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The cytotoxic and cytolytic effects of equinatoxin II (EqT II) from the sea anemone Actinia equina L. were studied on exponentially growing and synchronized V-79-379 A cell line in culture. The cell viability test and the determination of the cytolytic effect by cell counting confirmed both cytotoxic and cytolytic activity of EqT II. Additionally, cytocidal and cytostatic effects depending on the toxin concentration were observed. The presence of fetal calf serum in the cell culture medium reduced both cytocidal and cytostatic effects by two magnitudes and prevented cytolysis. Combining EqT II and serum resulted in an insoluble complex which was cytostatic even when isolated and resuspended in the culture medium, while the supernatant retained both cytocidal and cytostatic activity. No significant difference in sensitivity between synchronized and exponentially growing cells could be detected after EqT II treatment.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1998,427(1):149-151
A potassium channel toxin (AeK) was isolated from the sea anemone Actinia equina by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 and reverse-phase HPLC on TSKgel ODS-120T. AeK and α-dendrotoxin inhibited the binding of 125I-α-dendrotoxin to rat synaptosomal membranes with IC50 of 22 and 0.34 nM, respectively, indicating that AeK is about sixty-five times less toxic than α-dendrotoxin. The complete amino acid sequence of AeK was elucidated; it is composed of 36 amino acid residues including six half-Cys residues. The determined sequence showed that AeK is analogous to the three potassium channel toxins from sea anemones (BgK from Bunodosoma granulifera, ShK from Stichodactyla helianthus and AsKS from Anemonia sulcata), with an especially high sequence homology (86%) with AsKS.  相似文献   

Equinatoxin II, a pore forming polypeptide from the sea anemone Actinia equina L. was subjected to chemical modifications with group specific reagents. Lysine residues were modified with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, histidine residues with diethyl pyrocarbonate and carboxyl groups with the use of a water soluble carbodiimide. Modification of charged residues had no significant influence on the toxin interaction with serum lipoproteins. Lysine 5'-phosphopyridoxylated and histidine carbethoxylated derivatives of the toxin retained lethal and hemolytic activities, but the pH profile of hemolytic activity of 5'-phospho-pyridoxylequinatoxin II was markedly altered. Modification of the toxin carboxyl groups impaired both hemolytic and lethal activities, the latter, however, to the greater extent.  相似文献   

Brace  R. C.  Santer  S. -J. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,(1):533-537
Behavioural plasticity in Actinia equina (L.) was examined in experimental contests using a range of pedal disc colour phenotypes, which characterize 3 known, ecologically distinct morphs. With repeated pairing of individuals in auto-phenotypic encounters, habituation was easily induced in the 2 mid-shore morphs, but was not obvious in the less aggressive, low-shore form. Subsequent pairing with a different partner revealed that anemones remained aggressive towards a novel opponent. Following novel contact, repairing of the dark red pedal phenotype with the original partner provided some evidence of retention of habituation to a previous opponent, and thus of a specific inducible memory.  相似文献   

Equinatoxin-II is a eukaryotic pore-forming toxin belonging to the family of actinoporins. Its interaction with model membranes is largely modulated by the presence of sphingomyelin. We have used large unilamellar vesicles and lipid monolayers to gain further information about this interaction. The coexistence of gel and liquid-crystal lipid phases in sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine mixtures and the coexistence of liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered lipid phases in phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol or sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol mixtures favor membrane insertion of equinatoxin-II. Phosphatidylcholine vesicles are not permeabilized by equinatoxin-II. However, the localized accumulation of phospholipase C-generated diacylglycerol creates conditions for toxin activity. By using epifluorescence microscopy of transferred monolayers, it seems that lipid packing defects arising at the interfaces between coexisting lipid phases may function as preferential binding sites for the toxin. The possible implications of such a mechanism in the assembly of a toroidal pore are discussed.  相似文献   

The population genetic profiles of 60 specimens of thecommon intertidal sea anemone Actinia equina taken from foursampling sites (Peroj, Barbariga and the north and south shoresof the Limski Canal), along a 25 km strip of the coastof the Istra Peninsula, Croatia, were evaluated by AFLP markers(144 loci). All populations were characterized by aggregates ofspecimens confined within a few square meters. One of the populations(on the north shore of the canal) contained both large and small-sizedindividuals. Results revealed high within-aggregate genetic heterogeneity(36.1–55.6%). With respect to interpopulationprofiles, geographically remote populations from Peroj, Barbarigaand the south shore of the canal were more closely related geneticallythan those on the north and south shores of the canal. The small-sizedsubpopulation from the north shore exhibits a distinct AFLP pattern,suggesting that it warrants recognition as a cryptic species.  © 2002The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the LinneanSociety , 2002, 136 , 315−320  相似文献   

A new cardiac stimulatory protein, tenebrosin-A, has been isolated from the Australian sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa by gel filtration and cation-exchange chromatography, followed by cation-exchange HPLC. Its purity is established by analytical reversed-phase HPLC and N-terminal sequence analysis. According to SDS-PAGE, its apparent Mr is 20,000 daltons. Amino acid analysis indicates that it contains 186 residues, and is devoid of cysteine or cystine. Tenebrosin-A exerts a strong positive inotropic effect on isolated guinea pig atria at a concentration of 1.4 nM, with little chronotropic activity.  相似文献   

Equinatoxin II (EqtII) belongs to a unique family of 20-kDa pore-forming toxins from sea anemones. These toxins preferentially bind to membranes containing sphingomyelin and create cation-selective pores by oligomerization of 3-4 monomers. In this work we have studied the binding of EqtII to lipid membranes by the use of lipid monolayers and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The binding is a two-step process, separately mediated by two regions of the molecule. An exposed aromatic cluster involving tryptophans 112 and 116 mediates the initial attachment that is prerequisite for the next step. Steric shielding of the aromatic cluster or mutation of Trp-112 and -116 to phenylalanine significantly reduces the toxin-lipid interaction. The second step is promoted by the N-terminal amphiphilic helix, which translocates into the lipid phase. The two steps were distinguished by the use of a double cysteine mutant having the N-terminal helix fixed to the protein core by a disulfide bond. The kinetics of membrane binding derived from the SPR experiments could be fitted to a two-stage binding model. Finally, by using membrane-embedded quenchers, we showed that EqtII does not insert deeply in the membrane. The first step of the EqtII binding is reminiscent of the binding of the evolutionarily distant cholesterol-dependant cytolysins, which share a similar structural motif in the membrane attachment domain.  相似文献   

Sexual Actinia equina have been maintained in the laboratory. Monthly biopsies show that these animals have annual gametogenic cycles. Regular samples from several natural populations suggest that animals in the wild show similar gametogenic periodicity. In the laboratory, males release sperm, but females brood young, at least for a few weeks. Members of these broods are released sporadically, usually after a water change. Males and non-sexual adults kept in isolation for over a year release a few juveniles during and at the end of that time. These young are likely to be asexually reproduced. There appears to be geographical variation of anemone size and in the frequency of sexual individuals in populations round the British Coast, so that modes of reproduction may vary.  相似文献   

Chemical modifications of sea anemone toxin II from Anemonia sulcata have been used to study the residues involved in its toxic action on crabs and mice and in its binding properties to the Na+ channel of rat brain synaptosomes. Guanidination of th epsilon-amino groups of lysines 35, 36, and 46 with O-methylisourea hydrogen sulfate did not change the net charge of the toxin molecule and had no effect upon its toxic and binding properties. Either acetylation or fluorescamine treatment of the toxin that destroyed the positive charges of the three epsilon-amino groups and of the alpha-amino function of Gly produced an almost complete loss of toxicity and a considerable decrease in the binding activity. Iodination of the toxin on His induced practically no loss of toxic or binding properties. Carbethoxylation of both histidines 32 and 37 with diethyl pyrocarbonate provoked an important decrease of both the toxicity and the binding activity. Modifications of the guanidine side chain of Arg with 1,2-cyclohexanedione fully destroyed both toxicity and binding of the toxin to the Na+ channel. Modification of the carboxylate functions of Asp, Asp, and of the COOH-terminal Gln with glycine ethyl ester in the presence of a soluble carbodiimide completely abolished the toxicity but left the affinity for the sea anemone toxin receptor unchanged. The antagonist character of this carboxylate-modified derivative was further confirmed by electrophysiological and Na+ flux experiments. The theoretical and practical significance of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study the effect of equinatoxin II (EqT II), a cytolytic protein isolated from the sea anemone Actinia equina L., on membrane fluidity and cell metabolism of V-79 cells; the reduction of the spin probe incorporated into the cell membranes as well as the oxygen consumption in the cell suspension were measured. The results were compared with the results obtained by the cell viability study. Under the influence of EqT II (less than 37.5 μg/106 cells) no significant changes in cell membrane fluidity were observed, while reduction kinetics of the spin probe and the oxygen consumption decreased when the cells were kept in Tris buffer solution. However, in the presence of 10% fetal calf serum, which prevented cell lysis, the effects of EqT II were diminished. The oxygen consumption corresponds to the cell viability changes but the reduction kinetics alterations indicate that some oxidation-reduction processes other than cell respiration are affected by EqT II in the absence of serum. The effect seems to be indirect, probably due to the formation of pores which are associated with changed permeability of plasmalemma for metabolites and ions.  相似文献   

Equinatoxin II, a 19.8 kDa pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina, was examined for hemolytic activity and permeabilization of small unilamellar lipid vesicles (SUV) in the presence of increasing amounts of n-alcohols (methanol to n-octanol) and fatty acids (palmitic and palmitoleic acid). We observed an enhancement of toxin activity which was dependent on the concentration of the membrane partitioning additive. An exception was palmitic acid which exerted a bimodal role. While at low bulk concentrations it increased toxin-induced hemolysis, above 3 μM bulk concentration it was inhibitory; in neither case was it efficient in promoting release of the fluorescent marker calcein from SUV. The increased permeabilization activity was correlated with an increase in the amount of toxin bound as indicated by changes in the intrinsic toxin fluorescence. In the case of n-alcohols, at least, these effects appeared to depend on the actual amount of alcohol present inside the membrane rather than on its specific chemical nature. This suggests that the observed effects could be due to changes of the biophysical properties of the lipid bilayer, such as thickness, lipid acyl-chain ordering, and dielectric constant induced by the partitioned additives. Received: 27 March 1996 / Accepted: 10 October 1996  相似文献   

Equinatoxin II is a cysteineless pore-forming protein from the sea anemone Actinia equina. It readily creates pores in membranes containing sphingomyelin. Its topology when bound in lipid membranes has been studied using cysteine-scanning mutagenesis. At approximately every tenth residue, a cysteine was introduced. Nineteen single cysteine mutants were produced in Escherichia coli and purified. The accessibility of the thiol groups in lipid-embedded cysteine mutants was studied by reaction with biotin maleimide. Most of the mutants were modified, except those with cysteines at positions 105 and 114. Mutants R144C and S160C were modified only at high concentrations of the probe. Similar results were obtained if membrane-bound biotinylated mutants were tested for avidin binding, but in this case three more mutants gave a negative result: S1C, S13C and K43C. Furthermore, mutants S1C, S13C, K20C, K43C and S95C reacted with biotin only after insertion into the lipid, suggesting that they were involved in major conformational changes occurring upon membrane binding. These results were further confirmed by labeling the mutants with acrylodan, a polarity-sensitive fluorescent probe. When labeled mutants were combined with vesicles, the following mutants exhibited blue-shifts, indicating the transfer of acrylodan into a hydrophobic environment: S13C, K20C, S105C, S114C, R120C, R144C and S160C. The overall results suggest that at least two regions are embedded within the lipid membrane: the N-terminal 13-20 region, probably forming an amphiphilic helix, and the tryptophan-rich 105-120 region. Arg144, Ser160 and residues nearby could be involved in making contacts with lipid headgroups. The association with the membrane appears to be unique and different from that of bacterial pore-forming proteins and therefore equinatoxin II may serve as a model for eukaryotic channel-forming toxins.  相似文献   

Toxin II from Radianthus paumotensis (RpII) has been investigated by high-resolution NMR and chemical sequencing methods. Resonance assignments have been obtained for this protein by the sequential approach. NMR assignments could not be made consistent with the previously reported primary sequence for this protein, and chemical methods have been used to determine a sequence with which the NMR data are consistent. Analysis of the 2D NOE spectra shows that the protein secondary structure is comprised of two sequences of beta-sheet, probably joined into a distorted continuous sheet, connected by turns and extended loops, without any regular alpha-helical segments. The residues previously implicated in activity in this class of proteins, D8 and R13, occur in a loop region.  相似文献   

Sea anemones produce a family of 18-20 kDa proteins, the actinoporins, that lyse cells by forming pores in cell membranes. Sphingomyelin plays an important role in their lytic activity, with membranes lacking this lipid being largely refractory to these toxins. The structure of the actinoporin equinatoxin II in aqueous solution, determined from NMR data, consists of two short helices packed against opposite faces of a beta-sandwich structure formed by two five-stranded beta-sheets. The protein core has extensive hydrophobic interfaces formed by residues projecting from the internal faces of the two beta-sheets. 15N relaxation data show uniform backbone dynamics, implying that equinatoxin II in solution is relatively rigid, except at the N terminus; its inferred rotational correlation time is consistent with values for monomeric proteins of similar mass. Backbone amide exchange rate data also support the view of a stable structure, even though equinatoxin II lacks disulfide bonds. As monitored by NMR, it unfolds at around 70 degrees C at pH 5.5. At 25 degrees C the structure is stable over the pH range 2.5-7.3 but below pH 2.5 it undergoes a slow transition to an incompletely unfolded structure resembling a molten globule. Equinatoxin II has two significant patches of positive electrostatic potential formed by surface-exposed Lys and Arg residues, which may assist its interaction with charged regions of the lipid head groups. Tyr and Trp residues on the surface may also contribute by interacting with the carbonyl groups of the acyl chains of target membranes. Data from mutational studies and truncated analogues identify two regions of the protein involved in membrane interactions, the N-terminal helix and the Trp-rich region. Once the protein is anchored, the N-terminal helix may penetrate the membrane, with up to four helices lining the pore, although other mechanisms of pore formation cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

A U Larkman 《Tissue & cell》1984,16(3):393-404
The appearance and arrangement of the mitochondria during all stages of oocyte growth in the sea anemone Actinia fragacea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) have been examined by electron microscopy. In small oocytes, the mitochondria are generally squat, with a dense matrix and numerous cristae, although a proportion may show an unusual arrangement of prismatic cristae. During early oogenesis, the mitochondria tend to be arranged in aggregates rather than randomly scattered, and may be associated with nuage material. With the onset of vitellogenesis, a large mitochondrial aggregate forms next to the nucleus. During early vitellogenesis this aggregate enlarges and comes to resemble the mitochondrial clouds found in some amphibian oocytes. Within the cloud, many mitochondria appear to be highly elongate and irregular in shape. The cloud begins to fragment and disperse midway through vitellogenesis at about the time when cortical granules appear. In fully grown oocytes, some mitochondria may have a much less dense matrix and fewer cristae than the remainder, which may be related to their state of activity.  相似文献   

Summary Equinatoxin Il is a 20-kDa basic protein isolated from the sea anemoneActinia equina. The aim of our work was to investigate the primary molecular basis for the cytotoxic effects of equinatoxin II in two model systems: single bovine lactotrophs and planar lipid bilayers. Previous work has shown that equinatoxin II produces rapid changes in cell morphology, which are dependent on external calcium. It has also been reported that addition of equinatoxin II increases membrane electrical conductance, which suggests that the cytotoxic action of equinatoxin II involves an increase in the permeability of membranes to Ca2+. Extensive changes in cytosolic Ca2+ activity are thought to invoke irreversible changes in cell physiology and morphology. In this paper, we show that morphological changes brought about by equinatoxin II in bovine lactotrophs are associated with a rapid rise in cytosolic Ca2+ activity, monitored with a fura-2 video imaging apparatus. Moreover, incorporation of equinatoxin II into planar lipid bilayers produces Ca2+ permeable ion channels. This suggests that the mode of equinatoxin II cytotoxicity involves the formation of cation (Ca2+) permeable channels in cell membranes.  相似文献   

A cytolytic toxin from the sea anemone Condylactis gigantea was isolated and characterized as a thermolabile basic protein (pI 8.9) having a molecular weight of 18,300. It lacks methionine but contains relatively large amounts of glycine, serine, tryptophan, and half-cystine. Its hemolytic action is inhibited by sphingomyelin. It is lytic for rabbit blood platelets, is lethal in low concentration for crayfish (LD50 = 0.06 μg), and may be identical with a neurotoxic protein isolated earlier from the same species. It broadly resembles the toxin of Stoichactis helianthus but differs from it in amino acid composition and in minor respects.  相似文献   

Equinatoxin II (EqtII) is a pore-forming protein from Actinia equina that lyses red blood cell and model membranes. Lysis is dependent on the presence of sphingomyelin (SM) and is greatest for vesicles composed of equimolar SM and phosphatidylcholine (PC). Since SM and cholesterol (Chol) interact strongly, forming domains or “rafts” in PC membranes, 31P and 2H solid-state NMR were used to investigate changes in the lipid order and bilayer morphology of multilamellar vesicles comprised of different ratios of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), SM and Chol following addition of EqtII. The toxin affects the phase transition temperature of the lipid acyl chains, causes formation of small vesicle type structures with increasing temperature, and changes the T2 relaxation time of the phospholipid headgroup, with a tendency to order the liquid disordered phases and disorder the more ordered lipid phases. The solid-state NMR results indicate that Chol stabilizes the DMPC bilayer in the presence of EqtII but leads to greater disruption when SM is in the bilayer. This supports the proposal that EqtII is more lytic when both SM and Chol are present as a consequence of the formation of domain boundaries between liquid ordered and disordered phases in lipid bilayers leading to membrane disruption.  相似文献   

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