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Effects of short-term repeated blood sampling on the secretion of corticosterone (CORT) and beta-endorphin (beta-END) were evaluated in male Wistar rats. Blood was drawn from the tail vein of conscious rats four times within 2 h both at the peak and trough period of the diurnal corticosterone secretion cycle. All rats were well accustomed to the procedure. The main findings were: (1) At both sampling intervals, CORT increased significantly in response to the first sampling and declined to baseline values in successive samples. (2) beta-END also increased significantly in response to the first sampling but remained elevated in successive samples. (3) Intensities of initial CORT and beta-END responses correlated positively with each other and with the baseline beta-END values. Feedback inhibition of CORT secretion with sustained elevation of beta-END titres suggests a moderate stress intensity of the repeated blood sampling procedures. In general, due to lack of short-term feedback inhibition, beta-END seems to reflect the effects of repeated administration of moderate intense stressors more closely than CORT.  相似文献   

Bone tissues respond to mechanical loading/unloading regimens to accommodate (re)modeling requirements; however, the underlying molecular mechanism responsible for these responses is largely unknown. Previously, we reported that connexin (Cx) 43 hemichannels in mechanosensing osteocytes mediate the release of prostaglandin, PGE(2), a crucial factor for bone formation in response to anabolic loading. We show here that the opening of hemichannels and release of PGE(2) by shear stress were significantly inhibited by a potent antibody we developed that specifically blocks Cx43-hemichannels, but not gap junctions or other channels. The opening of hemichannels and release of PGE(2) are magnitude-dependent on the level of shear stress. Insertion of a rest period between stress enhances this response. Hemichannels gradually close after 24 h of continuous shear stress corresponding with reduced Cx43 expression on the cell surface, thereby reducing any potential negative effects of channels staying open for extended periods. These data suggest that Cx43-hemichannel activity associated with PGE(2) release is adaptively regulated by mechanical loading to provide an effective means of regulating levels of extracellular signaling molecules responsible for initiation of bone (re)modeling.  相似文献   

Summary Red clover Rhizobium strains, isolated from different locations between latitudes 60° and 63°30′ N in Finland, were tested for their adaptation to low temperatures. 31 strains were tested for growth at 5°C, 10°C, 15°C and 18°C in pure culture. No strain grew at 5°C. At the other temperatures there were differences between the strains, but the same strains grew fast at all temperatures. Ten strains were investigated for nodulation and acetylene reduction in phytotrons in two different climates, one simulating the growing season in southern and the other in northern Finland. There were differences between the strains in their ability to nodulate their host plant, and northern strains showed higher nitrogenase activity than southern strains in the cold climate.  相似文献   

Adaptation in sensory and neuronal systems usually leads to reduced responses to persistent or frequently presented stimuli. In contrast to simple fatigue, adapted neurons often retain their ability to encode changes in stimulus intensity and to respond when novel stimuli appear. We investigated how the level of adaptation of a fly visual motion-sensitive neuron affects its responses to discontinuities in the stimulus, i.e. sudden brief changes in one of the stimulus parameters (velocity, contrast, grating orientation and spatial frequency). Although the neuron''s overall response decreased gradually during ongoing motion stimulation, the response transients elicited by stimulus discontinuities were preserved or even enhanced with adaptation. Moreover, the enhanced sensitivity to velocity changes by adaptation was not restricted to a certain velocity range, but was present regardless of whether the neuron was adapted to a baseline velocity below or above its steady-state velocity optimum. Our results suggest that motion adaptation helps motion-sensitive neurons to preserve their sensitivity to novel stimuli even in the presence of strong tonic stimulation, for example during self-motion.  相似文献   

Theoretical calculation of the germination response induced by repeated treatments, separated by a dark period long enough to enable fixation of the effect of the preceding treatment, is possible when defining the percentage germination induced by the first treatment as the responding proportion (p) of the total treated seed population. Consequently the germination response induced by a second treatment should be relative to the proportion (q) of the seed population not responding to the first treatment (q = 1 - p).
The fitting of these calculations with experimental data for the Very Low Fluence Response (VLFR) for germination of seeds of Kalanchoë blossfeldiana Poelln. cv. Vesuv, induced by repeated light pulses, suggests the independency of the effect of each treatment, i.e. the effect of the second treatment is neither positively nor negatively influenced by the first treatment.
This hypothesis is not valid for calculation of the Low Fluence Response (LFR) for germination of Kalanchoë seeds induced by repeated light pulses, since the first light pulse does not result in a germination response. At least two irradiations are needed for an LFR while the third and following pulses increase the response much more than calculated with the proposed equation. It is suggested that the LFR in Kalanchoë , in contrast to the VLFR, includes the involvement of some pre-existing far-red absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) and the involvement of dark reactions are to be considered.
The effect of long irradiation times (up to 2xl05 s) resulting in a (defined in this paper) high fluence response (HFR) for germination of Kalanchoë seeds is also discussed in terms of independently responding seed population fractions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether signs of illness reported by parents can be used to identify babies at risk from the sudden infant death syndrome. DESIGN--A two year prospective case-controlled study based in a geographically defined area. SETTING--Four health districts in Avon and north Somerset. SUBJECTS--Babies who had died suddenly and unexpectedly aged between 1 week and 2 years (index babies) and two control babies for each index baby selected from the same health visitor''s list and matched for age, time of year of the interview, and area of residence. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Major and minor signs of illness during two weeks before the index babies'' death, or before the interview for control babies, and consultations with the general practitioner during the same period. RESULTS--Parents reported major and minor signs of illness in the previous week in 66 of the 95 index babies compared with 77 of the 190 controls. No significant difference was found in the incidence of major signs reported (34 out of 95 index babies and 44 out of 190 controls), but a higher proportion of the index babies had been seen by their general practitioner during the previous week (17/95 v 11/190). CONCLUSION--Major and minor signs of illness are neither a sensitive nor a specific indicator of sudden unexpected death of infants and have no predictive value. Better understanding of the reasons why a higher proportion of parents of babies who died took them to their general practitioners may help to identify babies at risk before death.  相似文献   

Numerous cellular biochemical responses to mechanical loading are transient, indicating a cell's ability to adapt its behavior to a new mechanical environment. Since load-induced cellular deformation can initiate these biochemical responses, the overall goal of this study was to investigate the adaptation of global, or whole-cell, mechanical behavior, i.e., cellular deformability, in response to mechanical loading for osteoblastic cells. Confluent cell cultures were subjected to 1 or 2 Pa flow-induced shear stress for 2 h. Whole-cell mechanical behavior was then measured for individual cells using an atomic force microscope. Compared to cells maintained under static conditions, whole-cell stiffness was 1.36-fold (p=0.006) and 1.70-fold (p<0.001) greater for cells exposed to 1 and 2 Pa shear loading, respectively. The increase in shear stress magnitude from 1 to 2 Pa also caused a statistically significant, 1.25-fold increase in cell stiffness (p=0.02). Increases in cell stiffness were not altered in either flow group for 70 min after flow was terminated (p=0.15). Flow-induced rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton was also maintained for at least 90 min after flow was terminated. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that cells become mechanically adapted to their mechanical environment via cytoskeletal modifications. Accordingly, cellular mechanical adaptation may play a key role in regulation of cellular mechanosensitivity and the related effects on tissue structure and function.  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence indicates that sudden loading of the torso is a risk factor for low back injury. Accurately quantifying the time-varying loading of the spine during sudden loading events and how these loading profiles are affected by workplace factors such as fatigue, expectation, and training can potentially lead to intervention strategies that can reduce these risks. Electromyographic and trunk motion data were collected from six male participants who performed a series of sudden loading trials with varying levels of expectation (no preview, 300-ms audible preview), fatigue (no fatiguing exertion preceding sudden load, short duration/high intensity fatiguing exertion preceding sudden load), and training (untrained, trained). These data were used as inputs to an adaptive system identification model wherein time-varying lower back stiffness, torque, work, and impulse magnitudes were calculated. Results indicated that expectation significantly increased peak and average stiffness by 70% and 113%, respectively, and significantly decreased peak torque, work, and impulse magnitudes by 36%, 50%, and 45%, respectively. Training significantly decreased peak torque and work by 25% and 34%, respectively. The results also showed a significant interaction between expectation and training wherein training had a positive effect during the trials with preview but no effect during the trials with no preview (increased peak stiffness by 17% and decreased impulse magnitude by 43%).  相似文献   

Physical loadings produce in experimental animals various adaptive rearrangements in the cardiac muscle parts. Peculiar changes in the parts of the hyperfunctioning myocardium essentially depends on the character of physical strains. Static physical loadings produce an increase of the cardiac mass with a predominant hypertrophy of the right ventricle and dilatation of its cavity in most rats. Under swimming--in half of the observations the cardiac hypetrophy occurs mainly at the expense of analogous structural rearrangement in the left ventricle.  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was evaluation of postmortem changes of electric charge of human erythrocyte and thrombocyte membranes after sudden unexpected death. The surface charge density values were determined on the basis of the electrophoretic mobility measurements of the cells carried out at various pHs of electrolyte solution. The interactions between both erythrocyte and thrombocyte membranes and electrolyte ions were studied. Values of parameters characterizing the membrane--that is, the total surface concentrations of both acidic and basic groups and their association constants with solution ions--were calculated on the basis of a four-equilibria mathematical model. The model was validated by comparison of these values to experimental data. We established that examined electric properties of the cell membranes are affected by sudden unexpected death. Postmortem processes occurring in the cell membranes can lead to disorders of existing equilibria, which in turn result in changes in values of all the above-mentioned parameters.  相似文献   

Most studies of human gait assume that the normal gait patterns are consistent and therefore that it is adequate to assess the baseline condition once. However, recent research has brought this assumption into question. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the repeatability of components of the ground reaction force, peak force loading rate and percent of ground reaction force at impact above 60Hz, across repeated walking trials throughout the experiment. Twenty-two subjects walked barefoot 10 times across a force platform interspersed between trial blocks of three different shod conditions. We used traditional grouped data analysis (ANOVA) as well as a more novel single-subject analysis. The grouped analysis revealed one statistically significant comparison between barefoot trials for the root mean square greater than 60Hz variable. The single-subject analysis revealed that approximately 5% of the barefoot trials were significantly different for each of the peak force loading rate and percent of impact transient signal above 60Hz variables. We suggest that these results, from both data analysis techniques, are not biologically relevant because the magnitudes of most of the changes were not large enough to have a biological significance (peak force loading rate differences less than 50%, and less than 0.05-fold differences in the percent of the ground reaction force above 60Hz). In conclusion, our data suggest that baseline impact force measurements during walking are stable and do not need to be recorded between experimental conditions in walking studies.  相似文献   

Adaptation to the reflex effects of sustained changes in lung volume on inspiratory duration (TI), expiratory duration (TE), and the phrenic neurogram was examined. Test inflations in gallamine-paralyzed dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium were made during a 6-min trial while the animal was not ventilated: 2 min at functional residual capacity (FRC), 2 min at elevated airway pressure, and 2 min back at FRC. The dogs were hyperoxygenated and arterial PCO2 was kept constant by an infusion of tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane. The maintained inflations produced minimal changes in TI. On return to FRC, TI was prolonged in proportion to the magnitude of the prior inflation. In contrast, inflation produced marked prolongation of TE, which then adapted back toward preinflation values. On return to FRC, TE shortened initially to values below control. This shortening increased with greater prior lung inflations. The times to reestablish steady-state values upon return to FRC differed for TI (14.8 +/- 4.6 s) and TE (33.8 +/- 12.7 s). The magnitude of the phrenic neurogram at a fixed time from onset of inspiration and its slope were unchanged with inflation. These results indicate that respiratory phase durations are influenced not only by pulmonary afferent input within each respiratory cycle but also by prior vagal afferent activity that engages central processes with long, although different, time constants. Afferent input to the slow central process controlling TI is not gated to only one phase of the respiratory cycle.  相似文献   

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