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Ranunculus communities have been identified by the European Community Directive on Conservation of Natural and Semi-Natural Habitats as a key habitat in need of protection. The ecological requirements and floristic composition of three Ranunculus communities were investigated in North-Eastern France. We also aimed to determine the relationships between environmental parameters, Ranunculus abundance and species richness. R. fluitans communities clearly differed from the other communities by a higher evenness and species richness and by the occurrence of specific species. In contrast, R. penicillatus and R. peltatus communities displayed similar floristic content. Three different sub-associations were however identified within these communities. If alkalinity was determinant in isolating R. fluitans communities from the other stretches, the ecological ranges of the three communities strongly overlapped while considering parameters linked with other resources or with physical constraints. Further, no significant correlations were highlighted between environmental parameters, Ranunculus abundance and species richness. With respect to conservation, these observations may indicate the particular difficulty in defining each Ranunculus habitat on a European scale, and identify several key points which need to be taken into account when evaluating their status.  相似文献   

Wildfires are rare in the disturbance history of Hawaiian forests but may increase in prevalence due to invasive species and global climate change. We documented survival rates and adaptations facilitating persistence of native woody species following 2002–2003 wildfires in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. Fires occurred during an El Niño drought and were ignited by lava flows. They burned across an environmental gradient occupied by two drier shrub-dominated communities and three mesic/wet Metrosideros forest communities. All the 19 native tree, shrub, and tree fern species demonstrated some capacity of postfire persistence. While greater than 95% of the dominant Metrosideros trees were top-killed, more than half survived fires via basal sprouting. Metrosideros trees with diameters >20 cm sprouted in lower percentages than smaller trees. At least 17 of 29 native woody species colonized the postfire environment via seedling establishment. Although the native biota possess adaptations facilitating persistence following wildfire, the presence of highly competitive invasive plants and ungulates will likely alter postfire succession.  相似文献   

Gilman SE 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):270-279
Experimental studies of biogeographic processes are important, but rarely attempted because of the logistical challenges of research at large spatial scales. I used a series of large-scale transplant experiments to investigate the mechanisms controlling species abundance near a poleward range boundary. The intertidal limpet Collisella scabra experiences a 100-fold decline in abundance over the northernmost 300 km of its range. Temperature and food supply both strongly influenced individual survival, growth, and maturation. Regression analysis also revealed significant interactions among these conditions: the effect of one could not be predicted without knowing the level of the other. But these relationships could not explain geographic abundance patterns. Instead, individual limpets were highly successful at sites with relatively low abundance. These results suggest that, even though temperature is important to the success of individual C. scabra populations, the primary effect of warming temperatures under climate change may not be a shift in geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract. To assess the effects of site type, forest initiation periods and fire regimes on the dynamics of Pinus banksiana (Jack pine), the age structure of 69 populations of the species was analyzed. Two landscapes with different fire regimes were selected in the southern part of the Canadian boreal forest in Québec: the ‘mainland landscape’ is characterized by a fire regime of large lethal fires, the ‘island landscape’ is affected by a complex fire regime including lethal and non-lethal fires. Age structure was compared between forest initiation periods and site types (mesic mainland, xeric mainland and xeric island) using the Shannon regularity index. An even-aged population structure was found within the first 100 yr following a lethal fire, while after that period the population structure becomes more uneven-aged. Under mesic conditions, populations tend to have an even-aged structure, under xeric conditions an uneven-aged structure. Natural openings present in xeric sites allow for recruitment in the absence of fire. This permits the self-maintenance of Pinus banksiana. Xeric island populations show more uneven-aged structures than xeric mainland populations. The occurrence of non-lethal fires on the islands creates uneven-aged structures. Further, the results suggest that the selection pressure of the island fire regime, favouring non-serotinous and mixed P. banksiana individuals, is one of the factors responsible for a higher recruitment in the absence of fire on islands than on the mainland.  相似文献   

To predict changes in species' distributions due to climate change we must understand populations at the poleward edge of species' ranges. Ecologists generally expect range shifts under climate change caused by the expansion of edge populations as peripheral conditions increasingly resemble the range core. We tested whether peripheral populations of two contrasting butterflies, a small-bodied specialist (Erynnis propertius) and a large-bodied generalist (Papilio zelicaon), respond favorably to warmer conditions. Performance of populations related to climate was evaluated in seven peripheral populations spanning 1.2 degrees latitude (160 km) using: (1) population density surveys, an indirect measure of site suitability; and (2) organismal fitness in translocation experiments. There was evidence that population density increased with temperature for P. zelicaon whose population density declined with latitude in 1 of 3 sample years. On the other hand, E. propertius showed a positive relationship of population density with latitude, apparently unrelated to climate or measured habitat variables. Translocation experiments showed increased larval production at increased temperatures for both species, and in P. zelicaon, larval production also increased under drier conditions. These findings suggest that both species may increase at their range edge with warming but the preference for core-like conditions may be stronger in P. zelicaon. Further, populations of E. propertius at the range boundary may be large enough to act as sources of colonists for range expansions, but range expansion in this species may be prevented by a lack of available host plants further north. In total, the species appear to respond differently to climate and other factors that vary latitudinally, factors that will likely affect poleward expansion.  相似文献   

Because some endemic plants appear to be adapted to a narrow setof environmental conditions with limited genetic diversity, an analysis ofpopulation genetic structure is necessary to fully evaluate the impact of rarityon genetic variation. Listed as endangered species in Korea, only fewpopulations of Abeliophyllum distichum, Leonticemicrorhyncha, Bupleurum euphorbioides, andBerchemia berchmiaefolia were found. A reduced level ofgenetic variation in B. berchemiaefolia is consistent withthe occurrence of a genetic bottleneck and inbreeding. Leonticemicrorhyncha differed dramatically from other taxa in its observed level of geneticvariation, probably due to its predominant selfing. The level ofallozyme variation maintained by A. distichum was high forendemic species. Compared to species with similar traits, A.distichum maintained a relatively higher genetic diversity, probably dueto floral heteromorphism and preferred outcrossing. Bupleurumeuphorbioides maintained a higher genetic diversity due to outcrossing,but at the individual locus, deficiency of heterozygosity prevailed. Probablyinbreeding between local neighborhoods was frequent because A.distichum and B. euphorbioides were pollinatedby small fly species which might be less effective as a pollen dispersal, andtheir visits were extremely scarce and controlled by the weather conditions.Since much of the species-to-species variation in genetic diversity is due tothe specific ecological and evolutionary history of a species, any managementplan developed should be based on historical changes in the population size anddistribution to better predict the amounts and patterns of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

From the early 1990s through 2005, we conducted butterfly transect surveys annually at the same sites in three regions of Wisconsin. We compared specialist butterfly population indices at three sites where a permanent non-fire refugium (a unit kept unburned through cycles of rotational fire elsewhere in the site) was established during this study to indices at comparison sites (which had consistent management throughout this study) in the same region. At Crex Meadows (12,180 ha), all significant changes in specialist numbers skewed toward relatively higher abundance in the refugium (14 ha, last burned in 1988) during the later period (1998–2005) versus 10 comparison subsites (fire-managed in both periods) than expected from observations in the earlier period (1991–97). The same pattern occurred in the refugium (4 ha) at Bauer-Brockway (125 ha), after the rest of that unit (9 ha) had its first management fire. Population trends were positive in these refugia, while the comparison sites usually had less favorable trends, or otherwise had similar trends. At Muralt Bluff (25 ha), regal fritillaries (Speyeria idalia) were more concentrated in the refugium (3 ha, last burned in 1991) during the earlier period but were more abundant in both periods in the refugium than the other units there (fire-managed in both periods). In the earlier period at Muralt Bluff, this species significantly declined, the opposite trend of comparison sites (which always had never-burned refugia), but significantly increased in the later period, similar to comparison sites. The refugium did not benefit Ottoe skipper (Hesperia ottoe), which declined significantly in the earlier period and was not recorded in the later period. Formerly burned units began functioning as refugia only >6–8 years after last fire and continued to increase in benefit for years after that. In fire-managed and fire-prone sites, we recommend the creation of permanent non-fire refugia for Lepidoptera conservation, placed where the most specialists will benefit and managed unintensively (e.g. mowing) if needed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the diet and range use patterns of the three species of primates in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica (Ateles geoffroyi, Alouatta palliata, andCebus capucinus) and examines the variation in these variables as they relate to seasonal changes and concomitant changes in food availability. These three primate species were studied over a four-year period for a total of 24 months in the field. Santa Rosa National Park is in an area that experiences a long severe dry season in which little if any rain falls and the majority of the non-riparian trees lose their leaves. However, even though the three species were very flexible in terms of diet and range use, the behavioural variability did not correspond to changes in food availability or season.  相似文献   

Markov chains have been frequently used in community ecology to model successional changes, but little attention has been paid to its application in population ecology as a tool to explore the outcomes of species interactions. Markov models can be regarded as “null models” that provide predicted values under a no-change scenario against which the consequences of changes in variables of interest can be assessed. Here we explore Markov chains’ potential to project population trends of competing species and derive sensible management strategies. To do that we use six years of field data on territory occupancy and turn-over of two competing top predators in a Mediterranean landscape: the golden and Bonelli’s eagles. The results suggest that long-term coexistence of both species in the study area is likely, with the main limitation for their coexistence being the difficulties Bonelli’s eagles have in colonising new territories that become available. To avoid future declines in the population of Bonelli’s eagle, it is important to take into account that the positive effects of conservation strategies focused on encouraging colonization (e.g. decreasing disperser mortality) are likely to be larger than those focused on avoiding territory abandonment (e.g. decreasing adult mortality). Markov chains are likely to be useful to evaluate the relative merit of alternative management options in other territorial species when patterns of territory occupancy are the only reliable data available, as often happens with large predators.  相似文献   

We examined a complete list of South American mussels (Mytilidae) to identify species with current or potential needs for management and conservation actions. Based on ecological/ecosystem (aggregations, beds or banks affecting ecosystem functioning) and socio-economic (artisanal fisheries or aquaculture systems) attributes species with high relevance were identified. At least 14 species exhibited large ecosystem level effects at local scales. Further, most of them also sustain important fisheries: nearly one/third of these fisheries showed characteristics that may contribute to their lack of sustainability and overexploitation, while half are either in the initial exploitation phase or in the stabilization of extraction and institutionalization phase. Invading species are modifying the structure of mussel habitats. Allocation of spatially explicit management tools, notably Territorial User Rights in Fisheries and Marine Reserves, together with co-management initiatives, are suggested as relevant tools to fulfill management and conservation objectives for these key bioengineering species.  相似文献   

Carnivores are umbrella species with a key role in ecosystems. In the Mediterranean, they face with several conservation problems, mainly habitat loss or transformation. In this region, scrubland habitats are considered of minor conservation relevance as compared to mature forest formations. Conservation of scrublands in Mediterranean ecosystems is also difficult because to control fires, they are removed over large areas. For carnivores, scrublands may be essential to guarantee shelter and food. Here, we analyzed the importance of scrublands and other habitat variables in determining the richness of medium-sized carnivores in a typical Mediterranean area of central Spain (Monfragüe Natural Park). The Park was divided into plots of 2 × 2 km (n = 30). In each plot, a 2 km-length survey route was walked searching for carnivore scats. We recorded the number of species of carnivores and we related this value to several habitat variables. Habitat variables were summarized by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Habitat models were developed by, using multiple regression models, including PCA factors and the habitat type as predictors. The only variable included in the final model was the first PCA factor. Carnivore richness was positively associated with large tree, shrub, and rock cover areas, which is the typical habitat structure of scrublands. This habitat offers the best available area for shelter and may be considered as a key element for carnivore conservation in the Mediterranean region. To reconciliate carnivore conservation and forestry management, we proposed small-scale clearances as a management alternative to typical large scrubland removals.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the abundance of Quercus species, the spatial pattern of Quercus regeneration, the current canopy disturbance pattern, and their interrelationship in two old-growth deciduous forests in Ohio (Goll Woods and Sears-Carmean Woods). Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia had the greatest density and basal area in both forests, yet the largest trees (by basal area) present at each site were Quercus spp. Quercus spp. appeared to be decreasing in abundance in both sites. Though Quercus seedlings were common, few Quercus saplings or subcanopy trees were present. The current disturbance regimes were dominated by small canopy gaps created by death of 1–2 trees; canopy gaps 100 m2 in size were rare and only 2.5–2.8% of the forest area was covered by recognizable canopy gaps. No significant differences in the density of Quercus seedlings or saplings were found between gaps and non-gap areas at either site. Though no significant barrier to seedling establishment appeared to exist, the present disturbance regimes are not well suited for the growth of Quercus into the subcanopy size class or the recruitment of Quercus into the canopy. The most frequent gapmakers in Goll Woods were Tilia americana and Acer saccharum, and those in Sears-Carmean Woods were A. saccharum and F. grandifolia. The species most frequent as gap fillers were A. saccharum (in both sites) and F. grandifolia (in Goll Woods). These results suggest that A. saccharum will continue to increase in abundance, and Quercus decrease in abundance, in these two old-growth stands.  相似文献   

Chen  C. R.  Condron  L. M.  Sinaj  S.  Davis  M. R.  Sherlock  R. R.  Frossard  E. 《Plant and Soil》2003,256(1):115-130
Vegetative conversion from grass to forest may influence soil nutrient dynamics and availability. A short-term (40 weeks) glasshouse experiment was carried out to investigate the impacts of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and radiata pine (Pinus radiata) on soil phosphorus (P) availability in 15 grassland soils collected across New Zealand using 33P isotopic exchange kinetics (IEK) and chemical extraction methods. Results from this study showed that radiata pine took up more P (4.5–33.5 mg P pot–1) than ryegrass (1.1–15.6 mg pot–1) from the soil except in the Temuka soil in which the level of available P (e.g., E 1min Pi, bicarbonate extractable Pi) was very high. Radiata pine tended to be better able to access different forms of soil P, compared with ryegrass. There were no significant differences in the level of water soluble P (Cp, intensity factor) between soils under ryegrass and radiata pine, but the levels of Cp were generally lower compared with original soils due to plant uptake. The growth of both ryegrass and radiata pine resulted in the redistribution of soil P from the slowly exchangeable Pi pool (E > 10m Pi, reduced by 31.8% on the average) to the rapidly exchangeable Pi (E 1min-1d Pi, E 1d-10m Pi) pools in most soils. The values of R/r 1 (the capacity factor) were also generally greater in most soils under radiata pine compared with ryegrass. Specific P mineralisation rates were significantly greater for soils under radiata pine (8.4–21.9%) compared with ryegrass (0.5–10.8%), indicating that the growth of radiata pine enhanced mineralisation of soil organic P. This may partly be ascribed to greater root phosphatase activity for radiata pine than for ryegrass. Plant species × soil type interactions for most soil variables measured indicate that the impacts of plant species on soil P dynamics was strongly influenced by soil properties.  相似文献   

The relationship of changes of body and mouth shape with diet during ontogeny in the Chinese hook snout carp Opsariichthys bidens was examined. Shape changes were analyzed using geometric morphometrics. Body shape changed from a shallow body to a deep body as size increased. Similarly, the head of O. bidens changed from an upward-pointing direction to a downward-pointing directing as size increased. The position of the eye also changed during ontogeny, with large individuals having an eye situated higher on the head than small individuals. The conspicuous symphyseal knob on the lower jaw of O. bidens results in a typical zigzag pattern of the jaw. The zigzag pattern became more pronounced as fish grew larger. No difference in body shape or jaw shape was found between males and females. The shape changes were associated with changes in diet, suggesting that diet choice over the course of ontogeny has a strong impact on body shape. Benthic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton dominated the diet of small individuals, medium-size individuals specialized in benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish dominated the diet of large individuals.  相似文献   

Columnea lariensis is described and illustrated as a new species from the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. It is similar to C. canarina from Panama. Alloplectus weirii is here reported for the first time from Mesoamerica and an illustration is provided.
Resumen   Columnea lariensis de la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica, es descrita e ilustrada. Es similar a C. canarina de Panamá. Alloplectus weirii se reporta para Mesoamérica por primera vez y se incluye una ilustración de la misma.

Summary The effects of fire and pocket gophers, Geomys bursarius, on the survivorship of Penstemon grandiflorus growing in an oak woodland in Minnesota were studied from 1986 to 1990. Plants growing in sparse vegetation experienced mortality rates twice that of plants growing in dense vegetation. This difference was due partly to pocket gophers whose earth moving activities reduce the density of vegetation and bury and kill individual Penstemon plants. Laboratory feeding trials showed that gophers readily eat Penstemon, particularly the fleshy roots. An experiment involving the removal of 25–75% of the root tissue in 90 plants showed that root loss significantly reduced survivorship, suggesting that gopher herbivory might also kill plants. When gophers were experimentally excluded, plants growing in sparse vegetation exhibited significantly lower mortality rates than those growing in dense vegetation. Plants in the smallest size class exhibited reduced survivorship following a late spring burn; however, overall patterns of survivorship of plants in burned areas did not differ markedly from those in the unburned areas. A longitudenal analysis of plants with different reproductive histories revealed no survivorship cost to reproduction. Mortality rates decreased with increasing plant size. Small plants were more likely to be killed by fire and by being buried under gopher mounds. Differences in underground energy reserves of small and large plants can account for most of the survivorship patterns observed in this study. The study shows that within openings of the oak woodland, fire and gophers reduce the survival of individual Penstemon plants. Nevertheless, since both gophers and fire also serve to perpetuate suitable habitat in the woodland, Penstemon is ultimately dependent on both for its long term persistence in the landscape.  相似文献   

Seagrass grazing is an intrinsic disturbance in primarily tropical and subtropical areas. While there is a general parabolic response in seagrass growth to grazing intensity, there is less knowledge on the role of grazing frequency, as well as potential interactions between grazing intensity and frequency. This study experimentally investigated physiological responses in Thalassia hemprichii to simulated (leaf cutting) grazing regimes with different intensities (25% vs. 75%) and frequencies (1 times vs. 3 times) over 35 days in Chwaka Bay (Zanzibar, Tanzania). The results showed that the two high-intensity treatments (75% removal) had 37–41% lower growth rate than the low-intensity/low-frequency treatment, and rhizome sugar and starch content were both affected in a similar way. A 36% lower starch content in the simulated low-intensity/high-frequency regime (25% × 3) compared to the one of low-intensity/low-frequency (25% × 1) also shows an interaction between grazing intensity and frequency. This suggests that high-intensity (and to some extent frequency) grazing regimes, in comparison to low-intensity regimes, could negatively affect T. hemprichii growth, energy reserves, and thereby the ability to deal with additional stress like light limitation or grazing.  相似文献   

Chile is home to 23 species of Bromeliaceae, including 2 subspecies and 4 varieties. Twenty species are endemic to the country. We examined 883 herbarium specimens from 27 herbaria for our treatment of the Bromeliaceae for the “Flora de Chile”. These data and field observations resulted in a comprehensive database that we used to generate distribution maps for each species. We applied ecological niche modelling to reveal distribution areas and centers of Bromeliaceae diversity. We further analysed the collecting dates of the herbarium specimens to assess possible changes in species abundance. In this study we assess the conservation status of the bromeliad species in Chile. IUCN categories were assigned to the 27 bromeliad taxa as follows: Critically endangered: 4, Endangered: 6, Vulnerable: 11, Near threatened: 2, Least concern: 4. No species has become “Extinct” up to now. We also put forth a hypothesis about their biogeographic history.  相似文献   

A survey undertaken in 2001 and 2002 along the river Moselle in France allowed to find the location of 25 places with the protected species Senecio sarracenicus L. Most of these places were located directly on natural riverbanks, but some also occurred, with lower populations, on riverbanks artificialized with rocks and on road embankments. Maintenance of this species, despite canalisation of a large part of the river in the 1970s, is due to its ruderal and competitive strategy, giving it resistance against habitat disturbances and against competition from most other species, except maybe highly invasive species and shrubs. Conservation of its populations will therefore require the protection of its natural habitats on riverbanks and the control of invasive species and shrub colonisation, but without grazing or cutting management.  相似文献   

A fluorescence-based AFLP fingerprinting was applied to investigate genetic diversity in 22 natural populations of two wheatgrasses from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau at different altitudes: the hexaploid Elymus nutans Griseb and the tetraploid E. burchan-buddae (Nevski) Tzvelev (Poaceae). Five selective primer combinations used in this study generated a total of 637 AFLP fragments across all the samples, with 612 fragments in E. nutans and 570 in E. burchan-buddae. About 45% of the scored fragments were <200 bp and about 13% of the fragments were >400 bp. Results showed that genetic diversity within populations of the two Elymus species increased gradually with the increase in altitudes from the lowest sampling sites (2800 m) and reached a plateau at the medium altitudes, and then started to decrease with the increase in altitudes. Regression analysis demonstrated a clear pattern between the expected heterozygosity (H e) or Shannon index (I) and altitude variation, where the highest H e values (0.3449 for E. nutans and 0.3167 E. burchan-buddae) and I values (0.5123 and 0.4759) were expected at the altitudes 3399 m and 3418 m across all sampling sites, respectively for E. nutans and E. burchan-buddae. In other words, higher genetic diversity was observed in populations occurring at the medium altitudes (3200–3600 m) than those at the low and high altitudes for the two Elymus species. Principal coordinate analysis (PCA) did not show clear association between genetic relationships of populations and their occurrences at a particular altitude. The above results suggest that efforts for conservation and utilization of two wheatgrasses species should focus more on populations occurring at the medium altitudes.  相似文献   

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