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Pollination ecology of three Durio species, D. grandiflorus, D. oblongus, and D. kutejensis (Bombacaceae), was studied in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, during a peak flowering period when at least 305 species of plants bloomed in 1996. Durio has been reported to be pollinated by bats in Peninsular Malaysia. However, my observations of flower visitors and pollination experiments indicated that two species, D. grandiflorus and D. oblongus, were pollinated by spiderhunters (Nectariniidae) and that the other species, D. kutejensis, was pollinated by giant honey bees and bats as well as birds. Hand-pollination experiments showed that all three species were obligate outbreeders. A resource limitation in fruit production was suggested. The former two species were visited only by spiderhunters, and the bagged flowers that were opened for animal visitors only at night bore no fruit, while those that were opened only during the day bore fruits, at comparable fruiting ratios to open pollination. Durio kutejensis was observed to be visited by giant honey bees, birds, and bats at different times of day, and three series of bagged experiments that exposed the flowers to animal visitors at different times of day bore fruits at a comparable ratio to open-pollination.  相似文献   

A new low mountain meadow species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Mt Silam, on the island of Borneo, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

We studied the seed predation and scatter‐hoarding behaviour of Azara's agoutis Dasyprocta azarae (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) in relation to the seeds of the Brazilian ‘pine’, Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae), the rodent's main winter food source. We compared seed‐removal rates, seed‐caching rates, cache distances and recovery rates between a summer period of food abundance (with a low demand for A. angustifolia seeds and no such seeds naturally available) and a winter period of food scarcity (with a high demand for A. angustifolia seeds). We investigated whether the relative seed value affected the rodent's seed‐handling behaviour. We predicted that during the high seed‐demand period (winter): (1) cache distances would be greater; (2) fewer seeds would be stored; (3) more seeds would be recovered and the seed‐recovery time would be lower. In support of our first two predictions, the caching distances were greater in winter (mean ± SE = 15.67 ± 5.11 m) than in summer (9.40 ± 1.59 m), and agoutis hoarded >9 times more seeds in summer (55) than in winter (6). Our third prediction was not supported, and the proportion of unrecovered caches and buried seed recovery times did not differ between winter (mean ± SE = 3.00 ± 0.00 days, n = 5 seeds) and summer (11.05 ± 3.68 days, n = 20 seeds). The high resource density (during summer) rather than the density of A. angustifolia seeds likely influenced seed fate. Agoutis acted mainly as predators, leaving few intact seeds, caching a low proportion of handled seeds (? 8%) and rapidly consuming the caches. Agoutis may cache seeds to keep them safe from competitors on a short‐term basis rather than maintaining medium‐ or long‐term reserves for use during food‐scarcity periods.  相似文献   

From May 2005-2006, selections of river crossing locations and sleeping sites used by a one-male group (BE-Group) of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) were investigated along the Menanggul River, tributary of the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. The frequency of river crossings for focal monkeys in the BE-Group was significantly higher at locations with narrow branch-to-bank distances. Branch-to-bank distances were defined as the distances between the longest tree branches extending over the river and the bank of river on each side. This was measured in areas crossed by the monkeys. The focal monkeys used locations with a higher probability of successful river crossings that did not require jumping into the water and swimming across than those that did. The frequency of sleeping site usage by the BE-Group was positively correlated with the frequency of using river crossing locations by the focal monkeys. Previous reports on predation of proboscis monkeys indicate that clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi) and crocodilians (Tomistoma schlegeli and Crocodylus porosus) may be the major terrestrial and aquatic predators of these monkeys. The selection of river crossing locations by proboscis monkeys may be influenced both by the threat of these predators and the location of suitable and protected sleeping sites. Finally, sleeping sites locations that offer arboreal escape routes may protect proboscis monkeys from leopard attack.  相似文献   

Characterization of the ecology of endangered timber species is a crucial step in any forest management strategy. In this study, we described the animal communities involved in seed dispersal and predation of a high‐value timber species Guibourtia tessmannii (Fabaceae; Detarioideae), which is newly listed on Appendix II of CITES. We compared the animal communities between two forest sites (Bambidie in Gabon and Ma'an in Cameroon). A total of 101 hr of direct observations and 355 days of camera trapping revealed that a primate (Cercopithecus nictitans nictitans) and a hornbill (Ceratogymna atrata) were important seed dispersers in Gabon. Conversely, a greater presence of a rodent (Cricetomys emini), which could act both as predator and disperser, was observed in Cameroon. This study suggests that animal communities involved in seed dispersal of G. tessmannii may vary depending on environmental conditions and anthropogenic impacts. However, further studies are needed to properly identify the factors involved in seed dispersal and predation of G. tessmannii.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of ants as secondary seed dispersers of six primarily bird‐dispersed Miconia species in the cerrados of southeastern Brazil. Vertebrate exclosure and seed germination experiments were performed for M. albicans, M. alborufescens, M. corallina, M. ferruginata, M. ibaguensis, and M. irwinii. Excluding vertebrates did not significantly alter fruit removal rate for any of the Miconia species relative to open controls. Fruits on stalks and fallen fruits were removed and transported to nests mainly by species of Atta, Acromyrmex, and Ectatomma (dispersal distance ranging from 0.1 to 45.2 m), while Camponotus ants tended to be observed removing the fruit pulp (seed cleaning) where the fruits were found. Seed manipulation by Atta decreased germination of M. irwinii, but not M. ferruginata. Germination did not occur in intact fruits, and thus seed cleaning was an important service provided by the ants. Ant nest soils did not inhibit germination of any of the Miconia species, suggesting they are a good substrate for long‐lived Miconia seeds. We conclude that ant activity could have important effects on the fate of Miconia seeds adapted for bird dispersal.  相似文献   

We compared the allometry of two contrasting late‐successional dipterocarp species to test whether a monolayer (shade‐tolerant)–multilayer (shade‐intolerant) model applies to pole‐sized trees. Crown traits of the more shade‐tolerant species (Vatica micrantha) did not conform to either of the familiar monolayer or multilayer models for pole‐sized trees, but instead were consistent with a “persistent multilayer” model. Species differences in crown traits may be influenced more by future rather than present light environments.  相似文献   

Takakazu Yumoto 《Biotropica》1999,31(4):654-660
Seed dispersal by Salvin's curassows (Mitu salvini) was studied in a lowland tropical forest at La Macarena on the border of the Macarena and Tinigua National Parks, the Department of Meta, Colombia. Continuous observations were made on the feeding and ranging behavior of a well-habituated pair of birds from 0600 to 1800 h for 19 days. Ibtal observation time was 222 h. The daily distance traveled by the birds ranged from 630 to 3750 m, with a mean of 1959 m (± 776 m). The total home range was ca 34.4 ha. Although curassows were observed consuming fruits of 13 species belonging to the families Rubiaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae, Burseraceae, Leguminosae, and Lecythidaceae, only seeds of Geophila re fens (Rubiaceae) and Picas spbenophylla (Moraceae) were found in their feces. For G. repens, the mean and maximum retention times were 1 h 52 min (± 1 h 20 min) and 6 h 08 min, and the mean and maximum direct dispersal distances were 245 m (± 164 m) and 633 m. More than half the seeds were dispersed in canopy gaps. For F. sphenophylla, the mean and maximum retention times were 3 h 1 5 mm (± .37 min) and 7 h 08 min, and the mean and maximum direct dispersal distances were 329 m (± 46 m) and 451 m. Nearly 60 percent of the estimated seed intake of G. repens and 92-94 percent of F. sphenophylla were digested or damaged. The retention times and the dispersal distances for Streptogyna americana, which has adhesive burrs, were also measured. The mean and maximum retention times were 1 h 55 min (± 1 h 56 min) and 9 h 11 min, and the mean and maximum direct dispersal distances were 128 m (± 68 m) and 280 m. This is the first study in which direct measurements were made for retention times and dispersal distances of the epizoochory and endozoochory for birds in the field.  相似文献   

Both sexes of Ophiodopelma glyptocephalum sp.n. are described and illustrated. The species is unique in the Psocoptera by its specialized head morphology in the male. The female entirely lacks the unusual morphological structures on the head. These structures of hypothetically sensory and/or secretory function may prove to be correlated with particular behavioral elements and to play an important role in sexual life. With regard to general morphology the new species is similar to the previously known species of the genus Ophiodopelma Enderlein, 1908.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of local hunting on plant recruitment at the community level in the Ngotto Forest, Central African Republic. It is the first study of this kind in the afrotropics. To compare our results with previous studies conducted in the neotropics, we used the protocol proposed byNuñez-Iturri and Howe. We compared animal relative abundances and seed length, density and diversity of seedlings at two sites with contrasting anthropogenic pressures: one with low hunting pressure (LH) and one with high hunting pressure (HH). Furthermore, we investigated how density and diversity of recruitment vary with seed length in the two sites. Both sites exhibit similar soil, climate and tree species composition, and have never been logged. Large mammals (frugivores and herbivores) were extirpated from HH and relative abundance of medium-sized frugivores drastically decreased in HH compared with LH. In HH, diversity of seedlings was reduced compared with LH, especially for large-seeded plant species dispersed by large game mammals. The approach used in this study shows promising perspectives to investigate the effects of human disturbances on the regeneration of tropical forests. Furthermore, in the afrotropical context of a lack of data on plant–animal ecological relationships, seed length appears to be a good predictor of the strength of the deficit of plant recruitment due to large mammal extirpation because of hunting. Thus, more efforts are needed to study the ecological roles of large-seeded plants in order to better understand the effects of their disappearance on tropical forest resilience.  相似文献   

Abstract Measuring the fate of seeds between seed production and seedling establishment is critical in understanding mechanisms of recruitment limitation of plants. We examined seed fates to better understand the recruitment dynamics of four resprouting shrubs from two families (Fabaceae and Epacridaceae) in temperate grassy woodlands. We tested whether: (i) pre‐dispersal seed predation affected seed rain; (ii) post‐dispersal seed predation limited seed bank accumulation; (iii) the size of the seed bank was related to seed size; and (iv) viable seeds accumulated in the soil after seed rain. There was a distinct difference in seed production per plant between plant families with the legumes producing significantly more seeds per individual than the epacrids. Seed viability ranged from 43% to 81% and all viable had seed or fruit coat dormancy broken by heat or scarification. Pre‐dispersal predation by Lepidopteran larvae removed a large proportion of seed from the legume seed rain but not the epacrids. Four species of ants (Notoncus ectatomoides, Pheidole sp., Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis and Iridomyrmex purpureus) were major post‐dispersal seed removers. Overall, a greater percentage of Hardenbergia (38%) and Pultenaea (59%) seeds were removed than the fleshy fruits of Lissanthe (14%) or Melichrus (0%). Seed bank sizes were small (<15 seeds m?2) relative to the seed rain and no significant accumulation of seed in the soil was detected. Lack of accumulation was attributed to seed predation as seed decay was considered unlikely and no seed germination was observed in our study sites. Our study suggests that seed predation is a key factor contributing to seed‐limited recruitment in grassy woodland shrubs by reducing the number of seeds stored in the soil.  相似文献   

We examined frugivore visitation and seed dispersal of five large-seeded (≥ 5 mm) tree species in tropical montane forest based on their occurrence in frugivorous primate diets: Ekebergia capensis, Olea capensis, Parinari excelsa, Prunus africana , and Syzygium guineense. A total of 21 frugivores in five assemblages ( i.e. , chimpanzees, cercopithecines, large-bodied birds, small-bodied birds, and squirrels) were observed over the study period (August 2006 and October–April 2007). We observed seed dispersal in four of five tree species studied; no dispersal was observed for P. excelsa . Frugivore assemblages did not visit tree species equally. Primates spent the most time in trees and had the largest group size. Large-bodied birds (LB) and chimpanzees dispersed the highest number of seeds per minute. LB and cercopithecines potentially dispersed the greatest number of seeds for E. capensis , and chimpanzees for S. guineense . Our analyses indicated that the mean fruiting duration of the focal tree, time in the tree, and number of species present are important predictor variables for seed dispersal by small- and large-bodied birds, and cercopithecines. The number of fruiting trees in the immediate vicinity of the focal tree further predicted seed dispersal for small-bodied birds (SB). Large-bodied birdseed dispersal also was predicted by time in tree by SB, and the number of individuals for SB and cercopithecines. Cercopithecines (CS) were further explained by the time in tree and number of species (SB & LB), and number of individuals for CS. Our study highlights the complexity of describing the relative importance of a frugivore assemblage to the dispersal of a tree species seeds.  相似文献   

Primate fruit choice among plant species has been attributed to different morphological plant and fruit characteristics. Despite a high abundance of animal-dispersed plant species in the savanna–forest mosaic of West Africa, few data are available on the interplay between morphological fruit traits and primate fruit consumers in this ecosystem. We tested whether olive baboons (Papio anubis) at Comoé National Park, north-eastern Ivory Coast, prefer fruit species with particular characteristics relative to the availability of these traits among the woody plant species at the study site. Specifically we were interested in the suites of traits that best predict fruit choice and seed handling by baboons. The baboons ate fruit/seeds from 74 identified plant species, representing 25 percent of the regional pool of woody plant species. They preferred trees to shrubs and lianas as fruit sources. Otherwise, baboons seemed to consume whatever fruit type, color, and size of fruit and seeds available, though they especially included larger fruit into their diet. Against expectations from the African bird–monkey fruit syndrome of brightly colored drupes and berries, baboons ate mostly species having large, dull-colored fruit. Fruit type and color best described whether baboons included a species into their diet, whereas fruit type and seed size best predicted whether baboons predated upon the seeds of their food plant species. As most plant species at the study site had medium-sized to large fruits and seeds, large frugivores like baboons might be particularly important for plant fitness and plant community dynamics in West African savanna–forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Here we report massive seed predation of Pseudobombax grandiflorum (Bombacaceae) by Botogeris versicolurus (Psittacidae) in a forest fragment in Brazil. The intensity of seed predation was very high when compared to other studies in continuous forest, perhaps resulting from a scarcity of resources in such areas. This scarcity may limit the range of parrot's diet to a few plant species. It suggests that studies of Psittacidae seed predation may be important for conservation of some plants in fragments.  相似文献   

We examined effectiveness of African savannah elephant dung as a protective barrier for seeds of three tree species, Acacia tortilis Hayne, Tamarindus indica L. and Ximenia aegyptiaca L. Seeds were collected from dung and underneath fruiting trees in Tarangire National Park, Tanzania. Experimental treatments were established to test: (i) the efficacy of dung in protecting seeds of A. tortilis from bruchid beetle infestation and the role of animals larger than insects in removing seeds; (ii) the same tenets as in Experiment 1, using seeds of T. indica; and (iii) the effect of distance on survival of seeds of X. aegyptiaca. Sites were established during two field seasons underneath conspecific trees, where seed predation was likely highest. Repeated‐measures two‐way ANOVA indicated that there was no treatment effect for Experiment 1. For Experiments 2 and 3 in October 2013, seeds in dung experienced less beetle infestation than fresh seeds. Repeated‐measures two‐way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD indicated that treatment effect differed among all treatments. Passed seeds at distances ≥5 m experienced less beetle infestation than fresh seeds underneath conspecifics. African savannah elephants appear to be important seed dispersers of these three tree species.  相似文献   

Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper tree) was introduced to South Africa more than 150 years ago and was widely planted, mainly along roads. Only in the last two decades has the species become naturalized and invasive in some parts of its new range, notably in semi‐arid savannas. Research is being undertaken to predict its potential for further invasion in South Africa. We studied production, dispersal and predation of seeds, seed banks, and seedling establishment in relation to land uses at three sites, namely ungrazed savanna once used as a military training ground; a savanna grazed by native game; and an ungrazed mine dump. We found that seed production and seed rain density of S. molle varied greatly between study sites, but was high at all sites (384 864–1 233 690 seeds per tree per year; 3877–9477 seeds per square metre per year). We found seeds dispersed to distances of up to 320 m from female trees, and most seeds were deposited within 50 m of putative source trees. Annual seed rain density below canopies of Acacia tortillis, the dominant native tree at all sites, was significantly lower in grazed savanna. The quality of seed rain was much reduced by endophagous predators. Seed survival in the soil was low, with no survival recorded beyond 1 year. Propagule pressure to drive the rate of recruitment: densities of seedlings and sapling densities were higher in ungrazed savanna and the ungrazed mine dump than in grazed savanna, as reflected by large numbers of young individuals, but adult : seedling ratios did not differ between savanna sites. Frequent and abundant seed production, together with effective dispersal of viable S. molle seed by birds to suitable establishment sites below trees of other species to overcome predation effects, facilitates invasion. Disturbance enhances invasion, probably by reducing competition from native plants.  相似文献   

Three new species of Mitrephora (Blume) Hook. f. & Thomson, M. clemensiorum, M. vittata and M. woodii , are described from Sabah, Malaysia. Mitrephora clemensiorum is related to M. korthalsiana Miq., but is distinguished by having long inflorescences, long flowering and fruiting pedicels, and fruits with sessile monocarps. Mitrephora vittata is related to M. reflexa Merr., but has lanceolate, subcoriaceous leaves, and densely pubescent inflorescence rachides, flowering pedicels and bracts. Mitrephora woodii is similar to M. heyneana (Hook. f. & Thomson) Thwaites, but has smaller flowers and fruits with sessile monocarps  相似文献   

Current knowledge of frugivory and seed dispersal by vertebrates in the Oriental Region is summarized. Some degree of frugivory has been reported for many fish and reptile species, almost half the genera of non-marine mammals and more than 40% of bird genera in the region. Highly frugivorous species, for which fruit dominates the diet for at least part of the year, occur in at least two families of reptiles, 12 families of mammals and 17 families of birds. Predation on seeds in fleshy fruits is much less widespread taxonomically: the major seed predators are colobine monkeys and rodents among the mammals, and parrots, some pigeons, and finches among the birds. Most seeds in the Oriental Region, except near its northern margins, are dispersed by vertebrate families which are endemic to the region or to the Old World. Small fruits and large, soft fruits with many small seeds are consumed by a wide range of potential seed dispersal agents, including species which thrive in small forest fragments and degraded landscapes. Larger, bigger-seeded fruits are consumed by progressively fewer dispersers, and the largest depend on a few species of mammals and birds which are highly vulnerable to hunting, fragmentation and habitat loss.  相似文献   

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