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Canonical translation initiation in eukaryotes begins with the Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4F (eIF4F) complex, made up of eIF4E, which recognizes the 7-methylguanosine cap of messenger RNA, and eIF4G, which serves as a scaffold to recruit other translation initiation factors that ultimately assemble the 80S ribosome. Many eukaryotes have secondary EIF4E genes with divergent properties. The model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) encodes two such genes in tandem loci on chromosome 1, EIF4E1B (At1g29550) and EIF4E1C (At1g29590). This work identifies EIF4E1B/EIF4E1C-type genes as a Brassicaceae-specific diverged form of EIF4E. There is little evidence for EIF4E1C gene expression; however, the EIF4E1B gene appears to be expressed at low levels in most tissues, though microarray and RNA Sequencing data support enrichment in reproductive tissue. Purified recombinant eIF4E1b and eIF4E1c proteins retain cap-binding ability and form functional complexes in vitro with eIF4G. The eIF4E1b/eIF4E1c-type proteins support translation in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) but promote translation initiation in vitro at a lower rate compared with eIF4E. Findings from surface plasmon resonance studies indicate that eIF4E1b and eIF4E1c are unlikely to bind eIF4G in vivo when in competition with eIF4E. This study concludes that eIF4E1b/eIF4E1c-type proteins, although bona fide cap-binding proteins, have divergent properties and, based on apparent limited tissue distribution in Arabidopsis, should be considered functionally distinct from the canonical plant eIF4E involved in translation initiation.Cap-dependent translation in eukaryotes begins with recognition of the 7-methylguanosine cap at the 5′ end of an mRNA by the translation initiation factor eIF4E, which forms the eIF4F complex with the scaffolding protein eIF4G. The binding of the RNA helicase eIF4A along with eIF4B promotes unwinding of mRNA secondary structure (Aitken and Lorsch, 2012). The eIF4F complex then serves to circularize mRNA by interaction of eIF4G with poly(A) binding protein and recruit the preinitiation complex through binding of eIF4G to eIF3 and eIF5, ultimately leading to the assembly of the 80S ribosome (Aitken and Lorsch, 2012). eIF4E is an attractive target for global regulation of translational activity through its position at the earliest step, mRNA cap recognition. In many organisms, eIF4E availability is regulated by 4E-binding proteins as well as phosphorylation and sumoylation (Jackson et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2010). However, plants appear to lack 4E-binding proteins, and the role of phosphorylation of eIF4E in translational control is less clear (Pierrat et al., 2007).The eIF4E proteins generally thought to be involved in translation initiation are Class I eIF4E proteins (Joshi et al., 2005), of which two exist in flowering plants: eIF4E, which pairs with eIF4G to form the eIF4F complex, and the plant-specific isoform eIFiso4E, which pairs with eIFiso4G to form eIFiso4F (Mayberry et al., 2011; Patrick and Browning, 2012). Class I eIF4E family members have conserved Trp residues at positions equivalent to Trp-43 and Trp-56 of Homo sapiens eIF4E (Joshi et al., 2005), and the canonical members of this class, such as plant eIF4E and eIFiso4E, have the ability to promote translation through binding of mRNA cap structure and eIF4G (or eIFiso4G).In some organisms, however, secondary Class I isoforms exist with expression patterns and functions divergent from the conserved eIF4E (Rhoads, 2009). Caenorhabditis elegans has four isoforms involved in differentiation between mono- and trimethylated mRNA caps (Keiper et al., 2000) and have specialized roles for regulation of certain sets of mRNAs, particularly in the germline (Amiri et al., 2001; Song et al., 2010). Trypanosoma brucei has four isoforms with varying ability to bind cap analog and eIF4G isoforms (Freire et al., 2011). Schizosaccharomyces pombe has a second eIF4E isoform, eIF4E2, which is nonessential under normal growth conditions, but accumulates in response to high temperatures (Ptushkina et al., 2001). It cannot, however, complement deletion of EIF4E1, and while it can bind capped mRNA and promote translation in vitro, it has reduced ability to bind an eIF4G-derived peptide.Vertebrates encode a novel Class I isoform called EIF4E1B with oocyte-specific expression and functions (Evsikov and Marín de Evsikova, 2009). Zebrafish (Danio rerio) EIF4E1B, with expression limited to muscle and reproductive tissue, has conserved residues identified as necessary for binding cap analog and eIF4G, yet fails to bind either and cannot functionally complement deletion of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) eIF4E (Robalino et al., 2004). In Xenopus spp. oocytes, the eIF4E1b protein was found to bind eIF4E transporter and cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein to form a translation-repressing complex (Minshall et al., 2007). Drosophila species have undergone extensive expansion of EIF4E-encoding loci to as many as seven different Class I eIF4E isoforms (Tettweiler et al., 2012). The seven EIF4E isoforms of Drosophila melanogaster are differentially expressed, with only five able to bind to eIF4G and complement deletion of yeast eIF4E (Hernández et al., 2005). The eIF4E-3 isoform of D. melanogaster was recently described as having a specific role in spermatogenesis (Hernández et al., 2012).Upon completion of sequencing of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome (Rhee et al., 2003), it was discovered that in addition to the conserved plant EIF4E (At4g18040) and EIFISO4E (At5g35620), there existed a tandem pair of genes of high sequence similarity on chromosome 1 that also encoded Class I eIF4E family proteins, EIF4E1B (At1g29550, also known as EIF4E3) and EIF4E1C (At1g29590, also known as EIF4E2). Published microarray and RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) data indicate little to no EIF4E1C gene expression; however, the EIF4E1B gene appears to be expressed at low levels in most tissues and enriched in tissues involved in reproduction. The protein sequences contain the residues predicted to be involved in regular eIF4E function but also showed some divergence at highly conserved residues of the canonical plant eIF4E. Genome sequencing data indicate that these genes are part of a divergent eIF4E clade specific to Brassicaceae.The biochemical properties of the eIF4E1b and eIF4E1c proteins were investigated in this work, and it was found that while they can bind mRNA cap analog and eIF4G and support translation in yeast lacking eIF4E, their eIF4G-binding and translation initiation enhancing capabilities in vitro were less robust when compared with the conserved Arabidopsis eIF4E. In addition, it appears that these EIF4E1B-type genes cannot substitute for EIF4E or EIFISO4E in planta because deletion of both of these genes appears to be lethal. Taken together, these findings indicate the EIF4E1B-type genes represent a divergent eIF4E whose roles should be considered separately from the canonical eIF4E in plant translation initiation.  相似文献   

Tristetraprolin (TTP) regulates the expression of AU-rich element-containing mRNAs through promoting the degradation and repressing the translation of target mRNA. While the mechanism for promoting target mRNA degradation has been extensively studied, the mechanism underlying translational repression is not well established. Here, we show that TTP recruits eukaryotic initiation factor 4E2 (eIF4E2) to repress target mRNA translation. TTP interacted with eIF4E2 but not with eIF4E. Overexpression of eIF4E2 enhanced TTP-mediated translational repression, and downregulation of endogenous eIF4E2 or overexpression of a truncation mutant of eIF4E2 impaired TTP-mediated translational repression. Overexpression of an eIF4E2 mutant that lost the cap-binding activity also impaired TTP''s activity, suggesting that the cap-binding activity of eIF4E2 is important in TTP-mediated translational repression. We further show that TTP promoted eIF4E2 binding to target mRNA. These results imply that TTP recruits eIF4E2 to compete with eIF4E to repress the translation of target mRNA. This notion is supported by the finding that downregulation of endogenous eIF4E2 increased the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) protein without affecting the mRNA levels in THP-1 cells. Collectively, these results uncover a novel mechanism by which TTP represses target mRNA translation.  相似文献   


Studies on the interaction of the murine translation initiation factor 4E with two new-synthesized cap-analogues, modified at C2′ of 7-methylguanosine, have been performed by means of the fluorescence titration method. No difference in the binding affinity for eIF4E was observed compared with the “anti reversed” cap analogues, possessing the analogous modifications at C3′. Potential significance of the novel caps as research tools for examination of the nuclear cap binding complex CBC80/20 has been discussed.  相似文献   


The recognition of the 5′mRNA cap structure m7G(5′)ppp(5′)N by one of the components of the initiation translation machinery, the eIF4E factor, plays a pivotal role in regulation of the protein synthesis. In the present study we have shown two opposing roles of the cap phosphate chain in the specific eIF4E-cap interaction. The extension of the phosphate chain enhances the binding of the cap to the unphosphorylated eIF4E but destabilises the eIF4E-cap complex in case of the phosphorylated protein.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs possess a 5′-terminal cap structure (cap), m7GpppN, which facilitates ribosome binding. The cap is bound by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F (eIF4F), which is composed of eIF4E, eIF4G, and eIF4A. eIF4E is the cap-binding subunit, eIF4A is an RNA helicase, and eIF4G is a scaffolding protein that bridges between the mRNA and ribosome. eIF4G contains an RNA-binding domain, which was suggested to stimulate eIF4E interaction with the cap in mammals. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, however, such an effect was not observed. Here, we used recombinant proteins to reconstitute the cap binding of the mammalian eIF4E-eIF4GI complex to investigate the importance of the RNA-binding region of eIF4GI for cap interaction with eIF4E. We demonstrate that chemical cross-linking of eIF4E to the cap structure is dramatically enhanced by eIF4GI fragments possessing RNA-binding activity. Furthermore, the fusion of RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) of the La autoantigen to the N terminus of eIF4GI confers enhanced association between the cap structure and eIF4E. These results demonstrate that eIF4GI serves to anchor eIF4E to the mRNA and enhance its interaction with the cap structure.The cap structure, m7GpppN, is present at the 5′ terminus of all nuclear transcribed eukaryotic mRNAs. Cap-dependent binding of the ribosome to mRNA is mediated by the cap-binding protein eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), which forms a complex termed eIF4F together with eIF4G and eIF4A. Mammalian eIF4G, which has two isoforms, eIF4GI and eIF4GII, is a modular, multifunctional protein that binds to poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) (14) and eIF4E (18, 20) via the N-terminal third region. Mammalian eIF4G binds to eIF4A and eIF3 (15) via the middle third region and to eIF4A and Mnk protein kinase at the C-terminal region. eIF4GI also possesses an RNA-binding sequence (2, 9, 33) in the middle region. There are two RNA-binding sites on eIF4GI; one is located amino terminal to the first HEAT domain, and the other is located within the first HEAT domain (23). Mammalian and Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF4E are similar in size (24 kDa), but mammalian eIF4GI (220 kDa) is larger than its yeast counterpart (150 kDa), as the latter lacks a C-terminal domain corresponding to mammalian eIF4GI (38).The affinity of eIF4E for the cap structure has been a matter of dispute for some time. The earlier works of Carberry et al. (4) and Ueda et al. (39) estimated the equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of the eIF4E-cap complex by fluorescence titration to be 2 × 10−6 to 5 × 10−6 M depending on the nature of the cap analog. Later on, development of a new methodology for the fluorescence titration experiments yielded Kd values of 10−7 to 10−8 (29, 41). The source of the difference with the previous reports was thoroughly analyzed (29, 30). The interaction between the cap structure and eIF4E is dramatically enhanced by eIF4GI. This was first reported by showing that cross-linking of mammalian eIF4E to the cap structure is more efficient when it is a subunit of the eIF4F complex (19) or when it is complexed to eIF4GI (11). A similar enhancement of the binding of eIF4E to the cap structure was observed in yeast (40). However, two very different mechanisms were proposed to explain these observations. For the mammalian system, it was postulated that the middle segment of eIF4GI, which binds RNA, stabilizes the eIF4E interaction with the cap structure (11). This model was based primarily on the finding that in poliovirus-infected cells, eIF4GI is cleaved between its N-terminal third and the middle third, and consequently, eIF4E remains attached to the N-terminal eIF4GI fragment lacking the RNA-binding region. Under these conditions, cross-linking of eIF4E to the cap structure was poor (19, 31). In contrast, in yeast, a strong interaction between the cap structure and eIF4E was achieved using an eIF4G fragment containing the eIF4E-binding site that lacks the RNA-binding region (34, 40). Also, the yeast eIF4G fragment from amino acids 393 to 490 (fragment 393-490), which does not contain the RNA-binding site, forms a right-handed helical ring that wraps around the N terminus of eIF4E. This conformational change was suggested in turn to engender an allosteric enhancement of the association of eIF4E with the cap structure (10). Such an interaction between mammalian eIF4GI and eIF4E has not been reported.To understand the mechanism by which eIF4GI stimulates the interaction of eIF4E with the cap structure in mammals, we reconstituted the eIF4E-cap recognition activity in vitro with purified eIF4E and eIF4GI recombinant proteins. Using a chemical cross-linking assay, we demonstrate that only mammalian eIF4GI fragments possessing RNA-binding activity enhance the cross-linking of eIF4E to the cap structure. Our data provide new insight into the mechanism of cap recognition by the eIF4E-eIF4GI complex.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) was isolated from salt-washed microsomes of 4-day-old rat brain which show a high rate of protein synthesis. A three-step purification scheme was employed, including heparin-Sepharose, phosphocellulose, and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the isolated factor revealed three polypeptides with molecular weights of 43,000, 54,000, and 59,000 and 90% purity. The rat brain eIF-2 forms ternary complexes with [3H]methionyl-tRNAi and GTP. In terms of specific activity, the purification does not correspond to that revealed by electrophoretic analysis. During purification there is an apparent loss of additional factors that modulates the activity of eIF-2 and explains the high rate of activity of the crude fraction.  相似文献   



Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) plays an important role in plant virus infection as well as the regulation of gene translation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we describe the isolation of a cDNA encoding CmeIF(iso)4E (GenBank accession no. JQ904592), an isoform of eIF4E from chrysanthemum, using RACE PCR. We used the CmeIF(iso)4E cDNA for expression profiling and to analyze the interaction between CmeIF(iso)4E and the Chrysanthemum virus B coat protein (CVBCP). Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the sequence similarity of CmeIF(iso)4E with other reported plant eIF(iso)4E sequences varied between 69.12% and 89.18%, indicating that CmeIF(iso)4E belongs to the eIF(iso)4E subfamily of the eIF4E family. CmeIF(iso)4E was present in all chrysanthemum organs, but was particularly abundant in the roots and flowers. Confocal microscopy showed that a transiently transfected CmeIF(iso)4E-GFP fusion protein distributed throughout the whole cell in onion epidermis cells. A yeast two hybrid assay showed CVBCP interacted with CmeIF(iso)4E but not with CmeIF4E. BiFC assay further demonstrated the interaction between CmeIF(iso)4E and CVBCP. Luminescence assay showed that CVBCP increased the RLU of Luc-CVB, suggesting CVBCP might participate in the translation of viral proteins.


These results inferred that CmeIF(iso)4E as the cap-binding subunit eIF(iso)4F may be involved in Chrysanthemum Virus B infection in chrysanthemum through its interaction with CVBCP in spatial.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic mRNA 3′ poly(A) tail and its associated poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1p) are important regulators of gene expression. One role for this complex in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is in translation initiation through an interaction with a 115-amino-acid region of the translation initiation factor eIF4G. The eIF4G-interacting domain of Pab1p was mapped to its second RNA recognition motif (RRM2) in an in vitro binding assay. Moreover, RRM2 of Pab1p was required for poly(A) tail-dependent translation in yeast extracts. An analysis of a site-directed Pab1p mutation which bound to eIF4G but did not stimulate translation of uncapped, polyadenylated mRNA suggested additional Pab1p-dependent events during translation initiation. These results support the model that the association of RRM2 of yeast Pab1p with eIF4G is a prerequisite for the poly(A) tail to stimulate the translation of mRNA in vitro.  相似文献   

A Novel Functional Human Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4G   总被引:32,自引:11,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Mammalian eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F (eIF4F) is a cap-binding protein complex consisting of three subunits: eIF4E, eIF4A, and eIF4G. In yeast and plants, two related eIF4G species are encoded by two different genes. To date, however, only one functional eIF4G polypeptide, referred to here as eIF4GI, has been identified in mammals. Here we describe the discovery and functional characterization of a closely related homolog, referred to as eIF4GII. eIF4GI and eIF4GII share 46% identity at the amino acid level and possess an overall similarity of 56%. The homology is particularly high in certain regions of the central and carboxy portions, while the amino-terminal regions are more divergent. Far-Western analysis and coimmunoprecipitation experiments were used to demonstrate that eIF4GII directly interacts with eIF4E, eIF4A, and eIF3. eIF4GII, like eIF4GI, is also cleaved upon picornavirus infection. eIF4GII restores cap-dependent translation in a reticulocyte lysate which had been pretreated with rhinovirus 2A to cleave endogenous eIF4G. Finally, eIF4GII exists as a complex with eIF4E in HeLa cells, because eIF4GII and eIF4E can be purified together by cap affinity chromatography. Taken together, our findings indicate that eIF4GII is a functional homolog of eIF4GI. These results may have important implications for the understanding of the mechanism of shutoff of host protein synthesis following picornavirus infection.  相似文献   

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In recent years, biotechnology has permitted regulation of the expression of endogenous plant genes to improve agronomlcally important traits. Genetic modification of crops has benefited from emerging knowledge of new genes, especially genes that exhibit novel functions, one of which is eukaryotlc initiation factor 4E (eIF4E). eIF4E Is one of the most important translation initiation factors Involved in eukaryotic initiation. Recent research has demonstrated that virus resistance mediated by eIF4E and Its isoform elf (Iso)4E occurs in several plant-virus interactions, thus indicating a potential new role for eIF4E/elF(Iso)4E In resistance strategies against plant viruses. In this review, we briefly describe eIF4E activity In plant translation, its potential role, and functions of the eIF4E subfamily In plant-virus interactions. Other initiation factors such as elF4G could also play a role In plant resistance against viruses. Finally, the potential for developing eIF4E-mediated resistance to plant viruses in the future Is discussed. Future research should focus on elucidation of the resistance mechanism and spectrum mediated by eIF4E. Knowledge of a particu- lar plant-virus interaction will help to deepen our understanding of eIF4E and other eukaryotic Initiation factors, and their involvement in virus disease control.  相似文献   

Abnormal dendritic sprouting and synaptic remodelling are important pathological features of temporal lobe epilepsy. BC1 RNA is a translation repressor involved in the regulation of the dendritic protein synthesis and mRNA transport, which is essential for dendritic development and plasticity. The expression alteration of BC1 RNA in the pilocarpine induced epilepsy model remains unknown. It is unclear if the interactions between BC1 RNA and eukaryotic initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) exists in this model. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression changes of BC1 RNA and its interactions with eIF4A post-status epilepticus (SE). Chloride lithium and pilocarpine were used to induce the SE rat model. Either a whole brain or hippocampus tissues were collected at different time points after SE. The expression patterns of BC1 was detected by qPCR and in situ hybridization. The levels of eIF4AI/II protein expression were analyzed via western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The BC1 RNA-eIF4AI/II interaction was determined by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). We found that the BC1 RNA levels decreased in hippocampus 3d, 1w and 2w post-SE before the levels recovered. The eIF4AI/II began to rise 3d post-SE and reached the maximum level 1w post-SE. After 1w post-SE the levels decreased in the hippocampal CA1, CA3 and DG subregions. EMSA analysis showed that BC1 RNA specifically interacted with the eIF4AI/II. The BC1 RNA-eIF4AI/II complex reduced to the lowest level 1w post-SE. Our results suggested that BC1 has a negative regulatory correlation with eIF4AI/II, where BC1 RNA could be involved in epileptogenesis by regulating dendritic protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Ovarian failure (OF) at age <40 years occurs in approximately 1% of all women. Other than karyotype abnormalities, very few genes are known to be associated with this ovarian dysfunction. We studied eight patients who presented with premature OF and white-matter abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging. Neurological signs may be absent or present after OF. In seven patients, we report for the first time mutations in three of the five EIF2B genes (EIF2B2, -4, and -5) that were recently shown to cause childhood ataxia with central nervous system hypomyelination/vanishing white-matter disease leukodystrophy. The correlation we observed between the age at onset of the neurological deterioration and the severity of OF suggests a common pathophysiological pathway.  相似文献   

Translation of mRNA plays a critical role in consolidation of long-term memory. Here, we report that markers of initiation of mRNA translation are activated during training for contextual memory and that they undergo diurnal oscillation in the mouse hippocampus with maximal activity observed during the daytime (zeitgeber time 4–8 h). Phosphorylation and activation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), eIF4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1), ribosomal protein S6, and eIF4F cap-complex formation, all of which are markers for translation initiation, were higher in the hippocampus during the daytime compared with night. The circadian oscillation in markers of mRNA translation was lost in memory-deficient transgenic mice lacking calmodulin-stimulated adenylyl cyclases. Moreover, disruption of the circadian rhythm blocked diurnal oscillations in eIF4E, 4EBP1, rpS6, Akt, and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and impaired memory consolidation. Furthermore, repeated inhibition of translation in the hippocampus 48 h after contextual training with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin impaired memory persistence. We conclude that repeated activation of markers of translation initiation in hippocampus during the circadian cycle might be critical for memory persistence.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yu-Yang  Qi  Mei-Fang  Sun  Jin  Zhang  Xiao-Hui  Shi  He-Li  Li  Han-Xia  Ye  Zhi-Biao 《Plant Molecular Biology Reporter》2009,27(3):400-406
The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) and its isoform, eIF(iso)4E, play important roles in protein translation and recently reported to be involved in plant–virus interactions. A cDNA encoding the tomato eIF(iso)4E was cloned based on a tentative consensus (TC170275) in TIGR (), and was designated as SleIF(iso)4E, with an open reading frame of 603 nucleotides encoding a protein of 200 amino acids. The calculated molecular weight of the SleIF(iso)4E protein was 22.85 kD, and the theoretical isoelectric point was 5.76. The amino acid sequence of SleIF(iso)4E showed 66–91% identity with eIF(iso)4Es in pepper, tobacco, pea and maize, and 44–51% identity with eIF4Es from other plants. The phylogenetic relationship and tertiary structure comparisons indicate that SleIF(iso)4E share high homology and strict conserved regions with other members of the eIF4E family, a characteristic of all members of this family. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed varying expression levels of SleIF(iso)4E in different tissues. By comparing eIF(iso)4E coding sequences between resistant and susceptible tomato genotypes, correlation between sequence variations and virus resistance was identified. These findings provide good grounds for future research on the role of SleIF(iso)4E in translation initiation and plant–virus interactions. Sequence data of SleIF(iso)4E from this article have been deposited at GenBank under accession number EU119958.  相似文献   

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