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Plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family exhibit species‐specific profiles of glucosinolates (GSLs), a class of defence compounds against pathogens and insects. GSLs also exhibit various human health–promoting properties. Among them, glucoraphanin (aliphatic 4‐methylsulphinylbutyl GSL) has attracted the most attention because it hydrolyses to form a potent anticancer compound. Increased interest in developing commercial varieties of Brassicaceae crops with desirable GSL profiles has led to attempts to identify genes that are potentially valuable for controlling GSL biosynthesis. However, little attention has been focused on genes of kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala). In this study, we established full‐length kale cDNA libraries containing 59 904 clones, which were used to generate an expressed sequence tag (EST) data set with 119 204 entries. The EST data set clarified genes related to the GSL biosynthesis pathway in kale. We specifically focused on BoMYB29, a homolog of Arabidopsis MYB29/PMG2/HAG3, not only to characterize its function but also to demonstrate its usability as a biological resource. BoMYB29 overexpression in wild‐type Arabidopsis enhanced the expression of aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes and the accumulation of aliphatic GSLs. When expressed in the myb28myb29 mutant, which exhibited no detectable aliphatic GSLs, BoMYB29 restored the expression of biosynthetic genes and aliphatic GSL accumulation. Interestingly, the ratio of methylsulphinyl GSL content, including glucoraphanin, to that of methylthio GSLs was greatly increased, indicating the suitability of BoMYB29 as a regulator for increasing methylsulphinyl GSL content. Our results indicate that these biological resources can facilitate further identification of genes useful for modifications of GSL profiles and accumulation in kale.  相似文献   

Brassica oleracea L. crops including kales, cabbages, and Tronchuda cabbages are widely grown in northwestern Spain and Portugal but little information is available on leaf glucosinolate content of these crops. The objectives were to determine the diversity for the total glucosinolate content and profile on leaves in a collection of 153 kales, 26 cabbages, and three Tronchuda cabbages varieties grown at two growing seasons and to determine the seasonal variation of glucosinolates in cabbages and Tronchuda cabbage varieties. Sinigrin, glucoiberin, and glucobrassicin were the major glucosinolates found in kales. Glucoiberin was the most common glucosinolate in Tronchuda cabbages in both planting seasons and in cabbages sown in fall season whereas glucobrassicin and glucoiberin were the most common glucosinolates in cabbages in spring season. In kales the total glucosinolate content ranged from 11.0 to 53 micromol g(-1) dw, with a mean value of 26.3 micromol g(-1) dw. Four kale varieties (MBG-BRS0468, MBG-BRS0476, MBG-BRS0060 and MBG-BRS0223) showed the highest total sinigrin or glucobrassicin contents. So, they could be good candidates for future breeding programs. In cabbages, the total glucosinolate content ranged from 10.9 to 27 g(-1) dw. Total glucosinolate concentration during spring sowing (22 micro mg(-1) dw) was higher than those in fall sowing (13 micro mg(-1) dw). Regarding both high glucosinolate content and the agronomic value, MBG-BRS0057 and MBG-BRS0074 could be good sources of beneficial glucosinolates. The presence of high concentrations of sinigrin, glucoiberin, and glucobrassicin warrant further search into their potential use to enhance the level of these important phytochemicals in these edible crops.  相似文献   

The biochemical and genetical relationship between aliphatic glucosinolates which have methylthioalkyl, methylsulphinylalkyl and alkenyl side chains has not been resolved by biochemical studies. In this study, two hypothetical models are tested by the genetic analysis of a backcross population between Brassica drepanensis and B. atlantica. The results support one of the models in which 3-methylthiopropyl glucosinolate is sequentially converted to 3-methylsulphinylpropyl, and then to 2-propenyl glucosinolate, by the action of dominant alleles at two loci. RFLP mapping positioned both loci on the same linkage group homologous to the B. napus N19 linkage group. The implication of the results for the genetic manipulation of glucosinolates in Brassica to improve flavour and nutritional properties, and in order to investigate plant-insect interactions, is discussed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and mechanistic studies show health-promoting effects of glucosinolates and their breakdown products. In literature, differences in non-enzymatic glucosinolate degradation rates during food processing between different vegetables are described, which provide the basis for studying the genetic effects of this trait and breeding vegetables with high glucosinolate retention during food processing. Non-enzymatic glucosinolate degradation, induced by heat, was studied in a publicly available Brassica oleracea doubled haploid population. Data were modeled to obtain degradation rate constants that were used as phenotypic traits to perform quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. Glucosinolate degradation rate constants were determined for five aliphatic and two indolic glucosinolates. Degradation rates were independent of the initial glucosinolate concentration. Two QTL were identified for the degradation rate of the indolic glucobrassicin and one QTL for the degradation of the aliphatic glucoraphanin, which co-localized with one of the QTL for glucobrassicin. Factors within the plant matrix might influence the degradation of different glucosinolates in different genotypes. In addition to genotypic effects, we demonstrated that growing conditions influenced glucosinolate degradation as well. The study identified QTL for glucosinolate degradation, giving the opportunity to breed vegetables with a high retention of glucosinolates during food processing, although the underlying mechanisms remain unknown.  相似文献   

The physiological relevance of a novel thiol methyltransferase from cabbage, and its possible role in sulphur metabolism have been investigated. The enzyme was absent from the chloroplast, the site of sulphate reduction, and was localized in the cytosol. Potential substrates were initially screened on the basis of their ability to inhibit the methylation of iodide, a previously known substrate for the enzyme. Thiocyanate, 4,4 ′ ‐thiobisbenzenethiol, thiophenol, and thiosalicylic acid were identified as possible substrates. Methylation of these thiols by the purified enzyme using [Methyl3H]S‐adenosyl‐ L ‐methionine confirmed their nature as substrates. The purified enzyme strongly preferred thiocyanate as a methyl acceptor. The enzyme had Km values of 11, 51, 250 and 746 mmol m ? 3 for thiocyanate, 4,4 ′ ‐thiobisbenzenethiol, thiophenol and thiosalicylic acid, respectively. The identity of methylthiocyanate as the product of thiocyanate methylation by the purified enzyme was confirmed by mass spectrometry. The enzyme was strictly associated with glucosinolate‐containing plants. Thiol substrates of the enzyme are known products of glucosinolate hydrolysis. Our observations indicate that this enzyme could be involved in the detoxification of reactive thiols produced upon glucosinolate degradation in these plants.  相似文献   

Natural populations of wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea) show significant qualitative diversity in heritable aliphatic glucosinolates, a class of secondary metabolites involved in defence against herbivore attack. One candidate mechanism for the maintenance of this diversity is that differential responses among herbivore species result in a net fitness balance across plant chemotypes. Such top-down differential selection would be promoted by consistent responses of herbivores to glucosinolates, temporal variation in herbivore abundance, and fitness impacts of herbivore attack on plants varying in glucosinolate profile. A 1-year survey across 12 wild cabbage populations demonstrated differential responses of herbivores to glucosinolates. We extended this survey to investigate the temporal consistency of these responses, and the extent of variation in abundance of key herbivores. Within plant populations, the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae consistently preferred plants producing the glucosinolate progoitrin. Among populations, increasing frequencies of sinigrin production correlated positively with herbivory by whitefly Aleyrodes proletella and negatively with herbivory by snails. Two Pieris butterfly species showed no consistent response to glucosinolates among years. Rates of herbivory varied significantly among years within populations, but the frequency of herbivory at the population scale varied only for B. brassicae. B. brassicae emerges as a strong candidate herbivore to impose differential selection on glucosinolates, as it satisfies the key assumptions of consistent preferences and heterogeneity in abundance. We show that variation in plant secondary metabolites structures the local herbivore community and that, for some key species, this structuring is consistent over time. We discuss the implications of these patterns for the maintenance of diversity in plant defence chemistry.  相似文献   

Members of the Brassicaceae are known for their contents of nutrients and health‐promoting phytochemicals, including glucosinolates. The concentrations of these chemopreventive compounds (glucosinolate‐degradation products, the bioactive isothiocyanates) may be modified under salinity. In this work, the effect of the aliphatic glucosinolate sinigrin (2‐propenyl‐glucosinolate) on plant water balance, involving aquaporins, was explored under salt stress. For this purpose, water uptake and its transport through the plasma membrane were determined in plants after NaCl addition, when sinigrin was also supplied. We found higher hydraulic conductance (L0) and water permeability (Pf) and increased abundance of PIP2 aquaporins after the direct administration of sinigrin, showing the ability of the roots to promote cellular water transport across the plasma membrane in spite of the stress conditions imposed. The higher content of the allyl‐isothiocyanate and the absence of sinigrin in the plant tissues suggest that the isothiocyanate is related to water balance; in fact, a direct effect of this nitro‐sulphate compound on water uptake is proposed. This work provides the first evidence that the addition of a glucosinolate can regulate aquaporins and water transport: this effect and the mechanism(s) involved merit further investigation.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates (GSLs) are amino acid-derived secondary metabolites with diverse biological activities dependent on chemical modifications of the side chain. We previously identified the flavin-monooxygenase FMO(GS-OX1) as an enzyme in the biosynthesis of aliphatic GSLs in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) that catalyzes the S-oxygenation of methylthioalkyl to methylsulfinylalkyl GSLs. Here, we report the fine mapping of a quantitative trait locus for the S-oxygenating activity in Arabidopsis. In this region, there are three FMOs that, together with FMO(GS-OX1) and a fifth FMO, form what appears to be a crucifer-specific subclade. We report the identification of these four uncharacterized FMOs, designated FMO(GS-OX2) to FMO(GS-OX5). Biochemical characterization of the recombinant protein combined with the analysis of GSL content in knockout mutants and overexpression lines show that FMO(GS-OX2), FMO(GS-OX3), and FMO(GS-OX4) have broad substrate specificity and catalyze the conversion from methylthioalkyl GSL to the corresponding methylsulfinylalkyl GSL independent of chain length. In contrast, FMO(GS-OX5) shows substrate specificity toward the long-chain 8-methylthiooctyl GSL. Identification of the FMO(GS-OX) subclade will generate better understanding of the evolution of biosynthetic activities and specificities in secondary metabolism and provides an important tool for breeding plants with improved cancer prevention characteristics as provided by the methylsulfinylalkyl GSL.  相似文献   

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