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Seed production of the perennial herb Paris quadrifolia L. (Liliaceae) was investigated in five populations in northern Poland. The long-term seed production per square metre differed significantly among populations and years. Moreover, throughout the 7-year study period, 30% of both whole ripe fruits and seeds alone were predated. Variation in seed mass per fruit in both space and time was significant. Throughout the 7-year study, nearly all the marked individuals produced fruits once every 2 years. The most frequent break between fruiting was 2 years and the longest was 5 years. Only the mean seed mass in fruits of the same individual varied significantly over subsequent years. In the five populations, the number of ovules, number of seeds in the fruit and seed mass varied significantly between populations. However seed/ovule ratio did not differ in fruits in the five populations. The seed mass/number trade-off in fruits was strongly partially correlated when the effect of total seed mass was considered. Breeding experiments suggest that P. quadrifolia has a substantial capacity for both inbreeding and outbreeding. There were no significant differences in the seed/ovule ratio, seed number or seed mass in fruits produced from bagged or control flowers. However, both seed/ovule ratio and number of seeds were significantly lower in fruits from emasculated flowers.  相似文献   

Isozyme analysis was applied to estimate the level of variation and the genetic structure of a seed-production population (i.e., seed orchard) and 10 range-wide natural populations of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.). Gene diversity and heterozygosity estimates were comparatively high in both the seed orchard and the natural populations studied. The seed orchard population showed a significantly higher number of alleles per locus and percentage of polymorphic loci. Though not significant, mean heterozygosity of the seed orchard was higher than that observed for all natural populations. Genetic distance analysis indicated that the seed-orchard population was genetically similar to three natural populations from which the parent trees were selected. Parent trees sampling breadth has been identified as the major cause for the observed increased level. The impact of recurrent selection and seed orchard biology and management on maintaining the genetic diversity is discussed.  相似文献   

Selection and mating principles in a closed breeding population (BP) were studied by computer simulation. The BP was advanced, either by random assortment of mates (RAM), or by positive assortative mating (PAM). Selection was done with high precision using clonal testing. Selection considered both genetic gain and gene diversity by "group-merit selection", i.e. selection for breeding value weighted by group coancestry of the selected individuals. A range of weights on group coancestry was applied during selection to vary parent contributions and thereby adjust the balance between gain and diversity. This resulted in a series of scenarios with low to high effective population sizes measured by status effective number. Production populations (PP) were selected only for gain, as a subset of the BP. PAM improved gain in the PP substantially, by increasing the additive variance (i.e. the gain potential) of the BP. This effect was more pronounced under restricted selection when parent contributions to the next generation were more balanced with within-family selection as the extreme, i.e. when a higher status effective number was maintained in the BP. In that case, the additional gain over the BP mean for the clone PP and seed PPs was 32 and 84% higher, respectively, for PAM than for RAM in generation 5. PAM did not reduce gene diversity of the BP but increased inbreeding, and in that way caused a departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The effect of inbreeding was eliminated by recombination during the production of seed orchard progeny. Also, for a given level of inbreeding in the seed orchard progeny or in a mixture of genotypes selected for clonal deployment, gain was higher for PAM than for RAM. After including inbreeding depression in the simulation, inbreeding was counteracted by selection, and the enhancement of PAM on production population gain was slightly reduced. In the presence of inbreeding depression the greatest PP gain was achieved at still higher levels of status effective number, i.e. when more gene diversity was conserved in the BP. Thus, the combination of precise selection and PAM resulted in close to maximal short-term PP gain, while conserving maximal gene diversity in the BP.Communicated by O. Savolainen  相似文献   

A formula for the effective population size for the finite island model of subdivided populations is derived. The formula indicates that the effective size can be substantially greater than the actual number of individuals in the entire population when the migration rate among subpopulations is small. It is shown that the mean nucleotide diversity, coalescence time, and heterozygosity for genes sampled from the entire population can be predicted fairly well from the theory for randomly mating populations if the effective population size for the finite island model is used.  相似文献   

Wright's metaphor of sampling is extended to consider three components of genetic drift: those occurring before, during, and after migration. To the extent that drift at each stage behaves like an independent random sample, the order of events does not matter. When sampling is not random, the order does matter, and the effect of population size is confounded with that of mobility. The widely cited result that genetic differentiation of local groups depends only on the product of group size and migration rate holds only when nonrandom sampling does not occur prior to migration in the life cycle.  相似文献   

The effective population size (Ne) is formulated based on a stage-structured population model and is estimated for two populations of Fritillaria camtschatcensis (L.) Ker-Gawl. (Liliaceae), a perennial, mainly clonally reproducing herb. Plants in these populations change life-history stages year by year, either upward or downward across three unambiguously identifiable stages: one-leaf, nonflowering; multileaf nonflowering; and multileaf, flowering stages. Plants of all stages produce clonal progeny (bulblets) each year, and death of plants occurs only in the first stage. The populations are nearly at equilibrium in both population size and stage structure. Ne is estimated to be 20-30% of the census population size (N), leading to the prediction that a population size of about 20,000 or more will be needed to conserve the normal level of the gene diversity (Ne > or = 5000). With the current demographic pattern of this species, accelerated growth of the first-stage plants with reduced survival of the second- and third-stage plants will increase both the annual (Ny/N) and generation time (Ne/N) effective sizes of population.  相似文献   

For populations undergoing mass selection, previous studies have shown that the rate of inbreeding is directly related to the mean and variance of long-term contributions from ancestors to descendants, and thus prediction of the rate of inbreeding can be achieved via the prediction of long-term contributions. In this paper, it is shown that the same relationship between the rate of inbreeding and long-term contributions is found when selection is based on an index of individual and sib records (index selection) and where sib records may be influenced by a common environment. In these situations, rates of inbreeding may be considerably higher than under mass selection. An expression for the rate of inbreeding is derived for populations undergoing index selection based on variances of (one-generation) family size and incorporating the concept of long-term selective advantage. When the mating structure is hierarchical, and when half-sib records are included in the index, the correlation between parental breeding values and the index values of their offspring is higher for male parents than female parents. This introduces an important asymmetry between the contributions of male and female ancestors to the evolution of inbreeding which is not present when selection is based on individual and/or full-sib records alone. The prediction equation for index selection accounts for this asymmetry. The prediction is compared to rates of inbreeding calculated from simulation. The prediction is good when family size is small relative to the number selected. The reasons for overprediction in other situations are discussed.  相似文献   

Assessing the genetic diversity in small farm animal populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic variation is vital for the populations to adapt to varying environments and to respond to artificial selection; therefore, any conservation and development scheme should start from assessing the state of variation in the population. There are several marker-based and pedigree-based parameters to describe genetic variation. The most suitable ones are rate of inbreeding and effective population size, because they are not dependent on the amount of pedigree records. The acceptable level for effective population size can be considered from different angles leading to a conclusion that it should be at least 50 to 100. The estimates for the effective population size can be computed from the genealogical records or from demographic and marker information when pedigree data are not available. Marker information could also be used for paternity analysis and for estimation of coancestries. The sufficient accuracy in marker-based parameters would require typing thousands of markers. Across breeds, diversity is an important source of variation to rescue problematic populations and to introgress new variants. Consideration of adaptive variation brings new aspects to the estimation of the variation between populations.  相似文献   

Summary The main purpose of germplasm banks is to preserve the genetic variability existing in crop species. The effectiveness of the regeneration of collections stored in gene banks is affected by factors such as sample size, random genetic drift, and seed viability. The objective of this paper is to review probability models and population genetics theory to determine the choice of sample size used for seed regeneration. A number of conclusions can be drawn from the results. First, the size of the sample depends largely on the frequency of the least common allele or genotype. Genotypes or alleles occurring at frequencies of more than 10% can be preserved with a sample size of 40 individuals. A sample size of 100 individuals will preserve genotypes (alleles) that occur at frequencies of 5%. If the frequency of rare genotypes (alleles) drops below 5%, larger sample sizes are required. A second conclusion is that for two, three, and four alleles per locus the sample size required to include a copy of each allele depends more on the frequency of the rare allele or alleles than on the number. Samples of 300 to 400 are required to preserve alleles that are present at a frequency of 1%. Third, if seed is bulked, the expected number of parents involved in any sample drawn from the bulk will be less than the number of parents included in the bulk. Fourth, to maintain a rate of breeding (F) of 1 %, the effective population size (N e) should be at least 150 for three alleles, and 300 for four alleles. Fifth, equalizing the reproductive output of each family to two progeny doubles the effective size of the population. Based on the results presented here, a practical option is considered for regenerating maize seed in a program constrained by limited funds.Part of this paper was presented at the Global Maize Germplasm Workshop, CIMMYT, El Batan, Mexico, March 6–12, 1988  相似文献   

A numerical method for computing the eigenvalue variance effective size of a subdivided population connected by any fixed pattern of migration is described. Using specific examples it is shown that total effective size of a subdivided population can become less than the sum of the subpopulation sizes as a result of directionalities in the pattern of migration. For an extension of the model with threshold harvesting and local deterministic logistic population dynamic we consider the problem of maximizing the total harvesting yield with constraints on the total effective size. For some simple source-sink systems and more complicated population structures where subpopulations differ in their degree of isolation, it is shown to be optimal, for a given total effective size, to raise the harvesting thresholds relatively more in small and in isolated populations. Finally, we show how the method applies to populations which are supplemented, either intentionally or unintentionally. It is shown that the total effective size can be reduced by several orders of magnitude if the captive component of a population is much smaller than the wild component, even with symmetric backward migration.  相似文献   

红松种子园种群表型多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
童跃伟  唐杨  陈红  张涛  左江  吴健  周莉  周旺明  于大炮  代力民 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6341-6348
为揭示红松(Pinus koraiensis Sieb.et Zucc.)不同种群的表型分化程度和变异规律,以吉林省露水河红松种子园6个种群红松为研究对象,采用巢式方差分析、多重比较、变异系数和聚类分析等方法对红松的叶片、球果和种子共15个表型性状进行了系统分析。结果表明:(1)红松15个表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在着极显著的差异,红松种群遗变异比较丰富,在松属植物中属于中等水平,其中纬度最低的露水河种群在其中10个表型性状均值上表现出最高值;(2)红松种群间的表型分化系数(Vst)均值为12.39%,种群内的变异(87.61%)大于种群间的变异(12.39%),种群内的变异是主要变异来源;(3)各表型性状平均变异系数为13.28%,变幅为6.16%-31.48%,叶片、球果、种子的平均变异系数依次为:球果17.86% > 针叶11.19% > 种子9.87%,种子性状最小,成为最稳定的表型性状,带岭和丰林种群表型性状遗传多样性要高于其他种群;(4)利用欧氏平均距离对红松种群进行UPGMA聚类分析,红松种群的表型性状按照地理距离而聚类,可将红松种子园6个种群分为4类,其表型性状跟地形(东北山脉)有一定的契合。红松种群具有中等水平的表型遗传多样性,种群间和种群内均存在丰富的表型变异,研究结果为顺利开展红松种质资源收集、保存,以及良种选育等工作提供依据。  相似文献   

Summary In selected populations, families superior for the selected trait are likely to contribute more offspring to the next generation than inferior families and, as a consequence, the rate of inbreeding is likely to be higher in selected populations than in randomly mated populations of the same structure. Methods to predict rates of inbreeding in selected populations are discussed. The method of Burrows based on probabilities of coselection is reappraised in conjunction with the transition matrix method of Woolliams. The method of Latter based on variances and covariances of family size is also examined. These methods are one-generation approaches in the sense that they only account for selective advantage over a single generation, from parents to offspring. Two-generation methods are developed that account for selective advantage over two generations, from grandparent to grandoffspring as well as from parent to offspring. Predictions are compared to results from simulation. The best one-generation method was found to underpredict rates of inbreeding by 10–25%, and the two-generation methods were found to underpredict rates of inbreeding by 9–18%.  相似文献   

Summary Sex-linked effective population size (Ne) is derived for a variety of control population structures relevant to normal diploid and/or, more importantly, to haplo-diploid species. For equal sex ratio, it is shown that the control population structure which doubles autosomal effective population size trebles sex-linked effective size. For haplo-diploid species where the number of males exceeds the number of reproductive females, several different control structures are described, which tend to increase effective population size by about 1/3. These would be suitable for stock maintenance of honeybees. Directional selection programmes employing within-family selection would maintain most of the minimum drift/inbreeding properties of these control populations.  相似文献   

Monitoring the rate of change in inbreeding and genetic diversity within a population is important to guide breeding programmes. Such interest stems from the impact of loss in genetic diversity on sustainable genetic gain but also the impact on performance (i.e. inbreeding depression). The objective of the present study was to evaluate trends in inbreeding and genetic diversity in 43 066 Belclare, 120 753 Charollais, 22 652 Galway, 78 925 Suffolk, 187 395 Texel, and 19 821 Vendeen purebred sheep. The effective population size for each of the six breeds was between 116.0 (Belclare population) and 314.8 (Charollais population). The Charollais population was the most genetically diverse with the greatest number of effective founders, effective ancestors, and effective founder genomes; conversely, the Belclare was the least genetically diverse population with the fewest number of effective founders, effective ancestors, and effective founder genomes for each of the six breeds investigated. Overall, the effective population sizes and the total genetic diversity within each of the six breeds were above the minimum thresholds generally considered to be required for the long-term viability of a population.  相似文献   

Minimization of the average coancestry in a population has been theoretically proven to be the most efficient method to preserve genetic diversity. In the present study, based on a population genetic model, two methods to minimize the average coancestry in populations with overlapping generations were developed. For a given parental coancestry structure, the first method (OG) minimizes the average coancestry in the next generation, and the second method (LT) is designed to minimize the long-term accumulation of coancestry. The efficiencies of the two methods were examined by stochastic simulation. Compared to random choice of parents, the annual effective population sizes under the two proposed methods increased 2–3 folds. The difference among the two methods was small in a population with short generation interval. For populations with long generation intervals, the OG method showed a slightly larger annual effective size in an initial few years. However, in the subsequent years, the LT method gave a 5–15% larger annual effective size than the OG method. From these results, it is suggested that the LT method would be preferred to the OG method in most practical situations.  相似文献   

河西走廊不同红砂天然群体种子活性相关性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
苏世平  李毅  种培芳 《生态学报》2012,32(1):135-141
采用方差分析、多重比较、相关分析、聚类分析等多种分析方法对河西走廊红砂天然分布区11个群体种子发芽率、发芽势、吸水率和千粒重四个性状进行研究,以系统揭示种子活性变异程度和变异规律。研究结果表明,红砂种子的发芽率、发芽势和千粒重在群体间差异极显著(P<0.01),42h吸水率在群体间差异显著(P<0.05);千粒重、发芽率和发芽势之间呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01);红砂种子各性状均呈现出以经度、纬度和海拔为主的梯度变异规律;通过对4个活性性状各测量值的聚类分析,将11个天然群体拟划分为5个类群。研究结果可为今后开展红砂天然群体遗传多样性和种质资源的保护、评价与利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

We conducted a quantitative literature review of genetic diversity (GD) within and among populations in relation to categorical population size and isolation (together referred to as “insularity”). Using populations from within the same studies, we were able to control for between‐study variation in methodology, as well as demographic and life histories of focal species. Contrary to typical expectations, insularity had relatively minor effects on GD within and among populations, which points to the more important role of other factors in shaping evolutionary processes. Such effects of insularity were sometimes seen—particularly in study systems where GD was already high overall. That is, insularity influenced GD in a study system when GD was high even in non‐insular populations of the same study system—suggesting an important role for the “scope” of influences on GD. These conclusions were more robust for within population GD versus among population GD, although several biases might underlie this difference. Overall, our findings indicate that population‐level genetic assumptions need to be tested rather than assumed in nature, particularly for topics underlying current conservation management practices.  相似文献   

The effect of ignoring a seed bank in unstructured population models of annual plants is investigated under the assumption of ecological equilibrium. It is demonstrated that if delayed germination is an important life-history strategy and seed mortality in the seed bank is relatively low then it is important to take the effect of the seed bank into account. A formula that corrects the probability of germination and establishment in unstructured population models of annual plants for the effect of a seed bank is derived. This correction formula may be used in order to apply plant ecological data to a number of published unstructured plant ecological models.  相似文献   

Using 10 polymorphic microsatellites and 1251 individual samples (some dating back to the early 1980s), genetic structure and effective population size in all native and introduced Swedish populations of the European wels catfish or Silurus glanis were studied. Levels of genetic variability and phylogeographic relationships were compared with data from a previous study of populations in other parts of Europe. The genetically distinct Swedish populations displayed comparably low levels of genetic variability and according to one-sample estimates based on linkage disequilibrium and sib ship-reconstruction, current local effective population sizes were lower than minimum levels recommended for short-term genetic conservation. In line with a previous suggestion of postglacial colonisation from a single refugium, all Swedish populations were assembled on a common branch in a star-shaped dendrogram together with other European populations. Two distinct subpopulations were detected in upper and lower habitats of River Emån, indicating that even minor dispersal barriers may restrict gene flow for wels in running waters. Genetic assignment of specimens encountered in the brackish Baltic Sea and in lakes where the species does not occur naturally indicated presence of long-distance sea dispersal and confirmed unauthorised translocations, respectively.  相似文献   

研究了四川大头萘6个分布地,7个地理种群种子大小变异特征、种子萌发及幼苗发育特征。结果表明,种子大小地理变异,南方种群种子变异较大,北方种上对较小,云南文山的种子最大最重,广西阳塑最轻最小,且最重约为最轻的2~3倍,不同种群种子萌发率也存在差异。南方种子差异较大,北方种子差异较小,大种子普遍有较高萌发率。种子太小小对苗生长速率、苗高、生物量(鲜重)有明显影响。  相似文献   

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