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Secretion of cholera toxin and other virulence factors from Vibrio cholerae is mediated by the type II secretion (T2S) apparatus, a multiprotein complex composed of both inner and outer membrane proteins. To better understand the mechanism by which the T2S complex coordinates translocation of its substrates, we are examining the protein-protein interactions of its components, encoded by the extracellular protein secretion (eps) genes. In this study, we took a cell biological approach, observing the dynamics of fluorescently tagged EpsC and EpsM proteins in vivo. We report that the level and context of fluorescent protein fusion expression can have a bold effect on subcellular location and that chromosomal, intraoperon expression conditions are optimal for determining the intracellular locations of fusion proteins. Fluorescently tagged, chromosomally expressed EpsC and EpsM form discrete foci along the lengths of the cells, different from the polar localization for green fluorescent protein (GFP)-EpsM previously described, as the fusions are balanced with all their interacting partner proteins within the T2S complex. Additionally, we observed that fluorescent foci in both chromosomal GFP-EpsC- and GFP-EpsM-expressing strains disperse upon deletion of epsD, suggesting that EpsD is critical to the localization of EpsC and EpsM and perhaps their assembly into the T2S complex.The type II secretion (T2S) pathway is widely used by pathogenic gram-negative bacteria for delivery of virulence factors into the extracellular milieu (11, 17, 46). Proteins destined for release through this pathway are first translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane via the Sec (24, 42) or Tat (59) machinery. Following folding and assembly in the periplasm, the proteins are transported across the outer membrane via the T2S machinery, a complex composed of 12 to 16 different gene products, depending on the species. In Vibrio cholerae, the elements of the T2S apparatus are encoded by the extracellular protein secretion (eps) genes, epsC through epsN and pilD (vcpD) (18, 31, 39, 49, 50). Together these proteins coordinate the outer membrane translocation of the major virulence factor, cholera toxin, as well as chitinase, lipase, hemagglutinin/protease, and other proteases (12, 27, 49). Our studies are focused on better understanding how the T2S complex assembles in the cell envelope of V. cholerae to begin to elucidate the mechanism by which extracellular secretion is accomplished.The T2S apparatus is modeled as an envelope-spanning complex with subcomplexes in the inner and outer membranes (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). The precise stoichiometry and juxtaposition of the Eps proteins are not known, but accumulating biochemical, genetic, and molecular studies continue to refine our understanding of complex assembly and function (for a review, see reference 25). A trimolecular complex consisting of cytoplasmic protein EpsE and inner membrane proteins EpsL and EpsM has been identified. EpsL and EpsM have been shown to coimmunoprecipitate and participate in mutual stabilization interactions in vivo by protecting each other from proteolysis (34, 41, 43, 48). Homologs of inner membrane protein EpsC have been implicated in interactions with the aforementioned inner membrane subcomplex (20, 29, 57), as well as homologs of outer membrane protein EpsD, which form oligomeric rings through which the secreted substrates, it is hypothesized, exit the cell (1, 10, 36, 38). More specifically, EpsC homologs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella oxytoca are sensitive to proteolysis or unable to oligomerize in the absence of EpsD homologs (2, 40); however, direct interactions between these two proteins in their full-length forms have not been shown by coimmunoprecipitation or copurification. Although yeast two-hybrid analysis of the periplasmic domains of the Erwinia chrysanthemi EpsC and EpsD homologs also did not reveal interaction (15), recently it was shown that periplasmic subdomains of EpsC and EpsD homologs of Vibrio vulnificus copurified (28). It seems likely that EpsC, having interactions with both inner and outer membrane subcomplexes, plays a crucial role in complex function by connecting the inner membrane components to the outer membrane EpsD pore. Furthermore, it has been speculated that EpsC homologs impart specificity to the various T2S systems by directly interacting with proteins to be secreted (3).We have taken a cell biology approach to characterizing Eps protein interactions, observing the dynamics of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged components of the Eps complex in live cells by fluorescence microscopy. This method permits study of Eps protein assembly in the context of the complete apparatus, situated in both membranes, without the disruptive procedures required for many in vitro molecular and biochemical analyses of protein-protein interactions. Here we present data illustrating the importance of expressing GFP fusions for localization studies with all other interacting components, preserving wild-type stoichiometry and expression levels. In particular, we note that GFP-EpsM does not appear to be focused at the polar membrane as previously described (53), when expressed in balance with its interacting proteins. Chromosomal replacement of epsM and epsC with gfp-tagged versions instead reveals a more distributed pattern, with punctate fluorescent foci along the full length of the cell. We have exploited these chromosomal gfp-eps strains to further dissect the interactions and requirements for localization of EpsC and EpsM by systematically deleting other eps genes in the operon.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is autochthonous to various aquatic niches and is the etiological agent of the life-threatening diarrheal disease cholera. The persistence of V. cholerae in natural habitats is a crucial factor in the epidemiology of cholera. In contrast to the well-studied V. cholerae-chitin connection, scarce information is available about the factors employed by the bacteria for the interaction with collagens. Collagens might serve as biologically relevant substrates, because they are the most abundant protein constituents of metazoan tissues and V. cholerae has been identified in association with invertebrate and vertebrate marine animals, as well as in a benthic zone of the ocean where organic matter, including collagens, accumulates. Here, we describe the characterization of the V. cholerae putative collagenase, VchC, encoded by open reading frame VC1650 and belonging to the subfamily M9A peptidases. Our studies demonstrate that VchC is an extracellular collagenase degrading native type I collagen of fish and mammalian origin. Alteration of the predicted catalytic residues coordinating zinc ions completely abolished the protein enzymatic activity but did not affect the translocation of the protease by the type II secretion pathway into the extracellular milieu. We also show that the protease undergoes a maturation process with the aid of a secreted factor(s). Finally, we propose that V. cholerae is a collagenovorous bacterium, as it is able to utilize collagen as a sole nutrient source. This study initiates new lines of investigations aiming to uncover the structural and functional components of the V. cholerae collagen utilization program.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria have evolved several highly dedicated pathways for extracellular protein secretion, including the type II secretion (T2S) system. Since substrates secreted via the T2S system include both virulence factors and degradative enzymes, this secretion system is considered a major survival mechanism for pathogenic and environmental species. Previous analyses revealed that the T2S system mediates the export of ≥20 proteins in Vibrio cholerae, a human pathogen that is indigenous to the marine environment. Here we demonstrate a new role in biofilm formation for the V. cholerae T2S system, since wild-type V. cholerae was found to secrete the biofilm matrix proteins RbmC, RbmA, and Bap1 into the culture supernatant, while an isogenic T2S mutant could not. In agreement with this finding, the level of biofilm formation in a static microtiter assay was diminished in T2S mutants. Moreover, inactivation of the T2S system in a rugose V. cholerae strain prevented the development of colony corrugation and pellicle formation at the air-liquid interface. In contrast, extracellular secretion of the exopolysaccharide VPS, an essential component of the biofilm matrix, remained unaffected in the T2S mutants. Our results indicate that the T2S system provides a mechanism for the delivery of extracellular matrix proteins known to be important for biofilm formation by V. cholerae. Because the T2S system contributes to the pathogenicity of V. cholerae by secreting proteins such as cholera toxin and biofilm matrix proteins, elucidation of the molecular mechanism of T2S has the potential to lead to the development of novel preventions and therapies.  相似文献   

The type II secretion system is a macromolecular assembly that facilitates the extracellular translocation of folded proteins in gram-negative bacteria. EpsE, a member of this secretion system in Vibrio cholerae, contains a nucleotide-binding motif composed of Walker A and B boxes that are thought to participate in binding and hydrolysis of ATP and displays structural homology to other transport ATPases. Here we demonstrate that purified EpsE is an Mg2+-dependent ATPase and define optimal conditions for the hydrolysis reaction. EpsE displays concentration-dependent activity, which may suggest that the active form is oligomeric. Size exclusion chromatography showed that the majority of purified EpsE is monomeric; however, detailed analyses of specific activities obtained following gel filtration revealed the presence of a small population of active oligomers. We further report that EpsE binds zinc through a tetracysteine motif near its carboxyl terminus, yet metal displacement assays suggest that zinc is not required for catalysis. Previous studies describing interactions between EpsE and other components of the type II secretion pathway together with these data further support the hypothesis that EpsE functions to couple energy to the type II apparatus, thus enabling secretion.  相似文献   

The type VI secretion system (T6SS) of Gram-negative bacteria has been implicated in microbial competition; however, which components serve purely structural roles, and which serve as toxic effectors remains unresolved. Here, we present evidence that VgrG-3 of the Vibrio cholerae T6SS has both structural and toxin activity. Specifically, we demonstrate that the C-terminal extension of VgrG-3 acts to degrade peptidoglycan and hypothesize that this assists in the delivery of accessory T6SS toxins of V. cholerae. To avoid self-intoxication, V. cholerae expresses an anti-toxin encoded immediately downstream of vgrG-3 that inhibits VgrG-3-mediated lysis through direct interaction.  相似文献   

The Type II Secretion System (T2SS) is a molecular machine that drives the secretion of fully-folded protein substrates across the bacterial outer membrane. A key element in the machinery is the secretin: an integral, multimeric outer membrane protein that forms the secretion pore. We show that three distinct forms of T2SSs can be distinguished based on the sequence characteristics of their secretin pores. Detailed comparative analysis of two of these, the Klebsiella-type and Vibrio-type, showed them to be further distinguished by the pilotin that mediates their transport and assembly into the outer membrane. We have determined the crystal structure of the novel pilotin AspS from Vibrio cholerae, demonstrating convergent evolution wherein AspS is functionally equivalent and yet structurally unrelated to the pilotins found in Klebsiella and other bacteria. AspS binds to a specific targeting sequence in the Vibrio-type secretins, enhances the kinetics of secretin assembly, and homologs of AspS are found in all species of Vibrio as well those few strains of Escherichia and Shigella that have acquired a Vibrio-type T2SS.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative type II secretion (T2S) system is a multiprotein complex mediating the release of virulence factors from a number of pathogens. While an understanding of the function of T2S components is emerging, little is known about what identifies substrates for export. To investigate T2S substrate recognition, we compared mutations affecting the secretion of two highly homologous substrates: heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and cholera toxin (CT) from Vibrio cholerae. Each toxin consists of one enzymatic A subunit and a ring of five B subunits mediating the toxin''s secretion. Here, we report two mutations in LT''s B subunit (LTB) that reduce its secretion from ETEC without global effects on the toxin. The Q3K mutation reduced levels of secreted LT by half, and as with CT (T. D. Connell, D. J. Metzger, M. Wang, M. G. Jobling, and R. K. Holmes, Infect. Immun. 63:4091-4098, 1995), the E11K mutation impaired LT secretion. Results in vitro and in vivo show that these mutants are not degraded more readily than wild-type LT. The Q3K mutation did not significantly affect CT B subunit (CTB) secretion from V. cholerae, and the E11A mutation altered LT and CTB secretion to various extents, indicating that these toxins are identified as secretion substrates in different ways. The levels of mutant LTB expressed in V. cholerae were low or undetectable, but each CTB mutant expressed and secreted at wild-type levels in ETEC. Therefore, ETEC''s T2S system seems to accommodate mutations in CTB that impair the secretion of LTB. Our results highlight the exquisitely fine-tuned relationship between T2S substrates and their coordinate secretion machineries in different bacterial species.Gram-negative bacteria have evolved a number of methods to secrete proteins into the extracellular milieu, with at least six specific secretion systems currently described (14, 30). Type II secretion (T2S), or the main terminal branch of the general secretory pathway, is a feature of a number of proteobacteria and has been shown to be required for pathogenesis and maintenance of environmental niches in a large number of species (5). The T2S system is a multiprotein complex of 12 to 15 components that spans the inner and outer membranes, allowing for the controlled release of certain folded proteins that have been directed to the periplasm through the Sec or Tat machinery (21). Aside from providing a means of exporting freely released virulence factors from plant, animal, and human pathogens (5), the T2S system has been shown to export surface-associated virulence factors (18), fimbrial components (46), outer membrane cytochromes (36), and a surfactant required for sliding motility in Legionella pneumophila (39), among other substrates.While an increasing number of studies have focused on understanding the structure and function of the components of the T2S system itself, little is known about what identifies a periplasmic protein as a substrate for secretion (21, 32). Because proteins secreted from the same bacterial species need not share any obvious structural homology, it is not even clear how much of a T2S substrate interacts with the secretion machinery (32). Analysis of two similar substrates that can each be secreted by the T2S systems of two distinct species would provide information about species-specific identification of T2S substrates and, by extension, the nature of the “secretion motif” identifying those substrates. Heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and cholera toxin (CT) from Vibrio cholerae represent one such pair of substrates.ETEC and V. cholerae are enteric pathogens causing significant morbidity and mortality worldwide (33). The causative agents of traveler''s diarrhea and cholera, respectively, these two pathogens share a number of similarities, including the nature of their disease symptoms (38). Each pathogen secretes an AB5 toxin important for colonization and the induction of water and electrolyte efflux from intestinal epithelial cells (1, 29). These toxins, LT and CT, are both encoded by two-gene operons. After sec-dependent transport to the periplasm, holotoxin formation occurs spontaneously (13), with one catalytic A subunit (LTA or CTA) assembling with five B subunits (LTB or CTB), which are responsible for the binding properties of the toxins. Export of fully folded and assembled LT or CT is then accomplished by the T2S system (34, 40). In ETEC, this system is encoded by gspC to -M (40), while in V. cholerae, these genes are found in the eps operon (34).LT and CT are very similar in structure, sharing approximately 80% sequence homology and 83% identity in the mature B subunit (16, 24). ETEC is thought to have acquired the genes for CT through horizontal transfer, with the toxins evolving over time to possess slight differences (45). As such, these toxins share the same primary host receptor, the monosialoganglioside GM1, and catalyze the same ADP-ribosylation reaction within host cells (38). However, LT is able to bind other host sphingolipids in addition to GM1 and to interact with sugar residues from the A-type blood antigen, which CT cannot bind (16, 41). Both LT and CT are able to associate with sugar residues in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the surface of E. coli cells (17). Binding to each of these substrates can be impaired by point mutation (26, 43).In this study, we report point mutations impairing the release of LT from ETEC and CT from V. cholerae. We analyzed the specificity of the defects in substrate recognition by comparing the effects of substituting charged and neutral residues in key regions of LTB and CTB. To confirm that the identified mutations resulted specifically in a secretion defect, we tested the effect of the mutations on (i) ligand binding by each toxin, (ii) toxin stability, and (iii) formation of secretion-competent B-subunit pentamers. By introducing comparable mutations into both toxins, including one previously reported to impair the secretion of CT (6), and exchanging toxin substrates between the two species, we have revealed species-dependent differences in T2S substrate recognition. Although wild-type LT and CT can be heterologously expressed and secreted from V. cholerae and ETEC, respectively, the substrate residues identified by the secretion machinery in each species are distinct. Together, our results demonstrate that highly homologous T2S substrates are recognized in different ways when secreted by two distinct systems.  相似文献   

The type VI secretion system (T6SS) mediates protein translocation across the cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, including Vibrio cholerae – the causative agent of cholera. All V. cholerae strains examined to date harbor gene clusters encoding a T6SS. Structural similarity and sequence homology between components of the T6SS and the T4 bacteriophage cell-puncturing device suggest that the T6SS functions as a contractile molecular syringe to inject effector molecules into prokaryotic and eukaryotic target cells. Regulation of the T6SS is critical. A subset of V. cholerae strains, including the clinical O37 serogroup strain V52, express T6SS constitutively. In contrast, pandemic strains impose tight control that can be genetically disrupted: mutations in the quorum sensing gene luxO and the newly described regulator gene tsrA lead to constitutive T6SS expression in the El Tor strain C6706. In this report, we examined environmental V. cholerae isolates from the Rio Grande with regard to T6SS regulation. Rough V. cholerae lacking O-antigen carried a nonsense mutation in the gene encoding the global T6SS regulator VasH and did not display virulent behavior towards Escherichia coli and other environmental bacteria. In contrast, smooth V. cholerae strains engaged constitutively in type VI-mediated secretion and displayed virulence towards prokaryotes (E. coli and other environmental bacteria) and a eukaryote (the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum). Furthermore, smooth V. cholerae strains were able to outcompete each other in a T6SS-dependent manner. The work presented here suggests that constitutive T6SS expression provides V. cholerae with an advantage in intraspecific and interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is the cause of the diarrheal disease cholera. V. cholerae produces RtxA, a large toxin of the MARTX family, which is targeted to the host cell cytosol, where its actin cross-linking domain (ACD) cross-links G-actin, leading to F-actin depolymerization, cytoskeleton rearrangements, and cell rounding. These effects on the cytoskeleton prevent phagocytosis and bacterial engulfment by macrophages, thus preventing V. cholerae clearance from the gut. The V. cholerae Type VI secretion-associated VgrG1 protein also contains a C-terminal ACD, which shares 61% identity with MARTX ACD and has been shown to covalently cross-link G-actin. Here, we purified the VgrG1 C-terminal domain and determined its crystal structure. The VgrG1 ACD exhibits a V-shaped three-dimensional structure, formed of 12 β-strands and nine α-helices. Its active site comprises five residues that are conserved in MARTX ACD toxin, within a conserved area of ∼10 Å radius. We showed that less than 100 ACD molecules are sufficient to depolymerize the actin filaments of a fibroblast cell in vivo. Mutagenesis studies confirmed that Glu-16 is critical for the F-actin depolymerization function. Co-crystals with divalent cations and ATP reveal the molecular mechanism of the MARTX/VgrG toxins and offer perspectives for their possible inhibition.  相似文献   

The type II secretion (T2S) system of Vibrio cholerae is a multiprotein complex that spans the cell envelope and secretes proteins important for pathogenesis as well as survival in different environments. Here we report that, in addition to the loss of extracellular secretion, removal or inhibition of expression of the T2S genes, epsC-N, results in growth defects and a broad range of alterations in the outer membrane that interfere with its barrier function. Specifically, the sensitivity to membrane-perturbing agents such as bile salts and the antimicrobial peptide polymyxin B is increased, and periplasmic constituents leak out into the culture medium. As a consequence, the σE stress response is induced. Furthermore, due to the defects caused by inactivation of the T2S system, the Δeps deletion mutant of V. cholerae strain N16961 is incapable of surviving the passage through the infant mouse gastrointestinal tract. The growth defect and leaky outer membrane phenotypes are suppressed when the culture medium is supplemented with 5% glucose or sucrose, although the eps mutants remain sensitive to membrane-damaging agents. This suggests that the sugars do not restore the integrity of the outer membrane in the eps mutant strains per se but may provide osmoprotective functions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ATPase activity of the type IC restriction-modification (R – M) systemEcoR124II. As with all type I R – M systemsEcoR 124II requires ATP hydrolysis to cut DNA. We determined theKMfor ATP to be 10−5to 10−4M. By measuring ATP hydrolysis under different conditions and by simultaneously monitoring DNA restriction, methylation and ATP hydrolysis we propose that the order of events during restriction is: (1) binding ofEcoR124II to a non-methylated recognition sequence, (2) start of DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis which continues even after restriction is complete, (3) restriction of DNA, (4) methylation of the product. Non-cleavable DNA substrates, such as recognition site containing oligonucleotides, also support ATP hydrolysis. Methylation can also occur prior to ATP hydrolysis and prevent DNA degradation.  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction systems (TCS) are used by bacteria to sense and respond to their environment. TCS are typically composed of a sensor histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator (RR). The Vibrio cholerae genome encodes 52 RR, but the role of these RRs in V. cholerae pathogenesis is largely unknown. To identify RRs that control V. cholerae colonization, in-frame deletions of each RR were generated and the resulting mutants analyzed using an infant mouse intestine colonization assay. We found that 12 of the 52 RR were involved in intestinal colonization. Mutants lacking one previously uncharacterized RR, VCA0566 (renamed VxrB), displayed a significant colonization defect. Further experiments showed that VxrB phosphorylation state on the predicted conserved aspartate contributes to intestine colonization. The VxrB regulon was determined using whole genome expression analysis. It consists of several genes, including those genes that create the type VI secretion system (T6SS). We determined that VxrB is required for T6SS expression using several in vitro assays and bacterial killing assays, and furthermore that the T6SS is required for intestinal colonization. vxrB is encoded in a four gene operon and the other vxr operon members also modulate intestinal colonization. Lastly, though ΔvxrB exhibited a defect in single-strain intestinal colonization, the ΔvxrB strain did not show any in vitro growth defect. Overall, our work revealed that a small set of RRs is required for intestinal colonization and one of these regulators, VxrB affects colonization at least in part through its regulation of T6SS genes.  相似文献   

Bacterial surface structures called pili have been studied extensively for their role as possible colonization factors. Most sequenced Vibrio genomes predict a variety of pili genes in these organisms, including several types of type IV pili. In particular, the mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin (MSHA) and the PilA pili, also known as the chitin-regulated pilus (ChiRP), are type IVa pili commonly found in Vibrio genomes and have been shown to play a role in the colonization of Vibrio species in the environment and/or host tissue. Here, we report sequence comparisons of two type IVa pilin subunit genes, mshA and pilA, and their corresponding amino acid sequences, for several strains from the three main human pathogenic Vibrio species, V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus. We identified specific groupings of these two genes in V. cholerae, whereas V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus strains had no apparent allelic clusters, and these genes were strikingly divergent. These results were compared with other genes from the MSHA and PilA operons as well as another Vibrio pili from the type IVb group, the toxin co-regulated pilus (TCP) from V. cholerae. Our data suggest that a selective pressure exists to cause these strains to vary their MSHA and PilA pilin subunits. Interestingly, V. cholerae strains possessing TCP have the same allele for both mshA and pilA. In contrast, V. cholerae isolates without TCP have polymorphisms in their mshA and pilA sequences similar to what was observed for both V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus. This data suggests a possible linkage between host interactions and maintaining a highly conserved type IV pili sequence in V. cholerae. Although the mechanism underlying this intriguing diversity has yet to be elucidated, our analyses are an important first step towards gaining insights into the various aspects of Vibrio ecology.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria use the type II secretion (T2S) system to secrete exoproteins for attacking animal or plant cells or to obtain nutrients from the environment. The system is unique in helping folded proteins traverse the outer membrane. The secretion machine comprises multiple proteins spanning the cell envelope and a cytoplasmic ATPase. Activity of the ATPase, when copurified with the cytoplasmic domain of an interactive ATPase partner, is stimulated by an acidic phospholipid, suggesting the membrane-associated ATPase is actively engaged in secretion. How the stimulated ATPase activity is terminated when secretion is complete is unclear. We fused the T2S ATPase of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, the causal agent of black rot in the crucifers, with fluorescent protein and found that the ATPase in secretion-proficient cells was mainly diffused in cytoplasm. Focal spots at the cell periphery were detectable only in a few cells. The discrete foci were augmented in abundance and intensity when the secretion channel was depleted and the exoprotein overproduced. The foci abundance was inversely related to secretion efficiency of the secretion channel. Restored function of the secretion channel paralleled reduced ATPase foci abundance. The ATPase foci colocalized with the secretion channel. The ATPase may be transiently associated with the T2S machine by alternating between a cytoplasmic and a machine-associated state in a secretion-dependent manner. This provides a logical means for terminating the ATPase activity when secretion is completed. Function-related dynamic assembly may be the essence of the T2S machine.  相似文献   

Strains of Vibrio cholerae O1 (Ogawa, Inaba) and non-O1 serogroups have been found to produce an elastolytic protease that can be detected on 0.3% elastin agar plates or in broth cultures. The elastase enzyme appears to be maximally expressed in late log phase (14–18 h postinoculation) and has optimum activity at a pH range between 7 and 8. Comparative studies indicate that more than 60% of V. cholerae strains analyzed quantitatively produce more elastase in broth (two- to fourfold higher) than other elastase-positive Vibrio species such as Vibrio vulnificus. The V. cholerae elastase enzyme was not inhibited by trypsin, serine-protease, or thiol-protease inhibitors, but was inhibited by phosphoramidon. Ultrafiltration studies indicate the V. cholerae elastase enzyme has a molecular weight >30,000, and a 34K protein with possible elastase activity has been detected by SDS-PAGE for one non-O1 isolate (strain 2396). Cumulative results suggest that the V. cholerae elastase is probably a member of the N-type metalloprotease family and shares similar properties with other elastase enzymes described for pathogenic and nonpathogenic species in this genus. Received: 26 February 1999 / Accepted: 29 March 1999  相似文献   

An account of our up to date knowledge of the genetics of biosynthesis of Vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is presented in this review. While not much information is available in the literature on the genetics of biosynthesis of lipid A of V. cholerae, the available information on the characteristics and proposed functions of the corepolysaccharide (core-PS) biosynthetic genes is discussed. The genetic organizations encoding the O-antigen polysaccharides (O-PS) of V. cholerae of serogroups O1 and O139, the disease causing ones, have been described along with the putative functions of the different constituent genes. The O-PS biosynthetic genes of some non-O1, non-O139 serogroups, particularly the serogroups O37 and O22, and their putative functions have also been discussed briefly. In view of the importance of the serogroup O139, the origination of the O139 strain and the possible donor of the corresponding O-PS gene cluster have been analyzed with a view to having knowledge of (i) the mode of evolution of different serogroups and (ii) the possible emergence of pathogenic strain(s) belonging to non-O1, non-O139 serogroups. The unsolved problems in this area of research and their probable impact on the production of an effective cholera vaccine have been outlined in conclusion.  相似文献   

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