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汶川地震灾区生物多样性热点地区分析 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5
汶川地震灾区位于长江上游,是我国大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的主要分布区,被保护国际认定的25个全球生物多样性热点地区之一.2008年5月12日发生的汶川大地震导致该区域生态环境遭受严重破坏,需要识别生物多样性热点地区,指导灾后生物多样性保护.选取物种生境质量、植被景观多样性指数和物种多样性指数作为评价指标,其中生境质量采用InVEST生物多样性模型计算,然后利用空间相关分析中G系数进行热点地区分析,探测出灾区生物多样性的热点区,并在此基础上与现有保护区分布、物种生境分布以及Marxan模型计算出的优先区进行对比验证.结果显示:热点区范围涉及到现有76%的保护区,且保护区内的热点区面积达到灾区所有保护区面积的55%;在选取的69个指示物种中有60个物种位于热点区的生境面积占这些物种在灾区的总生境面积的50%以上,有32个物种在80%左右,热点区内的所有指示物种生境总面积占整个灾区指示物种生境总面积的70%以上.基于空间相关分析方法得出的热点地区基本上与Marxan模型输出的优先保护区范围结果基本一致.但空间相关分析的热点区划分克服了Marxan模型优先保护区分布过于离散,孤岛效应明显的不足. 相似文献
基于系统保护规划方法东北生物多样性热点地区和保护空缺分析 总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8
根据东北地区生物多样性特征,利用系统保护规划方法和国际上常用的保护规划软件C- plan,计算了规划单元的不可替代性值,确定了区域生物多样性热点地区,并根据保护区分布现状进行了生物多样性保护空缺分析.结果显示,东北地区不可替代性较高的热点地区有4个,分别是:(1)长白山西北部林区,(2)大兴安岭北段山地区,(3)大兴安岭南部森林与草原过渡区,(4)松嫩平原中部湿地区. 在优先、一般、非优先3个等级中,需要优先保护地区的总面积是19.49×104km2,约占区域总面积的20.91%.同时,根据已建保护区分布情况研究发现,区域内存在3个明显的保护空缺,即长白山西北部林区、大兴安岭北段山地区和大兴安岭南段森林草原过渡区.建议新建和扩建保护区,同时建立生态廊道把相应的保护区关联起来,以实现区域内生物多样性保护目标. 相似文献
热点地区与GAP分析研究进展 总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23
生物多样性保护的优先性研究是目前资且机构和保护专家关注的热点,热点载欠 GAP分析是进行生物多样优先笥分析的两种方法。热点地区分析是根据物种丰富度和特有度,探讨怎样以最小的代价,最大限度地保护区域的生物多样性。GAP分析综合考虑区域阱生脊椎动物物种、土地覆主土地所有权和保护状况等方面信息,在保护土地管理实践中,使具有代表性的植被类型、重要物种都得到保护。本文介绍了热点地区和GAP分析的概念、基本假 相似文献
基于物种的大尺度生物多样性热点研究方法 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
生物多样性热点是建立保护区、制定保护决策的依据,是生物保护研究的热点问题之一。基于物种的研究方法是大尺度陆地生物多样性热点的主要研究方法,但数据的缺乏限制了直接根据物种丰富度确定热点的方法,因此研究中经常采用其他方法间接的反映物种情况,介绍了4种主要的基于物种的替代方法:指示种、高级分类单元、环境模型和景观异质性,详细阐述了各种方法存在的利弊,并从数据的可获取性、操作的便捷性和对物种特征的反映3个方面对各种方法进行了评价。任何单一的方法都无法准确反映出生物多样性热点的真实分布。合适的研究方法是权衡研究目的、时间和资金的结果,建议选择优势互补的多种方法。 相似文献
生物多样性的起源与进化是生命科学领域最重要的科学问题之一。多组学数据的积累和相关分析技术的发展, 极大地推动了人们对生物多样性起源与进化的理解和研究, 使得阐明生物进化事件发生的过程与机制成为可能。值此《生物多样性》创刊30周年之际, 本文简要回顾生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在近年来取得的重要研究进展, 以期帮助读者了解该研究方向的发展现状。过去10年中, 生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在生命之树重建、生物多样性时空分布格局、物种概念、物种形成与适应性进化以及新性状起源与多样化等方面取得了许多重要进展, 并在此基础上厘清了许多分类单元间的系统发育关系、揭示了生物多样性分布格局的部分历史成因、提出了新的物种概念和物种形成模型、阐明了新性状和新功能发生的部分分子机制。我们认为, 更精准地重建生命之树、深入挖掘基因组数据以及多学科交叉融合将是今后生物多样性研究的主要趋势。 相似文献
国际生物多样性研究科学计划与热点述评 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
生物多样性与人类生活密切相关.近年来不断加剧的人类活动,对生物多样性造成了严重破坏.已有研究表明,地球上的物种正以前所未有的速度丧失.为了遏止这种状况,目前,世界上许多国际组织和国家都对生物多样性及其相关问题展开研究,并制定了与生物多样性保护相关的法规和战略计划,也采取了许多保护生物多样性的行动.DIVERSITAS是国际全球环境变化(GEC)四大研究计划之一,也是生物多样性领域最大的国际科学计划, DIVERSITAS于2001年开始启动了第Ⅱ阶段研究并确定了新的核心研究计划和跨学科交叉网络计划.世界自然保护联盟(The World Conservation Union,IUCN)在2008年发布了<塑造可持续的未来:IUCN 2009~2012年计划>,提出了5个优先主题领域.欧盟于2006年通过了一项保护生物多样性的新战略--<2010年及未来阻止生物多样性丧失:人类福祉的可持续生态服务>.此外,很多国际/国家基金组织还发起了一些全球性的生物多样性计划,如国际海洋生物普查计划、生命之树计划、国际生命条码计划等.本文对上述生物多样性保护和研究的国际计划予以概要介绍和评述,并指出当前国际上生物多样性研究的主要热点,即:生物多样性变化与生态系统功能;生物多样性和生态系统服务的价值评估;生物多样性与气候变化;生物多样性长期动态监测;生物多样性的评价指标等. 相似文献
生物地理学的新认识及其方法在多样性保护中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近年来,众多分子证据和古生物学证据的出现促进了对生物地理学领域一些关键问题(如,扩散和隔离)的理解,并达成了较为统一的认识:1)扩散和隔离都是解释生物地理学格局的重要假说,并可能同时影响了生物的分布格局;2)历史生物地理学和生态生物地理学不是截然割裂的,两者结合起来有助于从不同层次上理解生物地理和生物多样性格局;3)不同的生物地理学研究方法应相互补充以揭示复杂的生物地理过程。学科思想的演变也使得生物地理学研究内容发生变化,本文还综述了当今生物地理学所关注的科学问题,并重点论述了生物地理学方法在生物多样性保护中的应用。 相似文献
溧阳地区森林景观的生物多样性评价 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
对在江苏省南部和太湖流域具有一定代表性的溧阳地区的森林景观开展了森林生态系统多样性的研究,对主要森林生态系统类型分层次进行了植物种多样性的调查分析,基于生态系统和物种两个水平的多样性调查, 以W和Z两个指标对研究区域森林景观的生物多样性特征进行历史的动态评价,结果体现出在近20a的森林经营过程中,溧阳地区森林景观的生物多样性水平有下降的趋势。/ 相似文献
近年来 ,物种灭绝的加剧 ,遗传多样性的减少 ,以及生态系统特别是热带森林的大面积破坏 ,引起了国际社会对生物多样性问题的极大关注 ,纷纷采取措施予以保护。然而 ,由于投入的人力和财力的限制以及政策等方面存在的问题 ,生物多样性丧失的态势并没有从根本上得到遏制。从保护的效率上考虑 ,保护行动应有明确的目标或重点的对象 (地区或类群等 )。自然保护国际 (Conservation Interna-tional)一直倡导的热点地区途径受到国际社会的重视。对于生物多样性保护策略的制订包括自然保护区的合理布局等具有重要的参考价值。Myers(1 988)在分析热… 相似文献
尤溪县生物多样性保护优先地区分析 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
选择人类活动频繁的常绿阔叶林林区具有代表性的福建尤溪县进行了生物多样性保护的优先性分析。在多次实地调查基础上,利用野生动物野外实地样带调查数据,已有的珍稀淑危鸟,兽和植物物种的分布资料,同时结合利用地理信息系统软件ARC/INFO数字化1:10万林相图和1:5万地形图,建立了基于GIS的尤溪县生物多样性信息系统,然后根据物种多样性,珍稀濒危物种保护和生态系统保护目标,确立了保护优先性分析原则,即珍稀濒危物种尽可能包含在保护区和保护小区内,同时在优先保护区尽可能包含更多的其它物种,用最新的森林分布图及调查物种分布与生境关系,生态系统在保护物种与生态系统功能等方面的作用等,提出了生态系统的保护优先地区,将提出保护优先地区与已建保护小区和保护点分布图进行叠加分析表明,保护小区和保护点的方法是保护珍稀濒危物种的有效方法,但是需要考虑保护小区之间的联系,在对大型哺乳动物保护时需要建立面积较大的自然保护区,最后,提出了建立自然保护区规划。 相似文献
Alex Dornburg Jon Moore Jeremy M. Beaulieu Ron I. Eytan Thomas J. Near 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2015,69(1):146-161
One of the most striking biodiversity patterns is the uneven distribution of marine species richness, with species diversity in the Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) exceeding all other areas. However, the IAA formed fairly recently, and marine biodiversity hotspots have shifted across nearly half the globe since the Paleogene. Understanding how lineages have responded to shifting biodiversity hotspots represents a necessary historic perspective on the formation and maintenance of global marine biodiversity. Such evolutionary inferences are often challenged by a lack of fossil evidence that provide insights into historic patterns of abundance and diversity. The greatest diversity of squirrelfishes and soldierfishes (Holocentridae) is in the IAA, yet these fishes also represent some of the most numerous fossil taxa in deposits of the former West Tethyan biodiversity hotspot. We reconstruct the pattern of holocentrid range evolution using time-calibrated phylogenies that include most living species and several fossil lineages, demonstrating the importance of including fossil species as terminal taxa in ancestral area reconstructions. Holocentrids exhibit increased range fragmentation following the West Tethyan hotspot collapse. However, rather than originating within the emerging IAA hotspot, the IAA has acted as a reservoir for holocentrid diversity that originated in adjacent regions over deep evolutionary time scales. 相似文献
Island ecosystems provide an opportunity to examine a range of evolutionary and ecological processes. The Chatham Islands are an isolated archipelago situated approximately 800 km east of New Zealand. Geological evidence indicates that the Chatham Islands re-emerged within the last 1-4 million years, following a prolonged period of marine inundation, and therefore the resident flora and fauna is the result of long-distance overwater dispersal. We examine the origin and post-colonization evolution of the Chatham Islands skink, Oligosoma nigriplantare nigriplantare, the sole reptile species occurring on the archipelago. We sampled O. n. nigriplantare from across nine islands within the Chatham Islands group, and representative samples from across the range of its closest relative, the New Zealand mainland common skink (Oligosoma nigriplantare polychroma). Our mitochondrial sequence data indicate that O. n. nigriplantare diverged from O. n. polychroma 5.86-7.29 million years ago. This pre-dates the emergence date for the Chatham Islands, but indicates that O. n. nigriplantare colonized the Chatham Islands via overwater dispersal on a single occasion. Despite the substantial morphological variability evident in O. n. nigriplantare, only relatively shallow genetic divergences (maximum divergence approximately 2%) were found across the Chatham Islands. Our analyses (haplotypic diversity, Phi(ST), analysis of molecular variance, and nested clade phylogeographical analysis) indicated restricted gene flow in O. n. nigriplantare resulting in strong differentiation between islands. However, the restrictions to gene flow might have only arisen recently as there was also a significant pattern of isolation by distance, possibly from when the Chatham Islands were a single landmass during Pleistocene glacial maxima when sea levels were lower. The level of genetic and morphological divergence between O. n. nigriplantare and O. n. polychroma might warrant their recognition as distinct species. 相似文献
Ecological research in Australia: Identifying links versus gaps between hotspots of ecological research and biodiversity 下载免费PDF全文
Increasing anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity has been a cause for concern in Australia in recent years. Areas that hold high levels of endemic species and also face exceptional threats of destruction have been described as biodiversity hotspots. Ecological research focused on biodiversity hotspots will provide a better understanding of the flora and fauna of these regions and thus inform conservation strategies. Consequently, it is important to understand where biodiversity hotspots are located and how well they have been researched in the past. However, the choice of ecological research sites may be influenced by a variety of factors such as proximity to research institutions. This study utilized a geographic information system to investigate the spatial distribution of ecological research field sites in Australia and its territorial waters, the hotspots of the field sites around research institutions and the proximity of ecological research field sites from the main campus of the research institutions. Furthermore, these hotspots of ecological research were linked to biodiversity hotspots to identify the regions that were commonly depicted in the ecological literature and to identify others that may need more attention. We demonstrated that hotspots of ecological research were concentrated around research institutions, with a large number of field sites being located between 0 km and 500 km from the nearest institution, especially along the eastern coast. This study highlighted areas that have been the focus of much ecological research as well as areas that need more attention from ecologists to add new knowledge to Australian ecological science. 相似文献
The California Floristic Province harbours more endemic plant and animal taxa and more identifiable subspecies than any other area of comparable size in North America. We present evidence that physical historical processes have resulted in congruent patterns of genetic diversity over the past 2-10 million years. Using a molecular clock approach we show that diversification and establishment of spatial genetic structure across six taxonomic groups coincide with the putative age of California's mountain ranges and aridification in the region. Our results demonstrate the importance of geographical barriers and climatological events to species diversification and the overall geographical structure of biodiversity. These results should facilitate conservation efforts in this biodiversity hotspot for taxa whose population genetic structure is still unknown and may suggest the potential utility of this approach in regional conservation planning efforts. 相似文献
生物多样性空间格局和热点区域的分析与探测是进行生物多样性保护规划和科学管理的有效途径。以重庆澎溪河湿地自然保护区为例,基于实地综合调查、历史资料、文献信息,利用生境质量指数、物种多样性和景观多样性评价指标,构建生物多样性综合指数。结合空间自相关分析,揭示保护区生物多样性空间分布格局及其空间自相关程度,并识别生物多样性热点区,探讨现有保护区对热点区域的保护有效性。结果表明: 保护区生物多样性空间格局呈现出随距河流及两岸消落带距离的增加而减少的趋势,生物多样性指数高值区主要集中在澎溪河、普里河、白夹溪及其沿岸地区。生物多样性在空间分布上具有显著的正相关性,局部空间自相关以高-高聚集和低-低聚集类型为主。生物多样性热点区域面积为457 hm2,占保护区总面积的11.1%。现有保护区核心区涵盖了51%的热点区域和50%的次热点区域,保护区结构和功能区布局有待进一步优化调整,建议将普里河段龙王堂区域,白夹溪小垭口、邓家湾、洞子岩、龙王塘、旧屋咀、铧头咀、新铺子与龙家院子等热点区域纳入核心区,将冷点区域划到核心区之外,完善保护区功能区划。研究结果可为保护区范围及功能区优化和管控、合理推进“三区变两区”调整提供定量的基础资料,对于提高物种保护效率、制定科学的保护策略具有指导意义。 相似文献
Marine macroalgal biodiversity hotspots: why is there high species richness and endemism in southern Australian marine benthic flora? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Julie A. Phillips 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2001,10(9):1555-1577
The southern Australian marine macroalgal flora has the highest levels of species richness and endemism of any regional macroalgal flora in the world. Analyses of species composition and distributions for the southern Australian flora have identified four different floristic elements, namely the southern Australian endemic element, the widely distributed temperate element, the tropical element and a cold water element. Within the southern Australian endemic element, four species distribution patterns are apparent, thought to largely result from the Jurassic to Oligocene fragmentation of East Gondwana, the subsequent migration of Tethyan ancestors from the west Australian coast and the later invasion of high latitude Pacific species. Climatic deterioration from the late Eocene to the present is thought responsible for the replacement of the previous tropical south coast flora by an endemic temperate flora which has subsequently diversified in response to fluctuating environmental conditions, abundant rocky substrata and substantial habitat heterogeneity. High levels of endemism are attributed to Australia's long isolation and maintained, as is the high species richness, by the lack of recent mass extinction events. The warm water Leeuwin Current has had profound influence in the region since the Eocene, flowing to disperse macroalgal species onto the south coast as well as ameliorating the local environment. It is now evident that the high species richness and endemism we now observe in the southern Australian marine macroalgal flora can be attributed to a complex interaction of biogeographical, ecological and phylogenetic processes over the last 160 million years. 相似文献