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Transient Repression of the lac Operon   总被引:20,自引:9,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Severe transient repression of constitutive or induced beta-galactosidase synthesis occurs upon the addition of glucose to cells of Escherichia coli growing on glycerol, succinic acid, or lactic acid. Only mutants particularily well adapted to growth on glucose exhibit this phenomenon when transferred to a glucose-containing medium. No change in ribonucleic acid (RNA) metabolism was observed during transient repression. We could show that transient repression is pleiotropic, affecting all products of the lac operon. It occurs in a mutant insensitive to catabolite repression. It is established much more rapidly than catabolite repression, and is elicited by glucose analogues that are phosphorylated but not further catabolized by the cell. Thus, transient repression is not a consequence of the exclusion of inducer from the cell, does not require catabolism of the added compound, and does not involve a gross change in RNA metabolism. We conclude that transient repression is distinct from catabolite repression.  相似文献   

Polycistronic Effects of Catabolite Repression on the lac Operon   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The catabolite repression caused by glucose and glucose-6-phosphate has been studied for both beta-galactosidase and thiogalactoside transacetylase, the products of the operator proximal and distal cistrons of the lac operon, respectively. We find that both cistrons are affected coordinately by this form of repression. We also find that a single alteration at the lac promoter region is sufficient to abolish sensitivity to repression of both cistrons. From this, we conclude that there is only one target site for catabolite repression in the lac operon.  相似文献   

Populations of Escherichia coli selected in constant and fluctuating environments containing lactose often adapt by substituting mutations in the lacI repressor that cause constitutive expression of the lac operon. These mutations occur at a high rate and provide a significant benefit. Despite this, eight of 24 populations evolved for 8,000 generations in environments containing lactose contained no detectable repressor mutations. We report here on the basis of this observation. We find that, given relevant mutation rates, repressor mutations are expected to have fixed in all evolved populations if they had maintained the same fitness effect they confer when introduced to the ancestor. In fact, reconstruction experiments demonstrate that repressor mutations have become neutral or deleterious in those populations in which they were not detectable. Populations not fixing repressor mutations nevertheless reached the same fitness as those that did fix them, indicating that they followed an alternative evolutionary path that made redundant the potential benefit of the repressor mutation, but involved unique mutations of equivalent benefit. We identify a mutation occurring in the promoter region of the uspB gene as a candidate for influencing the selective choice between these paths. Our results detail an example of historical contingency leading to divergent evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

The E. coli Lac repressor is the classic textbook example of a protein that attaches to widely spaced sites along a genome and forces the intervening DNA into a loop. The short loops implicated in the regulation of the lac operon suggest the involvement of factors other than DNA and repressor in gene control. The molecular simulations presented here examine two likely structural contributions to the in-vivo looping of bacterial DNA: the distortions of the double helix introduced upon association of the highly abundant, nonspecific nucleoid protein HU and the large-scale deformations of the repressor detected in low-resolution experiments. The computations take account of the three-dimensional arrangements of nucleotides and amino acids found in crystal structures of DNA with the two proteins, the natural rest state and deformational properties of protein-free DNA, and the constraints on looping imposed by the conformation of the repressor and the orientation of bound DNA. The predicted looping propensities capture the complex, chain-length-dependent variation in repression efficacy extracted from gene expression studies and in vitro experiments and reveal unexpected chain-length-dependent variations in the uptake of HU, the deformation of repressor, and the folding of DNA. Both the opening of repressor and the presence of HU, at levels approximating those found in vivo, enhance the probability of loop formation. HU affects the global organization of the repressor and the opening of repressor influences the levels of HU binding to DNA. The length of the loop determines whether the DNA adopts antiparallel or parallel orientations on the repressor, whether the repressor is opened or closed, and how many HU molecules bind to the loop. The collective behavior of proteins and DNA is greater than the sum of the parts and hints of ways in which multiple proteins may coordinate the packaging and processing of genetic information.  相似文献   

The physiological state of Escherichia coli with respect to (permanent) catabolite repression was assessed by measuring the steady-state level of beta-galactosidase in induced or in constitutive cells under a variety of growth conditions. Four results were obtained. (i) Catabolite repression had a major effect on fully induced or constitutive expression of the lac gene, and the magnitude of this effect was found to be dependent on the promoter structure; cells with a wild-type lac promoter showed an 18-fold variation in lac expression, and cells with the lacP37 (formerly lac-L37) promoter exhibited several hundred-fold variation. (ii) Exogenous adenosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphoric acid (cAMP) could not abolish catabolite repression, even though several controls demonstrated that cAMP was entering the cells in significant amounts. (Rapid intracellular degradation of cAMP could not be ruled out.) (iii) Neither the growth rate nor the presence of biosynthetic products altered the degree of catabolite repression; all variation could be related to the catabolites present in the growth medium. (iv) Slowing by imposing an amino acid restriction decreased the differential rate of beta-galactosidase synthesis from the wild-type lac promoter when bacteria were cultured in either the absence or presence of cAMP; this decreased lac expression also occurred when the bacteria harbored the catabolite-insensitive lacP5 (formerly lacUV5) promoter mutation. These findings support the idea that (permanent) catabolite repression is set by the catabolites in the growth medium and may not be related to an imbalance between catabolism and anabolism.  相似文献   

为了应用Red重组工程技术实现外源基因在大肠杆菌染色体上的表达, 寻找染色体上外源蛋白的稳定高效表达位点, 使用Red重组工程系统和kan/sacB无痕迹修饰技术, 将易于定量分析的荧光素酶报告基因替换DY330染色体lac操纵子中的lacZ基因。检测该位点的表达效率结果显示: 大肠杆菌染色体上lac操纵子能够高效稳定表达外源基因, 初步证明了染色体可以作为外源蛋白或抗原的表达载体, 不会影响细菌的生长繁殖。  相似文献   

为了应用Red重组工程技术实现外源基因在大肠杆菌染色体上的表达, 寻找染色体上外源蛋白的稳定高效表达位点, 使用Red重组工程系统和kan/sacB无痕迹修饰技术, 将易于定量分析的荧光素酶报告基因替换DY330染色体lac操纵子中的lacZ基因。检测该位点的表达效率结果显示: 大肠杆菌染色体上lac操纵子能够高效稳定表达外源基因, 初步证明了染色体可以作为外源蛋白或抗原的表达载体, 不会影响细菌的生长繁殖。  相似文献   

Precise control of cell proliferation is fundamental to tissue homeostasis and differentiation. Mammalian cells commit to proliferation at the restriction point (R‐point). It has long been recognized that the R‐point is tightly regulated by the Rb–E2F signaling pathway. Our recent work has further demonstrated that this regulation is mediated by a bistable switch mechanism. Nevertheless, the essential regulatory features in the Rb–E2F pathway that create this switching property have not been defined. Here we analyzed a library of gene circuits comprising all possible link combinations in a simplified Rb–E2F network. We identified a minimal circuit that is able to generate robust, resettable bistability. This minimal circuit contains a feed‐forward loop coupled with a mutual‐inhibition feedback loop, which forms an AND‐gate control of the E2F activation. Underscoring its importance, experimental disruption of this circuit abolishes maintenance of the activated E2F state, supporting its importance for the bistability of the Rb–E2F system. Our findings suggested basic design principles for the robust control of the bistable cell cycle entry at the R‐point.  相似文献   

The seven conserved enzymatic domains required for tryptophan (Trp) biosynthesis are encoded in seven genetic regions that are organized differently (whole-pathway operons, multiple partial-pathway operons, and dispersed genes) in prokaryotes. A comparative bioinformatics evaluation of the conservation and organization of the genes of Trp biosynthesis in prokaryotic operons should serve as an excellent model for assessing the feasibility of predicting the evolutionary histories of genes and operons associated with other biochemical pathways. These comparisons should provide a better understanding of possible explanations for differences in operon organization in different organisms at a genomics level. These analyses may also permit identification of some of the prevailing forces that dictated specific gene rearrangements during the course of evolution. Operons concerned with Trp biosynthesis in prokaryotes have been in a dynamic state of flux. Analysis of closely related organisms among the Bacteria at various phylogenetic nodes reveals many examples of operon scission, gene dispersal, gene fusion, gene scrambling, and gene loss from which the direction of evolutionary events can be deduced. Two milestone evolutionary events have been mapped to the 16S rRNA tree of Bacteria, one splitting the operon in two, and the other rejoining it by gene fusion. The Archaea, though less resolved due to a lesser genome representation, appear to exhibit more gene scrambling than the Bacteria. The trp operon appears to have been an ancient innovation; it was already present in the common ancestor of Bacteria and Archaea. Although the operon has been subjected, even in recent times, to dynamic changes in gene rearrangement, the ancestral gene order can be deduced with confidence. The evolutionary history of the genes of the pathway is discernible in rough outline as a vertical line of descent, with events of lateral gene transfer or paralogy enriching the analysis as interesting features that can be distinguished. As additional genomes are thoroughly analyzed, an increasingly refined resolution of the sequential evolutionary steps is clearly possible. These comparisons suggest that present-day trp operons that possess finely tuned regulatory features are under strong positive selection and are able to resist the disruptive evolutionary events that may be experienced by simpler, poorly regulated operons.  相似文献   

pBR322-Red是一种新型重组工程系统,它携带了λ-噬菌体Red重组酶基因和一系列调控元件.对pBR322-Red最优重组条件进行探索后应用该质粒提供的体内同源重组功能,在菌株W3110体内,对染色体上的lac操纵子进行了基因修饰,包括:①运用kan/sacB选择反选择方法和重叠引物方法敲除了阻遏基因lacⅠ,②运用kan/sacB选择反选择方法和线性双链DNA介导的DNA重组方法将报告基因lacZ敲入lacA和lacY的位置,并且首次测定了报告基因lacZ在这三个结构基因位置的组成性表达情况.结果表明运用不同的重组策略,pBR322-Red系统都能方便有效地对大肠杆菌W3110染色体进行基因敲除和敲入修饰.  相似文献   

Bistability in the lac operon of Escherichia coli has been widely studied, both experimentally and theoretically. Experimentally, bistability has been observed when E. coli is induced by an artificial, nonmetabolizable, inducer. However, if the lac operon is induced with lactose, the natural inducer, bistability has not been demonstrated. We derive an analytical expression that can predict the occurrence of bistability both for artificial inducers and lactose. We find very different conditions for bistability in the two cases. Indeed, for artificial inducers bistability is predicted, but for lactose the condition for bistability is much more difficult to satisfy. Moreover, we demonstrate that in silico evolution of the lac operon generates an operon that avoids bistability with respect to lactose, but does exhibit bistability with respect to artificial inducers. The activity of this evolved operon strikingly resembles the experimentally observed activity of the operon. Thus our computational experiments suggest that the wild-type lac operon, which regulates lactose metabolism, is not a bistable switch. Nevertheless, for engineering purposes, this operon can be used as a bistable switch with artificial inducers.  相似文献   

The structure and organization of 470 histidine biosynthetic genes from 47 different proteobacteria were combined with phylogenetic inference to investigate the mechanisms responsible for assembly of the his pathway and the origin of his operons. Data obtained in this work showed that a wide variety of different organization strategies of his gene arrays exist and that some his genes or entire his operons are likely to have been horizontally transferred between bacteria of the same or different proteobacterial branches. We propose a piecewise model for the origin and evolution of proteobacterial his operons, according to which the initially scattered his genes of the ancestor of proteobacteria coded for monofunctional enzymes (except possibly for hisD) and underwent a stepwise compacting process that reached its culmination in some -proteobacteria. The initial step of operon buildup was the formation of the his core, a cluster consisting of four genes (hisBHAF) whose products interconnect histidine biosynthesis to both de novo synthesis of purine metabolism and that occurred in the common ancestor of the // branches, possibly after its separation from the one. The following step was the formation of three mini-operons (hisGDC, hisBHAF, hisIE) transcribed from independent promoters, that very likely occurred in the ancestor of the /-branch, after its separation from the one. Then the three mini-operons joined together to give a compact operon. In most -proteobacteria the two fusions involving the gene pairs hisNB and hisIE occurred. Finally the -proteobacterial his operon was horizontally transferred to other proteobacteria, such as Campylobacter jejuni. The biological significance of clustering of his genes is also discussed.[Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

Operon fusions to the promoter of either theproA,proB, orproC genes of the proline biosynthetic pathway were obtained by the use of the Mu d1(Ap,lac) bacteriophage. These fusions were further stabilized by transformation with plasmid pGW600 containing the wildtype Mu repressor gene or by transduction with phage pSG1. The level of -galactosidase in the fusion strains was not affected by the presence of exogenously addedl-proline or high concentrations of NaCl in the growth medium. A Tn5 insertion nearproBA increased -galactosidase expression 140- to 200-fold in strains carrying theproA-lac andproB-lac fusions, but the level of this enzyme was unaltered in strains carrying theproC-lac fusion. The Tn5 insertion increased intracellular proline concentrations 8- to 10-fold, suggesting that mechanisms other than allosteric inhibition may regulate proline biosynthesis, but did not confer osmotolerance to cells growing in a medium with a high concentration of salt.  相似文献   

1. Several lac diploid strains of Escherichia coli were constructed and tested to discover whether mutations in the lac promoter alleviate catabolite repression. 2. In each of these diploids the chromosome carries one of the promoter mutations, L8, L29 or L1; so that the rate of synthesis of the enzymes of the lac operon is only 2-6% of the fully induced wild-type. Each diploid harbours the episome F'lacM15 that specifies the synthesis of thiogalactoside transacetylase under the control of intact regulator, promoter and operator regions, but has a deletion in the structural gene for beta-galactosidase. In each diploid more than 90% of the thiogalactoside transacetylase is synthesized from the episome, and 100% of the beta-galactosidase is synthesized from the chromosome, and comparison of the extent of catabolite repression that the two enzymes suffered indicated whether the chromosomal promoter mutation relieves catabolite repression. 3. In the strains in which the promoter carries either of the point mutations L8 or L29 the enzymes were equally repressed, suggesting that neither L8 nor L29 affects catabolite repression. 4. In a diploid strain harbouring the same episome but carrying deletion L1 on the chromosome, synthesis of beta-galactosidase suffered much less repression than that of thiogalactoside transacetylase. 5. In a diploid strain in which the chromosome carries L1 and also a second mutation that increases the rate of expression of lac to that permitted by L8 or L29, the synthesis of beta-galactosidase again suffered much less repression than the synthesis of thiogalactoside transacetylase. 6. The effect of L1 (which deletes the boundary between the i gene and the lac promoter) is ascribed to its bringing the expression of lac under the control of the promoter of the i gene. 7. Even in strains carrying L1, some catabolite repression persists; this is not due to a trans effect from the episome since it occurs equally in a haploid strain with L1.  相似文献   

Although noisy gene expression is widely accepted, its mechanisms are subjects of debate, stimulated largely by single-molecule experiments. This work is concerned with one such study, in which Choi et al., 2008, obtained real-time data and distributions of Lac permease in E. coli. They observed small and large protein bursts in strains with and without auxiliary operators. They also estimated the size and frequency of these bursts, but these were based on a stochastic model of a constitutive promoter. Here, we formulate and solve a stochastic model accounting for the existence of auxiliary operators and DNA loops. We find that DNA loop formation is so fast that small bursts are averaged out, making it impossible to extract their size and frequency from the data. In contrast, we can extract not only the size and frequency of the large bursts, but also the fraction of proteins derived from them. Finally, the proteins follow not the negative binomial distribution, but a mixture of two distributions, which reflect the existence of proteins derived from small and large bursts.  相似文献   

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