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Microtubules (MTs) are often organized by a nucleus-associated MT organizing center (MTOC). In addition, in neurons and epithelial cells, motor-based transport of assembled MTs determines the polarity of the MT array. Here, we show that MT motility participates in MT organization in the fungus Ustilago maydis. In budding cells, most MTs are nucleated by three to six small and motile gamma-tubulin-containing MTOCs at the boundary of mother and daughter cell, which results in a polarized MT array. In addition, free MTs and MTOCs move rapidly throughout the cytoplasm. Disruption of MTs with benomyl and subsequent washout led to an equal distribution of the MTOC and random formation of highly motile and randomly oriented MTs throughout the cytoplasm. Within 3 min after washout, MTOCs returned to the neck region and the polarized MT array was reestablished. MT motility and polarity of the MT array was lost in dynein mutants, indicating that dynein-based transport of MTs and MTOCs polarizes the MT cytoskeleton. Observation of green fluorescent protein-tagged dynein indicated that this is achieved by off-loading dynein from the plus-ends of motile MTs. We propose that MT organization in U. maydis involves dynein-mediated motility of MTs and nucleation sites.  相似文献   

Fuchs U  Steinberg G 《Protoplasma》2005,226(1-2):75-80
Summary. Filamentous fungi are an important group of tip-growing organisms, which include numerous plant pathogens such as Magnaporthe grisea and Ustilago maydis. Despite their ecological and economical relevance, we are just beginning to unravel the importance of endocytosis in filamentous fungi. Most evidence for endocytosis in filamentous fungi is based on the use of endocytic tracer dyes that are taken up into the cell and delivered to the vacuole. Moreover, genomewide screening for candidate genes in Neurospora crassa and U. maydis confirmed the presence of most components of the endocytic machinery, indicating that endocytosis participates in filamentous growth. Indeed, it was shown that in U. maydis early endosomes cluster at sites of growth, where they support morphogenesis and polar growth, most likely via endosome-based membrane recycling. In humans, such recycling processes to the plasma membrane involve small GTPases such as Rab4. A homologue of this protein is encoded in the genome of U. maydis but is absent from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suggesting that Rab4-mediated recycling is important for filamentous growth. Furthermore, human Rab4 regulates traffic of early endosomes along microtubules, and a similar microtubule-based transport is described for U. maydis. These observations suggest that Rab4-like GTPases might regulate endosome- and microtubule-based recycling during tip growth of filamentous fungi. Correspondence and reprints: MPI für terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Karl-von-Frisch-Strasse, 35043 Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

The proteolytic system of the phytopathogenic and dimorphic fungus Ustilago maydis is not known. In this work, we report the presence of at least four proteases from two haploid strains of U. maydis. Activities of two proteinases pumA and pumB, aminopeptidase pumAPE, and dipeptidylaminopeptidase pumDAP were measured under several nutritional and morphological conditions, including the yeast-mycelium transition. The activity of pumA was found in the intracellular and extracellular fractions, pumAi and pumAe, respectively. The latter activity was detected only during the yeast-mycelium dimorphic transition induced by growth at acid pH in a medium containing ammonium as the sole nitrogen source. Activity of pumAe was partially inhibited by Pepstatin A, which also inhibited mycelium formation. Activity of pumAi was inhibited by this specific inhibitor of aspartyl-proteases. Activity of pumB was detected in intracellular and extracellular fractions, mostly bound to an endogenous inhibitor, which was removed by treatment at acid pH. This fungus contains at least two soluble pumAPE, which might be metallo-proteases, because they were inhibited by EDTA and 1-10, phenanthroline. When the fungus was grown in media containing proline or corn infusion as the nitrogen source, an intracellular pumDAP activity was detected. No carboxypeptidase activity was found with N-benzoyl-l-tyrosine-4-nitroanilide as substrate in any of the conditions tested in any of the U. maydis strains analyzed.  相似文献   

During its haploid phase the dimorphic fungus Ustilago maydis grows vegetatively by budding. We have identified two genes, don1 and don3, which control the separation of mother and daughter cells. Mutant cells form tree-like clusters in liquid culture and grow as ring-like (donut-shaped) colonies on solid medium. In wild-type U. maydis cells, two distinct septa are formed during cytokinesis and delimit a fragmentation zone. Cells defective for either don1 or don3 display only a single septum and fail to complete cell separation. don1 encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) of the Dbl family specific for Rho/Rac GTPases. Don3 belongs to the germinal-centre-kinase (GC) subfamily of Ste20-like protein kinases. We have isolated the U. maydis homologues of the small GTP binding proteins Rho2, Rho3, Rac1 and Cdc42. Out of these, only Cdc42 interacts specifically with Don1 and Don3 in the yeast two-hybrid system. We propose that Don1 and Don3 regulate the initiation of the secondary septum, which is required for proper cell separation.  相似文献   

In the corn smut fungus Ustilago maydis, pathogenic development is initiated when two compatible haploid cells fuse and form the infectious dikaryon. Mating is dependent on pheromone recognition by compatible cells. In this report, we set out to evaluate the relationship between the cell cycle and the pheromone response in U. maydis. To achieve this, we designed a haploid pheromone-responsive strain that is able to faithfully reproduce the native mating response in nutrient-rich medium. Addition of synthetic pheromone to the responsive strain induces the formation of mating structures, and this response is abolished by mutations in genes encoding components of the pheromone signal transduction cascade. After recognition of pheromone, U. maydis cells arrest the cell cycle in a postreplicative stage. Visualization of the nucleus and microtubule organization indicates that the arrest takes place at the G2 phase. Chemical-induced cell cycle arrest and release in the presence of pheromone further support this conclusion.  相似文献   

Conserved polypeptides of the chitin synthase genes UmCHS3 and UmCHS6 from the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis were utilized as immunogens to obtain polyclonal antibodies that were purified by affinity procedures. Because of their similarities at the regions encoded by either polypeptide, it was concluded that anti-Chs3 antibodies recognized both Chs3 and Chs4 chitin synthases, whereas anti-Chs6 antibodies recognized Chs6 and Chs8 polypeptides. These antibodies were used to analyze the localization of the corresponding chitin synthases in U. maydis cells, using both indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy with colloidal-gold-labeled secondary antibodies. It was observed that chitin synthase proteins were accumulated both in the surface and in the cytoplasm of the fungal cells. Electron microscopy images revealed the accumulation of clusters of gold particles in vesicles, providing evidence for the possible origin and destination of chitin synthases in the fungal cells.  相似文献   

Using genetic crosses between single chs mutants of Ustilago maydis inoculated into maize ( Zea mays ) seedlings, two classes of double mutants affected in genes coding for chitin synthetases were isolated: chs3 / chs4 , and chs4 / chs5 . Analysis of the mutants showed almost no change in their phenotype compared with wild-type strains. Growth rate, effect of stress conditions, dimorphic transition and mating were not affected. The only salient differences were increased sensitivity to osmotics at acid pH, and decrease in chitin synthetase activity, especially when measured with CO2+, and in chitin content. Most significant was a decrease in virulence, although this appeared to be due a factor unrelated to CHS genes. These data can be taken as further evidence that multigenic control of chitin synthetase in fungi operates as a safety mechanism to guarantee fungal viability in changing and hostile environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis exhibits a dimorphic transition in which non-pathogenic, yeast-like cells mate to form a pathogenic, filamentous dikaryon. Northern analysis indicated that two chitin synthase genes, chs1 and chs2, from U. maydis are expressed at similar levels in yeast-like cells and in cells undergoing the mating reaction leading to the filamentous cell type. A mutation was constructed in each of the chitin synthase genes by targeted gene disruption. Each mutant showed a reduction in the level of trypsin-activated enzyme activity, compared with a wild-type strain, but retained the wild-type morphology, the ability to mate and the ability to form the filamentous pathogenic cell type.  相似文献   

When grown on vegetable oils and their derivatives, the smut fungus Ustilago maydis (DSM 4500 and ATCC 14826) produces several glycolipids under nitrogen-limiting conditions. With 45 g l−1 sunflower oil fatty acids (technical grade) a yield of 30 g l−1 glycolipid was achieved. The resulting mixture contained predominantly mannosylerythritol lipids together with smaller amounts of cellobiose lipids. The production of the more polar cellobiose lipids was enhanced when glucose was used as carbon source. The molecular structure of the main components of the glycolipid mixture were elucidated by a combination of NMR spectroscopic and mass-spectrometric techniques. Received: 22 June 1998 / Received revision: 11 September 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1998  相似文献   

We identified a nonpathogenic strain of Ustilago maydis by tagging mutagenesis. The affected gene, glucosidase1 (gas1), displays similarity to catalytic alpha-subunits of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) glucosidase II. We have shown that Gas1 localizes to the ER and complements the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant lacking ER glucosidase II. gas1 deletion mutants were normal in growth and mating but were more sensitive to calcofluor and tunicamycin. Mutant infection hyphae displayed significant alterations in the distribution of cell wall material and were able to form appressoria and penetrate the plant surface but arrested growth in the epidermal cell layer. Electron microscopy analysis revealed that the plant-fungal interface between mutant hyphae and the plant plasma membrane was altered compared with the interface of penetrating wild-type hyphae. This may indicate that gas1 mutants provoke a plant response.  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters of the 10 glycolytic enzymes and glycolytic fluxes were determined for the first time in Ustilago maydis. Enzyme activities in yeast grown in minimal medium and harvested in the stationary stage were twofold higher than those from yeast grown in rich medium. In contrast, in yeast harvested in the exponential stage, the enzyme activities were higher in cells grown in rich medium. Phosphofructokinase activity was the lowest in the four culture conditions analyzed, suggesting that this enzyme is a flux-controlling step in U. maydis glycolysis. The V(max) and K(m) values of hexokinase and pyruvate kinase were similar under all conditions. The results revealed that U. maydis aldolase belongs to the class II type of metalo-aldolases. 3-Phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM) activity was 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate cofactor independent, which contrasted with the cofactor dependency predicted by the amino acid sequence alignment analysis. Pyruvate was secreted by U. maydis yeast in the presence and absence of external glucose. The glycolytic enzyme activities in the U. maydis mycelial form were similar to those found in yeast, except for one order of magnitude higher phosphofructokinase and PGAM activities, thus suggesting differences in the glycolysis regulatory mechanisms between the two cellular forms.  相似文献   

It is well established that polarized exocytosis is essential for fungal virulence. By contrast, the contribution of endocytosis is unknown. We made use of a temperature-sensitive mutant in the endosomal target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor Yup1 and demonstrate that endocytosis in Ustilago maydis is essential for the initial steps of pathogenic development, including pheromone perception and cell-cell fusion. Furthermore, spore formation and germination were drastically reduced, whereas colonization of the plant was only slightly inhibited. The function of endocytosis in the recognition of mating pheromone through the G protein-coupled pheromone receptor Pra1 was analyzed in greater detail. Biologically active Pra1-green fluorescent protein localizes to the plasma membrane and is constitutively endocytosed. Yup1(ts) mutants that are blocked in the fusion of endocytic transport vesicles with early endosomes are impaired in pheromone perception and conjugation hyphae formation. This is attributable to an accumulation of Pra1-carrying endocytic vesicles in the cytoplasm and the depletion of the receptor from the membrane. Consistently, strong Pra1 expression rescues the signaling defects in endocytosis mutants, but subsequent cell fusion is still impaired. Thus, we conclude that endocytosis is essential for recognition of the partner at the beginning of the pathogenic program but has additional roles in mating as well as spore formation and germination.  相似文献   

We identified a temperature-sensitive mutant of the plant pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis that is defective in the polar distribution of cell wall components and shows abnormal morphology. The affected gene, yup1, was cloned by complementation. It encodes a putative target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor (t-SNARE), suggesting a function in membrane fusion. A Yup1-GFP fusion protein localized to vesicles that showed rapid saltatory motion along microtubules. These vesicles are part of the endocytic pathway and accumulate at sites of active growth, thereby supporting the expansion of the hyphal tip. In yup1(ts) cells, endocytosis is impaired and accumulation of Yup1-carrying endosomes at cell poles is abolished, resulting in apolar distribution of wall components and morphological alterations. This suggests that a membrane recycling process via early endosomes supports polar growth of U. maydis.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed in the yeast expression vector pYcDE8 using mRNA from the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis and cDNAs capable of complementing mutations in three yeast genes, URA3, LEU2 and TPI1, were identified. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that the cDNA clone, which complemented the yeast ura3 mutation, carries the pyr6 gene encoding orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase. The genomic copy of the pyr6 gene was isolated by hybridization with the cDNA and used to complement a pyr- mutant of U. maydis. One-step gene disruption was demonstrated by transforming U. maydis with a copy of the pyr6 gene interrupted in the coding region by a selectable marker for resistance to hygromycin B.  相似文献   

Ustilago maydis is a plant pathogen fungus responsible for corn smut. It has a complex life cycle. In its saprophitic stage, it grows as haploid yeast cells, while in the invasive stage it grows as a mycelium formed by diploid cells. Thus, a correlation exists between genetic ploidy, pathogenicity and morphogenesis. Dimorphism can be modulated in vitro by changing environmental parameters such as pH. Studies with auxotrophic mutants have shown that polyamines play a central role in regulating dimorphism. Molecular biology approaches are being employed for the analysis of fundamental aspects of the biology of this fungus, such as mating type regulation, dimorphism or cell wall biogenesis.  相似文献   

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