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Oil sands mining is steadily expanding in Alberta, Canada. Major companies are planning reclamation strategies for mine tailings, in which wetlands will be used for the bioremediation of water and sediments contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and naphthenic acids during the extraction process. A series of experimental wetlands were built on companies' leases to assess the feasibility of this approach, and tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) were designated as upper trophic biological sentinels. From May to July 2004, prevalence and intensity of infestation with bird blow flies Protocalliphora spp. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) were measured in nests on oil sands reclaimed wetlands and compared with those on a reference site. Nestling growth and survival also were monitored. Prevalence of infestation was surprisingly high for a small cavity nester; 100% of the 38 nests examined were infested. Nests on wetlands containing oil sands waste materials harbored on average from 60% to 72% more blow fly larvae than those on the reference site. Nestlings on reclaimed sites suffered mean parasitic burdens about twice that of those on the reference site; and for comparable parasitic load, they exhibited greater pathologic effects (e.g., decreased body mass) than control nestlings. The heavy blow fly infestation on oil sands-impacted wetlands suggests that oil sands mining disturbs several components of the local ecosystem, including habitat characteristics, blow fly predators, and host resistance to parasites.  相似文献   

The levels of haematocrit (Hct) and plasma haemoglobin (Hb) vary markedly through the annual cycle of birds, as well as among individuals at all life‐stages (embryos, chicks, adults). It is thus surprising that the functional, fitness‐related consequences of this variation are poorly understood. Putative ‘adaptive’ variation in these haematological traits has been associated with varying demands for aerobic capacity and oxygen transport, for example during migration, winter acclimatization, with increasing altitude, or during parental care. It has also been proposed that changes in Hct might reflect ‘costs’ of parental investment, for example during ‘reproductive anaemia’. However, almost all studies to date have been correlative. Here we describe a series of experiments that validate the use of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride (PHZ) for the transient, reversible experimental manipulation of Hct and Hb in birds. A single bolus injection (12.5 μg PHZ/g body weight delivered via intra‐muscular injection) caused a rapid decrease in Hct and plasma Hb within 24 h, from pretreatment values of 50–54% to 40–44% in non‐breeding Zebra Finches Taenipoygia guttata and European Starlings Sturnus vulgaris, and to 35% in breeding female Zebra Finches, changes within the normal physiological range. Hct and Hb returned to pre‐injection levels within 5–10 days of treatment. Changes in plasma Hb paralleled those for Hct. We suggest that PHZ treatment provides a widely applicable technique for use in experimental work to establish relationships between haematological status, aerobic capacity, workload (e.g. migration, parental care, thermoregulation), individual quality (of both adults and chicks) and trade‐offs such as costs of reproduction.  相似文献   

Nesting birds use several behavioural or physiological defence mechanisms against parasites. On Corsica, female blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus incorporate fresh fragments of a limited number of aromatic plants in the nest cup, from the end of nest construction until fledging. Some of these plants negatively affect bacterial growth and host location by blood-sucking mosquitoes in laboratory conditions. In natural populations, Corsican blue tit chicks are exposed to the highest levels of blood-sucking ectoparasitic blow flies Protocalliphora spp. reported in Europe. These ectoparasites can have severe negative effects on chick development and survival probabilities, especially when food constraints are elevated. Here we investigated in several natural Corsican blue tit populations the hypothesis that aromatic plants brought to the nest have anti-blow fly effects during the chick-rearing stage. We predicted that: 1) the amount of aromatic plants should be negatively related to blow fly infestation intensity across nests, 2) experimental addition of aromatic plants in nests should reduce blow fly infestation intensity, and 3) nestlings should be in better physical condition in nests where aromatic plants were experimentally added. No significant relation was found between amount of aromatic plants in nests and blow fly infestation intensity. Experimental addition of aromatic plants did not reduce blow fly infestation intensity and did not affect the chick phenotypic parameters we measured. We conclude that aromatic plants in blue tit nests are not used as a defence against ectoparasitic Protocalliphora blow flies in our study population.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Understanding the effects of low winter temperatures on mortality is essential in the development of a full understanding of the long-term population dynamics of any insect. The present study aims to examine the survival of pupae and larvae of the blow fly, Lucilia sericata , at overwintering temperatures. Groups of pupae and diapausing and nondiapausing third-stage larvae of L. sericata are maintained in cooled incubators at either 3 °C and 6 °C. Groups are removed from the incubators at 3–4-day intervals and transferred either to−8 °C or to 25 °C. After 1 h in the freezer, the larvae and pupae exposed to this cold-shock are also transferred to 25 °C. Larvae and pupae are then allowed to continue development and the number of adults emerging from each group is counted. The results demonstrate that survival decreases linearly with the period of exposure at both 3 °C and 6 °C. Mortality is higher at 3 °C than at 6 °C and, in groups that receive the cold shock, cold-shock reduces emergence by over 50%. However, there is no consistent tendency for diapausing larvae to survive prolonged cold or cold shock better than other life-cycle stages. The results suggest that the facultative development of an overwintering diapause stage in L. sericata does not appear to be an adaptation to enhance cold tolerance or resistance to cold shock. It is concluded that the survival of overwintering L. sericata is likely to be relatively less affected by low temperatures than it is by, for example, biotic factors, particularly given the buffered soil environment and short time-scales over which periods of cold act.  相似文献   

In some insects the proboscis is extended to imbibe a sugar solution if the concentration of sugar applied to the chemosensilla exceeds the behavioural threshold value. Recently, I found a reversal of the threshold values of this "proboscis extension reflex" (PER) in the blow fly (Phormia regina M.) for glucose and fructose. It depended on maturation and physiological conditions, both of which are explicable in terms of changing concentration of haemolymph trehalose. The direct injection of trehalose into the fly haemocoele brought about a dramatic shift of the threshold values of PER measured on tarsi or labellar sensilla, suggesting a strong dependence of PER on the blood sugar level. Using the tip-recording method, the dose-response (impulse frequency) curves for glucose and fructose were obtained on individual largest labellar chemosensilla. The curves for glucose and fructose crossed at one point because the former had a steeper gradient and higher maximum response than the latter. Injection experiments with trehalose were also carried out to test for changes in gustatory response. The shifting of the behavioural dose-response curves for glucose and fructose two hours after injection of 1 M trehalose (2 μl) into the haemocoele of the fly was associated with significant reduction in responsiveness of labellar chemosensilla to glucose, but less so to fructose. No change in responsiveness was found following injection of mannose. A hypothesis to explain the reversal relation of the PER thresholds, based on a shift in the firing rate in gustatory sensilla and possibly also interneurons, is discussed.  相似文献   

Recently environmental conditions during early parental development have been found to have transgenerational effects on immunity and other condition-dependent traits. However, potential transgenerational effects of heavy metal pollution have not previously been studied. Here we show that direct exposure to heavy metal (copper) upregulates the immune system of the blow fly, Protophormia terraenovae, reared in copper contaminated food. In the second experiment, to test transgenerational effects of heavy metal, the parental generation of the P. terraenovae was reared in food supplemented with copper, and the immunocompetence of their offspring, reared on uncontaminated food, was measured. Copper concentration used in this study was, in the preliminary test, found to have no effect on mortality of the flies. Immunity was tested on the imago stage by measuring encapsulation response against an artificial antigen, nylon monofilament. We found that exposure to copper during the parental development stages through the larval diet resulted in immune responses that were still apparent in the next generation that was not exposed to the heavy metal. We found that individuals reared on copper-contaminated food developed more slowly compared with those reared on uncontaminated food. The treatment groups did not differ in their dry body mass. However, parental exposure to copper did not have an effect on the development time or body mass of their offspring. Our study suggests that heavy metal pollution has positive feedback effect on encapsulation response through generations which multiplies the harmful effects of heavy metal pollution in following generations.  相似文献   

The nutritional physiology of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, larvae was examined after parasitization by the solitary endoparasitoids Cotesia vestalis or Diadegma semiclausum. Examinations were performed in two phases, one was examined at the time point of 24 h post‐parasitization, and the other was done at the end of the 4th instar larvae of host. Rates of growth, food consumption, assimilation, excretion, and respiration were calculated as well as approximate digestibility and the rate ratios ECI (percent efficiency of conversion of ingested food to body substance), and ECD (percent efficiency of conversion of digested food to body substance). Parasitization by C. vestalis resulted in significant decrease in the rates of growth, feeding, excretion, assimilation, and respiration, but the final dry rate of respiration at the end of last larval stadium was elevated. The ECI and ECD were also reduced as the result of parasitization, but digestibility was increased. All these parameters in the larvae parasitized by D. semiclausum at 24 h post‐parasitization were also significantly changed compared to the control; however, these differences were quantitatively, but not qualitatively before pupation, similar to those resulted from parasitization by C. vestalis. In spite of the similarities of the parasitism‐induced effects caused by these endoparasitoids, the final metabolic rate, that is, the rate of intake of nutrients required to compensate for metabolism, was much lower in the larvae parasitized by C. vestalis than that of the larvae parasitized by D. semiclausum. All of the results discussed here will contribute toward explaining the different ways these two wasps regulate the parasitoid‐host relationship.  相似文献   

Nest‐dwelling ectoparasites may result in costs for nestlings of cavity nesters in terms of compromised growth and condition before fledging. The reduction or elimination of nest ectoparasites to study their effects on avian hosts can be conducted through physical methods such as heat‐treatment or through chemical methods using insecticides. Pyrethroids are the most frequently used of the latter, although some studies have shown that they may compromise the development and future survival of birds. In this study conducted in central Spain we analysed the differences between a group of fumigated Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca nests and a heat‐treated group, both rendered ectoparasite‐free by these treatments. We also compared these ectoparasite‐free nests with a control group with natural ectoparasite loads. Our aim was to test the possible effects of a pyrethroid‐based insecticide on reproductive success, parental care behaviours and body condition of adult females and nestlings. We also determined the effects of treatment on a biochemical biomarker, the total glutathione (tGSH) level, involved in detoxification of xenobiotics and considered the most important intracellular antioxidant. Although behavioural variables were not affected by treatment, results showed lighter 3‐day‐old chicks and shorter tarsi and wings in nestlings shortly before fledging in fumigated nests, together with depletion of tGSH levels in both females and nestlings. Fumigation with pyrethroids in ectoparasite load reduction experiments may introduce undesired systematic variability associated with toxicity, leading to underestimation of the effects of ectoparasites on avian hosts.  相似文献   

Superparasitism, a phenomenon in which parasitic insects layeggs in already-exploited hosts, provides a useful context inwhich to examine the dynamics of parental investment. This studyexplored conditions under which female Mediterranean fruit flies(Ceratitis capitata) shift from avoiding superparasitism ofhost fruit to preferring it, even placing eggs direcdy intoexisting egg-laying cavities. An a priori hypothesis of costsand benefits was used to predict how use and avoidance of parasitizedfruit would change in -response to changes in fruit size andripeness. We predicted that avoidance would decrease with increasingfruit size, while use would increase with decreasing ripeness.Using a field-cage assay, ripeness was held constant and thesize of host coffee berries manipulated. Avoidance of parasitizedberries was significandy less pronounced on large berries thanon small ones. In a second experiment, size was held constantand ripeness manipulated. On unripe berries, females depositedthe majority of clutches directly into existing egg-laying cavities.On ripe berries, by contrast, the same females deposited mostclutches in previously unparasitized fruit. Parallel patternsin the frequency of female-female contests were observed, supportingthe notion that a fruit's value is determined by an interactionbetween fruit size or ripeness, on one hand, and the prior occurrenceof eggs, on the other. Laboratory assays suggested that useof existing sites had advantages in terms of time savings; femalebehavior thus constitutes a relatively uncommon example of adaptivesuperparasitism in which parasitized hosts are actually preferredover unparasitized ones.[Behav Ecol 7: 235-242 (1996)]  相似文献   

House fly larvae (Musca domestica L.) grown in the residues of municipal organic waste were evaluated as a protein concentrate in practical diets for poultry. Seventy-two broiler-type chicks were alloted within 12 groups. Quadruplicate groups each received the following dietary treatments: a control diet containing soya bean meal alone, or two diets in which either 12% of the supplementary protein was provided by fly larvae meal or 9% by fish meal. The chicks were fed during the first four weeks of life with isocaloric and isoproteic diets and the results showed no significant differences in body weight gain (P > 0.05) or food conversion efficiency (P > 0.05), the larvae meal diet being intermediate to the other two.  相似文献   

To explore the effect and magnitude of effect of sodium‐glucose cotransporter‐2 (SGLT2) inhibitors on haematocrit and haemoglobin and the related cardiorenal benefits in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), PubMed, Web of Science, CENTRAL and EMBASE were searched to identify eligible trials. Weighted mean differences (WMDs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using a random‐effects model. Seventy‐eight studies were included in the meta‐analysis. SGLT2 inhibitors significantly increased haematocrit and haemoglobin levels compared with control (total WMD 2.27% [95% CI 2.08, 2.47] and 6.20 g/L [95% CI 5.68, 6.73], respectively). Except for dapagliflozin (p = 0.000), no notable dose‐dependent relationship was revealed for other SGLT2 inhibitors. The effect could be sustained or even slightly increased with long‐term therapy (coef. =0.009, 95% CI [0.005, 0.013], p = 0.000). In subgroup analyses, haematocrit elevation increased with higher body mass index (BMI). A greater haematocrit elevation could be observed in white patients or when compared with active controls. In conclusion, SGLT2 inhibitors increased haematocrit and haemoglobin levels in T2DM patients. Changes in haematocrit and haemoglobin seem to be surrogate markers of improvement in renal metabolic stress, and important mediators involved in cardiorenal protection.  相似文献   

We evaluated the consequences of parasitism by the solitary ichneumonid endoparasitoid Campoletis sonorensis(Cameron) towards the replication, genetic composition and virulence of a nucleopolyhedrovirus (Baculoviridae) originating from Spodoptera frugiperda(J. E. Smith) larvae. Parasitism by C. sonorensisand viral infection of third and fourth instar S. frugiperdalarvae resulted in reduced growth compared with nonparasitized control larvae. A positive correlation was observed between virus yield and larval instar at the moment of infection. When larvae were virus-inoculated in the fourth instar, parasitism resulted in a significant reduction in mean per capita virus yield compared to the virus yield from nonparasitized larvae. In an experiment involving 10 serial passages of virus in both parasitized and nonparasitized larvae, restriction endonuclease analysis of viral DNA amplified in nonparasitized larvae revealed the presence of the wild-type virus as well as three additional variants (A, B, and C) diagnosed by the presence of novel submolar PstI fragments of different sizes. In contrast, analysis of viral DNA from parasitized larvae showed the presence of the wild-type virus and two other variants (E and F), each characterized by a different submolar BglII fragment. Southern blot analysis indicated that the submolar fragments of variants E and F contained sequences originating from the viral genome. Bioassay of the different virus variants in S. frugiperdalarvae indicated that their virulence was equal or less than that of the wild-type virus. We conclude that parasitism can affect the quantity of virus produced in dually infected and parasitized larvae, but no adverse effects were detected in terms of the biological activity of the virus.  相似文献   

We evaluated the acute toxicities and the physiological effects of plant monoterpenoids (eugenol, pulegone, citronellal and alpha-terpineol) and neuroactive insecticides (malathion, dieldrin and RH3421) on flight muscle impulses (FMI) and wing beat signals (WBS) of the blow fly (Phaenicia sericata). Topically-applied eugenol, pulegone, citronellal, and alpha-terpineol produced neurotoxic symptoms, but were less toxic than malathion, dieldrin, or RH3421. Topical application of eugenol, pulegone, and citronellal reduced spike amplitude in one of the two banks of blow fly dorsolongitudinal flight muscles within 6-8 min, but with citronellal, the amplitude of FMIs reverted to a normal pattern within 1 hr. In contrast to pulegone and citronellal, where impulse frequency remained relatively constant, eugenol caused a gradual increase, then a decline in the frequency of spikes in each muscle bank. Wing beating was blocked permanently within 6-7 min of administering pulegone or citronellal and within 16 mins with eugenol. alpha-Terpineol-treated blow flies could not beat their wings despite normal FMI patterns. The actions of these monoterpenoids on blow fly flight motor patterns are discussed and compared with those of dieldrin, malathion, RH3421, and a variety of other neuroactive substances we have previously investigated in this system. Eugenol, pulegone and citronellal readily penetrate blow fly cuticle and interfere with flight muscle and/or central nervous function. Although there were differences in the effects of these compounds, they mainly depressed flight-associated responses, and acted similarly to compounds that block sodium channels and facilitate GABA action.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) shows a facultative diapause in the third, and final larval, instar after the cessation of feeding. The effects of photoperiod and temperature on the induction and duration of diapause were examined in parental (G0) and current (G1) generations. Insects of the G0 generation were reared under four combinations of conditions, involving two photoperiods, LD 16 : 8 and LD 12 : 12 h, and two temperatures, 25 and 20 °C. The G1 generation, present in the eggs laid by these insects, were transferred to 10 combinations of conditions, involving the above two photoperiods and five temperatures, 25, 20, 17.5, 15 and 12.5 °C. In the G1 generation, the time from hatching to cessation of feeding was significantly affected by temperature only, whereas the induction of diapause was influenced by both photoperiod and temperature experienced by the G0 as well as the G1 generation. Short-day and low-temperature conditions in the G0 and in the G1 generation had diapause-inducing effects. In this species, it is likely that, for purposes of acquiring reliable seasonal information, induction of diapause is sensitive to environmental factors both in the G0 and G1 generations. The function of high-intensity diapause, induced by short-day conditions and high temperature in the parental generation, appeared to be the prevention of accidental pupariation in warm autumn weather.  相似文献   

Abstract. An earlier study on the blowfly Phormia regina (Meigen) demonstrated that the injection of amphetamine (12 μg) depletes biogenic amine levels in the CNS. In the present study, P. regina females were injected with amphetamine (12 μg), each female was placed with three males and insemination success was determined. Amphetamine inhibited female insemination by 43.3% at 2–90 min post-injection and by 70% at 10–60 min post-injection. At 180–270 min post-injection, there was no significant inhibition of female insemination. This study indicates a possible role in insects for the biogenic amines in female insemination.  相似文献   

In tropical and subtropical forests there is limited information about how to integrate sustainable timber management with the conservation of biodiversity. We examined the effect of selective logging on the bird community to help develop management guidelines to assure the conservation of biodiversity in forests managed for timber production. The study design consisted of control and harvested plots in piedmont and cloud forests of the subtropical montane forests of the Andes in northwestern Argentina. We conducted bird point-count surveys combined with distance estimation. Breeding season bird community composition was more similar between control and logged forest in both the cloud forest and piedmont, than between the two elevations, probably because Neotropical bird communities change dramatically along elevational gradients. Within each elevation zone, community composition changed significantly between harvested and control forests. Both between and within each elevation zone no significant differences in bird density were detected. Similarly, when we analyzed bird density according to diet guilds no general pattern could be extracted. However, we found a significantly greater density of cavity nesters and lower of non-cavity nesters in control plots, probably because most trees that can develop suitable cavities were extracted in logged plots and these plots had a greater structural diversity enabling more nesting resources. Grouping species according to their nesting habitat requirements has rarely been used in the neotropics and other tropical and subtropical forests, but focusing management attention on cavity nesters might address the most sensitive portion of the avian community as well as other species dependent on trees likely to hold cavities.  相似文献   

Nestboxes are known to increase clutch size, enhance breeding success and affect the social mating system of several cavity nesters. Although in recent years various cavity nesters have been studied in nestboxes in South America, the effects of boxes on the biology of the study species are unknown. We evaluated the effects of nestboxes on the breeding biology and social mating system of Southern House Wrens Troglodytes aedon bonariae by comparing birds breeding in nestboxes and tree cavities in two cattle ranches in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Southern House Wrens nesting in boxes had higher breeding success but, contrary to studies on the temperate zone, we did not find differences in clutch size between Wrens breeding in nestboxes and tree cavities. The main causes of nest failure in tree cavities were nest predation and flooding of the cavity (70 and 23% of the failures, respectively) while in nestboxes predation and desertion were the most important causes of failure (38 and 34% of the failures, respectively). The social mating system of Southern House Wrens is monogamy with biparental care, and neither was affected by the boxes. Males did not attract secondary females to additional nestboxes; however, nestboxes are safer breeding sites than tree cavities, and females seemed to prefer males with nestboxes on their territory. These results suggest that nest quality alone might be not enough for secondary females to accept polygyny.  相似文献   

The recently defined range of Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) in Sardinia coincides with that of the widely studied Rickettsia conorii vector, the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. This tick is major vector of disease in humans, domestic and wild animals. Characteristic features of the vector with respect to their seasonal activity, abundance as well as incidence of human-tick contact and how these factors influence the incidence of MSF were studied. This paper also looks at host, pathogen and tick vector interactions, re-examining some of the immunobiological parameters involved. However, the primary objective of this research is to develop a strategy that will allow better and safer tick control.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(8):845-856
Parasitization in insects brings about profound biochemical and physiological effects in the host which may include complete overriding of the normal endocrinological program, resulting in precocious metamorphosis and in blockage of pupal development. The subtle effects of parasitization include changes in the expression of hemolymph proteins and the appearance of proteins which are unique to parasitized hosts. One such protein has been identified in the hemolymph of Trichoplusia ni larvae parasitized by the braconid wasp Chelonus near curvimaculatus. In this study, purified preparations of the parasitism-specific protein were used to generate polyconal antibodies against the protein. Results from the immunocharacterization indicate the antibodies obtained are highly specific for the protein and are present in a high titer (1:8000 antiserum dilution yielded strong signals in analysis of the protein in 0.25 μl hemolymph). Subsequently, the expression of the parasitism-specific protein in the hemolymph and tissues was analyzed by immunoblotting during the entire course of development in normal and parasitized insects. The parasitism-specific protein was not detected in normal, unparasitized larvae. In parasitized insects, expression of the parasitism-specific protein appears to be stage-specific in that it is only detected during the last larval stadium of precociously metamorphosing larvae, but is absent from all earlier stages of development.  相似文献   

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