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Gobulus birdsongi is described as a new species from the Pacific coast of Panama. The two other known species of Gobulus from the eastern Pacific, Gobulus crescentalis and G. hancocki are redescribed. Gobulus birdsongi differs from other species in the genus in having more numerous second dorsal and anal rays. Gobulus hancocki differs from G. crescentalis in having a much smaller eye. The genus is distinctive in having reversed countershading, with the ventral surface of the body darker than the dorsal surface.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the Dothideomycete genus Acanthostigma is described from bark of two Nothofagus species from Argentina. Its identity as a new species is based on both morphology and molecular sequence data. Acanthostigma patagonica differs from other species in the genus by having larger ascomata and setae and wider, asymmetrical ascospores. An amended key to Acanthostigma species is provided along with a discussion of other species previously described from South America.  相似文献   

基于刺齿虫兆属的自然地理分布特征和调查资料,讨论了弹尾纲刺齿虫兆属的自然分布、扩散和地理起源。结果显示,全球已经描述的57种刺齿虫兆,不仅主要分布于亚洲(54种),而且中国的物种数量最多(32种),土著种数量亦最多(23种)。亚洲之外美国大陆的3个州有2种(全为广布种);夏威夷有6种(包括3个广布种)。作者初步提出了刺齿虫兆属起源和扩散的假设。  相似文献   

Chávez G  Vásquez D 《ZooKeys》2012,(168):31-44
We describe a new lizard species of the genus Potamites from the montane forests of the Cordillera de Vilcabamba (Cusco region) and Apurimac River valley (Ayacucho region), between 1500 and 2000 meters of elevation, in southern Peru. The new species is distinguishable from all other species of the genus mainly by having highly keeled scattered scales on dorsum and females lacking femoral pores.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The following four subgenera. I based chiefly on the form of the macronucleus, are proposed for thr genus Blepharisma Perty 1852: 1) Compactum , having a single compact interphase macronucleus. Type species B Compactum hyalinum Perty. 2) Filijormis , having a vermiform or tubular elongate interphase macronuclcus. occasionally doubled or even fragmented in individuals. Type spcies B. (Filiformis) intermedium Bhandary. 3) Blepharisma , having an interphase macronucleus with two or more nodes usually connected by a very thin strand between the nodes. Type species B. (Blepharisma) Perisicinum Perty. 4) Halteroides , having an interphase macronucleus in two nodes connected by a thick strand. Type species B. (Halteroides) tropicum Bhandary. Differences between the subgenera also can be found in the size, pigmentation, presence or absence of cysts and conjugaion 26 species are presented.
While integradations between the subgenera and species exist, it is felt that separation of the four groups is warranted and may indicate possible evolutionary trends within the genus.  相似文献   

The wing louse genus Lunaceps, is the most speciose chewing louse (Phthiraptera) genus inhabiting sandpipers (Charadriiformes: Calidrinae) and is known from almost all sandpiper species. The hosts follow specific flyways from the Arctic breeding grounds to wintering locations in the southern hemisphere, and often form large mixed-species flocks during migration and wintering. We estimated a phylogeny of Lunaceps based on three mitochondrial loci, supporting monophyly of the genus but revealing extensive paraphyly at the species level. We also evaluated the relative importance of flyway differentiation (same host species having different lice along different flyways) and flyway homogenisation (different host species having the same lice along the same flyway). We found that while the lice of smaller sandpipers and stints show some evidence of flyway homogenisation, those of larger sandpipers do not. No investigated host species migrating along more than one flyway showed any evidence of flyway differentiation. The host-parasite associations within Lunaceps are in no case monophyletic, rejecting strict cospeciation.  相似文献   

本文首先对树蛙科动物的特征加以简要介绍。其次对近年在海南岛野外工作期间采集的树蛙科动物一种18雄3雌加以研究,在对其外部形态观察研究的基础上,初步判断它们隶属树蛙属,又将其中雌雄各一号的肩带及前肢制成双色骨骼标本,发现其肩胸骨基部深分叉,指骨末节游离端分叉甚深且呈“Y”形,证明它们确系树蛙属动物无疑。经详细研究和比较,确定它们是树蛙属中的一个新种,现对此新种进行描述和报道。  相似文献   

对颚毛虫兆属Crossodonthina Yosii, 1954做了简要介绍,提供了该属的鉴别特征,记述了采自中国湖南省东安县舜皇山的颚毛虫兆属1新种——周氏颚毛疣虫兆Crossodonthina choui,这是该属在华中地区(湖南)的新记录。新种的正模标本(♂)和2个副模标本(2♂)保存在中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A species of peritrich that attaches to gills of the skate, Raja erinacea , was identified by its original describer as a member of Caliperia , a genus characterized by having a noncontractile skeletal rod within the arms of its cinctum and by not having the cinctal arms bonded to one another at their tips. Our observations of the living ciliates confirmed by protargol impregnation and electron microscopy revealed that their cinctal arms are linked by a bouton and that the cytoskeletal structure within them has the fine structure of a myoneme. These characteristics place this peritrich unequivocally in the genus Ellobiophrya and it is thus renamed Ellobiophrya brevipes (Laird, 1959) n. comb. Clumps of epithelial cells clasped by the cincta of E. brevipes show damage at their bases but not on their luminal surfaces. The known species of Ellobiophrya are compared for significant structural differences that separate species of this genus.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代,欧亚大陆晚新生代地层中陆续发现了p3由5个主要褶沟组成的兔类化石,并先后建立了上新五褶兔(Pliopentalagus Gureev et Konkova,1964)和三裂齿兔(Tris- chizolagus Radulesco et Samson,1967)两属。近年,在中国安徽淮南大居山新生代晚期不同时代的洞穴、裂隙堆积物中发现了保存相当完整,数量颇多的上新五褶兔的材料。笔者在研究大居山新洞早上新世的上新五褶兔时, 将其与欧亚大陆该属内的已知种和三裂齿兔的各种进行了详细比较,发现产自河北省阳原县泥河湾盆地晚上新世稻地组的Pliopentalagus nihewanensis Cai,1989被指定为上新五褶兔值得商榷。Pliopentalagus nihewanensis的材料仅有1枚p3(GMC V 2008-1)和两枚中间颊齿(p4 或ml,GMC V 2008-2及m2,V 2008-3)。正型标本p3的中前褶沟(AR)中央、后外褶沟和后内褶沟后壁釉质层具有小褶曲,这些形态确实与上新五褶兔的特征有些相似。但褶曲的发育程度明显比上新五褶兔的弱;另外,其齿冠舌侧后缘向后内突出,后外褶沟和后内褶沟较平直并近与齿纵轴垂直,后外褶沟与后内褶沟深度相近等而与上新五褶兔也有所不同。褶沟的釉质层在两枚中间颊齿中较平直,与上新五褶兔显然也有较大的区别。就该p3而言,可以认为它属于一枚釉质构造极简单的上新五褶兔的前臼齿,也可以认为是釉质构造很复杂的三裂齿兔的p3。研究表明,在上新五褶兔和三裂齿兔的系统演化过程中,其颊齿褶沟釉质层的构造有越来越复杂的趋向。作为上新世较晚期的“Pliopentalagus nihewanensis”的p3,指定为上新五褶兔显然有悖于该属釉质构造在地史中越来越复杂的演化事实,而指定为三裂齿兔则正好与该属釉质构造的演化趋势相符(Averianov and Tesakov,1997)。另外,从共生动物群和动物的生活习性看,安徽淮南发现的上新五褶兔与大量现代东洋界特有的类型共生(如Tupaiidae、Platacanthomyidae等),上新五褶兔的后裔——现生的日本琉球奄美黑兔(Pentalagus)的栖息地为温暖、湿润的多山环境;而目前发现的三裂齿兔共生动物群所指示的是干凉的稀树草原环境,与上新五褶兔的生态环境有所不同。含“Pliopentalagus nihewanensis”的晚上新世稻地动物群主要由典型的古北界属种(如Mesosiphneus paratingi、Mimomys orientalis、Germanomys cf. G.weileri、Chardinomys nihewanicus及Ochotona spp.等)组成,而未见典型的东洋界成员。这种温带相对干旱的草原环境,显然与中国发现的上新五褶兔及其后裔的生存环境很不一样。因此,笔者认为“泥河湾上新五褶兔”应归入三裂齿兔属,正名泥河湾三裂齿兔Trischizolagus nihe—wanensis(Cai,1989)。种征订正为:p3具有较复杂的形态构造;中前褶沟具衍生的中央小褶曲, 后外褶沟和后内褶沟后壁釉质层褶曲相对发育。该种以这些基本特征而不同于欧亚大陆的已知种(如T.dumitrescuae、T.mirificus等),它可能代表该属的一个进步类型。  相似文献   

Spiroxys ankarafantsika, sp. nov. is described from Madagascar in two species of freshwater turtles, Pelusios castanoides and Pelomedusa subrufa. Spiroxys ankarafantsika differs from other species of the genus in having pseudolabial teeth only on the median lobes and no other cuticular prominences, a smooth cuticular collar, deirides as cervical minute spine-like projections, and a gubernaculum without tubes. This is the first record of a nominal species of the genus Spiroxys from the Ethiopian region.  相似文献   

Halacarsantia acutasp. n. is described from Wistari Reef, Capricorn Group, southern Great Barrier Reef, the first record of the genus from Australia. The new species differs from its congeners in having antenna flagellum composed of 8 articles; epipod apically acute, without setae, broad maxilliped endite and pereopod 1 basis with a short projection. A key to species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Abstract Xenochironomus tuberosus sp. nov. from southern China is here described and illustrated as male imagines. The new species is separated from other known species of this genus in having frontal tubercle, unusual stout setae on tergite VI, characteristic chaetotaxy on tergite IX and unique superior volsela. Based on the new species, an emendation to the diagnosis of the genus is given. This paper is the first record of genus Xenochironomus from China.  相似文献   

A new species of Alcyonosyllis Glasby and Watson, 2001 (Polychaeta: Syllidae: Syllinae) is described from shallow water of Shimoda, Izu Peninsula, Japan. The worms were commensal with the gorgonian Melithae flabellifera (Kükenthal, 1909). Alcyonosyllis glasbyi n. sp. differs from all other species of the genus in having a single chaeta per parapodium. The genus is new to Japan.  相似文献   

Skyttea richardsonii sp. nov. is described from a sterile corticolous lichen in Maine. It is closest to S. tavaresae, the only other member of the genus to be reported as having annelations on the excipular hairs, but that species occurs on Loxospora spp. and differs in the K+ reaction of the exciple and ascospore size. Minute Phoma-like conidiomata found in some apothecia may represent an independent fungicolous fungus growing on the new species. This is the 10th species of the genus to have been discovered in North America; a key to these species is provided.  相似文献   

Spinihornera is proposed as a new genus for the species "Hornera" spinigera Kirkpatrick, 1888, and is referred to the family Horneridae Smitt. This genus is characterized by its double walled, hornerid structure, and by having the autozooecial apertures arranged in lateral lines, pinnate branches and apertural spines.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):731-735
A new species of Coccidohystrix Lindinger, intercepted by plant quarantine in Japan from imported Madagascar plant species, Pachypodium inopinatum Lavranos (Apocynaceae), and Pachypodium sp., is herein described and illustrated based on adult female. The new species is quite distinct in the genus in having anterior and posterior ostioles and trilocular pores on marginal cerarii and on elevated dorsal cerarii. The species is similar to Coccidohystrix primigenia Gavrilov-Zimin from Madagascar in having some morphological features mentioned above. However, the new species differs from C. primigenia in lacking multilocular pores on the dorsum, having fewer circuli, having numerous translucent pores on the back side surface of the hind tibiae, having 7–9 conical setae on anal lobe marginal cerarii, having only 2–3 conical setae on penultimate cerarii and having only 1–5 (mostly 1–2) conical setae on submarginal dorsal cerarii. An identification key for the genus, including the new species, is also provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9CEDFC41-D0C9-4569-9E7D-317B02AE424F  相似文献   

A new augochlorine bee genus, Ischnomelissa gen. n., is described and figured. The genus is based on a new species from the mountains of Colombia, Ischnomelissa zonata. Ischnomelissa superficially resembles species of Caenaugochlora (Ctenaugochlora), but differs in having a rounded preoccipital ridge, an acute marginal cell apex, an elongated propodeum, and a single gonostylus (not divided into ventral and dorsal gonostylar processes). Color variation within I. zonata and the position of the group in augochlorine phylogeny is briefly discussed. Modified couplets are provided for Eickwort’s 1969 key to genera and subgenera in order to correctly identify the genus.  相似文献   

Relationships among species assigned to the ascosporic yeast genera Sporopachydermia, Stephanoascus, Trichomonascus, Wickerhamiella and Zygoascus, and to the associated anamorphic genera Arxula, Blastobotrys, Sympodiomyces and Trigonopsis, were determined from phylogenetic analyses of gene sequences from the nearly complete large-subunit rRNA gene, the mitochondrial small-subunit rRNA gene, and cytochrome oxidase II. The genus Stephanoascus is polyphyletic, resulting in reassignment of two species to the older genus Trichomonascus and the third to Sugiyamaella gen. nov. (type species Sugiyamaella smithiae). The genera Sporopachydermia, Wickerhamiella and Zygoascus appear to be monophyletic. The species Pichia ofunaensis and P. tannicola are proposed for transfer to Zygoascus. Arxula, Blastobotrys and Sympodiomyces are members of the Trichomonascus clade, with the genus Blastobotrys having taxonomic priority for anamorphic states. Trigonopsis variabilis and three species of Candida represent a distinct clade. From the foregoing gene sequence analyses, the new ascosporic genus Sugiyamaella is proposed, as are 14 new species combinations and the new family Trichomonascaceae.  相似文献   

Valle LG  Santamaria S 《Mycologia》2002,94(2):321-326
Baetimyces, belonging to the Legeriomycetaceae, is described here as a new genus. Its single species, B. ancorae, has been found growing in the hindgut of mayfly nymphs of the genus Baetis (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) inhabiting a Pyrenean Mountains canal-stream from the northeastern region of the Iberian Peninsula. The new genus is characterized by having trichospores with two thick appendages of unequal length, and by zygospores perpendicularly and medially attached to the zygosporophore. The new genus may be related to Glotzia, Legeriomyes, and Zygopolaris, and similarities with these and other genera are compared and discussed. The new species often coexists in the same gut with Legeriomyces ramosus, which is reported for the first time in Spain.  相似文献   

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