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Myelinated axons were isolated by flotation from bovine pons, middle cerebellar peduncle, cervical spinal cord and three regions of the subcortical white matter. The myelinated axons were osmotically and mechanically shocked, followed by fractionation on a linear 15% sucrose to 45% sucrose density gradient. Axolemma-enriched fractions (AEF) found in the 28% to 32% sucrose region of the gradient from brainstem and cord white matter had high acetylcholinesterase (AChE) while little or nil AChE activity was found in corresponding AEF derived from the subcortical white matter. Morphologically, the subcortical white matter from all regions contained a heterogeneous population of well-myelinated to thinly myelinated axons, while brainstem and cord regions contained a more homogeneous population of well-myelinated axons. Histochemical analysis of AChE localized this enzyme to axonal elements. The AEF derived from any white matter source had similar polypeptide compositions. AEF derived from subcortical white matter contained two-fold more myelin basic protein and a three-fold greater content of 2 3 cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase (CNP) compared with AEF derived from well myelinated white matter. We conclude that the purity of the AEF is related to the degree of myelination of the white matter from which the AEF is derived. Homogeneously well myelinated white matter (pons, cerebellar peduncle, cervical spinal cord) yields the highest purity AEF, as judged by the low CNP and myelin basic protein content and highest enrichment in AChE specific activity.  相似文献   

Patch-clamp experiments in the sarcolemma of frog skeletal muscle evidenced the presence of three types of voltage-dependent single-channel K+ currents. According to their unitary conductance at a membrane voltage of +40 mV, we classified them as 16-, 13-, and 7-pS K+ channels. The 16-pS K+ channels are active close to a membrane voltage of −80 mV and they do not become inactivated during voltage pulses of 100 ms. Within 10 min after beginning the recording, these channels developed rundown with an exponential time course. The 13-pS K+ channels are active near −60 mV; upon a 100-ms depolarization, they exhibited inactivation with an approximate exponential time course. The 7-pS K+ channels were recorded at voltages positive to 0 mV. In patches containing all three types of K+ channels, the ensemble average currents resemble the kinetic properties of the macroscopic delayed rectifier K+ currents recorded in skeletal muscle and other tissues. In conclusion, the biophysical properties of unitary K+ currents suggest that these single-channel K+ currents may underlie the macroscopic delayed K+ currents in frog skeletal muscle fibers. In addition, since the 16- and 13-pS channels were more frequently recorded, both are the main contributors to the delayed K+ currents.  相似文献   

In the present study, the whole-cell patch-clamp technique was applied to follow the inhibitory effect of genistein — a tyrosine kinase inhibitor and a natural anticancer agent—on the activity of voltage-gated potassium channels Kv1.3 expressed in human T lymphocytes (TL). Obtained data provide evidence that genistein application in the concentration range of 1–80 μM reversibly decreased the whole-cell potassium currents in TL in a concentration-dependent manner to about 0.23 of the control value. The half-blocking concentration range of genistein was from 10 to 40 μM. The current inhibition was correlated in time with a significant decrease of the current activation rate. The steady-state activation of the currents was unchanged upon application of genistein, as was the inactivation rate. The inhibitory effect of genistein on the current amplitude and activation kinetics was voltage-independent. The current inhibition was not changed significantly in the presence of 1 mM of sodium orthovanadate, a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor. Application of daidzein, an inactive genistein analogue, did not affect significantly either the current amplitudes or the activation kinetics. Possible mechanisms of the observed phenomena and their significance for genistein-induced inhibition of cancer cell proliferation are discussed.  相似文献   

The whole-cell patch-clamp technique was applied to study the modulatory effect of resveratrol on voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 expressed in human lymphocytes. Results demonstrate that application of resveratrol in the concentration range 1–200 μM inhibited the channel activity in a concentration-dependent manner to about 18% of the control value. The half-blocking concentration of resveratrol was 40.9 μM, whereas the Hill coefficient was 1.05. The inhibition was time-dependent and slowly reversible. The inhibitory effect of resveratrol was correlated in time with a significant slowing of the current activation, whereas the inactivation rate remained unaffected upon application of resveratrol. The inhibition of Kv1.3 channels was voltage-independent. The steady-state activation of the currents remained unchanged upon resveratrol application. The magnitude of the inhibitory effect of resveratrol was not altered when resveratrol was coapplied with genistein. The possible mechanism of the inhibitory effect and its significance for biological activity of resveratrol are discussed.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Cl channels belonging to the ClC family appear to function as homomultimers, but the number of subunits needed to form a functional channel is controversial. To determine subunit stoichiometry, we constructed dimeric human skeletal muscle Cl channels in which one subunit was tagged by a mutation (D136G) that causes profound changes in voltage-dependent gating. Sucrose-density gradient centrifugation experiments indicate that both monomeric and dimeric hClC-1 channels in their native configurations exhibit similar sedimentation properties consistent with a multimeric complex having a molecular mass of a dimer. Expression of the heterodimeric channel in a mammalian cell line results in a homogenous population of Cl channels exhibiting novel gating properties that are best explained by the formation of heteromultimeric channels with an even number of subunits. Heteromultimeric channels were not evident in cells cotransfected with homodimeric WT-WT and D136G-D136G constructs excluding the possibility that functional hClC-1 channels are assembled from more than two subunits. These results demonstrate that the functional hClC-1 unit consists of two subunits.  相似文献   

Myelinated axons isolated from rat CNS brain stem by flotation in a buffered sucrose-salt medium were shocked by vigorous homogenization in hypotonie buffer and then fractionated on a 20-40% (wt/wt) linear sucrose gradient in a Beckman Ti-14 Zonal Rotor. After centrifu-gation to equilibrium, the gradient was fractionated on the basis of sucrose density into 13 individual fractions. The distributions of molecular markers related to myelin [(myelin basic protein, 2’3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phos-phodiesterase (EC, myelin-associated glycopro-tein (MAG)]; microsomes [CDP-choline:l,2 diglyceride cholinephosphotransferase (EC]; mitochondria [cytochrome c oxidase (EC, monoamine oxidase (amine:oxygen oxidoreductase, deaminating, EC], and axolemma [acetylcholinesterase (acetylcho-line hydrolase, EC, 5′-nucleotidase (5′-ribonu-cleotide phosphohydrolase, EC, Na+,K+-adeno-sine triphosphatase (EC, [3H]saxitoxin binding] were examined, as well as the protein composition and morphological appearance of the fractions. The myelin-related markers were most enriched in the 20-26% region of the gradient, although the MAG was broadly distributed throughout the entire gradient. The axolemma-related markers were most enriched in the 28-32% region of the gradient, whereas the microsomal and mitochondrial-related markers were enriched in the 35-40% region of the sucrose density gradient. Mixing experiments utilizing 125I-labeled membrane preparations derived from cultured oligodendroglial and astroglial cells indicated that the constituents of the shocked myelinated axons were not significantly contaminated with glial membranes. The morphology of the fraction was consistent with the membrane molecular marker distribution: the light end of the gradient contained multilamellar myelin; fractions in the center of the gradient were enriched in un-ilamellar membrane fragments; the densest regions of the gradient were enriched in mitochondria. The myelin specific proteins were the prominent polypeptides in the 20-25% regions of the gradient, whereas polypeptides having a molecular weight of 50,000 or greater predominanted in the denser regions of the gradient. The significance of the distribution of these membrane markers and the utility of this fractionation procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interactions of prototypical PDZ domains with both the C- and N-termini of Kv1.5 and other Kv channels. A combination of in vitro binding and yeast two-hybrid assays unexpectedly showed that PDZ domains derived from PSD95 bind both the C- and N-termini of the channels with comparable avidity. From doubly transfected HEK293 cells, Kv1.5 was found to co-immunoprecipitate with the PDZ protein, irrespective of the presence of the canonical C-terminal PDZ-binding motif in Kv1.5. Imaging analysis of the same HEK cell lines demonstrated that co-localization of Kv1.5 with PSD95 at the cell surface is similarly independent of the canonical PDZ-binding motif. Deletion analysis localized the N-terminal PDZ-binding site in Kv1.5 to the T1 region of the channel. Co-expression of PSD95 with Kv1.5 N- and C-terminal deletions in HEK cells had contrasting effects on the magnitudes of the potassium currents across the membranes of these cells. These findings may have important implications for the regulation of channel expression and function by PDZ proteins like PSD95.  相似文献   

The Shaker-type voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv1.3, is believed to be restricted in distribution to lymphocytes and neurons. In lymphocytes, this channel has gained intense attention since it has been proven that inhibition of Kv1.3 channels compromise T lymphocyte activation. To investigate possible expression of Kv1.3 channels in other types of tissue, such as epithelia, binding experiments, immunoprecipitation studies and immunohistochemical studies were performed. The double-mutated, radiolabeled peptidyl ligand, 125I-HgTX1-A19Y/Y37F, which selectively binds Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3 and Kv1.6 channels, was used to perform binding studies in epithelia isolated from rabbit kidney and colon. The equilibrium dissociation constant for this ligand was found to be in the sub-picomolar range and the maximal receptor concentration (in fmol/mg protein) 1.68 for colon and 0.61-0.75 for kidney epithelium. To determine the subtype of Kv1 channels, immunoprecipitation studies with 125I-HgTX1-A19Y/Y37F labeled epithelial membranes were performed with specific antibodies against Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.4 or Kv1.6 subunits. These studies demonstrated that Kv1.3 subunits constituted more than 50% of the entire Kv1 subunit population. The precise localization of Kv1.3 subunits in epithelia was determined by immunohistochemical studies.  相似文献   

The presence of Kv1.3 voltage-gated potassium channels in rat and human prostate epithelial cells has been previously reported. We examined, by immunohistochemistry, Kv1.3 levels in 10 normal human prostate, 18 benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 147 primary human prostate cancer (Pca) specimens. We found high epithelial expression of Kv1.3 in all normal prostate, 16 BPH and 77 (52%) Pca specimens. Compared to normal, Kv1.3 levels were reduced in 1 (6%) BPH specimen and in 70 (48%) Pca specimens. We found a significant inverse correlation between Kv1.3 levels and tumor grade (r = −0.25, P = 0.003) as well as tumor stage (r = −0.27, P = 0.001). Study of an additional 30 primary Pca specimens showed that 15 (50%) had reduced Kv1.3 immunostaining compared to matched normal prostate tissue. Our data suggest that in Pca reduced Kv1.3 expression occurs frequently and may be associated with a poor outcome.  相似文献   

Alpha-subunits of the voltage-gated potassium channel (Kv) subfamily Kv9 show no channel activity after homomultimeric expression in heterologous expression systems. This report shows that heteromultimeric expression of rKv9.1 and rKv9.3 specifically suppresses the currents mediated by alpha-subunits of the Kv2 and Kv3 subfamilies but does not affect currents mediated by alpha-subunits of the Kv1 and Kv4 subfamilies. To understand the molecular basis of the electrical silence of Kv9 homomultimeric channels, crucial functional domains (amino and carboxy terminus, S4 segment, and pore region) were exchanged between Kv9 alpha-subunits and rKv1.3. Electrophysiological studies of these chimeras revealed that the pore region is involved in determining the nonconductive behavior of homomultimeric Kv9 channels. This analysis was extended by protein interaction assays, aiming to identify the region of Kv9 subunits responsible for the specific suppression of rKv2.1- and rKv3.4-mediated currents. We could show that the amino-terminal domain of Kv9 alpha-subunits does not support homomultimeric assembly but interacts specifically with the rKv2.1 amino-terminal region. Conversely, the specific intersubfamily assembly of rKv3.4 with rKv9.1 or rKv9.3 is governed by the hydrophobic core and not the amino-terminal domain.  相似文献   

The Presence of Phospholipase D In Rat Central Nervous System Axolemma   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
An axolemma-enriched fraction prepared from a purified myelinated axon fraction isolated from rat CNS was found to contain phospholipase D at a specific activity similar to that of a microsomal fraction isolated from whole brain. There was a concomitant threefold enrichment in the specific activity of phospholipase D and acetylcholinesterase in the axolemma-enriched fraction compared with the specific activities of these enzymes in the starting white matter whole homogenate. This axonal phospholipase D may be involved in remodeling of phospholipid, which in turn may affect axonal functions such as ion translocation.  相似文献   

The zebrafish is increasingly recognized as an animal model for the analysis of hERG-related diseases. However, functional properties of the zebrafish orthologue of hERG have not been analyzed yet. We heterologously expressed cloned ERG channels in Xenopus oocytes and analyzed biophysical properties using the voltage clamp technique. zERG channels conduct rapidly activating and inactivating potassium currents. However, compared to hERG, the half-maximal activation voltage of zERG current is shifted towards more positive potentials and the half maximal steady-state inactivation voltage is shifted towards more negative potentials. zERG channel activation is delayed and channel deactivation is accelerated significantly. However, time course of zERG conducted current under action potential clamp is highly similar to the human orthologue. In summary, we show that ERG channels in zebrafish exhibit biophysical properties similar to the human orthologue. Considering the conserved channel function, the zebrafish represents a valuable model to investigate human ERG channel related diseases.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Kv2.1 Potassium Channel by MinK and MiRP1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kv2.1 is a voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel α-subunit expressed in mammalian heart and brain. MinK-related peptides (MiRPs), encoded by KCNE genes, are single–transmembrane domain ancillary subunits that form complexes with Kv channel α-subunits to modify their function. Mutations in human MinK (KCNE1) and MiRP1 (KCNE2) are associated with inherited and acquired forms of long QT syndrome (LQTS). Here, coimmunoprecipitations from rat heart tissue suggested that both MinK and MiRP1 form native cardiac complexes with Kv2.1. In whole-cell voltage-clamp studies of subunits expressed in CHO cells, rat MinK and MiRP1 reduced Kv2.1 current density three- and twofold, respectively; slowed Kv2.1 activation (at +60 mV) two- and threefold, respectively; and slowed Kv2.1 deactivation less than twofold. Human MinK slowed Kv2.1 activation 25%, while human MiRP1 slowed Kv2.1 activation and deactivation twofold. Inherited mutations in human MinK and MiRP1, previously associated with LQTS, were also evaluated. D76N–MinK and S74L–MinK reduced Kv2.1 current density (threefold and 40%, respectively) and slowed deactivation (60% and 80%, respectively). Compared to wild-type human MiRP1–Kv2.1 complexes, channels formed with M54T– or I57T–MiRP1 showed greatly slowed activation (tenfold and fivefold, respectively). The data broaden the potential roles of MinK and MiRP1 in cardiac physiology and support the possibility that inherited mutations in either subunit could contribute to cardiac arrhythmia by multiple mechanisms. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Z. A. McCrossan and T. K. Roepke have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

采用膜片钳细胞贴附式技术,比较研究SD大鼠下丘脑神经元电压依赖性钾通道(voltage-dependent potassium channel,Kv)单通道电流活动的动力学特性,在出生后发育过程中的变化。出生不同天数的大鼠,其下丘脑神经元上Kv通道的电流强度和电导无显著差别(P>0.05),通道电导接近120 pS;单位时间内封接膜片上N个通道的开放概率的总和升高,由第1天的0.19±0.08(n=10)上升到第9天的0.30±0.09(n=10,P<0.05),单通道活动密度增加,由0.14 channel/μm2升高至0.26 channel/μm2。上述结果提示大鼠下丘脑神经元在出生发育过程中,Kv单通道活动的动力学发生显著变化。  相似文献   

The Kv7 family (Kv7.1–7.5) of voltage-activated potassium channels contributes to the maintenance of resting membrane potential in excitable cells. Previously, we provided pharmacological and electrophysiological evidence that Kv7.4 and Kv7.5 form predominantly heteromeric channels and that Kv7 activity is regulated by protein kinase C (PKC) in response to vasoconstrictors in vascular smooth muscle cells. Direct evidence for Kv7.4/7.5 heteromer formation, however, is lacking. Furthermore, it remains to be determined whether both subunits are regulated by PKC. Utilizing proximity ligation assays to visualize single molecule interactions, we now show that Kv7.4/Kv.7.5 heteromers are endogenously expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells. Introduction of dominant-negative Kv7.4 and Kv7.5 subunits in mesenteric artery myocytes reduced endogenous Kv7 currents by 84 and 76%, respectively. Expression of an inducible protein kinase Cα (PKCα) translocation system revealed that PKCα activation is sufficient to suppress endogenous Kv7 currents in A7r5 rat aortic and mesenteric artery smooth muscle cells. Arginine vasopressin (100 and 500 pm) and the PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (1 nm) each inhibited human (h) Kv7.5 and hKv7.4/7.5, but not hKv7.4 channels expressed in A7r5 cells. A decrease in hKv7.5 and hKv7.4/7.5 current densities was associated with an increase in PKC-dependent phosphorylation of the channel proteins. These findings provide further evidence for a differential regulation of Kv7.4 and Kv7.5 channel subunits by PKC-dependent phosphorylation and new mechanistic insights into the role of heteromeric subunit assembly for regulation of vascular Kv7 channels.  相似文献   


The homology models of the tetramerization (T1) domain of six eukaryotic potassium channels, Kv1.1-Kv1.6, were constructed based on the crystal structure of the Shaker T1 domain. The results of amino acid sequence alignment indicate that the T1 domains of these K+ channels are highly conserved, with the similarities varying from 77% between Shaker and Kv1.6 to 93% between Kv1.2 and Kv1.3. The homology models reveal that the T1 domains of these Kv channels exhibit similar folds as those of Shaker K+ channel. These models also show that each T1 monomer consists of three distinct layers, with N-terminal layer 1 and C- terminal layer 3 facing the cytoplasm and the membrane, respectively. Layer 2 exhibits the highest structural conservation because it is located around the central hydrophobic core. For each Kv channel, four identical subunits assemble into the homotetramer architecture around a four-fold axis through the hydrogen bonds and salt bridges formed by 15 highly conserved polar residues. The narrowest opening of the pore is formed by the four conserved residues corresponding to R115 of the Shaker T1 domain. The homology models of these Kv T1 domains provide particularly attractive targets for further structure-based studies.  相似文献   

KChIPs are a family of Kv4 K(+) channel ancillary subunits whose effects usually include slowing of inactivation, speeding of recovery from inactivation, and increasing channel surface expression. We compared the effects of the 270 amino acid KChIP2b on Kv4.3 and a Kv4.3 inner pore mutant [V(399, 401)I]. Kv4.3 showed fast inactivation with a bi-exponential time course in which the fast time constant predominated. KChIP2b expressed with wild-type Kv4.3 slowed the fast time constant of inactivation; however, the overall rate of inactivation was faster due to reduction of the contribution of the slow inactivation phase. Introduction of [V(399, 401)I] slowed both time constants of inactivation less than 2-fold. Inactivation was incomplete after 20s pulse durations. Co-expression of KChIP2b with Kv4.3 [V(399, 401)I] slowed inactivation dramatically. KChIP2b increased the rate of recovery from inactivation 7.6-fold in the wild-type channel and 5.7-fold in Kv4.3 [V(399,401)I]. These data suggest that inner pore structure is an important factor in the modulatory effects of KChIP2b on Kv4.3 K(+) channels.  相似文献   


In this study, structural model of the pore loop region of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1 from human Homo sapiens was constructed based on the crystallographic structure of KcsA by structural homology. The pore loop region of Kv1.1 exhibits similar folds as that of KcsA. The structural feature of the selectivity filter of Kv1.1 is nearly identical to that of KcsA, whereas most of the structural variations occur in the turret as well as in the inner and outer helices. Molecular docking experiments of the scorpion toxin Tc1 from Tityus cambridgei to the outer vestibule of KcsA as well as Kv1.1 were subsequently performed with various initial Tc1 orientations. Tc1 was found to form the most stable complexes with these two K+ channels when the side chain of Lys14 occupies the pore of the selectivity filter through electrostatic interaction. Tc1 binds preferentially towards Kv1.1 than KcsA due to stronger hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions formed between the toxin and the selectivity filter and outer vestibule of Kv1.1. Furthermore, surface complementarity of the outer vestibules of the channels to the Tc1 spatial conformations also plays an important role in stabilizing both the Tc1/KcsA and Tc1/Kv1.1 complexes.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM), a Ca2+-sensing protein, is constitutively bound to IQ domains of the C termini of human Kv7 (hKv7, KCNQ) channels to mediate Ca2+-dependent reduction of Kv7 currents. However, the mechanism remains unclear. We report that CaM binds to two isoforms of the hKv7.4 channel in a Ca2+-independent manner but that only the long isoform (hKv7.4a) is regulated by Ca2+/CaM. Ca2+/CaM mediate reduction of the hKv7.4a channel by decreasing the channel open probability and altering activation kinetics. We took advantage of a known missense mutation (G321S) that has been linked to progressive hearing loss to further examine the inhibitory effects of Ca2+/CaM on the Kv7.4 channel. Using multidisciplinary techniques, we demonstrate that the G321S mutation may destabilize CaM binding, leading to a decrease in the inhibitory effects of Ca2+ on the channels. Our study utilizes an expression system to dissect the biophysical properties of the WT and mutant Kv7.4 channels. This report provides mechanistic insights into the critical roles of Ca2+/CaM regulation of the Kv7.4 channel under physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

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