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The digestion of E. coli 16S RNA with a single-strand-specific nuclease produced two fractions separable by gel filtration. One fraction was small oligonucleotides, the other, comprising 67.5% of the total RNA, was highly structured double helical fragments of mol. wt. 7,600. There are thus about 44 helical loops of average size corresponding to 12 base pairs in each 16S RNA. 10% of the RNA could be digested from native 30S subunits. Nuclease attack was primarily in the intraloop single-stranded region but two major sites of attack were located in the interloop single-stranded regions. Nuclease digestion of unfolded subunits produced three classes of fragments, two of which, comprising 80% of the total RNA, were identical to fragments from 16S RNA. The third, consisting of 20% RNA, together with an equal weight of peotein, was a resistant core (sedimentation coefficient 7S).  相似文献   

The location and frequency of RNA crosslinks induced by photoreaction of hydroxymethyltrimethylpsoralen with 30 S Escherichia coli ribosomal subunits have been determined by electron microscopy. At least seven distinct crosslinks between regions distant in the 16 S rRNA primary structure are seen in the inactive conformation of the 30 S particle. All correspond to crosslinked features seen when the free 16 S rRNA is treated with hydroxymethyltrimethylpsoralen. The most frequently observed crosslink occurs between residues near one end of the molecule and residues about 600 nucleotides away to generate a loop of 570 bases. The size and orientation of this feature indicate it corresponds to the crosslinked feature located at the 3′ end of free 16 S rRNA.When active 30 S particles are crosslinked in 5 mm-Mg2+, six of the seven features seen in the inactive 30 S particle can still be detected. However, the frequency of several of the features, and particularly the 570-base loop feature, is dramatically decreased. This suggests that the long-range contacts that lead to these crosslinks are either absent or inaccessible in the active conformation. Crosslinking results in some loss of functional activities of the 30 S particle. This is consistent with the notion that the presence of the crosslink that generates the 570-base loop traps the subunit in an inactive form, which cannot associate with 50 S particles.The arrangement of the interacting regions crosslinked by hydroxymethyltrimethylpsoralen suggests that the RNA may be organized into three general domains. A striking feature of the Crosslinking pattern is that three of the seven products involve regions near the 3′ end of the 16 S rRNA. These serve to tie together large sections of rRNA. Thus structural changes at the 3′ end could, in principle, be felt through the entire 30 S particle.  相似文献   

The mechanism of 16 S ribosomal RNA folding into its compact form in the native 30 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli was studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy. This approach made it possible to visualize and quantitatively analyze the conformational changes induced in 16 S rRNA under various ionic conditions and to characterize the interactions of ribosomal proteins S4, S8, S15, S20, S17 and S7, the six proteins known to bind to 16 S rRNA in the initial assembly steps. 16 S rRNA and the reconstituted RNA-protein core particles were characterized by their mass, morphology, radii of gyration (RG), and the extent and stability of 16 S rRNA secondary structure. The stepwise binding of S4, S8 and S15 led to a corresponding increase of mass and was accompanied by increased folding of 16 S rRNA in the core particles, as evident from the electron micrographs and from the decrease of RG values from 114 A and 91 A. Although the binding of S20, S17 and S7 continued the trend of mass increase, the RG values of these core particles showed a variable trend. While there was a slight increase in the RG value of the S20 core particles to 94 A, the RG value remained unchanged (94 A) with the further addition of S17. With subsequent addition of S7 to the core particles, the RG values showed an increase to 108 A. Association with S7 led to the formation of a globular mass cluster with a diameter of about 115 A and a mass of about 300 kDa. The rest of the mass (about 330 kDa) remained loosely coiled, giving the core particle a "medusa-like" appearance. Morphology of the 16 S rRNA and 16 S rRNA-protein core particles, even those with all six proteins, does not resemble the native 30 S subunit, contrary to what has been reported by others. The circular dichroism spectra of the 16 S rRNA-protein complexes and of free 16 S rRNA indicate a similarity of RNA secondary structure in the core particles with the first four proteins, S4, S8, S15, S20. The circular dichroism melting profiles of these core particles show only insignificant variations, implying no obvious changes in the distribution or the stability of the helical segments of 16 S rRNA. However, subsequent binding of proteins S17 and S7 affected both the extent and the thermal stability of 16 S rRNA secondary structure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

J J Hogan  H F Noller 《Biochemistry》1978,17(4):587-593
We have studied the topography of 16S RNA in the inactive form of the 30S ribosomal subunit (Ginsburg, I., et al. (1973) J. Mol. Biol. 79, 481), using the guanine-specific reagent kethoxal. Oligonucleotides surrounding reactive guanine residues were isolated and quantitated by means of diagonal electrophoresis and sequenced. Comparison of these results with experiments on active or reactivated subunits reveals the following: (1) Most of the sites which are reactive in active 30S subunits are much more reactive (average 13-fold) in inactive subunits. Upon reactivation, these sites return to a less reactive state. Thus, a reversible increase in accessibility of specific 16S RNA sites parallels the reversible loss of protein synthesis activity of 30S subunits. (2) The number of kethoxal-reactive sites in inactive subunits is about twice that of active subunits. The nucleotide sequences and locations of the additional accessible sites in inactive subunits have been determined. (3) Sites that can be located in the 16S RNA sequence are distributed throughout the RNA chain in inactive subunits, in contrast to the clustering observed in active subunits. (4) The sites of kethoxal substitution are single stranded. Yet, of the 30 sites that can be located, 23 were predicted to be base paired in the proposed secondary structure model for 16S RNA (Ehresmann, C., et al. (1975), Nucleic Acids Res. 2, 265).  相似文献   

We have generated a computerized fit between the 3-dimensional map of the E.coli 30S ribosomal proteins, as determined by neutron scattering, and the recently published 3-dimensional model for the 16S RNA. To achieve this, the framework of coordinates for RNA-protein cross-link sites on the phosphate backbone in the RNA model was related to the corresponding framework of coordinates for the mass centres of the proteins by a least squares fitting procedure. The resulting structure, displayed on a computer graphics system, gives the first complete picture of the E.coli 30S ribosomal subunit showing both the proteins and the double-helical regions of the RNA. The root mean square distance between cross-link sites and protein centres is 32 A. The position of the mass centre of the combined double-helical regions was calculated from the model and compared with the position of the mass centre of the complete set of proteins. The two centres are displaced relative to one another by 20 A in the model structure, in good agreement with the experimental value of 25 A found by neutron scattering.  相似文献   

A large body of intra-RNA and RNA-protein crosslinking data, obtained in this laboratory, was used to fold the phylogenetically and experimentally established secondary structure of Escherichia coli 16 S RNA into a three-dimensional model. All the crosslinks were induced in intact 30 S subunits (or in some cases in growing E. coli cells), and the sites of crosslinking were precisely localized on the RNA by oligonucleotide analysis. The RNA-protein crosslinking data (including 28 sites, and involving 13 of the 21 30S ribosomal were used to relate the RNA structure to the distribution of the proteins as determined by neutron scattering. The three-dimensional model of the 16 S RNA has overall dimensions of 220 A x 140 A x 90 A, in good agreement with electron microscopic estimates for the 30 S subunit. The shape of the model is also recognizably the same as that seen in electron micrographs, and the positions in the model of bases localized on the 30 S subunit by immunoelectron microscopy (the 5' and 3' termini, the m7G and m6(2)A residues, and C-1400) correspond closely to their experimentally observed positions. The distances between the RNA-protein crosslink sites in the model correlate well with the distances between protein centres of mass obtained by neutron scattering, only two out of 66 distances falling outside the expected tolerance limits. These two distances both involve protein S13, a protein noted for its anomalous behaviour. A comparison with other experimental information not specifically used in deriving the model shows that it fits well with published data on RNA-protein binding sites, mutation sites on the RNA causing resistance to antibiotics, tertiary interactions in the RNA, and a potential secondary structural "switch". Of the sites on 16 S RNA that have been found to be accessible to chemical modification in the 30 S subunit, 87% are at obviously exposed positions in the model. In contrast, 70% of the sites corresponding to positions that have ribose 2'-O-methylations in the eukaryotic 18 S RNA from Xenopus laevis are at non-exposed (i.e. internal) positions in the model. All nine of the modified bases in the E. coli 16 S RNA itself show a remarkable distribution, in that they form a "necklace" in one plane around the "throat" of the subunit. Insertions in eukaryotic 18 S RNA, and corresponding deletions in chloroplast or mammalian mitochondrial ribosomal RNA relative to E. coli 16 S RNA represent distinct sub-domains in the structure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

J W Weller  W E Hill 《Biochemistry》1992,31(10):2748-2757
Ribosomal RNA molecules within each ribosomal subunit are folded in a specific three-dimensional form. The accessibility of specific sequences of rRNA of the small ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli was analyzed using complementary oligodeoxyribonucleotides, 6-15 nucleotides long. The degree of hybridization of these oligomers to their RNA complements within the 30S subunit was assessed using nitrocellulose membrane filter binding assays. Specifically, the binding of short DNA oligomers (hexameric and longer) complementary to nucleotides 919-928, 1384-1417, 1490-1505, and 1530-1542 of 16S rRNA was monitored, and in particular how such binding was affected by the change in the activation state of the subunit. We found that nucleotides 1397-1404 comprise an unusually accessible sequence in both active and inactive subunits. Nucleotides 919-924 are partially available for hybridization in active subunits and somewhat more so in inactive subunits. Nucleotides 1534-1542 are freely accessible in active, but only partially accessible in inactive subunits, while nucleotides 1490-1505 and 1530-1533 are inaccessible in both, under the conditions tested. These results are in general agreement with results obtained using other methods and suggest a significant conformational change upon subunit activation.  相似文献   

A reconstruction, at 40 A, of the Escherichia coli ribosome imaged by cryo-electron microscopy, obtained from 303 projections by a single-particle method of reconstruction, shows the two subunits with unprecedented clarity. In the interior of the subunits, a complex distribution of higher mass density is recognized, which is attributed to ribosomal RNA. The masses corresponding to the 16S and 23S components are linked in the region of the platform of the small subunit. Thus the topography of the rRNA regions responsible for protein synthesis can be described.  相似文献   

1. Evidence is presented for the occurrence of a very stable RNA core (S4-RNA) in "native" 16S RNA that is also present in the 30S subunit of Escherichia coli. A model giving the approximate location of this RNA core in the 30S subunit is presented. 2. It is proposed (a) that this S4-RNA acts as a nucleus for the assembly of the 30S subunit, and (b) that a small class of "linkage" proteins, including S4, further facilitate the assembly of the proteins to the RNA, thereby explaining some of the "cooperative" effects that are observed during in vitro assembly. 3. Evidence for the importance of the RNA core in the functioning of the ribosome is discussed.  相似文献   

Two forms of the 30 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Understanding the structural basis of ribosomal function requires close comparison between biochemical and structural data. Although a large amount of biochemical data are available for the Escherichia coli ribosome, the structure has not been solved to atomic resolution. Using a new RNA homology procedure, we have modeled the all-atom structure of the E. coli 30S ribosomal subunit. We find that the tertiary structure of the ribosome core, including the A-, P- and E-sites, is highly conserved. The hypervariable regions in our structure, which differ from the structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus, are consistent with the cryo-EM map of the E. coli ribosome.  相似文献   

Structural studies on the 30 S ribosomal subunit from Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small-angle X-ray scattering curves computed for various 30 S subunit structures have been compared with the experimental scattering curve. The curve from the 30 S subunit is best approximated by that calculated for a 1:3.6:3.6 ellipsoidal structure. The rather prolate ellipsoidal model suggested by recent electron microscope studies gives a scattering curve considerably different from the 30 S curve, suggesting that the electron microscope model is not that found in solution. Analysis of the more extended portions of the experimental scattering curve suggests some internal structure. A model is proposed that contains RNA and protein in positions such that the calculated scattering curve shows more extensive, yet similar internal structure. Resultant constraints on the structure of the 30 S subunit in solution are given.  相似文献   

M Almehdi  Y S Yoo    H W Schaup 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(24):6895-6903
Ribosomes play an active role in protein biosynthesis. Ribosomal RNA conformation in ribosomal subunits, intramolecular interactions between different rRNA sequences within the confinement of the particles, and intermolecular interactions are presumed necessary to support efficient and accurate protein synthesis. Here we report an analysis of the disposition of 16S rRNA conserved zones centered about positions 525, 1400, and 1500 in 30S subunits. Complementary oligodeoxyribonucleotides in conjunction with nuclease S1 digestion were used to do this. All of the sequences examined in 30S subunits are accessible to DNA probes of 9 to 12 nucleotide residues in length. However, the kinetic characteristics of the respective DNA interactions with 30S particles vary significantly. In addition to the investigation of normal 30S particles, a four base deletion within the 1400 region of 16S rRNA was analyzed. The deletion was made by using synthetic DNAs to target the deletion site for RNase H digestion. The direct in vitro procedure for manipulating rRNA conserves nucleotide modifications. The alteration causes a significant change in the disposition of 16S rRNA in 30S subunits, suggesting a reduction in the freedom of movement of the altered zone in the particle. In a factor-dependent in vitro protein synthesis system primed with MS2 mRNA and altered 30S subunits, there was a 50% decrease in phage coat protein synthesis. The reduction could be due to a decrease in the rate of translation or premature termination of translation. We present evidence here, based on isotopic studies, which supports the latter possibility.  相似文献   

The results of neutron distance measurement involving ribosomal protein S1 from Escherichia coli are reported. These data provide a position for S1 on the small ribosomal subunit. They also indicate that S1, bound to the ribosome, has a radius of gyration of 60 to 65 Å, suggesting that its axial ratio in the bound state is similar to that it has as a free molecule in solution; namely, 10: 1. The implications of these results for our understanding of the mode of action of S1 are discussed.  相似文献   

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