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Energy for the anaerobic growth of Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 10953 can be derived from the fermentation of sugar (fructose) or amino acid (glutamate). During growth on fructose, the cells formed large intracellular granules which after extraction yielded glucose by either acid or enzymatic hydrolysis. The endogenous polymer was subsequently metabolized, and after overnight incubation of the cells in buffer, the glucan granules were no longer detectable by electron microscopy. Anaerobically, washed cells grown previously on fructose fermented this sugar to a mixture of lactic, acetic, and butyric acids, and little intracellular glucan was formed. Aerobically, the cells slowly metabolized fructose to acetate. Provision of glutamic acid as an additional energy (ATP) source elicited rapid synthesis of polymer by glycolyzing cells. Intracellular granules were not present in glutamate-grown cells, and under anaerobic conditions, the resting cells failed to metabolize [14C] fructose. However, the addition of glutamic acid to the suspension resulted in the rapid accumulation of sugar by the cells. Approximately 15% of the 14C-labeled material was extractable with boiling water, and by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, this phosphorylated derivative was identified as [14C]fructose-1-phosphate. The nonextractable material represented [14C]glucan polymer. Fructose-1-phosphate kinase activity in fructose-grown cells was fivefold greater than that in glutamate-grown cells. We suggest that the activity of fructose-1-phosphate kinase and the availability of ATP regulate the flow of fructose into either the glycolytic or polymer-synthesizing pathway in F. nucleatum.  相似文献   

Resting cells ofFusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 10953, when provided with glutamic acid (Na+ salt) as fermentable energy source, rapidly accumulated [14C]glucose, from the medium. Sugar accumulation was not observed when Na+ glutamate was replaced by ammonium glutamate. However, addition of Na+ (chloride) to the latter system elicited uptake of [14C]glucose by the organism. Of other monovalent cations tested, only Li+ was found to be slightly stimulatory, but K+, Rb+, and Cs+ ions were ineffective. For determination of the role(s) of Na+ in sugar accumulation, the transport of [14C]glucose and [14C]glutamic acid by the cells was studied independently, with lysine as an alternate (and Na+-independent) energy source. In the presence of lysine, cells ofF. nucleatum 10953 accumulated [14C]glucose from a Na+-free medium, but, in contrast, uptake and fermentation of [14C]glutamic acid was Na+-dependent. The glucose transport system is Na+-independent. However, our data indicate dual role(s) for Na+ in the transport and intracellular metabolism of glutamic acid. The Na+-dependent glutamate fermentation pathway provides the necessary energy for active transport of glucose by the resting cell.  相似文献   

Skår CK  Krüger PG  Bakken V 《Anaerobe》2003,9(6):305-312
Fusobacterium nucleatum is associated with periodontitis in humans, and is a central member of the dental biofilm. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) of many different bacteria have been considered to play important roles during inflammations and infections. We have identified and characterised the HSP60 and HSP70, the Escherichia coli GroEL and DnaK homologues, respectively, in F. nucleatum ATCC 10953. The N-terminal 22 amino acid residues of HSP60 exhibited up to 63.6% identity with members of the HSP60 heat shock protein family of some selected bacterial species, while the N-terminal of 25 residues of HSP70 revealed up to 80% identity with members of the HSP70 family. The subcellular localisation of HSP60 and HSP70 was analysed by immunoblotting of bacterial cell fractions and immunoelectron microscopy of whole cells. HSP60 and HSP70 were localised in the cytosol, associated with membranes and extracellular fractions. These results are consistent with localisation for HSPs found in other micro-organisms, which further lead to the suggestion of a potential role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Formation of dental plaque is a developmental process involving initial and late colonizing species that form polymicrobial communities. Fusobacteria are the most numerous gram-negative bacteria in dental plaque, but they become prevalent after the initial commensal colonizers, such as streptococci and actinomyces, have established communities. The unusual ability of these bacteria to coaggregate with commensals, as well as pathogenic late colonizers, has been proposed to facilitate colonization by the latter organisms. We investigated the integration of Fusobacterium nucleatum into multispecies communities by employing two in vitro models with saliva as the sole nutritional source. In flow cell biofilms, numbers of cells were quantified using fluorescently conjugated antibodies against each species, and static biofilms were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (q-PCR) using species-specific primers. Unable to grow as single-species biofilms, F. nucleatum grew in two-species biofilms with Actinomyces naeslundii but not with Streptococcus oralis. However, enhanced growth of fusobacteria was observed in three-species biofilms, indicating that there was multispecies cooperation. Importantly, these community dynamics yielded an 18-fold increase in the F. nucleatum biomass between 4 h and 18 h in the flow cell inoculated with three species. q-PCR analysis of static biofilms revealed that maximum growth of the three species occurred at 24 h to 36 h. Lower numbers of cells were observed at 48 h, suggesting that saliva could not support higher cell densities as the sole nutrient. Integration of F. nucleatum into multispecies commensal communities was evident from the interdigitation of fusobacteria in coaggregates with A. naeslundii and S. oralis and from the improved growth of fusobacteria, which was dependent on the presence of A. naeslundii.The human mouth contains microbiologically diverse communities. While collectively humans harbor more than 700 bacterial phylotypes, each individual is estimated to have fewer than 100 such phylotypes (1), and approximately 50% of human oral bacteria have yet to be cultivated. Although biofilm communities on tooth enamel are polymicrobial (3, 20), more than 60 to 90% of the bacteria found in initial plaque on saliva-coated tooth enamel are streptococci (6, 19). Other bacterial genera that are among the initial commensal colonizers include Actinomyces, Veillonella, and Neisseria (6, 16, 19), and these organisms contribute to the polymicrobial nature of initial plaque.The structure of a community is dependent upon the nature of the foundation. An integral feature of an oral bacterial biofilm foundation is the ability to coaggregate, which is defined as cell-cell recognition and binding between genetically distinct bacteria. After routine oral hygiene treatment, freshly cleaned tooth enamel is quickly coated with a salivary pellicle, which provides a set of receptor molecules recognized by primary colonizing bacteria, such as streptococci and actinomyces. Besides recognizing salivary receptors, these bacteria coaggregate and provide a foundation for the subsequent attachment and growth of other bacteria, such as veillonellae, that form close metabolic relationships with streptococci (12, 15). As initial colonizers develop into biofilm communities with anaerobic microenvironments, incorporation of the obligate anaerobic fusobacteria into these communities becomes possible. Fusobacteria as a group coaggregate with all other oral bacteria and have been suggested, therefore, to be a crucial link between primary colonizing species and later colonizing pathogens (13, 14). Thus, a foundation consisting of coaggregating streptococci, actinomyces, and veillonellae populates the tooth surface, and these organisms are recognized by fusobacteria, which colonize and become the dominant gram-negative bacterial species. The new foundation is a substratum containing fusobacterial surface receptors available for recognition by late colonizing pathogens. Supporting the crucial link is clinical evidence that fusobacteria appear in dental plaque after commensal species and before the pathogenic “red” complex consisting of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia (22, 23).Coaggregation partnerships are highly specific. A significant role for coaggregation in the formation of dental plaque biofilms and particularly in accretion of secondary colonizers to the pioneer species in plaque has been proposed (14) and has been demonstrated for the development of a spatially organized community (20). However, coaggregation may also provide some metabolic advantages (e.g., cross feeding and enzyme complementation) to neighboring cells by facilitating physical juxtaposition of partner cells, as has been shown for glucose metabolism of coaggregates of actinomyces and streptococci (7, 8). One aim of the present study was to examine the structures of two- and three-species communities composed of Actinomyces naeslundii, Streptococcus oralis, and Fusobacterium nucleatum in model biofilm systems. The first two species are initial colonizers and are considered commensals, whereas fusobacteria are secondary colonizers and are postulated to be a coaggregation bridge between initial and late colonizers (14). Our second aim was to investigate the integration and growth of fusobacteria in polymicrobial communities.A variety of experimental methods have been developed to study the formation of biofilms. Model systems often rely on the flow of nutrients over a surface on which bacteria are able to attach and grow. In the present study we used two distinct in vitro models, a saliva-fed flow cell and a polystyrene peg immersed in static saliva. Biofilm communities form naturally and are undisturbed (3, 20, 21). The spatial organization of a multispecies community resulting from colonization and growth is preserved and can be examined noninvasively by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). In the static system, the amount of each species in multispecies biofilms formed on polystyrene pegs can be measured by real-time quantitative PCR (q-PCR). We show here with both models that fusobacteria are unable to grow as single species, but they integrate into commensal streptococcus-actinomyces communities and grow. Integration and growth are required for fusobacteria to become crucial links between commensal communities and later colonizing pathogenic communities. In the three-species community studied here, A. naeslundii is required for F. nucleatum to integrate and grow.  相似文献   

Fusobacterium nucleatum, one of the major causative bacteria of periodontitis, is classified into five subspecies (nucleatum, polymorphum, vincentii, animalis, and fusiforme) on the basis of the several phenotypic characteristics and DNA homology. This is the first report of the draft genome sequence of F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme ATCC 51190(T).  相似文献   

Using a variety of physiological, biochemical, and molecular systematic analyses, we have shown previously that there are four groups within the species Fusobacterium nucleatum. Two of these groups of strains correspond to the recently proposed taxa F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum and F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum. In this paper we show that the two remaining groups are distinct and formally propose that they should be recognized as F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme (type strain, NCTC 11326) and F. nucleatum subsp. animalis (type strain, NCTC 12276). The tests which we used did not allow a full assessment of the status of F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii compared with F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum.  相似文献   

We present a complete DNA sequence and metabolic analysis of the dominant oral bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum. Although not considered a major dental pathogen on its own, this anaerobe facilitates the aggregation and establishment of several other species including the dental pathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis and Bacteroides forsythus. The F. nucleatum strain ATCC 25586 genome was assembled from shotgun sequences and analyzed using the ERGO bioinformatics suite (http://www.integratedgenomics.com). The genome contains 2.17 Mb encoding 2,067 open reading frames, organized on a single circular chromosome with 27% GC content. Despite its taxonomic position among the gram-negative bacteria, several features of its core metabolism are similar to that of gram-positive Clostridium spp., Enterococcus spp., and Lactococcus spp. The genome analysis has revealed several key aspects of the pathways of organic acid, amino acid, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism. Nine very-high-molecular-weight outer membrane proteins are predicted from the sequence, none of which has been reported in the literature. More than 137 transporters for the uptake of a variety of substrates such as peptides, sugars, metal ions, and cofactors have been identified. Biosynthetic pathways exist for only three amino acids: glutamate, aspartate, and asparagine. The remaining amino acids are imported as such or as di- or oligopeptides that are subsequently degraded in the cytoplasm. A principal source of energy appears to be the fermentation of glutamate to butyrate. Additionally, desulfuration of cysteine and methionine yields ammonia, H(2)S, methyl mercaptan, and butyrate, which are capable of arresting fibroblast growth, thus preventing wound healing and aiding penetration of the gingival epithelium. The metabolic capabilities of F. nucleatum revealed by its genome are therefore consistent with its specialized niche in the mouth.  相似文献   

Haemagglutination and haemolytic activity of 80 Fusobacterium nucleatum isolates from human and animal origin, on different human blood types was evaluated. All the isolates were able to agglutinate erythrocytes and the most were either alpha-haemolytic or beta-haemolytic. No specificity between haemolysin or haemagglutinin and blood type was observed. Haemagglutination activity was inhibited when D-galactose, D-lactose or D-raffinose were used. Haemagglutination and haemolysis may be important factors in the pathogenesis of human and animal periodontal diseases.  相似文献   

Site specific endonuclease from Fusobacterium nucleatum.   总被引:17,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Four different isolates of Fusobacterium nucleatum (A,C,D and E) contain restriction endonucleases of differing specificity. Whilst many of the endonucleases are isochizomers of known enzymes, two novel activities are Fnu DII which recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-CGCT-3'/3'-GCGC-5' AND Fnu EI which recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-GATC-3'/3'-CTAG-5' irrespective of the extent of methylation of the adenine residues.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop the strain-specific PCR primers for Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. fusiforme ATCC 51190T and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii ATCC 49256T based on the nucleotide sequence of the Fs17 and Fv35 DNA probes, respectively. The strain specificity was tested against 10 type strains of Fusobacterium spp. or subsp., 21 clinical isolates of F. nucleatum from Koreans, and five type strains of distinct Fusobacterium species. Primer sensitivity was determined by testing serial dilutions (4 ng–4 fg) of the purified genomic DNA from each of the type strains. PCR showed that two pairs of PCR primers, Fs17-F14/Fs17-R14 and Fv35-F1/Fv35-R1 primers, could produce strain-specific amplicons from F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme ATCC 51190T and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii ATCC 49256T, respectively. The two PCR primer sets could detect as little as 0.4 pg or 4 pg of the genomic DNA of each target strain. These results suggest that the two sets of PCR primers could be used to identify F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme ATCC 51190T and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii ATCC 49256T, particularly for ascertaining the authenticity of the strain.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were isolated from 20 strains of Fusobacterium nucleatum and examined by paper chromatography, gas liquid chromatography and colorimetric methods for the presence of neutral sugars, amino sugars and 2-keto-3-dexoxy-octonate (KDO). The LPS had in common glucosamine, L-glycero-D-manno-heptose, glucose and KDO. The KDO content was low. Galatose, rhamnose and D-glycero-D-manno-heptose were found in some strains. Based on the sugar composition of the LPS, the F. nucleatum strains could be classified into six chemotypes.  相似文献   

Studies of sucrose utilization by Fusobacterium mortiferum ATCC 25557 have provided the first definitive evidence for phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar:phosphotransferase activity in the family Bacteroidaceae. The phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sucrose:phosphotransferase system and the two enzymes required for the dissimilation of sucrose 6-phosphate are induced specifically by growth of F. mortiferum on the disaccharide. Monomeric sucrose 6-phosphate hydrolase (M(r), 52,000) and a dimeric ATP-dependent fructokinase (subunit M(r), 32,000) have been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The physicochemical and catalytic properties of these enzymes have been examined, and the N-terminal amino acid sequences for both proteins are reported. The characteristics of sucrose 6-phosphate hydrolase and fructokinase from F. mortiferum are compared with the same enzymes from both gram-positive and gram-negative species. Butyric, acetic, and D-lactic acids are the end products of sucrose fermentation by F. mortiferum. A pathway is proposed for the translocation, phosphorylation, and metabolism of sucrose by this anaerobic pathogen.  相似文献   

Pathway of lysine degradation in Fusobacterium nucleatum.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Lysine was fermented by Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 25586 with the formation of about 1 mol each of acetate and butyrate. By the use of [1-14C]lysine or [6-14C]lysine, acetate and butyrate were shown to be derived from both ends of lysine, with acetate being formed preferentially from carbon atoms 1 and 2 and butyrate being formed preferentially from carbon atoms 3 to 6. This indicates that the lysine carbon chain is cleaved between both carbon atoms 2 and 3 and carbon atoms 4 and 5, with the former predominating [1-14C]acetate was also extensively incorporated into butyrate, preferentially into carbon atoms 3 and 4. Cell-free extracts of F. nucleatum were shown to catalyze the reactions of the 3-keto,5-aminohexanoate pathway of lysine degradation, previously described in lysine-fermenting clostridia. The 3-keto,5-aminohexanoate cleavage enzyme was partially purified and shown to have properties much like those of the clostridial enzyme. We conclude that both the pathway and the enzymes of lysine degradation are similar in F. nucleatum and lysine-fermenting clostridia.  相似文献   

Fusobacterium nucleatum was grown in the presence of [14C]UDP. By means of sequential precipitation and chromatographic separation of the cytoplasmic content, a peptidoglycan [14C]UDP pentapeptide containing lanthionine was isolated. This finding indicates that lanthionine is synthesized and incorporated as such during the assembly of the peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

On the basis of the DNA–DNA hybridization patterns and phenotypic characteristics, Fusobacterium nucleatum was classified into five subspecies. Previous studies have suggested that F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii is genetically similar to F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of classifying these two subspecies into a single subspecies by phylogenetic analysis using a single sequence (24,715 bp) concatenated 22 housekeeping genes of eight F. nucleatum strains including type strains of five F. nucleatum subspecies. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii and F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme were clustered in the same group and each strain of other F. nucleatum subspecies were also separated into the same cluster. These results suggested that F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii can be classified into a single subspecies. F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii was early published name; therefore, F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme Gharbia and Shah 1992 can be regarded as a later synonym of F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii Dzink et al. 1990.  相似文献   

Abstract The β-galactosidase (β-Gal) gene from Lactobacillus plantarum C3.8 was cloned and expressed in Lactococcus lactis and Escherichia coli . Hybridization experiments indicated that the gene is located on a plasmid and is present in other strains of Lactobacillus plantarum . Its sequence is very similar to a Leuconostoc lactis β-Gal gene. Expression of the gene, both in Lactobacillus plantarum and in Lactococcus lactis , was four-fold higher in cells grown in lactose compared to those grown in glucose. The presence of the β-Gal gene in Lactococcus lactis allowed this bacterium to be efficient in clotting milk.  相似文献   

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