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Studies were conducted on population status and regeneration of Quercus semecarpifolia and Quercus floribunda in a subalpine forest of western Himalaya. Saplings of Q. semecarpifolia belonging to the 51-100 cm size class and those of Q. floribunda belonging to the 101-150 cm size class were well represented in studied subalpine forests. Comparable seedling emergence and establishment of both species, either in the habitat dominated by same or different species seems to be an adaptational strategy of these species in subalpine forests. Seedling to tree ratio for Q. semecarpifolia was higher in the stand dominated by Q. floribunda, while comparable pattern was observed for Q. floribunda in the stand dominated by Q. semecarpifolia. Establishment of higher percent of seedlings of one species in the habitats dominated by another species of Quercus appears to indicate an oligarchic nature of oaks in subalpine forests. This study describes regeneration strategies, and spatial distribution of these species in a subalpine forest of Uttarakhand.  相似文献   

The response of forest floor vegetation and regeneration of major treespecies to deer exclusion in a riparian forest were studied for 3 years withtheinteractive effects of natural disturbances. At the start of this study, deerdensity had quickly increased to a fairly high level (29–31 individualskm–2) during the last decade and had severely reduced theamount of forest floor vegetation in the study area. Dwarf bamboos, which weredominant before, had almost diminished from the forest floor. During the studyperiod, aboveground biomass increased steadily but species diversity did notchange much in the exclosures. Outside the exclosures, the seedlings of alltreespecies were damaged greatly by deer browsing, especially the taller ones. Deerbrowsing had little effect on the emergence of tree seedlings, but deertrampling might have accelerated emergence indirectly by disturbing the soilsurface for some species. Differences in plant responses were also observed fordeer browsing and the presence of dwarf bamboo that strongly inhibits therecruitment of tree seedlings. The nine major species were classified intothreegroups according to the response of seedlings to deer browsing and disturbance.Group 1 consists of the species whose seedling survival is affected bybrowsing,but seldom by disturbances (Phellodendron amurense,Kalopanax pictus, Quercus crispulaandMalus toringo). Groups 2 and 3 consist of species adaptedto tree-fall disturbance (Betula spp.) and ripariandisturbance (Alnus hirsuta var.sibirica, Ulmus davidiana var.japonica, Populus maximowiczii andSalix sachalinensis), respectively, and seedling survivalof these two groups is principally affected by light conditions. The effect ofdeer browsing on seedling survival and growth was greater for Group 2 than forGroup 3.  相似文献   

Phenology of high-altitude plants of Kumaun in Central Himalaya,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The various developmental stages of 184 species of high-altitude plants were studied during 1987 and 1988 in the Pindari glacial moraine area of Kumaun Himalaya in the Central Himalaya. The initiation of growth was synchronised with the beginning of the spring/or summer temperature rise and snowmelt. In this high-altitude zone, the peaks of various phenophases succeeded one after another over about 4 months from early June to October. It is suggested that the plants complete various growth cycles within a very short period of favourable conditions to ensure the survival of their progeny.  相似文献   

Aim To explore species richness patterns in liverworts and mosses along a central Himalayan altitudinal gradient in Nepal (100–5500 m a.s.l.) and to compare these patterns with patterns observed for ferns and flowering plants. We also evaluate the potential importance of Rapoport’s elevational rule in explaining the observed richness patterns for liverworts and mosses. Location Nepal, Central Himalaya. Methods We used published data on the altitudinal ranges of over 840 Nepalese mosses and liverworts to interpolate presence between maximum and minimum recorded elevations, thereby giving estimates of species richness for 100‐m altitudinal bands. These were compared with previously published patterns for ferns and flowering plants, derived in the same way. Rapoport’s elevational rule was assessed by correlation analyses and the statistical significance of the observed correlations was evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations. Results There are strong correlations between richness of the four groups of plants. A humped, unimodal relationship between species richness and altitude was observed for both liverworts and mosses, with maximum richness at 2800 m and 2500 m, respectively. These peaks contrast with the richness peak of ferns at 1900 m and of vascular plants, which have a plateau in species richness between 1500 and 2500 m. Endemic liverworts have their maximum richness at 3300 m, whereas non‐endemic liverworts show their maximum richness at 2700 m. The proportion of endemic species is highest at about 4250 m. There is no support from Nepalese mosses for Rapoport’s elevational rule. Despite a high correlation between altitude and elevational range for Nepalese liverworts, results from null simulation models suggest that no clear conclusions can be made about whether liverworts support Rapoport’s elevational rule. Main conclusions Different demands for climatic variables such as available energy and water may be the main reason for the differences between the observed patterns for the four plant groups. The mid‐domain effect may explain part of the observed pattern in moss and liverwort richness but it probably only works as a modifier of the main underlying relationship between climate and species richness.  相似文献   

The effects of disturbance on forest structure and diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical regions of Garhwal Himalaya were assessed. Each region was further categorized into undisturbed (UD), mildly disturbed (MD), and highly disturbed (HD) sites on the basis of magnitude of disturbance in these forests. On UD sites of temperate, sub-tropical and tropical regions, Quercus leucotrichophora, Anogeissus latifolia and Holoptelea integrifolia were the dominant tree species respectively. The highest values of tree density (1028 ind*hm-2) and total basal cover at breast height (31.70 m2 *hm-2) were recorded for UD site of temperate region, whereas maximum species diversity (3.128) and equitability (14.09) values were observed for HD site of tropical region. The structure and composition of the forests were greatly affected by the degree of disturbance.  相似文献   

Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) contribute to human well‐being via health and economic benefits. Nepal has recorded 2331 species of MAPs, of which around 300 species are currently under trade. Wild harvested MAPs in Nepal are under increasing pressure from overexploitation for trade and the effects of climate change and development. Despite some localized studies to examine the impact of climate change on MAPs, a consolidated understanding is lacking on how the distribution of major traded species of MAPs will change with future climate change. This study identifies the potential distribution of 29 species of MAPs in Nepal under current and future climate using an ensemble modeling and hotspot approach. Future climate change will reduce climatically suitable areas of two‐third of the studied species and decrease climatically suitable hotspots across elevation, physiography, ecoregions, federal states, and protected areas in Nepal. Reduction in climatically suitable areas for MAPs might have serious consequences for the livelihood of people that depend on the collection and trade of MAPs as well as Nepal''s national economy. Therefore, it is imperative to consider the threats that future climate change may have on distribution of MAPs while designing protected areas and devising environmental conservation and climate adaptation policies.  相似文献   

Leaf growth patterns were investigated in 11 evergreen (with leaf life-spans of just more than 1 year) and 15 deciduous species, occurring along an elevational gradient of 600–2200 m elevation in the Central Himalaya. Records were made of the leaf initiation period, leaf population dynamics, leaf expansion, leaf mass changes, leaf longevity and related parameters. Species of both groups produced leaves at similar rates during March to April, the driest period of the year. Species of both groups had approximately fully developed foliage during the warm, wet period (mid-June to mid-September) of the monsoon. However, significant differences were found at group level in other characters: shoot length (19.5 cm per shoot for deciduous and 11.7 cm for evergreen species); leaf population per 10 cm shoot length (4.7 vs 15.0); leaf area (107.9 vs 41.4 cm2/ leaf); specific leaf mass (106.9 vs 191.3 g/m2); and leaf mass loss after the monsoon period, being rapid and higher (31.6%) in deciduous species and slow and limited in the evergreens (26.2%). However, species of the two groups showed considerable overlaps in the values of above characters. The evergreen species of the Central Himalaya resembled the deciduous species of the region more than the multi-year leaves of clearly evergreen species. The evergreens bear leaves throughout the year, but like deciduous species bear the cost of annual replacement of old leaves by new leaves. They seem to outcompete deciduous species by producing annually a greater mass of leaves of low-carbon cost (per unit leaf mass), which is capable of conducting photosynthesis all year round. A situation of less marked contrast between favourable and nonfavourable periods, with respect to temperature, seems to favour the leaf characters of the evergreens.  相似文献   

To detect the factors that affect sapling species composition in gaps, we investigated 55 gaps in an old-growth temperate deciduous forest in Ogawa Forest Reserve, central Japan. Gap size, gap age, gap maker species, topographic location, adult tree composition around gaps, and saplings of tree species growing in the gaps were censused. For gaps 5 m2, mean gap size was 70 m2 and the maximum was 330 m2. Estimated ages of gaps had a tendency to be concentrated in particular periods relating to strong wind records in the past. The sapling composition in gaps was highly and significantly correlated to that under closed canopy, indicating the importance of advance regeneration in this forest. However, some species showed significant occurrence biases in gaps or under closed canopy, suggesting differences in shade tolerance. The result of MANOVA showed that gap size and topography were important factors in determining the sapling composition in gaps. Species of gap makers affected the sapling composition indirectly by influencing gap size. The existence of parent trees around gaps had effects on sapling densities of several species. Gap age did not have clear influences on sapling composition. Variations in gap size and topography were considered as important factors that contribute to maintenance of species diversity in this forest.  相似文献   

Impact of human influences on the vegetation of the Western Himalaya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. K. Gupta 《Plant Ecology》1978,37(2):111-118
Summary Effects of human influences on the vegetation of the Western Himalaya have been reviewed. Impacts of forest management practices, over-grazing, surface mining, defence and development operations, and road building activities, are severe in the region. This has created an alarming situation for soil and water conservation. Increased soil loss and runoff pose a threat to various reservoirs built for various uses and have increased hazards of erosion and floods in the Indus and Ganga basin regions.Nomenclature follows Hooker (1872–1897) and Gupta (1968).  相似文献   

The photosynthetic characteristics of a giant alpine plant, Rheum nobile Hook. f. et Thoms. and of some other alpine species were studied in situ at 4300 m, in the Eastern Himalaya, Nepal, during the summer monsoon season. Although rainy and overcast weather was predominant, the daytime photon flux density (400–700 nm) ranged from 300 to 500 mol quanta m-2 s-1. Under such conditions, the temperature of leaves of R. nobile ranged from 10 to 14°C, and the rate of photosynthetic CO2 exchange ranged from 10 to 16 mol CO2 m-2 s-1. The ratios of the maximum rate of photosynthetic CO2 fixation to leaf nitrogen content (defined as instantaneous nitrogen-use efficiency, NUE) for the Himalayan forbs that were examined in situ were similar to the NUE values reported for lowland herbaceous species examined under lowland conditions. In contrast to the common belief, theoretical calculations indicate that the decrease in the rate of photosynthesis due to low atmospheric pressure is small. These Himalayan forbs appeared to overcome this small disadvantage by increasing stomatal conductance. Suppression of photosynthesis caused by blockage of stomata by raindrops appeared to be avoided by either of two mechanisms: plants had large hypostomatous leaves that expanded horizontally or they had obliquely oriented amphistomatous leaves without bundle sheath extensions. All these observations indicate that the gas-exchange characteristics of alpine forbs in the Eastern Himalaya are adapted to the local wet and humid monsoon conditions and thus photosynthetic rates attained during the monsoon period are similar to those of lowland plants.  相似文献   

Field observations of seedlings and saplings of Avicennia marina showed patterns that correlated with salinity, light and sediment. Models that account for these observations were subsequently tested in a series of field experiments. Establishment varied within an estuary under controlled conditions but was not related to salinity or sediment type. Seedling survival was uniform over 3 years regardless of position in estuary and sediment type. Seedling densities and survival under canopies or in canopy gaps were not significantly different. However, seedling growth and density of saplings were greater in canopy gaps. Experiments involving manipulations of canopies showed no differences in seedling survival under canopies or in light gaps, but addition of slow-release fertilizer enhanced growth and survival in canopy gaps and under canopies. Long-term comparison of areas denuded of a canopy and with sediment disturbance showed enhanced establishment and survival when compared with areas with canopy gaps but with undisturbed sediments. Overall there appears to be no restriction to establishment of propagules within mangrove stands other than the supply of propagules and tidal or wave action. In contrast, recruitment to the sapling stage appears to be restricted by light and sediment resources. We suggest that propagules need to establish in a regeneration niche for seedling recruitment to the sapling stage. This differs from the view that seedlings in the under-storey are analogous to a seed pool in the soil.  相似文献   

Palynological data and pedological investigations including stable isotopes and lignin biomarkers (Glaser et al. in press) from a 4 m core of Lake Rukche (3500 m a.s.l.) enhance our palaeoecological knowledge of the time since the LGM in the Gorkha Himal, Central Nepal. Even before 15000 B.P. forest types became established which prove the existence in Central Nepal of a temperate-humid climate with a considerable amount of winter and spring precipitation from westerly disturbances. Lignin input and pollen data point to a patchy vegetation cover around Lake Rukche with meadow-steppes dominated by Poaceae. Around 15000 B.P. Quercus and Pinus roxburghii dominated the lower altitudes while the vegetation around Lake Rukche was more steppe-like (Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia). Subsequently the climate became warmer and drier as winter and spring precipitation decreased while summer rain remained low. Later on more resource-demanding forests became established under improved temperature and precipitation conditions (Engelhardia). Around Lake Rukche coniferous forests (Abies, Picea) occurred beside meadow-steppes. The transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene is not recorded. In the Holocene alpine Kobresia-meadows stabilised the soil surface causing sand accumulation to end. During the mid-Holocene (7800–2750 B.P.) humid oak forests with demanding elements (Ilex, Coriaria, Myrsine and Engelhardia) dominated the vegetation cover. A charcoal layer and a marked emergence of fire-induced communities with Pinus roxburghii, Poaceae, Ericaceae and Pteridium are proofs of a first strong anthropogenic change in vegetation which coincided with the climatic deterioration at the onset of the Subatlantic. Since 900 B.P. grazing pressure and the frequency of fires increased, resulting in a replacement of Betula utilis-forests by meadows and woods of Juniperus and Rhododendron. While previous anthropogenic influence increased the biodiversity by promoting replacement communities, recent developments have led to a decrease in biodiversity through loss of natural vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Although elevational patterns of species richness have been well documented, how the drivers of richness gradients vary across ecological guilds has rarely been reported. Here, we examined the effects of spatial factors (area and mid‐domain effect; MDE) and environmental factors, including metrics of climate, productivity, and plant species richness on the richness of breeding birds across different ecological guilds defined by diet and foraging strategy. We surveyed 12 elevation bands at intervals of 300 m between 1,800 and 5,400 m a.s.l using line‐transect methods throughout the wet season in the central Himalaya, China. Multiple regression models and hierarchical partitioning were used to assess the relative importance of spatial and environmental factors on overall bird richness and guild richness (i.e., the richness of species within each guild). Our results showed that richness for all birds and most guilds displayed hump‐shaped elevational trends, which peaked at an elevation of 3,300–3,600 m, although richness of ground‐feeding birds peaked at a higher elevation band (4,200–4,500 m). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)—an index of primary productivity—and habitat heterogeneity were important factors in explaining overall bird richness as well as that of insectivores and omnivores, with geometric constraints (i.e., the MDE) of secondary importance. Granivore richness was not related to primary production but rather to open habitats (granivores were negatively influenced by habitat heterogeneity), where seeds might be abundant. Our findings provide direct evidence that the richness–environment relationship is often guild‐specific. Taken together, our study highlights the importance of considering how the effects of environmental and spatial factors on patterns of species richness may differ across ecological guilds, potentially leading to a deeper understanding of elevational diversity gradients and their implications for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山脉是全球著名的生物多样性热点地区之一。该研究对以往收集的喜马拉雅山脉南、北坡植物物种名录及其分布数据进行整合,借助在线数据库对分布数据进行补充与修订,最后整理并汇总了喜马拉雅山脉位于中国、印度、尼泊尔、不丹4国境内的种子植物分布情况,并在此基础上对科属特征、物种组成相似性、区系成分以及海拔梯度上物种分布格局进行分析,为该区域的生物多样性研究以及保护提供数据支撑。结果表明:(1)喜马拉雅山脉共分布有种子植物11 875种,隶属223科2 086属,其中包含7 906种草本植物(66.6%),2 583种灌木(21.8%)和1 386种乔木(11.7%)。(2)研究区涵盖物种数量位于前20的科有菊科(Asteraceae)、兰科(Orchidaceae)、禾本科(Poaceae)、豆科(Fabaceae)、杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)等科,共包含物种7 456种,约占喜马拉雅山脉植物种的62.8%;涵盖物种数量位于前20的属有杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)、报春花属(Primula)、马先蒿属(Pedicularis)、虎耳草属(Saxifraga)、薹草属(Carex)...  相似文献   

Based on plot investigation, stem analysis and radial growth pattern, the authors studied the history of suppression, release and regeneration strategies of Fagus engleriana Seem. and Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Maxim. forests, which were widely distributed in Shennongjia of Hubei Province. It was found that (85.9 ± 6.9) % of the Fagus engleriana samples showed periods of suppression during their canopy recruitment. The average number of suppression periods was 2.1 ± 0.8, the average total length of suppression time was (47 ± 24.1) a, the length of longest suppression time was 73 a, the average number of periods of release was 1.6±0.7, and the average total length of release time was 23 a. (60.83±17.3)% of the Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata samples showed periods of suppression but without release. Combined with height and radial growth characteristics, these suggest that Fagus engleriana was shade-tolerant species, and its regeneration strategies was release from seedling sprouts in canopy gaps, while Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata was shade-intolerant species, and its regeneration strategies was seedling establishment and growth in large canopy gaps by producing large amount of seeds.  相似文献   

Tropical mangrove forests are characterized by clear zonation along a tidal gradient, and it has been supposed that the zonation is primarily controlled by soil factors. However, effects of disturbance on mangrove forests are still not well understood and may play an important role on the vegetation patterns and forest dynamics in some forest formations. In this study, the pattern of disturbance regime and its effects on regeneration of tropical mangrove forests along a tidal gradient were investigated in Ranong, Thailand. We established one or two 0.5 ha plots in four vegetation zones, i.e. Sonneratia albaAvicennia alba zone, Rhizophora apiculata zone, Ra – Bruguiera gymnorrhiza zone, Ceriops tagalXylocarpus spp. zone. Gap size (percentage gap area to total study area and individual gap size) was the largest in Sa–Aa zone which is located on the most seaward fringe, and it declined from seaward to inland. Canopy trees of S. alba and A. alba had stunted trunks and showed low tree density. On the contrary, canopy dominants in the other three inland zones, e.g. R. apiculata, B. gymnorrhiza, and Xylocarpus spp., had slender trunks and showed high tree density. Accordingly, differences in disturbance regime among the four zones were resulted from the forest structural features of each zone. Disturbance regime matched with regeneration strategies of canopy dominants. Seedlings and saplings of S. alba and A. alba, which need sunny condition for their growth, were abundant in gaps than in understorey. By contrast, R. apiculata, B. gymnorrhiza, and Xylocarpus spp., which can tolerate less light than S. alba and A. alba, had greater seedling and sapling density under closed canopy than gaps. Many large gaps may enhance the abundance of S. alba and A. alba in Sa–Aa zone, and a few small gaps may prevent the light demanding species to establish and grow in the other inland zones. Correspondence of disturbance regime and regeneration strategies (e.g. light requirement) of canopy dominants may contribute to the maintenance of the present species composition in each of the vegetation zones.  相似文献   

影响籼稻愈伤组织再生频率的几个因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了影响湘早籼19号愈伤组织植株再生频率的几个因素。在诱导培养基中添加不同配比的细胞分裂素(KT,BAP,Zeatin)和萘乙酸,可使再生频率大幅度提高,以补加Zeatin和NAA效果最为显著,达25.33%;诱导培养基和分化培养基的不同琼脂浓度组合处理,以诱导培养基0.75%琼脂和分化培养基1%琼脂与诱导培养基1%琼脂与分化培养基0.5%琼脂两组合再生频率最高。同时还发现:诱导分化后转移至植株生长培养基也可提高再生率,而诱导培养基中补加脯氨酸的合适浓度是50mg/L。  相似文献   

Ten trees (5–70 m2 canopy area) were selected to determine effects of tree size (crown area) on herbaceous species composition and biomass in a Quercus emoryi savanna in southeastern Arizona. Consistent with most studies in temperate savannas, herbaceous biomass was reduced beneath the canopy relative to grassland areas. However, tree size appeared to exert no influence over herbaceous biomass. In contrast to most temperate savannas, Q. emoryi trees did not affect distribution of herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Abstract. In southern France, the natural invasion by Quercus humilis of calcareous grassland takes place in a mosaic of herbaceous and scrubby patches. We hypothesized that the presence of the shrubs Buxus sempervirens and Juniperus communis alter the rate and the pathway of the succession by facilitating the regeneration of Q. humilis. To infer the process of facilitation at a large scale, the spatial distribution of Q. humilis was studied in relation to acorn sources and the type of plant cover in grazed and ungrazed sites. Abundant recruitment up to 80 m from the wood margins and from isolated oak trees in grassland shows that acorns are dispersed effectively. At the three study sites, the density of Q. humilis individuals was higher under shrubs than in grassland, suggesting that facilitation may occur. This density difference was much higher in the grazed sites than in the ungrazed site. Moreover, before grazing by livestock, the distribution of first-year seedlings is independent of vegetation cover. Thus, shrubs improve Q. humilis regeneration by protecting individuals from grazing. The high density of individuals at the northern edge of shrubs suggests that a second facilitation mechanism may exist, probably related to improved germination conditions. Facilitation by shrubs appears to be very important for Q. humilis dynamics.  相似文献   

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