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Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rho1p is essential, directly activates β-1,3-glucan synthase, and participates in the regulation of morphogenesis. In S. pombe, Rho1p is activated by at least three guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs): Rgf1p, Rgf2p, and Rgf3p. In this study we show that Rgf2p is a Rho1p GEF required for sporulation. The rgf2+ deletion did not affect forespore membrane formation and the nuclei were encapsulated properly. However, the mutant ascospores appeared dark and immature. The rgf2Δ zygotes were not able to release the ascospores spontaneously, and the germination efficiency was greatly reduced compared to wild-type (wt) spores. This phenotype resembles that of the mutants in bgs2+, which encodes a sporulation-specific glucan synthase subunit. In fact, glucan synthase activity was diminished in sporulating rgf2Δ diploids. Rgf2p also plays a role in β-glucan biosynthesis during vegetative growth. Overexpression of rgf2+ specifically increased GTP-bound Rho1p, caused changes in cell morphology, and elicited an increase in β-1,3-glucan synthase activity. Moreover, the simultaneous disruption of rgf1+ and rgf2+ was lethal and both Rgf1p and Rgf2p were able to partially substitute for each other. Our results suggest that Rgf1p and Rgf2p are alternative GEFs with an essential overlapping function in Rho1p activation during vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Rad52 is a key player in homologous recombination (HR), a DNA repair pathway that is dedicated to double strand breaks repair and recovery of perturbed replication forks. Here we show that fission yeast Rad52 homologue is phosphorylated when S phase cells are exposed to ROS inducers such as ultraviolet A radiation or hydrogen peroxide, but not to ultraviolet C or camptothecin. Phosphorylation does not depend on kinases Chk1, Rad3, Tel1 or Cdc2, but depends on a functional stress activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathway and can be partially prevented by anti-oxidant treatment. Indeed, cells lacking Sty1, the major fission yeast MAP kinase of the SAPK pathway, do not display Rad52 phosphorylation and have UVA induced Rad52 foci that persist longer if compared to wild type cells. In addition, spontaneous intrachromosomal HR is diminished in cells lacking Sty1 and, more precisely, gene conversion is affected. Moreover, HR induced by site-specific arrest of replication forks is twice less efficient in cells that do not express Sty1. Importantly, impairing HR by deletion of the gene encoding the recombinase Rhp51 leads to Sty1 dependent Rad52 phosphorylation. Thus, SAPK pathway impinges on early step of HR through phosphorylation of Rad52 in cells challenged by oxidative stress or lacking Rhp51 and is required to promote spontaneous gene conversion and recovery from blocked replication forks.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe the cell integrity pathway (CIP) orchestrates multiple biological processes like cell wall maintenance and ionic homeostasis by fine tuning activation of MAPK Pmk1 in response to various environmental conditions. The small GTPase Rho2 positively regulates the CIP through protein kinase C ortholog Pck2. However, Pmk1 retains some function in mutants lacking either Rho2 or Pck2, suggesting the existence of additional upstream regulatory elements to modulate its activity depending on the nature of the environmental stimulus. The essential GTPase Rho1 is a candidate to control the activity of the CIP by acting upstream of Pck2, whereas Pck1, a second PKC ortholog, appears to negatively regulate Pmk1 activity. However, the exact regulatory nature of these two proteins within the CIP has remained elusive. By exhaustive characterization of strains expressing a hypomorphic Rho1 allele (rho1-596) in different genetic backgrounds we show that both Rho1 and Pck1 are positive upstream regulatory members of the CIP in addition to Rho2 and Pck2. In this new model Rho1 and Rho2 control Pmk1 basal activity during vegetative growth mainly through Pck2. Notably, whereas Rho2-Pck2 elicit Pmk1 activation in response to most environmental stimuli, Rho1 drives Pmk1 activation through either Pck2 or Pck1 exclusively in response to cell wall damage. Our study reveals the intricate and complex functional architecture of the upstream elements participating in this signaling pathway as compared to similar routes from other simple eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding proteins of the Rho family and its regulatory proteins play a central role in cytokinetic actomyosin ring assembly and cytokinesis. Here we show that the fission yeast guanine nucleotide exchange factor Gef3p interacts with Rho3p at the division site. Gef3p contains a putative DH homology domain and a BAR/IMD-like domain. The protein localized to the division site late in mitosis, where it formed a ring that did not constrict with actomyosin ring (cytokinetic actomyosin ring) invagination; instead, it split into a double ring that resembled the septin ring. Gef3p co-localized with septins and Mid2p and required septins and Mid2p for its localization. Gef3p interacts physically with the GTP-bound form of Rho3p. Although Gef3p is not essential for cell separation, the simultaneous disruption of gef3+ and Rho3p-interacting proteins, such as Sec8p, an exocyst component, Apm1p, a subunit of the clathrin adaptor complex or For3p, an actin-polymerizing protein, yielded cells with strong defects in septation and polarity respectively. Our results suggest that interactions between septins and Rho-GEFs provide a new targeting mechanism for GTPases in cytokinesis, in this case probably contributing to Rho3p function in vesicle tethering and vesicle trafficking in the later steps of cell separation.  相似文献   

Inoculation of diploid budding yeast onto nitrogen-poor agar media stimulates a MAPK pathway to promote filamentous growth. Characteristics of filamentous cells include a specific pattern of gene expression, elongated cell shape, polar budding pattern, persistent attachment to the mother cell, and a distinct cell cycle characterized by cell size control at G2/M. Although a requirement for MAPK signaling in filamentous gene expression is well established, the role of this pathway in the regulation of morphogenesis and the cell cycle remains obscure. We find that ectopic activation of the MAPK signal pathway induces a cell cycle shift to G2/M coordinately with other changes characteristic of filamentous growth. These effects are abrogated by overexpression of the yeast mitotic cyclins Clb1 and Clb2. In turn, yeast deficient for Clb2 or carrying cdc28-1N, an allele of CDK defective for mitotic functions, display enhanced filamentous differentiation and supersensitivity to the MAPK signal. Importantly, activation of Swe1-mediated inhibitory phosphorylation of Thr-18 and/or Tyr-19 of Cdc28 is not required for the MAPK pathway to affect the G2/M delay. Mutants expressing a nonphosphorylatable mutant Cdc28 or deficient for Swe1 exhibit low-nitrogen-dependent filamentous growth and are further induced by an ectopic MAPK signal. We infer that the MAPK pathway promotes filamentous growth by a novel mechanism that inhibits mitotic cyclin/CDK complexes and thereby modulates cell shape, budding pattern, and cell-cell connections.  相似文献   

Diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells induce YVH1 expression and enter the developmental pathway, leading to sporulation when starved for nitrogen. We show that yvh1 disruption causes a defect in spore maturation; overexpression of MCK1 or IME1 suppresses this yvh1 phenotype. While mck1 mutations are epistatic to those in yvh1 relative to spore maturation, overexpression of MCK1 does not suppress the yvh1 slow-vegetative-growth phenotype. We conclude that (i) Yvh1p functions earlier than Mck1p and Ime1p in the signal transduction cascade that regulates sporulation and is triggered by nitrogen starvation and (ii) the role of Yvh1p in gametogenesis can be genetically distinguished from its role in vegetative growth.  相似文献   

The target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase belongs to the highly conserved eukaryotic family of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinases. TOR proteins are found at the core of two evolutionary conserved complexes, known as TORC1 and TORC2. In fission yeast, TORC2 is dispensable for proliferation under optimal growth conditions but is required for starvation and stress responses. TORC2 has been implicated in a wide variety of functions; however, the signals that regulate TORC2 activity have so far remained obscure. TORC2 has one known direct substrate, the AGC kinase Gad8, which is related to AKT in human cells. Gad8 is phosphorylated by TORC2 at Ser-546 (equivalent to AKT Ser-473), leading to its activation. Here, we show that glucose is necessary and sufficient to induce Gad8 Ser-546 phosphorylation in vivo and Gad8 kinase activity in vitro. The glucose signal that activates TORC2-Gad8 is mediated via the cAMP/PKA pathway, a major glucose-sensing pathway. By contrast, Pmk1, similar to human extracellular signal-regulated kinases and a major stress-induced mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) in fission yeast, inhibits TORC2-dependent Gad8 phosphorylation and activation. Inhibition of TORC2-Gad8 also occurs in response to ionic or osmotic stress, in a manner dependent on the cAMP/PKA and Pmk1-MAPK signaling pathways. Our findings highlight the significance of glucose availability in regulation of TORC2-Gad8 and indicate a novel link between the cAMP/PKA, Pmk1/MAPK, and TORC2-Gad8 signaling.  相似文献   

Nrf2 plays a critical role in the regulation of cellular oxidative stress. MEK-ERK activation has been shown to be one of the major pathways resulting in the activation of Nrf2 and induction of Nrf2 downstream targets, including phase II detoxifying/antioxidant genes in response to oxidative stress and xenobiotics. In this study, IQGAP1 (IQ motif-containing GTPase-activating protein 1), a new Nrf2 interaction partner that we have published previously, was found to modulate MEK-ERK-mediated Nrf2 activation and induction of phase II detoxifying/antioxidant genes. Nrf2 binds directly to the IQ domain (amino acids 699–905) of IQGAP1. Knockdown of IQGAP1 significantly attenuated phenethyl isothiocyanate- or MEK-mediated activation of the MEK-ERK-Nrf2 pathway. Knockdown of IQGAP1 also attenuated MEK-mediated increased stability of Nrf2, which in turn was associated with a decrease in the nuclear translocation of Nrf2 and a decrease in the expression of phase II detoxifying/antioxidant genes. In the aggregate, these results suggest that IQGAP1 may play an important role in the MEK-ERK-Nrf2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking is essential to eukaryotic life and is controlled by a complex network of proteins that regulate movement of proteins and lipids between organelles. The GBF1/GEA family of Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors (GEFs) regulates trafficking between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi by catalyzing the exchange of GDP for GTP on ADP Ribosylation Factors (Arfs). Activated Arfs recruit coat protein complex 1 (COP-I) to form vesicles that ferry cargo between these organelles. To further explore the function of the GBF1/GEA family, we have characterized a fission yeast mutant lacking one copy of the essential gene gea1 (gea1+/−), the Schizosaccharomyces pombe ortholog of GBF1. The haploinsufficient gea1+/− strain was shown to be sensitive to the GBF1 inhibitor brefeldin A (BFA) and was rescued from BFA sensitivity by gea1p overexpression. No overt defects in localization of arf1p or arf6p were observed in gea1+/− cells, but the fission yeast homolog of the COP-I cargo sac1 was mislocalized, consistent with impaired COP-I trafficking. Although Golgi morphology appeared normal, a slight increase in vacuolar size was observed in the gea1+/− mutant strain. Importantly, gea1+/− cells exhibited dramatic cytokinesis-related defects, including disorganized contractile rings, an increased septation index, and alterations in septum morphology. Septation defects appear to result from altered secretion of enzymes required for septum dynamics, as decreased secretion of eng1p, a β-glucanase required for septum breakdown, was observed in gea1+/− cells, and overexpression of eng1p suppressed the increased septation phenotype. These observations implicate gea1 in regulation of septum breakdown and establish S. pombe as a model system to explore GBF1/GEA function in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

A mutation, L166P, in the cytosolic protein, PARK7/DJ-1, causes protein misfolding and is linked to Parkinson disease. Here, we identify the fission yeast protein Sdj1 as the orthologue of DJ-1 and calculate by in silico saturation mutagenesis the effects of point mutants on its structural stability. We also map the degradation pathways for Sdj1-L169P, the fission yeast orthologue of the disease-causing DJ-1 L166P protein. Sdj1-L169P forms inclusions, which are enriched for the Hsp104 disaggregase. Hsp104 and Hsp70-type chaperones are required for efficient degradation of Sdj1-L169P. This also depends on the ribosome-associated E3 ligase Ltn1 and its co-factor Rqc1. Although Hsp104 is absolutely required for proteasomal degradation of Sdj1-L169P aggregates, the degradation of already aggregated Sdj1-L169P occurs independently of Ltn1 and Rqc1. Thus, our data point to soluble Sdj1-L169P being targeted early by Ltn1 and Rqc1. The fraction of Sdj1-L169P that escapes this first inspection then forms aggregates that are subsequently cleared via an Hsp104- and proteasome-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, the septation initiation network (SIN) is thought to promote cytokinesis by downstream activation of Rho1, a conserved GTPase that controls cell growth and division. Here we show that Etd1 and PP2A-Pab1, antagonistic regulators of SIN, are Rho1 regulators. Our genetic and biochemical studies indicate that a C-terminal region of Etd1 may activate Rho1 by directly binding it, whereas an N-terminal domain confers its ability to localize at the growing tips and the division site where Rho1 functions. In opposition to Etd1, our results indicate that PP2A-Pab1 inhibits Rho1. The SIN cascade is upstream-regulated by the Spg1 GTPase. In the absence of Etd1, activity of Spg1 drops down prematurely, thereby inactivating SIN. Interestingly, we find that ectopic activation of Rho1 restores Spg1 activity in Etd1-depleted cells. By using a cytokinesis block strategy, we show that Rho1 is essential to feedback-activate Spg1 during actomyosin ring constriction. Therefore, activation of Spg1 by Rho1, which in turn is regulated by Etd1, uncovers a novel feedback loop mechanism that ensures SIN activity while cytokinesis is progressing.  相似文献   

The receptor for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) belongs to the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and its stimulation activates extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK). We found that the transactivation of ErbB4 was involved in GnRH-induced ERK activation in immortalized GnRH neurons (GT1–7 cells). We found also that GnRH induced the cleavage of ErbB4. In the present study, we examined signal transduction for the activation of ERK and the cleavage of ErbB4 after GnRH treatment. Both ERK activation and ErbB4 cleavage were completely inhibited by YM-254890, an inhibitor of Gq/11 proteins. Down-regulation of protein kinase C (PKC) markedly decreased both ERK activation and ErbB4 cleavage. Experiments with two types of PKC inhibitors, Gö 6976 and bisindolylmaleimide I, indicated that novel PKC isoforms but not conventional PKC isoforms were involved in ERK activation and ErbB4 cleavage. Our experiments indicated that the novel PKC isoforms activated protein kinase D (PKD) after GnRH treatment. Knockdown and inhibitor experiments suggested that PKD1 stimulated the phosphorylation of Pyk2 by constitutively activated Src and Fyn for ERK activation. Taken together, it is highly possible that PKD1 plays a critical role in signal transduction from the PKC pathway to the tyrosine kinase pathway. Activation of the tyrosine kinase pathway may be involved in the progression of cancer.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe divides symmetrically using a medial F-actin– based contractile ring to produce equal-sized daughter cells. Mutants defective in two previously described genes, mid1 and pom1, frequently divide asymmetrically. Here we present the identification of three new temperature-sensitive mutants defective in localization of the division plane. All three mutants have mutations in the polo kinase gene, plo1, and show defects very similar to those of mid1 mutants in both the placement and organization of the medial ring. In both cases, ring formation is frequently initiated near the cell poles, indicating that Mid1p and Plo1p function in recruiting medial ring components to the cell center. It has been reported previously that during mitosis Mid1p becomes hyperphosphorylated and relocates from the nucleus to a medial ring. Here we show that Mid1p first forms a diffuse cortical band during spindle formation and then coalesces into a ring before anaphase. Plo1p is required for Mid1p to exit the nucleus and form a ring, and Pom1p is required for proper placement of the Mid1p ring. Upon overexpression of Plo1p, Mid1p exits the nucleus prematurely and displays a reduced mobility on gels similar to that of the hyperphosphorylated form observed previously in mitotic cells. Genetic and two-hybrid analyses suggest that Plo1p and Mid1p act in a common pathway distinct from that involving Pom1p. Plo1p localizes to the spindle pole bodies and spindles of mitotic cells and also to the medial ring at the time of its formation. Taken together, the data indicate that Plo1p plays a role in the positioning of division sites by regulating Mid1p. Given its previously known functions in mitosis and the timing of cytokinesis, Plo1p is thus implicated as a key molecule in the spatial and temporal coordination of cytokinesis with mitosis.  相似文献   

Guanine nucleotide exchange factors control many aspects of cell morphogenesis by turning on Rho-GTPases. The fission yeast exchange factor Rgf1p (Rho gef1) specifically regulates Rho1p during polarized growth and localizes to cortical sites. Here we report that Rgf1p is relocalized to the cell nucleus during the stalled replication caused by hydroxyurea (HU). Import to the nucleus is mediated by a nuclear localization sequence at the N-terminus of Rgf1p, whereas release into the cytoplasm requires two leucine-rich nuclear export sequences at the C-terminus. Moreover, Rgf1p nuclear accumulation during replication arrest depends on the 14-3-3 chaperone Rad24p and the DNA replication checkpoint kinase Cds1p. Both proteins control the nuclear accumulation of Rgf1p by inhibition of its nuclear export. A mutant, Rgf1p-9A, that substitutes nine serine potential phosphorylation Cds1p sites for alanine fails to accumulate in the nucleus in response to replication stress, and this correlates with a severe defect in survival in the presence of HU. In conclusion, we propose that the regulation of Rgf1p could be part of the mechanism by which Cds1p and Rad24p promote survival in the presence of chronic replication stress. It will be of general interest to understand whether the same is true for homologues of Rgf1p in budding yeast and higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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