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Summary Two-color competitive in situ hybridization was used to cytogenetically order four Yp cosmid probes, located in the pseudo-autosomal and TDF regions. The probes were hybridized by pairs to metaphase and interphase chromosomes. On metaphase chromosomes, determination of order between sequences separated by 3 Mb from each other was possible on a statistical basis, whereas the relative position of sequences 0.6Mb apart could not be determined. On interphase chromosomes the complete order between sequences separated by 0.6– 6Mb was obtained rapidly by measuring the distances between two cosmid spots of every cosmid pair used in 28 to 60 nuclei. Results demonstrate the potential power of fluorescent in situ hybridization at interphase for high resolution cosmid mapping.  相似文献   

Quantitative information about the nucleic acids hybridization reaction on microarrays is fundamental to designing optimized assays for molecular diagnostics. This study presents the kinetic, equilibrium, and thermodynamic analyses of DNA hybridization in a microarray system designed for fast molecular testing of pathogenic bacteria. Our microarray setup uses a porous, nylon membrane for probe immobilization and flowthrough incubation. The Langmuir model was used to determine the reaction rate constants of hybridization with antisense targets specific to Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus strains. The kinetic analysis revealed a sequence-dependent reaction rate, with association rate constants on the order of 105 M−1 s−1 and dissociation rate constants of 10−4 s−1. We found that by increasing the probe surface density from 1011 to 1012 molecules/cm2, the hybridization rate and efficiency are suppressed while the melting temperature of the DNA duplex increases. The maximum fraction of hybridized capture probes at equilibrium did not exceed 50% for hybridization with antisense sequences and was below 6% for hybridization with long targets obtained from PCR. The van’t Hoff analysis of the temperature denaturation data showed that the DNA hybridization in our porous, flowthrough microarray is thermodynamically less favorable than the hybridization of the same sequences in solution.  相似文献   

Omics technology used for large-scale measurements of gene expression is rapidly evolving. This work pointed out the need of an extensive bioinformatics analyses for array quality assessment before and after gene expression clustering and pathway analysis. A study focused on the effect of red wine polyphenols on rat colon mucosa was used to test the impact of quality control and normalisation steps on the biological conclusions. The integration of data visualization, pathway analysis and clustering revealed an artifact problem that was solved with an adapted normalisation. We propose a possible point to point standard analysis procedure, based on a combination of clustering and data visualization for the analysis of microarray data.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a new Bioconductor package 'CALIB' for normalization of two-color microarray data. This approach is based on the measurements of external controls and estimates an absolute target level for each gene and condition pair, as opposed to working with log-ratios as a relative measure of expression. Moreover, this method makes no assumptions regarding the distribution of gene expression divergence. AVAILABILITY: http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.0/bioc Open Source.  相似文献   

Limiting amounts of RNA is a major issue in cDNA microarray, especially when one is dealing with fresh tissue samples. Here we describe a protocol based on template switch and T7 amplification that led to efficient and linear amplification of 1300x. Using a glass-array containing 368 genes printed in three or six replicas covering a wide range of expression levels and ratios, we determined quality and reproducibility of the data obtained from one nonamplified and two independently amplified RNAs (aRNA) derived from normal and tumor samples using replicas with dye exchange (dye-swap measurements). Overall, signal-to-noise ratio improved when we used aRNA (1.45-fold for channel 1 and 2.02-fold for channel 2), increasing by 6% the number of spots with meaningful data. Measurements arising from independent aRNA samples showed strong correlation among themselves (r(2)=0.962) and with those from the nonamplified sample (r(2)=0.975), indicating the reproducibility and fidelity of the amplification procedure. Measurement differences, i.e, spots with poor correlation between amplified and nonamplified measurements, did not show association with gene sequence, expression intensity, or expression ratio and can, therefore, be compensated with replication. In conclusion, aRNA can be used routinely in cDNA microarray analysis, leading to improved quality of data with high fidelity and reproducibility.  相似文献   

The presence of allelic sequence variations in DNA fragments can be easily detected by measuring the extent of DNA strand exchange between test double-stranded PCR products (target) and labeled standard double-stranded PCR products (probe). Under selected hybridization conditions, sequences identical to the probe decreased the formation of double-labeled hybrid, whereas differing sequences were not efficient enough to compete with the regeneration of the probe. A single base substitution in the target DNA increased the percentage of remaining double-labeled probe. A general procedure involving denaturation and hybridization in solution under different temperature conditions or using different probes enabled sequence identification. The degree of regeneration of double-labeled probe was determined using a bioluminescent assay. We evaluated the specificity of this method with two probes (108 and 131 bp) and several targets with different base substitutions.  相似文献   

Vertigo-like sensations or apparent perception of movement are reported by some subjects and operators in and around high field whole body magnetic resonance body scanners. Induced currents (which modulate the firing rate of the vestibular hair cell), magneto-hydrodynamics (MDH), and tissue magnetic susceptibility differences have all been proposed as possible mechanisms for this effect. In this article, we examine the theory underlying each of these mechanisms and explore resulting predictions. Experimental evidence is summarised in the following findings: 30% of subjects display a postural sway response at a field-gradient product of 1 T(2)m(-1); a determining factor for experience of vertigo is the total unipolar integrated field change over a period greater than 1 s; the perception of dizziness is not necessarily related to a high value of the rate of change of magnetic field; eight of ten subjects reported sensations ranging from mild to severe when exposed to a magnetic field change of the order of 4.7 T in 1.9 s; no subjects reported any response when exposed to 50 ms pulses of dB/dt of 2 Ts(-1) amplitude. The experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that magnetic-field related vertigo results from both magnetic susceptibility differences between vestibular organs and surrounding fluid, and induced currents acting on the vestibular hair cells. Both mechanisms are consistent with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   


Members of the sortase enzyme super family decorate the surfaces of Bacillus anthracis cell wall with proteins that play key roles in microbial pathogenesis and its biofilm formation. Bacillus anthracis Sortase-A (Ba-SrtA) is a potential target for new therapeutics as it is required for B. anthracis survival and replication within macrophages. An understanding of the binding site pocket and substrate recognition mechanism by SrtA enzymes may serve to be beneficial in the rational development of sortase inhibitors. Here, the LPXTG signal peptide-based competitive inhibitors are screened against the Ba-SrtA and compounds with reasonable inhibition, specificity, and mechanisms of inactivation of SrtA have been covered. The screened compounds are experimentally validated against the phylogenetically similar Gram-positive pathogen B. cereus. In situ microscopic visualizations suggest that these screened compounds showed the microbial and biofilm inhibitory activity against B. cereus. It facilitates the further development of these molecules into useful anti-infective agents to treat infections caused by B. anthracis and other Gram-positive pathogens. These results provide insight into basic design principles for generating new clinically relevant lead molecules. It also provides an alternative strategy where a screened ligand molecule can be used in combination to battle increasingly against the Gram-positive pathogens.  相似文献   

Semen samples from 34 men visiting the Lübeck infertility clinic were investigated using a two-color FISH method to determine the ratio of X- and Y-bearing sperm. The overall ratio was significantly shifted to a preponderance of X-containing sperm. A statistical comparison with seven reports from the literature which included 53 normal probands demonstrated in our patients a significant tendency of a preponderance of X-bearing sperm and significantly less Y-bearing sperm. Furthermore, the Lübeck sperm samples are remarkably more heterogeneous in respect to their variability of X- and Y-bearing spermatozoa than in the other mentioned studies with normal probands. These phenomena have to be evaluated in further studies on groups of infertile males showing similar infertility histories.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Currently most of the methods for identifying differentially expressed genes fall into the category of so called single-gene-analysis, performing hypothesis testing on a gene-by-gene basis. In a single-gene-analysis approach, estimating the variability of each gene is required to determine whether a gene is differentially expressed or not. Poor accuracy of variability estimation makes it difficult to identify genes with small fold-changes unless a very large number of replicate experiments are performed. RESULTS: We propose a method that can avoid the difficult task of estimating variability for each gene, while reliably identifying a group of differentially expressed genes with low false discovery rates, even when the fold-changes are very small. In this article, a new characterization of differentially expressed genes is established based on a theorem about the distribution of ranks of genes sorted by (log) ratios within each array. This characterization of differentially expressed genes based on rank is an example of all-gene-analysis instead of single gene analysis. We apply the method to a cDNA microarray dataset and many low fold-changed genes (as low as 1.3 fold-changes) are reliably identified without carrying out hypothesis testing on a gene-by-gene basis. The false discovery rate is estimated in two different ways reflecting the variability from all the genes without the complications related to multiple hypothesis testing. We also provide some comparisons between our approach and single-gene-analysis based methods. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

A statistical model is proposed for the analysis of errors in microarray experiments and is employed in the analysis and development of a combined normalisation regime. Through analysis of the model and two-dye microarray data sets, this study found the following. The systematic error introduced by microarray experiments mainly involves spot intensity-dependent, feature-specific and spot position-dependent contributions. It is difficult to remove all these errors effectively without a suitable combined normalisation operation. Adaptive normalisation using a suitable regression technique is more effective in removing spot intensity-related dye bias than self-normalisation, while regional normalisation (block normalisation) is an effective way to correct spot position-dependent errors. However, dye-flip replicates are necessary to remove feature-specific errors, and also allow the analyst to identify the experimentally introduced dye bias contained in non-self-self data sets. In this case, the bias present in the data sets may include both experimentally introduced dye bias and the biological difference between two samples. Self-normalisation is capable of removing dye bias without identifying the nature of that bias. The performance of adaptive normalisation, on the other hand, depends on its ability to correctly identify the dye bias. If adaptive normalisation is combined with an effective dye bias identification method then there is no systematic difference between the outcomes of the two methods.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to assess the influence of mass transfer phenomena on DNA hybridization kinetics in a flow-through, porous microarray for fast molecular testing. We present a scaled mathematical model of coupled convection, diffusion and reaction in porous media, which was used to simulate hybridization kinetics and to analyze the influence of convective transport on the reaction rate. In addition to computer simulations, we also present experimental data of hybridization collected on our microarray system for different flow rates. The results reported in this paper provide for a better understanding of the interaction between reaction and mass transfer processes during flow-through hybridization and suggest criteria for system design and optimization.  相似文献   

Hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (HPH) is an important pathophysiological process of a variety of cardiac and pulmonary diseases. But the mechanisms responsible for HPH are still not fully understood. The discoveries of endogenous gas signal molecules, nitric oxide (NO), and carbon monoxide (CO), have been moving the research of HPH to a new phase. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is now being considered as the third new gas transmitter, was found to be possibly involved in the pathogenesis of HPH. But whether there exists an interaction between H2S and CO has not been clear in the pathogenesis of HPH. In this study, we found that H2S was significantly decreased in the pathogenesis of HPH. However, plasma CO level and the expressions of heme oxygenase (HO-1) protein and HO-1 mRNA were significantly increased. Exogenous supply of H2S could alleviate the elevation of pulmonary arterial pressure. At the same time, plasma CO level and the expressions of HO-1 protein and mRNA in pulmonary arteries were significantly increased. Whereas, exogenous supply of propargylglycine (PPG), an inhibitor of cystathionine gamma-lyase (CSE), decreased the plasma H2S content and worsened HPH. At the same time, plasma CO level and the expressions of HO-1 protein and mRNA in pulmonary arteries were decreased. The results showed that H2S could play a regulatory role in the pathogenesis of HPH through up-regulating CO/HO pathway.  相似文献   

With the emergence of genome-wide colorimetric in situ hybridization (ISH) data sets such as the Allen Brain Atlas, it is important to understand the relationship between this gene expression modality and those derived from more quantitative based technologies. This study introduces a novel method for standardized relative quantification of colorimetric ISH signal that enables a large-scale cross-platform expression level comparison of ISH with two publicly available microarray brain data sources.  相似文献   



Unravelling the path from genotype to phenotype, as it is influenced by an organism's environment, is one of the central goals in biology. Gene expression profiling by means of microarrays has become very prominent in this endeavour, although resources exist only for relatively few model systems. As genomics has matured into a comparative research program, expression profiling now also provides a powerful tool for non-traditional model systems to elucidate the molecular basis of complex traits.  相似文献   

Carter NP  Fiegler H  Piper J 《Cytometry》2002,49(2):43-48
BACKGROUND: Array-comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), although providing much higher resolution compared with conventional CGH, has not yet become a widely applied method for the analysis of genomic gains and losses. METHODS: In January 2002, the Wellcome Trust sponsored a workshop where many of the laboratories developing this technology met to compare different methodologies for array-CGH. Fourteen groups participated, comprising 11 from Europe and 3 from the United States. To facilitate objective analysis, each laboratory constructed arrays using the same anonymous clones and performed a series of test hybridizations using identical genomic DNAs. RESULTS: A figure of merit (FM) was developed to summarize entire collections of data from each laboratory in a single measurement. The FMs consistently showed that a few groups produced quantitative array hybridization data of high quality, whereas a majority achieved a lower standard. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions of the workshop were that polymerase chain reaction-based methods for the amplification of large insert clones for arraying were effective for array-CGH. It was also concluded that hybridizations performed under coverslips or in automated hybridization apparatus were less effective than hybridizations performed in simple wells with gentle rocking. A common experience by the participants was the batch-to-batch variability of commercial Cot1 preparations in their ability to suppress hybridization to repeat sequences. (Supplementary material for this article can be found in the online issue, which is available at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0196-4763/suppmat/49_2/v49.43.html or at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/HGP/Cytogenetics/Publications/Cytometry Sept 2002/Supplemental.pdf.)  相似文献   

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