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Mathematical models have become vital to the study of many biological processes in humans due to the complexity of the physiological mechanisms underlying these processes and systems. While our current mathematical representation of the human circadian pacemaker has proven useful in many experimental situations, it uses as input only a direct effect of light on the circadian pacemaker. Although light (a photic stimulus) has been shown to be the primary synchronizer of the circadian pacemaker across a number of species, studies in both animals and humans have confirmed the existence of non-photic effects that also contribute to phase shifting and entrainment. We modified our light-based circadian mathematical model to reflect evidence from these studies that the sleep-wake cycle and/or associated behaviors have a non-photic effect on the circadian pacemaker. In our representation, the sleep-wake cycle and its associated behaviors provides a non-photic drive on the circadian pacemaker that acts both independently and concomitantly with light stimuli. Further experiments are required to validate fully our model and to understand the exact effect of the sleep-wake cycle as a non-photic stimulus for the human circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

The human sleep-wake cycle is generated by a circadian process, originating from the suprachiasmatic nuclei, in interaction with a separate oscillatory process: the sleep homeostat. The sleep-wake cycle is normally timed to occur at a specific phase relative to the external cycle of light-dark exposure. It is also timed at a specific phase relative to internal circadian rhythms, such as the pineal melatonin rhythm, the circadian sleep-wake propensity rhythm, and the rhythm of responsiveness of the circadian pacemaker to light. Variations in these internal and external phase relationships, such as those that occur in blindness, aging, morning and evening, and advanced and delayed sleep-phase syndrome, lead to sleep disruptions and complaints. Changes in ocular circadian photoreception, interindividual variation in the near-24-h intrinsic period of the circadian pacemaker, and sleep homeostasis can contribute to variations in external and internal phase. Recent findings on the physiological and molecular-genetic correlates of circadian sleep disorders suggest that the timing of the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythms is closely integrated but is, in part, regulated differentially.  相似文献   

We extend the study of a computational model recently proposed for the mammalian circadian clock (Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 7051). The model, based on the intertwined positive and negative regulatory loops involving the Per, Cry, Bmal1, and Clock genes, can give rise to sustained circadian oscillations in conditions of continuous darkness. These limit cycle oscillations correspond to circadian rhythms autonomously generated by suprachiasmatic nuclei and by some peripheral tissues. By using different sets of parameter values producing circadian oscillations, we compare the effect of the various parameters and show that both the occurrence and the period of the oscillations are generally most sensitive to parameters related to synthesis or degradation of Bmal1 mRNA and BMAL1 protein. The mechanism of circadian oscillations relies on the formation of an inactive complex between PER and CRY and the activators CLOCK and BMAL1 that enhance Per and Cry expression. Bifurcation diagrams and computer simulations nevertheless indicate the possible existence of a second source of oscillatory behavior. Thus, sustained oscillations might arise from the sole negative autoregulation of Bmal1 expression. This second oscillatory mechanism may not be functional in physiological conditions, and its period need not necessarily be circadian. When incorporating the light-induced expression of the Per gene, the model accounts for entrainment of the oscillations by light-dark (LD) cycles. Long-term suppression of circadian oscillations by a single light pulse can occur in the model when a stable steady state coexists with a stable limit cycle. The phase of the oscillations upon entrainment in LD critically depends on the parameters that govern the level of CRY protein. Small changes in the parameters governing CRY levels can shift the peak in Per mRNA from the L to the D phase, or can prevent entrainment. The results are discussed in relation to physiological disorders of the sleep-wake cycle linked to perturbations of the human circadian clock, such as the familial advanced sleep phase syndrome or the non-24h sleep-wake syndrome.  相似文献   

The estimation of human circadian rhythms from experimental data is complicated by the presence of “masking” effects associated with the sleep-wake cycle. The observed rhythm may include a component due to masking, as well as the endogenous component linked to a circadian pacemaker. In situations where the relationship between the sleep-wake cycle and the circadian rhythm is not constant, it may be possible to obtain individual estimates of these two components, but methods commonly used for the estimation of circadian rhythms, such as the cosinor analysis, spectral analysis, average waveforms and complex demodulation, have not generally been adapted to identify the modulations that arise from masking. The estimates relate to the observed rhythms, and the amplitudes and acrophases do not necessarily refer to the endogenous rhythm.

In this paper methods are discussed for the separation of circadian and masking effects using regression models that incorporate a sinusoidal circadian variation together with functions of time since sleep and time during sleep. The basic model can be extended to include a time-varying circadian rhythm and estimates are available for the amplitude and phase at a given time, together with their joint confidence intervals and tests for changes in amplitude and acrophase between any two selected times. Modifications of these procedures are discussed to allow for non-sinusoidal circadian rhythms, non-additivity of the circadian and time-since-sleep effects and the breakdown of the usual assumptions concerning the residual errors.

This approach enables systematic masking effects associated with the sleep-wake cycle to be separated from the circadian rhythm, and it has applications to the analysis of data from experiments where the sleep-wake cycle is not synchronized with the circadian rhythm, for example after time-zone transitions or during irregular schedules of work and rest.  相似文献   

Gender differences in morningness-eveningness preference   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Morningness-eveningness preference (morning-, intermediate-, evening-type) or circadian typology is the individual difference that most clearly explains the variations in the rhythmic expression of biological or behavioral patterns. The aim of this study was to analyze gender difference in morningness-eveningness preference using the Horne and Ostberg questionnaire in the largest university student population selected so far (N = 2135), with an age range 18-30 yr. Morningness-eveningness questionnaire (MEQ) score distribution closely correlated to the normal curve (range 17-78, mean = 48.25; SD = 10.11), with 338 (15.84%) morning-types, 1273 (59.62%) intermediate-types, and 524 (24.54%) evening-types. The men and women differed significantly in their mean scores (p < 0.0001) and distribution per circadian typology (p < 0.00001), with the men presenting a more pronounced eveningness preference. Three factors were identified by factor analysis: time of greatest efficiency (I), sleep time/sleep phase (II), awakening time/sleep inertia (III). The MEQ items sensitive to gender differences were essentially those included in factor I and factor II. The results are discussed in relation to recent models of circadian regulation of the sleep-wake cycle.  相似文献   

A quantitative, physiology-based model of the ascending arousal system is developed, using continuum neuronal population modeling, which involves averaging properties such as firing rates across neurons in each population. The model includes the ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO), where circadian and homeostatic drives enter the system, the monoaminergic and cholinergic nuclei of the ascending arousal system, and their interconnections. The human sleep-wake cycle is governed by the activities of these nuclei, which modulate the behavioral state of the brain via diffuse neuromodulatory projections. The model parameters are not free since they correspond to physiological observables. Approximate parameter bounds are obtained by requiring consistency with physiological and behavioral measures, and the model replicates the human sleep-wake cycle, with physiologically reasonable voltages and firing rates. Mutual inhibition between the wake-promoting monoaminergic group and sleep-promoting VLPO causes ;;flip-flop' behavior, with most time spent in 2 stable steady states corresponding to wake and sleep, with transitions between them on a timescale of a few minutes. The model predicts hysteresis in the sleep-wake cycle, with a region of bistability of the wake and sleep states. Reducing the monoaminergic-VLPO mutual inhibition results in a smaller hysteresis loop. This makes the model more prone to wake-sleep transitions in both directions and makes the states less distinguishable, as in narcolepsy. The model behavior is robust across the constrained parameter ranges, but with sufficient flexibility to describe a wide range of observed phenomena.  相似文献   

Recently, it was shown that the sleep-wake rhythm of the inhabitants of the temperate zone is entrained to sun time. In the North, significant seasonal changes in the photoperiod may interfere with entrainment of the circadian system to sunlight. This investigation assessed the influence of photoperiod characteristics on the sleep length and sleep-wake rhythm of residents of high latitude. The study was conducted in four towns and six villages located between 59.5?N and 67.6?N latitude between the months of October and May from 2009 through 2011 and included 2822 subjects aged 10 to 97 yrs, 1621 of whom were females and 1201 males. The chronotype and sleep length of the subjects were assessed using the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire. The instructions for the questionnaire stressed the need to specify the sleep-wake schedule during the week preceding the date of completing the questionnaire. The study found that the length of sleep and the chronotype of the inhabitants surveyed in Northern European Russia depend on age, sex, type of settlement, and place of residence. The time of sunrise was a stronger predictor of sleep length and chronotype than the time of sunset and day length. A later chronotype and shorter sleep length were found for the subjects during the equinox (sunrise at 06:00 h) than under long-photoperiod conditions (sunrise at 04:00-05:00 h). During short-photoperiod conditions (sunrise at 07:00-10:00 h), no significant changes in the self-reported sleep-wake rhythm were found. The time of sunrise had the strongest impact on the sleep-wake rhythm of 30- to 97-yr-old persons. Sunrise had a stronger influence on chronotype and sleep length in January to May, when the days become longer, than in October to December, when the days become shorter. Age- and season-associated changes were found in the entrainment of the sleep-wake rhythm by photoperiod in the North.  相似文献   

Based on genetic and biochemical advances on the molecular mechanism of circadian rhythms, a computational model for the mammalian circadian clock is used to examine the dynamical bases of circadian-clock-related physiological disorders in humans. Entrainment by the light-dark cycle with a phase advance or a phase delay is associated with the Familial advanced sleep phase syndrome (FASPS) or the Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS), respectively. Lack of entrainment corresponding to the occurrence of quasiperiodic oscillations with or without phase jump can be associated with the non-24 h sleep-wake syndrome. In the close vicinity of the entrainment domain, the model uncovers the possibility of infradian oscillations of very long period. Perturbation in the form of chronic jet lag, as used in mice, prevents entrainment of the circadian clock and results in chaotic or quasiperiodic oscillations. It is important to clarify the conditions for entrainment and for its failure because dysfunctions of the circadian clock may lead to physiological disorders, which pertain not only to the sleep-wake cycle but also to mood and cancer.  相似文献   

The internal circadian clock and sleep-wake homeostasis regulate the timing of human brain function, physiology, and behavior so that wakefulness and its associated functions are optimal during the solar day and that sleep and its related functions are optimal at night. The maintenance of a normal phase relationship between the internal circadian clock, sleep-wake homeostasis, and the light-dark cycle is crucial for optimal neurobehavioral and physiological function. Here, the authors show that the phase relationship between these factors-the phase angle of entrainment (psi)-is strongly determined by the intrinsic period (tau) of the master circadian clock and the strength of the circadian synchronizer. Melatonin was used as a marker of internal biological time, and circadian period was estimated during a forced desynchrony protocol. The authors observed relationships between the phase angle of entrainment and intrinsic period after exposure to scheduled habitual wakefulness-sleep light-dark cycle conditions inside and outside of the laboratory. Individuals with shorter circadian periods initiated sleep and awakened at a later biological time than did individuals with longer circadian periods. The authors also observed that light exposure history influenced the phase angle of entrainment such that phase angle was shorter following exposure to a moderate bright light (approximately 450 lux)-dark/wakefulness-sleep schedule for 5 days than exposure to the equivalent of an indoor daytime light (approximately 150 lux)-dark/wakefulness-sleep schedule for 2 days. These findings demonstrate that neurobiological and environmental factors interact to regulate the phase angle of entrainment in humans. This finding has important implications for understanding physiological organization by the brain's master circadian clock and may have implications for understanding mechanisms underlying circadian sleep disorders.  相似文献   

Circadian modulation of episodic bursts is recognized as the normal physiological pattern of diurnal variation in plasma cortisol levels. The primary physiological factors underlying these diurnal patterns are the ultradian timing of secretory events, circadian modulation of the amplitude of secretory events, infusion of the hormone from the adrenal gland into the plasma, and clearance of the hormone from the plasma by the liver. Each measured plasma cortisol level has an error arising from the cortisol immunoassay. We demonstrate that all of these three physiological principles can be succinctly summarized in a single stochastic differential equation plus measurement error model and show that physiologically consistent ranges of the model parameters can be determined from published reports. We summarize the model parameters in terms of the multivariate Gaussian probability density and establish the plausibility of the model with a series of simulation studies. Our framework makes possible a sensitivity analysis in which all model parameters are allowed to vary simultaneously. The model offers an approach for simultaneously representing cortisol's ultradian, circadian, and kinetic properties. Our modeling paradigm provides a framework for simulation studies and data analysis that should be readily adaptable to the analysis of other endocrine hormone systems.  相似文献   

A 47-yr-old male was admitted to the Institute for Fatigue and Sleep Medicine complaining of severe fatigue and daytime sleepiness. His medical history included diagnosis of depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Antidepressant drugs failed to improve his condition. He described a gradual evolvement of an irregular sleep-wake pattern within the past 20 yrs, causing marked distress and severe impairment of daily functioning. He had to change to a part-time position 7 yrs ago, because he was unable to maintain a regular full-time job schedule. A 10-day actigraphic record revealed an irregular sleep-wake pattern with extensive day-to-day variability in sleep onset time and sleep duration, and a 36 h sampling of both melatonin level and oral temperature (12 samples, once every 3 h) showed abnormal patterns, with the melatonin peak around noon and oral temperature peak around dawn. Thus, the patient was diagnosed as suffering from irregular sleep-wake pattern. Treatment with melatonin (5 mg, 2 h before bedtime) did not improve his condition. A further investigation of the patient's daily habits and environmental conditions revealed two important facts. First, his occupation required work under a daylight intensity lamp (professional diamond-grading equipment of more than 8000 lux), and second, since the patient tended to work late, the exposure to bright light occurred mostly at night. To recover his circadian rhythmicity and stabilize his sleep-wake pattern, we recommended combined treatment consisting of evening melatonin ingestion combined with morning (09:00 h) bright light therapy (0800 lux for 1 h) plus the avoidance of bright light in the evening. Another 10-day actigraphic study done only 1 wk after initiating the combined treatment protocol revealed stabilization of the sleep-wake pattern with advancement of sleep phase. In addition, the patient reported profound improvement in maintaining wakefulness during the day. This case study shows that chronic exposure to bright light at the wrong biological time, during the nighttime, may have serious effects on the circadian sleep-wake patterns and circadian time structure. Therefore, night bright light exposure must be considered to be a risk factor of previously unrecognized occupational diseases of altered circadian time structure manifested as irregularity of the 24 h sleep-wake cycle and melancholy.  相似文献   

From a physiological perspective the sleep-wake cycle can be envisioned as a sequence of three physiological states (wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement, NREM, sleep and REM sleep) which are defined by a particular neuroendocrine-immune profile regulating the metabolic balance, body weight and inflammatory responses. Sleep deprivation and circadian disruption in contemporary "24/7 Society" lead to the predominance of pro-orexic and proinflammatory mechanisms that contribute to a pandemic metabolic syndrome (MS) including obesity, diabetes and atherosclerotic disease. Thus, a successful management of MS may require a drug that besides antagonizing the trigger factors of MS could also correct a disturbed sleep-wake rhythm. This review deals with the analysis of the therapeutic validity of melatonin in MS. Melatonin is an effective chronobiotic agent changing the phase and amplitude of the sleep/wake rhythm and having cytoprotective and immunomodulatory properties useful to prevent a number of MS sequels. Several studies support that melatonin can prevent hyperadiposity in animal models of obesity. Melatonin at a low dose (2-5 mg/day) has been used for improving sleep in patients with insomnia and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. More recently, attention has been focused on the development of potent melatonin analogs with prolonged effects (ramelteon, agomelatine, tasimelteon, TK 301). In clinical trials these analogs were employed in doses considerably higher than those usually employed for melatonin. In view that the relative potencies of the analogs are higher than that of the natural compound, clinical trials employing melatonin doses in the range of 50-100 mg/day are needed to assess its therapeutic value in MS.  相似文献   

Nonphotic entrainment of an overt sleep-wake rhythm and a circadian pacemaker-driving temperature/melatonin rhythm suggests existence of feedback mechanisms in the human circadian system. In this study, the authors constructed a phase dynamics model that consisted of two oscillators driving temperature/melatonin and sleep-wake rhythms, and an additional oscillator generating an overt sleep-wake rhythm. The feedback mechanism was implemented by modifying couplings between the constituent oscillators according to the history of correlations between them. The model successfully simulated the behavior of human circadian rhythms in response to forced rest-activity schedules under free-run situations: the sleep-wake rhythm is reentrained with the circadian pacemaker after release from the schedule, there is a critical period for the schedule to fully entrain the sleep-wake rhythm, and the forced rest-activity schedule can entrain the circadian pacemaker with the aid of exercise. The behavior of human circadian rhythms was reproduced with variations in only a few model parameters. Because conventional models are unable to reproduce the experimental results concerned here, it was suggested that the feedback mechanisms included in this model underlie nonphotic entrainment of human circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Recently, it was shown that the sleep-wake rhythm of the inhabitants of the temperate zone is entrained to sun time. In the North, significant seasonal changes in the photoperiod may interfere with entrainment of the circadian system to sunlight. This investigation assessed the influence of photoperiod characteristics on the sleep length and sleep-wake rhythm of residents of high latitude. The study was conducted in four towns and six villages located between 59.5°N and 67.6°N latitude between the months of October and May from 2009 through 2011 and included 2822 subjects aged 10 to 97 yrs, 1621 of whom were females and 1201 males. The chronotype and sleep length of the subjects were assessed using the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire. The instructions for the questionnaire stressed the need to specify the sleep-wake schedule during the week preceding the date of completing the questionnaire. The study found that the length of sleep and the chronotype of the inhabitants surveyed in Northern European Russia depend on age, sex, type of settlement, and place of residence. The time of sunrise was a stronger predictor of sleep length and chronotype than the time of sunset and day length. A later chronotype and shorter sleep length were found for the subjects during the equinox (sunrise at 06:00?h) than under long-photoperiod conditions (sunrise at 04:00–05:00?h). During short-photoperiod conditions (sunrise at 07:00–10:00?h), no significant changes in the self-reported sleep-wake rhythm were found. The time of sunrise had the strongest impact on the sleep-wake rhythm of 30- to 97-yr-old persons. Sunrise had a stronger influence on chronotype and sleep length in January to May, when the days become longer, than in October to December, when the days become shorter. Age- and season-associated changes were found in the entrainment of the sleep-wake rhythm by photoperiod in the North. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Clinical investigators often use ambulatory temperature monitoring to assess the endogenous phase and amplitude of an individual's circadian pacemaker for diagnostic and research purposes. However, an individual's daily schedule includes changes in levels of activity, in posture, and in sleep-wake state, all of which are known to have masking or evoked effects on core body temperature (CBT) data. To compensate for or to correct these masking effects, many investigators have developed "demasking" techniques to extract the underlying circadian phase and amplitude data. However, the validity of these methods is uncertain. Therefore, the authors tested a variety of analytic methods on two different ambulatory data sets from two different studies in which the endogenous circadian pacemaker was not synchronized to the sleep-wake schedule. In both studies, circadian phase estimates calculated from CBT collected when each subject was ambulatory (i.e., free to perform usual daily activities) were compared to those calculated during the same study when the same subject's activities were controlled. In the first study, 24 sighted young and older subjects living on a 28-h scheduled "day" protocol were studied for approximately 21 to 25 cycles of 28-h each. In the second study, a blind man whose endogenous circadian rhythms were not synchronized to the 24-h day despite his maintenance of a regular 24-h sleep-wake schedule was studied for more than 80 consecutive 24-h days. During both studies, the relative phase of the endogenous (circadian) and evoked (scheduled activity-rest) components of the ambulatory temperature data changed progressively and relatively slowly, enabling analysis of the CBT rhythm at nearly all phase relationships between the two components. The analyses of the ambulatory temperature data demonstrate that the masking of the CBT rhythm evoked by changes in activity levels, posture, or sleep-wake state associated with the evoked schedule of activity and rest can significantly obscure the endogenous circadian component of the signal, the object of study. In addition, the masking effect of these evoked responses on temperature depends on the circadian phase at which they occur. These nonlinear interactions between circadian phase and sleep-wake schedule render ambulatory temperature data unreliable for the assessment of endogenous circadian phase. Even when proposed algebraic demasking techniques are used in an attempt to reveal the endogenous temperature rhythm, the phase estimates remain severely compromised.  相似文献   

A patient who developed an irregular sleep-wake pattern following prolactin-secreting pituitary microadenoma is described. The patient reported difficulties in sleep onset and awakening at the desired time, which caused major dysfunction in his daily life activities. Despite these difficulties, the sleep-related complaints of the patient remained unrecognized for as long as three yrs. Statistical analyses of the patient's rest-activity patterns revealed that the disruption of the sleep-wake circadian rhythm originated from a disharmony between ultradian (semicircadian) and circadian components. The circadian component displayed shorter than 24 h periodicity most of the time, but the semicircadian component fluctuated between longer and shorter than 12 h periods. Additionally, desynchrony in terms of period length was found in the tentative analyses of the rest-activity pattern, salivary melatonin, and oral temperature. While the salivary melatonin time series data could be characterized by a best-fit cosine curve of 24 h, the time series data of oral temperature was more compatible with 28 h best-fit curve. The rest-activity cycle during the simultaneous measurements, however, was best approximated by a best-fit curve of 21 h. The dysregulation of circadian rhythms occurred concomitantly, but not beforehand, with the onset of pituitary disease, thus suggesting an association between the two phenomena. This association may have interesting implications to the modeling of the circadian time-keeping system. This case also highlights the need to raise the awareness to circadian rhythm sleep disorders and to consider disruptions of sleep-wake cycle in patients with pituitary adenoma.  相似文献   

The early development of sleep-wake and food-intake rhythms in human infants is reviewed. The development of a 24h day-night rhythm contains two observable developmental processes: the alterations in the periodic structure of behavior (decreased ultradian, increased circadian components) and the process of synchronization to external time (entrainment). The authors present the results of their studies involving 26 German children and compare them with previous investigations. In their research, it became evident that, during the first weeks of life, the time pattern of sleep-wake and food-intake behavior is characterized by different ultradian periodicities, ranging from 2h to 8h. In the course of further ontogenesis, the share of ultradian rhythms in the sleep-wake behavior decreases, while it remains dominant for food-intake behavior. The circadian component is established as early as the first weeks of life and increases in the months that follow. Besides, the authors' study supports the notion of broad interindividual variation in ultradian rhythms and in the development of a day-night rhythm. Examples of free-running rhythms of sleep-wake and food-intake behavior by various authors are strong indicators of the endogenous nature of the circadian rhythms in infants and show that the internal clock is already functioning at birth. It is still uncertain when the process of synchronization to external and social time cues begins and how differences in the maturation of perceptive organs affect the importance of time cues for the entrainment. Prepartally, the physiological maternal entrainment factors and mother-fetus interactions may be most important; during the first weeks of life, the social time cues gain importance, while light acts as a dominant “zeitgeber” at a later time only.  相似文献   

Behavioral states may be analyzed as expressions of underlying cyclic activity involving several physiological systems. The human sleep-wake cycle in the first year of life shows, in addition to the establishment of circadian rhythmic-ity around the second month, the dynamics of its ultradian components, as can be seen in the more or less gradual decline of the polyphasic pattern. To detect these changes, we have analyzed the sleep-wake cycle of five babies of different ages (3, 4, 9, 11, and 13 months) observed for 5 consecutive days (Monday through Friday), 10 h (08:00-18:00 h) per day at a kindergarten by the first author, and during the night (18:00-08:00 h) by the parents. Behavioral observations were designed for minimizing interference with the babies' habits. Sleep/wake data were arranged in 60-min intervals, and the relative amount of time spent asleep per interval constituted the time series submitted for statistical analysis. The five resulting time series were submitted to spectral analysis for detecting the composition of frequencies contributing to the observed sleep/wake cycle. Several frequencies were thus obtained for each baby in the ultradian and circadian domain, ranging from one cycle in 2.0 h to one cycle in 24 h. The circadian component was the strongest rhythmic influence for all individuals except for the youngest (3-month-old) baby, who showed a semicircadian component as the main frequency in the power spectrum. Three individuals showed ultradian frequencies in the domain of 3-4 h. Differences in the spectra derive from three possible, and probably not exclusive. causes: 1) ontogenetic changes, 2) different masking effects, and 3) individual differences.  相似文献   

A patient with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome treated with haloperidol, ingested once daily after awakening from sleep, exhibited an irregular sleep-wake pattern with a free-running component of approximately 48 h. Transfer to risperidone, ingested once daily after awakening from sleep, was beneficial resulting in a sleep-wake cycle more synchronized at the appropriate phase to the external zeitgebers, and fewer nocturnal disturbances. The circadian sleep-wake schedule was fully synchronized when the patient had been subsequently treated with melatonin at 21:00h, before intended nocturnal sleep, in addition to risperidone in the morning. Restoration of the sleep-wake circadian pattern was accompanied by the patient's subjective report of significant improvement in his quality of life, social interactions, and occupational status. This observation suggests that circadian rhythm sleep disorders can be related to the typical neuroleptic haloperidol and restored by the atypical neuroleptic risperidone. Similar findings reported in patients suffering from other disorders support the hypothesis that the described disruption of the sleep-wake schedule is medication rather than illness-related. Therefore, it is very important to realize that circadian rhythm sleep disorders may be a side effect of neuroleptics.  相似文献   

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