There was little arsenite efflux from roots to the external solution. Roots are the main location of arsenate reduction in P. vittata. Arsenite is highly mobile in xylem transport, possibly because of efficient xylem loading, little complexation with thiols in roots, and little efflux to the external medium.  相似文献   

Zheng Y  Dai X  Wang L  Xu W  He Z  Ma M 《Journal of plant physiology》2008,165(18):1906-1916
The fern Pteris vittata is an arsenic (As) hyperaccumulator and can take up very high concentrations of arsenic from the soil. However, little is known about its response to co-contamination with arsenic and copper (Cu). In this study, we used an in vitro model system of P. vittata gametophytes to investigate the impact of changes in As and Cu status on growth, chlorophyll (chl) concentration, metal accumulation, and subcellular localization. A remarkable inhibition of growth occurred when gametophytes were exposed to concentrations >or=1.0mM Na(3)AsO(4) or >or=0.5mM CuSO(4). chl concentration decreased significantly when gametophytes were exposed to >0.25mM of CuSO(4), but increased steadily with concentration to 相似文献   


Background and aims

The trace element uptake process of plants is a key factor in assessing the risks of trace element build-up in agricultural soils. Scarce information exists on the trace element dynamic uptake of plants grown in the field, especially on those potentially hazardous. In this study, the uptake process of As, Cd, Cu, and Zn in maize plants was quantified and characterized throughout the entire season.


Along two seasons, the uptake dynamics of field-grown maize plants in absorbing the soil borne trace elements was examined. Biomass production and the concentration of the elements in plant and soil solution samples were determined. A kinetic model was employed to characterize the uptake by plants.


The kinetic parameters of the uptake process, maximum cumulative uptake rate, U max , time to reach 50 % of U max , t U50 , and reciprocal of the uptake rate, b U when followed throughout the season in terms of the plant’s growing degree days remained constant between seasons and were element specific. In spite of the large amount biomass produced, maize plants extracted minute quantities of Cd and As. Increasing cumulative uptake rates of As, Cd, Cu, and Zn from the soil took place primarily in the early half of the growing season when the biomass accumulation was still less than 50 % of the maximum harvested biomass. The element-specific plant uptake factor (PUF), which denote the partition of trace elements between the soil solution and plant phases, decreased following a first-order kinetics along the growing period, did not show any significant difference between seasons, and, at maturity stage, followed the sequence Cd≥Zn>Cu≥As.


The uptake process of the elements was adequately described by the kinetic model, showing similar patterns but different magnitude and distribution in the plant. The extraction of Cd and As by plants is low in comparison to common inputs through fertilizer applications into maize production systems, indicating potential risk of trace element accumulation in soils. The PUF may be estimated according to the kinetics parameters of the uptake process. On a per-unit-soil solution element basis, Cd and Zn would be more susceptible to the soil-to-plant transfer than As and Cu.  相似文献   

Michio Ito 《Planta》1969,90(1):22-31
Summary In protonemata of Pteris vittata grown for 6 days under red light, which brings about a marked depression of mitotic activity, the first division of the cells was synchronously induced by irradiation with blue light, and subsequent cell divisions were also promoted. The peak of the mitotic index reached a maximum of about 70% at 11.5 hrs, and 90% of all protonemata divided between the 11th and 13th hour after exposure to blue light. When the protonemata were continuously irradiated with blue light, synchronism of the next cell division in the apical cells decreased to a mitotic index of about 30%, and further divisions occurred randomly.The synchronization of cell division was found to be a combined effect of red and blue light. Red light maintained the cells in the early G1 phase of the cell cycle; blue light caused the cells to progress synchronously through the cell cycle, with an average duration of 12 hr. By using 3H-thymidine, the average duration of the G1, S, G2 and M phases was determined to be about 3.5, 5, 2.5 and 1 hr, respectively.Synchronous cell division could be induced in older protonemata grown for 6 to 12 days in red light and even in protonemata having two cells. It could be repeated in the same protonema by reexposure to red light for 24 hrs or more before another irradiation with blue light.  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake, tissue localization and structural changes induced at cellular level are essential to understand Cd tolerance in plants. In this study we have exposed plants of Pteris vittata to different concentrations of CdCl2 (0, 30, 60, 100 μM) to evaluate the tolerance of the fern to cadmium. Cadmium content determination and its histochemical localization showed that P. vittata not only takes up, but also transports and accumulates cadmium in the aboveground tissues, delocalizing it mainly in the less bioactive tissues of the frond, the trichomes and the scales. Cadmium tolerance in P. vittata was strictly related to morphogenic response induced by the metal itself in the root system. Adaptive response regarded changes of the root apex size, the developmental pattern of root hairs, the differentiation of xylem elements and endodermal suberin lamellae. All the considered parameters suggest that, in our experimental conditions, 60 μM of Cd may represent the highest concentration that P. vittata can tolerate; indeed this Cd level even improves the absorbance features of the root and allows good transport and accumulation of the metal in the fronds. The results of this study can provide useful information for phytoremediation strategies of soils contaminated by Cd, exploiting the established ability of P. vittata to transport, delocalize in the aboveground biomass and accumulate polluting metals.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,43(2):135-140
When spores of the fern Pteris vittata are induced to germinate on water in the light, they develop solely a rhizoid. Upon addition of mineral salt medium and transfer into darkness they develop male gametangia directly at the spore. This precocious antheridiogenesis is inhibited by light. Ohytochrome and a blue-light photoreceptor are both involved in the control. Ions are required for the light-dependent inhibition of antheridia formation. It is concluded that spores are determined generatively while light inhibits the generative tendency and promotes the vegetative development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe a wide spectrum of surface structural and anatomical details of the Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM revealed that the epidermal cells of the pinnae were elongated with raised periclinal and sinuous anticlinal walls. The pinnae were hypostomatous with randomly scattered anomocytic stomatal complexes positioned at the same level as the epidermis. Stomates were large and elliptical (27.4 μm × 10.2 μm). Cross sections from the central regions of the rachis and the stipe revealed V- and U-shaped vascular bundles, respectively. In each vascular bundle, the xylem strands were sea-horse shaped (hippocampus). In contrast, the pinnae possessed a triangular vascular bundle with uniform mesophyll organization comprising of homogenous lobed parenchyma cells. The indumentum consisted of trichomes and scales, which formed various types of vestiture. Trichomes were borne only on the pinnae and scales on the rachis and stipe. The roots developed a dense network of long root hairs averaging 244 μm long, and the xylem consisted of tracheids with scalariform pitting. Sori were submarginal; continuous along both margins of the pinna and were covered with a false indusium. The sporangia were oblong with a short thick stalk and the annulus was positioned vertically resulting in transverse dehiscence of the sporangium. The paraphyses were uniseriate, unbranched, septate and found to be intermixed with the sporangia. The exine of the globose spores was adorned with thick reticulum in which the areoles contained round tubercles. This study describes surface features in detail, which is essential to studies examining the issue of whether morphological characteristics are related to arsenic hyperaccumulation inP. vittata.  相似文献   

1. The consumption of arsenic is toxic to most biota. However, a noctuid caterpillar was recently reported feeding on a plant known to hyperaccumulate arsenic. 2. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of arsenic‐rich Pteris vittata L. consumption by Callopistria floridensis G., and measure differences in arsenic concentrations at various stages of development (larval and adult), and associated with exuviae and frass. 3. Callopistria floridensis accumulated extraordinary concentrations of arsenic. The relative accumulation of arsenic was highest in exuviae and larvae. Larvae invariably preferred P. vittata grown on low arsenic soil to P. vittata grown on higher soil arsenic concentrations, and appeared able to selectively forage on lower arsenic concentrations within each treatment. 4. These findings show that C. floridensis is tolerant of arsenic, and successfully develops to adulthood containing elevated concentrations of arsenic. Callopistria floridensis represents the only known terrestrial animal capable of accumulating arsenic, and may have developed novel physiological and behavioural adaptations to regulate the negative effects of arsenic.  相似文献   

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