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Adaptation to deterministic force perturbations during reaching movements was extensively studied in the last few decades. Here, we use this methodology to explore the ability of the brain to adapt to a delayed velocity-dependent force field. Two groups of subjects preformed a standard reaching experiment under a velocity dependent force field. The force was either immediately proportional to the current velocity (Control) or lagged it by 50 ms (Test). The results demonstrate clear adaptation to the delayed force perturbations. Deviations from a straight line during catch trials were shifted in time compared to post-adaptation to a non-delayed velocity dependent field (Control), indicating expectation to the delayed force field. Adaptation to force fields is considered to be a process in which the motor system predicts the forces to be expected based on the state that a limb will assume in response to motor commands. This study demonstrates for the first time that the temporal window of this prediction needs not to be fixed. This is relevant to the ability of the adaptive mechanisms to compensate for variability in the transmission of information across the sensory-motor system. 相似文献
This study examined adaptive changes of eye-hand coordination during a visuomotor rotation task under the use of terminal visual feedback. Young adults made reaching movements to targets on a digitizer while looking at targets on a monitor where the rotated feedback (a cursor) of hand movements appeared after each movement. Three rotation angles (30°, 75° and 150°) were examined in three groups in order to vary the task difficulty. The results showed that the 30° group gradually reduced direction errors of reaching with practice and adapted well to the visuomotor rotation. The 75° group made large direction errors of reaching, and the 150° group applied a 180° reversal shift from early practice. The 75°and 150° groups, however, overcompensated the respective rotations at the end of practice. Despite these group differences in adaptive changes of reaching, all groups gradually adapted gaze directions prior to reaching from the target area to the areas related to the final positions of reaching during the course of practice. The adaptive changes of both hand and eye movements in all groups mainly reflected adjustments of movement directions based on explicit knowledge of the applied rotation acquired through practice. Only the 30° group showed small implicit adaptation in both effectors. The results suggest that by adapting gaze directions from the target to the final position of reaching based on explicit knowledge of the visuomotor rotation, the oculomotor system supports the limb-motor system to make precise preplanned adjustments of reaching directions during learning of visuomotor rotation under terminal visual feedback. 相似文献
We have modeled biologically realistic neural networks that may be involved in contextual modulation of stimulus responses, as reported in the neurophysiological experiments of Motter (1994a, 1994b) (Journal of Neuroscience, 14:2179–2189 and 2190–2199). The networks of our model are structured hierarchically with feedforward, feedback, and lateral connections, totaling several thousand cells and about 300,000 synapses. The contextual modulation, arising from attention cues, is explicitly modeled as a feedback signal coming from the highest-order cortical network. The feedback signal arises from mutually inhibitory neurons with different stimulus preferences. Although our model is probably the simplest one consistent with available anatomical and physiological evidence and ignores the complexities that may exist in high-level cortical networks such as the prefrontal cortex, it reproduces the experimental results quite well and offers some guidance for future experiments. We also report the unexpected observation of 40 Hz oscillations in the model. 相似文献
Selective genotyping and phenotyping strategies are used to lower the cost of quantitative trait locus studies. Their efficiency has been studied primarily in simplified contexts—when a single locus contributes to the phenotype, and when the residual error (phenotype conditional on the genotype) is normally distributed. It is unclear how these strategies will perform in the context of complex traits where multiple loci, possibly linked or epistatic, may contribute to the trait. We also do not know what genotyping strategies should be used for nonnormally distributed phenotypes. For time-to-event phenotypes there is the additional question of choosing follow-up time duration. We use an information perspective to examine these experimental design issues in the broader context of complex traits and make recommendations on their use. 相似文献
Jøsrgensen EG 《Physiologia plantarum》1969,22(6):1307-1315
Two types with regard to adaptation to different light intensities are described: tbe Chlorella type and the Cyclotella type. The Chlorella type is mostly found among the green algae, the Cyclotella type among the diatoms. The Chlorella type adapts to a new light intensity mainly by changing the pigment content. Therefore the cells adapted to a high light intensity have a lower chlorophyll a content per cell than cells adapted to a low light intensity. Light saturation is mostly rather low for cells adapted to low light intensities. The light-saturated rate of photosynthesisist mostly lower for cells adapted to a high light intensity than for cells adapted to a low light intensity. The actual photosynthesis is not much higher at a high light intensity than at a low one. The actual photosynthesis is the photosynthesis at the light intensity where the cells are grown. - The Cyclotella type adapts only by changing the light-saturated rate. The chlorophyll content is the same in cells grown at low and high light intensities. Light saturation for cells grown at a low light intensity is rather high. The light-saturated rate is much higher in the case examined at the high light intensity than at the low one. The actual photosynthesis is considerably higher for cells grown at the high light intensities than for cells grown at low light intensities.- The two adaptation types are not sharply separated since transition types occur. 相似文献
Tetsuya Ogawa Noritaka Kawashima Hiroki Obata Kazuyuki Kanosue Kimitaka Nakazawa 《PloS one》2015,10(3)
The aim of the present study was to elucidate the adaptive and de-adaptive nature of human running on a split-belt treadmill. The degree of adaptation and de-adaptation was compared with those in walking by calculating the antero-posterior component of the ground reaction force (GRF). Adaptation to walking and running on a split-belt resulted in a prominent asymmetry in the movement pattern upon return to the normal belt condition, while the two components of the GRF showed different behaviors depending on the gaits. The anterior braking component showed prominent adaptive and de-adaptive behaviors in both gaits. The posterior propulsive component, on the other hand, exhibited such behavior only in running, while that in walking showed only short-term aftereffect (lasting less than 10 seconds) accompanied by largely reactive responses. These results demonstrate a possible difference in motor strategies (that is, the use of reactive feedback and adaptive feedforward control) by the central nervous system (CNS) for split-belt locomotor adaptation between walking and running. The present results provide basic knowledge on neural control of human walking and running as well as possible strategies for gait training in athletic and rehabilitation scenes. 相似文献
When we were asked for help with high-level microarray data analysis (on Affymetrix HGU-133A microarray), we faced the problem of selecting an appropriate method. We wanted to select a method that would yield "the best result" (detected as many "really" differentially expressed genes (DEGs) as possible, without false positives and false negatives). However, life scientists could not help us – they use their "favorite" method without special argumentation. We also did not find any norm or recommendation. Therefore, we decided to examine it for our own purpose. We considered whether the results obtained using different methods of high-level microarray data analyses – Significant Analysis of Microarrays, Rank Products, Bland-Altman, Mann-Whitney test, T test and the Linear Models for Microarray Data – would be in agreement. Initially, we conducted a comparative analysis of the results on eight real data sets from microarray experiments (from the Array Express database). The results were surprising. On the same array set, the set of DEGs by different methods were significantly different. We also applied the methods to artificial data sets and determined some measures that allow the preparation of the overall scoring of tested methods for future recommendation.Results
We found a very low level concordance of results from tested methods on real array sets. The number of common DEGs (detected by all six methods on fixed array sets, checked on eight array sets) ranged from 6 to 433 (22,283 total array readings). Results on artificial data sets were better than those on the real data. However, they were not fully satisfying. We scored tested methods on accuracy, recall, precision, f-measure and Matthews correlation coefficient. Based on the overall scoring, the best methods were SAM and LIMMA. We also found TT to be acceptable. The worst scoring was MW. Based on our study, we recommend: 1. Carefully taking into account the need for study when choosing a method, 2. Making high-level analysis with more than one method and then only taking the genes that are common to all methods (which seems to be reasonable) and 3. Being very careful (while summarizing facts) about sets of differentially expressed genes: different methods discover different sets of DEGs. 相似文献9.
Data on central hemodynamics and predictions of a factor model of the recovery period of a functional test described by the dynamics of
potentials are used to compare physiological changes in sailors during voyages of different lengths (75 and 157 days). The causes and conditions of fatigue and overfatigue in sailors during long voyages are discussed, as well as the phases of adaptation. The results of
-metry are used to characterize the mechanisms determining the interaction with the environment in sailors during voyages of different lengths and changes in these mechanisms as dependent on voyage duration. 相似文献
Few studies have considered how seagrass fish assemblages are influenced by surrounding habitats. This information is needed
for a better understanding of the connectivity between tropical coastal ecosystems. To study the effects of surrounding habitats
on the composition, diversity and densities of coral reef fish species on seagrass beds, underwater visual census surveys
were carried out in two seagrass habitat types at various locations along the coast of Zanzibar (Tanzania) in the western
Indian Ocean. Fish assemblages of seagrass beds in a marine embayment with large areas of mangroves (bay seagrasses) situated
9 km away from coral reefs were compared with those of seagrass beds situated on the continental shelf adjacent to coral reefs
(reef seagrasses). No differences in total fish density, total species richness or total juvenile fish density and species
richness were observed between the two seagrass habitat types. However, at species level, nine species showed significantly
higher densities in bay seagrasses, while eight other species showed significantly higher densities in reef seagrasses. Another
four species were exclusively observed in bay seagrasses. Since seagrass complexity could not be related to these differences,
it is suggested that the arrangement of seagrass beds in the surrounding landscape (i.e. the arrangement on the continental
shelf adjacent to the coral reef, or the arrangement in an embayment with mangroves situated away from reefs) has a possible
effect on the occurrence of various reef-associated fish species on seagrass beds. Fish migration from or to the seagrass
beds and recruitment and settlement patterns of larvae possibly explain these observations. Juvenile fish densities were similar
in the two types of seagrass habitats indicating that seagrass beds adjacent to coral reefs also function as important juvenile
habitats, even though they may be subject to higher levels of predation. On the contrary, the density and species richness
of adult fish was significantly higher on reef seagrasses than on bay seagrasses, indicating that proximity to the coral reef
increases density of adult fish on reef seagrasses, and/or that ontogenetic shifts to the reef may reduce adult density on
bay seagrasses. 相似文献
Auditory feedback from the animal''s own voice is essential during bat echolocation: to optimize signal detection, bats continuously adjust various call parameters in response to changing echo signals. Auditory feedback seems also necessary for controlling many bat communication calls, although it remains unclear how auditory feedback control differs in echolocation and communication. We tackled this question by analyzing echolocation and communication in greater horseshoe bats, whose echolocation pulses are dominated by a constant frequency component that matches the frequency range they hear best. To maintain echoes within this “auditory fovea”, horseshoe bats constantly adjust their echolocation call frequency depending on the frequency of the returning echo signal. This Doppler-shift compensation (DSC) behavior represents one of the most precise forms of sensory-motor feedback known. We examined the variability of echolocation pulses emitted at rest (resting frequencies, RFs) and one type of communication signal which resembles an echolocation pulse but is much shorter (short constant frequency communication calls, SCFs) and produced only during social interactions. We found that while RFs varied from day to day, corroborating earlier studies in other constant frequency bats, SCF-frequencies remained unchanged. In addition, RFs overlapped for some bats whereas SCF-frequencies were always distinctly different. This indicates that auditory feedback during echolocation changed with varying RFs but remained constant or may have been absent during emission of SCF calls for communication. This fundamentally different feedback mechanism for echolocation and communication may have enabled these bats to use SCF calls for individual recognition whereas they adjusted RF calls to accommodate the daily shifts of their auditory fovea. 相似文献
Originally, evolutionary game theory typically predicted that optimal behaviour in a given situation is uniform or bimodal. However, the growing evidence that animals behave more variably while individuals may differ consistently in their behaviour, has led to the development of models that predict a distribution of strategies. Here we support the importance of such models in a study on a coral reef fish host–parasite system. Parasitic blennies (Plagiotremus sp.) regularly attack other fishes to bite off scales and mucus. Individuals of some victim species react to being bitten with punishing the parasite through aggressive chasing. Our field observations and laboratory experiments show that individual blennies differ markedly in how they incorporate being punished into their foraging decisions. We discuss how these differences may affect the payoff structure and hence the net effect of punishment on punishers and on the appearance of a public good for look-alikes. 相似文献
The process of osmotic adaptation was studied in leaves of Panicum repens. Two phases were observed: the first phase, which continued for 2–4 days, was mainly characterized by dehydration of leaves, a fast synthesis of organic acids and penetration of sodium into leaf cells. Chloride becomes dominant in the leaves only from the third day of exposure and onwards. The second phase of adaptation lasted for 4–6 days. During this phase, a decrease in organic acid content and an increase in leaf-chloride content was observed. In spite of the fact that the osmotic potential of the leaves reached lower values than that of the external medium already after 2 days, the rate of growth of the plants was hampered. Such inhibition of growth disappeared 6–8 days after exposure to salinity. Ion content of the cell walls, chloroplasts and vacuoles of Panicum leaf cells was investigated during the various stages of osmotic adaptation. An increase in sodium and chloride content of the cell walls during the early period of adaptation probably prevented the full osmotic adaptation of the protoplasts. It is suggested that a locally unbalanced distribution of ions may be one of the reasons for the decrease in growth rate during the process of osmotic adaptation and frequently after that. 相似文献
Min-Ju Kim Kwang-Jin Park In-Jeong Ko Young Min Kim Jeong-Il Oh 《Journal of bacteriology》2010,192(19):4868-4875
The DosS (DevS) and DosT histidine kinases form a two-component system together with the DosR (DevR) response regulator in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. DosS and DosT, which have high sequence similarity to each other over the length of their amino acid sequences, contain two GAF domains (GAF-A and GAF-B) in their N-terminal sensory domains. Complementation tests in conjunction with phylogenetic analysis showed that DevS of Mycobacterium smegmatis is more closely related to DosT than DosS. We also demonstrated in vivo that DosS and DosT of M. tuberculosis play a differential role in hypoxic adaptation. DosT responds to a decrease in oxygen tension more sensitively and strongly than DosS, which might be attributable to their different autooxidation rates. The different responsiveness of DosS and DosT to hypoxia is due to the difference in their GAF-A domains accommodating the hemes. Multiple alignment analysis of the GAF-A domains of mycobacterial DosS (DosT) homologs and subsequent site-directed mutagenesis revealed that just one substitution of E87, D90, H97, L118, or T169 of DosS with the corresponding residue of DosT is sufficient to convert DosS to DosT with regard to the responsiveness to changes in oxygen tension.Oxygen sensing is important for facultative anaerobes to adapt to changes in metabolic necessities during the transition between aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Although Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is an obligate aerobe, a gradual depletion of O2 from its culture is known to lead to a drastic change in gene expression (8, 21, 24, 28, 34, 37, 39). Approximately 48 genes of M. tuberculosis were reported to be induced under early hypoxic conditions, which is mediated by the DosSR (DevSR) two-component system (16, 24, 34). The induction of the DosR regulon is important for survival of M. tuberculosis under hypoxic conditions and for it to enter the nonreplicating dormant state (2, 19). The DosSR two-component system consists of the DosS histidine kinase (HK) and its cognate DosR response regulator (RR) (24, 26, 29). The DosT HK, which shares high sequence similarity to DosS over the length of their primary structures, was also found to cross talk with DosR (26, 30). The N-terminal domains of DosS and DosT contain two tandem GAF domains (GAF-A and GAF-B from their N termini), and the three-dimensional structure of the GAF-A and GAF-B domains was determined (5, 25). A b-type heme is embedded in the GAF-A domain, composed of one five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet and four α-helices (5, 14, 25, 32). The heme is positioned nearly perpendicular to the β-sheet, and H149 and H147 of the polypeptides serve as the proximal axial ligands for DosS and DosT, respectively (5, 25). The ligand-binding state at the distal axial position of heme and the redox state of the heme iron modulate the autokinase activity of DosS and DosT. The O2-bound (oxyferrous) and ferric forms of the HKs are inactive, whereas the unliganded ferrous (deoxyferrous) form as well as NO- and CO-bound forms are active (17, 36). The heme iron of DosT is stable against autooxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in the presence of O2, indicating that its conversion between deoxyferrous and oxyferrous forms is the mechanism by which DosT recognizes O2 (17). However, the autooxidation property of oxyferrous DosS remains controversial. Kumar et al. (17) and Cho et al. (5) reported that DosS undergoes autooxidation on exposure to O2, while other research groups demonstrated that the oxyferrous form of DosS is stable against autooxidation (13, 14, 36). Recently, different roles of DosS and DosT in O2 sensing by M. tuberculosis were suggested. DosT plays a more important role in the early phase of hypoxic conditions than DosS when the growth of M. tuberculosis is transferred from aerobic to hypoxic conditions (11).Mycobacterium smegmatis possesses a single DevS HK that phosphorylates the DevR RR (20). The DevSR two-component system is also implemented in hypoxic adaptation of this bacterium (20). Like DosT of M. tuberculosis, the autokinase activity of M. smegmatis DevS was shown to be controlled by the ligand-binding state of its heme (18). Regarding the autooxidation property, DevS of M. smegmatis was suggested to be similar to DosT rather than DosS; i.e., the heme iron in DevS is resistant to autooxidation from an oxyferrous to a ferric state in the presence of O2 (18).In this paper we report several lines of evidence for the functional difference between DosS and DosT in the hypoxic adaptation of mycobacteria and discuss the implications of these findings. 相似文献
Previous studies have shown that bimanual coordination learning is more resistant to the removal of augmented feedback when acquired with auditory than with visual channel. However, it is unclear whether this differential “guidance effect” between feedback modalities is due to enhanced sensorimotor integration via the non-dominant auditory channel or strengthened linkage to kinesthetic information under rhythmic input. The current study aimed to examine how modalities (visual vs. auditory) and information types (continuous visuospatial vs. discrete rhythmic) of concurrent augmented feedback influence bimanual coordination learning. Participants either learned a 90°-out-of-phase pattern for three consecutive days with Lissajous feedback indicating the integrated position of both arms, or with visual or auditory rhythmic feedback reflecting the relative timing of the movement. The results showed diverse performance change after practice when the feedback was removed between Lissajous and the other two rhythmic groups, indicating that the guidance effect may be modulated by the type of information provided during practice. Moreover, significant performance improvement in the dual-task condition where the irregular rhythm counting task was applied as a secondary task also suggested that lower involvement of conscious control may result in better performance in bimanual coordination. 相似文献
Integrins are transmembrane adhesion receptors that bind extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and signal bidirectionally to regulate cell adhesion and migration. In many cell types, integrins cluster at cell-ECM contacts to create the foundation for adhesion complexes that transfer force between the cell and the ECM. Even though the temporal and spatial regulation of these integrin clusters is essential for cell migration, how cells regulate their formation is currently unknown. It has been shown that integrin cluster formation is independent of actin stress fiber formation, but requires active (high-affinity) integrins, phosphoinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), talin, and immobile ECM ligand. Based on these observations, we propose a minimal model for initial formation of integrin clusters, facilitated by localized activation and binding of integrins to ECM ligands as a result of biochemical feedback between integrin binding and integrin activation. By employing a diffusion-reaction framework for modeling these reactions, we show how spatial organization of bound integrins into clusters may be achieved by a local source of active integrins, namely protein complexes formed on the cytoplasmic tails of bound integrins. Further, we show how such a mechanism can turn small local increases in the concentration of active talin or active integrin into integrin clusters via positive feedback. Our results suggest that the formation of integrin clusters by the proposed mechanism depends on the relationships between production and diffusion of integrin-activating species, and that changes to the relative rates of these processes may affect the resulting properties of integrin clusters. 相似文献