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Integrins are bidirectional, allosteric transmembrane receptors that play a central role in hemostasis and arterial thrombosis. Using cryo-electron microscopy, multireference single-particle reconstruction methods, and statistics-based computational fitting approaches, we determined three-dimensional structures of human integrin αIIbβ3 embedded in a lipid bilayer (nanodiscs) while bound to domains of the cytosolic regulator talin and to extracellular ligands. We also determined the conformations of integrin in solution by itself to localize the membrane and the talin-binding site. To our knowledge, our data provide unprecedented three-dimensional information about the conformational states of intact, full-length integrin within membrane bilayers under near-physiological conditions and in the presence of cytosolic activators and extracellular ligands. We show that αIIbβ3 integrins exist in a conformational equilibrium clustered around four main states. These conformations range from a compact bent nodule to two partially extended intermediate conformers and finally to a fully upright state. In the presence of nanodiscs and the two ligands, the equilibrium is significantly shifted toward the upright conformation. In this conformation, the receptor extends ∼20 nm upward from the membrane. There are no observable contacts between the two subunits other than those in the headpiece near the ligand-binding pocket, and the α- and β-subunits are well separated with their cytoplasmic tails ∼8 nm apart. Our results indicate that extension of the ectodomain is possible without separating the legs or extending the hybrid domain, and that the ligand-binding pocket is not occluded by the membrane in any conformations of the equilibrium. Further, they suggest that integrin activation may be influenced by equilibrium shifts.  相似文献   

Understanding the activation mechanism of Cys loop ion channel receptors is key to understanding their physiological and pharmacological properties under normal and pathological conditions. The ligand-binding domains of these receptors comprise inner and outer β-sheets and structural studies indicate that channel opening is accompanied by conformational rearrangements in both β-sheets. In an attempt to resolve ligand-dependent movements in the ligand-binding domain, we employed voltage-clamp fluorometry on α1 glycine receptors to compare changes mediated by the agonist, glycine, and by the antagonist, strychnine. Voltage-clamp fluorometry involves labeling introduced cysteines with environmentally sensitive fluorophores and inferring structural rearrangements from ligand-induced fluorescence changes. In the inner β-sheet, we labeled residues in loop 2 and in binding domain loops D and E. At each position, strychnine and glycine induced distinct maximal fluorescence responses. The pre-M1 domain responded similarly; at each of four labeled positions glycine produced a strong fluorescence signal, whereas strychnine did not. This suggests that glycine induces conformational changes in the inner β-sheet and pre-M1 domain that may be important for activation, desensitization, or both. In contrast, most labeled residues in loops C and F yielded fluorescence changes identical in magnitude for glycine and strychnine. A notable exception was H201C in loop C. This labeled residue responded differently to glycine and strychnine, thus underlining the importance of loop C in ligand discrimination. These results provide an important step toward mapping the domains crucial for ligand discrimination in the ligand-binding domain of glycine receptors and possibly other Cys loop receptors.Glycine receptor (GlyR)3 chloride channels are pentameric Cys loop receptors that mediate fast synaptic transmission in the nervous system (1, 2). This family also includes nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), γ-aminobutyric acid type A and type C receptors, and serotonin type 3 receptors. Individual subunits comprise a large ligand-binding domain (LBD) and a transmembrane domain consisting of four α-helices (M1–M4). The LBD consists of a 10-strand β-sandwich made of an inner β-sheet with six strands and an outer β-sheet with four strands (3). The ligand-binding site is situated at the interface of adjacent subunits and is formed by loops A–C from one subunit and loops D–F from the neighboring subunit (3).The activation mechanism of Cys loop receptors is currently the subject of intense investigation because it is key to understanding receptor function under normal and pathological conditions (4, 5). Based on structural analysis of Torpedo nAChRs, Unwin and colleagues (6, 7) originally proposed that agonist binding induced the inner β-sheet to rotate, whereas the outer β-sheet tilted slightly upwards with loop C clasping around the agonist. These movements were thought to be transmitted to the transmembrane domain via a differential movement of loop 2 (β1-β2) and loop 7 (β6-β7) (both part of the inner β-sheet) and the pre-M1 domain (which is linked via a β-strand to the loop C in the outer sheet). The idea of large loop C movements accompanying agonist binding is supported by structural and functional data (3, 813). However, a direct link between loop C movements and channel gating has proved more difficult to establish. Although computational modeling studies have suggested that this loop may be a major component of the channel opening mechanism (1418), experimental support for this model is not definitive. Similarly, loop F is also thought to move upon ligand binding, although there is as yet no consensus as to whether these changes represent local or global conformational changes (11, 1921). Recently, a comparison of crystal structures of bacterial Cys loop receptors in the closed and open states revealed that although both the inner and outer β-sheets exhibit different conformations in closed and open states, the pre-M1 domain remains virtually stationary (22, 23). It is therefore relevant to question whether loop C, loop F, and pre-M1 movements are essential for Cys loop receptor activation.Strychnine is a classical competitive antagonist of GlyRs (24, 25), and to date there is no evidence that it can produce LBD structural changes. In this study we use voltage-clamp fluorometry (VCF) to compare glycine- and strychnine-induced conformational changes in the GlyR loops 2, C, D, E, and F and the pre-M1 domain in an attempt to determine whether they signal ligand-binding events, local conformational changes, or conformational changes associated with receptor activation.In a typical VCF experiment, a domain of interest is labeled with an environmentally sensitive fluorophore, and current and fluorescence are monitored simultaneously during ligand application. VCF is ideally suited for identifying ligand-specific conformational changes because it can report on electrophysiologically silent conformational changes (26), such as those induced by antagonists. Indeed, VCF has recently provided valuable insights into the conformational rearrangements of various Cys loop receptors (19, 21, 2733).  相似文献   

GABA type A receptors (GABAAR), the brain''s major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors, are the targets for many general anesthetics, including volatile anesthetics, etomidate, propofol, and barbiturates. How such structurally diverse agents can act similarly as positive allosteric modulators of GABAARs remains unclear. Previously, photoreactive etomidate analogs identified two equivalent anesthetic-binding sites in the transmembrane domain at the β+ subunit interfaces, which also contain the GABA-binding sites in the extracellular domain. Here, we used R-[3H]5-allyl-1-methyl-5-(m-trifluoromethyl-diazirynylphenyl) barbituric acid (R-mTFD-MPAB), a potent stereospecific barbiturate anesthetic, to photolabel expressed human α1β3γ2 GABAARs. Protein microsequencing revealed that R-[3H]mTFD-MPAB did not photolabel the etomidate sites at the β+ subunit interfaces. Instead, it photolabeled sites at the α+ and γ+ subunit interfaces in the transmembrane domain. On the (+)-side, α1M3 was labeled at Ala-291 and Tyr-294 and γ2M3 at Ser-301, and on the (−)-side, β3M1 was labeled at Met-227. These residues, like those in the etomidate site, are located at subunit interfaces near the synaptic side of the transmembrane domain. The selectivity of R-etomidate for the β+ interface relative to the α++ interfaces was >100-fold, whereas that of R-mTFD-MPAB for its sites was >50-fold. Each ligand could enhance photoincorporation of the other, demonstrating allosteric interactions between the sites. The structural heterogeneity of barbiturate, etomidate, and propofol derivatives is accommodated by varying selectivities for these two classes of sites. We hypothesize that binding at any of these homologous intersubunit sites is sufficient for anesthetic action and that this explains to some degree the puzzling structural heterogeneity of anesthetics.  相似文献   

GABAA receptors are composed predominantly of αβγ receptors, which mediate primarily synaptic inhibition, and αβδ receptors, which mediate primarily extrasynaptic inhibition. At saturating GABA concentrations, the barbiturate pentobarbital substantially increased the amplitude and desensitization of the α1β3δ receptor but not the α1β3γ2L receptor currents. To explore the structural domains of the δ subunit that are involved in pentobarbital potentiation and increased desensitization of α1β3δ currents, chimeric cDNAs were constructed by progressive replacement of γ2L subunit sequence with a δ subunit sequence or a δ subunit sequence with a γ2L subunit sequence, and HEK293T cells were co-transfected with α1 and β3 subunits or α1 and β3 subunits and a γ2L, δ, or chimeric subunit. Currents evoked by a saturating concentration of GABA or by co-application of GABA and pentobarbital were recorded using the patch clamp technique. By comparing the extent of enhancement and changes in kinetic properties produced by pentobarbital among chimeric and wild type receptors, we concluded that although potentiation of α1β3δ currents by pentobarbital required the δ subunit sequence from the N terminus to proline 241 in the first transmembrane domain (M1), increasing desensitization of α1β3δ currents required a δ subunit sequence from the N terminus to isoleucine 235 in M1. These findings suggest that the δ subunit N terminus and N-terminal portion of the M1 domain are, at least in part, involved in transduction of the allosteric effect of pentobarbital to enhance α1β3δ currents and that this effect involves a distinct but overlapping structural domain from that involved in altering desensitization.  相似文献   

Chudinov  O. S.  Glazkov  M. V. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(1):100-104
We analyzed the possibility of triplex formation in the human 1-antitrypsin gene. Conditions and nucleotide sequence dependence of triplex formation and thermostability of the product were determined.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) transduce the signals for a wide range of hormonal and sensory stimuli by activating a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein). The analysis of loss-of-function and constitutively active receptor mutants has helped to reveal the functional properties of GPCRs and their role in human diseases. Here we describe the identification of a new class of mutants, dominant-negative mutants, for the yeast G-protein-coupled α-factor receptor (Ste2p). Sixteen dominant-negative receptor mutants were isolated based on their ability to inhibit the response to mating pheromone in cells that also express wild-type receptors. Detailed analysis of two of the strongest mutant receptors showed that, unlike other GPCR interfering mutants, they were properly localized at the plasma membrane and did not alter the stability or localization of wild-type receptors. Furthermore, their dominant-negative effect was inversely proportional to the relative amount of wild-type receptors and was reversed by overexpressing the G-protein subunits, suggesting that these mutants compete with the wild-type receptors for the G protein. Interestingly, the dominant-negative mutations are all located at the extracellular ends of the transmembrane segments, defining a novel region of the receptor that is important for receptor signaling. Altogether, our results identify residues of the α-factor receptor specifically involved in ligand binding and receptor activation and define a new mechanism by which GPCRs can be inactivated that has important implications for the evaluation of receptor mutations in other G-protein-coupled receptors.G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise a large family of receptors that are found in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms from yeasts to humans (4, 10). These receptors respond to diverse stimuli including hormones, neurotransmitters, and other chemical messengers (48). GPCRs transduce their signal by stimulating the α subunit of a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) to bind GTP (4, 16). This releases the α subunit from the βγ subunits, and then either the α subunit or the βγ subunits go on to promote signaling depending on the specific pathway (28).GPCRs are structurally similar in that they contain seven transmembrane domains (TMDs) connected by intracellular and extracellular loops. Although many techniques have been applied to study receptor function, much of our knowledge on the mechanisms of GPCR activation comes from the characterization of mutant receptors. Loss-of-function and supersensitive mutants have helped to identify receptor regions needed for ligand binding, G-protein activation, and down-regulation of signaling (4, 49). Furthermore, the study of constitutively active receptor mutations has played a key role in the development of current models for receptor activation (26). Naturally occurring GPCR mutations have also been implicated in a number of human diseases (8, 25, 42). Interestingly, the analysis of different mutant receptors indicates that GPCRs utilize common structural domains for similar functions. In particular, the third intracellular loop has an essential role in G-protein activation in a wide range of GPCRs.The genetic approaches possible in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been used to examine the relationship between structure and function of the G-protein-coupled mating pheromone receptors. The α-factor and a-factor pheromones induce conjugation in yeast by binding to receptors with seven TMDs that activate a G-protein signal pathway that is highly conserved with mammalian signaling pathways (24). In fact, some human GPCRs can activate the pheromone signal pathway when they are expressed in yeast (19, 29). The analysis of loss-of-function, supersensitive, and constitutively active α-factor receptor mutants has begun to reveal the mechanisms for activation and regulation of this receptor. For example, the analysis of constitutively active mutants indicates that movement in the transmembrane segments plays a key role in α-factor receptor activation (22). Constitutive mutations and loss-of-function mutations implicate the third intracellular loop in G-protein activation (7, 34, 44). Mutagenesis studies also indicate that the cytoplasmic C terminus is not needed for G-protein activation but is involved in down-regulation of receptors by endocytosis (17) and desensitization of receptors by phosphorylation (6). In addition, studies with chimeric receptors suggest that the specificity for α-factor binding is determined by discontinuous segments of the α-factor receptor that include the transmembrane and extracellular regions (36, 37). Although some of the important domains of the α-factor receptor have been identified in these studies, the molecular mechanism of receptor signaling remains to be determined.Dominant-negative (DN) mutants represent an important class of mutation in which a mutant receptor interferes with the function of the wild-type (WT) version of the receptor. Since the inhibitory phenotype in DN mutants implies loss of some but not all functions of the protein, these mutants have been used to great advantage in other receptor systems. For example, in the case of receptor tyrosine kinases, DN mutants have been used to assign particular functions to specific structural features or to study the effects of blocking receptor signaling (18). In view of the large number of mutations reported for GPCRs, it is intriguing that there are few examples of dominant GPCR mutations (42, 43). Furthermore, in cases where it has been examined, dominant mutations in GPCRs seem to affect primarily the targeting of receptors to the plasma membrane and not directly the function of the WT receptors. Therefore, we sought to determine if the analysis of DN mutants could be applied to GPCRs by taking advantage of the genetic accessibility of the yeast S. cerevisiae. In this report, we describe the identification of DN mutations in the α-factor pheromone receptor. Interestingly, our results indicate that these DN mutants interfere with the activity of the WT receptors by competing for the G protein. In addition, these mutations identify a new domain on the extracellular side of the TMDs that is important for receptor function.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that ethanol can modulate glycine receptors (GlyR), in part, through Gβγ interaction with basic residues in the intracellular loop. In this study, we show that a seven-amino acid peptide (RQHC7), which has the primary structure of a motif in the large intracellular loop of GlyR (GlyR-IL), was able to inhibit the ethanol-elicited potentiation of this channel from 47 ± 2 to 16 ± 4%, without interfering with the effect of Gβγ on GIRK (G protein activated inwardly rectifying potassium channel) activation. RQHC7 displayed a concentration-dependent effect on ethanol action in evoked and synaptic currents. A fragment of GlyR-IL without the basic amino acids did not interact with Gβγ or inhibit ethanol potentiation of GlyR. In silico analysis using docking and molecular dynamics allowed to identify a region of ∼350Å2 involving aspartic acids 186, 228, and 246 in Gβγ where we propose that RQHC7 binds and exerts its blocking action on the effect of ethanol in GlyR.  相似文献   

Integrins are the major cell adhesion molecules responsible for cell attachment to the extracellular matrix. The strength of integrin-mediated adhesion is controlled by the affinity of individual integrins (integrin activation) as well as by the number of integrins involved in such adhesion. The positive correlation between integrin activation and integrin clustering had been suggested previously, but several trials to induce integrin clustering by dimerization of the transmembrane domain or tail region of integrin α subunits failed to demonstrate any change in integrin activation. Here, using platelet integrin αIIbβ3 as a model system, we showed that there is intermolecular lateral interaction between integrins through the transmembrane domains, and this interaction can enhance the affinity state of integrins. In addition, when integrin clustering was induced through heteromeric lateral interactions using bimolecular fluorescence complementation, we could observe a significant increase in the number of active integrin molecules. Because the possibility of intermolecular interaction would be increased by a higher local concentration of integrins, we propose that integrin clustering can shift the equilibrium in favor of integrin activation.  相似文献   

The results of the EEG study of patients with tumor lesion of diencephalic (29 subjects) and limbic (25 subjects) structures with the focus on the analysis of structural and functional organization of α activity have been summarized. It has been found that diencephalic structure dysfunction is accompanied by disorder of α-rhythm spatial organization in the form of generalization or translocation of its focus to the frontal regions of the cerebral cortex. Distinctive features of “diencephalic” type alteration of α rhythm are determined by predominant integration of the thalamic or hypothalamic structures into the pathological process. Involvement of the limbic structures, especially at early stages of the disease, induces increase in α-rhythm intensity in the temporal region of the affected hemisphere. The nature of the response of the EEG pattern to the functional stress allows identifying it as a “hippocampal α rhythm”. Implementation of the automatic methods of analyzing plays an important role in the identification of these specified pathologic forms of the α rhythm that are often invisible during visual assessment. Detected atypical forms of α rhythm facilitates the interpretation of hemispheric asymmetry of the EEG in patients with cerebral pathology.  相似文献   

We describe the kinetic consequences of the mutation N217K in the M1 domain of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) α subunit that causes a slow channel congenital myasthenic syndrome (SCCMS). We previously showed that receptors containing αN217K expressed in 293 HEK cells open in prolonged activation episodes strikingly similar to those observed at the SCCMS end plates. Here we use single channel kinetic analysis to show that the prolonged activation episodes result primarily from slowing of the rate of acetylcholine (ACh) dissociation from the binding site. Rate constants for channel opening and closing are also slowed but to much smaller extents. The rate constants derived from kinetic analysis also describe the concentration dependence of receptor activation, revealing a 20-fold shift in the EC50 to lower agonist concentrations for αN217K. The apparent affinity of ACh binding, measured by competition against the rate of 125I-α-bungarotoxin binding, is also enhanced 20-fold by αN217K. Both the slowing of ACh dissociation and enhanced apparent affinity are specific to the lysine substitution, as the glutamine and glutamate substitutions have no effect. Substituting lysine for the equivalent asparagine in the β, ε, or δ subunits does not affect the kinetics of receptor activation or apparent agonist affinity. The results show that a mutation in the amino-terminal portion of the M1 domain produces a localized perturbation that stabilizes agonist bound to the resting state of the AChR.  相似文献   

The prostanoid prostacyclin, or prostaglandin I2, plays an essential role in many aspects of cardiovascular disease. The actions of prostacyclin are mainly mediated through its activation of the prostacyclin receptor or, in short, the IP. In recent studies, the cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal domain of the IP was shown to bind several PDZ domains of the multi-PDZ adaptor PDZK1. The interaction between the two proteins was found to enhance cell surface expression of the IP and to be functionally important in promoting prostacyclin-induced endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis. To investigate the interaction of the IP with the first PDZ domain (PDZ1) of PDZK1, we generated a nine residue peptide (KK411IAACSLC417) containing the seven carboxy-terminal amino acids of the IP and measured its binding affinity to a recombinant protein corresponding to PDZ1 by isothermal titration calorimetry. We determined that the IP interacts with PDZ1 with a binding affinity of 8.2 µM. Using the same technique, we also determined that the farnesylated form of carboxy-terminus of the IP does not bind to PDZ1. To understand the molecular basis of these findings, we solved the high resolution crystal structure of PDZ1 bound to a 7-residue peptide derived from the carboxy-terminus of the non-farnesylated form of IP (411IAACSLC417). Analysis of the structure demonstrates a critical role for the three carboxy-terminal amino acids in establishing a strong interaction with PDZ1 and explains the inability of the farnesylated form of IP to interact with the PDZ1 domain of PDZK1 at least in vitro.  相似文献   

The α1 subunit coding for the human brain type E calcium channel (Schneider et al., 1994) was expressed in Xenopus oocytes in the absence, and in combination with auxiliary α2δ and β subunits. α1E channels directed with the expression of Ba2+ whole-cell currents that completely inactivated after a 2-sec membrane pulse. Coexpression of α1E with α2bδ shifted the peak current by +10 mV but had no significant effect on whole-cell current inactivation. Coexpression of α1E with β2a shifted the peak current relationship by −10 mV, and strongly reduced Ba2+ current inactivation. This slower rate of inactivation explains that a sizable fraction (40 ± 10%, n= 8) of the Ba2+ current failed to inactivate completely after a 5-sec prepulse. Coinjection with both the cardiac/brain β2a and the neuronal α2bδ subunits increased by ≈10-fold whole-cell Ba2+ currents although coinjection with either β2a or α2bδ alone failed to significantly increase α1E peak currents. Coexpression with β2a and α2bδ yielded Ba2+ currents with inactivation kinetics similar to the β2a induced currents, indicating that the neuronal α2bδ subunit has little effect on α1E inactivation kinetics. The subunit specificity of the changes in current properties were analyzed for all four β subunit genes. The slower inactivation was unique to α1E2a currents. Coexpression with β1a, β1b, β3, and β4, yielded faster-inactivating Ba2+ currents than currents recorded from the α1E subunit alone. Furthermore, α1E2bδ/β1a; α1E2bδ/β1b; α1E2bδ/β3; α1E2bδ/β4 channels elicited whole-cell currents with steady-state inactivation curves shifted in the hyperpolarized direction. The β subunit-induced changes in the properties of α1E channel were comparable to modulation effects reported for α1C and α1A channels with β3≈β1b > β1a≈β4≫β2a inducing fastest to slowest rate of whole-cell inactivation. Received: 27 March 1997/Revised: 10 July 1997  相似文献   

The function and distribution of α1-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes in prostate cancer cells is well characterized. Previous studies have used RNA localization or low-avidity antibodies in tissue or cell lines to determine the α1-AR subtype and suggested that the α1 A-AR is dominant. Two androgen-insensitive, human metastatic cancer cell lines DU145 and PC3 were used as well as the mouse TRAMP C1-C3 primary and clonal cell lines. The density of α1-ARs was determined by saturation binding and the distribution of the different α1-AR subtypes was examined by competition-binding experiments. In contrast to previous studies, the major α1-AR subtype in DU145, PC3 and all of the TRAMP cell lines is the α1B-AR. DU145 cells contained 100% of the α1B-AR subtype, whereas PC3 cells were composed of 21% α1 A-AR and 79% α1B-AR. TRAMP cell lines contained between 66% and 79% of the α1B-AR with minor fractions of the other two subtypes. Faster doubling time in the TRAMP cell lines correlated with decreasing α 1B-AR and increasing α1 A- and α1D-AR densities. Transfection with EGFP-tagged α1B-ARs revealed that localization was mainly intracellular, but the majority of the receptors translocated to the cell surface after extended preincubation (18 hr) with either agonist or antagonist. Localization was confirmed by ligand-binding studies and inositol phosphate assays where prolonged preincubation with either agonist and/or antagonist increased the density and function of α 1-ARs, suggesting that the native receptors were mostly intracellular and nonfunctional. Our studies indicate that α1B-ARs are the major α1-AR subtype expressed in DU145, PC3, and all TRAMP cell lines, but most of the receptor is localized in intracellular compartments in a nonfunctional state, which can be rescued upon prolonged incubation with any ligand.  相似文献   

We describe the expression of the extracellular domain of the human α1 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in lepidopteran insect cells (i-α1-ECD) and its suitability for use in antigen-specific therapies for Myasthenia Gravis (MG). Compared to the previously expressed protein in P. pastoris (y-α1-ECD), i-α1-ECD had a 2-fold increased expression yield, bound anti-nAChR monoclonal antibodies and autoantibodies from MG patients two to several-fold more efficiently and resulted in a secondary structure closer to that of the crystal structure of mouse α1-ECD. Our results indicate that i-α1-ECD is an improved protein for use in antigen-specific MG therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA synthesis during replication of the human genome is accomplished primarily by the DNA polymerase α-primase complex, which makes the RNA-DNA primers accessible to processive DNA pols. The structural information needed to understand the mechanism of regulation of this complex biochemical reaction is incomplete. The presence of two enzymes in one complex poses the question of how these two enzymes cooperate during priming of DNA synthesis. Yeast two-hybrid and direct pulldown assays revealed that the N-terminal domain of the large subunit of primase (p58N) directly interacts with the C-terminal domain of the catalytic subunit of polα (p180C). We found that a complex of the C-terminal domain of the catalytic subunit of polα with the second subunit (p180C-p70) stimulated primase activity, whereas the whole catalytically active heterodimer of polα (p180ΔN-p70) inhibited RNA synthesis by primase. Conversely, the polα catalytic domain without the C-terminal part (p180ΔN-core) possessed a much higher propensity to extend the RNA primer than the two-subunit polα (p180ΔN-p70), suggesting that p180C and/or p70 are involved in the negative regulation of DNA pol activity. We conclude that the interaction between p180C, p70, and p58 regulates the proper primase and polymerase function. The composition of the template DNA is another important factor determining the activity of the complex. We have found that polα activity strongly depends on the sequence of the template and that homopyrimidine runs create a strong barrier for DNA synthesis by polα.  相似文献   

The hematopoietic cell recognition sites of human fibronectin (FN) are the Arg–Gly–Asp–Ser (RGDS) sequence recognized by widely distributed integrin receptor α5β1 and the type III connecting segment (III CS) containing two cell-binding sites, designated CS1 and CS5, that are recognized by the α4β1 receptor. The C-terminal heparin-binding domain of FN (Hep II) has recently been demonstrated to support adhesion of α4β1-dependent melanoma cells [A. P. Mould and M. J. Humphries (1991)EMBO J.10, 4089–4095]. Previously we demonstrated that this region of FN mediated binding of FN to HL-60 cells (acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line) by direct interaction independently of RGD and CS1 [H. Fujitaet al.,(1995)Exp. Cell Res.217, 484–488]. In this study we have characterized a novel site in the Hep II region for binding to HL-60 cells. α4β1 and α5β1 were expressed on HL-60 cells, while α2β1 and α3β1 were not present, as shown by flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies specific for the different integrins. Anti-α4β1 (P4C2) and anti-β1 (JB1a) antibodies inhibited binding of a 29-kDa dispase-digestive fragment of FN to HL-60 cells. This fragment contains the C-terminal heparin-binding domain of FN but lacks CS1 and CS5. Only the peptide representing the sequence from Val1866to Arg1880, designated E1, inhibited the binding of the 29-kDa fragment to HL-60 cells. The active region of this peptide was a sequence of Thr–Asp–Ile–Asp–Ala–Pro–Ser (TAI- DAPS), which is homologous to Leu–Asp–Val–Pro–Ser (LDVPS) derived from the active site of CS1. Furthermore, labeled E1 peptide directly bound to HL-60 cells. The anti-α4β1 antibody (P4C2) inhibited this interaction. These results indicate that the site of binding to hematopoietic cells is present in the Hep II region of FN and the definition of the chemical structure of FN clarifies a fundamental mechanism of cell invasion of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

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