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Escherichia coli HypC plays an important role in the maturation process of the pre-maturated HycE, the large subunit of hydrogenase 3. It serves as an iron transfer as well as a chaperone protein during the maturation process of pre-HycE, and interacts with both HypD and HycE. The N-terminal cysteine residue of HypC plays a key role in the protein-protein interactions. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of E. coli HypC, the first solution structure of HupF/HypC family. Our result demonstrates that E. coli HypC consists of a typical OB-fold beta-barrel with two C-terminal helixes. Sequence alignment and structural comparison reveal that the hydrophobic region on the surface of E. coli HypC, as well as the highly flexible C-terminal helixes, may involve in the interactions of E. coli HypC with other proteins.  相似文献   

Moy FJ  Glasfeld E  Mosyak L  Powers R 《Biochemistry》2000,39(31):9146-9156
ZipA, an essential component of cell division in Escherichia coli, interacts with the FtsZ protein at the midcell in one of the initial steps of septum formation. The high-resolution solution structure of the 144-residue C-terminal domain of E. coli ZipA (ZipA(185)(-)(328)) has been determined by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR. A total of 30 structures were calculated by means of hybrid distance geometry-simulated annealing using a total of 2758 experimental NMR restraints. The atomic root means square distribution about the mean coordinate positions for residues 6-142 for the 30 structures is 0.37 +/- 0.04 A for the backbone atoms, 0. 78 +/- 0.05 A for all atoms, and 0.45 +/- 0.04 A for all atoms excluding disordered side chains. The NMR solution structure of ZipA(185)(-)(328) is composed of three alpha-helices and a beta-sheet consisting of six antiparallel beta-strands where the alpha-helices and the beta-sheet form surfaces directly opposite each other. A C-terminal peptide from FtsZ has been shown to bind ZipA(185)(-)(328) in a hydrophobic channel formed by the beta-sheet providing insight into the ZipA-FtsZ interaction. An unexpected similarity between the ZipA(185)(-)(328) fold and the split beta-alpha-beta fold observed in many RNA binding proteins may further our understanding of the critical ZipA-FtsZ interaction.  相似文献   

The flavoprotein moiety of Escherichia coli sulfite reductase (SiR-FP) is homologous to electron transfer proteins such as cytochrome-P450 reductase (CPR) or nitric oxide synthase (NOS). We report on the three-dimensional structure of SiR-FP18, the flavodoxin-like domain of SiR-FP, which has been determined by NMR. In the holoenzyme, this domain plays an important role by shuttling electrons from the FAD to the hemoprotein (the beta-subunit). The structure presented here was determined using distance and torsion angle information in combination with residual dipolar couplings determined in two different alignment media. Several protein-FMN NOEs allowed us to place the prosthetic group in its binding pocket. The structure is well-resolved, and (15)N relaxation data indicate that SiR-FP18 is a compact domain. The binding interface with cytochrome c, a nonphysiological electron acceptor, has been determined using chemical shift mapping. Comparison of the SiR-FP18 structure with the corresponding domains from CPR and NOS shows that the fold of the protein core is highly conserved, but the analysis of the electrostatic surfaces reveals significant differences between the three domains. These observations are placed in the physiological context so they can contribute to the understanding of the electron transfer mechanism in the SiR holoenzyme.  相似文献   

The carbon storage regulator A (CsrA) is a protein responsible for the repression of a variety of stationary-phase genes in bacteria. In this work, we describe the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based structure of the CsrA dimer and its RNA-binding properties. CsrA is a dimer of two identical subunits, each composed of five strands, a small alpha-helix and a flexible C terminus. NMR titration experiments suggest that the beta1-beta2 and beta3-beta4 loops and the C-terminal helix are important elements in RNA binding. Even though the beta3-beta4 loop contains a highly conserved RNA-binding motif, GxxG, typical of KH domains, our structure excludes CsrA from being a member of this protein family, as previously suggested. A mechanism for the recognition of mRNAs downregulated by CsrA is proposed.  相似文献   

The bacterial chemotaxis adaptor protein CheW physically links the chemoreceptors (MCPs) and the histidine kinase CheA. Extensive investigations using bacterium Escherichia coli have established the central role of CheW in the MCP-modulated activation of CheA. Here we report the solution structure of CheW from E. coli determined by NMR spectroscopy. The results show that E. coli CheW shares an overall fold with previously reported structure of CheW from Thermotoga maritima, whereas local conformational deviations are observed. In particular, the C-terminal alpha-helix is considerably longer in E. coli CheW and appears to shrink the active binding pocket with CheA. Our study provides the structural basis for further investigations in E. coli chemotaxis.  相似文献   

IscS is a widely distributed cysteine desulfurase that catalyzes the pyridoxal phosphate-dependent desulfuration of L-cysteine and plays a central role in the delivery of sulfur to a variety of metabolic pathways. We report the crystal structure of Escherichia coli IscS to a resolution of 2.1A. The crystals belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and have unit cell dimensions a=73.70A, b=101.97A, c=108.62A (alpha=beta=gamma=90 degrees ). Molecular replacement with the Thermotoga maritima NifS model was used to determine phasing, and the IscS model was refined to an R=20.6% (R(free)=23.6%) with two molecules per asymmetric unit. The structure of E.coli IscS is similar to that of T.maritima NifS with nearly identical secondary structure and an overall backbone r.m.s. difference of 1.4A. However, in contrast to NifS a peptide segment containing the catalytic cysteine residue (Cys328) is partially ordered in the IscS structure. This segment of IscS (residues 323-335) forms a surface loop directed away from the active site pocket. Cys328 is positioned greater than 17A from the pyridoxal phosphate cofactor, suggesting that a large conformational change must occur during catalysis in order for Cys328 to participate in nucleophilic attack of a pyridoxal phosphate-bound cysteine substrate. Modeling suggests that rotation of this loop may allow movement of Cys328 to within approximately 3A of the pyridoxal phosphate cofactor.  相似文献   

YdhR is a 101-residue conserved protein from Escherichia coli. Sequence searches reveal that the protein has >50% identity to proteins found in a variety of other bacterial genomes. Using size exclusion chromatography and fluorescence spectroscopy, we determined that ydhR exists in a dimeric state with a dissociation constant of approximately 40 nM. The three-dimensional structure of dimeric ydhR was determined using NMR spectroscopy. A total of 3400 unambiguous NOEs, both manually and automatically assigned, were used for the structure calculation that was refined using an explicit hydration shell. A family of 20 structures was obtained with a backbone RMSD of 0.48 A for elements of secondary structure. The structure reveals a dimeric alpha,beta fold characteristic of the alpha+beta barrel superfamily of proteins. Bioinformatic approaches were used to show that ydhR likely belongs to a recently identified group of mono-oxygenase proteins that includes ActVA-Orf6 and YgiN and are involved in the oxygenation of polyaromatic ring compounds.  相似文献   

The bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (PEP-PTS) is essential in the coupled transportation and phosphorylation of various types of carbohydrates. The CmtAB proteins of Escherichia coli are sequentially similar to the mannitol-specific phosphotransferase MtlA. The CmtB protein corresponds to the phosphotransferase enzyme IIA component. Here we report the solution structure of CmtB from E. coli at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. The results show that CmtB adopts a globular fold consisting of a central mixed five-strand β-sheet flanked by seven helices at both sides. Structural comparison with the IIA domain of MtlA (IIAMtl) reveals high overall similarity, while notable conformational differences at the active site are observed. The active site pocket of CmtB appears to be wider, and the hydrophobic regions around it is larger compared to IIAMtl. Further, the essential arginine residue at the active site of IIAMtl is substituted by a serine in CmtB. Instead, the active pocket of CmtB contains another arginine at a distinct position, suggesting different molecular mechanisms for phosphoryl transfer.  相似文献   

Bacteria respond to increasing medium osmolality by accumulating organic solutes that are compatible with cellular functions. Transporter ProP of Escherichia coli, a proton symporter and a member of the major facilitator superfamily, senses osmotic shifts and responds by importing osmolytes such as glycine betaine. ProP contains a cytoplasmic, C-terminal extension that is essential for its activity. A peptide corresponding to the C-terminal extension of ProP forms a homodimeric alpha-helical coiled-coil even though some of its heptad a positions are not occupied by hydrophobic amino acid residues. Unexpectedly, amino acid replacement R488I, occurring at a heptad a position, destabilized the coiled-coil formed by the ProP peptide and attenuated the response of the intact transporter to osmotic upshifts in vivo. Thus, ProP was proposed to dimerize via an antiparallel coiled-coil. We used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the structure of the synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 468-497 of ProP. This region did form an antiparallel coil-coil in which critical residue R488 specifies the antiparallel coiled-coil orientation by forming stabilizing salt-bridges. Charged residues (both acidic and basic) are clustered on the c/g surface of the coiled-coil whereas polar residues are distributed on the b/e surface. This causes the structure to be bent, in contrast to other known antiparallel coiled-coils (those from the hepatitis delta antigen (PDB ID code 1A92) and the bovine F(1) ATPase inhibitor protein (PDB ID code 1HF9)). The coiled-coil and its possible importance for osmosensing are discussed.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of microcin J25, the single cyclic representative of the microcin antimicrobial peptide class produced by enteric bacteria, was determined using two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. This hydrophobic 21-residue peptide exhibits potent activity directed to Gram-negative bacteria. Its primary structure, cyclo(-V1GIGTPISFY10GGGAGHVPEY20F-), has been determined previously [Blond, A., Péduzzi, J., Goulard, C., Chiuchiolo, M. J., Barthélémy, M., Prigent, Y., Salomón, R.A., Farías, R.N., Moreno, F. & Rebuffat, S. (1999) Eur. J. Biochem., 259, 747-755]. Conformational parameters (3JNHCalphaH coupling constants, quantitative nuclear Overhauser enhancement data, chemical shift deviations, temperature coefficients of amide protons, NH-ND exchange rates) were obtained in methanol solution. Structural restraints consisting of 190 interproton distances inferred from NOE data, 11 phi backbone dihedral angle and 9 chi1 angle restraints derived from the coupling constants and three hydrogen bonds in agreement with the amide exchange rates were used as input for simulated annealing calculations and energy minimization in the program XPLOR. Microcin J25 adopts a well-defined compact structure consisting of a distorted antiparallel beta sheet, which is twisted and folded back on itself, thus resulting in three loops. Residues 7-10 and 17-20 form the more regular part of the beta sheet. The region encompassing residues Gly11-His16 consists of a distorted beta hairpin, which divides into two small loops and is stabilized by an inverse gamma turn and a type I' beta turn. The reversal of the chain leading to the Phe21-Pro6 loop results from a mixed beta/gamma turn. A cavity, in which the hydrophilic Ser8 side-chain is confined, is delimited by two crab pincer-like regions that comprise residues 6-8 and 18-1.  相似文献   

The RNA modification enzyme, tRNA pseudouridine synthase I has been isolated in 95% purity from an Escherichia coli strain harboring a multicopy plasmid with a 2.3-kilobase pair insert from the hisT operon. Its molecular size, amino acid composition, and amino-terminal sequence correspond to those predicted by the structure and expression of the hisT gene. Enzyme activity, as measured by a 3H release assay, is unaffected by pretreatment of tRNA pseudouridine synthase I with micrococcal nuclease and is optimized by the addition of a monovalent cation and thiol reductant. The activity is inhibited by all tRNA species tested, including substrates, modified tRNAs, nonsubstrates, or tRNAs containing 5-fluorouridine. Binding of tRNA pseudouridine synthase I occurs with both substrate and nonsubstrate tRNAs and does not require a monovalent cation. Our findings are consistent with a multistep mechanism whereby tRNA pseudouridine synthase I first binds nonspecifically and then forms transient covalent adducts with tRNA substrates. In the absence of other proteins, purified tRNA pseudouridine synthase I forms psi at all three modification sites known to be affected in hisT mutants. The 36.4-kDa polypeptide product of the gene adjacent to hisT, whose translation is linked to that of tRNA pseudouridine synthase I, is not a functional subunit for tRNA pseudouridine synthase I activity, nor is it a separate synthase acting at one of the three loci.  相似文献   

Hsc20 is a 20 kDa J-protein that regulates the ATPase activity and peptide-binding specificity of Hsc66, an hsp70-class molecular chaperone. We report herein the crystal structure of Hsc20 from Escherichia coli determined to a resolution of 1.8 A using a combination of single isomorphous replacement (SIR) and multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD). The overall structure of Hsc20 consists of two distinct domains, an N-terminal J-domain containing residues 1-75 connected by a short loop to a C-terminal domain containing residues 84-171. The structure of the J-domain, involved in interactions with Hsc66, resembles the alpha-topology of J-domain fragments of Escherichia coli DnaJ and human Hdj1 previously determined by solution NMR methods. The C-terminal domain, implicated in binding and targeting proteins to Hsc66, consists of a three-helix bundle in which two helices comprise an anti-parallel coiled-coil. The two domains make contact through an extensive hydrophobic interface ( approximately 650 A(2)) suggesting that their relative orientations are fixed. Thus, Hsc20, in addition to its role in the regulation of the ATPase activity of Hsc66, may also function as a rigid scaffold to facilitate positioning of the protein substrates targeted to Hsc66.  相似文献   

In the Gram-negative bacterium of Escherichia coli, eight genes organized as a ccm operon (ccmABCDEFGH) are involved in the maturation of c-type cytochromes. The proteins encoded by the last three genes ccmFGH are believed to form a lyase complex functioning in the reduction of apocytochrome c and haem attachment. Among them, CcmH is a membrane-associated protein; its N-terminus is a catalytic domain with the active CXXC motif and the C-terminus is predicted as a TPR-like domain with unknown function. By using SCAM (scanning cysteine accessibility mutagenesis) and Gaussia luciferase fusion assays, we provide experimental evidence for the entire topological structure of E. coli CcmH. The mature CcmH is a periplasm-resident oxidoreductase anchored to the inner membrane by two transmembrane segments. Both N- and C-terminal domains are located and function in the periplasmic compartment. Moreover, the N-terminal domain forms a monomer in solution, while the C-terminal domain is a compact fold with helical structures. The NMR solution structure of the catalytic domain in reduced form exhibits mainly a three-helix bundle, providing further information for the redox mechanism. The redox potential suggests that CcmH exhibits a strong reductase that may function in the last step of reduction of apocytochrome c for haem attachment.  相似文献   

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