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Sato A  Mizutani Y 《Biochemistry》2005,44(45):14709-14714
Picosecond protein dynamics of myoglobin in response to structural changes in heme upon CO dissociation were observed in a site-specific fashion for the first time using time-resolved UV resonance Raman spectroscopy. Transient UV resonance Raman spectra showed several phases of intensity changes in both tryptophan and tyrosine Raman bands. Five picoseconds after dissociation, the W18, W16, and W3 bands of tryptophan residues and the Y8a band of tyrosine residues decreased in intensity, followed by recovery of the Y8a band intensity in hundreds of picoseconds and recovery of the tryptophan bands in nanoseconds. These spectral changes suggest that the change in heme structure impulsively drives concerted movement of the EF helical section and that rearrangements toward a deoxy structure occur in the heme vicinity and in the A helix within a time frame of sub-nanoseconds to nanoseconds.  相似文献   

Time-resolved spectroscopic studies in our laboratory of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase dynamics are summarized. Intramolecular electron transfer was investigated upon photolysis of CO from the mixed-valence enzyme, by pulse radiolysis, and upon light-induced electron injection into the cytochrome c/cytochrome oxidase complex from a novel photoactivatable dye. The reduction of dioxygen to water was monitored by a gated multichannel analyzer using the CO flow-flash method or a synthetic caged dioxygen carrier. The pH dependence of the intermediate spectra suggests a mechanism of dioxygen reduction more complex than the conventional unidirectional sequential scheme. A branched model is proposed, in which one branch produces the P form and the other branch the F form. The rate of exchange between the two branches is pH-dependent. A cross-linked histidine-phenol was synthesized and characterized to explore the role of the cross-linked His-Tyr cofactor in the function of the enzyme. Time-resolved optical absorption spectra, EPR and FTIR spectra of the compound generated after UV photolysis indicated the presence of a radical residing primarily on the phenoxyl ring. The relevance of these results to cytochrome oxidase function is discussed.  相似文献   

M Leone  A Cupane  E Vitrano  L Cordone 《Biopolymers》1987,26(10):1769-1779
We have studied the absorption bands of oxy- and carbonmonoxyhemoglobin in the wavelength range of 650–350 nm (visible and Soret bands) and in the temperature range of 300–20 K. The spectra in the whole temperature range have been successfully deconvoluted in terms of gaussian components. The analysis of the temperature dependence of the first and second moment of the bands enables us to compare dynamic properties of the heme group in oxy- and carbonmonoxyhemoglobin. The results of the analysis indicate that the “mean-effective” frequency of the nuclear motion coupled to the electronic transition responsible for the visible bands is higher in carbonmonoxy- than in oxyhemoglobin. The possible functional relevance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy with 0.5-ps resolution is used to track the evolution of the CO stretching vibration after visible photoexcitation of carboxyhemoglobin in water at room temperature. Polarization measurements determine that the iron-complexed CO is oriented nearly perpendicular to the porphyrin plane. The dissociation appears to proceed via a metastable excited state with 2 +/- 1 ps lifetime. The dissociated CO binds weakly in the heme pocket for at least 500 ps. This state correlates with the internally bound state observed by Frauenfelder et al. at low temperatures in myoglobin.  相似文献   

The 7 ns 436 nm pulses of an H2-shifted YAG laser have been used to photolyze the CO adduct of cytochrome-c peroxidase and produce the resonance Raman spectrum of the photoproduct. A 3 cm-1 downshift, relative to the spectrum of reduced enzyme, was observed for the porphyrin C-N breathing mode, v4. The downshift diminishes with decreasing CO /protein ratio, implying, in conjunction with a recent study of CO binding, that the unrelaxed heme is associated with adduct having a tilted, H-bonded FeCO unit. The downshift is eliminated when the phosphate buffer concentration is increased from 0.01 to 0.1 M. It is proposed that the heme relaxation under study involves a transition between two conformations, B and A, differing in the disposition of the distal residues, and having different v4 frequencies for unligated Fe(II) heme. Conformation B allows H-bonding to bound CO, and is favored at high CO and phosphate concentrations, while conformation A, which is unfavorable to CO H-bonding, is favored at low CO and phosphate concentrations. The recently reported absence of unrelaxed frequencies in the 7 ns photo-product of the CO adduct of horseradish peroxidase has been confirmed, and is attributed to lower stability for conformation B and a smaller A - B v4 difference.  相似文献   

W. Yu  F. Pellegrino  R.R. Alfano 《BBA》1977,460(1):171-181
Picosecond fluorescent kinetics and time-resolved spectra of spinach chloroplast were measured at room temperature and low temperatures. The measurement is conducted with 530 nm excitation at an average intensity of 2 · 1014 photons/cm2, pulse and at a pulse separation of 6 ns for the 100 pulses used. The 685 nm fluorescent kinetics was found to decay with two components, a fast component with a 56 ps lifetime, and a slow component with a 220 ps lifetime. The 730 nm fluorescent kinetics at room temperature is a single exponential decay with a 100 ps lifetime. The 730 nm fluorescence lifetime was found to increase by a factor of 6 when the temperature was lowered from room temperature to 90 K, while the 685 and 695 nm fluorescent kinetics were unchanged. The time-resolved spectra data obtained within 10 ps after excitation is consistent with the kinetic data reported here. A two-level fluorescence scheme is proposed to explain the kinetics. The effect of excitation with high light intensity and multiple pulses is discussed.  相似文献   

We introduce time-resolved infrared spectroscopy as a powerful method to study the kinetics of RNA folding and unfolding transitions. A laser-induced temperature jump is used to initiate a perturbation in the RNA structure. A probe laser, tuned to a specific infrared absorption of the RNA, is then used to monitor the subsequent relaxation kinetics. A 10-ns pump pulse permits the investigation of fast, nanosecond events. In this work we probe two vibrational transitions, one at 1620 cm(-1) and one at 1661 cm(-1). The former transition reports mainly on the dynamics of A and U interactions, the latter is attributed to mainly G and C interactions. Our results reveal three distinct kinetic phases for each vibrational transition probed. We propose two models to describe the data. In one mechanism, the unfolded state partitions into two separate populations; each is conformationally biased to proceed via one of two distinct pathways. In an alternative model, folding proceeds through a series of sequentially populated intermediates. In both cases, the first step in the proposed folding mechanism is rate limiting (hundreds of microseconds) and involves a collapse into incorrectly folded intermediate populations. Two faster kinetic phases (tens of microseconds and hundreds of nanoseconds) follow in which the intermediate populations undergo localized reorganizational motions in the search for native contacts.  相似文献   

Laser photolysis techniques have been employed to investigate the internal electron transfer (eT) reaction within Pseudomonas aeruginosa nitrite reductase (Pa-NiR). We have measured the (d1--> c) internal eT rate for the wild-type protein and a site-directed mutant (Pa-NiR H327A) which has a substitution in the d1-heme binding pocket; we found the rate of eT to be fast, keT = 2.5 x 10(4) and 3.5 x 10(4) s-1 for the wild-type and mutant Pa-NiR, respectively. We also investigated the photodissociation of CO from the fully reduced proteins and observed microsecond first-order relaxations; these imply that upon breakage of the Fe2+-CO bond, both Pa-NiR and Pa-NiR H327A populate a nonequilibrium state which decays to the ground state with a complex time course that may be described by two exponential processes (k1 = 3 x 10(4) s-1 and k2 = 0.25 x 10(4) s-1). These relaxations do not have a kinetic difference spectrum characteristic of CO recombination, and therefore we conclude that Pa-NiR undergoes structural rearrangements upon dissociation of CO. The bimolecular rate of CO rebinding is 5 times faster in Pa-NiR H327A than in the wild-type enzyme (1.1 x 10(5) M-1 s-1 compared to 2 x 10(4) M-1 s-1), indicating that this mutation in the active site alters the CO diffusion properties of the protein, probably reducing steric hindrance. CO rebinding to the wild-type mixed valence enzyme (c3+d12+) which is very slow (k = 0.25 s-1) is proposed to be rate-limited by the c --> d1 internal eT event, involving the oxidized d1-heme which has a structure characteristic of the fully oxidized and partially oxidized Pa-NiR.  相似文献   

The present study establishes the effectiveness of natural drug delivery mechanisms and investigates the interactions between drug and its natural carrier. The binding between the isoflavone diadzein (DZN) and the natural carrier hemoglobin (HbA) was studied using optical spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. The inherent fluorescence emission characteristics of DZN along with that of tryptophan (Trp) residues of the protein HbA were exploited to elucidate the binding location and other relevant parameters of the drug inside its delivery vehicle HbA. Stern-Volmer studies at different temperatures indicate that static along with collisional quenching mechanisms are responsible for the quenching of protein fluorescence by the drug. Molecular dynamics and docking studies supported the hydrophobic interactions between ligand and protein, as was observed from spectroscopy. DZN binds between the subunits of HbA, ~15 ? away from the closest heme group of chain α1, emphasizing the fact that the drug does not interfere with oxygen binding site of HbA.  相似文献   

Advances in the adaptation of optical spectroscopy to monitor photo-induced or enzyme-catalyzed reactions in the crystalline state have enabled X-ray crystal structures to be accurately linked with spectroscopically defined intermediates. This, in turn, has led to a deeper understanding of the role protein structural changes play in function. The integration of optical spectroscopy with X-ray crystallography is growing and now extends beyond linking crystal structure to reaction intermediate. Recent examples of this synergy include applications in protein crystallization, X-ray data acquisition, radiation damage, and acquisition of phase information important for structure determination.  相似文献   

The effects of hydrostatic pressure on the structure and stability of porcine odorant-binding protein (pOBP) in the presence and absence of the odorant molecule 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) were studied by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by molecular dynamics simulation. The authors found that the application of moderate values of hydrostatic pressure to pOBP solutions perturbed the microenvironment of Trp(16) and disrupted its highly quenched complex with Met(39). In addition, compared with the protein in the absence of IBMP, the MD simulations experiments carried out at different pressures highlighted the role of this ligand in stabilizing the Trp(16)/Met(39) interaction even at 2000 bar. The obtained results will assist for the tailoring of this protein as specific sensing element in a new class of fluorescence-based biosensors for the detection of explosives.  相似文献   

This paper reports on time-resolved microfluorimetric measurements on hematoporphyrin-derivative (HpD)-treated lymphocytes. HpD is at present widely used as a tumor-locating and photosensitizing drug. It is therefore of great importance to study the extent to which the HpD uptake process depends on cell functional and structural properties. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements in single cells are very useful in this respect, since they give information on the content of fluorescent molecules through fluorescence peak-intensity, and, indirectly, on the binding properties through the fluorescence decay times. In particular, we studied the dependence of HpD fluorescence on the cellular functional state. To this end, we performed in-cell fluorescence measurements on human lymphocytes, both in quiescent conditions and in the pre-replicative phase, after stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). We found a higher HpD content in stimulated lymphocytes. Moreover, we found a spectral band around 575 nm, corresponding to a particular porphyrin species, in which the differences between normal and stimulated lymphocytes are more striking. The porphyrin species emitting in this band seems to play a role in the specific interaction of HpD with tumors, since a similar emission band has also been found in tumor cells containing HpD.  相似文献   

The Fe(III) --> Fe(II) reduction of the heme iron in aquomet-myoglobin, induced by x-rays at cryogenics temperatures, produces a thermally trapped nonequilibrium state in which a water molecule is still bound to the iron. Water dissociates at T > 160 K, when the protein can relax toward its new equilibrium, deoxy form. Synchrotron radiation x-ray absorption spectroscopy provides information on both the redox state and the Fe-heme structure. Owing to the development of a novel method to analyze the low-energy region of x-ray absorption spectroscopy, we obtain structural pictures of this photo-inducible, irreversible process, with 0.02-0.06-A accuracy, on the protein in solution as well as in crystal. After photo-reduction, the iron-proximal histidine bond is shortened by 0.15 A, a reinforcement that should destabilize the iron in-plane position favoring water dissociation. Moreover, we are able to get the distance of the water molecule even after dissociation from the iron, with a 0.16-A statistical error.  相似文献   

By using pulsed and continuous wave laser irradiation in the 350-450-nm region, we have characterized Raman scattering from horseradish peroxidase (HRP) compounds I and II and from iron porphyrin pi-cation radical model compounds. For compound II we support the suggestion [Terner, J., Sitter, A. J., & Reczek, C. M. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 828, 73-80; Proniewicz, L. M., Bajdor, K., & Nakamoto, K. (1986) J. Phys. Chem. 90, 1760-1766] that resonance enhancement of the FeIV = O vibration proceeds by way of a charge-transfer state. Our excitation profile data locate this state at approximately 400 nm. Compound I was prepared at neutral pH by rapid mixing of the resting enzyme with hydrogen peroxide. Each sample aliquot was excited by a single, 10-ns laser pulse to generate the Raman spectrum; optical spectroscopy following the Raman measurement confirmed that HRP-I was the principal product during the time scale of the measurement. The Raman spectrum of this species, however, is not characteristic of that which we observe from metalloporphyrin pi-cation radicals [Oertling, W. A., Salehi, A., Chung, Y., Leroi, G. E., Chang, C. K., & Babcock, G. T. (1987) J. Phys. Chem. 91, 5887-5898], including the iron porphyrin cation radicals reported here. Instead, the spectrum recorded for HRP-I at neutral pH is suggestive of an oxoferryl heme with the same geometric and electronic structure as that of HRP-II at high pH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

When excited by ultraviolet radiation, leaves of a great number of species of higher plants exhibit emission of blue fluorescence, comparable in intensity to the red emission of chlorophyll. The fluorescence decay of the blue emission of spinach leaves recorded by single photon counting techniques is decomposed into exponential components and it is shown that at least three different components are present. The lifetime of the three components does not show significant variations with the excitation or emission wavelengths. The excitation and emission spectra of each component were determined. The nature of the chemical compounds which cause this emission is discussed in relation to these spectra.  相似文献   

Difficulties of quantitation of hemoglobin/myoglobin absorption changes in muscle have led to the development of a new approach using short pulses of light. This method uses input light pulses sufficiently short so that the time course of travel of light through the brain can be precisely measured. The time of arrival of light at the detector gives the optical path length, given the velocity of light in tissues. The intensity profile of photon migration in tissues permits determination of the path length that the exiting photons have traveled and the concentration change of the pigments. A cavity-dumped liquid dye laser illuminates the tissue with 130-ps pulses detected as 600-ps duration at a half height at 3.0-cm distance from the input point. The decay of intensity from the 50% point onward to 0.1% follows a logarithmic function of slope mu which is attributed to the total absorption coefficient of the tissue. Increments of mu due to deoxyhemoglobin absorption at 760 and 630 nm are used to calculate the concentration change. This permits the calculation of the path length for continuous light measurements of 2 cm for a particular geometry. Variation of the wavelength of the laser affords determination of a spectrum of changes in the tissue.  相似文献   

Time-resolved (TR) infrared (IR) spectroscopy in the nanosecond to second timescale has been extensively used, in the last 30 years, in the study of photosynthetic systems. Interesting results have also been obtained at lower time resolution (minutes or even hours). In this review, we first describe the used techniques—dispersive IR, laser diode IR, rapid-scan Fourier transform (FT)IR, step-scan FTIR—underlying the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Then, the main TR-IR results obtained so far in the investigation of photosynthetic reactions (in reaction centers, in light-harvesting systems, but also in entire membranes or even in living organisms) are presented. Finally, after the general conclusions, the perspectives in the field of TR-IR applied to photosynthesis are described.  相似文献   

Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a powerful method for obtaining information about small-scale lengths between biomacromolecules. Visible fluorescent proteins (VFPs) are widely used as spectrally different FRET pairs, where one VFP acts as a donor and another VFP as an acceptor. The VFPs are usually fused to the proteins of interest, and this fusion product is genetically encoded in cells. FRET between VFPs can be determined by analysis of either the fluorescence decay properties of the donor molecule or the rise time of acceptor fluorescence. Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy is the technique of choice to perform these measurements. FRET can be measured not only in solution, but also in living cells by the technique of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), where fluorescence lifetimes are determined with the spatial resolution of an optical microscope. Here we focus attention on time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of purified, selected VFPs (both single VFPs and FRET pairs of VFPs) in cuvette-type experiments. For quantitative interpretation of FRET–FLIM experiments in cellular systems, details of the molecular fluorescence are needed that can be obtained from experiments with isolated VFPs. For analysis of the time-resolved fluorescence experiments of VFPs, we have utilised the maximum entropy method procedure to obtain a distribution of fluorescence lifetimes. Distributed lifetime patterns turn out to have diagnostic value, for instance, in observing populations of VFP pairs that are FRET-inactive.  相似文献   

We report a spectroscopic and theoretical study of the interaction between double-stranded oligonucleotides containing either adenine-thymine or guanine-cytosine alternating sequences and N1-(Acridin-9-ylcarbonyl)-1,5,9,14,18-pentazaoctadecane, or ASC, which is formed by the covalent bonding of spermine and 9-amidoacridine moieties via a trimethylene chain. Solutions containing the oligonucleotides and the conjugate at different molar ratios were studied using complementary spectroscopic techniques, including electronic absorption, fluorescence emission, circular dichroism, and Raman spectroscopy. The spectroscopical properties of ASC at both the vibrational and the electronic levels were described by means of ab initio quantum-chemical calculations on 9-amidoacridine, used as a model compound. Molecular dynamics calculations, based on the QM/MM methodology, were also performed using previously docked structures of two oligonucleotide-ASC complexes containing the A-T and the G-C sequence. Our data, taken all together, allowed us to demonstrate that conjugation of spermine to acridine modulates and gives additional properties to the interaction of the latter with DNA. As the ASC molecule has a high affinity by the polyamine transport system, these results are promising for their application in the development of new anti-tumour drugs.  相似文献   

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