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Summary The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of three classes of Ca2+ antagonists, diltiazem, verapamil and nifedipine on Na+-Ca2+ exchange mechanism in the sarcolemmal vesicles isolated from canine heart. Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+ pump (ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake) activities were assessed using the Millipore filtration technique. sarcolemmal vesicles used in this study are estimated to consist of several subpopulations wherein 23% are inside-out and 55% are right side-out sealed vesicles in orientation. The affect of each Ca2+ antagonist on the Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake was studied in the total population of sarcolemmal vesicles, in which none of the agents depressed the initial rate of Ca2+ uptake until concentrations of 10 M were incubated in the incubation medium. However, when sarcolemmal vesicles were preloaded with Ca2+ via ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, cellular Ca2+ influx was depressed only by verapamil (28%) at 1 M in the efflux medium with 8 mM Na+. Furthermore, inhibition of Ca2+ efflux by verapamil was more pronounced in the presence of 16 mM Na+ in the efflux medium. The order of inhibition was; verapamil > diltiazem > nifedipine. These results indicate that same forms of Ca2+-antagonist drugs may affect the Na+-Ca2+ exchange mechanism in the cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles and therefore we suggest this site of action may contribute to their effects on the myocardium.  相似文献   

Summary Smooth muscle cells normally do not possess fast Na2+ channels, but inward current is carried through two types of Ca2+ channels: slow (L-type) Ca2+ channels and fast (T-type) Ca2+ channels. Using whole-cell voltage clamp of single smooth muscle cells isolated from the longitudinal layer of 18-day pregnant rat uterus, depolarizing pusles, applied from a holding potential of –90 mV, evoked two types of inward current, fast and slow [8]. The fast inward current decayed within 30 ms, depended on [Na]0, and was inhibited by TTX (K0.5 = 27 nM). The slow inward current decayed slowly, was dependent on [Ca]0, and was inhibited by nifedipine. These results suggest that the fast inward current is a fast Na2+ channel current, and that the slow inward current is a Ca2+ channel current was not evident. Thus, the ion channels which generate inward currents in pregnant rat uterine cells are TTX-sensitive fast Na+ channels and dihudropuridine-sensitive slow Ca2+ channels. The number of fast Na+ channels increased during gestation [9]. The averaged current density increased from 0 on day 5, to 0.19 on day 9, to 0.56 on day 14, to 0.90 on day 18, and to 0.86 pA/pF on day 21. This almost linear increase occurs because of an increase in the fraction of cells which possess fast Na2+ channels, and it suggested that the fast Na+ current may be involved in spread of excitation. The Ca2+ channel current density also was higher during the latter half of gestation. These results indicate that the fast Na+ channels and Ca2+ slow channels in myometrium become more numerous as term approaches, and may facilitate parturition. Isoproterenol (beta-agonist) did not affect either ICa(s) or INa(f), whereas Mg2+ (K0.5 of 12 mM) and nifedipine (K0.5 of 3.3 nM) depressed ICa(s). Oxytocin had no effect on INa(f) and actually depressed ICa(s) to a small extect. Therefore, the tocolytic action of beta-agonists cannot be explained by an inhibition of ICa(s), whereas that of Mg2+ can be so explained. The stimulating action of oxytocin on uterine contractions is not due to stimulation of ICa(s).  相似文献   

Heart sarcolemma has been shown to possess three catalytic sites (I, II and III) for methyl transferase activity (Panagia V, Ganguly PK and Dhalla NS. Biochim Biophys Acta 792: 245–253, 1984). In this study we examined the effect of phosphatidylethanolamine N-methylation on ATP-independent Ca2+ binding and ATPase activities in isolated rat heart sarcolemma. Both low affinity (1.25 mM Ca2+) and high affinity (50 µM Ca2+) Ca2+ binding activities were decreased following incubation of sarcolemmal membranes with AdoMet under optimal conditions for site II and III. Similarly, Ca2+ ATPase activities measured at 1.25 mM and 4 mM Ca2+ were depressed by phospholipid N-methylation. S-adenosyl homocysteine, a specific inhibitor of phospholipid N-methylation, prevented the depression of low affinity Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ ATPase activities, whereas the methylation-induced effect on the high affinity Ca2+ binding was not influenced by this agent. Pretreatment of sarcolemma with methyl acetimidate hydrochloride, an amino group blocking agent, also prevented the methylation-induced inhibition of both Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ ATPase. A further decrease in Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ ATPase activities together with a marked increase in the intramembranal level of PC was seen when membranes were methylated under the site III conditions in the presence of phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine as exogenous substrate. There was no effect of phospholipid methylation on sarcolemmal Na+-K+ ATPase and Mg2+ ATPase activities. These results indicate a role of phospholipid N-methylation in the regulation of sarcolemmal Ca2+ ATPase and low affinity ATP-independent Ca2+ binding.  相似文献   

Na+-H+ exchange and passive Na+ flux were investigated in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles as a function of changing the ionic composition of the reaction media. The inclusion of EGTA in the reaction medium resulted in a potent stumulation of Na+ uptake by Na+-H+ exchange. It was found that millimolar concentrations of Mg2+ and Li+ were capable of inhibiting Na+-H+ exchange by 80%. One mechanism by which these ions may inhibit intravesicular Na+ accumulation by Na+-H+ exchange is via an increase in Na+ efflux. An examination of Na+ efflux kinetics from vesicles pre-loaded with Na+ revealed that Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Li+ could stimulate Na+ efflux. Na+-H+ exchange was potently inhibited by an organic divalent cation, dimenthonium, which screens membrane surface charge. This would suggest that Na+-H+ exchange occurs in the diffuse double layer region of cardiac sarcolemma and this phenomenon is distinctly different from other Na+ transport processes. The results in this study indicate that in addition to a stimulation of Na+ efflux, the inhibitory effects of Mg2+, Ca2+ and Li+ on Na+-H+ exchange may also involve a charge dependent screening of Na+ interactions with the membrane.  相似文献   

Although in vitro studies have shown that oxygen free radicals depress the sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activity and thereby may cause the occurrence of intracellular Ca2+ overload for the genesis of contractile failure, the exact relationship between changes in sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activity and cardiac function due to these radicals is not clear. In this study we examined the effects of oxygen radicals on sarcolemmal Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities as well as contractile force development by employing isolated rat heart preparations. When hearts were perfused with medium containing xanthine plus xanthine oxidase, the sarcolemmal Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity and ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation were depressed within 1 min whereas the developed contractile force, rate of contraction and rate of relaxation were increased at 1 min and decreased over 3–20 min of perfusion. The resting tension started increasing at 2 min of perfusion with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase. Catalase showed protective effects against these alterations in heart function and sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activities upon perfusion with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase whereas superoxide dismutase did not exert such effects. The combination of catalase and superoxide dismutase did not produce greater effects in comparison to catalase alone. These results are consistent with the view that the depression of heart sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump activities may result in myocardial dysfunction due to the formation of hydrogen peroxide and/or hydroxyl radicals upon perfusing the hearts with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   

Effects of endotoxin administration on the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in canine cardiac sarcolemma were investigated. The results show that the sidedness of the sarcolemmal vesicles was not affected but the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in cardiac sarcolemma was decreased by 22 to 46% (p < 0.05) at 4 h following endotoxin administration. The kinetic analysis indicates that the Vmax for ATP and for Ca2+ were decreased by 50% (p < 0.01) and 32% (p < 0.01), respectively, while the Km values for ATP and Ca2+ were not significantly affected after endotoxin administration. Magnesium (1–5 mM) stimulated while vanadate (0.25–3.0 M) inhibited the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport, but the Mg2+-stimulated and the vanadate-inhibitable activities remained significantly lower in the endotoxin-treated animals. These data demonstrate that endotoxin administration impairs the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in canine cardiac sarcolemma and that the impairment is associated with a mechanism not affecting the affinity towards ATP and Ca2+. Additional experiments show that the Ca2+ sensitivity of the Ca2+-ATPase activity was indifferent between the control and endotoxic groups suggesting that endotoxic injury impairs Ca2+ pumping without affecting Ca2+-ATPase activity. Since sarcolemmal ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport plays an important role in the regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis, an impairment in the sarcolemmal ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport induced by endotoxin administration may have a pathophysiological significance in contributing to the development of myocardial dysfunction in endotoxin shock.  相似文献   

Alterations in cardiac membrane Ca2+ transport during oxidative stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although cardiac dysfunction due to ischemia-reperfusion injury is considered to involve oxygen free radicals, the exact manner by which this oxidative stress affects the myocardium is not clear. As the occurrence of intracellular Ca2+ overload has been shown to play a critical role in the genesis of cellular damage due to ischemia-reperfusion, this study was undertaken to examine whether oxygen free radicals are involved in altering the sarcolemmal Ca2+-transport activities due to reperfusion injury. When isolated rat hearts were made globally ischemic for 30 min and then reperfused for 5 min, the Ca2+ -pump and Na+-Ca2+ exchange activities were depressed in the purified sarcolemmal fraction; these alterations were prevented when a free radical scavenger enzymes (superoxide dismutase plus catalase) were added to the reperfusion medium. Both the Ca2+- pump and Na+- Ca2+ exchange activities in control heart sarcolemmal preparations were depressed by activated oxygen-generating systems containing xanthine plus xanthine oxidase and H2O2; these changes were prevented by the inclusion of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the incubation medium. These results support the view that oxidative stress during ischemia-reperfusion may contribute towards the occurrence of intracellular Ca2+ overload and subsequent cell damage by depressing the sarcolemmal mechanisms governing the efflux of Ca2+ from the cardiac cell.  相似文献   

Summary The relative contributions of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump to active Ca2+ efflux from stimulated rat pancreatic acini were studied. Na+ gradients across the plasma membrane were manipulated by loading the cells with Na+ or suspending the cells in Na+-free media. The rates of Ca2+ efflux were estimated from measurements of [Ca2+] i using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura 2 and45Ca efflux. During the first 3 min of cell stimulation, the pattern of Ca2+ efflux is described by a single exponential function under control, Na+-loaded, and Na+-depleted conditions. Manipulation of Na+ gradients had no effect on the hormone-induced increase in [Ca2+] i . The results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from stimulated pancreatic acinar cells is mediated by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The effects of several cations, which were used to substitute for Na+, on cellular activity were also studied. Choline+ and tetramethylammonium+ (TMA+) released Ca2+ from intracellular stores of pancreatic acinar, gastric parietal and peptic cells. These cations also stimulated enzyme and acid secretion from the cells. All effects of these cations were blocked by atropine. Measurements of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini, suspended in Na+, TMA+, choline+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMG+) media containing atropine, were used to evaluate the effect of the cations on cellular function. NMG+, choline+, and TMA+ inhibited amylase release by 55, 40 and 14%, respectively. NMG+ also increased the Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane. Thus, to study Na+ dependency of cellular function, TMA+ is the preferred cation to substitute for Na+. The stimulatory effect of TMA+ can be blocked by atropine.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic efficiency of the calmodulin-activated form of the Ca2+-pumping ATPase of the bovine cardiac sarcolemma (SL) was evaluated in sealed vesicles under reversible conditions. The free internal Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) established in the SL vesicle lumen by action of the ATPase was determined as a function of the [ATP]/([ADP][Pi]) ratio for the following experimental conditions: 250mM sucrose, 100mM KCI, 0.1mM Mg2+, 25mM HEPES, 25mM Tris, pH 7.40, at 37°C, [Ca2+]o=50nM (1mM Ca/EGTA buffer), 0.75mM Mg-ATP, 0.1mM Pi, variable [ADP]. Under these conditions, with the pump working near itsK m of 64nM, the [Ca2+]i achieved was 18mM, decreasing with increasing [ADP] for [ADP] 0.84mM. A plot of the square of the [Ca2+]i/[Ca2+]o ratio against [ATP]/([ADP][Pi]) gave a straight line with a slope of 1.5×107M. This was in agreement, within the experimental error, with the equilibrium constant for ATP hydrolysis under these conditions (1.09×107M). These results demonstrate (1) tight coupling between Ca2+ transport and ATP hydrolysis with a stoichiometry of 2 Ca2+ moved per ATP split and (2) a low degree of passive leakage. Analysis at low [ADP] (<0.83mM) showed the unexpected result that ADP increases the rate of theforward reaction of the pump. The maximal effect on the initial rate is a 96±5% increase, with an EC50 of approximately 0.4mM (ADP). Similar but lesser stimulation was observed with CDP. The implications of the above results for the energetics of the pump and for its physiological function in the beating heart are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to identify defects in Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-pump systems in cardiomyopathic hearts, the activities of sarcolemmal Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, Na+-induced Ca2+ release, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase were examined by employing cardiomyopathic hamsters (UM-X7.1) and catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy produced by injecting isoproterenol into rats. The rates of Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities of sarcolemmal vesicles from genetically-linked cardiomyopathic as well as catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathic hearts were decreased without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release. Similar results were obtained in Ca2+-paradox when isolated rat hearts were perfused for 5 min with a medium containing 1.25 mM Ca2+ following a 5 min perfusion with Ca2+-free medium. Although a 2 min reperfusion of the Ca2+-free perfused hearts depressed sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activities without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release, Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake was increased. These results indicate that alterations in the sarcolemmal Ca2+-efflux mechanisms may play an important role in cardiomyopathies associated with the development of intracellular Ca2+ overload.  相似文献   

Cardiac plasma membrane Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase (myoglein) requires millimolar concentrations of either Ca2+ or Mg2+ for maximal activity. In this paper, we report its localization by employing an antiserum raised against the purified rat cardiac Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase. As assessed by Western blot analysis, the antiserum and the purified immunoglobulin were specific for Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase; no cross reaction was observed towards other membrane bound enzymes such as cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump ATPase or sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump ATPase. On the other hand, the cardiac Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase was not recognized by antibodies specific for either cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump ATPase or plasma membrane Ca2+-pump ATPase. Furthermore, the immune serum inhibited the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase activity of the purified enzyme preparation. Immunofluorescence of cardiac tissue sections and neonatal cultured cardiomyocytes with the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase antibodies indicated the localization of Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase in association with the plasma membrane of myocytes, in areas of cell-matrix or cell-cell contact. Staining for the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase was not cardiac specific since the antibodies detected the presence of membrane proteins in sections from skeletal muscle, brain, liver and kidney. The results indicate that Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase is localized to the plasma membranes of cardiomyocytes as well as other tissues such as brain, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

This study examined the status of sarcolemmal Na+/K+-ATPase activity in rat heart under conditions of Ca2+-paradox to explore the existence of a relationship between changes in Na+/K+-pump function and myocardial Na+ as well as K+ content. One min of reperfusion with Ca2+ after 5 min of Ca2+-free perfusion reduced Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the isolated heart by 53% while Mg2+-ATPase, another sarcolemmal bound enzyme, retained 74% of its control activity. These changes in sarcolemmal ATPase activities were dependent on the duration and Ca2+ concentration of the initial perfusion and subsequent reperfusion periods; however, the Na+/K+-ATPase activity was consistently more depressed than Mg2+-ATPase activity under all conditions. The depression in both enzyme activities was associated with a reduction in Vmax without any changes in Km values. Low Na+ perfusion and hypothermia, which protect the isolated heart from the Ca2+-paradox, also prevented reperfusion-induced enzyme alterations. A significant relationship emerged upon comparison of the changes in myocardial Na+ and K+ content to Na+/K+-ATPase activity under identical conditions. At least 60% of the control enzyme activity was necessary to maintain normal cation gradients. Depression of the Na+/K+-ATPase activity by 60-65% resulted in a marked increase and decrease in intracellular Na+ and K+ content, respectively. These results suggest that changes in myocardial Na+ and K+ content during Ca2+-paradox are related to activity of the Na+/K+-pump; the impaired Na+/K+-ATPase activity may lead to augmentation of Ca2+-overload via an enhancement of the Na+/Ca2+-exchange system.  相似文献   

Summary A simple procedure was developed for the isolation of a sarcolemma-enriched membrane preparation from homogenates of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) heart. Crude microsomes obtained by differential centrifugation were fractionated in Hypaque density gradients. The fraction enriched in surface membrane markers consisted of 87% tightly sealed vesicles. The uptake of86Rb+ by the preparation was measured in the presence of an opposing K+ gradient using a rapid ion exchange technique. At low extravesicular Rb+ concentrations, at least 50% of the uptake was blocked by addition of 1mm ouabain to the assay medium. Orthovanadate (50 m), ADP (2.5mm), or Mg (1mm) were also partial inhibitors of Rb+ uptake under these conditions, and produced a complete block of Rb+ influx in the presence of 1mm ouabain. When86Rb+ was used as a tracer of extravesicular K+ (Rb 0 + 40 m K 0 + =0.1–5mm) a distinct uptake pathway emerged, as detected by its inhibition by 1mm Ba2+ (K 0.5=20 m). At a constant internal K+ concentration (K in + =50mm) the magnitude of the Ba2+-sensitive K+ uptake was found to depend on K 0 + in a manner that closely resembles the K+ concentration dependence of the background K+ conductance (I Kl) observed electrophysiologically in intact cardiac cells. We conclude that K+ permeates passively this preparation through two distinct pathways, the sodium pump and a system identifiable as the background potassium channel.  相似文献   

Summary Microsomal fractions were isolated from gastric antrum and fundus smooth muscle of guinea pigs. Ca2+ uptake into and Ca2+ release from the membrane vesicles were studied by a rapid filtration method, and Ca2+ transport properties of the different regions of the stomach were compared. ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake was similar in microsomes isolated from both regions. This uptake was increased by oxalate and was not affected by NaN3. Oxalate affected Ca2+ permeability of both antrum and fundus microsome vesicles similarly. Fundus microsome vesicles preincubated in 100mm NaCl and then diluted to 1/20 concentration with Na+-free medium had significantly higher ATP-independent Ca2+ uptake than vesicles preincubated in 100mm KCl and treated the same way. This was not true for antrum vesicles. Monensin abolished Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, and NaCl enhanced Ca2+ efflux from fundus microsome vesicles. The halflife values of Ca2+ loss from fundus vesicles in the presence of NaCl were significantly smaller than those in the presence of KCl. The release of Ca2+ from the vesicles within the first 3 min was accelerated by NaCl to three times that by KCl. However, NaCl had ro effect on Ca2+ release from antrum microsome vesicles.Results suggest two distinct mechanisms of stomach membrane Ca2+ transport: (1) ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and (2) Na+–Ca2+ exchange; the latter in the fundus only.  相似文献   

Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCX) is a major Ca2+ extrusion system in cardiac myocytes, but can also mediate Ca2+ influx and trigger sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release. Under conditions such as digitalis toxicity or ischemia/reperfusion, increased [Na+]i may lead to a rise in [Ca2+]i through NCX, causing Ca2+ overload and triggered arrhythmias. Here we used an agent which selectively blocks Ca2+ influx by NCX, KB-R7943 (KBR), and assessed twitch contractions and Ca2+ transients in rat and guinea pig ventricular myocytes loaded with indo-1. KBR (5 M) did not alter control steady-state twitch contractions or Ca2+ transients at 0.5 Hz in rat, but significantly decreased them in guinea pig myocytes. When cells were Na+-loaded by perfusion of strophanthidin (50 M), the addition of KBR reduced diastolic [Ca2+]i and abolished spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations. In guinea pig papillary muscles exposed to substrate-free hypoxic medium for 60 min, KBR (10 M applied 10 min before and during reoxygenation) reduced both the incidence and duration of reoxygenation-induced arrhythmias. KBR also enhanced the recovery of developed tension after reoxygenation. It is concluded that (1) the importance of Ca2+ influx via NCX for normal excitation-contraction coupling is species-dependent, and (2) Ca2+ influx via NCX may be critical in causing myocardial Ca2+ overload and triggered activities induced by cardiac glycoside or reoxygenation.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to transport sites constitutes the initial step in the catalytic cycle of transport ATPases. Here, we consider the well characterized Ca2+ ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA) and describe a series of Ca2+ binding isotherms obtained by equilibrium measurements in the presence of various H+ and Mg2+ concentrations. We subject the isotherms to statistical mechanics analysis, using a model based on a minimal number of mechanistic steps. The analysis allows satisfactory fits and yields information on occupancy of the specific Ca2+ sites under various conditions. It also provides a fundamental method for analysis of binding specificity to transport sites under equilibrium conditions that lead to tightly coupled catalytic activation.  相似文献   

The voltage- and Ca2+-dependent gating mechanism of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels from cultured rat skeletal muscle was studied using single-channel analysis. Channel open probability (Po) increased with depolarization, as determined by limiting slope measurements (11 mV per e-fold change in Po; effective gating charge, q(eff), of 2.3 +/- 0.6 e(o)). Estimates of q(eff) were little changed for intracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+(i)) ranging from 0.0003 to 1,024 microM. Increasing Ca2+(i) from 0.03 to 1,024 microM shifted the voltage for half maximal activation (V(1/2)) 175 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction. V(1/2) was independent of Ca2+(i) for Ca2+(i) < or = 0.03 microM, indicating that the channel can be activated in the absence of Ca2+(i). Open and closed dwell-time distributions for data obtained at different Ca2+(i) and voltage, but at the same Po, were different, indicating that the major action of voltage is not through concentrating Ca2+ at the binding sites. The voltage dependence of Po arose from a decrease in the mean closing rate with depolarization (q(eff) = -0.5 e(o)) and an increase in the mean opening rate (q(eff) = 1.8 e(o)), consistent with voltage-dependent steps in both the activation and deactivation pathways. A 50-state two-tiered model with separate voltage- and Ca2+-dependent steps was consistent with the major features of the voltage and Ca2+ dependence of the single-channel kinetics over wide ranges of Ca2+(i) (approximately 0 through 1,024 microM), voltage (+80 to -80 mV), and Po (10(-4) to 0.96). In the model, the voltage dependence of the gating arises mainly from voltage-dependent transitions between closed (C-C) and open (O-O) states, with less voltage dependence for transitions between open and closed states (C-O), and with no voltage dependence for Ca2+-binding and unbinding. The two-tiered model can serve as a working hypothesis for the Ca2+- and voltage-dependent gating of the BK channel.  相似文献   

The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) is the primary Ca2+ extrusion mechanism in cardiomyocytes. To further investigate the role of NCX in excitation-contraction coupling and Ca2+ homeostasis, we created murine models with altered expression levels of NCX. Homozygous overexpression of NCX resulted in mild cardiac hypertrophy. Decline of the Ca2+ transient and relaxation of contraction were increased and the reverse mode of NCX was augmented. Overexpression also led to a higher susceptibility to ischemia-reperfusion injury and to a greater ability of NCX to trigger Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Furthermore, an increase in peak L-type Ca2+ current was observed suggesting a direct influence of NCX on L-type Ca2+ current. Whereas global knockout of NCX led to prenatal death, a recently generated cardiac-specific NCX knockout mouse was viable with surprisingly normal contractile properties. Expression levels of other Ca2+-handling proteins were not altered. Ca2+ influx in these animals is limited by a decrease of peak L-type Ca2+ current. An alternative Ca2+ efflux mechanism, presumably the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase, is sufficient to maintain Ca2+-homeostasis in the NCX knockout mice.  相似文献   

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