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Interaction of the Tramtrack protein from Drosophila melanogaster with DNA was analyzed by a cross-linking method. Tramtrack residues cross-linkable to the partially depurinated DNA were identified by direct sequencing. The N-terminal alpha-amino group of the protein DNA-binding domain was found to be the major product of cross-linking. The location of the N terminus on the DNA was determined by identification of the DNA bases that were cross-linked to the protein alpha-amino group. We conclude that accessory N-terminal peptide preceding the first zinc finger of Tramtrack directly interacts with DNA, both in specific and nonspecific DNA-protein complexes. Our finding explains the role in the protein binding of the DNA bases outside of the direct interaction with the zinc fingers.  相似文献   

Several novel and established knowledge‐based discriminatory function formulations and reference state derivations have been evaluated to identify parameter sets capable of distinguishing native and near‐native biomolecular interactions from incorrect ones. We developed the r·m·r function, a novel atomic level radial distribution function with mean reference state that averages over all pairwise atom types from a reduced atom type composition, using experimentally determined intermolecular complexes in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) and the Protein Data Bank (PDB) as the information sources. We demonstrate that r·m·r had the best discriminatory accuracy and power for protein‐small molecule and protein‐DNA interactions, regardless of whether the native complex was included or excluded, from the test set. The superior performance of the r·m·r discriminatory function compared with seventeen alternative functions evaluated on publicly available test sets for protein‐small molecule and protein‐DNA interactions indicated that the function was not over optimized through back testing on a single class of biomolecular interactions. The initial success of the reduced composition and superior performance with the CSD as the distribution set over the PDB implies that further improvements and generality of the function are possible by deriving probabilities from subsets of the CSD, using structures that consist of only the atom types to be considered for given biomolecular interactions. The method is available as a web server module at http://protinfo.compbio.washington.edu . Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A new photoactivable reagent is described, which allows the formation of RNA-protein crosslinks via disulfide bridges in combination with mercaptobutyrimidate.The reconstituted L24 protein-23S RNA complex from the large subunit of E. coli ribosomes has been used as a model system for the cross-linking. The main advantages of the reagent are the absence of U.V. generated cross-links, since photoactivation is carried out at 360 nm, on one hand and the ease of cleavage of the cross-link by mild reduction (-mercaptoethanol) on the other.  相似文献   

A method for immobilization of microbial cells was designed. The method uses generation of reactive aldehyde groups on the cell wall surface under conditions of periodate oxidation. The linking of aldehyde groups by various bifuctional aromatic diamines and then by glutaraldehyde produced immobilized cells, which are promising for use in biocatalysis with high-molecular-weight substrates.  相似文献   

Holly Irick 《Chromosoma》1994,103(1):1-3
Meiotic pairing has now been shown to require heterochromatic homology and to be sensitive to repeat number in both male and female Drosophila. The increased pairing ability of repetitive sequences could be one reason that most eukaryotes allow the accumulation of tandem repeated elements. This may well be a reflection of a general role for heterochromatin, and at least a partial explanation of the ubiquity of heterochromatin through the eukaryotes.  相似文献   

N Nitta  O Kuge  S Yui  A Tsugawa  K Negishi  H Hayatsu 《FEBS letters》1984,166(1):194-198
Cytosine in nucleic acids can be converted into N4-aminocytosine by treatment with a mixture of hydrazine and bisulfite. The hydrazino group thus formed at position 4 of the pyrimidine ring can be linked to a sulhydryl group in proteins by the use of bromopyruvate as a linker. Successful use of this scheme of chemical cross-linking between nucleic acid and protein was demonstrated in the linking of poly(C) with glutathione, and of RNA with protein in the E. coli 30 S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein-protein complexes are known to play key roles in many cellular processes. However, they are often not accessible to experimental study because of their low stability and difficulty to produce the proteins and assemble them in native conformation. Thus, docking algorithms have been developed to provide an in silico approach of the problem. A protein-protein docking procedure traditionally consists of two successive tasks: a search algorithm generates a large number of candidate solutions, and then a scoring function is used to rank them. RESULTS: To address the second step, we developed a scoring function based on a Vorono? tessellation of the protein three-dimensional structure. We showed that the Vorono? representation may be used to describe in a simplified but useful manner, the geometric and physico-chemical complementarities of two molecular surfaces. We measured a set of parameters on native protein-protein complexes and on decoys, and used them as attributes in several statistical learning procedures: a logistic function, Support Vector Machines (SVM), and a genetic algorithm. For the later, we used ROGER, a genetic algorithm designed to optimize the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve. To further test the scores derived with ROGER, we ranked models generated by two different docking algorithms on targets of a blind prediction experiment, improving in almost all cases the rank of native-like solutions. AVAILABILITY: http://genomics.eu.org/spip/-Bioinformatics-tools-  相似文献   

We have prepared a new bifunctional reagent for the cross-linking and reversible immobilization of proteins through their amine groups. This compound, ethylene glycolyl bis(succinimidyl succinate), reacts rapidly with proteins, at pH 7 and at high dilution. The resulting protein cross-links are readily cleaved at pH 8.5 using hydroxylamine for 3–6 hr. at 37°C. Substantial enzymatic activity was observed with lactic dehydrogenase after such reversible cross-linking. Trypsin immobilized on agarose using this reagent retains full specific activity, is stable for weeks in the cold, and may be released with hydroxylamine at 25°C. This compound appears suitable for studies involving proteins with essential disulfide linkages.  相似文献   

Interactions among Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were investigated using a screening system in which test micro-organisms were incorporated in agar discs and effector micro-organisms in fluid growth media. Total as well as partial inhibition of test micro-organisms was observed in agar discs when these were incubated in broths containing effector micro-organisms. The ratio of numbers of test to effector micro-organisms was found to be of importance in the inhibition effect. The technique was found to be cheap, simple and versatile.  相似文献   

Myofibers with an abnormal branching cytoarchitecture are commonly found in various neuromuscular diseases as well as after severe muscle injury. These aberrant myofibers are fragile and muscles containing a high percentage of these myofibers are weaker and more prone to injury. To date the mechanisms and molecules regulating myofiber branching have been obscure. Recent work analyzing the role of mouse odorant receptor 23 (MOR23) in muscle regeneration revealed that MOR23 is necessary for proper skeletal muscle regeneration in mice as loss of MOR23 leads to increased myofiber branching. Further studies demonstrated that MOR23 expression is induced when muscle cells were extensively fusing and plays an important role in controlling cell migration and adhesion. These data demonstrate a novel role for an odorant receptor in tissue repair and identify the first molecule with a functional role in myofiber branching.  相似文献   

Das R, et al. Circ Res 2009; 105:167-75.  相似文献   

Recently, several domain-based computational models for predicting protein-protein interactions (PPIs) have been proposed. The conventional methods usually infer domain or domain combination (DC) interactions from already known interacting sets of proteins, and then predict PPIs using the information. However, the majority of these models often have limitations in providing detailed information on which domain pair (single domain interaction) or DC pair (multidomain interaction) will actually interact for the predicted protein interaction. Therefore, a more comprehensive and concrete computational model for the prediction of PPIs is needed. We developed a computational model to predict PPIs using the information of intraprotein domain cohesion and interprotein DC coupling interaction. A method of identifying the primary interacting DC pair was also incorporated into the model in order to infer actual participants in a predicted interaction. Our method made an apparent improvement in the PPI prediction accuracy, and the primary interacting DC pair identification was valid specifically in predicting multidomain protein interactions. In this paper, we demonstrate that 1) the intraprotein domain cohesion is meaningful in improving the accuracy of domain-based PPI prediction, 2) a prediction model incorporating the intradomain cohesion enables us to identify the primary interacting DC pair, and 3) a hybrid approach using the intra/interdomain interaction information can lead to a more accurate prediction.  相似文献   

A new function for p53 ubiquitination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hirano Y  Ronai Z 《Cell》2006,127(4):675-677

Halogen bonding, a non-covalent interaction between the halogen σ-hole and Lewis bases, could not be properly characterized by majority of current scoring functions. In this study, a knowledge-based halogen bonding scoring function, termed XBPMF, was developed by an iterative method for predicting protein-ligand interactions. Three sets of pairwise potentials were derived from two training sets of protein-ligand complexes from the Protein Data Bank. It was found that two-dimensional pairwise potentials could characterize appropriately the distance and angle profiles of halogen bonding, which is superior to one-dimensional pairwise potentials. With comparison to six widely used scoring functions, XBPMF was evaluated to have moderate power for predicting protein-ligand interactions in terms of “docking power”, “ranking power” and “scoring power”. Especially, it has a rather satisfactory performance for the systems with typical halogen bonds. To the best of our knowledge, XBPMF is the first halogen bonding scoring function that is not dependent on any dummy atom, and is practical for high-throughput virtual screening. Therefore, this scoring function should be useful for the study and application of halogen bonding interactions like molecular docking and lead optimization.
Heat map of 2D XB potentials for OA-Cl  相似文献   

A new function for nonsense-mediated mRNA-decay factors   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
mRNAs often contain premature-termination (nonsense) codons as a result of mutations and RNA splicing errors. These nonsense codons cause rapid decay of the mRNAs that contain them, a phenomenon called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). This response is thought to be a quality-control mechanism that protects cells from truncated dominant-negative proteins. Surprisingly, recent evidence strongly suggests that the NMD factors UPF1, UPF2, UPF3B, RNPS1, Y14 and MAGOH also promote translation of normal mRNAs in mammalian cells. This, along with an earlier discovery that NMD factors appear to dictate efficient translation termination, suggests that NMD factors do not merely function in RNA surveillance. These findings lead to the interesting question of why NMD factors evolved; are they for RNA-quality control or to promote efficient translation initiation and termination?  相似文献   

Cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) were prepared from several enzymes (penicillin G acylase, hydroxynitrile lyase, alcohol dehydrogenase, and two different nitrilases) by precipitation and subsequent cross-linking using dextran polyaldehyde. In most cases, higher immobilization yields were obtained using the latter cross-linker as compared with the commonly used glutaraldehyde. Active site titration of penicillin acylase CLEAs showed that the higher activity originated from a significantly lower loss in active sites using dextran polyaldehyde as a cross-linking agent. It is proposed that macromolecular cross-linkers are too large to penetrate the protein active site and react with catalytically essential amino acid residues.  相似文献   

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