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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are the major types of arthritis. Although both diseases are characterized by joint destruction, their etiologies are different. To get insights into pathophysiological pathways, we used the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method to identify differentially expressed genes in RA. DNA sequencing identified 12 gene products including cytoskeletal γ-actin and extracellular matrix components such as fibronectin, collagen IIIα1, and superficial zone protein. Interferon γ-inducible genes such as a novel thiol reductase, two genes of unknown function (HSIFNIN4, RING3), and annexin II were also found. Two genes encoded proteins involved in proliferation such as elongation factor 1α and the granulin precursor. Furthermore, the protease cathepsin B and synovial phospholipase A2 group IIA were detected by SSH. To confirm the differential expression of the genes, we performed RT-PCR analyses of RA and OA synovial tissues. Compared to OA patients, 9 of the 12 genes were overexpressed in RA, suggesting that SSH is a powerful tool for the detection of differential gene expression in synovial tissues. Further characterization of the gene products may help to identify pathophysiological mechanisms in arthritic diseases.  相似文献   

目的:研究类风湿关节炎患者滑膜组织中色素上皮衍生因子(Piment epithelial-derived factor,PEDF)的表达情况。方法:采用免疫组化法,检测30例类风湿关节炎活动期膝关节滑膜组织中PEDF蛋白表达,以16例退行性关节炎患者、16例正常人及该30例患者治疗后(稳定期)关节滑膜组织中PEDF蛋白作对照,进行对比分析。结果:PEDF在类风湿关节炎患者明显低于正常人、退行性关节炎患者滑膜组织中的表达,在活动期滑膜组织中的表达明显低于稳定期,组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论:PEDF与类风湿关节炎的疾病过程密切相关,针对色素上皮衍生因子的靶点治疗有望成为类风湿关节炎治疗的新的方向及策略。  相似文献   

Sera from 53 Nigerian patients satisfying the American Rheumatism Association criteria for a diagnosis of definite or probable rheumatoid arthritis and sera from sick and healthy Nigerian controls were tested for rheumatoid factor, autoantibodies, and immunoglobulin levels. Rheumatoid factor and autoantibodies were found no more frequently in patients with rheumatoid arthritis than in controls. These findings confirm the clinical impression that Nigerian patients with polyarthritis satisfying the criteria for a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis differ from Caucasian patients with the disease in a number of important respects. They suggest that either these patients do not have rheumatoid arthritis but a distinct clinical syndrome or that in Nigeria the course of rheumatoid arthritis is modified by genetic or environmental factors.  相似文献   



Angiogenesis is considered an important factor in the pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) where it has been proposed as a therapeutic target. In other settings, active angiogenesis is characterized by pathologic, immature vessels that lack periendothelial cells. We searched for the presence of immature vessels in RA synovium and analyzed the dynamics of synovial vasculature along the course of the disease, particularly after therapeutic response to TNF antagonists.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Synovial arthroscopic biopsies from RA, osteoarthritis (OA) and normal controls were analyzed by double labeling of endothelium and pericytes/smooth muscle mural cells to identify and quantify mature/immature blood vessels. To analyze clinicopathological correlations, a cross-sectional study on 82 synovial biopsies from RA patients with variable disease duration and severity was performed. A longitudinal analysis was performed in 25 patients with active disease rebiopsied after anti-TNF-α therapy. We found that most RA synovial tissues contained a significant fraction of immature blood vessels lacking periendothelial coverage, whereas they were rare in OA, and inexistent in normal synovial tissues. Immature vessels were observed from the earliest phases of the disease but their presence or density was significantly increased in patients with longer disease duration, higher activity and severity, and stronger inflammatory cell infiltration. In patients that responded to anti-TNF-α therapy, immature vessels were selectively depleted. The mature vasculature was similarly expanded in early or late disease and unchanged by therapy.


RA synovium contains a significant fraction of neoangiogenic, immature blood vessels. Progression of the disease increases the presence and density of immature but not mature vessels and only immature vessels are depleted in response to anti-TNFα therapy. The different dynamics of the mature and immature vascular fractions has important implications for the development of anti-angiogenic interventions in RA.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels are known to be increased in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Tocilizumab, a monoclonal antibody to the IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), reduces disease activity in RA, although its mechanisms of action remain unclear. Since IL-6 regulates cytokine production by CD4 T cells during activation, we investigated whether treatment with tocilizumab altered the phenotype and cytokine production by CD4 T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. We show here that tocilizumab treatment does not change the production of cytokines by naïve CD4 T cells. However, tocilizumab treatment causes a selective decrease of IL-21 production by memory/activated CD4 T cells. Since IL-21 is known to promote plasma cell differentiation, we examined the effect of tocilizumab on the production of autoantibodies. We show that there is a decrease in the levels of IgG4 anti-CCP antibodies, but there is no effect on IgG1 anti-CCP antibodies. In addition, we show that IL-21 is a powerful inducer of IgG4 production by B cells. Thus, IL-6 contributes to the presence of IgG4-specific anti-CCP autoantibodies in RA patients, likely through its effect on IL-21 production by CD4 T cells, and IL-6R blockade down-regulates this pathway.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, autoimmune, systemic and inflammatory rheumatic disease that leads to inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. Identification of novel protein(s) associated with severity of RA is a prerequisite for better understanding of pathogenesis of this disease that may also have potential to serve as novel biomarkers in the diagnosis of RA. Present study was undertaken to compare the amount of autoantigens and autoantibodies in the plasma of RA patients in comparison to healthy controls. Plasma samples were collected from the patients suffering from RA, Osteoarthritis (OA), Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and healthy volunteers. The screening of plasma proteins were carried out using 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by identification of differentially expressed protein by MALDI-TOF MS/MS. Among several differentially expressed proteins, transthyretin (TTR) has been identified as one of the protein that showed significantly up regulated expression in the plasma of RA patients. The results were further validated by Western blot analysis and ELISA. In comparison to OA synovium, an exclusive significantly high expression of TTR in RA has been validated through IHC, Western blotting and IEM studies. Most importantly, the increase in expression of TTR with the progression of severity of RA condition has been observed. The autoantibodies against TTR present in the RA plasma were identified using immunoprecipitation-Western methods. The significant production of autoantibodies was validated by ELISA and Western blot analysis using recombinant pure protein of TTR. Hence, these novel observations on increase in TTR expression with the increase in severity of RA conditions and significant production of autoantibodies against TTR clearly suggest that a systematic studies on the role TTR in the pathogenesis of RA is immediately required and TTR may be used as a serum diagnostic marker together with other biochemical parameters and clinical symptoms for RA screening and diagnosis.  相似文献   

The effect of dexamethasone and nitrogen mustard on the production of rheumatoid factor, as measured by sensitized sheep cell and latex agglutination tests, was studied in 19 patients with classical rheumatoid arthritis. Dexamethasone was given orally in a daily dose of 6-8 mg. which was slowly reduced after a two-week period. Nitrogen mustard was infused in the usual therapeutic dose of 0.3 mg./kg. The level of circulating rheumatoid factor decreased, following administration of each agent, after a latent period of 10 days. The effect was most marked at around 30 days. Dexamethasone was more potent than nitrogen mustard. Both drugs together caused transient disappearance of rheumatoid factor in one patient.It is concluded that dexamethasone and nitrogen mustard have the capacity to suppress the formation of the macroglobulins associated with rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   



The pre-symptomatic stage of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with pro-inflammatory cytokines and autoantibodies. High levels and epitope spread by Rheumatoid factors (RhF) and autoantibodies to citrullinated proteins signify progression towards disease expression. In established RA, the persistence of high autoantibody levels reflects production by both long-lived plasma cells and short-lived plasmablasts. Neither the relative contributions to pathogenesis by autoantibodies from either source, nor the factors responsible for deciding the fate of autoantigen specific ‘parent’ B-cells, is understood. Phenotypic markers identifying subsets of autoreactive B-cells are therefore of interest in understanding the origin and perpetuation of the autoimmune response in RA. One such phenotypic marker is the rat monoclonal antibody, 9G4, which recognises an idiotope on immunoglobuins derived from the inherently autoreactive VH-gene, VH4-34. We therefore investigated whether the 9G4 idiotope was expressed on autoantibodies in patients with RA.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sera from 19 patients with established RA and those with <1year history of untreated polyarthritis either resolving into RA (n = 42) or non-RA diagnosis (n = 31) were included. Autoantibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides (CCP), RhF and co-expression of the 9G4 idiotope were measured by ELISA. 9G4 recognised a population of anti-CCP antibodies in the majority of sera from patients with established disease and also in samples from patients with early disaese. 9G4+RhF levels were generally lower and not associated with positivity for, or levels of 9G4+CCP.


The persistence of 9G4+ immunoglobulins, of any isotype, in serum is rare. We describe here the novel finding of 9G4 expression on anti-CCP antibodies in patients from the earliest symptoms of RA through to established disease. Our results suggest that 9G4 expression on anti-CCP autoantibodies was not due to polyclonal expansion of VH4-34-encoded immunoglobulins. These studies may therefore provide a new focus for investigation into the evolution of the autoimmune response in RA patients.  相似文献   

It has recently been estimated that a single HIV-1 infected cell produces between and more than viral particles over its life span. Since body-wide estimates of the ratio of free virus to productively infected cells are smaller than and much smaller than , individual virions must be cleared rapidly. This seems difficult to reconcile with the fact that most of the total body virus is trapped on follicular dendritic cells where it can survive for many months. It has also been difficult to reconcile the vast difference in the rates at which the virus is cleared from the blood in rhesus macaques and in chronically infected patients. Here we attempt to reconcile these seemingly contradictory observations by considering the virion clearance rate in various organs and the virion exchange rates between them. The main results are that the per capita clearance rate of free virus in lymphoid tissue should be fast, the virion exchange rate between lymphoid tissue and the blood should be slow, and the comparatively slow previous estimates for the virion clearance rate from the blood correspond to the rate of virion efflux from the blood to other organs where the virus is ultimately cleared.  相似文献   

目的: 构建人Trim22的重组逆转录病毒载体,观察过表达Trim22对脂多糖(LPS)诱导的巨噬样细胞促炎细胞因子产生的影响。方法: 经PCR法扩增,把Trim22克隆入逆转录病毒载体MSCV2.2 IRES-GFP(MSCV),并对重组载体进行菌落PCR、双酶切及测序鉴定。用Lipofectamine将MSCV、GAG-POL、VSV-G载体共转染至293T包装细胞。用病毒上清感染U937细胞,通过流式细胞仪分选GFP阳性细胞。用佛波酯诱导U937细胞分化为巨噬样细胞,LPS刺激后观察过表达Trim22对促炎细胞因子表达的影响。结果: 经测序等鉴定,成功构建MSCV-Trim22逆转录病毒表达载体。病毒上清感染U937细胞后,经流式细胞仪分选获得稳定表达Trim22的U937细胞。LPS刺激巨噬样细胞后,Trim22过表达组TNFα和IL6的表达水平显著小于对照组(P<0.05)。结论: 成功构建人Trim22的逆转录病毒表达载体,Trim22能抑制LPS诱导的巨噬样细胞TNFα和IL6的产生。  相似文献   

We investigated sex chromosome diversity in Zygosaccharomyces rouxii (Z. rouxii). In the current study, we show that the organization of the mating-type (MAT) locus is highly variable in the Z. rouxii population, indicating the MAT, HML, and HMR loci are translocation hotspots. Although NBRC1130 and CBS732 were originally two stocks of the type strain of the species, only NBRC1130 retains the original karyotype. A reciprocal translocation between the MAT and HMR loci appears to have occurred during the early passage culture of CBS732, which was used for genome sequencing. In NBRC1733, NBRC0686, NBRC0740 and NBRC1053, the terminal region of the chromosome containing the HMR locus was replaced with the chromosomal region to the left of the MAT or HML loci. The translocation events found in NBRC1733, NBRC0686, NBRC0740, and NBRC1053 were reconstructed under our experimental conditions using the DA2 background, and the reconstruction suggests that the frequency of this type of translocation is approximately 10−7. These results suggest that the MAT and MAT-like loci were the susceptible regions in the genome, and the diversity of mating-type chromosome structures in Z. rouxii was caused by ectopic exchanges between MAT-like loci.  相似文献   

Genetic predisposition and environmental factors influence the development of human autoimmune disease. Occupational exposure to crystalline silica (cSiO2) has been etiologically linked to increased incidence of autoimmunity, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that early repeated short-term cSiO2 exposure will modulate both latency and severity of autoimmunity in the lupus-prone female NZBWF1 mouse. Weekly intranasal exposure to cSiO2 (0.25 and 1.0 mg) for 4 wk beginning at 9 wk of age both reduced latency and increased intensity of glomerulonephritis. cSiO2 elicited robust inflammatory responses in the lungs as evidenced by extensive perivascular and peribronchial lymphoplasmacytic infiltration consisting of IgG-producing plasma cells, and CD45R+ and CD3+ lymphocytes that were highly suggestive of ectopic lymphoid tissue (ELT). In addition, there were elevated concentrations of immunoglobulins and the cytokines MCP-1, TNF-α and IL-6 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. cSiO2-associated kidney and lung effects paralleled dose-dependent elevations of autoantibodies and proinflammatory cytokines in plasma. Taken together, cSiO2-induced pulmonary inflammation and ectopic lymphoid neogenesis in the NZBWF1 mouse corresponded closely to systemic inflammatory and autoimmune responses as well as the early initiation of pathological outcomes in the kidney. These findings suggest that following airway exposure to crystalline silica, in mice genetically prone to SLE, the lung serves as a platform for triggering systemic autoimmunity and glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

Flaviviruses are a group of single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses causing ∼100 million infections per year. We have recently shown that flaviviruses produce a unique, small, noncoding RNA (∼0.5 kb) derived from the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of the genomic RNA (gRNA), which is required for flavivirus-induced cytopathicity and pathogenicity (G. P. Pijlman et al., Cell Host Microbe, 4: 579-591, 2008). This RNA (subgenomic flavivirus RNA [sfRNA]) is a product of incomplete degradation of gRNA presumably by the cellular 5′-3′ exoribonuclease XRN1, which stalls on the rigid secondary structure stem-loop II (SL-II) located at the beginning of the 3′ UTR. Mutations or deletions of various secondary structures in the 3′ UTR resulted in the loss of full-length sfRNA (sfRNA1) and production of smaller and less abundant sfRNAs (sfRNA2 and sfRNA3). Here, we investigated in detail the importance of West Nile virus Kunjin (WNVKUN) 3′ UTR secondary structures as well as tertiary interactions for sfRNA formation. We show that secondary structures SL-IV and dumbbell 1 (DB1) downstream of SL-II are able to prevent further degradation of gRNA when the SL-II structure is deleted, leading to production of sfRNA2 and sfRNA3, respectively. We also show that a number of pseudoknot (PK) interactions, in particular PK1 stabilizing SL-II and PK3 stabilizing DB1, are required for protection of gRNA from nuclease degradation and production of sfRNA. Our results show that PK interactions play a vital role in the production of nuclease-resistant sfRNA, which is essential for viral cytopathicity in cells and pathogenicity in mice.Arthropod-borne flaviviruses such as West Nile virus (WNV), dengue virus (DENV), and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) cause major outbreaks of potentially fatal disease and affect over 50 million people every year. The highly pathogenic North American strain of WNV (WNVNY99) has already claimed more than 1,000 lives with over 27,000 cases reported since its emergence in New York in 1999 and has raised global public health concerns (9). In contrast, the closely related Australian strain of WNV, WNVKUN, is highly attenuated and does not cause overt disease in humans and animals (11). WNVKUN has been used extensively as a model virus to study flavivirus replication and flavivirus-host interactions (13, 14, 16-19, 26, 38, 39).The ∼11-kb positive-stranded, capped WNV genomic RNA (gRNA) lacks a poly(A) tail and consists of 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) flanking one open reading frame, which encodes the viral proteins required for the viral life cycle (6, 15, 38, 39). Flavivirus UTRs are involved in translation and initiation of RNA replication and likely determine genome packaging (13, 14, 16, 21, 30, 39-41). Both the 5′ UTR (∼100 nucleotides [nt] in size) and the 3′ UTR (from ∼400 to 700 nucleotides) can form secondary and tertiary structures which are highly conserved among mosquito-borne flaviviruses (1, 8, 10, 14, 29, 32, 34). More specifically, the WNVKUN 3′ UTR consists of several conserved regions and secondary structures (Fig. (Fig.1A)1A) which were previously predicted or shown to exist in various flaviviruses by computational and chemical analyses, respectively (4, 10, 25, 26, 29-32). The 5′ end of the 3′ UTR starts with an AU-rich region which can form stem-loop structure I (SL-I) followed by SL-II, which we previously showed to be vitally important for subgenomic flavivirus RNA (sfRNA) production (26; see also below). SL-II is followed by a short, repeated conserved hairpin (RCS3) and SL-III (26). Further downstream of SL-III are the SL-IV and CS3 structures, which are remarkably similar to the preceding SL-II-RCS3 structure (26, 29). Further downstream of the SL-IV-CS3 structure are dumbbells 1 and 2 (DB1 and DB2, respectively) followed by a short SL and the 3′ SL (25, 26).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.(A) Model of the WNVKUN 3′ UTR RNA structure. Highlighted in bold are the secondary structures investigated here. Dashed lines indicate putative PKs. The two sites of the putative PK interactions are shown in open boxes. sfRNA1, -2, -3, and -4 start sites are indicated by arrows. (R)CS, (repeated) conserved sequence; DB, dumbbell structure; PK, pseudoknot; SL, stem-loop. (B) Structural model of PK1 in SL-II with disruptive mutations. Nucleotide numbering is from the end of the 3′ UTR. The sfRNA1 start is indicated by an arrow. Nucleotides forming PK1 are on a gray background, and mutated nucleotides are white on a black background. (C) Sequences mutated in the different constructs. Nucleotides in the wt PK sequences used for mutations are bold and underlined. Introduced mutations are shown under the corresponding nucleotides in the wt sequence.The described structures have been investigated in some detail for their requirement in RNA replication and translation. Generally, a progressive negative effect on viral growth was shown with progressive deletions into the 3′-proximal region of the JEV 3′ UTR (41). However, only a relatively short region of the JEV 3′ UTR, consisting of the 3′-terminal 193 nt, was shown to be absolutely essential for gRNA replication (41). The minimal region for DENV replication was reported to be even shorter (23). Extensive analysis has shown that the most 3′-terminal, essential regions of the 3′ UTR include the cyclization sequence and 3′ SL, which are required for efficient RNA replication (2, 14, 16, 23, 35). As we showed, deletion of SL-II or SL-I did not overtly affect WNVKUN replication (26). However, deletion of CS2, RCS2, CS3, or RCS3 in WNV replicon RNA significantly reduced RNA replication but not translation (20), indicating that these elements facilitate but are not essential for RNA replication. In addition, it was shown that deletion of DB1 or DB2 resulted in a viable mutant virus that was reduced in growth efficiency, while deletion of both DB structures resulted in a nonviable mutant (23).In addition to the above-mentioned secondary stem-loop structures, computational and chemical analysis of the flavivirus 3′ UTR suggested the presence of 5 pseudoknot (PK) interactions (Fig. (Fig.1A)1A) (25, 26, 32). A PK is a structure formed upon base pairing of a single-stranded region of RNA in the loop of a hairpin to a stretch of complementary nucleotides elsewhere in the RNA chain (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). These structures are referred to as hairpin type (H-type) PKs (3), and they usually stabilize secondary RNA structures. Typically, the final tertiary structure does not significantly alter the preformed secondary structure (5). In general, PK interactions have been shown to be important in biological processes such as initiation and/or elongation of translation, initiation of gRNA replication, and ribosomal frameshifting for a number of different viruses, including flaviviruses (reviewed in references 3 and 22). The first PK in the WNV 3′ UTR was predicted to form in SL-II, followed by a similar PK in SL-IV (26) (PK1 and PK2 in Fig. Fig.1A).1A). For the DENV, yellow fever virus (YFV), and JEV subgroup of flaviviruses, two PKs further downstream were predicted to form between DB1 and DB2 and corresponding single-stranded RNA regions located further downstream (25) (PK3 and PK4 in Fig. Fig.1A).1A). The formation of these structures is supported by covariations in the WNV RNAs. In addition, a PK was proposed to form between a short SL and the 3′ SL at the 3′ terminus of the viral genome (32) (PK5 in Fig. Fig.1A1A).Importantly, in addition to its role in viral replication and translation, we have shown that the WNVKUN 3′ UTR is important for the production of a small noncoding RNA fragment designated sfRNA (26). This short RNA fragment of ∼0.5 kb is derived from the 3′ UTR of the gRNA and exclusively produced by the members of the Flavivirus genus of the Flaviviridae family, where it is required for efficient viral replication, cytopathicity, and pathogenicity (26). Our studies suggested that sfRNA is a product of incomplete degradation of the gRNA presumably by the cellular 5′-3′ exoribonuclease XRN1, resulting from XRN1 stalling on the rigid secondary/tertiary structures located at the beginning of the 3′ UTR (26). XRN1 is an exoribonuclease which usually degrades mRNA from the 5′ to the 3′ end as part of cellular mRNA decay and turnover (33), and it was shown previously that XRN1 can be stalled by SL structures (28). Mutations or deletions of WNV 3′ UTR secondary structures resulted in the loss of full-length sfRNA (sfRNA1) and production of smaller and less abundant sfRNAs (sfRNA2 and sfRNA3) (26). In particular, SL-II (Fig. (Fig.1A)1A) was shown to be important for sfRNA1 production; deletion of this structure either alone or in conjunction with other structures located downstream of SL-II abolished sfRNA1 production, leading to the production of the smaller RNA fragments sfRNA2 and sfRNA3.Here, we extended our investigation and studied the importance of several predicted 3′ UTR secondary structures and PK interactions for the production of sfRNA. To further understand the generation mechanism of sfRNA and its requirements, we deleted or mutated a number of RNA structures in the WNVKUN 3′ UTR and investigated the size and amount of sfRNA generated from these mutant RNAs. The results show that not only SLs but also PK interactions play a vital role in stabilizing the 3′ UTR RNA and preventing complete degradation of viral gRNA to produce nuclease-resistant sfRNA, which is required for efficient virus replication and cytopathicity in cells and virulence in mice.  相似文献   

In diabetes, protein glycation mostly occurs at intrachain lysine residues resulting in the formation of early stage Amadori products which are finally converted to advance glycation end products (AGEs). Several studies have reported autoantibodies against AGEs in diabetes but not much data are found in respect of Amadori products. In this study, poly-l-lysine (PLL) was glycated with 50 mM glucose and the resultant Amadori products were estimated by fructosamine or nitroblue tetrazolium assay. We report high content of Amadori products in PLL upon glycation. Glycated PLL showed marked hyperchromicity in the UV spectrum, ellipticity changes in CD spectroscopy, and variations in ε-methylene protons shift in NMR. It was better recognized by autoantibodies in type 2 diabetics compared to the native PLL. Induced antibodies against glycated PLL were successfully used to probe early glycation in the IgG isolated from diabetes type 2 patients. Role of Amadori products of glycated proteins in the induction of autoantibodies in type 2 diabetes as well as in associated secondary complications has been discussed.  相似文献   



Mosquitoes transmit serious human diseases, causing millions of deaths every year. Use of synthetic insecticides to control vector mosquitoes has caused physiological resistance and adverse environmental effects in addition to high operational cost. Insecticides of botanical origin have been reported as useful for control of mosquitoes. Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) and its derived products have shown a variety of insecticidal properties. The present paper discusses the larvicidal activity of neem-based biopesticide for the control of mosquitoes.


Larvicidal efficacy of an emulsified concentrate of neem oil formulation (neem oil with polyoxyethylene ether, sorbitan dioleate and epichlorohydrin) developed by BMR & Company, Pune, India, was evaluated against late 3rd and early 4th instar larvae of different genera of mosquitoes. The larvae were exposed to different concentrations (0.5–5.0 ppm) of the formulation along with untreated control. Larvicidal activity of the formulation was also evaluated in field against Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes mosquitoes. The formulation was diluted with equal volumes of water and applied @ 140 mg a.i./m2 to different mosquito breeding sites with the help of pre calibrated knapsack sprayer. Larval density was determined at pre and post application of the formulation using a standard dipper.


Median lethal concentration (LC50) of the formulation against Anopheles stephensi, Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti was found to be 1.6, 1.8 and 1.7 ppm respectively. LC50 values of the formulation stored at 26°C, 40°C and 45°C for 48 hours against Ae. aegypti were 1.7, 1.7, 1.8 ppm while LC90 values were 3.7, 3.7 and 3.8 ppm respectively. Further no significant difference in LC50 and LC90 values of the formulation was observed against Ae. aegypti during 18 months storage period at room temperature. An application of the formulation at the rate of 140 mg a.i./m2 in different breeding sites under natural field conditions provided 98.1% reduction of Anopheles larvae on day 1; thereafter 100% reduction was recorded up to week 1 and more than 80% reduction up to week 3, while percent reduction against Culex larvae was 95.5% on day 1, and thereafter 80% reduction was achieved up to week 3. The formulation also showed 95.1% and, 99.7% reduction of Aedes larvae on day 1 and day 2 respectively; thereafter 100% larval control was observed up to day 7.


The neem oil formulation was found effective in controlling mosquito larvae in different breeding sites under natural field conditions. As neem trees are widely distributed in India, their formulations may prove to be an effective and eco-friendly larvicide, which could be used as an alternative for malaria control.  相似文献   



Scores on the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) predict the need for support measures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this study we compare the performance of the HAQ in this context with that of the more disease-specific Belgian Rheumatoid Arthritis Disability Assessment (BRADA) questionnaire.


In this multicenter observational study, patients with RA and disease duration of at least one year who consulted their rheumatologist for a routine follow-up visit filled out the HAQ, and BRADA questionnaires. The performance of HAQ and BRADA to predict the need for support measures available to patients with RA was evaluated using Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curves, with the expert opinion of the rheumatologist as a reference.


The study analyzed data of 301 patients with RA (70.8% females) with mean age 59.8±12.8, disease duration 11.4±9.3 years, and DAS28 values of 2.84±1.18. HAQ scores averaged 0.97±0.73 and BRADA scores were 3.92±3.49 over the last week and 3.89±3.50 over the last 3 months. The area under the ROC curves for the BRADA scores for the support measures investigated ranged from 0.702 to 0.862 and did not differ significantly from those of the HAQ (range 0.725–0.860).


The disease-specific BRADA questionnaire is equivalent to the HAQ in predicting the need for support measures in patients with stable RA.  相似文献   

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