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为阐明北亚热带.南暖温带过渡区典型森林生态系统土壤呼吸与其组分的碳排放速率及其对土壤水热变化的响应规律,本研究用壕沟断根法布设了土壤呼吸组分分离试验,并对土壤温湿度与呼吸速率进行了一年的观测。统计分析结果表明:土壤呼吸及其组分的呼吸速率在夏秋季较高、春冬季较低;土壤温度低于15℃时,呼吸速率的季节性变化主要受控于土壤温度;土壤温度高于15℃,而含水量低于0.20kg·kg^-1时,含水量对呼吸速率有明显的抑制作用;当土壤温湿度分别高于15℃与0.20kg·kg^-1,呼吸速率同时受到土壤温湿度的影响;土壤温湿度分别能解释呼吸速率季节性变化的80.36%~94.94%与7.20%~48.45%,温度的影响高于含水量;5种类型中土壤呼吸、自养与异养呼吸的Q10值变化范围分别为2.30~2.44、2.49~2.82与2.09~2.35,每个类型中自养呼吸的温度敏感性均为最高,其次为土壤呼吸,异养呼吸最低;锐齿栎幼林、锐齿栎老林、华山松与短柄袍针阔混交林、千金榆与短柄袍阔叶混交林及栓皮栎林自养呼吸日贡献率的变化范围分别为35.19%~57.73%、28.73%~49.24%、28.67%~49.82%、24.24%~41.70%与30.07%~46.22%,土壤呼吸的年排放量分别为1105.15gC·m^-2·a^-1、779.12gC·m^-2·a^-1、821.23gC·m^-2·a^-1、912.19gC·m^-2·a^-1与899.50gC·m^-2·a^-1,其中自养呼吸的年贡献率分别为52.89%、39.77%、44.17%、38.15%与43.26%,若考虑断根样方内细根分解的影响,则自养呼吸的年贡献率分别为65.56%、47.95%、53.80%、46.83%与53.86%;5个林分间的土壤呼吸速率、异养呼吸速率没有显著差异(P〉0.05),而自养呼吸速率存在显著差异(P〈0.05),类型间活细根生物量的差异解释了自养呼吸速率差异的94.71%。  相似文献   

中国亚热带森林转换对土壤呼吸动态及通量的影响   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
通过用静态碱吸收法对中国亚热带福建三明格氏栲自然保护区内的格氏栲天然林和33年生的格氏栲人工林及杉木人工林的土壤呼吸进行为期2a的定位研究,结果表明,3种森林土壤呼吸速率季节变化均呈单峰曲线,最大值出现在5月至6月份,最小值出现在12月至翌年1月份。格氏栲天然林、格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林土壤呼吸速率一年中变化范围分别在403.47~1001.12mgCO2m-2h-1、193.89~697.86mgCO2m-2h-1和75.97~368.98mgCO2m-2h-1之间。2002年土壤呼吸速率主要受土壤温度影响,但在极端干旱的2003年则主要受土壤湿度的影响。双因素关系模型(R=aebTWc)拟合结果优于仅考虑土壤温度或土壤湿度的单因素关系模型,土壤温度和土壤湿度共同解释不同年份不同森林土壤呼吸速率季节变化的80%~96%。杉木林土壤呼吸对气候变化敏感性高于格氏栲天然林和人工林。格氏栲天然林、格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林土壤呼吸年通量分别为13.742、9.439和4.543tC·hm-2·a-1,前者分别约是后二者的1.5倍和3.0倍。森林转换对土壤呼吸通量的影响可能与枯落物数量和质量、根系呼吸、土壤有机质数量和质量的变化有关。  相似文献   

北京山地温带森林的土壤呼吸   总被引:107,自引:3,他引:107       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过在北京山地3种温带森林中为期一年的观测,得到了土壤呼吸速率与地下5cm土壤温度之间的函数关系。据此并根据气象资料推算得到了白桦林、辽东栎林和油松林的年土壤呼吸量分别为1132gCO2m-2a-1,143gCO2m-2a-1和866gCO2m-2a-1。与国外同纬度地区相比,该地年土壤呼吸量偏低。结果还显示,土壤呼吸与地下5cm土壤温度的相关性好于与地表温度的相关性,并且水分含量对土壤呼吸也有影响。1994年秋季进行的昼夜连续观测表明,日土壤呼吸速率最高的时刻在中午12:00~下午4:00,最低的时刻在黎明前5:00~6:00。  相似文献   

华北平原地区麦田土壤呼吸特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年4-6月利用LI-8100及LI-6400-09测定了华北平原典型冬小麦田土壤CO_2通量,并分析了麦田土壤呼吸变化规律及其影响机制.结果表明:土壤呼吸日变化呈明显的单峰曲线,最高值出现在12:30-14:30,最低值出现在5:00-6:30;在不同的天气条件下,土壤呼吸速率晴天最高,多云其次,阴天最小;观测期间冠层内各高度CO_2浓度与麦田土壤呼吸速率白天呈显著线性负相关,夜间正相关;土壤呼吸速率与5 cm地温的季节变化趋势基本一致,二者显著指数相关;在田间持水量范围内,土壤呼吸速率与土壤湿度正相关,当土壤相对湿度低于30%时,土壤呼吸受到抑制而通量降低;综合考虑土壤温度与湿度的双因素指数回归模型能较好地解释土壤呼吸的变化情况,土壤温度低于15 ℃时效果更好.
By using LI-8100 and LI-6400-09, the soil CO_2 flux of a winter wheat field in North China Plain was determined from April to June 2008, with its change patterns and affecting fac-tors analyzed. The soil respiration had a single-peak diurnal variation, with the maximum at 12: 30-14:30 and the minimum at 5:00-6:30, and the respiration rate was higher in sunny days than in cloudy or overcast days. There was a significant negative correlation between the CO_2 con-centrations at all canopy heights and the soil respiration rate at daytime, but a significant positive correlation at night. The soil respiration rate presented a seasonal variation similar to the soil tem-perature at 5 cm depth, and had a significant exponential relationship with the soil temperature. Significant correlation was also found between the soil respiration rate and soil humidity when the soil moisture content was within the range of field capacity. Soil humidity less than 30% would limit the soil respiration, inducing a decrease of soil CO_2 flux. A multiple exponential regression model of soil temperature and moisture could better explain the variation of soil respiration, espe-cially when the soil temperature was below 15 ℃.  相似文献   

近年来,含氮化合物排放量迅速增加,并随着人口增长及城市化程度的提高而持续增加,这些氮元素以沉降的形式降落到森林生态系统中,对森林土壤碳通量产生深远影响,使氮沉降成为影响森林土壤呼吸的一个重要因素.本研究以安徽省万佛山麻栎天然林为对象,通过模拟氮沉降试验,采用LI-8100土壤呼吸仪测定土壤呼吸速率及土壤温湿度,探讨短期...  相似文献   

以科尔沁沙丘-草甸相间地区为研究区,运用LI-6400土壤呼吸配套系统对沙丘-草甸过渡带人工杨树林和固定沙丘小叶锦鸡儿群落土壤呼吸及其相关因子进行观测,结果表明,(1)生长期和生长末期人工杨树林保留和去除枯枝落叶土壤呼吸的日变化表现为"多峰型"。(2)人工杨树林和小叶锦鸡儿群落保留和去除枯枝落叶土壤呼吸的季变化峰值均出现在8月份,人工杨树林的土壤呼吸明显大于小叶锦鸡儿群落的土壤呼吸。(3)人工杨树林土壤呼吸的季变化与0—10cm土壤温度相关显著(P0.01),保留枯枝落叶土壤呼吸小于去除枯枝落叶。(4)小叶锦鸡儿群落土壤呼吸的季变化与0—10cm土壤含水量相关显著(P0.01),与人工杨树林不同,保留枯枝落叶土壤呼吸大于去除枯枝落叶。(5)人工杨树林土壤呼吸与土壤温度显著呈指数关系,小叶锦鸡儿群落土壤呼吸与土壤含水量显著呈幂函数关系,并运用归一化法,通过建立土壤呼吸LnRs与土壤温度T、土壤含水量Lnθ的双因子回归模型,得出土壤温度和土壤含水量分别对保留和去除枯枝落叶土壤呼吸的贡献率。  相似文献   

揭示不同恢复阶段热带森林土壤细菌呼吸季节变化及其主控因素,对于探明土壤细菌呼吸对热带森林恢复的响应机制具有重要的科学意义。以西双版纳不同恢复阶段热带森林(白背桐群落、崖豆藤群落和高檐蒲桃群落)为研究对象,运用真菌呼吸抑制法及高通量宏基因组测序技术分别测定土壤细菌呼吸速率和细菌多样性,并采用回归分析及结构方程模型揭示热带森林恢复过程中土壤细菌多样性、pH、土壤碳氮组分变化对土壤细菌呼吸速率的影响特征。结果表明:1)不同恢复阶段热带森林土壤细菌呼吸速率表现为:高檐蒲桃群落((1.51±0.62)CO2 mg g-1 h-1)显著高于崖豆藤群落((1.16±0.56)CO2 mg g-1 h-1)和白背桐群落((0.82±0.60)CO2 mg g-1 h-1)(P<0.05)。2)不同恢复阶段土壤细菌呼吸速率呈显著的单峰型季节变化(P<0.05),最大值均出现在9月:高檐蒲桃群落((...  相似文献   

中亚热带东部三种主要木本群落土壤呼吸的研究   总被引:92,自引:12,他引:92  
黄承才  葛滢  常杰  卢蓉  徐青山 《生态学报》1999,19(3):324-328
研究中亚热带东部青冈(Quercusglauca)常绿阔叶林、毛竹(Phylostachyspubescens)林和茶(Cameliasinensis)园土壤呼吸与土壤温度、土壤含水率的关系,建立了土壤呼吸速率与地表温度的模型,根据气象资料估算得到青冈常绿阔叶林、毛竹林、茶园的年均土壤CO2呼吸量,3种群落依次为24.12、30.77、28.55t/hm2·a,进一步估算出浙江省常绿阔叶林、毛竹林和茶园每年土壤CO2排放量,分别为9.27×106、1.36×107、7.16×106t/a  相似文献   

东北东部森林生态系统土壤呼吸组分的分离量化   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
杨金艳  王传宽 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1640-1647
对森林生态系统的土壤呼吸组分进行分离和量化,确定不同组分CO2释放速率的控制因子,是估测局域和区域森林生态系统碳平衡研究中必不可少的内容。采用挖壕法和红外气体分析法测定无根和有根样地的土壤表面CO2通量(RS),确定东北东部6种典型森林生态系统RS中异养呼吸(RH)和根系自养呼吸(RA)的贡献量及其影响因子。具体研究目标包括:(1)量化各种生态系统的RH及其与主要环境影响因子的关系;(2)量化各种生态系统RS中根系呼吸贡献率(RC)的季节动态;(3)比较6种森林生态系统RH和RA的年通量。土壤温度、土壤含水量及其交互作用显著地影响森林生态系统的RH(R2=0.465~0.788),但其影响程度因森林生态系统类型而异。硬阔叶林和落叶松人工林的RH主要受土壤温度控制,其他生态系统RH受土壤温度和含水量的联合影响。各个森林生态系统类型的RC变化范围依次为:硬阔叶林32.40%~51.44%;杨桦林39.72%~46.65%;杂木林17.94%~47.74%;蒙古栎林34.31%~37.36%;红松人工林33.78%~37.02%;落叶松人工林14.39%~35.75%。每个生态系统类型RH年通量都显著高于RA年通量,其变化范围分别为337~540 gC.m-2.a-1和88~331 gC.m-2.a-1。不同生态系统间的RH和RA也存在着显著性差异。  相似文献   

齐丽彬  樊军  邵明安  王万忠 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5428-5436
以黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区神木县六道沟小流域为研究区,采用动态密闭气室法对植物生长季节(2007年5~10月)5种土地利用方式的土壤呼吸速率进行了测定,并结合水热因子,对不同土地利用方式间土壤呼吸速率的差异性以及其和温度、含水量之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:5种土地利用类型土壤呼吸速率季节性变化均呈现单峰型曲线,与气温变化趋势一致,其7、8月份土壤呼吸速率均显著高于其它月份(P〈0.05);生长季节土壤CO2平均释放速率顺序为:长芒草地〉苜蓿地〉柠条地〉农地〉沙柳地,草地在生长前期和旺盛期土壤呼吸强度均显著高于农地和灌木林地;除沙柳地和苜蓿地以外,在土壤呼吸与所有温度指标的关系中,与10cm深度的土壤温度相关性最好,且除沙柳地外,其它4种土地利用类型均与之达到显著相关;农地土壤呼吸对温度的响应最敏感(Q10值为2.20),除沙柳地(Q10值为1.48)外,其它4种土地利用类型Q10值均在2.0左右,接近于全球Q10的平均水平;通过Van’t Hoff模型估算,2007年植物整个生长季节(5~10月份),5种土地利用类型土壤呼吸量从高到低依次为:苜蓿地259gC&#183;m^-2,长芒草地236gC&#183;m^-2,柠条地226gC&#183;m^-2,农地170gC&#183;m^-2,沙柳地94gC&#183;m^-2;水分对农地和沙柳地的土壤呼吸影响不大;长芒草地、柠条地和苜蓿地土壤呼吸的双变量模型关系显著(P〈0.05),比相应的单变量模型更好地解释了土壤呼吸变异。  相似文献   

福建和溪亚热带雨林土壤酶活性的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
福建和溪亚热带雨林土壤酶活性的研究郑文教,王良睦,林鹏(厦门大学环境科学研究中心,361005)SoilEnzymaticActivityintheSubtropicalRainForestinHexi,Fujian.¥ZhengWenjiao;Wa...  相似文献   

原始阔叶红松林是我国温带典型的地带性顶极植被类型,枫桦次生林是其典型的次生林类型之一,对二者土壤呼吸及其各组分特征的研究有助于准确评价该地区的碳平衡。本研究主要测定了2013和2014年2个生长季原始阔叶红松林和枫桦次生林土壤呼吸(RS),并量化了土壤呼吸的各个组分(异养呼吸RH和自养呼吸RA),与此同时测量了土壤10 cm处温度以及土壤含水率。研究结果表明,土壤呼吸及其各组分有着明显的季节变化特性,其大小的变化主要受温度的影响,土壤10 cm处的温度可以解释RS 64%~70%、RH 56%~65%、RA 77%~79%的变异。对于温度的敏感性,原始阔叶红松林土壤呼吸Q10值>枫桦次生林土壤呼吸Q10值,而在单一林型中的比较,RA Q10值 > RS Q10值 > RH Q10值。此外,总体Q10值随着季节有着明显的变化,且随着温度的升高有降低的趋势。原始阔叶红松林和枫桦次生林RS年平均速率分别为3.92和4.06 μmol·m-2·s-1,RH年平均速率分别为2.97和2.85 μmol·m-2·s-1,RA年平均速率则分别为0.96和1.17 μmol·m-2·s-1。原始阔叶红松林土壤呼吸以及土壤土壤自养呼吸要稍低于枫桦次生林,而原始阔叶红松林异养呼吸则高于枫桦次生林异养呼吸,但差异不显著。原始阔叶红松林和枫桦次生林RS平均年通量分别为942和971 g C·m-2·a-1,RH年通量分别为709和677 g C·m-2·a-1,RA年通量则分别为215和276 g C·m-2·a-1。原始阔叶红松林RS年通量略高于枫桦次生林RS年通量,但差异不显著。我们的实验结果表明,小兴安岭地区枫桦次生林正向演替的过程中,植被演替变化对土壤呼吸及各组分的影响并不明显,相较于环境因子温度和湿度要小的多。  相似文献   

The efflux of carbon from soils is a critical link between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Current concerns about rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations highlight the need to better understand the dynamics of total soil respiration (TSR, sum of root and heterotroph respiration) in changing environments. We investigated the effects of exotic earthworm invasion on TSR, fine-root distributions, and aboveground litterfall flux in two sugar maple-dominated forests in two locations in New York State, USA. The Arnot Forest in central New York was harvested in the late 19th century and has no history of cultivation. Tompkins Farm in eastern New York regenerated following abandonment from cultivation approximately 75 years ago. Arnot had 20% higher total soil CO2 efflux (880 g C m–2year–1) than Tompkins (715 g C m–2year–1). The presence of earthworms had no influence on TSR at either location. However, fine-root (< 1 mm diameter) biomass in earthworm plots (350 g/m2) was significantly lower than in worm-free reference plots (440 g/m2) at Arnot. Fine-root nitrogen (N) concentrations were not influenced by earthworms, and total fine-root N content was significantly reduced in the presence of earthworms at Arnot. Our results indicate that the presence of exotic earthworms is not presently affecting net C emission from soil in these forests. They also suggest a change in root function in earthworm plots that is not associated with higher fine-root N concentration, but that increases efficiency of nutrient uptake and also may enhance the belowground supply of C for heterotroph metabolism.  相似文献   

Aims Clear-cutting is a common forest management practice, especially in subtropical China. However, the potential ecological consequences of clear-cutting remain unclear. In particular, the effect of clear-cutting on soil processes, such as the carbon cycle, has not been quantified in subtropical forests. Here, we investigated the response of soil respiration (Rs) to clear-cutting during a 12-month period in a subtropical forest in eastern China.Methods We randomly selected four clear-cut (CC) plots and four corresponding undisturbed forest (UF) plots. Measurements of Rs were made at monthly time points and were combined with continuous climatic measurements in both CC and UF. Daily Rs was estimated by interpolating data with an exponential model dependent on soil temperature. Daily Rs was cumulated to annual Rs estimates.Important findings In the first year after clear-cutting, annual estimates of Rs in CC (508±23g C m ?2 yr-1) showed no significant difference to UF plots (480±12g C m ?2 yr-1). During the summer, soil temperatures were usually higher, whereas the soil volumetric water content was lower in CC than in UF plots. The long-term effects of clear-cutting on Rs are not significant, although there might be effects during the first several months after clear-cutting. Compared with previous work, this pattern was more pronounced in our subtropical forest than in the temperate and boreal forests that have been studied by others. With aboveground residuals off-site after clear-cutting, our results indicate that the stimulation of increasing root debris, as well as environmental changes, will not lead to a significant increase in Rs. In addition, long-term Rs will not show a significant decrease from the termination of root respiration, and this observation might be because of the influence of fast-growing vegetation after clear-cutting in situ .  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations in soil respiration and its relationship with biophysical factors In forests near the Tropic of Cancer remain highly uncertain. To contribute towards an Improvement of actual estimates, soil respiration rates, soil temperature, and soil moisture were measured In three successional subtropical forests at the Dlnghuahan Nature Reserve (DNR) In southern China from March 2003 to February 2005. The overall objective of the present study was to analyze the temporal variations of soil respiration and Its biophysical dependence in these forests. The relationships between biophysical factors and soil respiration rates were compared In successional forests to test the hypothesis that these forests responded similarly to biophysical factors. The seasonality of soil respiration coincided with the seasonal climate pattern, with high respiration rates in the hot humid season (April-September) and with low rates In the cool dry season (October-March). Soil respiration measured at these forests showed a clear Increasing trend with the progressive succession. Annual mean (± SD) soil respiration rate In the DNR forests was (9.0 ± 4.6) Mg CO2-C/hm^2 per year, ranging from (6.1 ± 3.2) Mg CO2-C/hm^2 per year in early successional forests to (10.7 ± 4.9) Mg CO2-C/hm^2 per year in advanced successional forests. Soil respiration was correlated with both soil temperature and moisture. The T/M model, where the two biophysical variables are driving factors, accounted for 74%-82% of soil respiration variation In DNR forests. Temperature sensitivity decreased along progressive succession stages, suggesting that advanced-successional forests have a good ability to adjust to temperature. In contrast, moisture Increased with progressive succession processes. This increase is caused, in part, by abundant respirators In advanced-successional forest, where more soil moisture is needed to maintain their activities.  相似文献   

采用碱液吸收法对锡林河流域一个半干旱典型草原群落的土壤呼吸进行了5个月的野外测定,并对其与气候因子和生物量之间的关系进行了分析.另选择了锡林河岸边的一个沼泽化草甸群落作为对比来研究土壤湿度和植被类型对土壤呼吸的影响.主要结果包括:1)两个群落土壤呼吸的季节动态基本一致,均出现了两个峰值,其中草原群落和草甸群落土壤呼吸速率的变化范围分别为312.8~1 738.9mgC@m-2@d-1和354.6~2 235.6 mg C@m -2@d-1.草甸群落的土壤呼吸速率明显高于草原群落,它们的日平均土壤呼吸速率分别为1 349.6 mg C@m-2@d-1和785.9mg C@m-2@d1;2)在草原群落中,土壤呼吸速率与土壤湿度的相关性比其与温度的关系更加显著,而在草甸群落正好相反,反映出这两种气候因子在不同生境中起着不同的作用.根据土壤呼吸与气温之间的同归关系外推出2001年生长季草原群落和草甸群落的土壤呼吸量分别为142.4 g C/m2和236.1 g C/m2;3)在草甸群落中,地上总生物量与土壤呼吸速率之间没有显著的相关关系,而地上部活体生物量与土壤呼吸速率之间则存有很显著的幂函数关系.在草原群落中,土壤呼吸速率与地上活体生物量或地上总生物量的相关性均很弱.  相似文献   

Soil respiration (SR), a substantial component of the forest carbon budget, has been studied extensively at the ecosystem, regional, continental, and global scales, but little progress has been made toward understanding SR over managed forest landscapes. Soil respiration is often influenced by soil temperature (Ts), soil moisture (Ms), and type of vegetation, and these factors vary widely among the patch types within a landscape. We measured SR, Ts, Ms, and litter depth (LD) during the 1999 and 2000 growing seasons within six dominant patch types (mature northern hardwoods, young northern hardwoods, clear-cuts, open-canopy Jack pine barrens, mature Jack pine, and mature red pine) on a managed forest landscape in northern Wisconsin, USA. We compared SR among and within the patch types and derived empirically based models that relate SR to Ts, Ms, and LD. Increased levels of soil moisture and higher temperatures in June–September 1999 may have accounted for the up to 37% overall higher SR than in this same period in 2000. In 2000, SR and Ts values were lower, and the sites may have been experiencing slight water limitations, but in general Ts was a much more accurate predictor of SR during this year. Empirical predictions of SR within each patch type derived from continuous Ts measurements were in close agreement with measured values of SR during 2000, but eight of 22 of the simulated values were significantly different ( = 0.05) from the rates measured in 1999. The young hardwoods consistently had the highest SR, whereas the pine barrens had the lowest. Results from our field studies and empirical models can help land managers assess landscape responses to potential disturbances and climatic changes.  相似文献   

不同类型森林石灰土的团聚体组成及其有机碳分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选取中国西南喀斯特石灰土人工林、次生林、原生林3个主要森林类型的6个代表性群落,建立18个20m×20m的样方,按梅花型5点法采集各样方的原状土壤,基于团聚体的干湿筛2种分组方法,研究不同类型森林石灰土机械性、水稳性团聚体组成及全土、各粒级团聚体的有机碳分布特征。结果显示:(1)3类森林石灰土干湿筛团聚体均以>2mm粒径为主,分别为67.93%~81.24%和30.49%~76.81%,1~10mm粒径的干湿筛优势团聚体分别高达78.18%~88.67%和43.41%~84.00%。(2)团聚体的整体稳定性很好,干湿筛平均重量直径(MWD)为4.82~5.77和0.75~2.13,平均几何直径(GMD)为2.87~4.17和1.45~2.85;>0.25mm和>2mm粒径的团聚体破坏率(PAD)分别仅为6.15~20.91和2.04~52.79。(3)石灰土的有机碳含量很高,全土和干、湿筛团聚体的有机碳含量分别为17.28~58.85、19.12~91.47、17.16~78.86g/kg,其中干筛以<2mm粒径团聚体的有机碳含量较高,湿筛反之,但干湿筛均以>2mm粒径团聚体的有机碳贮量最高。研究表明,中国西南喀斯特石灰土林区土壤沿人工林、次生林、原生林土壤扰动递减梯度,石灰土的团聚化作用越来越强,稳定性越来越好,有机碳含量也越来越丰富。  相似文献   

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